Funny scenes at the corporate party of a preschool worker. Cool script for the day of a preschool worker in a team

corporate toasts

As G.K. Lichtenberg, "services should be demanded from people according to their capabilities, and not according to our desire." In this regard, I propose to drink for the fact that our desires always coincide with their capabilities!

I respect business people, their inexhaustible energy, hard work, creative streak, courage, ability to take risks and overcome all difficulties on the way. Everything I have said applies to the hero of today's celebration. So let's raise our glasses to him, to his success in the whirlpool of life!

The Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius said: "We are people, born to help each other, as the hand helps the hand, the leg - the leg, and the upper jaw - the lower."
I propose a toast to our mutual assistance, to our friendship!

corporate toasts

Accused Sidorov, have you not noticed that this is not your purse?
- How, citizen judge, noticed! I also thought, how did my money end up in someone else's wallet?
So let's drink to the fact that our money is always in place!

Ivanov, is it your prisoner who escaped?
- Yes.
So you let him out?
- He opened the door himself.
- Where did he get the key from?
- This is my.
Did he steal your key?
- No, he won it honestly in cards.
So let's drink to honest people!

The shoe company sent two salespeople to Central Africa to conduct market research.
A few days later two telegrams arrived.
“Things are bad,” said the first agent, “everyone walks around barefoot.”
“We are waiting for big profits,” writes the second, “here everyone walks barefoot.”
Let's raise our glasses to the optimists!

"What is a pineapple?" - asked one Caucasian. He was not taken aback: "Do you know apples? Do you know lemons? Do you know persimmons? Do you know watermelon? So pineapple is not like that at all."
Let me ask, "What is a businessman?" And to answer himself: "You know a coward? You know a penny? You know a lazy person? You know a stupid one? So it's quite the opposite!"
Let's drink for us! So that all our undertakings are accompanied by good luck!

corporate toasts

American public figure Booker Washington said: "Success should be measured not so much by the position that a person has achieved in life, but by the obstacles that he has overcome in achieving success."
If we proceed from the obstacles that we had to overcome and have to overcome in business in our country, then our successes, colleagues, can be characterized as colossal. For us, gentlemen! For our future achievements!

The Chinese sage Xu Xuemo wrote: “Wealth and nobility do not run after an exalted husband, because he himself does not run after them.
Lord! Let's drink to our dedication!

Toast to the boss

A smart peasant was selling boiled corn at the entrance to the bank. His corn was juicy, there was no end to buyers. Behind a short time the peasant made a capital. By the end of the season, a friend asked him for a loan.
“You see, friend,” the corn merchant told him, “having acquired a tray, I entered into an agreement with the bank: the bank undertook not to sell boiled corn, and I did not lend to anyone.
Lord! Let's drink for mutually beneficial cooperation!

Toasts to the leader

Schumann said that small minds produce, great ones create.
So let's have a little drink, and then we'll do it!

Toasts to the leader

a guess: she drinks herself, but does not give to others!
Men usually answer: "My wife!" This answer is not entirely correct. The correct answer is GAI!
Let's raise a toast to this glorious organization!

Toasts about a colleague

A colleague came to the patient:
- Don't worry about not being able to perform your duties. While you are away, our courier handles them perfectly.
Let's drink to irreplaceable people in the service!

Corporate toasts

The engineer makes a remark to the worker:
- You have a bad habit - to whistle while working.
- But I don't work, I just whistle.
Let's drink, colleagues, for the rational use of working time!

Toast to a friend

Chukchi after studying in Moscow returns to his place. Speaking to his compatriots, he proudly says:
- I studied a lot in autumn-autumn. I learned a lot in autumn and autumn. We are all Sitali, one hundred Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels are muses and zen, and this, it turns out ... four different people!
Teaching is light! Let's drink to the people who received this light!

Toasts to colleagues

There is one old urban legend: far away in the mountains, the verdict of the people's court is being pronounced. They put the criminal against the wall.
- What day of the week is it today? - asks.
- Monday.
- The week has begun!
So let's drink to the fact that our week always starts well!

Wishes to a colleague

The man accumulated a lot of gold, but did not spend it, but buried it in the ground and every day came to see if his treasure was intact. One sly one noticed this and decided to find out what was what. I found a treasure, took the gold, and put a stone instead.
The next day, the owner of the treasure found it missing. All he could do was cry. Then a sly one approached him and asked why he was so upset.
“I have buried gold here,” said the miser. - And now I see only a large stone.
- Why cry? the sly one remarked. - Is it all the same whether gold or stone is buried here? After all, you wouldn't need anything else.
I propose to raise glasses for those who do not turn their gold into stone, but spend it on the joy of themselves and their loved ones!

Toast to the boss

One artist once complained to a friend:
- I paint a picture for only one day, and I sell it for a whole year.
- And you write a year, then you will sell it in one day.
So let's drink to professionalism!

birthday toast to boss

Once an old salesman was asked:
- How much does a kilogram weigh?
Without hesitation, the seller replied:
- With a package of nine hundred grams.
Dear friends, I propose to drink for professionalism!

Toast to the boss

A city resident was driving along a rural road and saw two signalmen quickly climb the telegraph poles. The lady lowered the window and yelled at them:
- Hey you idiots! Do you think that if I'm a woman, then I don't know how to drive a car?
The lady, of course, is not right! Signalers good people. Let's drink to the messengers!

Corporate toasts

The vet got sick. I had to call a doctor. The doctor came and immediately addressed the patient:
Let me take your pulse!
“Doctor,” the veterinarian tells him trustingly, “we are specialists with you!” We know that there is no pulse!
Maybe there really is no pulse? Did doctors invent it? Let's drink to the vets!

Toasts to leaders

The Chinese sage Xu Xuemo wrote: “Wealth and nobility do not run after an exalted husband, because he himself does not run after them.
Lord! Let's drink to our dedication!

Corporate toasts

At the restaurant at the station.
- Waiter! I haven't been able to chew a piece of this steak for 10 minutes now!
- Don't worry, just announced: your train is three hours late.
For food service workers!

Tatyana Koshman
Corporate party script for the team "Happy Day preschool worker»

Scenario of the corporate party "Happy Preschool Worker's Day".

1 host:

Educator - what a word!

Light, goodness, warmth lurk in it.

Who will please the children with the game?

Who will scold them not evil at all?

Thanks to you, children grow up,

Knowing how to behave and live.

Educators! There is no need for you in the world!

We want you to be happy!

Song remake “Today is a holiday for girls…”

2 leader: Hello, colleagues!

1 leader: Happy holiday friends!

Leading 2: Today, everyone has gathered in this hall, those who have devoted themselves to children.

It is about those who give themselves entirely to the upbringing of babies, sparing no effort and time, who do not know the words “I don’t want”, “I can’t”, “I can’t”, who knows how to love children no matter what, who loves their work and rushes here every day to continue to live for them, kids, and be needed by them ...

1 presenter: What kind of tests does not prepare a kindergarten employee hectic life! Lack of money, excess work, joy from the success of children, tears from undeserved resentment, fatigue from endless fuss and a “second wind” from what was said in time good word. And today we want to say a lot of good things to you, sincere words love, respect, gratitude, because most often we forget to do it every day.

Lead 2: Since our day is festive, special, then, of course, I also want to do something special. We decided to honor our employees and colleagues in various nominations. The nominations were also unusual, however, like everything related to work in kindergarten.

In honor of holiday such

To the glory of the team, the merits of which cannot be counted

We are starting the awards, especially since there is a reason!

1 leader: Start our wonderful holiday I would like to congratulate our administration.

(Congratulations to the manager)

Adults and children know

It's not easy to lead.

And, of course, the first lady

Keep an answer to the committee

For the work of the team

All decisions to be made

Everyone needs advice

Then scold someone

Or give an award.

A very difficult job!

Plans are different, reports.

On our holiday from the team

We are grateful to you.

We appreciate you, we respect you,

Congratulations on this day!

And we hand over the title of the winner in the nomination cool script day preschool worker in the team"Master of contact, will and tact."

2 host:

There is a whole load of affairs in the economy,

But the caretaker manages.

Stores food in the garden

Gives them out on the menu.

Responsible for their consumption

Keeps accurate records.

And smart, and good,

Cheerful soul

Our Natasha!

In our kindergarten, she has absolutely everything grasped, she knows where and how to hammer a nail correctly, next to her not a single door can afford to creak, with every detail of plumbing, with all sockets and wires, she is personally familiar - deputy head of administrative - economic work - ...., which is awarded the title of winner in the "Figaro" nomination.

And to cook a delicious dinner,

Both potatoes and cabbage

Someone has to buy

And don't forget the meat!

The storekeeper knows this

All products are in time

Buy in a timely manner.

And what is there to say

She has everything in stock.

You for which she praise and honor!

The title of the winner in the nomination "Master-for-use" is awarded to ...., our storekeeper.

1 presenter: She always has a "boiling" work!

She always has one concern:

Know what to connect and with what;

Have time to cook everything in time -

It's better to feed the kids.

Here without the talent of a cook

There will be no use.

She knows how to cook a side dish of 9 different cereals, how many dishes can be made from potatoes and what really means healthy food, so Ronald from McDonald's looks enviously at this woman - this is our chef, to whom we present the title of winner in the nomination "I will command the dinner!".

Clean towels for nose and cheeks

Dry sheets for sweet sleep

All this is the work of overworked hands.

Even if she is invisible.

Not super washer and not water

And our washerwoman all this time

Made sure it was clean.

Director of the laundry bath - .... the title of the winner in the nomination "Master - Ass - Boole - Boole" is awarded.

2 host:

Educator is our profession

And sometimes without titles, awards

We still love our job

And we all hurry to the kindergarten.

Year after year passes in worries.

Everything for them - for their own kids

We study, we implement

Modern day innovations.

And in the stream of current life

Do not forget us about the world of the soul,

To be sensitive, kind, courageous

The kids came out.

The title of the winner in the nomination "Masters" is awarded - .... Their experience in preschool education over 5 years. And also the title of the winner in the nomination "Masters" is awarded - .... She also gave her love to kids for more than 5 years.

1 leader: The title of winners in the nomination "Junior", to whom we wish good luck on the way, and find happiness in hard work, is awarded to educators whose experience has not reached 5 years - ....

Leading 2: Among those present in this hall are our dear teachers with more than 25 years of experience in preschool education. You have devoted many years to working with the youngest children - preschoolers. You shared your experience with novice teachers, gave everyone important tips. And to each parent found special approach. Your experience and enlightenment are worthy of honor and respect. And we award the title of the winner in the nomination "The Wisest" - ....

1 presenter: I would like to say about those without whom the educators would have had a very difficult time. These lovely ladies always keep their groups clean, bring food on time, help look after the children, dress them, feed them.

Our nannies are a treasure!

They have a hard job

Every day needs care

Masha, Sasha, Tanya, Vanya.

After all, they are without mom all day.

They love the nanny like their own,

And she kisses them

Gently take in your arms

Even sing a song.

Here are our nannies.

Of course we are proud of you!

Therefore, the title of the winner in the nomination "Master - Care" is awarded to - ....


(to the motive of the song "Hope")

(Scene with the manager)

Early morning, dialogue at 7 o'clock...

Daughter, daughter, it's time to get up.

Mommy, I'll lie down a little more.

But then I won't wake you up. Awoke? Get up, it's time for kindergarten.

Oh, I don't want to go there!

You have to, honey, you have to. You're now the head of the kindergarten!

2 Presenter: Day of the Preschool Worker is a holiday for all the wonderful people who work in kindergarten. Therefore, congratulations are received today not only by teachers, but also by all employees of the kindergarten.

It's no secret that we celebrate holidays often,

But that's all we're all part of here.

Necessary workers - joiners and carpenters,

But without us, without preschool children, who will bring up the children?

So, this holiday is very necessary,

And today we congratulate ourselves together!

Glory, glory to our nannies, glory, glory to the cooks,

Educators, caretaker, watchmen and doctors.

To all who iron and wash, kindergarten cleans up.

our musicians - bravo! And the head - glory,

We are all second mothers to our children!

Scene (Adults dressed as children enter.)

1. Oh, I don’t know what to do?

I want to go potty.

2. Here is my garden in front,

Let's try to get in.

1. Tell us about kindergarten.

2. Kindergarten! Kindergarten!

He is always happy to see us!

We go to him in a crowd

With mom, dad, or sister,

Let's take a brother

Let's get up early in the morning.

1. What kind of educators?

2. They are almost like family to us!

They are such cuties!

There are different phrases:

Yoshkin cat! Well, my!

How does he smell!

1. Well, what about nannies?

2. They are simply groovy!

Wash, wash all day long

We do not understand how they are not lazy?

1. Well, do you have a factory?

2. Just a miracle! Top class!

All run, run, run

Head is spinning!

Early in the morning comes

Leaves late at night.

1. Directly an eyesore to you!

Ah, what a beauty!

Does the cook cook for you?

2. She is a great honor from us!

Prepare compote for us

Wow, such a belly we have!

1. Is the bed linen made?

2. Yes! This is Irina Anatolyevna!

Iron first will give,

And then he will give out linen.

There is also a warehouse in the garden.

And the paper is stored there.

If that paper is not

Ban on the toilet!

1. God! How many are there?

1. Oh, how I want to go to kindergarten!

I'm crying, I can't!

2. Don't cry, you'll grow up,

Come here with your mom!

1. Why did you come now?

2. Congratulations to everyone from the bottom of my heart! (disguised teachers sing a song).

Leading: And now our dear educators have come to congratulate the children on the holiday junior group.

The song "On pots" (music "Grandmother - old women")

2nd leader. There are many different professions. But someone from childhood dreams of becoming a teacher.

Scene for the day of the educator.

(boy, two girls - disguised educators)

I want to be a businessman.

I will be very cool.

I will drive a car

I'm on black and big!

I'll be terribly busy, business meetings ...

All in all, I'm very tired.

I'll come home in the evening!

1 girl

I'll be a model then!

I will paint all day.

Us models early in the morning

Get up well, very, very lazy!

I'll be dressing all day

Try on and try on!

And when I'm tired, I'll lie down

I will just rest.

Well, what about you, Lena, who

Do you want to be in the future?

2 girl

listened to you now

I hesitate to say out loud

I want to be an educator.

work in a kindergarten.

Also cool! I am a son

I'll bring you to your group!

'Cause I trust you

You will love him!

If you can help the garden,

You can call me.

When I grow up, I'll give you my number.

I'm a cool businessman!

1 girl

Well, then your daughter

I'll give it to you in the group.

You know there are so many of us

Here are such tired mothers!

There is no time to do

But I only know that you

I will definitely trust!

Boy and 1 girl

Yes! We may be cool

Meetings, people, cities.

But without Lenka's work

We can't go anywhere!

There are many professions needed

But one is more valuable than the others!

We love you very, very much

Family educators!

1st presenter: Yes, children are one story, and parents are completely different. And this is our next story in a song.



I went into the locker room, saw my mother,

I suddenly got a nervous tremor...


You go ask what you want, what you want, 2 times

can give, can give, what do you want.


We raise kids, they need a lot -

kids need this and that.

You tell me, you tell me what you need, what you need, 2 times

maybe ladies, maybe ladies, what do you want.


We need napkins and we need paper,

to wipe the buttocks of the children.

Well, I'll give you paper, but you don't need napkins - 2 times

You can wipe your mouth with your sleeve.


It would be necessary to raise money, because they need toys,

look, there's nothing to play with.

Well, since there is nothing to play with, you don’t need to play it, 2 times

let you draw them.


We would be happy to draw, but where can we get albums,

and ran out of paint again.

The year before last, I brought you everything, 2 times

and you have nothing to draw with again.


Where can I get a sponsor, tell us, people,

so that he could tell us:

You tell me, you tell me what you need, what you need, 2 times

I can, I can give you everything.

1st presenter: And such stories, of course, are not uncommon in our lives. Therefore, around individual approach not only to children, but also to their parents, whom

does not care at all: do you have time for rest, for your family, for your

loved ones. But close people are very interested in this issue.

Othello and Desdemona

(Attributes: for Othello, costume elements, a large spoon. For Desdemona - a bag, a laptop).

Othello: I hear steps! Finally, my wife is home, and she will cook dinner for me!

I'm hungry as hell, Desdemona!


(Opening laptop) Othello! I don't have lunch! I've been in kindergarten for two days without a break! Programs! Plans! Contest! Lists!

Othello: I really don’t have time for jokes, dear, our refrigerator has been empty for a long time!

I'm just dying of hunger!

Desdemona: I was in the kindergarten, but not at all in the cinema!

Othello: What's in your bag? What, plans again? You brought home, woe to me!

Desdemona: With your nerves, I see - not everything is in order! You even screamed yesterday in your sleep!

Othello: Look, Desdemona, it would really be nice to have a bite to eat now!

Desdemona: Othello, I ate in the garden! It's bad for you to eat at such a late hour!

But if you really want, you can, dear, fry an egg, only yourself! You see, I'm working, my love, take three eggs there, they'll be enough for us!

Othello: What three? I ate two yesterday!

Desdemona: All right, fry yourself one!

Othello: But the refrigerator is empty!

Desdemona: Well, I don't know! Where could it suddenly disappear to?

Othello: Listen! I also have a job, but nothing comes to my mind from hunger!

Desdemona: Oh, dear, come up with something, really! Take care of cleaning - hunger will disappear!

Othello: My hunger is indefatigable! Is it really that hard for you to go to the store?

Desdemona: There was a test in the garden, dear, and really, you could buy your own food!

Othello: You're looking at the computer! Only you can see him! You work is more important not family! Did you pray at night, Desdemona? (Suffocates)

Die, unhappy, die my love!

1st presenter: Of course, this is a joke, but there is some truth in every joke. And now bathe our artists in applause.

2nd Host: We congratulate all the employees of our garden on the holiday, who give the warmth of their hearts to children every day! We are sure that your kindness and professional skills will turn every day for children in kindergarten into a day of joy and happiness!

Do not find such a word

To fully wish

To all of you good health,

And never be discouraged.

We wish you happiness and good

Do not know you grief and sorrow.

To have more bright days,

And the gloomy ones did not visit!