Download wall newspaper template for Cosmonautics Day. We make a simple poster for the day of aviation and astronautics. Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten. Wall newspapers, posters, collective works - Wall newspaper dedicated to Cosmonautics Day

You will need

  • - a sheet of A-3 paper
  • - acrylic paints: red, white, blue, black, green
  • - foam sponge
  • - pin
  • - a piece of plastic or glass (palette)
  • - paint brushes
  • - simple pencil
  • - eraser
  • - ballpoint pen
  • - table lamp
  • - glass (or tracing paper)
  • - white paper format A-4
  • - ruler


We select a picture, for example, an astronaut in outer space. This picture needs to be copied. This can be done in three ways: on a printer, copied using tracing paper, or redrawn using a simple device, colloquially referred to as a dralloscope. To make this device, we put a table lamp on the floor, put two stools on both sides of the lamp, put glass on the stools, a picture that we will redraw, a sheet of A-4 paper on top, turn on the lamp and transfer the drawing with a pencil. When the drawing is ready, turn the sheet upside down and shade the entire drawing tightly with a simple pencil. We turn it over, put it on a sheet of A-3 format in the place where, as planned, this drawing will be located. With a little pressure, draw a picture with a ballpoint pen. From below, with a pencil, we denote the contour of a part of the globe.

On the free part of the sheet, with the help of a ruler, with a light pressure of a simple pencil, draw lines. There will be a text with something like this: "The history of the exploration of the Earth is inscribed with the names of many pioneers, only some of whom escaped the limits of Earth's gravity into space. Space exploration is the most dangerous, but space exploration expands our understanding of the Universe. The first space flight was made by a Russian Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. He went into space aboard the Vostok-1 spacecraft on April 12, 1961. Gagarin made one revolution around the Earth and made a soft landing on the descent vehicle. In memory of the first manned flight into space, all mankind annually celebrates 12 April Day of Aviation and Cosmonautics.

We paint the suit with dry brushes with blue and dark blue paint (we mix blue and white paint in different proportions), draw the details with a mixture of red and white paint. Highlight the places lit by the sun with white paint. Let's paint a fragment of the Earth, at the same time applying blue, light blue, white and green colors to the foam sponge with strokes. We paint with frequent movements from top to bottom.
Acrylic paints dry quickly, wait a couple of minutes. Using the eraser, delete the auxiliary lines under the text.
That's it, our poster for the Day of Aviation and Cosmonautics is ready. The child will cope with such a pattern easily.

Gulnara Mammadova

Wall newspaper- this is a wonderful project for joint creativity with a child! I bring to your attention wall newspaper, which can be performed together with pupils in preparation for the holiday Day astronautics. Today I'm showing you how to do it. wall newspaper by April 12 - Cosmonautics Day.

Wall newspaper on the theme of space and Cosmonautics Day this is a wonderful opportunity to introduce children to the history of the day astronautics and talk to them about space. Wall newspaper will tell a lot of interesting and not seen before. The work was done on A1 paper. Prepared pictures and texts are printed and cut out. Everything is printed and glued on. And also under each circle are hidden riddles.

On an airship

Space, obedient,

We, overtaking the wind,

We rush on.


The rocket has a driver

Weightlessness lover.

In English: "astronaut",

And in Russian …


Special spacecraft,

It sends signals to Earth to everyone.

Like a lonely mysterious traveler

Flies in orbit artificial.


The very first in outer space

Flying at great speed

Brave Russian boy

Our astronaut.


Target: development of cognitive and creative activity, instilling interest in learning space and the history of astronautics; fostering a sense of patriotism and citizenship.

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The guys and I decided to prepare in advance for Cosmonautics Day and make a wall newspaper. Everyone quickly got to work. For work we needed:

The first manned flight into space is a grandiose event, which is splendidly celebrated every year by lovers of discoveries and new technologies. On this day, it is customary to hold themed evenings in educational institutions, even if the future profession is not related to astronautics. To make the party a success, it is not enough to prepare entertainment events - the hall must be decorated with festive posters and wall newspapers.

The wall newspaper for Cosmonautics Day, which can be downloaded from our website, is a ready-made sketch of a thematic poster with special “windows” for poems and congratulations. The drawing is assembled from separate fragments, each of which has the size of a landscape sheet.

Download wall newspaper fragments

The wall newspaper template consists of 8 fragments that need to be combined into one large drawing and colored.

How to make a congratulatory wall newspaper on Cosmonautics Day

  1. To begin with, all fragments, and there are eight of them, should be printed on a monochrome printer. To do this, it is not even necessary to download images - you can send a picture for printing directly from the browser.
  2. The resulting blanks must be connected, focusing on the sample on the site.
  3. When all the fragments form a single pattern, they must be glued together with glue or tape.
  4. If desired, the poster can be duplicated on the reverse side with thicker paper - this will extend the life of the wall newspaper.
  5. The resulting picture should be painted with paints or pencils, and holiday poems should be written in the windows and.

A beautiful wall newspaper for Cosmonautics Day is an ideal solution for those who cannot draw. The finished wall newspaper will not differ in any way from the picture drawn by the artist's hands.

Oksana Nikolaevna Molchanova

Wall newspaper"WITH Cosmonautics Day» .

A joyful, exciting, spring holiday is approaching

No time to play today

We are busy with other:

For all wall newspaper

We work together.

We painted the rockets brightly,

Let them fly now!

In the brave astronauts,

Playing kindergarten.

April 12 Yu. A. Gagarin made the world's first flight in space. He became the first in the world astronaut who flew to space. Therefore, the day of April 12 became a great national holiday in honor of the pilots - astronauts and all workers who are working to create space rockets and ships.

Gagarin's flight outer space lasted 1 hour 48 minutes. During this time, he circled our Earth and then returned back.

After Yu. A. Gagarin's flight to space has been visited by many astronauts among them were women. The world's first woman astronaut- Valentina Tereshkova.

And just for this holiday, we made this wall newspaper with kindergarten students astronauts, as well as for all future astronauts from our kindergarten.

After all, the best gift is a handmade gift!

I suggest you do the same wall newspaper.

For we need wall newspapers:

Whatman paper or white wallpaper


colored paper

Colour pencils

felt-tip pens

Coloring pages about space

Inscriptions-poems about outer space

Children coloring pages

circle the verses about outer space

Wall newspaper can be any color

Create, fantasize, and let your wall newspapers will be different

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The wall newspaper is a wonderful project for joint creativity with a child! How? Have you ever made wall newspapers before?! Try it and you will definitely like it! This is a very exciting activity!

Wall newspapers are usually thematic and dedicated to some event, first birthday, for example, a memorable date or holiday. They can decorate the house, or you can decorate the kindergarten! Imagine how nice it will be for a child to see the result of your joint work with him in the building where he spends 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week! Think also about the role these wall newspapers can play in the development of his personality, his leadership qualities and self-confidence.

Thought? Great! Today I'm telling you how to make a wall newspaper by April 12 - Cosmonautics Day.

The simplest thing is to find ready-made templates on the Internet and print them out. I love coloring templates that are immediately divided into A4 sheets.

1. Download the layout of the wall newspaper, for example, from here and print.

2. Glue into one. We usually use a glue stick for this, sometimes, however, the seams have to be glued for reliability with adhesive tape on the back.

3. Coloring! This is the most exciting activity. A three-year-old child will be happy to help and color to the best of his ability, and even new skates and a helmet are not a hindrance to him.

No need to rush and paint everything in one sitting. Stretch the fun! It usually takes us about a week to produce one newspaper. Every day, 40 minutes of coloring after a hard day's work will help you relax, and give your child the opportunity to communicate with you. Think about it, a child visiting the garden sees you on average one hour in the morning (when you struggle with yourself so as not to fall asleep on the go) and three hours in the evening (when you are already tired), i.e. he only sees you 4 hours a day and can't help but miss talking to you. Such a simple matter, like making a wall newspaper, will solve the problem of your lack of attention as productively as possible for both parties.
And even though his coloring is far from perfect and the strokes go beyond the lines, this will only add charm to your joint creation.

4. After everything is colored, we fill in the fields intended for this with text and pictures.
Since this year, on March 9, it was the 80th anniversary of the birth of Yuri Gagarin, the first cosmonaut in the history of Mankind, the content of our newspaper is mainly devoted to him.

If you want to repeat - go for it!

Photo by Yuri Alekseevich

Gagarin's autograph about his impressions of the flight.

I took information about the first flight from Wikipedia.

The font of the text of the poem must be chosen so that the poem occupies half of the A4 sheet, for this you can combine two lines into one, as I did.

All the planets in order

All the planets in order
Call any of us:
Once - Mercury,
Two - Venus,
Three - Earth,
Four is Mars.
Five - Jupiter,
Six - Saturn,
Seven - Uranus,
Behind him is Neptune.
He is eighth in a row.
And after him already, then,
And the ninth planet
called Pluto.

Or this verse can also be used:

Yuri Gagarin

In a space rocket
Named "East"
He is the first on the planet
I was able to climb to the stars.
Sing songs about it
Spring drops:
Forever will be together
Gagarin and April.

In addition to the wall newspaper, on the eve of the holiday, you can visit a thematic exhibition or museum with your child. In St. Petersburg, by the way, near the Peter and Paul Fortress, where the Museum of Cosmonautics and Rocketry is located, every year in honor of this holiday there is a mass launch of home-made rockets. You can develop the theme of space by watching thematic cartoons, documentary footage of Gagarin's first flight, the landing of Americans on the moon, a film about the first lunar rover, etc. and so on.

And this is a 1969 documentary "Yuri Gagarin".

"Humanity will not remain forever on Earth, but in the pursuit of light and space, it will first timidly penetrate beyond the atmosphere, and then conquer all the space around the Sun." - K.E. Tsiolkovsky