Happy educator's day head. Congratulations on the day of the teacher and all preschool workers, congratulations, congratulations on the day, congratulations on the birth, congratulations on the birthday, congratulations on Easter, funny congratulations, congratulations in verse,

May smiles always shine

Warm light any day in life,

Our children play happily

The shadow does not touch their sadness.

And in the morning you are always at work,

Be it hot or cold or rain

Our children are taken care of

And misfortune bypasses them away.

You don't just follow them,

Developing, giving them a game,

Our family educators

You dedicated your life to them.

Let your hard work

Thrives among children's hearts,

And they play, as if by notes,

You love, kindness and success.

Your work is not a gift,

We acknowledge with understanding.

This is what we drink tonight.

We'll say a toast to your kindness

For your kind eyes

for your wise advice,

For your kind words.

Behind children's laughter thank you -

And we want from the whole planet

Give you flowers!

How many eyes and hands do you need

To follow around

For your tomboys -

Golden lollipops.

There - laughing, here - crying,

And the other is jumping on a stick ...

Not everyone here with this case

Get it done quickly, skillfully.

The teacher will do everything:

He will punish, regret

Kiss and feed

Before going to bed, he will remember a fairy tale.

The garden needs a teacher

Without him, he is not so friendly.

We send you a wagon of joy,

From parents - bow!

On this day I want to raise

And congratulate up to a hundred times

Those who teach how to poop - write

Only in the right places.

Who's up to school from today

Educator to us and friend,

Who is on the Christmas tree

Bunny, cat, chipmunk.

We will sing glory to you in chorus,

And to those who remain silent I will say:

Oh you guys are wrong

La-la-la and zhu-zhu-zhu!

Little kids need care

With them, the sea is a whole hassle.

And only a teacher with a good heart

The key to each crumb will pick up.

Thank you for your kindness and care

For treating children like family.

Congratulations on Teacher's Day and health

We wish you today.

Congratulations on the day of the educator,

The teacher that the heart gives

To our children, the giver of wisdom,

Knowledge sows what grows seeds.

You are the hope, we are your support,

We will support your every "whim",

To create all conditions for children,

To holidays them and surprise.

To you, beloved teacher,

We wish prosperity in everything

So that after passing all the tests with the children,

They only got stronger.

Educator - what a word!

Light, goodness, warmth lurk in it.

Who will please the children with the game?

Who will scold them not evil at all?

Thanks to them, children grow up,

Knowing how to behave and live.

Educators! Kindly you are not in the world!

We want you to be happy!

Please listen carefully!

We won't finish this speech anytime soon.

For my life in the work of educational

You have reached unprecedented heights,

Therefore, as a matter of course

Everything that prevents you from living, out of spite

We congratulate you on Teacher's Day!

May you be as lucky as we were with you!

That's a difficult task

Soothe those who cry

Punish and encourage

Teach kids to be friends.

Wise, kind educator,

First word teacher

Congratulations on the holiday,

We wish you health, happiness and patience.

Educator, educator,

Dear teacher!

Like a soldier on the children's front,

You are always our hero!

We wish today

So that in life and fate,

Everything was always right

And the sun in the sky shone brightly for you!

Like a mother for children

They have no soul.

Her kind, gentle look

Meet them in the morning.

You, without knowing it,

Give them a soul.

We wish you happiness in life

And obedient children.

Maybe we just got used to it

But you can't see it

What do educators usually have

Tired eyes in the evening.

We don't know what it is

Children restless swarm.

Not like this family.

That fighter, already starting a fight.

What about questions? A thousand questions

And everyone needs an answer.

How much affection and care do you need

Help everyone and understand everyone

Thankful and hard work -

Replace mother daily.

Not anxious at work mom -

Kind, tired eyes.

Dear educators

From happy dads and moms:

What would we do with children

If they didn't give it to you?

We are half an hour that morning.

And three hours into the night

We cry out of ignorance

To teach a son or a daughter.

How do you like all the days of the week

From eight to six

It succeeds, in fact,

Graze our offspring?

Understand their quirks

Tolerate their ignorance...

Don't let them fight

And die of boredom!

Everything was: both roads and hardships,

And the light of the sun and the light of beloved eyes:

I look back on the years

And I remember you with fondness.

After all, you planted it in my soul

Love for the earth, for those who live on earth,

To native forests, and to abundant fields,

And to the warm aromas of poplars.

I took an example from you

Went to you for advice

The reward was the look of your living eyes,

You gave me so much warmth and light,

That's enough to warm ten people.

And you managed to breathe into me -

Always go ahead

And see the light of the promised goal

And do not be afraid of any adversity.

You give everything to great work,

You wake up a dream in children's souls.

Thank you for living

For your deeds and thoughts beauty!

This bread is underbaked

Undercooked porridge -

Our kitchen flaws

We give to your kitchen.

We rely on your diligent agility,

We hand over raw materials, and only rely on you.

You must add this to make it just right,

Honey of goodness and salt of perseverance.

How many stubborn fathers will tell you in an absurd argument.

"Here you need to add salt - Educator, salt!"

Maternal advice will be the same year after year.

"Add more honey - Nurse, honey!"

All sorts of superiors will release their orders to you.

"More oil!", "Pour some water!",

"Whatever needs to be done at once!"

Stock up on courage and keep your brand.

Approach the matter boldly - it will not go down the drain.

To bread - surprisingly! The best rugs -

From a notorious rogue, from any rascal.

Performed by roles.

Dialogue at 7 am

Early morning, dialogue at 7 o'clock:

Daughter, daughter, breakfast is ready.

Mommy, I'll lie down a little more.

But then I won't wake you up

Wake up? Wake up, it's time for kindergarten.

Oh, I don't want to go there!

It's 9 am on the clock,

And there is a nurse on the doorstep.

We have problem number 1:

We have diphtheria, we have quarantine.

I need to run through the garden

The nannies should gather everyone together.

Bleach and soap, brushes, water.

SES will rush to us - trouble will happen.

9.15 - the phone rings:

The event should be given to the district.

Another problem - everyone needs to be collected,

Quickly decide what to show.

10.00 - like a steam locomotive,

The manager enters the door to me:

There is no heating, the basement heats up!

Pipes, plumbing, I did not get!

Another problem. I'm calling ZHKO

Maybe it will be of some help.

12.15 - I write the report card,

I need to hand it over, I'm in a hurry.

13.00 - I have a teachers' council,

We need to give people good advice.

14.30 - I run to the city.

There I, of course, will receive for everything,

But I'll take directions there.

17.00 - I go to the office,

There is my cold, sour lunch.

I just can't eat

I run fast to the meeting.

Many parents will come to visit

They are worried that the children are waiting for them.

I will tell them everything in detail

I will show them the kindergarten groups.

18.15 - the phone rings,

Visit us tomorrow all will come area.

19.00 - the watchman left,

He found a better job.

What should I do? What do i do?

Where can I get a new watchman?

Until I found a person in place,

Came home late at night.

I just closed my eyes

Daughter, get up, it's time for kindergarten,

All the children are already going to the kindergarten.

No! No way am I going there!

I'd rather die, drown, shoot myself!!!

Mom (quietly): “Daughter, you need to -

You're the head of the kindergarten!

Who teaches, sparing no effort,

countries of the great generation?

In whom the ardor of daring has not cooled down?

Who are the daily struggles

He erected in honor of a man,

Health spending hourly?

Who is the halo above?

Who always looks great?

Of course! Educator! Yes!

Humane, wise and calm,

Always guard conscience

Beautiful, strict and worthy!

So let in this bright hour

People give you compliments.

You are the salt of the earth! We love you!

Applause for you!

For you delight and beat of hearts!

We wish you success in everything!

Big paycheck, finally!

Health, happiness, light, laughter!

Eyes wide open, a little shy,

As in a fairy tale they enter the kindergarten, where

Meets them like a fairy

WITH magic wand in hand.

How hard it is to be a "day mom"

For two dozen kids

Day mom !, - oddly enough,

But it suits her so well.

And in life bright and beautiful,

Like in a fairy tale that will tell them

She lives in a happy country,

Where there are no problems, where everyone is loved.

Where evil sorcerer always on fire

All princesses are good

And the knight is there with luck paired

Love is in a hurry to save its own.

Bursting with laughter to the point of hiccups,

When words are twisted

And baby talk like notes -

The plot of the new canvas.

Where evil and good live side by side

And beauty tends to the house,

All this is called childhood

And this moment lived in it.

The kid will share happiness with her,

What suddenly flew by itself,

Resentment - a cloud in bad weather,

A minute later it's bright again.

So, decorating with tinsel

Such an incomprehensible adult world

Keeps their childhood,

After all, they will have to survive in it.

And in the round dance of children's eyes,

Their pure thoughts and desires

It will clean itself more than once,


Kindergarten teacher

Children are the joy of the state,

Real wealth.

They must be educated

as hope for the country.

There is a preschool

There goes a kid

All the lessons of life.

How to behave and eat

So that health is not disturbed.

How to have a sporty look,

To overcome all diseases.

learn to draw

And, of course, dance.

Embroider when the hunt ...

In general, they need care.

For children, the second mother -

Garden teacher.

Be patient with the kids

Entertains them with games.

Day after day learning goes on

Kind of like an adventure.

Children are happy, they are blooming,

They go to kindergarten in a crowd.

Today is a holiday in kindergarten,

The teacher is in sight.

Receives congratulations

Dreaming of his worldly...

Let dreams come true

Educators of the country!

To the teacher!

At Marya Ivanovna's

Not a few things, a lot of things:

Liza braided braids,

She made sure that Sasha ate.

And she can also

Make sure the kids

Didn't get bored, didn't get sick

She didn't run out of the yard.

With you if you want

You can fly into space.

We are sometimes surprised

How everything is enough for you!

Our secrets and secrets

Everyone is warmed by your heart!

We could trust you

You didn't dare to betray us.

Wish we want love

From all our kids!

Don't be sick, don't be sad

Come visit the school!

Well let's lead

To not let you down!

Poems for the teacher

Tic-tac-toe on the sidewalk

Route "Goodbye" flowers.

They leave - almost schoolchildren,

They leave, you stay...

You will raise other children

Letters, math to teach.

Children learned from you the main thing -

Respect other people, be friends.

You took care of them like a mother,

Always greeted with a smile...

And now we say goodbye to you,

Dear Anna Alekseevna!

speech therapist

We remember how our children

Started talking

Only to mother these speeches

We all need to translate.

The children went to kindergarten

They have a lot to do.

Words are ok

Mom doesn't blush at school.

Head kindergarten

And our manager is beautiful.

And he handles everything.

And she has a lot of work.

And thank you very much

For the ability to compete

And trying to finance

For fresh food

And prosperity garden!

Congratulations to the head

There is no peace for her

Where to get it, then get it.

We have two or three children

She needs to be

Knowledgeable in all matters.

There is knowledge and experience

At our manager's!

doctor, physician

The potions of secrets are open to them,

Decoctions the most difficult secret,

From the flu, the art of protection,

There is no one more reliable.

Any bruise or injury

Will they be able to heal

The vaccine will be given

For children to be healthy.

Kindergarten health worker

In winter cold, summer heat

Any resistance to infection

Give until the evening in the morning


Feel free to send to the kindergarten

We are our own children

Since we all know for certain

Their health will be protected.

Music worker

You have a magical job:

Sounds, notes have obeyed you.

You can command

Melodies sound in the soul.

Thank you for your songs

That danced with us together

That the music of all our days

Sounded better with you!

The head of the circle of fine arts

Children, as usual,

They love to draw very much.

But they used to have to

Explain the drawings to us.

But over the years we see

Amazing progress.

Among them, we know for sure

There are levitans too.

To the garden cook

The magic of cooking

They are skilled here.

Everything that is fried, boiled

It was delicious.


Cooking miracles

And looks enviously

Ronald from McDonald's.

With a clear dawn, until dark

She is in our garden.

Who will bring us lunch

And take the dishes?

Of course we helped

We set the tables

And learned not to crumble

And don't use sand.

Our group is not better.

Clean and light all around!

Maybe our nanny

And not two, but ten hands?

Let's thank her now

For care and comfort

And for what it's time

She dedicated her work to us!

Poems for the nanny

From dawn clear to dark

She is in our garden.

Who will bring us lunch

And take the dishes?

Our group is not better

Clean and light all around!

Maybe our nanny

And not two, but ten hands?

sociologist, psychologist

Slowly, slowly

Into a big, complicated life

You are the hand of the baby,

Entered carefully.

We followed you, breathing a little,

On the path of knowledge

Our children are not afraid

School assignments.

Veronica is a feast for the eyes, made from cookies and jam.

Our gosha from marmalade, lemonade, chocolate.

Nastya is all from bows, dolls and candy wrappers.

Vanechki all from springs, bolts, cars.

Ruslan from crackers and plush toys.

Milena from flowers, multi-colored petals.

Masha from skirts and from sweet tubes.

And Alyosha from ice cream, from syrup and marshmallows

The psychologist tells us all:

“These are the kids, not kids, but sweets!”


To properly raise children

There is a lot to know.

Need to know psychology

And know the physiology

To be a doctor in pedagogy,

Rhetoric and logic.

But the main thing is to be a methodologist,

Children need to be loved.


We have long understood

What is a healthy mind in a healthy body.

Muscles grow in children,

Sports and physical education are in honor here.

More and more we began to notice

We started falling behind the kids.

Will have to keep up with the children

We have to do sports ourselves.

Magic is important, of course,

To run a household here,

To take everything into account

And find anything.

The caretaker has a lot to do,

To our kids

It became more comfortable in the garden,

You have to be here and there.

Congratulations on the teacher's day!

Hard work went to you -

It requires a lot of attention (patience),

After all, everyone understands himself

What does education mean for children?

While the working day dragged on -

You have replaced the mother of the children.

And now everyone wants

THANK YOU for everything!

Educator's Day - congratulations

Maybe we just got used to it

But you can't see it

What do educators usually have

Tired eyes in the evening...

We know what it is

Children restless swarm!

Here with one you will not find peace,

And not that with a sort of crowd.

That one is funny, and this one looks askance,

There the fighter is already starting a fight ...

What about questions? Thousands of questions...

And everyone needs an answer.

How much affection and care is needed,

Hear everyone, understand everyone...

Thankful and hard work

Constantly replacing mom ...

Not anxious at work mom ...

After all, always watching the kids

Kind tired eyes.

The day is over... Not all songs have been sung.

Children don't have trouble sleeping...

So accept the bow from the whole planet,

For children, take a bow from us !!!

Congratulations to the teacher from the children

your merit,

That we found in you both a mother and a friend.

We wiped away tears with a handkerchief more than once,

When mothers left us in the kindergarten,

When harmful borscht suddenly spilled on the table,

And not everyone wore a cunning sock.

You are truly a magician!

You manage to be Fox Alice

And shine like the sun!

Play, amuse, understand and regret..

We wish our soul never to grow old.

Congratulations on Teacher's Day!

(poems can be read along with the presentation of flowers)

Your work is not a gift,

We acknowledge with understanding.

Being an educator is a calling

This is what we drink tonight.

We'll say a toast to your kindness

For your kind eyes

for your wise advice,

For your kind words.

Thank you for being in the world

Thank you for the children's laughter -

And we want from the whole planet

Give you flowers!

Congratulations to educators in verse

Children are the joy of the state,

Real wealth.

They must be educated

as hope for the country.

There is a preschool

Kindergarten - childish happiness.

There goes a kid

All the lessons of life.

How to behave and eat

So that health is not disturbed.

How to have a sporty look,

To overcome all diseases.

learn to draw

And of course dance.

Embroider when hunting

In general, they need care.

For children, the second mother -

Garden teacher.

She knows a lot

The needlewoman herself.

The children's world is her occupation,

Real passion.

Be patient with the kids

Entertains them with games.

Day after day learning goes on

Kind of like an adventure.

Children are happy, bloom

They go to kindergarten in a crowd.

Today is a holiday in kindergarten

Educator in sight.

Receives congratulations

Dreaming of his worldly...

Let dreams come true

Educators of the country!

Poems to the teacher from children

We go to kindergarten with pleasure, we

After all, we are comfortable and happy with you!

For being so affectionate, very kind -

Thanks from us, and from dads, and from moms!

Health, great success ahead

And so that the dream comes true as soon as possible!

And we'll be good

We promise to obey you!

Poems about kindergarten

Don't let your mother into the garden?

Don't be sad, buddy.

Instead of a mother, the guys

In the group educator!

We are the second family - a group,

Here are toys and comfort,

And to miss and cry is stupid,

Mothers will come in the evening.

Games, songs are very helpful

Picked up by a teacher.

We have fun in the group

Every day and every hour!

Congratulations to the head of the kindergarten happy birthday

Let your friendly kindergarten live beautifully,
So that everyone is happy for many years in a row!
Let the quivering heart sing with happiness
And open the door to life without the hassle!

Patience and faith, diligence, kindness
We wish you many more years!
Let children's smiles shine every day
And a shaky ray of light will drive a shadow from the heart!

We trust you every morning
Our children, noisy and mischievous.
Everything will be alright, we all know it
After all, our guys are in the hands of gold!
Accept our congratulations today!
We wish you a lot of warmth, kindness!
Your hard work is worthy of admiration!
Let your dreams come true!

Our most large,
Invigorating us in the morning
Sends greetings capricious, harmful
Team of fathers and mothers.
This is not prejudice:
From the heart of you, God sees,
Happy Birthday,
Our dear teacher!
We wish you all
Happiness, peace and kindness,
And the head of the garden -
Three cheers!

Mom, mentor, good fairy,
Beautiful woman and Galatea.
You have so much cordiality, so much warmth,
Do good deeds all the time.

Parents love you, kids love you,
Funny girls, bully boys.
Our whole friendly team is devoted to you,
Who has a motive for it.

We respect you, we are proud of you,
We congratulate you and have fun.
Your birthday is a reason for happiness,
We wish that life is full of passion!

During the years of work as the head of the garden,
You accept gratitude as a reward,
You are valued in the team, respected by dads, moms,
You are worthy of the highest praise and glory.

We congratulate you on your birthday!
Accept a low bow from us.
Health to you, good luck and patience,
May luck accompany you in every good deed!

Head kindergarten is your calling,
And you have everything in your hands.
I want to wish you a happy birthday
Wish you success in your business!
I want the authorities to respect
To get along with your parents,
And so that the kids give you
Your love, cards and flowers.

Always take care of our children
About the fact that they were warm, comfortable in the garden,
For their food to be useful,
Everything was clean and spacious.

There is no better head of kindergarten than you,
We congratulate you on your birthday today!
We wish that the children, having matured, wanted to come to you,
And express my gratitude and admiration.

Raising children is not an easy job.
They need attention, tenderness care.
You teach to sing, dance, draw,
Ready to help everywhere and in everything.
Therefore, wish you a happy birthday
We want good luck, love and patience,
Let the soul sing, illuminating with warmth,
May joy and happiness fill your home!

Keep order in the garden
From worries and problems often do not sleep,
Where to get the best dishes
What is the best way to complete groups.
Happy teacher's day, let me congratulate you,
Endurance, patience, wish good luck,
So that everything works out,
Fewer problems for you and never lose heart. ©

You are an experienced and wise leader,
Comfort in the garden depends on you,
Your deputy is knocked down,
Until he achieves everything that the children are waiting for.
Today is the day of the educator, congratulations,
Let the work bring you admiration,
Let you be appreciated, loved, respected,
Let the grateful kids surround you. ©

You are the mistress of the temple of children,
You organize a lot of things for them,
Always take care of your health
You give your heart and soul to your work.
Today is a holiday, congratulations,
We sincerely wish you luck and luck,
Let the team respect you
Let reliable friends surround you. ©

Everything is in order: heat and water,
And the food for the kids is always excellent,
For everything, we say thanks to the manager,
We appreciate, love and adore her.
May the holiday bring you good luck
Good health and happiness in addition,
May your home be prosperous
May there be much joy in it. ©

There is no more serious lady anywhere,
Than the one that reigns in our garden,
She sometimes knows how to replace our mother,
She will praise, and sometimes scold.
We congratulate you together today,
Happy Teacher's Day, of course,
And now we promise you together
That we will only behave diligently! ©

For the head of rest, there is never,
What to feed, and how to get this and that,
Moms in families have one, well, a couple of children,
And this "mother" does not count them.
You need to be knowledgeable in every matter,
Get it all done and leave nothing for later
So let you beloved manager,
Happy holiday to a wonderful teacher! ©

The head of the kindergarten for children is work!
People like that are called heroes for a reason.
Thank you all for your work,
For patience, for affection, and, of course, for care.
Congratulations on the holiday of the educator,
We wish you inspiration, peace and good luck,
So that you have enough time for everything,
So that nothing bad worries you. ©

Congratulations to the teacher:

Kindergarten teacher

Children are the joy of the state,
Real wealth.
They must be educated
as hope for the country.

There is a preschool
There goes a kid
All the lessons of life.

How to behave and eat
So that health is not disturbed.
How to have a sporty look,
To overcome all diseases.

learn to draw
And, of course, dance.
Embroider when the hunt ...
In general, they need care.

For children, the second mother -
Garden teacher.
Be patient with the kids
Entertains them with games.

Day after day learning goes on
Kind of like an adventure.
Children are happy, they are blooming,
They go to kindergarten in a crowd.

Today is a holiday in kindergarten,
The teacher is in sight.
Receives congratulations
Dreaming of his worldly...

Let dreams come true
Educators of the country!

To the teacher!

At Marya Ivanovna's
Not a few things, a lot of things:
Liza braided braids,
She made sure that Sasha ate.

And she can also
Make sure the kids
Didn't get bored, didn't get sick
She didn't run out of the yard.

With you if you want
You can fly into space.
We are sometimes surprised
How everything is enough for you!

Our secrets and secrets
Everyone is warmed by your heart!
We could trust you
You didn't dare to betray us.

Wish we want love
From all our kids!
Don't be sick, don't be sad
Come visit the school!
Well let's lead
To not let you down!

Poems for the teacher

Tic-tac-toe on the sidewalk
Route "Goodbye" flowers.
They leave - almost schoolchildren,
They leave, you stay...

You will raise other children
Letters, math to teach.
Children learned from you the main thing -
Respect other people, be friends.

You took care of them like a mother,
Always greeted with a smile...
And now we say goodbye to you,
Dear Anna Alekseevna!

speech therapist

We remember how our children
Started talking
Only to mother these speeches
We all need to translate.

The children went to kindergarten
They have a lot to do.
Words are ok
Mom doesn't blush at school.

Kindergarten manager

And our manager is beautiful.
And he handles everything.
And she has a lot of work.
And thank you very much
For the ability to compete
And trying to finance
For fresh food
And prosperity garden!

Congratulations to the head

There is no peace for her
Where to get it, then get it.
We have two or three children
She can't count.
She needs to be
Knowledgeable in all matters.
There is knowledge and experience
At our manager's!

doctor, physician

The potions of secrets are open to them,
Decoctions the most difficult secret,
From the flu, the art of protection,
There is no one more reliable.
Any bruise or injury
Will they be able to heal
The vaccine will be given
For children to be healthy.

Kindergarten health worker

In winter cold, summer heat
Any resistance to infection
Give until the evening in the morning
Feel free to send to the kindergarten
We are our own children
Since we all know for certain
Their health will be protected.

Music worker

You have a magical job:
Sounds, notes have obeyed you.
You can command
Melodies sound in the soul.
Thank you for your songs
That danced with us together
That the music of all our days
Sounded better with you!

The head of the circle of fine arts

Children, as usual,
They love to draw very much.
But they used to have to
Explain the drawings to us.

But over the years we see
Amazing progress.
Among them, we know for sure
There are levitans too.

To the garden cook

The magic of cooking
They are skilled here.
Everything that is fried, boiled
It was delicious.

Cooking miracles
And looks enviously
Ronald from McDonald's.


With a clear dawn, until dark
She is in our garden.
Who will bring us lunch
And take the dishes?

Of course we helped
We set the tables
And learned not to crumble
And don't use sand.

Our group is not better.
Clean and light all around!
Maybe our nanny
And not two, but ten hands?

Let's thank her now
For care and comfort
And for what it's time
She dedicated her work to us!

Poems for the nanny

From dawn clear to dark
She is in our garden.
Who will bring us lunch
And take the dishes?
Our group is not better
Clean and light all around!
Maybe our nanny
And not two, but ten hands?

sociologist, psychologist

Slowly, slowly
Into a big, complicated life
You are the hand of the baby,
Entered carefully.
We followed you, breathing a little,
On the path of knowledge
Our children are not afraid
School assignments.

Veronica is a feast for the eyes, made from cookies and jam.
Our gosha from marmalade, lemonade, chocolate.
Nastya is all from bows, dolls and candy wrappers.
Vanechki all from springs, bolts, cars.
Ruslan from crackers and plush toys.
Milena from flowers, multi-colored petals.
Masha from skirts and from sweet tubes.
And Alyosha from ice cream, from syrup and marshmallows
The psychologist tells us all:
“These are the kids, not kids, but sweets!”


To properly raise children
There is a lot to know.
Need to know psychology
And know the physiology

To be a doctor in pedagogy,
Rhetoric and logic.
But the main thing is to be a methodologist,
Children need to be loved.


We have long understood
What is a healthy mind in a healthy body.
Muscles grow in children,
Sports and physical education are in honor here.

More and more we began to notice
We started falling behind the kids.
Will have to keep up with the children
We have to do sports ourselves.


Magic is important, of course,
To run a household here,
To take everything into account
And find anything.

The caretaker has a lot to do,
To our kids
It became more comfortable in the garden,
You have to be here and there.

Congratulations on the teacher's day!
Hard work went to you -
It requires a lot of attention (patience),
After all, everyone understands himself
What does education mean for children?

While the working day dragged on -
You have replaced the mother of the children.
And now everyone wants
THANK YOU for everything!

Educator's Day - congratulations

Maybe we just got used to it
But you can't see it
What do educators usually have
Tired eyes in the evening...
We know what it is
Children restless swarm!
Here with one you will not find peace,
And not that with a sort of crowd.
That one is funny, and this one looks askance,
There the fighter is already starting a fight ...
What about questions? Thousands of questions...
And everyone needs an answer.
How much affection and care is needed,
Hear everyone, understand everyone...
Thankful and hard work
Constantly replacing mom ...
Not anxious at work mom ...
Cheerful childish voices ...
After all, always watching the kids
Kind tired eyes.
The day is over... Not all songs have been sung.
Children don't have trouble sleeping...
So accept the bow from the whole planet,
For children, take a bow from us !!!

Congratulations to the teacher from the children

your merit,
That we found in you both a mother and a friend.
We wiped away tears with a handkerchief more than once,
When mothers left us in the kindergarten,
When harmful borscht suddenly spilled on the table,
And not everyone wore a cunning sock.
You are truly a magician!
You manage to be Fox Alice
And shine like the sun!
Play, amuse, understand and regret..
We wish our soul never to grow old.

Congratulations on Teacher's Day!
(poems can be read along with the presentation of flowers)

Your work is not a gift,
We acknowledge with understanding.
Being an educator is a calling
This is what we drink tonight.

We'll say a toast to your kindness
For your kind eyes
for your wise advice,
For your kind words.

Thank you for being in the world
Thank you for the children's laughter -
And we want from the whole planet
Give you flowers!

Congratulations to educators in verse

Children are the joy of the state,
Real wealth.
They must be educated
as hope for the country.
There is a preschool
Kindergarten - childish happiness.
There goes a kid
All the lessons of life.
How to behave and eat
So that health is not disturbed.
How to have a sporty look,
To overcome all diseases.
learn to draw
And of course dance.
Embroider when hunting
In general, they need care.
For children, the second mother -
Garden teacher.
She knows a lot
The needlewoman herself.
The children's world is her occupation,
Real passion.
Be patient with the kids
Entertains them with games.
Day after day learning goes on
Kind of like an adventure.
Children are happy, bloom
They go to kindergarten in a crowd.
Today is a holiday in kindergarten
Educator in sight.
Receives congratulations
Dreaming of his worldly...
Let dreams come true
Educators of the country!

Words of gratitude to the educator

How many eyes and hands do you need
To follow around
For your tomboys -
Golden lollipops.

There - laughing, here - crying,
And the other is jumping on a stick ...
Not everyone here with this case
Get it done quickly, skillfully.

The teacher will do everything:
He will punish, regret
Kiss and feed
Before going to bed, he will remember a fairy tale.

The garden needs a teacher
Without him, he is not so friendly.
We send you a wagon of joy,
From parents - bow!

Thanks to the teacher

The educator has a job -
That's another concern!
Gotta wipe the snot
Songs to sing and dance.

comb, kiss,
Feed and rock.
He laughs, he cries
This stick drives everyone.

Try to follow
Keep everyone safe.

Here with one, oh how difficult,
And you can't count them.
How many eyes do you need?
Yes, and hands, well, exactly six.

We are calm for the children
For your pencils.
Congratulations to you from the bottom of my heart
And bow to the ground to you!

Poems to the teacher from children

We go to kindergarten with pleasure, we
After all, we are comfortable and happy with you!
For being so affectionate, very kind -
Thanks from us, and from dads, and from moms!

Health, great success ahead
And so that the dream comes true as soon as possible!
And we'll be good
We promise to obey you!

Poems about kindergarten

Don't let your mother into the garden?
Don't be sad, buddy.
Instead of a mother, the guys
In the group educator!

We are the second family - a group,
Here are toys and comfort,
And to miss and cry is stupid,
Mothers will come in the evening.

Games, songs are very helpful
Picked up by a teacher.
We have fun in the group
Every day and every hour!

Toast to educators

We heartily congratulate you,
We wish you the most important
So that all children are happy -
All over the earth, all over the planet.

A lot depends on you -
Fate before the school threshold,
And your role in it is so important
The soul grows in your hands.

For educators of children -
Second fathers and mothers
Let's make a toast today
And let's say standing in full growth:

"For the Educators"!

Winner all-Russian competition"Most Requested Article of the Month" October 2017

Day of the educator and all preschool workers - professional holiday V Russian Federation. This holiday is celebrated annually on September 27th. The idea of ​​this holiday is to help society turn great attention for kindergarten and early childhood in general. On this day there great occasion congratulate all employees of preschool educational institutions and express gratitude to them.

We congratulate all employees of our garden on the holiday, who give the warmth of their hearts to children every day! We are confident that kindness and professional excellence will turn every day for children into kindergarten on a day of joy and happiness.

And even though today we often pronounce the word educator, this does not mean that today is only their holiday. This is a holiday for all those who work in kindergarten, because all employees take direct involvement in raising our children.

Of great importance is the mood of the child when he comes to kindergarten. If the children are met by flowering lawns, well-groomed, the paths are clean, and the windows, sparkling, smile, as if to say: "Welcome!" , and at the entrance to the kindergarten it smells of delicious food, a doctor and teacher greets children with a friendly smile. Cheerful cheerful music sounds, inviting the children to exercise, and the group has already been waiting for bright, favorite toys, the child happily runs into the group, and parents with a light heart trust "your own sunshine" kind warm hands for the whole day and calmly go about their business.

preschool educational institution- this is a huge machine, the engine of which is the leader. The success of management directly depends on how the administration (head, methodologist, trade union organizer) can appreciate and thank, note the best sides and success of employees of all departments. To inspire creative activity and selfless work for the sake of our children, because the payment for hard work is minimal.

It has already become a tradition in our kindergarten to celebrate great holiday with the invitation of honored guests from the administration of the settlement and parent committee. Children and staff prepare musical numbers, and the role of the leaders is assigned to the head, trade union leader, methodologist. At such holidays, each individual worker is glorified, certificates are awarded, albeit inexpensive, but personal gifts from the trade union committee, gratitude sounds from the parent committee and sweet cake from the administration of the settlement. The holiday ends with tea.

I congratulate you on "Happy Preschool Worker" all colleagues and you, dear employees of the journal "Preschooler" !

Today and always
I wish you happiness
Let fate keep
From darkness and gloom

From an evil tongue
From a serious illness
From a smart enemy
From a petty friend.

And God bless you
If it is in his power,
Health. For long years And
Lots and lots of happiness"

Holiday scenario:

To the music "Little country" I. Nikolaev - children enter the hall and sit on chairs along the walls. To the music "Mary Popins" I. Rodnova, employees of the kindergarten enter, line up near the central wall.

The head, the methodologist and the trade union organizer enter, stand in front of the employees.

Head You are probably familiar
Two-story new house?
Who is it for? For guys:
There is a kindergarten in this house.

I love my kindergarten
I love both adults and children.
Prof. We are in our favorite kindergarten
We all live very friendly

And today, from the bottom of our hearts, we
Let's dance and sing.

Song: "Our Kind Kindergarten" music "Little country" I. Nikolaev, sl. Tochitskaya O.S.

There is in Polevoy - our village
Small kindergarten.
There are people with kind eyes
Children are welcome.

It's nice and cozy there.
There is no evil or grief.
The children are laughing happily
And give people light.

Our kind kindergarten
Our kind kindergarten
Everything is good and beautiful in it
- The second house for children.

The employees take their seats.

Met. Dear children, employees, distinguished guests, we have gathered today friendly family to please each other with songs, dances, warm words.

Prof. After all, today the whole country is celebrating. This holiday is dedicated to those who educate, teach, and who create the conditions for a fun, joyful life in kindergarten.

Head We are on a professional holiday
Congratulations to all from the bottom of our hearts
Everyone who "burns out at work" ,
Who do kids love so much?

Prof. Everyone who cares and feeds
Who dances and sings with them
Laundry washes, guards
And answers with his head

And intelligence develops them
All the soul, the heart gives!

Met. In honor of holiday such

To the glory of the team, the merits of which cannot be counted

We start our concert

Moreover, there is a reason.

Prof. Listen guys, we want to tell you

About everyone who surrounds you here, helps to educate.

Met. We decided, we wondered how we should congratulate them.

Head Finally, we all gathered and decided to glorify.

Song: "Your service is both dangerous and difficult" music M. Minkova

Performed by the head, methodologist, trade union organizer.

Your service is both dangerous and difficult
And at first glance it doesn't seem to be visible.
If one of your children sometimes
Doesn't want to listen

So, again you go into an invisible battle,

Feed according to schedule

And give up

Let the thunder roar.

Met. To make the holiday more interesting

We decided to glorify you by nominations!

Prof. Nomination "My second mother"

Head Dear Tamara Aristarkhovna!

You paved the way to childhood in your heart,
You are for them today and always
Close, dear, dear,
Mother is a second kind soul.

Met. Dear Natalya Alexandrovna!

To you kids in "Okay" come,
Teach them to hold a spoon with a mug,
How to put on a coat and hat
And sing songs for the first time.

Prof. Gives a gift and a diploma.

Met. The sun is shining, congratulating you.

Go out with the kids

And start dancing!

Dance "Little patties" Z. Levina

Prof. Gives a gift.

Head Nomination: "Stompers"

Met. Dear Kamila Fatikhovna!

You accept kids as kids,

They don't speak very well.

You are like chickens you gently train them

And songs to sing and dance.

Prof. Gives a gift.

Head Dear Galina Vladimirovna!

good word "assistant" :
Toys will help to collect.
Help the kids undress
Quietly put into bed.

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart -
Both adults and kids.

Met. Your dances, your songs

Loved by kids.

Get out in the circle soon

Sing along, have fun.

Song: "We went to kindergarten" S. Yudina

Head Nomination: "Support and support"

Svetlana Danilovna!
From the clear dawn to darkness
She is in our garden.
Who sweeps the yard for us in the morning?

Will you take orders?
We are sometimes surprised
How is everything enough for you?
Wish we want love

From all our kids.

Prof. Gives a gift and a diploma.

Head At Valentina Alexandrovna

There are not a few things to do, and even a lot of things:

Katya braids braids, makes sure that Lyosha eats.

And she also knows how to make sure that the kids

I didn’t get bored, I didn’t get sick, I didn’t run away from the yard.

Prof. Gives a gift.

Met. Dear Natalya Mikhailovna!

Washed the floor, wiped the dust,
All ventilated in the morning
And a radiant smile
Gifted, as always!

Prof. Gives a gift.

Met you guys congratulate

They offer you to play.

Round dance game: "This is how our kids dressed up" A. Filippenko.

Head Nomination "Chamomile childhood"

Dear Tatyana Grigorievna!

You are truly a sorceress

You manage to be a robber

And play the role of queen

Either Vovka Morkovkin or Baba Yaga

You are different everywhere, dear - always!

Prof. Gives a gift and a diploma.

Met. Dear Elena Anatolyevna

We congratulate you too

And thank you for everything.

We wish you happiness, joy

And we invite you to dance.

Prof. Gives a gift, diploma.

Dance: "Jif" hipster.

Head Nomination: "Unions Go"

Dear Natalya Vladimirovna!

You were born

To be an educator

So that you work in the garden,

And love kids.

And you should be a trade unionist

Always destined

To knock out benefits for us,

Need a head!

Met. Gives a gift, diploma.

Head Congratulating you on this day,

We ask you to sing our song!

Song: "I was born into the world" to music "Big round dance" - music. B. Savelyeva, sl. Tochitskaya O.S.

I was born to be an educator,

So that I can work in the garden and love children.

As a child, my mother took me to kindergarten

And my whole life has become - a wonderful game.

Now I'm standing in front of you, friends,

And I want you to support me.

My life became a fairy tale in kindergarten

And I happily sing a song about it!

Head Nomination: "Young Tourists"

Dear Zhaneta Igorevna!

For many years now

"Tourists" the squad is coming

In Zlatoust you feel at home

Everything is close and familiar to you:

It's been ten years in a row

You are taking prizes to the garden!

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,

We wish you success in sports.

Prof. Gives a gift, diploma.

Head Nomination: "Happy Speech Therapist"

Dear Tatyana Alexandrovna!

On a clear day and on a rainy day,

You are always with a clear smile,

And the kids hurries to you to pronounce the words.

We also congratulate you and send our greetings.

Prof. gives a gift.

Met. Play with words

The kid is bored.

Song - game: "Word on the Palm" - S. Yudina

Head Nomination: "Delicious sorcerers"

We live carefree

After all, here until dusk in the morning

We will all be fed and watered

Wonderful cuisine of the master:

Elena Mikhailovna!

Lyubov Nikolaevna!

We also congratulate you

We send our sincere greetings.

Play with us

After all, your dinner is ready.

Dance is a game: "We were in the round dance" - I. Kaplunova

Prof. Gives gifts.

Head Nomination "A penny saves a ruble"

Can't even do it today

And the gods know the economy.

For this, in our kindergarten

There is an economic part.

Marina Alexandrovna!

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts

With this big holiday.

We wish you health

Happiness joy, love!

Met. Nomination: "Domisolka" .

Dear Irina Alexandrovna!

You learn to listen to chords and notes,

Favorite songs, melodies!

And you lead each bright path

To the world of sounds, goodness and harmony!

For your creativity, musical talent

Please accept our thanks!

And let it sound in your heart without ceasing,

Symphony of happiness and joy!

Prof. presents a gift and certificate.

Irina Alexandrovna!

Our Russian nesting dolls in dance call you as soon as possible

Wear a sarafan, make a circle of friends.

Dance - round dance: "Russian nesting dolls" to the music V. Temnova performed by staff d / s

Head Nomination: "Know-It-All"

In order to properly raise children, you need to know a lot.

You need to know psychology and know physiology,

To be a doctor in pedagogy, rhetoric and logic.

But, most importantly, to be a methodologist,

Children need to be loved.

Dear Oksana Sergeevna,

Thanks for the inspiration and help

And for patience!

Congratulating you on this day, we ask you to read poetry.

Poetry: "Dedicated to Educators" - Tochitskaya O.S.

Not enough good words have been said

About educators as women and mothers.

But I want to say a little more

How do people choose this path!

There are no people here who came like this, by chance,

And how to become an educator, I will tell you a secret:

Money can't buy children's love

After all, children feel the soul.

They will love you for sure

You just be reliable and dear,

After all, the kids left without a mother,

We need love, and it's not enough!

You be the sun, shine, give warmth,

Be kind and good in your souls.

The child absorbs everything:

Whatever you put in it!

A child is like a sprout

You can't break it!

Be careful with children

After all, the main thing is do no harm!

You can not hurt the soul of children,

After all, you are now responsible for them!

Prof. Gives a gift, diploma.

Member of the parent committee: Nominated "All Mother"

Victoria Nikolaevna!

There is no peace for you

Where to get it, then get it.

We have two or three kids.

You need to be

Knowledgeable in all matters.

Have knowledge and business acumen

Our manager!


Words of gratitude, respect!

Gift giving and greeting local government representative...

All employees of the kindergarten leave.

Play We congratulate you too

And thank you for everything.

Good luck, we wish you joy -

We sing the kindergarten anthem.

"How can we not have fun?" - music. "Our neighbor" - Potemkin, sl. I. A. Chemodanova

How can we not have fun, because we are in a hurry to kindergarten.

There, in the morning, it was time for us to accept all the children.

Wake up, we should smile at our parents,

After all, they entrusted their own children to us.

How can we not have fun, not be sad from various troubles.

Surprises await us every month in the teachers' council.

We are so with love for children: we teach, we introduce into the world,

And we openly give our care and affection to them.

How can we not rejoice and rejoice?

After all, parents send greetings to the department, to our sites.

Everyone is warmed by care and there is no reason, friends,

Worry, trust us all Friendly family!

To the music of I. Nikolaev - "Little country" the presenters thank the guests and children for their help in participating in the holiday, everyone disperses.

Used Books:

"Holidays for children and adults" - scripts by M.Yu. Kartushina.

"We are masters of our craft" - concert script dedicated to the Day preschool worker N.N. Mikheeva.

"Farewell to Kindergarten" - scenarios graduation parties and entertainment for preschoolers O.P. Vlasenko.