How to make a bear out of plasticine. Plasticine bear. Plasticine bear step by step with a photo

To introduce your child to subject modeling means to educate him in positive qualities and skills, such as perseverance, patience, fine motor skills and spatial imagination. It is these exciting lessons that give the most positive results. It is incredibly interesting for kids to participate in the process of turning ordinary plasticine blocks into fantastic products. An inquisitive sculptor will definitely bring the work he has started to the end, because he will be interested in getting a finished masterpiece. And parents should make modeling as comfortable as possible, helping the child in every possible way and expressing words of praise for all the actions of the baby.

To help adults and young sculptors, this photo lesson on sculpting a bear from plasticine is given. Guided by the instructions given, children and their parents will be able to very quickly create a completely believable clubfoot representative of the fauna.

How to mold a bear from plasticine

In this work, it is possible to mold a bright colored craft or a monochrome product. You can mold a bear from white, black, orange, brown plasticine or combinations of these shades, and it’s also not forbidden to fool around a little by using absolutely fantastic colors. Here it is shown how to turn an ordinary brown block of plasticine into a forest sweet tooth. In addition to the brown bar, also take a plastic stack.

Cut off a little plasticine from the bar, knead it in your hands. Roll up the ball. To save material, place a walnut or chestnut inside the ball.

Gently pull out one side of the balloon to make a bear nose.

Stick a miniature black triangle on the tip of the spout, attach round ears to the top of the head.

Make neat slits in place of the eyes and insert black crumbs into them, mark the mouth of the bear with a stack.

Spend most of the plasticine bar on sculpting the torso of a clubfoot animal. Make a careless oval. At this stage, you can also save plasticine and place an acorn or nut inside the part.

Fasten the head and torso by pressing hard on the soft plasticine.

Divide the remaining plasticine into 4 portions and make the front and hind legs of a bear out of them.

Attach the paws to the craft, bend them so that the bear becomes stable, but remains clubfoot.

Attach a very small ponytail to the back.

To make the bear furry, streak the entire surface of the plasticine on the body with the tip of the stack.

The plasticine bear is ready. Such a craft has every chance of becoming a favorite creation of a young sculptor.

Almost every child has a favorite teddy bear with which he can play throughout the day. Today's master class will tell you how to mold a copy of a teddy bear from ordinary plasticine. After completing all the steps indicated in the lesson, you will get a fun toy that you can play with. The modeling process is very simple, so the child will be able to do most of the work on his own.

So, for sculpting a bear, we will prepare some materials:

  • plasticine brown, blue and beige;
  • plastic knife;
  • small nail scissors;
  • skewer or toothpick.

How to make a bear out of plasticine

Step 1. Cut off a small piece of mass from a brown block of plasticine and roll it into a ball.

Step 2. Next, squeeze the top of the ball a little and gradually pull it out to get this figure.

The body of the bear is ready.

Step 3. Roll up another ball of the same diameter as the previous blank.

The head is ready.

Step 4. From light brown plasticine we form the muzzle of the animal. First, we roll up a miniature lump of mass, and then flatten it and give it an oval shape. Glue the muzzle blank to the bottom of the head.

Step 5 We also blind a couple of ears. Flatten the brown ball and cut it in half.

Before we attach the ears, we will make the main lines on the head to define the center.

After that, glue them, stepping back the same distance from the center.

Step 6 We connect all the manufactured parts.

Step 7. Next, we blind two pairs of bear paws. We roll a ball of brown tone into a sausage, divide it in half and form paws in the form of a droplet from the resulting bars.

Step 8 Now let's dress the bear in a sweater. To create it, you need blue plasticine. Roll out a piece of mass into a strip of uniform thickness. We bend its edge on any side.

We wrap the torso of the bear with the workpiece, adjusting the fold of the collar in the process.

We connect the strip on the back of the craft. We carefully cut it off, and smooth the junction with a plastic knife and fingers.

Step 9. We create sleeves separately, from blue stripes of a smaller size. We process the paws with them, cut off the excess and overwrite the seam.

We fix a pair of paws on the base.

Step 10. Then you need to attach the lower paws.

Step 11. We complement the pads of the large paws and the inside of the ears with light brown details.

Step 12. We create a nose from blue plasticine, and then place it on the muzzle.

There are several types of bears, and the most popular among them are brown and polar bears. In one of the previous master classes, we showed how to mold a brown bear, so today's lesson we will devote to creating a white one. Let's create a bear in a cartoon image, which will greatly simplify the sculpting process. Thanks to this, even a beginner can blind a polar bear.

So, for work you will need:

  • white, black plasticine to create a bear;
  • red and green plasticine for decorating crafts;
  • handy plastic knife or stack;
  • toothpick or match.

DIY steps

Step 1. Let's start modeling by creating a head. Cut off a piece of white mass and give it an oval shape. After that, we flatten the top of the workpiece a little so that the part acquires a more regular shape.

Step 2. Next, we fashion a drop-shaped large torso. We press the top of the workpiece, creating recesses for the head. In the center of the recess we fix a piece of toothpick and attach the head. Immediately adjust the tilt and turn of the head.

Step 3. From two pieces of plasticine we create large hind legs. We attach them to the lower part of the body. We also glue a small round tail to the body.

Step 4. Before attaching the front pair of paws, you need to mold a decorative element of the craft - a scarf and attach it to the bear's neck. We roll up two sausages of red and green color, connect them, as shown in the photo and flatten.

We fix the colored strip on the craft, cut off the excess mass and cut its ends with a stack.

Step 5. Now we attach the front drop-shaped paws. Let's make them smaller in order to maintain the proportionality of the animal.

Step 6. We make the face of the bear convex with the help of an oval cake. We attach it to the head and decorate it with a large black nose. On the top of the head we place a couple of small rounded ears.

Step 7. We finalize the face of the animal: glue two black eyes, draw eyebrows, create highlights and a mouth line.

Bear with your own hands. Master class with step by step photos

Master Class. Bear toy (clay or plasticine modeling)

The master class is prepared for children aged 8 to 13

The bear, for making it at the master class, was not chosen by chance. First, it's a toy. Toys for children were created thousands of years ago. Through a game, a toy, children learn the world. Secondly, a handmade toy is a way of self-affirmation, receiving a lot of positive emotions. And, thirdly, the fact that the Bear is a symbol of Russia is known almost all over the world. The bear is a natural symbol, the personification of the character of Russia, its history, nature, etc. It is he who is the embodiment of strength, prowess, confidence - the qualities of a Russian person. Since the most ancient times, the bear has had a special attitude, and he was considered the owner of the forest, he was called a father and a grandfather ... And how many fairy tales about him are composed! Don't count everyone! The bear was the totem animal of many Slavic tribes. The old Russian name for a bear is Ber (hence the “lair”, i.e. Ber’s lair). It is no coincidence that the words derived from it are: protect, shore, amulet. Nicknames also reflect the theme of kinship with him: father, grandfather, uncle, Mikhail Potapych, owner. And now the bear is either chosen as the Olympic symbol, or as the official image of a political party.
Master class objectives:
1. Introduce one of the symbols of Russia - the Bear.
2. Master the technology of making a toy - a bear from clay (plasticine)
- Search for information and its systematization.
- Development of a conversation.
- Development of a master class for making a bear.
Master class form: conversation, practical work.
And so, let's get started...
For work we need:

1. Finished toy - Bear.
2. Clay
3. Stacks (wooden knife)
4. Napkins
5. Cups of water
6. Oilcloths for modeling
There are three main ways to sculpt clay. The first method is a plastic method, when the whole product is molded from one piece of clay, “pulled out”. The second way is constructive. When using this method, all parts of the product, such as arms, legs, ears, etc., are molded separately and then connected to each other. And finally, the third way is combined. It uses plastic and constructive methods. We will sculpt our Bear in a combined way.
1. To begin with, we take a piece of clay or plasticine, knead it until a homogeneous mass.

2. Divide our piece of clay into two unequal parts. One part is bigger, one is smaller.

3. The one that is smaller we put aside, and from the big one we roll up the “sausage”.

4. Cut the lower part of the “sausage” with a stack. These will be our Bear's hind legs, or "legs". Sculpt "legs"

5. In the upper part, we outline the neck, form the head and stretch the bear's face with our fingers, sculpt the ears

6. Now let's take the remaining piece of clay to make front paws, or "hands" out of it. We roll up the “sausage”, divide it into two parts and, in turn, “attach” it to the Bear’s body, first one, then the other.

7. Our Bear is almost ready! It remains to “cover over” the cracks and fashion the tail.
8. We blind the tail separately and glue it on the back

9. Now our bear is ready!

10. Now you can dream up and mold a Bear or Bear cub for our Bear. When they dry (if clay modeling), they can be painted with gouache or acrylic paints. Look what wonderful Bears we got! We all did the same work, sculpted from the same material. But the bears are different. This suggests that we are all different, with our own characters, habits, features, and each of us put a piece of his soul into his work. This is what hand-made souvenirs are good for.

All good fellows. Thank you for your work. See you soon!

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This lesson shows how to sculpt a bear step by step. Such information may be needed by novice sculptors who want to mold any animal figurine from plasticine.

The bear can be made an exact copy of a plush toy or you can view the image of a real animal on the Internet. In any case, the child will definitely enjoy the process of turning ordinary unsightly blocks into a unique DIY craft. Plasticine modeling is a hobby that can captivate the whole family. To work, you need a little - plasticine, a stack and a modeling board.

Other lessons on the theme of forest animals:

Step by step photo lesson:

The bear can be brown, white or black, even gray plasticine is suitable for sculpting a believable beast. Prepare the material that is available. It is advisable to combine two identical shades - lighter and darker. After the colors are matched, pinch off two portions and roll into balls: light - small, dark - large.

Stick one part on another, turn a small ball into a tubercle. Flatten the main ball with your fingers, setting the outlines of the bear's head.

Stick a black nose on the protruding part, add balls-eyes to the muzzle.

Make a mouth with a stack. Attach round ears to the top of the head, also combining cakes of the appropriate shape from different shades of plasticine.

Next, proceed to the creation of the body, it is advisable to make it plump to show that the sweet tooth of the bear loves honey very much. The shape of the body can be a drop, a ball or a cylinder. Stick a lighter cake of the same shape on the front.

Connect the head and body.

Attach two tortillas to the bottom of the torso as paws. Stick pads from lighter dots on your feet.

Pull two parts of dark plasticine into rollers and attach to the places of the hands, bend as you wish.

The bear figurine will be unfinished without a small tail. Attach a ball in its place.

Now you can brag to your friends with a new toy made by yourself. As you can see, making a plasticine bear is very simple, the main thing is perseverance, patience and a little creativity.