Holiday script for the family day at school. Extracurricular activities in elementary school for Family Day. Friendly family. Mini-sketch for children

Event goals

1. To educate in children a respectful attitude towards all family members.

2. Teach to consciously and conscientiously treat domestic work.

3. Develop oral speech, memory, creativity.


1. The class teacher organizes an exhibition of children's drawings "My family".

2. The class teacher and students are preparing the design of the holiday:

- children's drawings - portraits of fathers, mothers, grandfathers, grandmothers, the children themselves;

- three posters with the rules of a friendly family;

- musical fragments.

Students of the 3rd grade and their parents, class teacher participate.

The classroom is decorated with portraits of fathers, mothers, grandparents, and the children themselves. On the wall there are posters with the rules of a friendly family: “Respect and love the elders”, “Take care of the younger ones”, “Remember! You are the helper in the family. Music sounds.

Event progress

Classroom teacher(reads the tale of the first family)

Long ago, on a distant island, there lived a boy. He lived alone. No one brought him up, no one punished him, he did not share nuts and fruits with anyone. And the boy was very sad. One day he went to the seashore. Suddenly a gray-haired old man came out to meet him, very old and very wise.

"Where are you going?" the old man asked. “I'm going to look for a place where I won't be so lonely,” the boy replied. “I know how to help you. Come with me,” the old man suggested. “He brought the boy to his house, where his children and grandchildren lived. "Look! said the old man. “We all live in the same house, we rejoice together, we grieve together, we eat together what nature has given us, we help each other. Stay! I will be your grandfather, my son and his wife will be your father and mother, and my grandchildren will be your brothers and sisters.” The boy stayed, and after a while he realized that only now he had learned to rejoice and became truly happy. And it happened because he had a family.

Each of you guys has people closest and dearest to you. These people loved you when you were just born and will always love you. Who is this? Name them in one word.

The children answer.

That's right, it's a family. Today we celebrate Family Day, which means that we will only talk about it. But today you are not just spectators. All of you are my helpers. Together we will look for the answer to one question: what is needed for each of you to have the most friendly, strongest family?

1st student

Our mother, like spring, then how the sun laughs,

The way a light breeze touches my head.

He will get a little angry, as if a cloud has come running.

Just like a rainbow, she, you see, she shone.

As a worker - spring, will not sit down, will not get tired.

She will come home, and immediately it will become brighter

2nd student

I love my house, my river, I love every shell in it

And every pebble at the bottom, and a rainbow bridge above it.

I love the forest in a green T-shirt, daisies on the forest lawn.

I love the sun, the good wind, and my mother more than anyone in the world!

3rd student

My dad is handsome and strong.

My daddy is the best

He will always raise his hat with his hand,

Meeting a lady on the street.

Classroom teacher. Your parents will always love you and take care of you. But the time will come when you will also have to take care of your parents .. Let's look from the side how some guys act ugly with their parents.

Students act out the scene. The characters are mother and daughter. The daughter is going to the evening, trying on outfits, casually throwing the ones she didn’t like.

Mother. Put things back, girl!

Daughter. Mom! Leave me alone! Can't you see I'm in a hurry?

Mother. When will you return?

Daughter. And what?

Mother. I was tired at work today, I wanted to go to bed early. And you lost your key. How will you open the door?

Daughter. Serves you right! Maybe you can order a new key for me as soon as possible! Well, okay, no time for me!

Mom, confused, does not know what to answer, throws up her hands

Classroom teacher. Did you like the girl and why?

Children answer - How should parents be treated?

Children provide answers.

Guys, who was next to your parents when they were as small as you?

1st student

Two grandmothers sat on a bench on a hillock,

They congratulated each other, shook hands with each other,

Although the exam was passed not by grandmothers, but by grandchildren.

2nd student

Goes to school for meetings, grandma cooks broth.

The postman brings her money every month for this.

If the grandmother said: “Don’t touch it, don’t you dare!”,

We must listen, because our house rests on it!

3rd student

Our grandfather does not like shadows,

He loves the warmth of the sun.

Trembling at the old knees

It's hard for the poor guy to walk.

But we can't live without it

He is not a stranger, he is ours - native,

He will come out, we will help him,

Let's put a folding chair.

And we'll sit well

We'll cover our feet, and then

Smooth out the gray beard

Or braid braids.

The guys show a sketch about a grandmother and grandson - an excerpt from the story of V. Oseeva "Grandma".


Comrade Borki.

Enter Borka with a friend. Their grandmother meets them in the hallway.

Borka. Let's go, let's go! You can't say hello to her. She is our old lady.

Grandmother (pulling down her jacket and straightening her shaky, quietly) To offend, to hit, to caress - you need to look for a word.

Grandma leaves.

Comrade Borki. And our grandmother is always greeted by both our own and strangers. She is our main.

Borka. How is it the main one?

Comrade Borki. She is old, she raised everyone. She cannot be offended. And what are you doing with yours? Look, father will warm up!

Borka. It won't warm up. He does not greet her himself.

Comrade Borki(shaking his head). Strange! Now everyone respects the old. Here, in our yard, the old man became ill, so now they pay him. The court ruled: And ashamed, as in front of the neighbors, horror!

Borka(blushing). Yes, we do not offend our grandmother. She is full and healthy!

Borka says goodbye to his comrade, but delays him at the door

Grandma, come here!

Grandmother. I'm coming!

Borka(comrade). Here, say goodbye to my grandmother.

Classroom teacher. What can you say about Borka's behavior?

Children express their opinions. Now let's talk about our younger sisters and brothers.

1st student

Dad went to work, mom went to buy groceries,

And I have a concern - to swing my brother in the cradle.

I sang a song to him, and stroked his head,

But the words were powerless -

He only made one thing: "Wah, wah, wah!"

The weather outside is amazing! Friends call for a walk.

But I can't - I'll rock my brother in the cradle.

The students act out the scene.


Older brother.

Younger brother.

Two brothers are alone at home, painting.

Older brother. Give me the red pencil!

Younger brother. Give it back, I'll draw for them!

Older brother. You don't care what to scribble, but I draw a picture!

Younger brother. Okay, take it! Will you show me a picture?

Older brother. Leave me alone, little one, don't interfere!

Classroom teacher. Guys, how should you treat the younger ones? So, we saw how some children in the family behave ugly. I hope that none of you will ever be in their place. And for this you need to remember three rules of a friendly family.

Students in chorus read aloud the rules of a friendly family: “Respect and love the elders”, “Take care of the younger ones”, “Remember! You are the helper in the family.

And now - funny contests.

Competition 1.

Depict an angry grandfather, a kind grandmother, a sleepy dad, a capricious brother with facial expressions. Prizes are awarded to the most active participants.

Competition 2.

Show (without words) how you help your mother in the household.

Participants receive cards with written actions: “wash the dishes”, “water the flowers”, “sweep the floor”, etc. Prizes are awarded to the most active participants.

Classroom teacher. Thanks to the guys who performed on stage, to all the participants and guests!

Nice music sounds.


Oseeva V.A. Sobr. cit: In 4 vols. T. 2. M., 1985. Vasek Trubachev and his comrades. Tale. Book. 3rd. Stories. Fairy tales. Poetry.

Holiday script

"Family day"

Prepared and conducted

educator: Cherepova N.M.

Purpose: education of family values.


1. Raise love and respect for the family.

2. To form the skills of cultural behavior in the family.

3. Contribute to the creative self-expression of pupils.

Equipment: lotto "Proverbs", basket, children's drawings, balls, costumes for dramatization.

Leading. Good afternoon dear friends! We are glad to see you at the family holiday. Of course, you know that May 15 is celebrated as International Day of the Family all over the world.

Family is the most important thing in life for each of us. Family is close and dear people, those to whom we wish good and happiness, whom we love, whom we take an example from, whom we care about. This statement will never be hackneyed. It is in the family that we learn love, care and respect, responsibility.

There is no such holiday in the calendar,

But for us it is important in life and destiny.

Without him, we simply could not live,

Enjoy the world, learn and create.

In the family circle, we are growing,

The basis of the foundations is the parental home.

In the family circle, all your roots,

And you come into life from the family.

Leading. I think many will agree with me that a family begins with love, kindness, caring for each other and, of course, from home. Despite the fact that many people want to be independent, the family becomes a priority in the life of every person.

Each family has its own house, but not everyone knows that the word house is non-Russian. It comes from the Latin word "dominus" - possession. The word house means not only construction, but also living itself - being under its roof, in the circle of close and loving people. Their unanimity, friendship, support, harmony, ability to get along with each other - this is the strength of the house. We all know proverbs about home. I will start the proverb, and you try to finish it:

A guest on the threshold - happiness in ... (house).

A house without a mistress ... (an orphan).

Lead the house ... (do not shake your beard).

The apple never falls far from the tree).

What they are rich with ... (so they are happy).

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better).

A family in a heap is not terrible and ... (clouds).

What is the treasure for - if in the house ... (lad).

When the family is together, so is the soul in ... (place).

In the family and porridge ... (thicker).

There is safety in numbers).

It’s good to be away, but at home ... (better).

Houses and walls ... (help).

My home is my castle).

Leading. What good fellows you are, you coped with all the tasks correctly.

Russian proverb says "My home is my fortress" Why do they say that? (answers of children and adults). Each family has its own fortress - its own home, but not all of them are perfect. Today we invite participants to build the facade of an ideal house, where

every brick will mean something.

Game "Build a house"

Build a house from modules. Each module is a brick signed (health, understanding, love, children sign empty modules themselves).

Leading. The house is different. Our children also have a second home. And what kind of house we are talking about, you will now understand.

The house is cozy, small -

doors and windows,

And from the very porch

around his path.

This house is beautiful, important,

Well, let it be a two-story

Like a white ship

He floats down the street.

There is a wonderful house in the world

Children live in that house

I think this house

The best in the world.

If you enter this house

You will enter the magical world

You will laugh merrily

Don't be sad, don't worry

This holiday is many days

It will live in your soul.

Leading. Guess which house we are talking about? Of course about the shelter.

The song "Good Road".

Ask strict life which way to go,

Where in the world to go white in the morning,

Follow the sun, even though this path is unknown,

Go, my friend, always go the way of good.

Forget your worries, ups and downs

Don't whine when fate doesn't behave like a sister.

But if it's bad with a friend, don't rely on a miracle,

Hurry to him, always go the way of good.

Oh, how many different doubts and temptations there will be ,

Don't forget that this life is not child's play.

Go, my friend, always go the way of good.

Drive away temptations, learn the unspoken law,

Go, my friend, always go the way of good.

Drive away temptations, learn the unspoken law,

Go, my friend, always go the way of good.

Drive away temptations, learn the unspoken law,

Go, my friend, always go the way of good.

Leading. Well, what holiday is held without competitions? Here we have fun contests.

Contest 1

« Aliens»

This contest will require large balloons and markers. Children are explained that they have in their hands the planets of the Universe, on which there are no inhabitants yet. Each participant must "populate" his "planet" with little men. The winner is the one on whose ball of drawn creatures there will be more. You can also give a prize for the most original alien.

Competition 2

"Air battle"

Blow up 10 round balloons (5 each in two different colors). Create two teams. Divide the room into 2 equal parts with chalk, arrange the teams against each other. Give each team 5 balls. Task: while the music is playing, you need to transfer the balls to the opponent's side. It's not so easy, because the opponents return the victory balls! As soon as the music stops, the kids freeze. We do the calculations. This fun competition for children is held in several stages.

Contest 3

"The whole family is going to visit"

There are two teams of 4 children. This is dad, mom, daughter, son. There are 2 chairs on the opposite wall of the hall.

Dads start the game. On a signal, they put on a cap and run to the chairs, run around them and come back, mother clings to him (takes him by the waist) and they continue to run together, go around the chair again and run back, then their daughter joins them, etc. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Kuzya suddenly appears.

Kuzya. Hello guys - girls and boys!

I am a cheerful brownie. I bring peace to the house.

Make friends with me, well, call me - Kuzma.

And I came today - to congratulate you, friends.

Happy Family Day to all and I wish you a lot of joy.

That's a miracle - kids, but what good!

Now everyone look at me

Yes, show your ingenuity.

Prepared riddles for you

Listen carefully.

Who is the first to answer?

He gets candy.

Riddles from Kuzi.

At night, every window

Weak lighting...

Friend of animals and friend of children

Good doctor...

Crows awake

Dear, kind...

tall, long-legged,

He is not too lazy to fly -

On a straw roof

Settled ...

As soon as the light of day went out,

groaned in the dark...

Chick-chirp! Chick-chirp! -

Who raised a cheerful cry?

Don't scare this bird!

Made a noise...

From the palm tree down to the palm tree again

Leaping smartly...

A simple question for kids:

Who is the cat afraid of?

Fan tail, crown on head.

There is no better bird than...

Passed by the hive


Who gnaws on a pine cone?

Well, of course it is...

Kwa-kva-kva - what a song!

What could be more interesting

What could be more fun?

And sings to you...

Run out to the shore!

Toothy floats...

He walked boldly through the forest,

But the fox ate the hero.

At parting, the poor thing sang.

His name was...

For many days he was on the road,

To find your wife

And the ball helped him,

His name was...


I'm beautiful, I'm flying

And in the spring I melt from the sun.

Guess quickly

Who is this? ...

Lived in a bottle for hundreds of years

Finally saw the light

He has grown a beard

This kind...

I bark and bite ,

I guard your house

I always look into my eyes

What is my name? ...

Kuzya. Well done boys! All riddles solved. Now sing me a song and I'll listen.

Song "Murlyka"

1 . The stars sleep on the rooftops. Children sleep in cribs.

Red cat Purr came out on the ledge.

He has white gloves on his paws,

He has a white "kiss-kiss" around his neck.


Kiss-kiss-meow that's all the music!

Kiss-kiss-meow that's all the words!

Kiss-kiss-meow that's all the music!

Kiss-kiss-meow that's all the words!

2 . Windows flare up, and shouts rush:

Don't bother people, it's time to sleep!

Stop this music-music!

What is this SHOW in the middle of the courtyard?


Instead of a microphone, the tail takes Purr.

The song is not new, but its own.

Kiss-kiss-meow that's all the music!

Kiss-kiss-meow that's all the words!

Kiss-kiss-meow that's all the music!

Kiss-kiss-meow that's all the words!

3 . But no one understood the poor artist

And did not shout "bravo",

and did not shout "encore"!

And he left proudly, deafened by the whistle,

And he carried away the white "kiss-kiss" around his neck.


Instead of a microphone, the tail carried Purr away.

The song is not new, but its own.

Kiss-kiss-meow that's all the music!

Kiss-kiss-meow that's all the words!

Kiss-kiss-meow wonderful music!

Kiss-kiss-meow wonderful words!

Leading. What a wonderful holiday we have! Just a fairy tale! What is a fairy tale?

Let's look into the chest of the brownie Kuzi, in which he keeps fairy tales.

Leading. Oh, Kuzya, and our children know how to play with dolls. They will now show you the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man".

Fairy tale "Kolobok"

Kuzya. Today is a holiday - Family Day. So I looked - looked at everyone, and then I remembered that I was left without a home, without a family. Oh - trouble, trouble, trouble, grief.

On a holiday without a family is impossible, friends help me. Ah-ah-ah...


Come on, Kuzya, smile, look around

Here girls and boys -

Mischiefs and rascals.

Always in a hurry to help you

Dispel boredom, grief away .

They understand you

They even read fairy tales to you in the group.

And the shelter is your home,

You keep him at peace.

In this small group

We will live as a family.


I got it! Thank you.

Naughty and funny, small and big,

Hold hands together

And stand in a circle

And at our holiday -

As one family we dance together.

General dance.

Leading. Children will grow up, and everyone will have their own family. And it will be the best family, where adults take care of children and elderly parents, and children will listen to adults and help in everything. And most importantly - everyone will love each other, treat each other with respect.

Our guys wrote their wishes on pieces of paper. We put them in an envelope and tied them to balloons. Now we will all go outside together and release balloons into the sky. May all your dreams come true!

And now we invite all participants and guests of the holiday to tea drinking.

Scenario of a family holiday in elementary school

Scenario of a family holiday "Everything starts - father's house"

Description of work: The material was created for primary school teachers and can be used for events dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day and March 8.
1). Support for the initiative and independence of children and their parents
2). Development of students' creative abilities
3). Involving parents in activities with children
4). Formation of respectful attitude of children to their parents and parents to their children
5). Formation of cultural traditions in communication between adults and children

Preparatory work for the holiday:
- production of gift surprises for parents, grandparents;
- each child brings their own family photo;
- preparation of the holiday program.

Decoration and equipment:
- on the board there are posters with the name of the holiday and family photos with wishes from children;
- doll, glasses, tea service, tablecloth, scarf for the scene;
- scarves for performing ditties, checkers, a meat grinder, a bell, two dolls, diapers, hoops, jump ropes, sweet prizes, blindfolds;
- phonogram of the songs "Father's House", "My Mom", music for ditties and for games.

Event progress

Video about the family
Teacher: Hello dear guys, girls and boys! And also dear parents, fathers and mothers, grandmothers and grandfathers! We are glad to welcome you to our holiday. Recently, the holiday of men has passed, and the holiday of women is approaching soon. The two dates are so close to each other. Therefore, we decided to combine these two holidays into a single whole and call it a family holiday “The beginning of everything is the father's house”

February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day. In 1918, the first regiments of our Russian Army entered the first battle with the enemies and won, so on February 23 we celebrate the birthday of the Army and the Navy, Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Our native land can do anything: feed us with warm bread, give us spring water to drink, and surprise us with its beauty. And he can't just defend himself. Protecting the Fatherland is the duty of those who eat its bread, drink its water, admire its beauty. Today, defenders of the Fatherland and future defenders are at our holiday.
Let's greet the defenders of your family hearth, your dads, grandfathers, classmates and congratulate them on the holiday.

When ice lies on the rivers
And the blizzard rushes into the distance,
A wonderful holiday brings us
Thoughtful February.

The holiday of all soldiers will come,
Defenders, fighters.
Everyone will be happy to congratulate
And grandfathers and fathers!

I went for a walk in the yard.
Climb over the fence
And left on the fence
Half pants - that's so grief!
How can I go home now?
Am I ragged?
Mom will teach
So that I do not climb again.
Dad will say: “Stupid!
There's a hole in my pants now."
Grandma will wail
But my pants will be patched up.
Well, grandfather, my faithful friend,
Wrap around me
Take me out to the yard
Jump over the fence
He will teach me
We have fun with our grandfather!

For all defenders of the Fatherland, the song "Serve Russia" sounds

1 competition "Aircraft designers" for dads, grandfathers and boys


He hums and draws with chalk,
He paints in white
Blue on paper.
He draws, he sings.
What is this? (Airplane)

- Well, of course, the plane. And the first competition is the competition of aircraft designers. There are sheets of paper on the table. Dad (grandfather) and son need to make one airplane each. Points are awarded for the speed and quality of work. Now let's do some testing.

Airplanes are launched, the flight range is summed up.

2 competition "Mom's helpers"
“Now let’s go to Mom’s kitchen.” So, mom ground the minced meat. What now needs to be done with a meat grinder? Task: disassemble and assemble the meat grinder (the son disassembles the meat grinder, and dad collects it).

3 contest "Pick mushrooms"
Checkers are scattered in a circle. Participants are blindfolded. How many participants collect mushrooms in a certain time, so many points will be received!

Boy 1: Our call is terribly sonorous,
I fly out into the corridor ...
I have one girl
A conversation ensued...
- And my dad is a champion!
He goes to the stadium
He throws weights up -
Will be the strongest in the world!
Girl: Though men are strong
Can't bake pancakes...
You men are stupid
You educate, teach,
And parsley from dill
You can't tell!
By the way, who does the washing at home?
God didn't give you a talent...
TV "consuming",
You lay down on the sofa!
Boy 1: From a man there is no sense?!
Is this talent not given to us?!
Who nailed a shelf in the kitchen?
Did you fix the faucet in the kitchen?
Girl: You don't feel like cooking borscht,
Do not fry cutlets ...
You should run away to work,
Well, there is no more sense!
Boy 1: You, prickly splinter,
You don't know us men well
Every now and then you shed tears
And also for no reason...
You speak prickly words, shy ...
Dad's head in the house!
Girl: And mom is the neck in the house!
Boy 2: No, it is not necessary to decide in a dispute,
In the hallway conversation
Who is stronger and who is more important ...
It's just ... mom is more tender than everyone!
Children: Go around the world around
Just know in advance:
You will not find warmer hands
And more tender than my mother's.
You will not find eyes in the world
More affectionate and stricter.
Mother to each of us
All people are more precious.
One hundred ways, roads around,
Go around the world.
Mom is the best friend!
All: There is no better mom!

Teacher. Our dear guests, of course, you guessed who will be discussed next. Mother - we call the earth so when we grow bread and flowers, when we soar above it in a rocket and see how it is from a height. Clean, clean, all blue - this is probably because mothers walk along it, smiling at their children, their future. Mother! The most beautiful word on earth, this is the first word that a person pronounces and it sounds in all languages, it sounds equally gentle. Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands, they can do everything. Mom has the most faithful sensitive heart - love never goes out in it, it does not remain indifferent to anything. And no matter how old you are - five or fifty - you always need a mother, her caress, her look. And the more your love for your mother, the more joyful and brighter life.

March 8 - a solemn day,
A day of joy and beauty.
All over the earth he gives to women
Your smiles and flowers.

Grandmothers, mothers, girls,
The women of our country
I would like to congratulate you all
Happy first spring!

For a whole year you were in worries,
Couldn't even straighten their backs
But stop working today
It's time for you to rest.

We men love you
For love, beauty and work.
And let me deliver today
Your gentle hands from the fetters.

We'll put on the hostess' robe
And take care of the children.
We will give you flowers and gifts
And we'll bake a cake for the holiday!

There are many mothers in the world.
Children love them with all their hearts.
There is only one mother
She is dearer to me than anyone.

Video "Mom"

Teacher: Girls always play mother-daughter with enthusiasm, trying to imitate adults. Let's quietly watch them.

Scene "Three mothers" based on a poem by E. Serova.

Tanyusha in the evening
Came from a walk
And the doll asked:

How are you, daughter?
Have you crawled under the table again, fidget?
Did you sit all day without lunch again?
These girls are in trouble!

Come to dinner, spinner!
(The girl takes the doll and places it at the table)

Tanya's mother came home from work
And Tanya asked:

How are you, daughter?
Played again. maybe in the garden?
Managed to forget about food again?
“Dine!” Grandma shouted a hundred times
And you answered: “Now, yes now!”
These girls are just in trouble.
Soon you will be as thin as a match.
Come to dinner, spinner!
(Daughter sits at the table)

Grandma is here
Mom's mom, come
And she asked her mother:

How are you, daughter?
Maybe. in the hospital for the whole day
Again, there was not a minute for food?
Did you eat a dry sandwich in the evening?
You can't sit all day without eating!
She's already become a doctor, but she's still a fidget.
These girls are in trouble!
Soon you will be as thin as a match.
Come to dinner, spinner!
(Mom and grandmother sit down at the table)

Three mothers are sitting in the dining room.
Three mothers look at their daughters.
What to do with stubborn daughters?

All (in chorus):
Oh, how not easy it is to be mothers!

The song "My Mom" ​​by S. Melnikova is performed

4 competition "Trap for Mom"
Mothers are involved. They are blindfolded. After that, they must guess their child's hands.

Teacher: Our girls are also future mothers. Today we celebrate their holiday

5 competition (for girls) "Swaddling the doll"

6 competition "With chairs" or "Tie a bow"

Child: Mom has a job, dad has a job.
They have Saturday left for me.
Grandma is always at home!
She never scolds me!
Seat, feed: don't rush,
Well, what happened to you there?
I speak, but my grandmother does not interrupt,
Grains buckwheat goes through ...
We're good - that's it, the two of us.
Without a grandmother - what kind of house?
Child: What does our grandmother like?
Possibly chat
With all our family
What can be gathered in an instant.
What do grandmas love?
Probably baking cheesecakes.
They are also attracted
Perky ditties.

(A group of children perform ditties)

1. Put your ears on top,
Listen carefully.
We will sing ditties to you
Very good.
2. We start cooking with dad -
There is smoke and noise in the kitchen.
It is a pity that we did not finish with him
Culinary College.
3. The girls in our class
Curly curls,
And the boys in our class
4. Dad writes an essay,
Grandfather solves the equation.
Everyone is sitting with lessons
Here is our family contract.
5. We play mothers and daughters,
We imitate mom and dad.
Chur, on the couch - I lie,
Well, you go to wash.
6. No puppies or kittens
Mom and dad don't want
They say, they say: "This is too much"!
So buy me a brother!
7. Christmas trees - pines,
Spiny, green.
Even our grandmothers
In love with grandfathers.
8. I count very fast
Everyone at school is proud of me.
Not a single boy in the class
Don't chase after me
9. Fun accordion plays
Oh, we have a team!
Let's just say: from the boys
We can't take our eyes off.
10. Ditties have a beginning
Ditties have an end.
Who listened to our ditties
Let's just say - well done!

7 contest "Chatushki" (for mothers and grandmothers)

8 competition "Sports"
Moms spin the hoop. The girls are jumping rope. Who will last longer.

Teacher. It's time for our holiday to end. The family is mom and dad, grandma and grandpa. The family is also our favorite class. I want peace and tranquility to reign in your families. And you were friendly with each other, as today at our holiday. Your children have prepared wishes and recorded them in a large family album. (Children read).
The family is a magical symbol of life. Take care of him! Everything starts with the family. The beginning of everything is the father's house. We sing a song about it.

Final song "Father's House"

Our holiday is over
And we want to say more.
Allow me to say goodbye
Wish you good health!

(Children give gifts)

Number of participants: 2-4 people. The script also involves performers of artistic numbers, jokes, young parents, students.

Time spending: from 50 minutes to 1.5 hours.

Location: Assembly Hall.

Purpose of the holiday: to focus the attention of schoolchildren on the importance of family relationships; foster understanding, responsibility, respect in the family; draw the attention of schoolchildren to the phenomenon of kinship; to cultivate love, devotion, kindness, trust in the family; to promote the development of talents and abilities of students; create and maintain a positive emotional mood, arouse interest in the knowledge of reality, the communication of children among themselves.

Equipment: sound equipment - music center, microphone.

Application: barker clown costumes, balloons, gifts, task cards, props for playing jokes.

On the stage there is a table for the presenters, tables on which the materials of the contest "My family tree" are laid out.

The melody “Images” by K. Debussy sounds.

Barker clowns take the stage.

1st Clown Barker

Come on, hurry up
The way to the hall is open today.
And grab a smile
To look healthy.

2nd clown barker

In the hall today they rush to us
117 friendly couples, 240 dads and moms.
112 fellows will come running from all over,
370 girls will come running from all the rooms.

1st Clown Barker

There are families on our list, cheers for them! And march in their honor!

The solemn parade march "Land of Hope and Glory" by E. Elgar.

The hosts enter the stage, the clowns-barkers leave.


Hello dear friends! Today we have chosen as the topic of our program such two concepts "I" and "my family", which are in fact inseparable and are one.


Family is a marina and a harbor
Come back here again
From wanderings and distant voyages,
Love lives here forever.


Our parents love us sincerely and reverently!


They give us the opportunity to learn and grow!


Our families own a treasure - the warmth of family fire.


And we have established ourselves in our high filial and filial feelings in relation to our dads and moms.


We weighed our relationships on the family scale.


And we decided how great it is that we have them, that they are with us!


So, the first section of our program is called "Family - the basis of life."


The family is a school of social life in which a person learns to manage and obey, to quarrel and put up, to live in harmony with himself and with others.


The family is a stable element of society, closely connected by its functions with society as a whole. It is the family that connects a specific person - "I" - with the concept of "we".


Together with the letter “I”, the number “7” adds up the kind, warm, friendly word “family”.

A banner with the word "family" written on it is brought up to the stage.


In the family, a person is born, here they look forward to his birth, here the parents name the child, here he utters the first words and takes the first steps on Earth.


In the family, he comprehends life through fairy tales, games.


This forms his attitude towards himself and others and the relationship with the world as a whole.


The family puzzles the child with its difficulties and worries and teaches them to overcome them. It is in the family that the first ideals, ideas of good and evil, beautiful and terrible, are manifested.


The performance of the smallest participant of the program is dedicated to dads and moms.

first grader

Loved you for no particular reason
Because you are a grandson
For being a son
For being a baby
For growing up
Because he looks like mom and dad.
And this love until the end of your days
It will remain your secret support.
(V. Berestov)


The family perceives a person as he is, and helps him in his desire to improve, learn, and master the wisdom of life.


In the family, a person first encounters the concept of "love" - ​​maternal, paternal, brotherly or sisterly, with the love of grandparents, a person learns to be loved and love.


The song "Love me like this" welcomes you .... Meet!

The song “Love me like this” is performed, lyrics. and music. N. Lay.


The phenomenon of kinship is a unique social phenomenon, which is characterized by a stable connection between the concepts of "I" and "my family", the continuity of generations.


The involvement of a particular person in a huge family tree, which has roots in ancient times, and a high level of responsibility in relation to our relatives, especially children and parents.


Each of the participants in the competition "My family tree" plunged into the history of his family.


He discovered many of his ancestors, learned about their fate and life.


He took a closer look at his relatives, studying his family tree.


As you can see, the contestants have a lot to tell.

Short speeches of the participants of the contest "My family tree". Awarding of the participants of the contest "My family tree".


The concept of family is inextricably linked with the understanding of happiness.


Here are the results of a survey of women - what the word "happiness" means to them.


Well-being in the family, mutual understanding, love.


Find a worthy life partner, love and be loved.


To love and be loved, to see your parents healthy and happy.


It is good to get married, have many children.


To have children, a large family, parents who would always be there.


We invite young parents to the stage to share their own experience of raising a child.

Young parents take the stage.

young parents

After the birth of a child, we understood 10 immutable truths:

  1. The voice of a screaming three-year-old child is three times louder than the voices of three adults.
  2. Everything that is stored in an inaccessible place gets in 28 seconds.
  3. Lipstick tastes good, and the brighter, the tastier.
  4. A tube of toothpaste is enough to paint half the wall and the door.
  5. Rinsing in the washing machine makes the hamster sick.
  6. An umbrella can never replace a parachute.
  7. The most important documents are torn the fastest.
  8. The stomach can fit three huge servings of ice cream, but never one small bowl of soup.
  9. Superglue really sticks to everything.
  10. Firefighters arrive in 10 minutes.


So, the second section of our holiday is called "Spouses in proverbs and sayings."


It's great to have a big, friendly family, get together, travel. To educate and educate, to teach to enjoy life, to have the opportunity to be happy.


When you learn to love yourself, you will love other people too. You are the most important person in your life, and only you can make other people happy.


“The family is the main and main rear,” says folk wisdom.


Students will tell us about spouses in proverbs and sayings.

The 10th grade students take the stage.

1st student

Unmarried - like a wolf, and married - like silk (Lithuania).

A man without a wife is a head without a body, a woman without a husband is a body without a head (Germany).

2nd student

A man without a wife is a traveler in a remote desert (India).

Husband and wife - one Satan (Russia).

If you are lonely, it is better not to be born (Kyrgyzstan).

1st student

Azerbaijanis say: "To marry is not to drink water."

Mordva: "To marry - do not put on bast shoes."

3rd student

And the Irish warn that "three things are the hardest to choose: a wife, a braid and a razor."

2nd student

So, proverbs about jealousy say: “To be jealous is to lose your wife”, “Love, looking for roses, and jealousy - thorns”, “If scabies appeared from jealousy, the whole district would itch.”

4th student

The Swedes advise spouses: "A man loves with his head, and a woman thinks with her heart."


We propose to hold a competition of married couples and test the spouses for cohesion, resourcefulness, quick wits.

The melody “Dreams of Love” by F. Liszt sounds. Two couples are invited to the stage.


Couples will need to answer questions quickly. Since the word "family" includes the number "7", then the questions will be with this number.

sample questions

  1. Name the seventh month of the year. ( July.)
  2. What holiday is celebrated on January 7th? ( Christmas.)
  3. Seven days in ... ( week)
  4. 7 x 7 equals ... ( 49 )
  5. How many characters are in the Ukrainian folk tale "Turnip"? ( 7 )


Well done! Done with the task! Rewarding with gifts for participation in the competition.


“Without children, it would be impossible to love humanity so much,” said the classic. And one cannot but agree with his words. After all, children are our present and our future.


They give us smiles, give us hope. Nothing pleases more than the happy laughter of a child.


So, the third section of our program is called: "Children are our present and our future."


Childhood is a time when they say all sorts of nonsense, do stupid things, ask stupid questions. But there are adults for whom this time in childhood was not enough.

Pupils come on stage, play jokes.

Daddy, mom asked you to go home without slippers, in just socks.

She lost her needle and wants to find it.

Vovochka, when is your birthday?

You were lucky it was a leap year, otherwise you might not have been born at all.

Guys, I really don't know what to do. My son is growing up like this. And most importantly - it is not clear in whom? Maybe give him something for his birthday? But no, it will!

On the beach, a man addresses a woman.

The woman does not respond.

Your child took and buried my shirt in the sand!

This is not my child. My child is washing cherries in your hat!


Sometimes we don't know what we are capable of.


Each has its own gestation period. And the period of formation.


Therefore, the main thing is to give a person independence. And if he starts to work independently - rejoice.


Well, near a man, you need to create a space of love, and not manage it. If not us, women, then who, if not now, then when?


So, the fourth section of our program is called "What are wives."


What are wives like? Well, we know which ones: good or bad ...

Pupils take the stage, read proverbs and sayings about wives.

1st student

“A good wife is magic, a bad wife is witchcraft,” the Kyrgyz assure.

2nd student

“A good wife is paradise at home, but with a filthy one, even run away from home,” the Kazakhs echo them. “You get old from an angry woman, but you get younger from a kind woman,” Ukrainians say.

3rd student

A lot has been said about bad wives. So many. You see, the people suffered.

He drives away anger on horseback, whom the wife considers a fool at home (Sweden).

4th student

There are many troubles in the world, but an evil wife is the greatest of them (Norway).

1st student

A bad wife is like tight shoes (Afghanistan).

2nd student

A bad wife is worse than rain: the rain drives you into the house, and a bad wife kicks you out (Israel).


Here we are talking bad wife, good wife. Let's talk more about men. Well, for example.

Pupils come on stage and read out interesting facts about men.

1st student

Every day, the average representative of the stronger sex says 7,000 words. Women speak three times as much.

2nd student

Men brush their teeth twice as often as women.

1st student

The male immune system is weaker than the female.

2nd student

Men often bite each other during an argument.

1st student

One man out of five has a female mindset. Such men are prone to gossip, shopping, fashion. And every seventh woman has male brains.

2nd student

10% of gentlemen are well acquainted with age crises.

1st student

The most calm and happy period, according to British scientists, for men comes at 65 years old.


I propose to hold a competition for married couples and test the spouses for kindness, sense of humor, patience, and the ability to listen.


Agree. And our next competition is called "Situation".

The melody "Southern Roses" by I. Strauss sounds. Two couples are invited to the stage. They are given cards with questions.

Questions for women:

  1. In the mailbox you find a letter sent by a woman. The letter is addressed to the spouse. What will be your actions?
  2. You are married, and another man confesses his love to you. How will you do it?

Questions for men:

  1. Can a wife read her husband's thoughts from a distance?
  2. You need to spend the evening in a purely male company. What will you say to your wife?


Well done! We also completed this task.

Rewarding with gifts for participation in the competition.


Joy rejuvenates a person. Women need to rejoice that there are real men.


But there are different husbands. Let's listen to what is said in proverbs and sayings about husbands.


The fifth section of our program is called "What husbands are like."

Pupils come on stage, read proverbs and sayings.

1st student

Lithuanians say that "behind a good husband - like behind a wall, behind a bad husband - like behind a hemp."

Ukrainians joke: “Let the man be like a crow, but still the woman’s defense,” and complain what happens, “when he gets married, he spreads like a bridge, but when he got married, he blocked his throat with a bone.”

2nd student

It is clear that women's dissatisfaction is manifested when "it happens that there are already three children in the family, and the husband's heart is still free."

3rd student

Koreans grumble: "A nimble wife will not save a husband who is a clumsy."

4th student

And the Swedes say: "There is no such a good man whom a woman could not make even better."

The melody "Poem" by Z. Fibich sounds.


Family is the whole world. The world is unknown. What it will be depends on everyone in the family.


In various everyday situations, you need to be able to listen, help, cheer. Show patience and resourcefulness, kindness and a sense of humor. And most importantly - just love!

1 leader. Good afternoon dear friends! We are glad to see you here with us, in this hall. May 15 is officially declared an annual international holiday - Family Day. And today our program is dedicated to this holiday.

What could be more precious than a family?

They warmly welcome the father's house.

Here they are always waiting for you with love,

And escorted on the road with good!

Father and mother and children together,

Sitting at the festive table

And together they are not bored at all,

And five of them are interesting.

The kid is like a pet for the elders.

Parents are wiser in everything

Beloved dad is a friend, breadwinner.

And mom is the closest, relatives.

Love and appreciate happiness!

It is born in the family.

What could be more precious

In this fabulous land?

2 Lead.

1 presenter

What is a family - everyone understands. Family is home. Family is a world where love and devotion reign. These are the same joys and sorrows for all. These are habits and traditions. And it is also a support in all troubles and misfortunes. This is a fortress, behind the walls of which only peace and love can reign. Listen to what a wonderful poem the students of grade 2 will read to us


Family is us.

Family is Vova, dear brother,

Family is my fluffy cat.

The family is two dear grandmothers,

Family - and my sisters are mischievous.

The family is the godmother, aunts and uncles,

The family is a Christmas tree in a beautiful outfit.

Family is a holiday at the round table,

Family is happiness, family is home,

Where they love and wait, and do not remember evil!

Family is happiness, love and luck,

Family is summer trips to the country.

Family is a holiday, family dates,

Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.

The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,

Dreams of good, excitement and awe.

Family is work, caring for each other,

Family means a lot of housework.

2 Lead. International Day of the Family was established by the UN General Assembly in 1993. The family, as the main element of society, has been and remains the guardian of human values, culture and historical continuity of generations, a factor of stability and development. Thanks to the family, the state grows stronger and develops, the well-being of the people grows.

But for a child, the factor of stability, the only hero, omnipotent and invulnerable, who is able to disperse any fears, is the father.

Dear fathers, dads! Without your reliable shoulder, strong hands, kind eyes, wise words, there would not be such happy wives and children who admire and are proud of you. So let's greet our men with thunderous applause for what they are. Our kids have prepared poems for you.

1Denis and Maxim

My dad is handsome

And strong as an elephant.

Beloved, considerate

He is affectionate.

I look forward to

Dad from work.

Always in my portfolio

He brings something.

My dad is resourceful

Smart and brave.

He's on the shoulder

Even a difficult one.

He is also a naughty

A mischievous and a prankster.

With him every day

Turns into a holiday.

My dad is funny

But strict and honest.

And it's fun to play.

And bored without dad

Ride on sleds.

Nobody can

Laugh so loud.

My dad is a wizard

He is the nicest.

He instantly turns

For what you ask.

He can become a clown

Tiger, giraffe.

But the best

He knows how to be a dad.

I will hug him

And quietly whisper:

my daddy i love you

I love it hard!

You are the most caring

The most native,

You are kind, you are the best

And you are only mine!

Father's hands! Father's hands!

They never get bored!

They have no rest on the day off,

Familiar to them is heavy and big!

Working hands, callused, bumpy,

Working and dazzlingly clean,

Everyone is doing so well and skillfully,

As in the saying: "They argue business."

I can talk about my father endlessly,

After all, there is no person better than a father!

1 leader. The family is a small island of warmth, love, joy and light. It's no secret that our mothers create warmth and comfort in the house.

From the heart,

In simple words

Today, friends

We'll talk about mom.

Children read the poem one by one, one line at a time.

Mom is heaven!

Mom is the light!

Mom is a blessing!

Mom is no better!

Mom is a fairy tale!

Mom is a joke!

Mom is a treat!

Moms love everyone!

Mom will smile

Mom is sad

Mom will regret

Mom will forgive.

Mom - golden autumn,

Mom is the dearest

Mom is kindness

Mom will always help!

Mom, you are not dearer

Mom can do everything

Congratulations mom today

We wish moms happiness.

All say together: Mom, I love you,

2 Lead. We see, dear mothers, that you are a little sad, and tears glistened in your eyes. So let your tears appear only from happiness and joy.

1 leader.

I will tell you a story about the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. Although we celebrate this day not today, but in the summer, on July 8th. This is the day of memory of the Orthodox holy spouses Peter and Fevronia. They have long been revered in Russia as the angels of family and marriage. Peter was a man of noble birth, a prince. Having fallen in love with a simple Ryazan girl Fevronia, he married her. The couple reigned in the city of Murom at the end of the 12th - beginning of the 13th centuries, lived happily, loved each other dearly and died on the same day. In ancient times, on July 8, both old and young went to church. In prayers, young people asked God for great love, and older people for family harmony. Chamomile is the most famous and beloved flower in Russia. It has also been a symbol of love since ancient times. Nowadays, chamomile has come to personify the holiday of Family Day, love and fidelity.

2 Lead. A family is a home where we are ready to return again and again, bear all our hardships and know that here we will be understood, where they hope for us and are waiting for us. Today we will build our dream house "Building Material" with special properties: kindness and understanding, mutual assistance and patience, tact and humor. Building a house always starts with a project, our project is already ready. We will build a brick house .. But these are unusual bricks, these are bricks of wisdom, thrift, love and health, and much more. Divide into two teams to build a house. Everyone knows that bricks are red and white. 1 team, winning will lay a white brick. Team 2 is red. And in the end we will see which team has contributed more to the construction of the house. At any construction site, a foreman must supervise the work. Our role as foreman will be performed by the jury.

1. competition "Brick of folk wisdom ..."
● Presenter. . I will start the proverb, and you, please finish it.
● Do not need a treasure ... when the family is in harmony.
● Away is good...but home is better.
● When the family is together, ….. and the heart is in place.
● The hut is not red with corners, ... it is red with pies.
● In the native family ... and the porridge is thicker.
● Children are not a burden, ... but a joy.

2. A brick of comfort and warmth.

Cozy in the house and warm from the one who surrounds the person in the family. Having guessed the riddles, you will learn about who is in our friendly family.

1. She emits light,

From a smile - a dimple ...

Nobody is more valuable

Than dear ... (mom).

2. Whole household: quinoa

Yes Corydalis Ryabushka,

But always scrambled eggs

We will be fed ... (grandmother).

3. Gifted trinkets -

Seven nesting dolls and a beaver...

But more expensive than all the toys

For me, my ... (sister).

4. Guess who it is?

Car keys, tie, hat.

I'm waiting, friends, for your answer.

Well done! Of course ... (dad).

5. Wetting in warm milk

He's a piece of bread

Walks with a stick in his hand

Our beloved ... (grandfather).

6. I must confess to you:

I have a friend

But a hundred times more reliable

My protector, elder ... (brother).

3. "Brick of friendship."

Friendship is important for every person, not without reason the people say: A bad peace is better than a good quarrel. People are friends with houses, streets, cities and even countries. You need to find out from the description the type of dwelling of different peoples. Each team takes turns answering questions.
1. Peasant house in a Ukrainian or Belarusian village? (hut)
2. Peasant house in Russia? (hut)
3. Construction of poles covered with branches, straw, grass, etc. (hut)
4. Covered recess in the ground, dug for housing, shelter? (dugout)
5. Temporary premises made of fabric stretched over the frame (tent)
6. A hut made of branches, leather, bark among the Indians of North America? (wigwam)

4. "Brick of a smile."

Two members.

Task: who will wind the rope faster (the length of the rope must be at least 1.5 m) on a pencil.

5. "Brick of understanding."

Each team is given the concept of some thing, object, and it must guess what it is about.

1. Clothes for potatoes; military uniform; but the soldiers do not wear it. (uniform)

2. They sometimes sit there; now they are not fashionable; I used to wear them in the rain. (galoshes)

3. It grows in the field; there is such a game; sometimes it looks like a nose. (potato)

4. It lies on the floor; it is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner; they call him to the boss. (carpet)
5. This thing is necessary for every person; products are carried in it; kangaroos have it. (bag)
6. Container for a bribe; clothes for the little ones; in which letters are sent. (envelope)

6. "Brick of thrift".

So that prosperity settles in your house and there would be no place for boredom, try to guess the names of the dwellings of animals that can live next to a person.
1. A special house for a bee? (hive)
2. Bird house? (nest)
3. Rybkin's house in the apartment (aquarium)
4. Sheep lock? (sheepfold)
5. Hostel for horses? (stable)
6. A bird house that a person builds and hangs out for them? (birdhouse)

1Presenter So the construction of the “Dream House” has come to an end. It remains only to put the roof of a good mood. From the leaflets offered to you with the image of various faces, choose those that match your mood, and we will glue them to the roof.

2 Lead

Always be together, take care of love,

I want my friends to talk about you

What a good family!

And now let's sing a hymn dedicated to the family.

The hymn is being played.