Scenario and holding a graduation party in kindergarten: poems, songs, games, contests, skits, dances, riddles. Congratulations and words of gratitude to kindergarten teachers and parents. Graduation in kindergarten "Magic Keys" Riddles for graduation

About the school for children, the answers are introduced not only to this educational institution, to school subjects or stationery. In general, riddles are folklore, short rhymes about a certain subject, explicitly or indirectly describing it, but not directly naming it.

Riddles about school and school subjects can be used not only in the classroom, but also in kindergarten, while preparing the baby for school. To do this, such short rhymes can be printed on separate cards, arrange funny relay races with riddles, contests and quizzes.

Funny and funny school riddles are designed to show ingenuity and speed in children - for example, to play who will give the correct answer faster. Why else do we need riddles about school? Such riddles describe not only the educational process, but also school subjects, accessories - notebooks, primer, copybooks, rulers and pencils, briefcases and satchels, the first bell, first graders. So for children in grades 2-3-4-5 they will come in handy when holding matinees and competitions, quizzes and just ordinary lessons.

Riddles about the school, students, first graders and a call with answers

Children love to guess school riddles about lessons, first graders and students, the bell and the learning process itself. After all, funny poems create a pleasant impression of lessons and knowledge.

It is through such folk art that one can instill in children the love of school and the desire to acquire new knowledge. After all, school is not only boring lessons, but also a lot of interesting things: new friends and girlfriends, fun breaks, football games in the schoolyard, competitions and relay races, holidays and concerts. So, let's start guessing riddles about the school, students and first graders.

Riddles about school supplies: ruler, pens, notebooks, pencils

School supplies are the same indispensable attribute of school years as a cook's spoon. In other words, rulers, notebooks, pens, felt-tip pens and pencils are associated precisely with students and the acquisition of new knowledge. Riddles about school supplies can be quite fun and funny, short and simple or long and complex. But kids love them so much! Such rhymes will fit perfectly into the program of any school holiday, so choose any and guess with the children.

School riddles about lessons and subjects

In this section you will find interesting riddles for schoolchildren about various school disciplines, lessons and subjects. These are no longer general rhymes with answers, but about specific items that children need to guess. After all, each specific subject in the school has its own characteristics and differences. Analyzing these differences, you can easily and quickly solve any riddle.

School riddles about grades (grades)

Riddles to school about teachers

Alla Kuznetsova
Poems, ditties, riddles for a graduation party in kindergarten

Graduation Poems, puzzles. Chastushki.

1st presenter:

Oh, how many times in the spacious hall

We are with you celebrated the holidays!

But this one has been waiting for so many years -

And then came the exciting moment!

2nd host:

Here to say goodbye kindergarten

Preschoolers rush in the morning

We solemnly welcome them

Applause, friends!

1st presenter:

We've been waiting for this day for five years

But he came at once.

And the lilac blossomed for you,

Like it has never bloomed before.

2nd host:

Bouquets, music, poetry

And a hall bright with smiles -

All this for you Graduates,

Today is your last ball.

1st child:

You took us kids

Kindergarten, our home,

We are now big

And we say goodbye to you.

2nd child:

Here the walls became native,

And beds, and toys,

Educators and nannies

And my girlfriends.

3reb There is a year holidays are different,

And today holiday with us,

Soon we will be first graders

We say goodbye to the garden now.

4 children: Our garden is sad today,

And we are sad quite a bit,

The day of farewell has come

And a long road awaits us.

5 children: We will remember the group and toys,

And the bedrooms are gentle comfort,

And how to forget friends, girlfriends,

With whom we lived here for so many years!

6 children: There is a miracle garden in the world!

I am glad to go to this garden.

Here in summer and winter

All my friends are with me.

7 children: Yes, we are sad quite a bit,

And time can't be turned back

And it's time for us, it's time to go,

ALL: Goodbye my love kindergarten!


1. In a cozy kindergarten

We lived like at home.

Any corners

We were familiar here.

2. We grew up in friendship.

Loved to laugh

But now they have become big,

It's time to say goodbye!

3. Farewell, sleeping dolls,

And shiny balls

And affectionate nannies,

What were we like mothers!

4. The school opened the doors,

Desks and a class are waiting for us.

We are leaving, but believe

We won't forget you!

7. "Farewell song".

Leading: Farewell ball!

Farewell party!

He brought together children and adults!

He is for us, he is for us

It has become a good fairy tale now!

5reb We welcome our educators: ___

Background photo of educators.

Not a lot to do, a lot to do:

Vika braided braids,

She made sure Zhenya ate.

And she also knows how to make sure that the kids

I didn’t get bored, I didn’t get sick, I didn’t run away from the yard.

6 children: ___ if you want,

You can fly into space.

Handyman of all trades:

With you, we did not know boredom.

Fighters you all reconciled,

They took them on excursions.

We wondered at times:

How do you get enough?

7 children: ___ - Our secrets and secrets

All warmed by your heart,

We could trust you

You didn't dare to betray us

Wish we want love

From all our kids.

8 children: Thanks to the teachers

For affection and warmth

We were next to them

And on a gloomy day light.

You took pity on us, loved us,

You raised us like flowers.

I'm sorry we can't have you

Take it with you to first class.

They give flowers.

Background photos of employees.

1. Host - We have specialists

The teachers are top notch!

2. Ved. We are for you we read poetry

And bathe in applause!

9 children: Welcome speech therapist:.

Scream, speak

Clearly pronounce the thought

Taught forever

Our lip and tongue trainer.

Patiently every day

She is not too lazy to do it.

Thanks for the hard work!

Let's talk, we're talking!

10reb Thanks again Methodists ___

All day our methodologist,

With smart speeches.

By "program" so that from diapers

Ros was a talented child.

11 children: Let's welcome the physical education teacher culture: ___

The Olympic Committee ___ sends greetings!

They offer her to speak for the honor of the country!

To become captains of the national team, to give juniors a head start!

12 children: But our teacher- psychologist: ___

With soul finds an approach to kids

Gives advice to parents, to us.

Helps to cope with a critical situation

The psychological health of the nation is on her conscience.

13 children: Say hello to our music director ___

Thank you for your songs

that danced with us together

That the music of all our days

Sounded more fun with you.

14 Healthy I go to school,

I will say "Thank you!" ___

For the fact that we were treated,

And keep healthy!

15 "Thank you!" tell the cooks

Their lunch is excellent.

For having delicious food

We have always been on the table!

16 "Thank you!" to our caretaker ___,

You had a lot of worries.

Buy, paint, whitewash

And follow the order.

17 I'm in the junior group for food

She soiled her robe.

They gave me a clean one

Thanks to our washerwoman!

18. And our Lyudmila Mikhailovna

Just treasure!

She has great talent.

She is a designer and an aesthete,

The taste is great - no doubt!

19 At the head of our _Olga Aleksevna

A whole year of worries can not be counted.

To Katyam, Petyam, Masha,

There was something to eat and drink.

So that everything and everyone is enough,

For us to be happy

Tell her everything "Thank you!"

Flowers are given to the music

Vedas 1. All of you in September will be called by the long-awaited call,

Everything will be different - both the school and the first lesson.

Vedas 2. And here is an unfamiliar desk and your first class.

Everything will be as before, everything will be, but only without us.

musical sketch "Goodbye my love kindergarten

(last photo of preschool childhood)

Children sit on chairs

1st Tutor: And now the most solemn and exciting moment is coming for you!

2nd Tutor: May you have many awards in life, but the first in life is more expensive than a treasure.

Vedas. 1: Expensive Graduates! With kind, parting words, the manager addresses you kindergarten

Presentation of diplomas and gifts

Vedas. 2: Dear children! All life's joys and hardships, ups and downs, disappointments and victories have always been shared with you by your glorious parents. Word to our parents alumni!

Parents' response.

Presenter1. In our kindergarten there is a tradition - to release dream balloons into the sky ....

Presenter 2. Balloon childhood you let go to the sky,

And wishes, cherished dreams will come true!

Many good things are ahead of you.

We wish you Bon Voyage!

Vedas 1. Our ball is over, it is ending holiday.

Happy road to you, first grader!

Vedas 2. May school life be just as beautiful

Like this day - bright, cheerful and clear.

Music sounds, children with balloons go out into the street, guess wishes and release balloons into the sky

1. The cuckoo sings on the clock

Speaks: "Time to say good-bye,

Goodbye toys

I'm sorry to part with you"

2. Do not be bored, dolls, bears,

And pictures in our books.

Guys will come back to you

Just like we used to come.

3. Here is warmth, care, affection,

We were given every hour.

In this house, as if in a fairy tale,

Any of us came.

1. Who has gathered in this hall,

Who is looking at the guys here.

Look, moms, dads,


2. And the manager too,

He doesn't take his eyes off us now.

All who love us and teach us

Who take care of us.

3. In a cozy kindergarten,

We lived like at home.

Any corners

We were familiar here.

4. Thanks to those who loved us,

He taught us to live together.

Thanks to those who taught us

"Thank you" speak.

5. Thanks to those who taught us,

Sculpt and draw.

Thanks to those who taught us

And sing and dance.

6. Thanks to the nannies, cooks,

For kindness and hello.

For tea, for breakfast in the morning

For dinner and lunch.

7. Thanks to those who treated us,

And he taught me how to put a thermometer.

I watched our cheeks

Alleles are like flowers.

8. For the fact that our house, kindergarten,

It was better every year.

Say thank you everyone is happy

Our manager.

9. Here the matinee ends,

We say goodbye to everyone

Our school is waiting for the class!

But we promise you all

We won't forget you!


1. Go to first grade boldly,

There's a big deal ahead!

2. You will go to school soon,

Please don't be lazy.

We wish you guys

Study well!

3. In the new school we wish you

Lots of new things to learn.

But also favorite kindergarten,

Please don't forget!


1. Prepare your ears, listen carefully,

Our school we will definitely sing ditties!

2. A new uniform is put on, a white shirt,

Admire me, what a first-grader I am!

3. I go to school with flowers, I hold my mother by the hand,

Because of the lush bouquet, I can’t find the doors.

4. The school year has begun, the clock has ticked,

And the question oppresses me - will the holidays come soon?

5. I gave to write off on the control, all the problems to Kolechka,

And now we have in notebooks, both have twos.

6. We made a little noise - the glass in the windows rang!

We said "Silence! The wall cracked!

7. Previously, my mother decided everything, what to eat, what to wear.

And now we have to foresee everything

8. I now have a concern, and I don’t know how I should be:

Mom and dad are at work, and who needs to carry a briefcase.

9. Dad invented the alarm clock so that I would not sleep through the lesson.

I attached a solid, hefty hammer to the bell!

10. Very difficult tasks at school are given now!

And with me, together with my mother, enrolled in the first class!

11. We ditties sang to you whether good or bad.

And now we'll ask you to give us a clap.

Presenter-1: let's say goodbye quietly friends

Let's not be sad today.

And no matter how many years have passed, it's all the same.

to you our don't forget kindergarten.

Presenter-2: Let them wait on the school path

Lots of big changes.

You walked out of here into adulthood

Of these kindergarten walls.

3 child:

Our beloved, our beautiful, our wonderful kindergarten!

You are on your way today happy seeing off preschool children.


Goodbye, our fairy tales, our cheerful round dance,

Our games, songs, dances! Goodbye! School is waiting!


Kindergarten is our favorite you will be remembered forever!

We will send you from school from excellent students ...

All. Hello!

Vedas. Today we see off all preschoolers to the first grade,

Let me dance goodbye "Preschool Waltz"

Vedas. Now it's time to tell you "Goodbye!"

But still, we will not be sad.

Vedas. Today I want to farewell holiday

Only good "THANK YOU" speak!

1. Well, that's it! goodbye my kindergarten,

leaves with you little by little childhood,

memories I will save my childhood,

Particle I will take them with me on the road

2. We are good kindergarten

Let's not stop loving

And yet we say goodbye

After all, we have become big!

3. Everything passes, but I'm a little sorry

What childhood the page closes

Everything is ahead, but only in kindergarten

We will never return!

4r. Farewell to all who loved us

Taught to play, write,

Sculpt and dance and sing

Help me get smarter!

5r. We will not forget your hands, their gentle warmth.

We learned the word here "Friend".

AND « happiness» , And "good"!

6r. Thanks to everyone who taught us

Who fed us and who treated us,

And those who simply loved us!

All. Kudos to you and thanks!

1 teacher:

Today, the excitement is impossible to contain -

The last one is yours holiday in kindergarten.

Our hearts are both warm and anxious,

After all, the children have grown up and go to school.

2 teacher:

And how hard it is to part with you,

And you from under the wing into the light release!

You became relatives, you became friends,

And better than you, it seems, can not be found.

Vedas: Today, guys, we congratulate you!

You go to school to learn, to make friends.

Good luck and good health to all of you

And your children's the garden will never be forgotten.

1st child:

You took us kids

Kindergarten, our home,

We are now big

And we say goodbye to you.

2nd child:

After all, it's time to learn

The bell will ring soon

And a cheerful, sonorous song

Call us to class.

3rd child:

Today is an unusual day

Wonderful, excellent!

There is only one reason for this

It is clear to everyone.

Very soon, very soon

We will go to school.

And it's time to wish

Us "No fluff, no feather!"

4 child:

planet we will remember our childhood more than once,

That island is especially beloved,

which was called « Kindergarten» ,

Our dear Kindergarten is unique.

5 We're talking "Thank you very much"

For leading us through life

Because we were loved with all our hearts,

That our pranks have always been forgiven by you!

6 So let the sun shine more generously for you!

From all the guys that are near and far,

To you, those who go to school released pets,

Together: We send our bow - from heaven to earth!


Masha's grandmother has a grandson Sasha, a cat Marsik, a dog Knopa. How many grandchildren does the grandmother have?

2) On the thermometer - plus 20 degrees. How many degrees will be on two such thermometers?

3) Two girls played chess for 3 hours. How long did each girl play?

2nd presenter: 4) There are 8 benches in the park. Three have been painted. How many benches are there in the park?

In our article you will find an interesting scenario in the form of a fairy tale for graduation, comic skits, funny contests and games, interesting riddles, incendiary dances and songs, good-natured poems and words of gratitude for children, parents, and educators.

How quickly time flies. Most recently, you led your baby by the hand to the younger group of kindergarten, and now, you are collecting the child for his first graduation. How important it is at this moment to support the children, to prepare for life in the real world, in which such concepts as schedule, diligence and commitment are important.

Graduation in kindergarten - sad and joyful at the same time, this is the first step towards growing up, which inexorably moves the children away from childhood.

Scenario graduation party in kindergarten

When compiling a script for a graduation party, it is important to evenly saturate it with interesting scenes, games, contests, dances and songs, making it as interesting as possible for participants and spectators.

As an example, you can use the scenario in the form of a fairy tale " How the princess was going to school» .


  • Princess
  • Emelya
  • Leading


Light and elegant now in our room.
Everyone has a lively, excited look
Today we celebrate a big holiday
We accompany our children to school.
That's preschool childhood
They are on the threshold of another life
Let the blue bird remain in memory
First Graduation Ceremony.

Graduates enter the hall

Child 1:
Our dear kindergarten,
You have become our home.
We say goodbye to you
And we are a little sad.

Child 2:
Everything is behind: horses, dolls, guns,
We are adults, not kids.
You can take our toys,
We leave them to you from the bottom of our hearts.

child 3:
With love, educators relatives,
Wave after their graduates.
Don't be afraid for us, we are already big.
And thank you for your concern.

Child 4:
And the same boys will come to you,
And girls with pigtails and without.
You will read books to them again,
And secrets to discover earthly wonders.

Child 5:
Farewell, our kindergarten! you with love
We will remember for a long time
Everything is ahead of us, but only kids
We will never be again.

Children sing the song "We went to kindergarten" in unison.

Child 6:
The days go by fast,
They rush and don't come back.
It's a pity to part with the garden, but I also want to go to school.

Child 7:
We will run in a merry crowd,
Up the wide stairs.
We are proud of our school
Glad to meet her.

The song performed by the children "We will soon go to the first class for the first time" sounds. The children sit down.

Quiet... The music is heard, But where does it suddenly come from?

The Tsar and the Princess enter the hall and sit on the throne. The princess yawns, the Tsar shakes his head, wiping away his tears.

Dear guests, something you are sad, sad. Share, tell us about the difficulties of your royal life, maybe we can help.

There was no life from competitors. The kingdom is empty, there is little money.
The wind is in my pockets
There is no more unhappy me in the world.
Can you please advise me what to do?
Or maybe marry her off?
Have you released yours yet? (referring to parents)

Nightingales sing in the garden. From morning to evening.
What am I to do to the tsar's daughter, if there is nothing to do.
Ah, the sun hides in thick clouds,
From boredom I yawn, I was tortured by melancholy.

And our children in our kindergarten never yawn, do not yearn, do not feel sad.

What is this miracle garden?

Child 8:
There is a miracle garden in the world!
I am glad to go to this garden.
Here in summer and winter.
All my friends are with me.

Child 9:
It's good to live here!
And in our garden they grow
No cherries or pears.
Sasha, Vanya and Katyusha.

Child 10:
Cherries don't live here
Marinochki Yes Mishenki,
And it's not the twigs that make noise,
Kolya, Dashi, Svetochki.

Child 11:
Our beloved gardener
Calls everyone by name.
Our teacher,
Dances and sings with us.

Child 12:
Help her in the morning:
Olga Petrovna and cooks.
Protects our health

Child 13:
Here is such a miracle garden,
For guys like us!

Children dance to the music "Kindergarten"

Hooray! I want to go to kindergarten!

Why would you want to go there?

And they will teach me to dance there, otherwise I don’t know how at all.

I'm afraid, dear Princess, due to your age, you are already too late to go to kindergarten. So our graduates have already become big and we see them off to school. And now the children who remain in the kindergarten because they still need to grow up will give advice to the novice first grader.

Several children from the middle (or younger) group enter the hall, read poems.

Child 1:
Wake up early in the morning, wash your face well
In order not to yawn at school, do not peck at the desk with your nose.

Child 2:
Dress neatly to be pleasant to look at
Treasure every book, keep your portfolio clean.

child 3:
Don't giggle in class, don't move the table back and forth.
Respect the teacher, and don't bother your neighbor.

Child 4:
Don't tease, don't be arrogant. Try to help everyone at school.
Don't be shy, be bold. And you will find friends.

The younger children perform a musical number.
Emelya appears imperceptibly.

Oh who are you? Where are you from?

Well, why are you screaming?
I'm not a thief, but I came on business.
Let me ask you to start
Would you like to get married?

Marry? Well, perhaps!
If you meet a good fellow!

Will you follow me, princess?

speak for you
(bypasses Emelya)

Have you stocked up on dowry?

Yes, it is always with us
Here - in the closet, everything is under lock and key,
I, not without reason, the king's daughter!
How to dress up in silk in the morning,
I look in the mirror all day
What a day I'll even get tired.

And when do you work?

What did you ask? Job!
I don't feel like walking!

Well, if you are a princess, you have to live in the village?
Yes, go to the river for water?
Or put bread in the oven?

Of bread? Into the oven? Are you in your mind?
To burn them in the oven?
My father used to say to his daughter:
Bread on the Christmas trees grow in the forest.

Yes, I would like to have a look!
On that outlandish forest.
So you don't know how to bake bread?
Can you understand literacy?
You will teach children at school.
Passion to learn they want.

I do not respect primers, and I am good without letters!
I put a cross instead of a signature.

Here marry such a bride!
What are you doing all day long?

I drink tea with sweet pretzels, but with toffee, and with sweets.
And when we finish the pretzels, I go to rest in the cold.

No! Your life is amazing.
Be healthy! live rich

Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Where are you going!

Goodbye, queen's daughter!

Didn't look back even once!

Don't worry, princess, it's better to see what kind of gentlemen we have.

The boys perform the dance "Barbariki".

Oh, you are my poor daughter.
Look how skinny the figurine is!
Maybe you should see a doctor?

I want to go to school, father!
I will write all the letters and I will be able to read.
In the kingdom of all affairs, I can solve problems!
And I will go to school with the guys.

Oh, I can't!

I love this song of yours! Oh, what a beautiful princess you are!

Oh ho ho ho! And everything at school is so difficult now.
Take the exam, you won’t be able to master the computer. The head hurts.

Don't scare the queen. Everything is taught in school. And solve problems. Here we will try now.

The host makes simple riddles for the children.

  • How many ears do four babies have?
  • How many tails do five roosters have?
  • Who walks with a bag of books in the morning to school? (student)
  • If you know everything, will you get it at school?

Comic poem about grades
I'm Danilkin's marks, I recognize them without a diary.
If a brother comes with a three, three bells are heard.
If he comes with a deuce, I hear from afar
There are two short, hesitant calls.
If suddenly a ringing starts in our apartment
So he got 5 or 4 today.
Well, if the unit, he quietly knocks on the door.

Artists (chorus):
We tried, we played, a fairy tale was told to all of you.
Or maybe it really wasn't!
But if you liked it, then you pat us, or maybe stomp and do it like this.
(blow kiss)

We will continue the holiday, we will sing and dance!

Children perform the Polka dance.

To be a good student, one must not be lazy.
Always be friendly with the primer and learn everything!
And now - well, who is bolder? Gather your briefcase!

A fun game "Collect a portfolio" is being held.

Child 14:
Moms, dads, guests in the hall, waiting for us to dance to them
And we have ready for them, the dance of festive balls.

Children perform the dance "Clouds are floating in the sky."

Fairy tales end and childhood flies.
The school bell will ring for you in the fall
But let the years pass by
We will never forget you friends!

Child 15:
We will also remember you
We know you loved us.
And you tried to be together
We have always been interested.

Child 16:
If you have ever been offended,
Please forgive us - we are to blame.
If they didn't listen to you, they were naughty.
So we were small back then.

The song performed by the children "The First Teacher" sounds.

Look at your children
They are not a year old and not two anymore,
You handed them over to us
Barely babbling words
But the years passed and everything was:
And joy and sorrow
Good luck, tears, joy, laughter,
Disappointment, strife...
But we were not going to sleep
We tried to educate them
Give them love and affection
They thanked us.

Child 17:
We are sad, very sorry to leave. We promise to visit our garden.
But it's time to say goodbye, We want to say thank you to everyone!

Child 18:
Educators and nannies, you replaced our mother.
It is a pity that we cannot take you with us to the first class!

Child 19:
Dear chefs, always eat delicious food!
Look at us, these cheeks are just class!

Child 20:
The medical staff kept us healthy!
And vaccinations and brilliant green, the best friend of the child!

Child 21:
Our supply manager and storekeeper are not used to sitting idle.
He knows everything about you and glory and honor!

Child 22:
White sheet, apron and scarf.
You will go around the whole white light
You won't find a better laundress.

Child 23:
Who doesn't sleep with us in the morning? Who creaks with a whisk?
This janitor cleans, he respects cleanliness.
We say thank you. We don't mess around now.

Child 24:
Thanks to the musicians. For holidays and laughter
For the fact that there are talents, now we all have.

Child 25:
Thanks to Oksana Nikolaevna, head of our
We will never forget, about us - your care!

Child 26:
And in the moments of our farewell, may your wishes come true.
And now, while we are still together, we give you flowers and our song.

Children give flowers and crafts to all employees. The song "Farewell" sounds.

Poems for graduation matinee in kindergarten

Graduation party is a holiday for children, educators and parents. Therefore, when forming the scenario, it is important to say “thank you” to each participant. This can be done in verse form.

  • Poem " Farewell to the garden»

Spring has come to an end
It's time to say goodbye to kindergarten.
There is a group in our kindergarten
Rainbow is her name.
Our boys live there
Masha, Sonya, Vanya, Misha,
I can't count them all.
All the guys are naughty
We're all just weirdos.

Also in our group
Our three beautiful mothers.
Mother Alla wears food,
Washes the floor, cleans everything.
And wash our toys
And make out the beds.
Strictly looks after the order,
And keep our peace.

Mom Oksana, mom Nastya,
They teach us how to write, count,
We learned a lot from them
About war, about bread, about peace.
About the guys who fought
For us to live happily.
And they talked about space
About the planets: Uranus, Neptune, Saturn.
We learned a lot with them
Learned to love nature.

We worked together with them
A whole year. Hands down.
In the group we put things in order,
Flowers were planted in the flower beds.
Easter cakes were made in the sandbox,
Borscht was cooked from grass.
We'll go to school soon
We will find many new things.
Both friends and teachers.

  • Little poems about kindergarten

It's a pity to leave
With a family garden.
Let's grow up big
We will often remember
Our favorite kindergarten.

Dear, dear, dear,
Our mothers are our second.
May there always be spring in my soul,
And the guys are always happy.
We promise to visit you
Remember very often.

We are sorry to say goodbye to you
The school is ahead of us.
We promise you five
Bring in diaries.

We're going to first grade.
A very sad day for us.
And last thanks
Let's say kindergarten now.

I came to kindergarten
Tiny unintelligent.
And now I'm human
With great experience.

First class
Planted asters in the spring
In the courtyard.
They will bloom later
In September.
Many bouquets of flowers
Let's break it down.
And with flowers in the morning to school
Let's go to.
The first time we all come
To the first class.
The teacher will tell us: “Glad
To see you!"

The door to a new world opens
Kindergarten has become cramped for you!
Waiting, baby, for you now
School desks, books and notebooks!
The school will have many
Joyful and bright days.
Get together little by little
And step forward boldly!

Many, many days in a row
Summer, autumn, winter,
We went to kindergarten
Beloved and dear.
And here we all hurried,
Very, very loved
So it's a pity to say goodbye to him,
And part forever.

Cars, dolls and parsley
They look sad at the guys.
Goodbye toys
Goodbye kindergarten.
Pens and notebooks in the bag
Rulers and pencils.
Goodbye toys.
We are no longer babies.

Songs for graduation matinee in kindergarten

The songs on the graduation party sound a little sad on this day. This is a farewell to the kindergarten, educators and a piece of childhood. This is the first step towards growing up.

  • Song " Goodbye Kindergarten!»
    (to the tune of the song "Winged Swing")

We've gathered in this hall
On this day, not just
Taking the kids to school
Goodbye Kindergarten!
We were surrounded by care
Every day and every hour.
And mothers were calm -
Everything here is done for us.

We give this song
To all educators
And we say thank you
From all dads and moms!

We were led by the hand
Kindergarten in the morning
We were clumsy
Stumbled here and there.
We've been growing all these years
And grew up day by day
and received support
Educators in everything.

Chorus (same).

Childhood will end sometime
'Cause it's not forever
The boys will grow up
Who will scatter
Until then, we're just kids.
We grow to grow
Kindergarten lets us out
The school is ahead of us.

Chorus (same).

  • Kindergarten graduation song

(to the motive of the song "Khali-Gali", the group "Leprikonsy")

Remember how we are our guys
They took me to kindergarten.
He welcomed us like home
And we became one big family.
We celebrated the holidays together
They sang and of course danced...
But it's time to leave
We will keep you in memory!

Khali-gali, paratrooper,
Our kindergarten is just super!
Grown close to each other
But it's time for a change of address.
Khali-gali, paratrooper,
It was great to be around you!
But we grew up fast
The school opened its doors to us.

You taught the children to read
Glue, draw, write, count,
Wear socks, tights,
Eat all the porridge from the plate.
Be true friends to each other
You become your own best friend.
Too bad we can't take you to school
Goodbye, good friends!

Chorus (same).

But passed like a day of the year
Graduation rolled out
We're leaving forever
But let's not forget the kindergarten!

Chorus (same).

  • Song " Our teacher»
    (words and music by E. Alexandrova)

Who comes to the kindergarten early and in the heat and in the cold?
Who will smile like a mother and help us always?
Who will teach you how to knit laces, brush your teeth, wash your hands?
With whom else can we only have a heart-to-heart talk? ..

Our teacher is great!
A beauty and a kind soul.
Today we sing a song about her.
We all live very well here!

And we will repent today that sometimes we are wrong,
That we are capricious and upset you ...
And we do not hear, and sometimes we do not see anything,
We don't always find the time to give you a shoulder.

Chorus (same).

All the guys have been waiting for a long time, not melting impatience,
To our teacher these phrases saying:
"Don't get sick, don't be sad, always be happy,
Well, we will never forget you, dear!

Chorus (same).

  • Song " Kindergarten is a magical land»
    (words and music by O. Shaporenko)

We grew up in warmth and affection,
Like flowers in spring
Fairy tales every day
In an amazing country.
It's good that there is
State "Kindergarten".
Children are always playing there.
Lots of little guys!

Kindergarten is a magical land
Full of miracles and mysteries.
Kindergarten is a land of mysteries
She will not be forgotten.

Here the stump has a dream,
Here Kikimora lives
The locomotive knows how to make friends,
The cat is talking.
Even the evil Grandmother-Hedgehog
Here you can become a princess
A hut on chicken legs
Likes "Russian" dance.

Chorus (same).

  • Graduation song " good road»
    (words - Y. Entina, music - M. Minkova)

Ask strict life:
Which way to go
Where in the world white
Leave in the morning?
Follow the sun
Though the path is unknown
Go my friend, always go
Dear good!

Forget your worries
Falls and ups.
Don't whine when fate leads
Not like a sister.
But if it's bad with a friend,
Don't rely on a miracle...
Hurry to him, always go
Dear good!

Oh, how many will be different
Doubts and temptations!
Don't forget that this life
Not child's play.
Drive away temptations
Learn the unspoken law:
Go my friend, always go
Dear good!

  • Song-dance " farewell polka»

It always happens
It happens, it happens
(polka step in a circle)
With those who say goodbye
Leaving Kindergarten:
Music plays,
plays, plays,
Legs are asking for a dance
They don't stand still!

(stop, turn to each other)
We all need (clapping)
Live happily and amicably clapping),
We will remember this polka
We all need (two steps to the left)
Live happily and well
(stomp, go back),
We won't forget each other
(hold hands and spin)
(repeated 2 times)

Music is faster
Faster Faster,
We dance the polka
Here for the last time.
Hands are friendlier
friendlier, friendlier
Remember merry
And friendly to all of us!

Chorus (same).

It always happens
It happens, it happens
The teachers sigh
Escorting us to school.
Follow the gaze
Weep, weep,
Tears roll on their own
They have kind eyes.

We all need
Live happily and happily
And we love mentors
Let's never forget!
Let's not forget
We won't forget you all
We remember you for a long time
We will! Yes! Yes! Yes!

Contests for the graduation party in kindergarten

It is very difficult for restless children to sit on a matinee for more than half an hour, therefore, in order to enliven the atmosphere, 3-4 mobile competitions should be included in the plot of the festival. Games can be held both among children and involve parents.

  • Graduation competition Assemble a briefcase»

Children are divided into several teams. A table is prepared for each group, on which a briefcase and many different items are placed: pens, notebooks, kickers, a ruler, an apple, a toy, toothbrushes, a TV remote control, a tablet, batteries and others.
The task of each of the teams is to correctly assemble the portfolio in one minute.

There are a few another way holding this competition.
Imagine that you overslept the first lesson and you need to help your child get ready for school. Let's start with the portfolio.

Several parents are selected from the hall, blindfolded, brought to a table with a briefcase and various items. The task is to choose the “right” school subjects and put them in a portfolio.

  • mobile contest " Lay out a five»

The host selects several players.
Gives them a long satin ribbon each.
The task of the players is to lay out the top five from the ribbon.
The child who completes the task the fastest wins.

VIDEO: Competition "Father-well done" in kindergarten

Scenes for a graduation party in kindergarten

Small and funny scenes will dilute the script a little. Instructive miniatures can be used as congratulations for parents and caregivers. Such scenes will become one of the examples of “adult” life, they will develop a sense of humor and the ability to respond to it correctly.

  • Scene in poetic form Farewell to Kindergarten»

Children are located on the carpet, around the toys, as in the group's play area. Each child plays with a chosen toy.

Vika (plays with doll):
Oh, you, my doll
Waiting to see me
Something the doll does not play, has lost its appetite,
Maybe something happened and the doll hurts?

Sonya (also plays with a doll):
Dolls are so boring
Why are they sad?
All the toys are like strangers, quietly in the lockers...

Daniel (plays with big builder):
What happened, I do not understand?
I want to keep playing...

Seryozha (plays with Cyril):
Yeees. Our toys are sad
Cars and balls
After all, we are now big, no longer kids.

Masha (with doll):
doll, dear
How can I leave you?
Another girl will come
And play with you.

Lisa (plays with toy animals):
Do not be sad, good little animals,
Do not be sad, faithful horse,
Play with your favorite toys
New guys.

Vania (with a ball):
Ball, why don't you skip?
I really liked to play with you
But it's time to say goodbye to toys
Give up your place in the group

Nastya (looks at the group):
How cozy, beautiful in our group,
I was always happy to go to kindergarten.

Sveta (sad, dreamily says):
I already miss kindergarten
And for toys, and friends,
And for your favorite teachers ...

But we will not be sad!
After all, we do not forget the kindergarten!

  • joke scene " Misunderstanding»


  • Leader - adult
  • The teacher of the younger group is a girl
  • The teacher of the senior group is a girl
  • Middle group teacher - girl
  • dad is a boy

A solid briefcase and a solid hat -
For Vovochka, dad comes to the kindergarten.
For the first time in five and a half years
Dad has no meeting anywhere.
Our solid dad stands on the floor
And the inscription reads:

Group "Younger children".

He is timid and obedient from the cradle.
In my opinion, this son is my child.

Junior group teacher:
I'm sorry, but this child is not yours,
You need to go up another floor

And again our dad is standing on the floor,
And at the top it says:

Dad: "Average" children.

Vovochkin's dad grabs his heart,
And his hat is lifted quietly.

I am in your garden for the first time now
My Vovochka, apparently, somewhere with you?

Middle group teacher:
I'm sorry, but we see you for the first time,
And the boy Vova is not in our group!

And again our dad is standing on the floor
Under the caption:

Dad: "Older children".

Vovochkin's dad grabs the wall,
The hat rises higher and higher.

I am in your garden for the first time now
My Vovochka, apparently, somewhere with you?

Senior group teacher:
There is no child named Vova in the group
And your face is completely unfamiliar to us!
To our head, I ask you, come in,
And in the lists of the child you look there!

Another floor rises dad,
Dad's hat is rolling down the stairs.
He slowly sat up and whispered:

Dad: Furnishings.
I forgot ... after all, my son, Vovochka, went to school!

Here are some incidents. But, we hope that among our parents there are no such absent-minded people.

  • Scene for the graduation party " Again deuce»


  • Director
  • Cameraman
  • Director assistant

The music in the hall sounds "Film, film, film"

How to make a film? Great movie? What will it be about? A! Exactly! About school! And the film will be called "Again the deuce!"

Director assistant:
Frame one, take one!

A cameraman, a son with a briefcase, a mother with a basin, a father with a newspaper come on stage. Mom does laundry, dad reads the newspaper.

Son (sad): Mother! I got a two.

Mother: Father, our son received a deuce.

Dad: How? Our son got a D? Soooo! Where is my belt?

Stop! Stop! Stop! Mmm... something is not right here... ( thinks)
Exactly! We need something more fun!

Director assistant:
Frame one, take two!

Rock and roll sounds, the son dances says:

Son (funny): Mother! And I got two!

Mother (joyfully waving underwear):
Father! Our son got an A!

How? ( dancing merrily) Our son got a deuce?
Where is my belt? ( laughs)

Stop! Stop! Stop! ( wipes his forehead)
Something is not right here thinks) Exactly! We need something sportier!

Director assistant:
Frame one, take three!

A sports march sounds, the son does exercises.

Son (clearly):
Mother! I got a deuce!

Mother (rhythmically erasing): Father! Our son got a deuce!

How? ( showing muscles)
Did our son get a D? Where is my re-men? ( striding)

Stop! Stop! Stop! ( waving his arms)
Again, not that ... ( thinks) Exactly! We need something more tragic!

Director assistant:
Frame one, take four!

Tragic music sounds

Son (tragic):
MOTHER! ( Puts hand to forehead) I got a TWO!

FATHER! ( Puts hand to forehead) Our son got a TWO!

HOW? ( waving your arms) Our son got a TWO? Where is my. VALIDOL?

Dad falls to the floor. Then all the characters fall.

Stop! Stop! Stop! ( looks around in confusion)

The characters take their bows.

  • Funny prom scene How the gingerbread man did not go to school, but decided to get married»


  • Leading
  • Kolobok
  • Frog
  • hare
  • Chanterelle

Lived in the world Kolobok
In modern world.
He had a computer
Stylish apartment.
He didn't do anything
I ate yeast and oil ...
Go to school with him
The desire is gone.

Jumping, Kolobok runs into the hall.

I am a cheerful Kolobok.
My dough in my belly.
I won't go to school today
Looking for a bride!

Frog appears. Dancing around Kolobok, croaking. You can insert some perky dance of toads.

Hello dear Gingerbread Man!
I am the princess of the pond.
If you want, I'll teach you how to croak,
I will be faithful to you.
For stuffing mosquitoes
I'll catch delicious
Marry to marry you -
I wish you stupid.

No, Frog, I croak -
I will never.
I don't like mosquitoes
And I love sour cream!
(strokes his belly)

A jumping Hare enters the stage, performs dance movements around the main character.

Hello dear Gingerbread Man!
I am beauty - Hare.
I will teach you to count
All carrots famously!
Don't go to school for sure.
Let's steal the cabbage.
Without you, my Kolobok,
So my heart is empty!

Chanterelle playfully enters the stage, performs flexible dance movements around the kolobok, singing:

Chanterelle (sings in an angelic, cunning voice):
trawl-la-la, trawl-la-la

Gingerbread Man looks at Chanterelle, his mouth wide open, spreading his arms to the side.

Hello, sweet Gingerbread Man!
I am a fox teacher.
You are smart, beautiful and brave
Apparently, he ate a lot of dough.
No need for you to read
Attend all lessons.
Better sing a song, my friend,
Invisible Kolobok!

Kolobok(puts on a cap with a visor back, dances in the style of rap and sings fervently in a recitative):
Hey fox, look at me.
I am Kolobok, do as I do.
According to the barn metyon,
Scraped by the bottom of the barrel.
He left his grandfather and grandmother a long time ago,
I did not go to school at the age of 7.
Fate lured me into the yard.
Here the struggle for life began ...
Here I grew up and got stronger.
This helped me rap-rap-rap!

Bravo, cool, Kolobok,
Gingerbread man rosy side!

I love you Lisa
Be my wife, beauty!

Well, of course, Kolobok,
Sit on my nose, my friend ...
I kiss you...
We are now one family.

Chanterelle swallows Kolobok.

Kolobok was too lazy to learn
He wanted to get married soon.
Without a mind - everything is over.
Who is smart - well done!

VIDEO: Kindergarten graduation scene

VIDEO: Scene "Best student" at the graduation party in preschool

VIDEO: Scene about Vovochka (graduation)

Games for the graduation party in kindergarten

Dynamic games allow children participating in performances to unwind a little and have fun for spectators watching or participating in relay races with the children.

  • A game " Merry forfeits»

This game can be played throughout the morning.
The facilitators prepare in advance tasks written on pieces of paper - forfeits (for example, sing a song, dance, tell a joke, a poem, do 3 push-ups, etc.).
A bag filled with phantoms is brought to children or parents.
The task of each of the participants in the game is to complete the task indicated in the note.

  • Playing with parents Who is responsible for what?»

The host reads the duties that the parents will perform. The task of the participants is to answer the question (for example: grandfather, grandmother, mother, father, neighbor, cat).
1. Who will set the alarm clock in the evening?
2. And who should follow the form of a first-grader?
3. Who will get up at 6 am?
4. Who will be the first to eat the whole breakfast?
5. Who will have to collect the portfolio?
6. Who will read the primer daily?
7. Who will cry, left without strength?
8. Who will be to blame if the child got a deuce?
9. Who will go to school assemblies?
10. Who should take a first grader to school?

  • A game " Guess the item»

Various items are placed in the bag: notebooks, rulers, pens, toys, kicks and more.
The host approaches the participant, who, with his eyes closed, must get one of the objects from the bag and guess it.

  • A fun relay race with the participation of parents " build a house»

The leader forms teams consisting of two adults (men and women, mothers and fathers) and one child.
A large box of cubes is placed in the middle of the hall.
Girls (women, mothers) are placed near the box, who choose cubes and pass them to the child one at a time. The task of the kid is to quickly, on a toy truck, deliver the cube to dad (boy, man), who is building a house.
The task of the teams is to build the highest house in one minute.

VIDEO: Fun game with parents

Dancing for the graduation party in kindergarten

Adult children can perform complex movements proposed by the choreographer. It would be appropriate to stage a dance with parents for a matinee, in which daughters will dance with dads, and mothers with sons.

In addition, in honor of the graduation, both kindergarten teachers and parents can prepare a dance.

VIDEO: Incendiary dance at the graduation party in kindergarten

VIDEO: Dance at graduation in kindergarten

Riddles for the graduation party in kindergarten

To diversify the plot of the matinee, you can hold a quiz for kids with riddles dedicated to school and school subjects.

We sat down at the desks together,
Mouths were locked:
In change we clamored
And now we have ... ( lesson )

All letters from "A" to "Z"
on the pages... ( primer )

Every student must
Take with you to school diary )

To write with pens
We will prepare notebook )

I'll draw summer, mom
And yourself. Panama is on me.
Sea, rainbow and house.
Everything keeps in itself ... ( album )

Who will color our album?
Well, of course….( pencil)

So that suddenly he does not disappear,
Let's put it in pencil case )

The bell rings, and without fail
Coming… ( turn )

Congratulations and words of gratitude for kindergarten teachers and parents

Wishes in verse to kindergarten graduates from educators.

  • Congratulations to Kindergarten Graduates!

Today is a sad day for us
We are graduating first class
Our dear children
Such loved ones!
You do not forget our kindergarten
And visit us often
We will always be glad to you
So desired kids!

After all, in our big garden
We live like one family!
You grew up before our eyes
And spent many days here
We taught you everything
You grew up and matured
Strengthened, greatly wised up
And just like a chick from the nest
You are gone forever!

And here is the school and the lesson
And your first call
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts
Good luck, success, obedience!
Never forget
A piece of childhood - kindergarten
Who was always glad to see you!

  • Wise Wishes

The meaning of the wise phrase is simple
It contains the answer to the question
After all, no wonder generations
Honor, keep their creations
Our ancestors - their works!
All wisdom is in them - the salt of the earth!
They contain advice to generations,
In them are covenants and works,
And as long as we live and breathe,
And in the soul we are looking for meaning -
We must understand one thing!
You need to LIVE - NOT live!
Need to strive for the best
To achieve a lot!
So that once generations
Remember your creation!

  • Gratitude in verses to educators from parents

We want words of recognition
Tell the educators.
For hard work, for diligence,
Pay tribute to all of you.
You taught our children
Don't feel sorry for yourself.
They put their heart and soul into them
Instructed them, loving.
Surrounded them with care.
They were like a mother.
For great work
We want to wish you
To make all dreams come true
There was enough time for everything
Good health to you
So that the soul does not get tired.
Never lose heart
Interesting guys,
And, of course, wish
Everyone deserves a paycheck!

  • The oath of parents to future first graders
    (read by one of the parents, the word “I swear” is spoken in unison).

I swear! Whether I'm a mother or whether I'm a father
Always say to the child: "Well done!"
Parents (in unison): I swear!

I swear to leave in due time,
I swear not to be late for lessons with him!
Parents (in unison): I swear!

I swear not to build a child in my studies,
I swear to master a foreign language with him!
Parents: I swear!

For deuces, I swear not to scold him,
And to do lessons to help him!
Parents (in unison): I swear!

  • Gratitude from the head of the parents

Nowadays, no, it's not easy
Lead the garden.
Every day a million questions
All of them need to be resolved.
Yes, work here is not honey,
Here, not everyone could.
The fact that our garden lives -
This is thanks to you!

VIDEO: Graduation party in kindergarten

This is the first significant event in a child’s life, the first step on his path to life achievements and discoveries of the world, so I want this day to be remembered and left behind bright and warm memories. How to arrange it? Much depends on the desire and capabilities of the parents and the administration of the children's institution. Of course, it would be great to entrust all this to professionals by inviting animators or a holiday agency who will arrange for children and adults a complete immersion in a fairy tale or a modern cartoon story.

But you can organize everything on your own and the holiday, albeit held in the traditional format, will still turn out to be sincere and memorable. One of the favorite works of children's classics can be taken as the basis for the scenario line.

Perhaps the organizers of such a holiday will come in handy with the ideas of the scenario we propose. Graduation in kindergarten "Magic Keys", the main theme and lyrical line of which, if desired, can be strengthened by inventing, for example, small souvenirs in the form of “magic keys” as gifts from a kindergarten for young graduates.

The scenario of the graduation party in the kindergarten "Magic Keys".

Children and teachers come out to the music. Solemn beginning of the holiday. Greetings from teachers. Children sit on chairs. Speakers come to the middle.


We came here as kids

Just five years ago,

Parents then did not dream,

What will become our native kindergarten.


Here they met with care, affection,

And here we found all friends.

Good stories were read to us in the garden.

Here we have become older, smarter.


Time has flown by for us

And today is our graduation.

It's sad, but what can you do

We part, our kindergarten, with you.


We don't want to, but we need to say goodbye.

With you, dear native kindergarten.

We need to get to school.

And you - to meet new guys.

Song "Goodbye, Kindergarten" - track 1

Poetic words of gratitude from children to educators


To help children

to teach and entertain them,

All mothers have a deputy,

Their own children are the keeper.

He combs, wipes his nose,

Will answer any question

Always console, if trouble,

Without educators, well, simply, nowhere.


Our mothers brought

Us by the hand in the morning in the garden.

You were other people's aunts,

And then they became family.

We were fed, clothed,

We braided pigtails,

We were taught, helped

And quite a bit scolded.


Educator - sounds proud.

It's like a second mother.

Your word was firm

And we were so stubborn.

How much patience did you have

How much affection and care.

To you even on Sunday

Go hunting to kindergarten.


After summer comes autumn.

Preschool kids go to school.

We will be replaced very soon

New guys are coming.

You will love them too

And they won't forget you.

Let them look a little like us

But they will be different.

Educator: Very sad to say goodbye to you guys. But what to do, you are growing and you need to move on. Do you guys remember what you were like when you came to kindergarten?

On the screen, you can show children's photos of graduates in the background


We couldn't eat ourselves.

We didn't want to listen to adults.

We often poured soup

And dressed for a very long time.


We cried, asked for mom,

They were such fools.

They murmured something indistinctly,

But you still understood us.


We couldn't dance

No singing, no painting.

Though sometimes we were lazy

But we have learned everything.

caregiver: And the kids came to us to congratulate you.

Playful performance by kids.

Kids in caps and bibs crawl out on all fours - track 2 sounds. They dance, then they recite poems.

1 child: We have come to congratulate you.

You are going to first class.

2 child: You study for five

And look, don't be lazy.

3 child: We grow up a little

We will also come to school.

(Kids leave)

Educator: Let's recap. For 5 years in kindergarten, you drew 50 km of paper, listened to a thousand hours of music, danced countless dances. And you also ate 10 tons of porridge and drank 150 liters of compote. Isn't that why you grew up so fast?

Ditties for cooks.

In our kindergarten

The chefs are all top notch.

This is how they prepare meals.

That lunch is like a miracle.

At the tables of us each

It sits very quietly.

How do we start dinner?

Behind the ears, already cracking.

Our parents cannot

Feed on weekends.

In the week we will eat

You have to digest everything.

Here we gain strength

Not by days, but by hours.

And for that we thank you

Let's tell our chefs.

Educator: But listen to what our children dream about on the threshold of a new life.

A scene at the graduation in kindergarten "Whom to be !?"

(Participate: presenter (one of the graduates) and three girls (graduates)

Leading: Three friends met

Warm May evening.

And dreamed a little

What's next for all of them.

1 girl: That's when I finish school,

I will get a certificate

And I'll go to work right away

Educator in children. garden.

I will love children

Feed only fruits.

And for semolina for porridge

I will give a ban in our garden.

2 girl: To the kindergarten? Yes, what are you! Firstly,

You don't have enough nerves.

Well, children love to scream like that,

Run, sing. You don't know.

You try to become a mother

Raise one.

And if you like it, you'll understand

You will go to educators.

3 girl: Now I'm going to be an artist

I visit different countries

People will ask for an autograph

I will shoot in Hollywood.

Will give me flowers

Just talk about me.

Everyone will run after me

Call it a superstar.

2 girl: Everyone wants to hit the stars.

Think it's easy?

It's just that you can't succeed

To become a star, you have to work hard.

3 girl: Well, who do you want to be?

Give advice to everyone?

2 girl: I do not know yet,

Whom I should be, I choose.

First I will study at school,

And then I'll decide.

Without studying I will tell everyone

You will not become anyone.

Costumed game block at the graduation "Golden Key"

(Pinocchio runs in)

Pinocchio: Oh, where did I get, what do you have here? And why are you all so smart?

Educator: You, Pinocchio, ended up in kindergarten. Our guys have a graduation day today. They are going to go to school.

Pinocchio: To school?! Yes, what are you? Yes, do you know what a school is? (Children answer). You don't understand anything. School is all according to the schedule, homework, do not chat in class what they say, remember. In general, nothing good.

Educator: What are you, Pinocchio. Listen to what would happen if there were no schools.

Children dance and sing the song "If there were no schools." - track 3

(Malvina enters)

Malvina: Ah, there you are. Pinocchio, you ran away from the lesson again. So you never learn anything. Here are the guys, what great fellows, they gathered at school. They probably know how to count and read. That's right guys. (children answer). Well, then guess my riddles.

Pinocchio: Just someone to teach.

Riddles for graduates "Merry Mathematics"

1. Picked up mushrooms in the forest,

I take them home with me.

Three chanterelles, five white ones.

2. We grew up in the garden with a crop.

Count all the vegetables

Two tomatoes, five cucumbers,

One pumpkin. Who is ready to answer? (eight).

3. My grandmother had two kittens.

Grandmother sewed slippers for kittens.

Answer which of the guys is ready

How many paws do two kittens have? (eight).

4. Three crucians lived in the lake,

Duck with duckling and two geese.

How many birds can you count.

Who is ready, raise your hand (four).

Game with letters "Collect the word"

Malvina: What good fellows! Here's another task for you. It is necessary to collect a word from letters.

(Two people collect words. Pinocchio helps)

Malvina: And they know how to guess riddles and add words. Look, Pinocchio, what smart children, you should learn from them. Tell me, guys, have you already bought the briefcases? Do you know how to collect them? Let's check it out.

Game "Collect a portfolio"

Two teams of 3-4 people. By the type of "Merry Starts" Each team has a table with school supplies. Also toys etc. n. (what the school does not need). One team member runs up to the table and collects what is needed at school in a briefcase. Each participant is checked: everything is taken out of the portfolio and evaluated. Pinocchio tries to confuse the children, slips them toys.

(Enter Artemon)

Artemon's school riddles

Artemon: There you are? And I'm looking for you. And why are there so many guys here and everyone is so beautiful? You must be on holiday.

Pinocchio: Imagine they are going to school.

Malvina: The guys are not only beautiful, but also smart. And today is their graduation. They say goodbye to kindergarten.

Artemon: Saying goodbye is sad. And let's make it more fun, let's dance. You can Dance?

Dance "We are little stars" - track 4

Artemon: Guys, do you already know everything about the school? I'll check it out now


Sometimes in a line, sometimes in a cage.

Children write numbers and letters in me. (Notebook)

I have a beautiful house.

Live notebooks - pens in it.

I wear it to school every day.

I will ask you to name this house. (Briefcase)

All knowledge lives in it,

As well as written assignments.

Each lesson has its own

He will be your faithful assistant. (Textbook)

Pencils are stored in it,

Handles are stored in it.

Maybe the kids don't know

And you tell me what the thing is. (Pencil case)

(Karabas runs in)

Karabas: Yeah, gotcha, bad kids. Who else is this? The same mediocre kids like you?

Educator: These are kindergarten kids. They are very smart and can sing and dance well. But you, Karabas, should learn from them kindness, friendship and good manners. Let's guys sing a song about kindness to Karabas.

Kindness song - track 5

Karabas laughs merrily.

Educator: What made you so happy.

Cheerful song-alteration of Karabas-Barabas

(Karabas sings to the tune "My neighbor plays the clarinet and trumpet"):

How can I not have fun

How not to sing, not to dance.

I recovered from anger

I will help everyone.

Thank you guys here

You are now my friends.

Don't be afraid of me

I became cheerful, kind.

Karabas: Friends, it's time for us to return to our theater. Everything will be different for us now. And we wish you guys good grades in school. And, most importantly, remember that the magic key to knowledge will be found by each of you who will strive for this and work hard!

(Karabas, Malvina, Pinocchio, Artemon leave)

Educator: Not only we are sad today, your toys are also sad. Now other guys will play with them.

Graduate: Goodbye, beloved toys,

Bears, bunnies, dolls are beautiful.

Textbooks and notebooks are waiting for us.

Other kids will come to you.

Dance with toys "Goodbye toys" - track 6

We gave our soul to you

We gave you our warmth.

And, like family, we loved you.

You have been replaced by your mothers.

You were the best kids

We will never forget you

And we won't hold back the tears.

You were the best kids.

Without words,

No tears,


At the crossroads of two roads

Saying goodbye to the garden now,

And leaving for a long time

Don't forget about us.

At the crossroads of two roads

Saying goodbye to the garden now,

And leaving for a long time

Don't forget about us.

When you leave us

And your group will be empty

Your heart will become sadder.

There will be sudden silence.

When you leave us

You visit the kindergarten

And report success

We are always glad to see you.

Without words,

No tears,

No words, no tears, no worries.


At the crossroads of two roads

Saying goodbye to the garden now,

And leaving for a long time

Don't forget about us.

At the crossroads of two roads

Saying goodbye to the garden now,

And leaving for a long time

Don't forget about us.

Parents' response.

Congratulations to the graduates.

1. We will sing ditties to you,
And you help.
We'll guess riddles
And you guess!

2. You listen, friends,
We don't need to clap.
Who will we sing about now?
- About kindergarten children!

I enter the room
With writing under the arm.
And on the street I wear
School bag with a book

Be a plant manager
I dream from an early age.
Everyone wants to buy cars
But so far there is no money.

I fell off my bike
They took me to the doctor...
Traumatologist guys
Since then, I want to become!

I play mother and daughter.
I love my kids -
I wash, I dress
I endure all their whims!

By carving master,
And I'm an expert in cars.
Why do I love cars?
- No way, just like that!

I draw like an artist
And I love to play in the theater.
And when I'm angry
I try to control my mood!

I decorate with spiders
All the clothes I wear.
- Buy a backpack with a spider! -
I ask my parents.

Maybe I'll be a hockey player
Maybe I'll take up dancing.
In the meantime, the most athletic
In our group I am called.

Laughter, guys, I love -
I imitate a comedian.
If laughter is heard in the group,
I will make you all laugh!

12. Natasha

Acted as a cat
I dressed up in earrings
And I'm glad on the podium
Show outfits.

13. Timothy

I take care of my health
I loved soap.
I bring everything in order
To be clean.

14. Polina

I can draw all day
Not drawings - a feast for the eyes!
I'm flying to my dream -
I want to become a designer!

I love the theater very much -
and I know artists.
I will make everyone laugh and have fun
When I play myself.

Brave, dexterous - I am!
This is clear to everyone.
I write with my left hand
Fast, neat.

I play roles well.
And I'm in the clouds...
I do not like falling, pain,
But… I skate.

I love the game, massage,
And have a conversation...
And I come from a walk -
I'm in no hurry for dinner.

I'll play any role
If I want to.
-I'll have some more tea! -
I often shout at the table.

I used to eat very little
But here's what's remarkable -
The appetite has now come.
And that is great!

I laugh contagiously
I flap my eyelashes
And from my hands crafts
Flying birds!

Look, please
How do I own u-shu.
Become brave, become strong
Well, with a bang - it has become stylish!

23. Razmik

I'm on the kindergarten stairs
I fly like lightning.
I am both Russian and English
I want to understand better!

I got an autograph
Kirkorov himself.
I don't sing, I dance
But also very cool!

I have my own beauty
This is a long braid.
It's not easy to be beautiful
The braid needs to be braided!

I come to the dressing room
Everyone comes with me.
I go for a walk -
Everyone is already coming in.

It was so long ago…
Everything happened a long time ago.
Dress up anyway
Learned quickly!