Princess Diana's favorite scents are citruses, spices, jasmine and flowers in abundance. The smell of a royal wedding: what perfume was chosen for the wedding of the princess Favorite perfume kate middleton

One of the universally recognized fashion icons of her time, Princess Diana was never afraid to experiment with her style - including makeup, hair and, of course, perfume. The first wife of Prince Charles, according to the memoirs of her butler Paul Burrell, had dozens of different fragrances in her collection (including Celias Ultimate Gardenia, Lanvin Arpege, and even Royal Water Creed, created exclusively for her, but released after her death), but the true a woman's love has developed with only five of them.

We tell you what these essences are and why for Lady Dee they were of much more value than just a pleasant smell.

Quelques Fleurs bridal fragrance

It's pointless to deny that Lady Diana and Prince Charles' wedding day didn't go entirely smoothly. Meanwhile, the matter was not limited to one catastrophe dress. So, later Princess Barbara Dailey's make-up artist will tell that Diana's image seemed perfect to her that day: light makeup, beautiful (not yet crumpled) wedding dress. The final touch remained - a perfume that the makeup artist, for some reason, decided to put on a high-ranking client at the very last turn.

Of course, according to all the laws of the genre, the precious essence of Quelques Fleurs from Houbigant spread like a fragrant yellow spot over the very skirt of the dress. It was another disaster, which Diana managed to hide only by constantly holding the hem in front of her (as if she was afraid to step on the edge of the dress). And, fortunately, the girl almost always had a magnificent cascading bouquet in her hands, which also did an excellent job with this task.

In the wedding photos of Diana and Charles, you can see how the girl embarrassedly covers the place where the makeup artist spilled the perfume with her hands.

One way or another, a magnificent floral train from the scent of Quelques Fleurs reached for the prince's bride throughout the celebration. This perfume was created in Grasse over 90 years ago, and its composition has not been disclosed until now. It is only known that this is a floral fragrance - about 15 thousand inflorescences are used to make just one ounce. Moreover, this fragrance will be the first to present several perfume combinations in its bouquet and will outstrip even the famous Chanel No. 5. Perfume, by the way, is still on sale - only you can buy it in highly specialized stores.

Royal Classic by Dior

“She always, always wore perfume,” admitted one of Princess Mary Greenwell’s makeup artists, “It was the final touch that gave her image individuality, chic and originality.” Of course, since Lady Diana became a real princess, her style has undergone a significant evolution. The fragrances also changed, but among them was the one that Charles's wife treated with special trepidation.

One of her favorites was Diorissimo by Christian Dior. It must be said that the princess had special feelings for this brand - it is no coincidence that the House of Dior even named one of its iconic bags after its famous fan.

Diorissimo has always been a popular fragrance among royalty. His admirers for a long time were Crown Princess Marie-Chantal of Greece, as well as Princess Grace of Monaco, for whom Princess Diana had incredible respect. With the wife of Prince Rainier, the girl met at her first event in the status of the bride of the prince. According to legend, Diana was so worried that she ran into the bathroom in tears from excitement. The princess was then the only one who made an attempt to calm the newly-made princess. When Grace was in a plane crash, Princess Diana immediately asked Elizabeth for permission to go to her funeral on behalf of the entire royal family of Great Britain.

Lady Diana and Grace Kelly at the first joint event of Charles and his bride, March 15, 1981

The main note in the heart of the Diorissimo fragrance is the lily of the valley, one of the talismans of Christian Dior himself and a symbolic flower for the French in general. The author of the essence was the famous perfumer Edmond Rudnitska, who decided to diversify the sweet line of Dior fragrances with the freshness of the morning field. The essence opens with an explosive chord of lily of the valley and ylang-ylang, and in the heart of the fragrance notes of amaryllis pulsate, leaving behind a jasmine trail.

Triumph of Peace by Nina Ricci

Another "royal" fragrance in Diana's collection is L'air du Temps by Nina Ricci, one of the favorite essences of Queen Sophia of Spain, as well as Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain. Created in the late 1940s, this perfume was intended to solemnly proclaim the coming of the long-awaited peace after the devastating World War II. The composition of the fragrance is a joyful and slightly spicy bouquet of cloves, violets, peaches, spices and white cedar, and the bottle cap is decorated with figures of two white doves.

Moreover, in comparison with the entire perfume collection of Diana, L’air du Temps was the most democratic fragrance. The essence is still on sale, and its price rarely exceeds 3,000 rubles.

Charm of the East by Guerlain

Meanwhile, in addition to democratic fragrances, the princess's collection also included precious representatives of niche perfumery. So, for example, the Mitsouko fragrance from Guerlain was of particular value to Diana. It must be said that the French beauty brand was a frequent guest in a woman's cosmetic bag, but the aristocrat used Guerlain fragrances in the most exceptional cases.

Mitsouko is the French House's tribute to Japanese culture. The fragrance was created by Jacques Guerlain himself in 1919, when all of Europe was fascinated by the traditions of East Asia. Since then, the composition of the essence has not changed much. You can buy it and plunge into the enchanting atmosphere of the 20s today - vintage elements are still preserved in the design of the bottle.

Mitsouko means "mystery" in Japanese. When creating the formula, Jacques Guerlain was inspired by the mysterious and selfless female nature. The composition opens with fresh notes of citrus, jasmine, bergamot and rose. In the heart of the fragrance: lilac, jasmine and ylang-ylang, shimmering in a calm accord of cinnamon, oakmoss, spices and amber.

Jewel of White Flowers by Hermes

Finally, two years before the tragedy in the Paris tunnel, Princess Diana had a new favorite. According to the confessions of the butler Paul Battler, the princess used it until her last day. The favorite was an expensive floral fragrance released by the House of Hermes. The perfume was called 24 Faubourg - in honor of the brand's main boutique in Paris.

24 Faubourg is an expensive-sounding, high-status fragrance with a bright noble sillage, in its heart lies a delicate combination of several white flowers, ennobled by the freshness of iris and vetiver. The essence opens with joyful notes of orange, lime and jasmine and lingers on the skin as a seductive orchestra of abra, patchouli, sandalwood and vanilla. However, this is far from the entire fragrance pyramid, but only that part of it that the Hermes perfume house considered it necessary for us to reveal. To understand what so captivated Princess Diana in 24 Faubourg, it is best to try it yourself ─ fortunately for us gourmets, the classic essence is still available in the brand's perfume boutiques.

Thanks to our recent articles, you already know what perfumes first ladies and politicians wear. And now it's time to reveal the secrets of the representatives of the royal families. Agree, modern princesses are very interesting and extraordinary ladies, so learning something about their tastes is a very interesting experience.


Favorite scents of Kate Middleton

The wife of the English Prince William now and then gets into the lists of the most stylish women on the planet. A lot of admiring reviews won her wedding dress. Each appearance is accompanied by heated discussions of the perfect style, and the brands that Kate wears sell their creations literally at lightning speed. And what kind of perfume did she complement it with?

Duchess' white gardenias

The composition of the British niche company is built around white flowers, which justifies the name ("White Gardenia Petals"). It is characterized by the contrast between airy freshness and heady scents of tropical petals. In the center - gardenia, complemented by lilies of the valley, jasmine. The frame is sweetish-resinous notes of amber and a woody accord. It is this harmony that is currently the absolute favorite and talisman of the crowned lady.

Student Love Kate

And when the Duchess of Cambridge Catherine was a student, her perfume favorite was the perfume presented by the Dior brand. This is a completely different fragrance. It is very strong, unusual, saturated (although the concentration is eau de toilette). His heroine is a woman with character. In the pyramid you will find:

  • Mysterious Rosewood;
  • Sandalwood unexpectedly mixed with aldehydes;
  • Sweet vanilla and bitter oakmoss;
  • Floral component, lily, ylang-ylang, jasmine, rose.

In general, it is quite difficult to isolate individual aromas here - they merge and sound like a single whole, as it should be for a truly royal perfume. Dior Dune was created in 1991 by perfumer Jean-Louis Sieuzac, inspired by the views of desert dunes and the eastern sun.

Princess Diana perfumes

In the fragrant wardrobe of the Princess of Wales, it should be noted. The composition sounds luxurious and requires an appropriate outfit. It is hardly a suitable addition to casual clothing. At the base are white flowers: gardenia, tuberose, orange blossom, jasmine. Halftones of hyacinth, ylang-ylang, iris are heard against the background of smoky, sweetish amber and sandalwood.

Gardenia - a flower in a crown

Gardenia seems to have been one of Lady Dee's favorite scents and dominates Celias Ultimate Gardenia. The princess also appeared in the spring "dress" of lilies of the valley, lilacs, jasmine and greenery -. The legendary Lanvin Arpege, created in 1927 (by Paul Vacher and Andre Fraysse), flaunted on her dressing table. The composition has an interesting effect: each of the notes in turn comes to the fore.

Penhaligon's English Handbells and Other Favorites

The perfumes presented by the old British perfume house Penhaligon's are interesting. The flowery-green bouquet smells of hyacinth, carnation spices, lilies of the valley, roses. Finishing touches - galbanum, cinnamon. The perfumes Adoration, Isis and Reverie are also mentioned. Niche company Creed dedicated to the memory of Lady Diana.

Princess of Monaco Grace Kelly

During her short film career, Grace Kelly managed to star in only 11 films - and get an Oscar. At 26, she marries Prince Rainier III of Monaco and no longer appears in films. However, now she could be seen even more often on screens and in glossy magazines - Princess Grace has become a recognized style icon.

Wedding flowers

Especially for her wedding in 1956, the ancient perfume house Creed created a floral fragrance (tuberose, iris, rose, violet). It was in it that the bride appeared before the guests. Only decades later, the composition began to be produced for sale.

Grace Kelly's favorite perfumes include (rose, jasmine, lilac, lilies of the valley, orange blossom, tuberose, greenery), floral fragrance (named after the novel by Francoise Sagan), (also a favorite of Princess Diana).

When King Edward VIII of Great Britain finally decided to marry the twice-divorced Wallis Simpson in 1936, he lost his title. The government of the country did not give consent to the marriage (besides, at that time Wallis was still married), and therefore he had to abdicate.

A place of honor in Wallis Simpson's perfume arsenal was occupied by perfumes created by Guerlain: classic (oakmoss, peach, spices, vetiver) and floral oriental with notes of iris, heliotrope, vanilla, cloves and benzoin. Also, the wife of the Duke of Windsor wore fragrances:

  • Estée Lauder Crown Bouquet;
  • Perfumes from the Estee Lauder Private Collections;

The most expensive perfume of its time is Jean Patou Joy.

Some More Monarchy Flavors

History has also preserved information about other crowned persons: the Empress of Austria Elisabeth of Bavaria preferred, the Duchess de Lugo, Infanta Elena of Spain, appears in, and her sister Infanta Christina appears in Emporio Armani. The choice of the English Queen Elizabeth II is interesting: in addition to the legendary and, she loves, Bijan.

Are there any of the above songs that you like? Whose perfume wardrobe do you find the most interesting? Try experimenting and trying on a princess olfactory outfit to feel irresistible every day!

We can already guess what the scent of this year's most famous bride will be. British house Floris announced back in April that its perfumers would create an eau de toilette specifically for Meghan Markle's wedding. The basis for the new creation will be a fragrance that has been in the brand's line for a long time. It is called Bergamotto di Positano and consists of "marine" and citrus notes mixed with warm accords of ambrette and vanilla. This prototype wedding fragrance is available for free sale, including in our country. You can buy it, for example, on the TSUM website.

House Floris serves members of the British royal family, not just for the first year - not the first century. It was founded at the beginning of the 18th century, and in 1820 it received its first order from King George V. A few decades later, his daughter, the legendary Queen Victoria, became a client of the brand. Perfumers made a gift for her wedding: in 1840, on the day of her marriage to Prince Albert, Her Majesty received the fragrance Bouquet de la Reine (“The Queen's Bouquet”). One of its main notes is also bergamot, but, unlike Meghan Markle's eau de toilette, this composition is much less “fresh” and more floral: you can “hear” jasmine, rose, tuberose and ylang-ylang in it. A modernized version of the fragrance is on sale today.

What did the princesses and duchesses, who lived a century or more after Victoria, smell like when they went down the aisle? We did our little research and here's what we found out.

Elizabeth II - Floris, White Rose

Another Floris fan in the British royal family. In 1947, Elizabeth, then Princess Lilibet, married her distant relative, Prince Philip (read: "Her Majesty's Husband: Elizabeth II and Philip"). She wore a romantic dress with floral embroidery by designer Norman Hartnell and, most likely, the White Rose fragrance from Floris. Elizabeth was already a devoted client of the perfume house, and it was this eau de toilette, created in 1800 with notes of carnation, white rose and aldehydes, that was her favorite in her youth.

It must be said that today Elizabeth is still faithful to Floris. The brand is the official supplier of Her Majesty. In 2013, his perfumers created the Royal Arms fragrance to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Queen's accession to the throne. The eau de toilette, built on notes of violet and iris, is a modern interpretation of the fragrance of the same name, launched in 1926 to celebrate the birth of Princess Lilibet. In 2013, in honor of the anniversary, six precious bottles of Royal Arms, encrusted with diamonds, were released. In the anniversary year, they were put on public display in Buckingham Gardens.

Grace Kelly – Creed, Fleurissimo

Creed is another favorite perfume house of the European nobility. It was founded in 1760, and in the 19th century, like its main competitor Floris, it became one of the favorites of Queen Victoria. Especially for her perfumers Creed created in 1845 Fleurs de Bulgarie ("Flowers of Bulgaria"), built on the note of the Bulgarian rose. Among the clients of the brand were, for example, the wife of Napoleon III, Empress Eugenie, and the Austrian Empress Sissi. In 1997, the brand released a fragrance in memory of Princess Diana - citrus Royal Water.

Original and aristocratic Fleurissimo, a mix of the smell of white flowers and incense, perfumer, a descendant of the founder of the brand, James Henry Creed, created in 1956 especially for the wedding of Hollywood actress Grace Kelly and the heir to the throne of Monaco, Prince Rainier III - at the request of the groom, who wanted to give the bride a gift (read: Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier: A Love Story). Soon the fragrance went on free sale, it can be found in online and offline stores today. In addition to Grace, Fleurissimo was and is worn by Jacqueline Kennedy, Cindy Crawford, Madonna and - surprise! — Elizabeth II.

Princess Diana - Houbigant, Quelques Fleurs

The only bride in our selection to choose a French scent for her wedding (read: Princess Diana's favorite scents: citruses, spices, jasmine and flowers galore). However, the history of the Houbigant perfume house is almost as long as that of its English rival houses. It was founded in Paris in 1775 and almost immediately fell in love with the aristocrats. Among the clients was Marie Antoinette herself, who went to the guillotine, hiding three bottles of Houbigant perfume under her corsage - their very presence calmed her and gave her strength. Subsequently, Napoleon became fans of the brand (he visited the Houbigant store in Paris shortly before his exile in 1815), Queen Victoria and the Russian imperial court, whose official supplier the House became at the end of the 19th century. In 1890, Houbigant launched The Czarina Bouquet ("Queen's Bouquet") for Nicholas II's mother, Empress Maria Feodorovna.

Quelques Fleurs ("Several Flowers") was created in 1912 by perfumer Robert Bianame and became an instant bestseller. It's on sale now and was, of course, available in 1981 when young Diana Spencer married Crown Prince Charles. Many people know about the curiosity associated with this: the bride tried to perfume her wrists before getting out of the wedding carriage, but a few drops from the bottle spilled onto the dress and left an ugly yellow spot on the snow-white fabric, which Diana had to cover with her hand throughout the ceremony (read: “Wedding Princess Diana's disaster dress. However, it is unlikely that anyone would have guessed this if it were not for the make-up artist Lady Dee Barbara Daly, who told the story to the world today.

Kate Middleton - Illuminum, White Gardenia Petals

The future Duchess of Cambridge, unlike her predecessors, chose not an old house “with history”, but a young niche brand. The Illuminum brand was founded in 2011 by Englishman Michael Bodie. Initially, Michael worked as a hair stylist - and quite successfully: he helped create images for shows for Gucci, Chanel, Missoni, collaborated with stars like Madonna, J. Lo and Björk.

"We sent a bottle of the new fragrance to Miss Middleton's office as we planned to discuss a charity project with her," Illuminum PR representative Michael Donovan told The Scented Salamander. “Later that day, I got a call from her office saying that she had chosen the fragrance for the wedding. I did not want to spread this information until I received official confirmation from Buckingham Palace. From there, they called me on the day of the wedding and confirmed everything. I was on holiday in France, but I was glued to the TV. That was incredible!".

White Gadrenia Petals is built on notes of gardenia, lily, lily of the valley, jasmine and ylang. In a word, it smells like a real wedding bouquet.

Photo: Getty Images, press archives

While the Duchess of Cambridge has an entire team of stylists, makeup artists, and hairstylists, Kate is known for choosing her own makeup and doing her own makeup (even on her own wedding day!).

Kate Middleton, pregnant with her third child, always looks stunning. With her lustrous locks, flawless complexion, rosy cheeks and incredibly expressive eyes, the Duchess of Cambridge really knows how to highlight her natural beauty.

Lucky for us, Kate's stunning image can be replicated. We'll walk you through the range of skin care, make-up and hair products she regularly uses to create her flawless look every day - something the Duchess even admits herself!

On a recent royal visit to Poland, the Duchess of Cambridge humbly received compliments about her "perfect" look from a group of fans. Kate, as befits a modest queen, claimed that the secret of her incredible beauty was just makeup.

“We told her that she was beautiful and perfect. But she said that this was not true - it was just makeup,” 21-year-old Magda Mordaka shared her impressions of meeting with Kate in Warsaw with the Polish media.

So what makeup does Kate Middleton use every day?

Beuti Skincare Beauty Sleep Elixir

In 2016, the Duchess of Cambridge was presented with a whole collection of skin care products from the organic cosmetics brand Beuti Skincare. The small independent British brand told The Telegraph that their Beauty Sleep Elixer is now on Kate's dressing table as it fits her perfectly.

Trilogy Certified Organic Rosehip Oil

During her second pregnancy, Kate's representatives reported that the Duchess switched to Trilogy organic cosmetics. Kate uses organic rosehip oil even now, being pregnant with her third child.

Nivea Visage Pure & Natural Moisturizing Day Cream

In 2011, Duchess Kate was spotted at Nivea Visage in Chelsea, London. She has been using this cream as a makeup base for over 10 years.

Bobbi Brown Long-Wear Even Finish Foundation

The brand released a statement after the Royal Wedding, telling everyone that one of their makeup artists "helped the royals choose quality cosmetics." By the way, Kate has said more than once that she is a fan of this British cosmetics.

Yves Saint Laurent Touche Éclat Concealer

Like many models, Kate's makeup artist recommended Touche Éclat lightweight concealer. Since then, she has been using it every day.

Urban Decay Naked Eyeshadow Palette

Kate prefers to focus her makeup on her eyes. And Urban Decay's palette of natural shades of shadows is the best assistant for these purposes.

Lancôme Artliner Eyeliner

To create her crisp, graphic eyeliner, Kate uses Lancôme eyeliner with a felt brush.

Lancome Hypnose Mascara

The Duchess completes her eye makeup with Lancôme Hypnôse lengthening mascara.

Bobbi Brown Dark Brow Kit

Kate's deep eyes are beautifully framed by her thick brows. She uses the Bobbi Brown Dark Brow Kit to gently define her brows.

Bobbi Brown Blush

Like all Brits, Kate loves to highlight her cheeks with a pale pink blush.

Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick Compact

As a bronzer and highlighter, the Duchess uses a palette of shimmering powder of the same brand. It is ideal for highlighting the cheekbones, which Kate already has quite expressive.