Menu for wedding home evening. What to cook in the summer for a wedding on the table for guests and newlyweds - a selection of delicious and unusual dishes for the menu. What to cook for a wedding - recipes with photos

A wedding is an important and responsible event in the life of every couple in love. Indeed, in addition to traditional vows, the newlyweds must also be prepared for a huge list of worries in preparing and organizing the celebration.

The excitement will not subside until the long-awaited day. An integral part of every wedding is a festive table. It is here that the mothers of the bride and groom can show all their culinary skills.

Menu preparation

When choosing dishes for a wedding, there are many factors to consider. Here you should definitely consider the main food preferences, dietary features, as well as the number of guests. As a rule, the wedding menu includes cold and hot appetizers, 2-3 main courses. And the absolute decoration of every wedding is a dessert - a wedding cake.

Culinary recipes for a wedding should be versatile and original at the same time. And cooking delicious meals doesn't have to be too complicated. We offer a variety of delicious wedding recipes with photos that will appeal to everyone. A detailed description and step-by-step tips with photos will allow you to cook a very tasty dish.

In addition, for less experienced housewives, our section contains video recipes where professional chefs give clear recommendations in the process of preparing the dish. So, even a child will learn how to cook with video recipes.

The luxurious outfits of the bride and groom, the exquisite decoration of the hall, an interesting entertainment program - all these elements of a wedding celebration will most likely remain invaluable if the organizers of the holiday are inattentive to the preparation of the menu. Therefore, following the "path of least resistance" by approving the list of dishes proposed by the restaurant or cafe where the holiday will take place is perhaps the right decision in terms of saving time and effort, but is fundamentally wrong if young people dream of their holiday succeeded with glory. In a wedding menu, carefully thought out and compiled with love, imagination and care for each of the guests, several factors must be taken into account.

The menu depends ... on the composition of the guests

Tables resembling a fabulous self-assembled tablecloth, gourmet delicacies, excellent presentation of dishes, expensive alcohol, but ... some guests still leave the wedding hungry and, accordingly, disappointed. This is exactly what can happen if the individual preferences of the invitees were not taken into account - for example, the refusal of certain products for one reason or another. If the celebration is designed for a small number of guests, then you can clarify their tastes individually. In the same case, when the number of guests is more than 30, and some of them are not close friends (second cousins, "necessary" people, and others), it is better to plan the menu in such a way as to take into account all possible wishes.

For example, vegetarians may be present at the festival. This is perhaps the most "untroubled" category of guests: there are always fresh vegetables and fruits on the wedding table, and baked vegetables can become one of the hot snacks. As a dessert, guests who do not eat animal food can be offered fruits with berry sauces, nuts, and honey. Do not deprive attention of people who do not eat pork (for example, Muslims or Jews). At most weddings, one of the hot dishes is prepared from pork meat, so it is advisable to include a dish of fish or, say, poultry in the list of hot dishes.

In the event that there are many children among those invited, it makes sense to organize a children's table, the main requirements for which are the minimum number of "harmful" foods and drinks and a beautiful, bright design. Let the kids take time to prepare such a gift, but they will be satisfied and allow adult guests to relax and enjoy the holiday. On the children's table you can put sandwiches, vegetables and fruits, stuffed eggs, diet hot (from chicken, rabbit or turkey) and, of course, sweets and delicious desserts.

When planning a wedding menu, it is worth considering the gender composition of the invitees. Most men are lovers of spicy, hearty food and strong alcohol, while ladies, as a rule, prefer fish, vegetables, and wine. Finally, the age of the guests also plays a significant role: the older the majority of the participants in the feast, the more traditional the dishes should be (children, by the way, will also prefer the usual “homemade” tastes). Young people, on the contrary, are not afraid of experiments and will readily appreciate new tastes and unexpected combinations.

... from the time of year

When compiling a wedding menu, it is necessary to take into account the time of year in which the celebration takes place. Juicy, steaming pork knuckle looks, of course, very appetizing, but in the midst of the summer heat, its appearance on the festive table will still not be entirely appropriate.

Summer wedding menu should be as light as possible, with an abundance of treats from vegetables and fruits, because eating fatty, very satisfying dishes is a serious blow to the body, already exhausted by "battles" with the heat. In the list of cold appetizers, preference should be given to portioned salads, such as "Caesar" or, for example, "Greek": in the summer heat, salads laid in a common dish will quickly give juice and will look far from presentable. And to make them not only beautiful and healthy, but also satisfying, you can fantasize with the ingredients by adding protein components - tender chicken meat, tiger prawns, cheese or pine nuts.

In the summer, cold snacks are also relevant, such as stuffed tomatoes (cherry tomatoes will look more interesting and elegant), tartlets, canapes. Do not forget about mushrooms, because there is an opportunity to abandon the "winter" champignons or oyster mushrooms and pamper guests with mushrooms that have preserved an intoxicating forest aroma.

You should also think about dressings, since traditional mayonnaise is not useful in principle, and in summer it is simply harmful. Therefore, it is better to stop the choice on olive oil, sour cream and yoghurt sauces, which, in combination with lemon juice, not only improve the taste of dishes, but also refresh. It is quite possible to refuse hot appetizers at a summer wedding or choose lighter options - for example, small skewers of vegetables, chicken, seafood, which do not lose their taste even when cold.

By the way, barbecue cooked on the grill is also a good option for a hot dish. To take into account the wishes of all guests, it is better to take care of its diversity by offering dishes of lamb, pork, chicken and, of course, fish. Barbecue sauces open up real scope for imagination: bright tomato, Mexican with chili and lime, spicy garlic, spicy lingonberry, exquisite caper and rosemary sauce, spicy mustard with tarragon, white sauce for fish with wine and horseradish, tart nut, unsurpassed Georgian tkemali and Azerbaijani narsharab - it is possible to list possible variations for a very long time.

It should also be taken into account that intoxication occurs faster in the heat, so it is advisable to focus on not too strong alcoholic beverages. The ideal solution for a summer wedding is cocktails with ice cubes and refreshing ingredients, which include lemon, lime, mint, hibiscus. Berry time allows you to "play" with soft drinks. Fruit drinks from fresh berries, homemade lemonades with a minimum amount of sugar (sugary drinks are notoriously bad at quenching thirst), iced fruit or mint teas are just some of the drinks that are relevant at a summer wedding.

Finally, the wedding cake should also correspond to the warm season. Whipped cream and butter cream are not his best decorations, as is chocolate, which will surely melt, if not on the cake itself, then in the hands of the guests. But light, like a cloud, cottage cheese or yogurt soufflé surrounded by fresh fruits and berries will come in handy. In addition, the ideal desserts for a summer wedding are ice cream garnished with fruits and nuts, smoothies, sorbets, waffle baskets or mini fruit skewers, strawberries or raspberries with cream.

Winter wedding menu cannot be called the complete opposite of the summer one, however, some features are still worth considering: the basis of the wedding banquet in this case is hot, hearty dishes and warming drinks. Non-standard, but at the same time a good option for one of the hot dishes - soup. True, cabbage soup and borscht are unlikely to be appreciated by guests, but exquisite puree soups or cream soups are quite capable of decorating a holiday and even bringing a touch of sophistication.

In general, in world culinary arts, you can easily find many first courses suitable for a holiday. So, lovers of fish and seafood will be delighted with French bouillabaisse, and fans of spicy dishes - with the famous Thai tom yam. Even the usual and banal, it would seem, meat broth will get the right to be called "consomme" if it is a strong, clarified egg and supplemented with fragrant spices.

Welcome guests on the winter holiday table are all kinds of spicy dishes, as well as pickles and marinades, the use of which makes the blood circulate faster. The list of hot dishes must also include meat - portioned or served on common dishes (for example, stuffed pig or goose). Flambéed dishes will look very impressive at a winter wedding, that is, they are poured over with a strong alcoholic drink (usually cognac or brandy) and set on fire. Firstly, the appearance of a chef in a dark room with flaming meat is an unusual "trick" and decoration of the holiday; in addition, flaming is not just a trick, but a culinary technique, because it gives the dish an incomparable taste and amazing aroma.

By the way, you can find ideas for a winter wedding menu in any cookbook dedicated to Russian cuisine, most of whose dishes are just hearty and designed for severe frosts. At the same time, it is an unforgivable mistake to assume that they have a “peasant” character to a certain extent and are not suitable for an exquisite celebration: aren’t pancakes with caviar or salted salmon worthy of becoming a table decoration, for example, a kurnik with several fillings or a kulebyaka with sturgeon, not speaking of jelly or aspic? And why not replace canapes with small pies with various fillings?

Traditional winter alcoholic drinks are usually strong. Interesting options are grog, steaming mulled wine, fragrant punch. By the way, Russian honey sbiten, prepared with the addition of wine, nutmeg, cloves and lemon zest, is in no way inferior to these "overseas guests". The decision to serve them to every guest is unlikely to be appropriate; it is wiser to organize a bar where you can drink not only alcohol, but also teas, several varieties of coffee, hot chocolate.

Menu for a spring wedding should take into account two circumstances: firstly, in the spring you really want vitamins, fresh vegetables and fruits; secondly, with the snow melting, many women (and men too) begin to think that it would be nice to get rid of a couple of extra pounds by the beginning of the beach season. In a word, the spring table should be light, useful, but not dietary - after all, we are talking about a holiday!

Since buying juicy southern tomatoes or tender peaches (naturally grown without the addition of a lot of growth-promoting fertilizers) is not so easy in the spring, you can opt for overseas seasonal vegetables and fruits. For example, "with a bang" are usually found salads with mango and avocado in combination with seafood. For fat mayonnaise in the season of "general weight loss" - fight, the best dressing for such exotics is natural yogurt with lemon or lime juice.

An obligatory component of the spring holiday is all kinds of greens, including leafy salads that grow beautifully in greenhouses all year round: arugula, lettuce, watercress, iceberg, corn, lollo rossa and others. They go well with fish, chicken, meat, nuts, and cheeses. Despite the fact that experts in the process of losing weight recommend eating fish (which, of course, should be on the table), you should not give up meat. However, even if it emphasizes the spring mood; we are talking not only about using vegetables as a side dish for the main course, but also about choosing the meat itself: it can be veal, chicken, rabbit, young lamb.

Wedding desserts in the spring are usually light: yogurt or cottage cheese cake, jelly, fruit baskets. At the same time, they should not be cold in summer: it is better to refuse ice cream or sorbet, because dessert is served before the end of the holiday, and it will not be very comfortable to go out on a still cool spring night after such a treat.

Autumn wedding menu simply must abound in vegetables and fruits, as well as bright colors. Vegetables can be served both grilled - as a hot snack, for example, or fresh, and in the second case, you can not limit yourself to standard cutting, but cut out hearts, the initials of the newlyweds and other cute figures from vegetables.

A good idea is to serve various sauces along with vegetables (fresh and baked): yogurt or sour cream with herbs or cheese, olive oil, garlic, nut, cheese sauces and others. In this case, each guest will be able to prepare a salad on his plate that matches his taste preferences. Vegetables can also serve as tartlets: it is very convenient to fill halves of peppers, tomatoes, new potatoes with salads.

With such an abundance of gifts of autumn nature, it is better to plan simple meat dishes - for example, abandon cabbage rolls in favor of steaks or roast beef. They can be served with seasonal sauces - say, berry, cranberry, sea buckthorn or lingonberry, or mushroom sauces. In general, almost any mushroom dishes are win-win, as well as eggplant, which are delicious in combination with curd cheese or cheese, garlic, tomatoes, walnuts and basil.

By the way, autumn is also the hunting season, so it is advisable to plan baked or stuffed quails, duck with apples, mushrooms, pears, quince or prunes as a hot dish. It is desirable that the "time for vitamins" can be traced in every detail of the menu. So, along with regular bread, you can serve freshly baked bread with olives, tomatoes, onions, herbs or nuts.

Excellent desserts for an autumn wedding are watermelons and melons, and baskets filled with fruits cut out of them can become a table decoration. By the way, fruits will decorate delicious additions - whipped cream, nuts, honey. As a dessert, it is reasonable to offer freshly squeezed fruit juices. And the main alcoholic drink of the holiday, of course, should be good wine. At the same time, you should not give up on stronger alcohol, as the autumn weather is unpredictable, and it is possible that guests will want to warm up.

... from script

Let's make a reservation right away that it is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve full compliance of all dishes served at the banquet with the chosen topic, and this is not necessary. The main thing is that there are several thematic treats on the table that fit into the atmosphere of the holiday and emphasize the idea of ​​the organizers. We offer several options for such dishes for different weddings.

antique wedding

Preparation for such a holiday will require reading relevant literature describing dishes traditional for the selected period of time. For example, according to historical sources, the main products on the tables of the ancient Romans are cereals, vegetables, meat of wild animals and birds, including minced meat, from which similarities of today's steaks were fried on grills.

It is known that cabbage was very widespread in Ancient Rome; even the emperor Diocletian, tired of state affairs and military exploits, retired to a quiet province to grow this vegetable. Cabbage salad with cranberries, cabbage rolls, Beijing cabbage rolls would be quite appropriate at an antique wedding - as, indeed, game as one of the hot dishes.

It is noteworthy that it was in ancient Rome that the first salads appeared; it was a mixture of various chopped aromatic herbs, seasoned with lemon juice, honey, vinegar, olive oil, so the abundance of greens on the wedding table is only welcome. Finally, Roman feasts cannot be imagined without grape wine served in clay jugs, which means that this alcoholic drink can become a real highlight of the holiday.

Knight's wedding

In order to fight for the honor of beautiful ladies in times of wild morals, brave knights had to eat well. On the tables in medieval castles there was always meat, mostly game, as well as pork, which was often salted for the winter. A favorite treat is lamb in a variety of variations, usually cooked on a grill or skewer.

Fish was also an obligatory component of the diet - poor families ate herring, the rich could afford more refined varieties (trout, grayling, salmon). It is noteworthy that salting fish was considered a way to keep it fresher longer in an era without refrigeration, so salting was one of the most common types of cooking.

Of course, there were also more exotic treats - for example, from wild boar, deer or swan. In modern conditions, it is almost impossible to reproduce old recipes from such meat with the expectation of a large number of guests, so it is quite possible to plan more familiar, but no less festive meat dishes.

The favorite seasonings of medieval cooks, by the way, are saffron, ginger, black pepper, anise, cumin, almonds, which are quite affordable today; you can "play" with them, diversifying the taste. It is noteworthy that most of the dishes were served in the same dishes in which they were cooked, so at a knight's wedding it would be appropriate to serve hot in ceramic pots or in small portioned pans.

Of course, in medieval cookbooks there are absolutely fantastic recommendations - for example, in the work of the 14th-century cook Guillaume Tirel "Tallevan's Snack", it is described in detail how to cook a chicken in knight's armor or how to fry a peacock so that then put it back in plumage. However, on their pages you can also find good "chips" that are easily adapted to today's reality. For example, there was a tradition to make indentations in slices of bread in order to put generously spiced meat in them. Why not borrow this idea and serve, for example, a salad or a hot appetizer in tender buns or in mini rye flour loaves?

Retro wedding

In this case, we can talk about, say, holidays in the style of the film "Hipsters" or the NEP era - in a word, these are, as a rule, celebrations designed in the style of one of the periods of the 20th century, imbued with subtle charm and chic. When compiling the menu for such celebrations, it is appropriate to refer, for example, to literary works.

Thus, Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov very colorfully describes the restaurant dishes of the early 1930s in The Master and Margarita: in the famous Griboedov restaurant, “portioned pike perch”, fried meat in lemon sauce, “sterlet pieces, arranged with crayfish tails and fresh caviar were served ", pork escalopes, "cocotte eggs with champignon puree", "Genoese quail", fresh caviar and many other delicacies.

Well, when preparing for a wedding in the style of the 1960s, the advice of mothers and grandmothers, who probably remember the restaurant menu of that time, and films, and books, and the Internet, where you can find many options for Soviet cuisine, will help. Do not think that these are just banal salads "Spring", "Capital" and "Herring under a fur coat"; real culinary masterpieces were often prepared in good catering establishments. Among them, for example, tobacco chicken, jellied sturgeon, Kiev cutlet, sturgeon in tomato, roast beef, entrecote, escalopes, schnitzels, chakhokhbili, lamb chops and much more.

Wedding in Provence style

When compiling the menu of such a celebration, it is very important to strike a balance between simplicity and sophistication, immediacy and elegance. Of course, whole boiled potatoes, poured with melted butter and sprinkled with young dill, combined with tender herring, is a wonderful dish, but it is unlikely that it will be appropriate at a wedding celebration. Whereas the same potatoes, but baked in cream with rosemary sprigs, will take quite a worthy place at a banquet as a side dish.

Perhaps the main requirement for the menu of a "village" wedding is maximum naturalness and naturalness. This, however, does not mean that dishes should be prepared very simply or that they can be dispensed with without decorating them. It is rather about a list of treats and a set of products that will be used to create them.

It is desirable that vegetables be present on the table in different variations, including salted and pickled. Let the hot dish be prepared from meat of domestic animals and birds - pork, beef, chicken or turkey. It is advisable to use river fish for both snacks and hot dishes; it can be, for example, pike perch or pike fillet, fried carp, salted trout or grayling, stuffed sturgeon.

It is better to replace champignons with forest mushrooms; in winter, you can cook wonderful fillings or caviar from dried white or boletus. Berries, nuts, honey in desserts and sauces will emphasize the atmosphere of the holiday, and homemade tinctures, for example, on mountain ash, cranberries or pine nuts, can become its highlight. You should not completely replace vodka or wine with them, but a few bottles will undoubtedly decorate the celebration.

"Pirate" wedding

A romantic, but at the same time somewhat hooligan pirate-style wedding is unlikely to do without fish and seafood, because filibusters spent most of their adventurous lives on the high seas. At the same time, it is important not to overdo it with the inclusion of squid, shrimp, mussels and other marine life in the menu: it is possible that among the guests there will be people suffering from allergic reactions to such food.

In addition, it is unlikely that at least one pirate will refuse a juicy piece of meat roasted on a spit. In modern conditions, the role of a spit can be played by a skewer or a grill grate. Other obligatory components of the pirate menu are exotic fruits, dates (they are very good in salads in combination with chicken, apples, nuts), fruit juices and cocktails (they can be served in halves of oranges or coconuts).

And finally - yo-ho-ho - you can't do without the pirate drink itself - rum, which can be put on the table in bottles or in a real wooden barrel. Another option is to offer guests rum or brandy-based cocktails. In both cases, it should be borne in mind that this drink does not have so many fans, so more familiar alcohol must also be present on the table.

Wedding in Italian style

Probably, the statement that Italian cuisine is one of the most popular in the world today will not be an exaggeration. Russia is no exception, so a wedding menu in the style of sunny Italy is probably a win-win option. It can take a very long time to talk about what dishes can be served to guests at such a holiday. To name just a few of them, which will surely appeal to most of the guests.

Habitual bread should be replaced with ciabatta or focaccia - wheat cakes with different fillings. One of the hallmarks of Italian cuisine is a variety of cheeses, so it makes sense to offer guests cheese plates with parmesan, gorgonzola, mozzarella. It is unlikely that pizza can be called a banquet dish, but it is quite appropriate at an Italian wedding, especially when it comes to a buffet table. True, it is better to give preference to small mini-pizzas with a variety of toppings.

A great option for the first hot dish is pasta, which should be served with several sauces so that guests can choose according to personal preferences. These are fresh pesto with basil, parmesan and olive oil, and hearty bolognese, and spicy tomato, and exquisite carbonara, and creamy sauces with seafood or salmon. Well, as a second hot dish, you can serve juicy veal medallions baked with Provence herbs, or fish dishes, which, as a rule, are prepared quite simply - baked in olive oil with lemon.

The main dessert is, of course, the most delicate tiramisu with airy mascarpone cream. In addition, lemon sorbet or, for example, gelato soft ice cream with fruit, nuts or chocolate can be served. Finally, the table should be decorated with real fine and fragrant Italian wines, without which the menu cannot be considered complete.

Arabic wedding

The thematic menu will help the newlyweds and their guests to immerse themselves in the enchanting world of "1000 and 1 nights". Perhaps the main dishes at an Arab wedding are fantastic sweets: Turkish delight, baklava, cakes with dates, honey or pistachios, gata, marshmallow, fruit marmalade, candied fruit, candied nuts. Unleavened wheat cakes - pita should also be present on the table, snacks can be stuffed eggplants, peppers with couscous, pies with meat or chicken, dishes with tuna and olives.

As a hot dish, you should give preference to juicy lamb with aromatic herbs, cooked on charcoal in pieces or in the form of kebab. Traditions require to abandon pork, so stuffed chicken, which is cooked with lemon or pomegranate juice, or beef with almonds and prunes, can become an alternative to lamb.

Another option for a hot dish is tagine, a treat of vegetables and meat stewed over a fire; it is prepared and served in the eponymous dish, which is a ceramic pot topped with a high cone-shaped lid. Exotic lovers may also be interested in shorba - hearty soup with beef and vegetables; if it is served, the second hot dish should be lighter - such as, for example, fish marinated in tomato sauce and baked whole.

The feast will not do without fresh vegetables and fruits, including tangerines, peaches, melons. The main non-alcoholic drink at an Arab wedding is, of course, coffee, with the preparation and use of which, in the traditions of many countries, a whole ritual is associated. However, it is appropriate to offer guests several types of tea - black, green, hibiscus, as well as homemade lemonade infused with raisins and dates.

Approximate calculation of dishes and alcohol

So, adjustments to the menu must be made depending on several circumstances listed above. However, it is worth keeping in mind some of the standard principles for organizing wedding banquets, which catering establishments rely on and which will help determine the amount of food and alcohol. It is generally accepted that at a banquet lasting 5-6 hours, one person can "master" no more than 1.5 kg of food. Let's try to determine the basic menu for one guest based on this principle (the approximate total number of the dish is indicated in brackets):
- salads: 3-4 types of 50 g (200 g);
- cold snacks: 3 types of 50-60 g (150 g);
- cold cuts: 3 types of meat, 40 g each (120 g);
- red and white fish: 2-3 types of 40 g (100 g);
- cheese: 2 types of 25 g (50 g);
- pickles: 3 types (cucumbers, mushrooms, tomatoes) 30-40 g each (100 g);
- red caviar: 20 g;
- vegetables: 4-5 types of 50 g (200 g);
- hot snacks: 2 types of 50 g (100 g);
- hot: 2 types of 100 g (200 g);
- garnish: 2 types of 50 g (100 g);
- dessert (including fruit and cake): 150-200 g.

Separate advice is given by professional wedding planners regarding the number of drinks. As a rule, 2-3 types of juice or fruit drink are served (calculated as 1 liter per person, and in the warm season - 1.5-2 liters), mineral water (the calculation is the same), if desired - lemonade (no more than 1 liter ).

It is somewhat more difficult to calculate the amount of alcohol. The traditional "wedding set" - vodka, cognac, champagne, wine (in the ratio of 2/3 - red wine and 1/3 - white). Depending on the wishes of the newlyweds and the preferences of the guests, whiskey, liquor, martini, brandy and other drinks may be present on the table, but they are usually chosen only by lovers. So, the standard rule for calculating alcohol for a wedding is as follows:
- vodka or cognac - a bottle for 2 people;
- wine - a bottle for 1 person;
- champagne - a bottle for 3 people.

It is better to purchase alcohol with some margin; even if a few bottles remain after the celebration, they are unlikely to find use, given the lack of an expiration date, unlike food. It should also be borne in mind that alcohol may be required during the ransom of the bride, at the registry office or on a walk after marriage registration (if these events are planned). For these purposes, champagne is better, you should also take juice, mineral water or lemonade with you.

It is important, when planning a wedding menu, not to forget about those who help the young people in holding the holiday - these are toastmasters, musicians, photographers and cameramen, and invited artists. During a many-hour banquet, they will definitely get hungry, so you should include them in the overall calculation.

Modern wedding menu trends

From ancient times, weddings among different peoples were not just a celebration of the birth of a young family, but a set of rituals, following which guaranteed a long and happy life together. To some extent, the "ritual" was the wedding menu, which met certain requirements. For example, in Rus', jelly was considered an obligatory wedding dish, which was designed to restore the strength of the young for the wedding night.

In Hungary, cabbage rolls were always served at weddings, and for the bride and groom they were made especially large - as a symbol of wealth and prosperity. In Israel, at least 18 treats were prepared for the wedding, since the name of this number in Hebrew sounds like “hai”, which means “to live”. In Barbados, the main dish of the feast, symbolizing the sweet life, is prepared six months before the celebration, since its filling - dried fruits - is soaked in rum for 6 months.

The wedding tradition of Korea is interesting: here a boiled rooster with red pepper in its beak is served on the table, which is supposed to personify eternal love, and in Morocco it is not customary to mix wedding dishes so that later life is not overshadowed by unpleasant incidents. Great skill and talent require the preparation of the main festive dish of the Berber nomads: a camel stuffed with eggs, chicken, fish and roast lamb.

However, today there is nothing "obligatory", because the possibilities of newlyweds in organizing their holiday are limited only by the size of the budget, so it is more appropriate to talk about hospitality, the desire to please all guests, the expediency and convenience of certain dishes. Nevertheless, it would be useful to have an idea of ​​today's trends in the preparation of the wedding menu - if you like, gastronomic fashion, as Russian restaurateurs represent it.

Firstly, serving soups as one of the hot dishes is gaining popularity. Interestingly, in the hot season, cold soups are also quite appropriate - such as, for example, tomato gazpacho. True, not all guests will want to try this masterpiece of Spanish cuisine, so it is wiser to serve it not in portions, but in elegant common tureens.

Another wedding culinary trend is the maximum naturalness, a combination of simple, familiar tastes and exquisite "highlights". Multi-component salads, especially the once incredibly popular puff salads, are a thing of the past; their place is taken by dishes consisting of only a few seasonal ingredients, the taste of which is emphasized by an unobtrusive dressing. It is worth mentioning the mini-format that is relevant today: guests prefer small snacks and desserts, probably because in this case it becomes possible to try as many treats as possible without compromising health and figure.

Another wedding trend is the serving of refreshing homemade lemonades based on lemon, orange, mint, strawberries, and currants as non-alcoholic drinks. But at European weddings, a rosemary drink is popular, for the preparation of which rosemary sprigs are poured with water, infused for several days, after which this "elixir" is served with lemon juice and ice cubes.

At some Russian weddings today, appetizers, popular in the West, are found - light snacks that precede the main meal and stimulate the appetite. It can be avocado paste with salt or olive oil applied on toasted toast, tomato tartini, baked mushroom pate, pickled olives, and so on. Finally, another trend is the serving of fruit sorbet between appetizers and hot dishes. This, in general, non-standard solution is explained quite simply: a cold treat helps to refresh the taste buds and prepare them for the perception of new treats.

What to give up

Despite the fact that today's brides and grooms are free to plan their holiday the way only they want, forgetting about conventions and stereotypes, there are still some dishes that it is better to refuse to serve - first of all, in order for the banquet to be successful. For example, guests are unlikely to be delighted with treats that include components that improve taste, but have a pungent smell - these are raw onions, garlic, and radishes.

Dishes from river fish containing a lot of bones will be inappropriate. An excellent option in this case is to serve a fillet or, for example, stuffed pike (for its preparation, the pulp is separated from the bones, mixed with the rest of the ingredients, after which the prepared skin, previously removed entirely, is filled with this mass).

Exotic and not quite familiar products (for example, mussels, pomelo, lychee and others) can, of course, be present on the table, but in limited quantities, since not everyone loves them. If they act as ingredients in dishes, then these culinary masterpieces must first be tested by the young. In a word, all recipes for a wedding banquet need to be tasted. By the way, this condition also applies to the choice of manufacturers: it is better to purchase proven products, from which you can not expect unpleasant "surprises" (including alcohol).

Summer is an amazing time of the year when nature is fragrant, birds sing and everyone rejoices in the warm sun. Newlyweds especially love summer time, because even bad weather in summer cannot spoil the wedding mood. The wedding venue during this period is not limited - the celebration is held in open areas and even in nature, outside the city. The menu for guests can be made light: in hot weather, it is better to stock up on soft drinks. About how best to set the wedding table in the summer, we'll talk now.

The wedding menu for each season has its own characteristics. In summer, it is maximally saturated with light snacks, and with the onset of cold weather, more and more fatty, heavy food appears on wedding tables. There are a lot of vegetables, fruits, berries, fresh salads on wedding tables in summer. But the focus is on drinks. After a hot summer photo shoot, guests need to cool off, so tip #1: stock up on ice and plenty of summer soft drinks.

Store-bought juices are not very suitable for a summer wedding, because after them you are even more thirsty. It is better to include lemon water with pieces of natural fruits in the wedding menu. Such a drink is much more useful than store-bought counterparts: it perfectly quenches summer thirst. Lemonade should be served in large decanters with ice, and then poured into glasses for guests. For summer lemonade, choose only natural ingredients:

  • lemon;
  • mint;
  • hibiscus;
  • green tea;
  • hibiscus.

As for cold appetizers, tip number 2: serve them on fresh lettuce leaves in the summer. Vegetable dishes, seafood, cheese, nuts are perfect for a wedding. Instead of meat, it is better to add fish to cold snacks so as not to load the body with extra calories in the summer heat. The main condition: snacks must be served chilled, so they must be kept in the refrigerator before serving, and ice must always be on the wedding tables.

Tip #3: The main wedding dish in summer should be cooked over an open fire. Suitable for barbecue or barbecue: juicy ribs, steaks, chicken breasts, expensive fish, fresh vegetables. In order for the main summer dish to be appreciated, the wedding table must have:

  • lime juice;
  • hot chili sauce;
  • rosemary, sage, thyme;
  • other spices.

How to calculate the number of dishes and products?

Guests shouldn't leave hungry or disappointed at a summer wedding, so the menu needs to take into account their individual preferences. For example, guests may be vegetarians, so they need to be offered more vegetarian hot and cold snacks, and as a wedding dessert - fruits, nuts, honey. Some do not eat pork, so it would be wise to include lamb or poultry dishes in the summer menu.

When planning a summer wedding menu, you should consider the number of men, women and children. Men prefer hearty, spicy food, strong alcohol, and ladies will prefer light summer wines, fish, cheese. The age of the guests also plays an important role. The older generation loves traditional wedding dishes, while young people, on the contrary, will prefer unexpected combinations of products, highly appreciating new tastes.

On average, one adult eats approximately 1,500 g of various foods during a wedding feast. Therefore, at a summer wedding, the following ratio of dishes on the menu is usually selected (for 1 adult):

  1. Salads (meat, fish, vegetables) - 250 g.
  2. Cold snacks (vegetable cuts, sandwiches, pickles, fish, cheeses) - 400 g.
  3. Hot appetizers - 150 g.
  4. Side dishes - 150 g.
  5. Fruit platter - 200 g.
  6. Cake - 150 g.
  7. Alcohol: men - 0.5 l; women - 0.4 l.

Sample menu for a wedding table

The summer wedding menu should include light salads, such as Greek or Caesar. Dream up with the rest of the summer snacks on your own by adding some protein components to the vegetables: cheese, shrimp, pine nuts or tender chicken meat. Stuffed tomatoes, canapes, tartlets are relevant in summer. As for mushrooms, in the summer wedding menu, winter champignons should be abandoned, and guests should be pampered with forest mushrooms.

In the summer heat, the state of intoxication comes faster, so it would be more appropriate to focus on weak wedding alcoholic drinks. The ideal solution for a summer wedding menu is cocktails with refreshing ingredients and ice cubes. This is a favorite of the recent fashion "Mojito", a refreshing basil cocktail or a berry "Daiquiri". Organically, the summer menu at the wedding will include chilled Sangria wine or cold champagne with berries.

The wedding cake also needs to be in season. Whipped cream or buttercream is not needed for the summer menu. Prepare something airy, fruity and curd so that the dessert fits into the light style of a summer wedding. A wedding summer cake without fruits and berries simply has no right to exist. Summer berry cakes with floral decorations look great, but you will have to forget about chocolate - in the heat it will quickly lose its attractive appearance. Watch the video for expert advice on how to properly compose a wedding menu and recipes for original summer wedding snacks:

To celebrate at home

The home atmosphere at a summer wedding is always more welcoming and warmer than at a wedding banquet in a cafe. Guests feel more relaxed, and the dishes have a special taste, because a piece of the soul of the heroes of the occasion is invested in them. A home summer wedding is usually characterized by a small number of guests, unlike a restaurant one, so we will help you come up with a summer wedding menu for 20 people.

First, you should draw up a menu and a list of dishes that you want to see on the wedding table, as well as the number of products and servings needed. We offer the following summer menu plan:

  • Cold appetizers: 3 types of salad, 2 meat dishes, 2 fish dishes, vegetables, cheese.
  • Main dishes of 3 types of poultry, meat, fish.
  • Desserts: sweet pastries, fruits, ice cream.
  • Non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks.

In the menu along the way, write what products you should stock up in advance, and what you need to buy immediately before the wedding. Before the arrival of the invited guests, the wedding table should already have fruits, drinks, cold snacks: vases and salad bowls at a distance of 6 places from each other. Hospitality is not a huge variety of dishes and an extensive menu, but their competent selection and aesthetic design of summer dishes.

So that you do not have to rack your brains with a summer menu at a home wedding, we offer a ready-made option:

  • Salads: fresh cucumbers, tomatoes; cauliflower; hepatic.
  • Sandwiches: with ham, mayonnaise; with ham, cheese, mushrooms.
  • Snacks: pike perch in wine sauce; baked fish in the oven with cheese.
  • Main course: turkey with rice.
  • Wedding loaf.
  • Desserts: chocolate ice cream; cottage cheese with raisins, marmalade, honey cake with walnuts, fresh fruit.
  • Drinks: lemonade, mineral water with and without sparkling, orange juice, black coffee.


For newlyweds, summer is a real gift, because at this time of the year there is an opportunity to hold both the solemn and festive part of the wedding in nature. Fresh air, saturated greenery and bright flowers inspire a romantic mood, so any wedding celebration cannot be boring. For newlyweds, the main thing is to correctly calculate the amount of food and make a good menu for a summer picnic in nature.

It should be remembered that the average duration of a feast is 8 hours, so you need to take into account that guests will come to the table 2-3 times during this time in between wedding competitions and dances. How much can they eat outdoors? Do the math. Also, in nature, it is better to offer guests two hot dishes on the menu: one at the beginning of the banquet, and the second at the end.

According to the rules, a summer wedding banquet is held in the following order: first cold snacks are served (sandwiches, fish, assorted vegetables), then salads are put on the table, then meat dishes (cold boiled pork, aspic, roast beef). Moreover, cold appetizers should be more than all the others, because they eat alcohol. During the dances, sweet dishes, coffee are already served on the table, and a wedding cake becomes the decoration of the banquet.

We offer the following menu for a summer wedding in nature:

  • Cold appetizers: spicy fish appetizers, red caviar sandwiches, stuffed fish, seafood, fish salads, stuffed eggs, cold boiled pork, meat salads.
  • Hot appetizers: pies, hot sandwiches, seafood, julienne.
  • Main dishes: baked stuffed pig, fish kebab or barbecue.
  • Dessert; wedding cake, caramel mousse baskets, airy soufflé.
  • Drinks: A summer wedding has a maximum of non-alcoholic drinks and a minimum of alcoholic drinks, so the amount is calculated based on the number and preferences of the guests.

Recipes for cooking at home

When compiling a summer menu for a home wedding, it is difficult to adjust to the taste preferences of each guest. It is better to create a more varied menu, in which there will be dishes suitable for everyone. Canapes with vegetables and meat or in combination with any other products are great for a summer wedding appetizer. The main thing is to approach the process creatively: pieces of cheese, ham, olives, cucumbers, bell peppers are placed on toasts and this delicious pyramid is pierced with skewers.

An assortment of sandwiches with sardines, stellate sturgeon, cottage cheese or other ingredients will decorate the summer wedding table. For example, include sandwiches with red fish "Ladybug" in the wedding menu. To do this, take toast or a salted cracker, lightly spread with butter, put a plate of red fish on top, a sprig of parsley, half a cherry on the edge of the sandwich, and decorate the head and back of the insect with chopped olives.

A very exquisite combination of hard cheese and white grapes in canapes, which you must include in your summer wedding menu. You will definitely appreciate this extraordinary taste and ease of preparation. Just pierce a small square of cheese and a white grape with a skewer and put it on the summer table. Summer canapes with cheese will also be popular. Take a piece of black bread, put cheese and half cherry on it, pierce it with a skewer and the canape is ready!

Cold and hot snacks

As a cold snack, we suggest including eggs stuffed with shrimp in the menu for a summer wedding. For this you will need the following ingredients:

  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • shrimp - 0.5 kg;
  • greens, fresh vegetables;
  • butter - 1 tbsp;
  • salt.

Peel hard-boiled eggs, cut in half and remove yolks. Boil the shrimp, peel, cut into circles, and leave the shrimp necks for decoration. Rub the yolks with butter, salt, mix with shrimp and stuff the eggs. We put sprigs of dill, shrimp necks on top, decorate our summer wedding table with a beautiful and tasty dish.

Hot snacks in the summer are served in a way that does not require the use of a knife, so they are cut into slices, cubes or sticks. Wedding hot appetizers are prepared in fried, stewed, boiled or baked form. Include tomatoes stuffed with mushrooms in the summer wedding menu, which are quick to prepare and look great on the wedding table. For this recipe you will need:

  • tomatoes;
  • White mushrooms;
  • ground crackers;
  • butter;
  • tomato puree;
  • onions, garlic;
  • herbs, salt, pepper.

Cut the top off the tomatoes, remove the pulp and seeds. We cut the onion, saute in oil, then add finely chopped mushrooms, tomato, herbs, garlic and continue sauteing. When ready, mix the whole mass with breadcrumbs, season with pepper, salt. Fill the filling with tomatoes, sprinkle with grated cheese and send to the oven. Once the cheese is melted, our stuffed tomatoes are ready!

Main dishes

As a main dish at a summer wedding, we suggest including pork cooked in the oven in the menu. This is a simple but effective way to deliciously feed the male audience. The recipe is simple: buy 1 kg of fresh pork, rinse, make cuts, deep to the middle, salt and pepper to taste. Cut 200 g of hard cheese into thin slices, 2 fresh tomatoes into slices, 3 garlic cloves into strips.

Add all ingredients to prepared cuts in meat. Wrap the meat masterpiece in foil, place it in an oven preheated to 190 degrees and bake for 1 hour. After an hour, remove the foil and bake the meat for another 30 minutes. Put the finished pork on a dish and serve it to the summer wedding table to the delight of the strong half of humanity.

For those who don't eat pork, include a second main course on your wedding menu: rice-stuffed turkey. For this recipe you will need: turkey, 4 boiled eggs, 2/4 cup rice and breadcrumbs, turkey liver, a spoonful of butter, herbs, pepper, salt. Chop the liver, combine with yolks, butter, half-cooked rice, chopped herbs and mix. Then add breadcrumbs, whipped proteins, salt, pepper to the mass.

Stuff the gutted and washed turkey with cooked minced meat, tie the wings and legs of the bird to the body, put it on its back on a baking sheet, salt, spread with mayonnaise, pour 3-4 tablespoons of water, cover and bake in the oven for 3 hours, periodically pouring it with its own juice. When the bird is ready, remove the lid and bake without it to brown the crust. Then put the turkey on a dish and serve to the summer wedding table along with pickled vegetables.


We suggest including an apple pie with cognac and sour cream in the summer menu as a wedding dessert. The pie is prepared for no more than 1 hour, but its magical taste will not leave anyone indifferent. Ingredients:

  • butter - 80 g;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • apple - 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. l;
  • flour - 130 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • cognac - 1 tbsp. l.
  • baking powder, vanillin.

Preparation: Melt the butter in a deep bowl, add sugar, vanilla, chicken eggs and mix. Then add flour, baking powder, sour cream, cognac, salt to the mass and mix thoroughly again. Pour the dough into a baking dish, beautifully spread the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bapples around the circumference, bake in the oven for no more than 30 minutes so as not to overdry our summer wedding dessert.

Prepare for your guests a tender curd soufflé, which is loved by adults and children in summer. We will need 2 eggs, 400 g of cottage cheese and fruits to choose from: pears, bananas, peaches, apples. Rub the fruit pulp on a fine grater, mix with cottage cheese, egg, sugar until smooth. Divide the mixture between molds and bake in the oven for 12 minutes. The dessert is ready when no cottage cheese remains on the fingers when touched. Then turn the contents of the molds over and decorate as you like.

A wedding is a very important event. Everyone prepares for it in advance. Now we will tell you what to cook hot dishes for the wedding. With a photo in the article will be presented different recipes. From them you can choose suitable dishes for the holiday.

Meat rolls with original filling - an excellent meal that can be prepared for a wedding

If you are interested in a wedding, then pay attention to this one. The recipe is simple, but the products are very satisfying, tasty. The highlight of the dish is the original filling, which has a bright taste.

To prepare a hot dish for a wedding at home, you will need:

  • one egg;
  • 400 grams of pork tenderloin;
  • salt;
  • half an orange;
  • pepper;
  • two tablespoons of olive oil (required for frying);
  • a tablespoon of breadcrumbs.

Step by step recipe

  1. Prepare all components. Use fresh meat, not frozen. Then the products will turn out juicier.
  2. So, cut the tenderloin like chops. Then beat each slice on both sides. Then pepper and salt to your liking. Next, place an orange slice on each slice.
  3. Then roll up the rolls.
  4. Then beat the egg. Then dip the products in it first. Then roll in breadcrumbs.
  5. After put on a preheated pan with oil (olive). Fry on all sides over low heat for fifteen minutes.
  6. Serve the rolls whole. You can cut them into pieces. Bon appetit! Eat with pleasure!

Meat in French

If you are interested in a hot dish for a wedding, we will consider simple recipes. Now we will describe how to cook meat in French. This dish is quite popular at celebrations. The dish looks impressive, it turns out satisfying.

To prepare this dish you will need:

  • one kilogram of potatoes;
  • 250 grams of cheese;
  • mayonnaise;
  • salt;
  • three large onions;
  • pepper;
  • five hundred grams of pork;
  • vegetable oil.

Step-by-step hot dish recipe

  1. First, peel the potatoes, then cut into thin plates. Then place on an oiled baking sheet.
  2. Then peel the onion, cut it into rings (thin). Spread evenly over potatoes. Then pepper the dish and salt.
  3. Then cut the meat into small cubes. Then put them on the vegetables. Then salt and pepper the dish.
  4. Then generously pour the meat with mayonnaise.
  5. After the dish is abundantly sprinkled with grated cheese.
  6. Baked in a preheated oven until done. This process may take approximately one hour.

ball of thread

What to make hot dishes for the wedding? For example, a ball of thread. This dish is made from chicken. The dish will delight guests with its unusual appearance.

For cooking you will need:

  • one bulb;
  • seasonings;
  • three hundred grams of minced chicken;
  • 125 grams of puff yeast-free dough;
  • salt;
  • yolk;
  • pepper.

The process of preparing a dish for a wedding: a step-by-step recipe

  1. First knead the filling. Add finely chopped onion to the minced meat. After salt and pepper the filling, mix well.
  2. Then make meatballs from the resulting mass.
  3. Cut the dough into thin strips (the same thickness).
  4. Wrap the resulting meatballs with stripes.
  5. After the balls on a baking sheet (greased with oil), lay out.
  6. Then brush the balls with beaten egg yolk. Then send it to the preheated oven for forty minutes.

Duck baked with oranges

What else can you make hot dishes for a wedding? For example, duck baked with oranges. Such a festive dish turns out to be very tasty.

For cooking you will need:

  • three large oranges;
  • two tablespoons of honey;
  • three celery (petioles);
  • two-kilogram duck;
  • one medium-sized lemon;
  • Art. a spoonful of olive oil;
  • three oranges;
  • salt;
  • two st. spoons of sweet wine;
  • a tablespoon of olive oil;
  • spices (herbs, sage, etc.).

The process of cooking duck with oranges at home: a step by step recipe

  1. Gut the duck first.
  2. Then cut off the tips of the tail and wings. Also remove excess fat and skin. In other words, just prepare the carcass.
  3. Then, in a bowl, mix lemon and orange juice, pepper, olive oil, spices and salt until smooth.
  4. Put the duck in the resulting marinade. Then send to marinate in the refrigerator for about five hours.
  5. Then cut one orange into quarters.
  6. Then remove the marinated duck from the marinade. Stuff it with oranges, celery stalks. Then place in a greased baking dish.
  7. Place the duck in the preheated oven. Bake for two hours. Water the duck with the juice that stands out every twenty minutes.
  8. While the bird is baking, prepare the glaze. To do this, mix honey, wine and the juice of one orange.
  9. Pour the mixture into a saucepan, bring to a boil. Boil until the consistency of syrup. Then remove from fire.
  10. Then, when the duck is already cooked, remove the orange inside it, as well as the celery, pour over the icing.
  11. Serve with fresh orange slices.

Minced meat roll with stuffing

To prepare the dish you will need:

  • two eggs;
  • salt (to taste);
  • 500 grams of minced meat (your choice);
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • one large onion;
  • a glass of milk;
  • two slices of dried loaf;
  • pepper.

Making a roll at home

Chicken with garlic and thyme

What other hot dishes can you cook for a wedding? For example, chicken with garlic and thyme. The bird in this case is baked in the oven. Thanks to the marinade, the chicken is very tender and fragrant.

For cooking you will need:

  • five cloves of garlic;
  • one chicken;
  • salt;
  • forty grams of butter;
  • pepper;
  • two tablespoons of dried thyme;
  • forty ml of olive oil.

The process of cooking at home

  1. Wash the chicken first. Then generously rub it inside with thyme, salt and pepper. Rub it on the outside as well. Then put some crushed garlic inside.
  2. Then the legs of the chicken are tied so that it does not fall apart.
  3. Then melt the butter in a frying pan.
  4. Then place the chicken on an oiled baking sheet. Top it with butter from the pan.
  5. The chicken is baked in the oven (heated) for about forty minutes.
  6. Turn over several times during cooking and baste with the liquid escaping in the pan.

A small conclusion

Now you know what hot dishes you can cook for a wedding, recipes with photos will help you create delicious dishes. We hope that this information was useful and interesting for you!

Every bride knows that 90% of success with guests is a good table. At the ceremony, they will appreciate the beautiful bride, the groom's suit and decorations, but at the banquet they will evaluate the dishes: their quantity, quality and serving. Therefore, after choosing a dress, rings and a banquet hall, the young people have another question - how to feed the guests so that everyone likes it, and at the same time not cost a pretty penny. According to Russian tradition, it is not customary to arrange light receptions, guests should leave the holiday full and satisfied, only then it is believed that the Russian wedding was a success.

Wedding table: menu, recipes

There are no specific rules on what exactly to serve on the table on the day of the celebration. However, there are unspoken rules that are generally followed, unless it is a completely informal celebration. So, for example, beer should not be among drinks. Perhaps wine, champagne, vodka, cognac, martinis or cocktails, but not beer.

All restaurants have their own menu, and in a variety of options and for any amount. The administrator and the chefs will tell you what is better to choose and how to please the guests. It includes several cold starters and two hot ones, as well as tea and cake. This is the minimum that is usually present everywhere. Consider the most popular dishes at Russian weddings.

  • Among the appetizers, seafood (fish, shrimp, mussels), sausage, cheese, meat, cuts of fresh vegetables are usually served.
  • The wedding table menu should include several salads. Let it be better a little, but a lot, than one large bowl with one salad. Olivier, herring under a fur coat, Caesar with chicken, salads with mushrooms, vegetable variations are popular in Russia. You can mix just 2 ingredients, for example, green beans with chicken, tomatoes with cheese.
  • Tartlets with various fillings are also popular. It's always filling and delicious. You can put almost anything inside.
  • Stuffed vegetables and eggs will also please guests.
  • Meat is served hot. It can be a fish, pork or beef steak with a side dish of rice or vegetables, chicken julienne. Despite the beautiful name, julienne is prepared simply. To do this, you only need chicken fillet, milk, cheese, butter and seasonings. It turns out very tasty, satisfying and inexpensive.
  • Do not forget that in addition to alcohol, there should be soft drinks such as fruit juice, mineral water, sparkling water.
  • Cake is usually served for dessert. You can also make a sweet table, to which guests will come up and take sweets. Sweets, muffins, cakes, cookies are suitable for treats. Tea or coffee is required.

Calculation of the wedding menu for 1 person

The basic rule of a successful holiday is that everything should be tasty and everyone should have enough. But at the same time, it is undesirable for a large amount of untouched food to remain, because young people spent money on this that they could spend on something else.

When calculating food and drinks, consider not only the number of guests, but also the duration of the holiday. The longer the banquet lasts, the more they eat and drink. The average wedding lasts 5 hours. In this case, the best option would be 1.5 kg of food per guest. Cold appetizers, salads and meat with a side dish should be approximately equal, you can make more hot, but fewer salads. On average, 250-300 g of food should come out for each of the items per person, that is, 250 g of salad, 300 g of snacks, 400 g of hot food, etc.

Fruit and cake should also be 200 g per guest. If you have small children, you can reduce the volume.

Drinks should be plentiful. This is something that does not spoil for a very long time, and if unopened alcohol remains, it can be left for another celebration. Strong drinks (vodka, cognac, whiskey) are taken in half a bottle per person, weak drinks are taken in a bottle per person, of course, children are not taken into account. You don’t need much champagne, they drink it only at the very beginning, so take 1 bottle for three. Soft drinks should be more, especially in the heat, about 1.5-2 liters per person.

Wedding menu: how to compose

When choosing dishes, be sure to take into account your budget, season, number of guests, and the duration of the feast. If yours, and a lot of guests were invited, there are a few tricks that will help everyone feed and save money at the same time.

Be sure to specify which foods the invitees do not eat, whether they have food allergies, whether there are vegetarians. An allergy in one of the guests can seriously spoil the event and scare the young. Vegetarians, on the other hand, are not troublesome people. Dishes from vegetables will cost inexpensively, besides, they are quite tasty, meat-eaters will also taste them with pleasure.

Don't forget age. Children do not want a lot of spices, and the older generation will not appreciate newfangled dishes such as rolls, Chinese salads and carpaccio.

  • Wedding menu for 15 people. This is a modest wedding, where only relatives and close people are present. Such banquets can be quite arranged at home, cooked by yourself. You can cook 5 different salads or 2-3 salads, but in several dishes, so that it is convenient for everyone to take. Salads should have different ingredients. You don’t need to put just chicken or mushrooms everywhere in case someone doesn’t like something. Be sure to 2 hot ones, for the sake of economy, you can take a chicken. For snacks, any sandwiches, cheese and meat cuts are suitable. For dessert, you can offer a traditional cake, pastries, chocolate, ice cream, fruit jelly, muffins or any other sweets. Guests will enjoy fresh coffee brewed in a coffee maker.

  • Wedding menu for 20 people. It is already more difficult to accommodate 20 people at home if you do not have a cottage. Most often, modern newlyweds still prefer to rent cafes and restaurants. No need to cook, wash dishes, serve food on the table. To make it convenient for everyone to take food, divide each dish into 3 plates. It turns out that for every 6-7 guests you will have a salad, cold cuts, etc. Then you will not need to run to the other end of the table for the desired snack. Consider the gender of the guests. If there are more men than women, increase the amount of food. There must be 3 salads, several plates with various snacks: vegetables, cheese, meat, fish sausage, as well as 2 hot dishes (preferably meat and fish) and desserts. For such a large number of guests, it is better to have at least 10 bottles of wine and the same number of stronger drinks, as well as at least 5 liters of juice, not counting soda and mineral water.

  • Wedding menu for 30 people. This is still a small wedding, but already requiring the rental of a banquet hall. If you want to save money, then choose more budgetary products, and do not reduce portions. So, for example, you can replace pork chop with chicken, instead of red fish, choose cheaper varieties, pancakes will be inexpensive if you choose a simpler filling, canapes and various snacks will also help save money. Chicken can be cooked as you like - grilled legs, stuffed, baked, fried, stewed. Hot can be both portioned and shared, on a platter. The cake should be big enough for all the guests. Total weight - not less than 7.5 kg. In summer, instead of a cake, you can present ice cream with fruit.

  • Wedding menu for 40 people. Dinner for 40 people is not cheap. It is advisable to lay out snacks on small plates so that everyone can try everything and not reach far for food. Snacks include eggplant, fish and meat platter, pickled vegetables, olives, mushrooms. Among the inexpensive salads is "Capital" with chicken breast, potatoes, cucumber and green onions. For hot, you can serve pancakes with meat filling, chicken julienne, tobacco chicken, baked pike perch. Instead of a cake, you can make a pyramid of muffins, which show the initials of the newlyweds.

  • Wedding menu for 50 people in a cafe. It is not possible to organize a holiday of this magnitude at home, so it is better to entrust serving and cooking to professionals. You can make more snacks, put different types on the tables: liver with onions, breaded fish, sausage, meat, cheese, olives, beef tongue, stuffed prunes, aspic, sandwiches, stuffed eggs, salted fish. It is recommended to do hot portions for convenience. In the role of second courses, cabbage rolls, duck stuffed with apples, roast with mushrooms, and potatoes baked on coals will look great. The cake will have to be made large and multi-tiered, or offer cakes for every taste.

  • Wedding menu for 60 people in the restaurant. To save on a banquet, make chicken and fish hot. This is the most budget option, and everyone loves chicken and fish, which cannot be said, for example, lamb. For salads, Caesar with chicken, Meyerhold with tongue, apples and cheese, herring under a fur coat, vegetable salads are perfect. Among inexpensive snacks, one can single out pickled mushrooms with onions, a cheese plate, olives, chicken roll, sausage. The cake can be made in portions in the form of cupcakes or cakes.

  • Wedding menu for 80 people in summer. Summer is a fertile time for weddings. At this time, a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. If you have your own garden, then you can save a lot of money. Feeding so many guests is not easy. Salads should be at least 4 with various dressings and ingredients. You can make 1 or 2 vegetarian salads, such as Greek. This is a great option for summer. For hot, poultry and roast beef with a side dish of vegetables or rice, roast goose with stewed cabbage are suitable. There should be enough cake for everyone, so it will be big. It is also desirable to have a dessert table with all sorts of sweets, if suddenly someone considers a piece of cake too small.

  • Wedding menu in summer for 100 people. This is already a big wedding, where the banquet will take most of the entire holiday budget. If your guests are waiting for the arrival of the young, there should be a small buffet table with fruits, light snacks and champagne, then no one will get bored. The more you bring with you to the restaurant, the more you save. So, for example, you can make some snacks yourself, and instead of a cream cake, serve a light fruit dessert or ice cream in the summer. When calculating per 100 people, the savings will be tangible. Pies, sandwiches with caviar, meat rolls are suitable as snacks.

Wedding menu in nature

A summer wedding in nature has its pros and cons. It will not be easy to take waiters into nature, set up tables and get rid of insects. But what a beauty all around, birds sing, fresh air. Usually, outdoor banquets involve a small number of people, barbecues and a relaxing holiday. It will be difficult to think over a wedding menu for 60 people in nature, especially considering the complexity of food delivery.

The first rule of such a banquet is that snacks should be fresh and drinks should be cold. You are on a street where there is no air conditioning, so take care of a sufficient amount of ice or portable refrigerators in advance. It is better to refuse powdered juices, replacing them with natural lemonade or just water with ice and lemon slices.

There should be a lot of greens, fresh fruits, vegetables, berries on the table. For salads and snacks, it is advisable to choose lean fish, chicken, so as not to overload the body with fatty foods in the heat. Tarts, fresh vegetable canapés and olives are also welcome. For hot dishes, shish kebab from any meat, barbecue ribs, steaks, fish is perfect. Prepare sauces in advance for such a treat.

Cream cake for nature is not the best choice, preferably ice cream or fruit. For dessert, you can also serve shortbread baskets with jam or fruit mousse, soufflé and, of course, tea.

To prevent guests from feeling too tired in the heat after strong drinks, serve refreshing cocktails with ice and mint. You can even replace them with strong alcohol. Chilled sangria with fruit is the best way to go. The less alcohol there is, the easier and more fun the wedding will be. As you know, heat and strong drinks do not mix well.

Try to put more cold snacks on the table, they are often eaten with alcohol.