New Year's party in a nursery group with a fox. New Year in the nursery. Scenario

New Year in the nursery group. Scenario

New Year in the nursery. " Father Frost we are waiting for you"

Author Sayasova VV, teacher of the kindergarten "Kolosok", Shatkovsky district, Nizhny Novgorod region.
Description of the material. The material will be useful to educators of children younger age, music directors.
Target. To acquaint children with the New Year holiday in kindergarten.
Tasks. R develop children's speech, desire to participate in games, social and communicative qualities. Introduce children to the traditions of kindergarten. Cultivate self-confidence.
Preliminary work. Learning poems, songs, games.
Facilities. We use poems, an author's song, children's movements to music, a surprise moment - the appearance of new heroes, we use new author's games.
Group formation. In the nursery group New Year's celebration we spend in their group, decorated with garlands, tinsel, there is not a very large elegant Christmas tree with lights.

Leading. Look guys what beautiful tree we are on holiday. Toys on it are colored,
Bright, painted.
The lights on the Christmas tree are burning
How good the Christmas tree outfit!
We celebrate the New Year with you,
We invite everyone to visit.
Look how smart you are, how many animals we have: a spinning top, and a hare, and a fox ( names the children's costumes). And here is Teddy Bear.

Dramatization "Game with a bear"

Leading. Mishka came out of the den
The poor man's legs lay:
Squatting, stomping
And clapping his hands!
Scared all the animals
Who ran away into the forest.
Bunny gray lope yes lope
Skok yes skok in a dense forest (hiding under a tree)
“Oh, oh, oh,” cry the squirrels (foxes), -
Run away without looking back!
Children hide, except Mishka (squat around the Christmas tree)
Leading. Who flies and who runs
Who is trembling under the Christmas tree.
Where did you all run
And you didn't stay with Mishutka?
The bear is kind, not evil.
Bear. Dance with me!

Dance "We stood in a circle"

performed slowly so that the children have time to complete the movements:
1 We stood in a circle
We danced with Mishka.
We danced, we danced

Legs exposed!
Legs exposed!
2 Clapped their hands
They clapped a little.
We danced, we danced
Legs exposed!
Legs exposed!
3 Handles hidden behind the back
They shook their heads.
We danced, we danced
Legs exposed!
Legs exposed!
4 The hands were raised
The mouse was waved.
We danced, we danced
Legs exposed!
Legs exposed! (A. Anufrieva)
Leading. What good fellows, friendly guys! Only, it seems to me that we are missing someone at the holiday.
Who is on New Year's Eve
Are we carrying a big bag?
Who with a gray beard
Handing out gifts?
Children. Father Frost.
Leading. And so that Santa Claus comes as soon as possible, let's sing a song more cheerfully!

Children sing the song "Good Grandfather Frost"

Dear Santa Claus,
Do not freeze our ears, nose.
Bring gifts
Ah, gifts are sweet!
Dear Santa Claus,
He brought a Christmas tree from the forest.
Bring gifts
Ah, gifts are sweet!
After the song, knocks are heard, the Snowman runs in (a child from the older group).

Leading. Hello Snowman. And how did you get to us? We thought Santa Claus was coming to us.
Snowman. Hello guys. I ran away from the fox, she wanted to steal my carrot, that's how I got to you. What should I do? At night the fox will drag my nose while I sleep.
Leading. And you hide your nose at night.
Snowman. But I can't.
Leading. Let's guys teach the Snowman how to play hide and seek.
Children. Yes!
Leading. Snowman, give me your carrot, the children will hide it, and you try to find it.

Game "Hide and Seek"

The snowman gives the leader his nose. The host gives the carrot to the child (at the request of the children), he hides(according to the Christmas tree, under the high chair, the assistant teacher or music director helps the child), and all the other children close their eyes.
Then the Snowman and the children are looking for a carrot nose.
The game is repeated 2-3 times.
Snowman. Thank you for teaching! Now I'm not afraid of foxes. Are you waiting for Santa Claus?
Children. Yes.
Snowman. I'll run, I'll call Frost, I'll hurry him to you guys.
The snowman runs away, the sound of the staff is heard,

included Father Frost.
I hear, I hear, the children sing a song about me.
Hello my darlings
Hello my beautiful
Hello my dears,
The boys are cute!
The host and children greet Santa Claus.
Leading. We have been waiting for you Grandpa for a long time, we taught you poems, sang songs.
Father Frost. There are many children in the world, we must have time to congratulate everyone on the New Year. And I'm always glad to hear your poems.
Children read poetry.
Father Frost. Thanks for respecting the old man. Do you want to play with me?
Even though I'm old, I love to play with children!
Children. Yes.

The game "Frost - Red Nose"

Children and Frost stand on one side of the hall. Santa Claus says:
I'm Frost - Red nose!
Which one of you decides
On the way, the path to go?
Children (answer). We are not afraid of threats, and we are not afraid of Frost.
After that, they run away to the other side of the hall, and Frost tries to catch them - freeze them. (The game is repeated 2-3 times.)
Father Frost. Hey guys! Well, such children cannot be left without gifts.
Santa Claus and the presenter distribute gifts to children. Santa Claus says goodbye to the children, leaves.
Happy New Year!

Scenario of the New Year's holiday

"The lights are on the tree"

(1 junior group)

Children in a flock enter the elegant hall with bells in their hands and stop in front of a smart Christmas tree.
Children, look what a smart Christmas tree we have,
beautiful, how many toys, balls, crackers are on it,
Painted red ball
Here is a golden lantern,
Here is a white icicle
Here is a ripe carrot
And now look, children, there is a candy hanging on the branches!
This Santa Claus brought the Christmas tree to the children!
Shall we play with the Christmas tree?
Children. Yes!
Leading. What about singing?
Children's answer
Leading. What about dancing?
Children's answer
Leading. What about being bored?
Children's answer

Leading. But you know what we forgot to do? Say hello to the tree. And how can you say hello to the tree?
Children (choose the best) Dear, good, beloved! Hello dear tree!
Leading. Our Christmas tree is beautiful
Why is she sad?
Why doesn't he meet us
And the lights do not sparkle?
Guys, what do you think we need to do to cheer up the Christmas tree?
Children think aloud.We have to come up with something extraordinary.
play, have fun
All the children gathered here
And you, beautiful Christmas tree,
They sing their song.

Round dance "Herringbone" (beads shine on the Christmas tree ...)

Leading. Look at the guys with colored eyes,
We will ask you: “Christmas tree, burn!”

(lights don't come on)
The lights didn't come on, apparently there's nothing unusual about that.
I want to offer you
Poetry tell for the Christmas tree.

1. Here is our bright Christmas tree
Our whole Christmas tree is lit up with stars.
2. Golden rain curls on the Christmas tree,
Cute Christmas tree have fun with you
3. The Christmas tree glows with lights
Near our Christmas tree we will meet with friends
4. Christmas tree, prickly branches
Very, very kind and not at all sly.
5. We all live happily, play cheerfully,
And we dance and sing, we celebrate the New Year.


Clap, clap, speak, our Christmas tree is on fire


Our Christmas tree is standing, the lights are all on fire.
And the children will blow and the lights will go out(children blow, lights go out)

Our Christmas tree stands, does not burn with lights.
Clap, clap, speak, our Christmas tree is on fire!
(children clap, Christmas tree lights up)

Presenter: We will sing near the Christmas tree, we will start a round dance!

Christmas tree lights up

Leading. Happy New Year, moms!
Happy New Year Dad!
Happy holiday
We are very glad to see you

round dance
(sit on chairs)

What a miracle the tower is - it is not low, not high.
Everything sparkles and glitters, frost lies on the porch.
Who lives in it: birds, animals?
We'd better knock on the door.
Knock-Knock! Teremok, open the lock as soon as possible.
We are standing on the porch, and we want to enter it.
No one is answering us. No one meets us!?
What's the house on the track?
He is unfamiliar to me.
Well, now I'm in the window
I'll take a look with one eye.
(Looks out the window.)
This house is interesting
This house is not simple.
I'll call once
Whose voice will I hear?
(Rings the bell.)

Snow Maiden (leaves the house):
In this house of yours
We live together with grandfather,
And we are not afraid of the cold.
We are glad to frosty days.
There is no stove in our house.
Grandfather is afraid of the light.
Fire and I'm afraid
After all, I'm called the Snow Maiden.
I, the Snow Maiden, will sing my song to the bell,
And, having heard my voice, a swarm of snowflakes will fly.

Dance of the Snow Maiden with snowflakes.

Snow Maiden dances with children)

Snow Maiden:
And on our Christmas tree
How many different animals.
Quickly get down from the branch.
Little kids are waiting for you here!

The Snow Maiden walks around the children
Here is a frisky hare, here is a clubfoot bear, a cat ... How many little animals here came to the New Year tree.

Oh, hear someone coming?? (knock)

Look, guys, this is Petrushka coming to visit us.

Petrushka comes out to the music

Presenter: Hello, Petrushka!

Hello guys! Thanks for inviting me to the party! I love to have fun, dance and play!

(walks around the tree)

Oh, guys, look, there are a lot of rattles under the Christmas tree - this is probably the Christmas tree wants us to turn into little musicians.

Take the rattles, let's play for the Christmas tree.

Rattle dance

Knock on the door.

Presenter: Guys, hear someone knocking, probably someone came to us, Let's see. (going to open the door)

The snowman comes out.


I love to play, sing songs and dance!

I am not a simple snowman, I am cheerful, mischievous!

I'm not small and I'm not big!


I heard from friends

From all forest animals

What did you decorate the Christmas tree

Everyone was invited to the party

I brought a bag of snowballs

I want to play with you.

I'll throw snowballs high
Snowballs will fly far.
And the guys will collect snowballs

And they will play with them.

Dance-game "Snowballs"

And the guys will collect snowballs
And they will bring it to me in a bag.

Snow Maiden:

All of you hold hands
Stand around the tree.
Let's start a round dance
Soon, soon the New Year!

round dance

Leading. Snow Maiden, what is in your basket?

Snow Maiden. I walk around the room, show everyone the rings.
I'll throw them, look, come on, kids, catch.

Dance game: "Rings"
Children sat on chairs

Leading. Snow Maiden, we sang and danced for you, but we have not yet seen the gifts. Did you bring gifts for the kids?
Snow Maiden.
I will give gifts to everyone
I won't cheat anyone.
You come to me one by one
(gives gifts to children)

Snow Maiden.
Happy New Year
Joy, good wishes
Festive fun, joy,
Happy New Year, everyone, everyone, everyone!

New Year's party for the 1st junior group. Scenario "New Year's mittens"

Ivleva Irina Mikhailovna, music director of MBDOU DS No. 93, Chelyabinsk.
Material Description: The material will be of interest to educators and music directors when organizing a New Year's party with younger children preschool age.
Target: Creation festive mood in children.
Tasks: Disclose Creative skills children through different kinds musical activity.
Promote the development of positive emotions.
Characters: Presenter, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden
Bear, Chanterelle - children of the senior group
Children: Bunny boys, Snowflake girls
Children enter the hall to the music, the Christmas tree is already lit with lights.
1. Login
Leading: New Year's holiday
There is a knock on our door.
invites to the tree
Have fun everyone.
Let's go look at the tree
How the beauty shines!
Hello dear tree!
We like you very much! (Children look at the Christmas tree)
Leading: Guys, let's play with the Christmas tree.
Our Christmas tree is standing
All the lights are on fire
And the heels are stuck
And the lights go out. (Children stomp, lights go out)
And now look -
All lights went out.
Clap, clap, say:
"Our Christmas tree - burn!" (Children clap and lights go on)
Host: It's New Year's Eve!
Let's start the round dance!
Let's go around the Christmas tree
Let's sing a ringing song.
2. Song "Our tree"
After a round dance with a song, the children pass and sit on chairs. The presenter notices a mitten lying under the tree, picks it up.
Leading: Oh, look, guys, what lies under the Christmas tree.
Mitten... here's another one, (bends over and picks up each mitten)
And there are only three under the tree!
Come on, kids, look
Maybe yours? So take it!
The leader goes around the children, shows everyone his find,
but no one recognizes the mittens.
Leading: Who danced at the Christmas tree, lost his mitten?
Chanterelle runs out from behind the Christmas tree.
Foxy: Hello guys!
Near the Christmas tree I danced
Lost my mitten!
Leading: Get a mitten,
Don't lose her again!
And let's, kids, sing a song for Chanterelle!
Foxy, listen and look.
3. Song-game "Hares and Chanterelle"
Host (shows the second mitten): I wonder whose mitten is this?
Who else danced here
Lost your mitten?
A clumsy bear runs out from behind the Christmas tree.
Bear-toed: Hello, guys!
Near the Christmas tree I danced
Lost my mitten!
Leading: Get a mitten,
Don't lose her again!
The host approaches the bear-toed, puts a mitten on his paw. The clumsy bear thanks for the mitten and waddles, lies down under the tree and pretends to fall asleep.
Host: Look, guys, at the bear.
How to put on a mitten
The bear immediately snored.
Is it possible, Mishka, to sleep?
We want to play with you!
4. The game "Bear".
Host: (shows everyone the third mitten):
Look, kids, this is the most beautiful mitten!
Who lost her? The Snow Maiden enters.
5. Song of the Snow Maiden.
Snow Maiden: I am the Snow Maiden, all children have been friends with me for a long time.
I love frost and wind and snowstorms in winter!
I know all the animals in the forest, I make friends with them!
I sing songs loudly and slide easily on the ice!
Host: Hello, Snow Maiden!
We are so glad to see you at our celebration.
Snow Maiden: How beautiful you all are and the Christmas tree is very elegant!
A different toys how much is on it!
Ten balls hang here, and twenty-five lanterns,
Eight golden cones, six blue icicles,
There are also exactly six birds, but you can’t count them all!
Host: Indeed! How do you know this?
Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost brought a Christmas tree to the children,
And I dressed up the Christmas tree - (Snow Maiden looks around)
Lost my mitten!
Host (shows her the last mitten): Isn't this one?
Snow Maiden (joyfully): This one, this one! Found my glove!
Leading: To pick up a mitten, you must dance for us.
Snow Maiden: I will dance with all my heart with you, kids!
Girls perform the snowflake dance.

6. Dance of Snowflakes.
Snow Maiden: Oh, what fun you have at the holiday!
But something my Santa Claus is delayed.
He must have gotten lost.
Let's ask the bunny and the clubfoot bear to run to the meeting
to Santa Claus, and we will call him for now.
He will hear and come to us for the feast.
The host escorts the bunny and the clubfoot bear, and the children and adults call:
All in unison: Grandfather Frost, ay, ay, ay!!!
7. Exit Santa Claus.
Santa Claus: Hello my dears!
Hello my pretty ones!
Oh, how smart you are
All ruddy yes okay.
All: Hello, Santa Claus.
Santa Claus: I am very happy today
What came to you kindergarten.
I invite you to our tree
Everyone - both adults and children!

8. Round dance "Santa Claus".
Santa Claus: I'm guys old grandfather, me guys, many years,
But as soon as I come to the Christmas tree, I start the games right away!
I brought you snowballs in a basket,
Now we will play with them.
I will throw snowballs high, they will fly far,
And the guys will collect snowballs and bring me a basket.
9. Snowball fight
Grandfather Frost: Guys, are you afraid of frost? And I'll check it out now!
10. The game "I will freeze."
1.Show your hands, they love to dance
I'll freeze them now, we need to clean the handles!
2. Show your legs, legs love to dance
I'll freeze them now, I need to remove the legs!
3. Show your ears, ears love to dance
I'll freeze them now, I need to clean the ears!
4. Show your cheeks, cheeks love to dance.
I'll freeze them now, I need to clean the cheeks!
Today I am very cheerful and I am friends with the guys,
I won’t freeze anyone, I won’t catch anyone!
Father Frost: Well, they played well!
Are you guys tired?
Sit down, take a rest
And tell me poetry.
Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, I love all the guys,
I give them rattles.
Take the rattles
Have fun dancing with them!
11 Playing with rattles.
Snow Maiden: Grandpa, did you like our dance?
Now you get up and play with the guys.
12. The game "Magic Staff".
1. I walk, I wander through the forest,
I have a magic staff.
Knock loudly three times
I will turn children into bunnies!
(Santa Claus knocks with a staff, the children perform the appropriate movements)
2. I will knock loudly three times,
I will turn children into foxes!
3. I will knock loudly three times,
I will turn children into horses!
4. I will knock loudly three times,
I will turn everyone into bear cubs!
Grandfather Frost: How much fun you have, but it's time for me to get ready,
yes, go on the road!
Snow Maiden: Wait, Grandfather Frost, have you forgotten something?
Santa Claus: Forgot what?
Did Santa Claus play with children?
Did you dance near the Christmas tree? Did you sing songs?
Did you make the kids laugh? What else have I forgotten?
Snow Maiden: Gifts.
Santa Claus: No! After all, I cheerful grandfather Frost brought gifts to everyone!
My friends, you go out, bring gifts for the children.
(Bear cub and Chanterelle on a sled take out gifts)
Distribution of gifts
Grandfather Frost: I brought you gifts for everyone kind grandfather Freezing!
It's a pity, friends, we must say goodbye, it's time for everyone to go home!
Grandfather Frost, Snegurochka, Chanterelle and Teddy Bear wave to the guys and leave the hall.
Leading: Goodbye, Santa Claus,
Goodbye, tree
We will not forget a happy New Year for a long time!
To the cheerful music, the children and the teacher leave the room.

Marina Viktorovna
Scenario of the New Year for children of the first junior group

NEW YEAR - manger, 1 ml. gr.

There is a tree in the hall, a house next to it, a telephone by the house. On the other hand, the screen

Children run into the hall to the music in a chain

Leading How smartly the hall is decorated, everyone here really likes it.

And we admire our beautiful Christmas tree!

But, something does not burn the tree and does not shine with lights?

Let's light the lights on it, the holiday will be more fun!

I will reveal a big secret, repeat everything after me.

As the heels stomp, so the lights will light up.

(stomp, tree lights up)

If we need to extinguish the lights on the Christmas tree,

Then we will blow together, on coniferous needles.

(blow, the tree goes out)- play 2 times

The Christmas tree was dressed up for the holiday, lit up with lights.

All of them shine, sparkle, children are invited to visit.

Let's dance at the green Christmas tree,

We green Christmas tree let's sing a song.


Leading - All the guys like the Christmas tree.

You run to the chairs, look at our Christmas tree from afar

Children sit down

Host - Oh, guys, and next to our Christmas tree there is a teremok ....

I'll go to the tower, who lives there, I'll look (knocking)

Who lives in the teremochka?

The Snow Maiden comes out to the music, dances

Host - Oh, yes, this is the Snow Maiden!

Snegur - Hello guys! As there are many people in the hall, a glorious holiday will be here,

So, right, they told me that the guys were waiting for me.

We will dance with you near the Christmas tree

And a holiday Celebrate New Year's at the Christmas tree.

The Snow Maiden came to you for the holiday New Year's phone brought.

We will call him, invite guests to the holiday.

It is worth pressing the button, Who will we meet?

Picks up the phone as if pressing buttons (dials a phone number)

Snegur - Hello! Is that a bunny, little coward?

Hurry up and run to our kindergarten, the kids are waiting by the Christmas tree.

The BUNNY appears to the music.

HARE - I, a hare in a white coat, ran to you from the forest.

Hearing about the invitation, I immediately jumped to you.

And don't forget about the gift beautiful box took with him.

A box appears on the screen, the Snow Maiden takes it.

Opens the box, shows - musical instruments.

Snegur - Here, guys, musical hammers, bells, tambourines

They rattle very cheerfully, and the children are amused.

You guys run out and start playing them.

ORCHESTRA with Music. Tools - 1 ml. gr. (Bunnies)

HOST - Zainka, we say thank you, and from the bottom of our hearts thank you.

Happy New Year, and we give you a carrot.

The presenter gives a carrot to Bunny.

BUNNY - Pleased, beauty, I love carrots very much.

Well, it's time for me to run, decorate the Christmas tree at home. (runs away)

Snegur - We'll call the phone, invite more guests. (calling)

Hello! Is that a gray wolf? Come visit my friend.

But, just don’t scare the kids, but play by the Christmas tree.

The VOLCHOK appears to the music.

TOP - And here I am, I came, the top, of course, a gray barrel.

I will not scare anyone, but I will play with you.

And I didn’t forget about the gift, I took the box with me.

A box appears on the screen

Snegur - We will open the box and find out what is inside.

Opens the box, and there are snowballs

And in the box there are snowballs, like white koloboks.

We love to play snowballs and throw them at each other.


(1 - the nursery is collected, brought. 2 - 1 ml. - thrown at each other, brought)

LEADING - Top, you made us happy, this new year's hour.

Happy New Year, we give you pies.

The presenter gives a basket of pies to the Wolf cub.

VOLCHOK - Thank you friends for the pies, I will not stay hungry.

Well, it's time for me to hurry, to decorate the Christmas tree for the holiday.

Snegur - Goodbye! I'll call the phone again, and again invite guests to us.

Hello! This is a fox - Fox, the beauty of the whole forest?

Come visit us soon, the kids are waiting by the Christmas tree.

FOX appears to the music

FOX - I, Chanterelle, a red tail, will stand closer to the Christmas tree.

I am so kind today that you invited me to the holiday.

And, of course, I didn’t forget about the gift, I took a wonderful box with me.

A box appears on the screen. The Snow Maiden takes her.

Snegur - We will open the box and find out what is inside.

Opens the box, and there are rattles in it

Snegur - Rattles Chanterelle, brought the guys,

They shine, sparkle, just beautiful.

We'll take all the rattles, we'll start a dance with them.


Host - Chanterelle, we say thank you, and from the bottom of our hearts thank you.

Happy New Year, and we give you candy.

The host gives candy to Chanterelle.

FOX - I love sweets very much, thank you my friends.

I'll run home soon, but I'll decorate the Christmas tree. (runs away)

HOST - Who else should we invite?

Snegur - We will call him now, invite him to visit the guys.

Hello! Santa Claus? You rather come to us and grab gifts.

And we, guys, let's clap our hands together,

Let's stomp our feet and call Santa Claus.

Santa Claus - Wow! I'm coming! I'm in a hurry to you guys! (included)

Hello kids, girls and boys!

Hello my granddaughter Snow Maiden.

Happy New Year, I wish you happiness and joy.

Well, the Christmas tree, just a miracle, it is very beautiful!

How toys, cones, balls, crackers shine on it!

You come to the Christmas tree, sing and dance to Grandfather Frost!


"I will play with the children" - musical game with Santa Claus

(children stand in a circle, Santa Claus walks inside the circle and sings

to the motive "Ladies" or just talking)

1. I will play with the children - I start to conjure!

I turn everyone into bunnies ...

Dance, I allow! Children jump like rabbits

D. M. - Well done! Good bunnies!

2. I will play with the children - I start to conjure!

I turn everyone into bears ...

Swing, I allow! Swinging, spinning around

3. I will play with the children - I start to conjure!

I turn everyone into blueberries ...

Fly, let me go! On toes, flapping their wings, jumping, pecking

4. I will play with the children - I start to conjure!

I turn everyone into snowdrifts ... I allow snow to fall!

Children approach D.M. and squat down

D. M. - These are the snowdrifts I piled up! And now…

Beware, friends! I will freeze you!

(blowing, everyone runs to the chairs)

D.M. - Oh, I'm tired, I'll sit down and look at the guys.

Leading - Sit down, grandfather, rest. And we will rest a little, read poems to grandfather.

D. M. - We are all very well, fun today,

Because a holiday has come to us New Year!

You guys go out and dance at the Christmas tree.

BABY - PENCILS (sit down)

Snegur - Grandpa! All the guys made us laugh today and new Year gifts deserved.

D. M. - Very much I I love children. And whom I love, I give gifts to those. Where is my treasured bag? (Pulls out a small bag)

Snegur- Grandfather, this is not the same bag, because all the gifts for the guys will not fit in it.

D. M. - That's right, granddaughter. But I'm also a wizard. Close your eyes, expect a miracle.

(children close their eyes)

You are a bag, grow, fill up with treats!

The Christmas tree has a big bag with gifts.


D. M. - You sang, danced, played very cheerfully.

Well guys, we've got to go.

Snegur - Goodbye, friends!

Everyone says THANK YOU! GOODBYE!

Irina Abrosimova
Scenario New Year's party in the nursery group "Hello, Santa Claus"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution№87 Kindergarten "Smile"

New Year's party in the nursery


Developed: Abrosimova Irina Petrovna

music director

Ulan-Ude, 2015

Children enter the hall to the music "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"

caregiver: Children, look what beautiful Christmas tree "grew" in our hall.

The children look at the tree.

caregiver: Kids, look what beautiful balls hanging on the tree, both large and small.

The Snow Maiden leads into the hall to the music.

Snow Maiden: Hello, kids! My name is Snegurochka, I am the granddaughter of Grandfather frost. We live in fairy forest far, far north. Every year we grandfather we come to obedient, good kids and congratulations them Happy New Year and give them gifts. What you are all smart, beautiful, funny! And the Christmas tree is so decorated! And there are flashlights! But why don't they burn? You need to blow on the Christmas tree, and the lanterns will light up.

Children blow on the Christmas tree, but the lanterns do not light up.

Snow Maiden: Kids, let's clap our hands! (children clapping)

And now let's sink say: "One, two, three - the Christmas tree burn!"

Children stomp, talk and the lights on the Christmas tree light up.

caregiver: Snow Maiden, our children know a song about a Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden: How good, let's sing!

Children sing a song « New Year's round dance» . They sit on chairs.

Bunny appears, runs around the Christmas tree and stops.

Bunny: Oh, what a Christmas tree - green needles. And the balls are beautiful and the lanterns are burning. Yes, it's a party for the kids!

Hello, kids! Hello, Snow Maiden! I am a cheerful Bunny. I jumped through the forest and hit the Christmas tree! Come out to me, kids, I'll teach you how to dance. This dance is not easy, this dance is groovy!

Children perform "Winter dance"(music by M. Starokadomsky, lyrics by O. Vysotskaya, sit on chairs.

Bunny: Snow Maiden, our children are so smart for the holiday and I also want to be smart! Tie me please beautiful bow on the neck.

The Snow Maiden decorates the Bunny with a bow around her neck.

Bunny A: Well, that's a completely different matter. Oh, but I have something!

The bunny runs behind the Christmas tree and rings a rattle, comes out.

Bunny: Kids, guess what I brought you?

caregiver: (helps kids) Yes, those are rattles!

Children are given rattles and they dance "Playing with rattles" (music by A. Lazarenko, lyrics by O. Vysotskaya). Children sit on chairs. The Snow Maiden treats the Bunny with a carrot.

Bunny: And what, Santa Claus hasn't come yet?

Snow Maiden: Maybe, Santa Claus, somewhere along the way was delayed.

Bunny: What to do?

Snow Maiden: And now we will sing a song with the kids, Santa Claus will hear us and come.

Children with the help of adults sing a song "Grandfather Freezing» (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina)

Bunny: Something our Santa Claus is not coming!

Snow Maiden: Our grandfather old and hard of hearing, and now we will call him together and loudly!

Everyone is calling: Santa Claus!

Grandfather appears Freezing.

Grandfather Freezing: I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm in a hurry to you, kids. Oh, how beautiful, elegant you are. And the Christmas tree is so good, and there are lanterns under the Christmas tree. Take them, kids, we will dance with them.

Children dance dance "Lanterns" (melody and lyrics by A. Matlina)

Grandfather Freezing: Well, well done, guys, well done! Oh, and my legs are asking to dance! Clap your hands, I'll dance! Bunny, help!

To the music of "Lady" Grandfather Frost and Bunny are dancing, children clap their hands.

Grandfather Freezing: And now I have you I will freeze!

caregiver: Kids, run away from Grandpas on chairs!

Grandfather Frost sits on a chair.

Grandfather Freezing: Oh, I'm tired, tired and the guys did not catch up.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, kids are waiting for gifts from you!

Grandfather Freezing: I know that you are waiting for gifts. I carried them in a big bag. But a blizzard began, and the bag was covered with snow. I barely got out on my own. Here is a magic bell for you, take it and go look for it. Where the bell rings, there lies the bag.

The Snow Maiden takes the bell and calls the kids and the Bunny to look for a bag of gifts. They look under the chairs, look under the tree. They go further and see a large snowdrift. This is where the bell rings. The Snow Maiden invites children to clear a snowdrift from snowflakes. Children remove snowflakes and find a bag with gifts. Snow Maiden passes the bag Santa Claus and he distributes gifts to children.

caregiver: Kids, come on. Say thanks grandpa for gifts.

Grandfather Freezing: Grow big, don't get sick and listen to dad and mom!

Snow Maiden: In a year we will come to visit you again!

Grandfather Freezing: Snow Maiden, we have to go. After all, other children are waiting for us! And you, Bunny, it's time to go home to the forest.

Bunny: Goodbye!

Snow Maiden: Bye, kids!

Grandfather Freezing: Goodbye, kids!