How to pronounce a spell correctly. How and when to conduct magical rituals and ceremonies correctly

It is well known that a word is an acoustic wave that causes the vibration of atoms, molecules and the fields surrounding them. That is, it directly affects the world and modifies it according to the information contained in it. It is not for nothing that the Bible says: “In the beginning was the word ...” Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that the world's religions and magical sciences have taken the word into their arsenal. Moreover, in the literal sense - as an attacking and defensive weapon.

So there were spells, conspiracies and slander in the occult, prayers in religion. But the question arises: what are these mystical phrases? And do they always bring the desired effect? The answer is unequivocal: there is always an effect, but sometimes it comes instantly, and sometimes it has to wait for years. Here lies main secret pronouncing mysterious texts - you pronounce them correctly, that is, in right time, V right place and with the right intonation - the result will not be long in coming, you will not adhere to the rules - wait at least all your life for the result. Well, if so, then let's learn the rules ...


“If your loved one or you yourself are in danger, illness, trouble, turn to God's help,” says one manuscript. - Put your thoughts in order, and your feelings into silence, say a prayer without haste, heartily. Before reading the autumn itself with the sign of the cross three times, after - also with the words “In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Very accurately said. But it should be added that on the day of reading the prayer one should not eat meat and fish dishes, if possible, think about the purpose of a person on earth, about good and evil, punishment and forgiveness. After reading the prayer, you need to drink half a glass of water in small sips, relax a little and be sure to complete the scheduled tasks for the day. Try not to think about your grief, illness, etc., that is, about what you are turning to the Higher Mind for help. If the opportunity arises, help those in need with something: kind word, deed, charity. Prayer can be read from a sheet, not necessarily memorization. The most convenient hours for reading prayers are in the morning until 10.00. Clothes must be clean, fresh, the worshiper must be well-shaven and washed, combed. Try to relax as much as possible during the pronunciation of the prayer. By following these simple rules you will definitely be heard.


Hex is a type of evil eye. It is carried out as follows: someone says bad things to someone about the victim of the slander, calls him names, scolds him, etc. At the same time, the victim of the slander experiences unpleasant physical sensations: heat in the face, body, dizziness, his mood deteriorates. Further, the consequences of the "slander" manifest themselves in the same way as the consequences of the "evil eye". They don’t die from the “evil eye” or from the “slander”, but if it is not removed in time, the person - the victim - everything falls out of hand, is unlucky in personal life, he starts to get sick, etc. Sometimes the "evil eye" hits a specific place.

There are no special rules for pronouncing a slander. Here, emotions play the “first violin” - the stronger they are during the utterance of a slander, the faster and stronger the effect. But still they gain a slander great power, if you pronounce it according to the rules for casting spells and conspiracies. More on this later.


And what, exactly, is the difference between them? - you ask. Yes, in fact, nothing. It just so happened from ancient times that in the West texts were pronounced that were called spells, and in Rus' - the same texts, only reworked in the Slavic manner, were called conspiracies. And the rules for pronunciation are the same for them.

Spells in Hebrew, Latin, Greek and other languages ​​are never translated and are read as written. This is due to the fact that spells were cast in this language for a long time by many people and therefore accumulated enough magical power. At the same time, it has weight - how wide the number of people read this conspiracy (unless, of course, they were read by magicians, and not profane). The more people used this conspiracy the more power it contains. However, it often happens that some secret, little-known spell has an extremely powerful force. This means that it was used by a very powerful magician.


Ancient spells are powerful, but they're worthless if they don't turn you on. If you get excited when casting a spell, get excited - it will work (unless, of course, you fulfill the other conditions for casting magical actions- see below). When you mechanically muttered even very strong and ancient spell- it won't do you any good. Therefore, the purpose of writing your own spells is to “turn yourself on”. Rhythm and form (rhyme) are recommended because they have an additional effect on the psyche. Rhythm, as it were, hypnotizes the brain, in this state the magical influence is more pronounced, and rhyme creates an effect caused by a word, which is made up of its sound and meaning, inseparable from each other. In general, you need to focus on the following dimensions:

  • when exposed to negative, such as " black magic"- the verse-line is short and sharp;
  • when exposed to the type "power", "power", "wealth", "knowledge", etc. - the line is the widest, pompous;
  • at love magic- a line of medium size, preferably a clear and correct size.

How to pronounce conspiracies and spells

  • Avoid distortion, changes in sound and semantic sound. Do not allow hesitations, omissions, illegible pronunciation of words.
  • Do not cast incantations, spells, etc. outside of a magical ritual!
  • Pronounce conspiracies in a ventilated room (it is good if the windows face east). All conspiracies are pronounced standing up and towards the sun, at night facing east.
  • It is better to know new conspiracies by heart - then there is a greater likelihood of obtaining the desired effect.
  • Conspiracies, spells, etc. are pronounced on the exhale, clearly, slowly, with a penetrating feeling.
  • When reading certain conspiracies (for example, the consecration of an object, a talisman, treatment, etc.) left hand facing the sky or holding a book, the right one performs circular passes clockwise over the subject of the conspiracy.
  • Unless otherwise stated in the source, the plot should be read three times.

Here, perhaps, and all the basic rules. Stick to them, and then your word will become a real weapon of justice or retribution, and when necessary, it will call for the help of higher powers.

IN modern world many use magic, and this applies to both women and men. The most common method of divination is a conspiracy. But not everyone knows how to read conspiracies correctly and how not to harm them. After all, an improperly performed ritual can not only harm, but also provoke the appearance of deadly diseases. Therefore, you need to know a number of rules that can protect you from negative consequences.

The essence of conspiracies

To read the plot, you must clearly understand what you want to achieve. After all, each of them has its own hidden meaning, which is worth delving into. If you have ever performed such a ritual, you should have noticed that all the words and sounds are correctly combined with each other. Therefore, you need to read in the correct intonation and clearly understand what you are doing. Before reading, you need to tune in, get rid of unnecessary thoughts and focus on your goal.

Experienced magicians claim that such rituals affect not only the human brain, but also his body. But this only happens when preparation has been made. And this allows you to program a person to achieve the goal.

Also important role plays the extent to which people believe in the action of the rite. The person who decides to perform the ritual is sure that it will work, then he will really succeed. Therefore, without faith, nowhere, and if there is doubt, then there is no need to start.

How to read the plot

To read the plot correctly, it is not necessary to do it loudly. Any pronunciation can have the same result. In order to avoid trouble and your desires come true, it is important to clearly understand every word you read. If the ritual is not carried out on oneself, then it is necessary that the one on whom the conspiracy is read is nearby. He must hear the words that are present in the ritual and clearly understand what they mean.

You can not read a conspiracy on someone who is sick. It is required to speak to the universe, and not to a person who needs it. After all, she can hear your words. The person on whom you perform the ceremony is an intermediary between you and the universe.

If the one on whom the conspiracy is being read cannot be present, then his name is indicated. After you have finished reading, you need to thank the universe for its help. It is worth strictly following these requirements, because then it will not matter what kind of conspiracy you make for water or for love, it will come true. The main thing to remember is that the success of the ritual lies in believing in it.

Basic rules for reading a conspiracy

Experienced magicians say that you need not only to have an idea of ​​​​how to read the plot correctly, but also to understand that you need to prepare before that. After all, this will help to make the rite as effective as possible. Before reading the plot, it is necessary to read a prayer, preferably “Our Father” and be sure to end it with the word amen. This will allow all higher powers to pay attention to you and help.

Basic rules for reading a conspiracy:

  1. For getting desired result you need to be clear about what you want. It does not matter what you are striving for, the main thing is to mentally draw this picture.
  2. The question is often asked whether the time of reading the plot plays a role. Experienced magicians say that this ritual is best done in the morning or evening.
  3. For best result, you need to become with your back to the west.
  4. Try to read the plot calmly, and last words exhale. Then hold the air a little and release it.
  5. A person should read the plot calmly and with a pure heart and soul. Clear your thoughts of excess dirt and focus only on your dream.
  6. It is necessary to carry out the ritual in a standing position, with a straight back and a lowered head.
  7. There are many conspiracies for water, and so, after they have been carried out, it is necessary to drink it a little. After a few sips, you need to apply water on your hand and wipe your face with it.
  8. Words will work better if they are read at least three times. Just remember that the number must be odd.

If you comply with all of the above requirements, you can achieve the desired result. But it is worth remembering that it is required to read the conspiracy clearly.

How to read the conspiracies of Natalia Stepanova

Natalia is one of the best healers and prophets. She has a lot of various conspiracies on her account, this is for love, water, career and much more. During her practice, she managed to create a large database of the most effective rituals. Natalia has a lot of experience and a pure soul, who was able to do her best to help people. She helped a large number people who really needed help. Therefore, if you cannot perform the ritual on your own, then seek help from her. Stepanova will not refuse a person who really needs help.

If the rite is carried out correctly, then it will have strong magical effects. With its help, you can get rid of diseases, achieve the fulfillment of the most cherished desires and much more. Do not expect that you will achieve the result instantly and with 100% return, because certain factors influence this. In order for the plot to be strong, it is tedious to read it correctly, clearly and with intonation.

The conspiracies of Natalia Stepanova, like others, require faith in yourself. You can’t do without it, because if a person himself does not believe in what he is doing, how can the universe believe in it. Moreover, such an attitude may lead to negative consequences. Before the ritual, be sure to talk to the saints and pray. God will surely hear you and help you, because he is only waiting for you to ask for help. He does not leave his children in trouble, and you are his brainchild.

What not to do when reading a conspiracy

All conspiracies have their own requirements, but there are those that are common to all. This must be done so as not to harm yourself and loved ones. The ritual, by and large, radically changes the fate of a person. So take it seriously and remember rules like:

  1. Those who simply want to test the action of the conspiracy do big mistake. After all, it is used for changes in life, and if you do not take this seriously, then you do not need to start.
  2. When reading the plot, you need to concentrate, jokes and laughter are out of place here.
  3. Try not to be distracted while reading. You can read when no one is at home and it is advisable to turn off everything that might interfere.
  4. Conspiracies are made only to achieve a good goal. You don’t need to read them to harm, it can negatively affect you.
  5. You need to read it secretly from everyone, then there are more chances that it will work.

Before reading, light a candle and read the following words:

“I call on God’s servant to help, let the satanic army go home. I accept help only from God and His saints, I renounce the devil and his Aggels every day and hour, and I will not accept his help. Amen, amen, amen."

  1. Many conspiracies involve the use various items. If something is missing, then use another method.
  2. It is important to read the plot in original form, you should not change the words in it or supplement your own.
  3. For the correctness of the ceremony, you need to cleanse not only your soul, but also your body, take off your shoes and jewelry, you need to wear clothes of the same color.
  4. A few days before the ritual, it is not recommended to drink alcoholic beverages.
  5. Girls are not recommended to do the ritual during menstruation.
  6. Before carrying out the ritual, protection is necessarily placed on yourself and the person you are speaking to.
  7. For the rite to be as correct as possible, it is necessary that there be two icons.
  8. Be sure to keep candles at home different colors, holy water and objects made of silver.

To read the conspiracy, you need to know the prayer of repentance. It sounds like this:

“Issa Christ. Son of God

And ever-virgin Mary, Mother of God.

Before your crown of gold

Az, sinful servant of God (name), I bow,

I bow to you alone

I repent to you now.

Forgive me, the unreasonable servant of Bizhiya (name),

How to read prayers correctly

Absolutely all prayers in the original are written in Old Slavonic, and not every person can read them in this form. If you do it just like that, then it is unlikely that the Almighty will hear you. In order for him to hear you, you need to conduct prayers through the heart and soul. Therefore, do not try to read them in the language in which they are written. You can simply visit the temple and defend the service or turn to God in your own words.

  1. It is worth noting that prayers will be conveyed to the Almighty only if they are read from pure heart. If, nevertheless, you decide to use the divine reading in the original, then first familiarize yourself with its meaning. To do this, you can turn to the holy father, who will explain to you the essence of prayer.
  2. If you read them at night or generally constantly at home all day, then create a kind of corner, a place where you can put your emotions. There you need to install icons and church candles, and firmly decide: This is my personal world. You need to light them during each appeal to God. If you have not yet had time to learn a prayer, then you can read it from a book.
  3. Those who have never read prayers are interested in how to behave during this process. If you come to church, then focus on the process and watch the behavior of the people who are praying. Eat certain actions, they should be done during prayer. First of all, you should always bow to God, because he is our father and savior, thanks to whom we live.
  4. Remember that while reading Orthodox prayer you can't kneel. This is done very rarely. After you pray, be sure to cross yourself three times.

During prayer and reading conspiracies, specific rules must be observed. This is necessary for the universe and our Father to hear you. If you do everything right, then there will be no consequences. Therefore, take seriously any ritual, prayer or conspiracy.

In this article:

A conspiracy, if used correctly, is strong magical effect, which can affect the performer, other people and the world around him as a whole. With this magic you can win various diseases, improve relationships with your loved one, attract money and good luck, get rid of a variety of difficulties, and much more.

It is important to remember that the final result is affected not only and not so much by the conspiracy itself. Success is 99% dependent on the performer, on how he will read the magic words, what emotions he will experience, what thoughts will visit his mind and much more.

Rules for reading magical conspiracies

The power of any conspiracy lies not only in the magic words, but also in the explicit and hidden sense of what is pronounced, in the combination of sounds and energy that the performer puts into each of his words. According to practicing healers, sounds and their combinations can provide strong impact on the human mind and body, can purify and heal it.

The most important role in the issue of effectiveness is played by the faith of the performer. The magician must be completely confident in his own abilities, in the words that he utters and in the final success.

If you use healing or just white conspiracies, before starting the ritual, you should turn to Christian saints, read the prayers you know, ask God for forgiveness of sins, for help, for healing yourself or your loved ones. At this time, you should not be too verbose, you need to accurately formulate all your messages. higher powers.

Conditions for a successful conspiracy:

  • it is best to pronounce a conspiracy during sunrise or at night in the moonlight;
  • when pronouncing magic words, you need to face the east;
  • before starting work, take a deep breath, calm down, concentrate on the purpose of the ritual;
  • if pronounced short plot then you need to read it in one breath;
  • the last word of the conspiracy should be exhaled;
  • need to be clearly presented desired result than more vivid images you will be able to create in your imagination, the higher the chances of success;
  • concentrate on your actions, no other thoughts and desires should distract you;
  • when reading the plot, you need to stand straight, no sitting or lying positions;
  • if you are asking for help from higher goals, you need to bow your head when reading the magic words;
  • before the ritual, it is better to adhere to a strict fast for several days.

If you want to intensify magic conspiracy words can be repeated. It is important to remember that in any magical rite, the number of word readings must be odd.

How to make a conspiracy

In magic, the pronunciation of any conspiracy plays a special role. Intonation plays a serious role in rituals. If you turn to higher powers for help, it is better to read the words in a whisper, with a certain amount of reverence and humility. If you want to order someone or something, then the intonation should be imperative, with hard notes. If the ceremony is performed in the presence of another person, for example, a conspiracy to heal and the other person is the goal of the ceremony, he must clearly hear all the words you utter.

It is also worth remembering once and for all the simple fact that existing conspiracies written by professionals. Many of them have come down to us from time immemorial, our very distant ancestors could use them, and today we see them in a form polished by time.

If you follow the recommendations described here, as well as all the requirements that are mentioned in the ritual of your choice, the conspiracy used will certainly lead to the most positive results. Some not entirely honest magicians say that the strength of the ritual depends on the circumstances in which a person's life will take place. That is, if you did a ritual for health, but then went outside and picked up some kind of infection, then the conspiracy worked, but it was not designed for just such a situation. In reality, these are all excuses of people who want to cash in on gullible customers with the help of a farce.

A well-performed rite, if it starts to work, acts regardless of the circumstances, moreover, the energy contained in such magical rituals can influence all the circumstances of our life and even shape them.

Do not pay attention to those practitioners who claim that non-professionals, by definition, cannot achieve success in conspiracies. Their position is explained simple desire earn money, because they are professionals and only people should turn to them for help and pay money for it. In fact, with self-confidence and a focus on results, even beginners can effective ritual which will have a significant impact on a person's life, his health and the whole world around him. With faith in their own strength, each person is capable of very, very much.

Almost every person in his life sometimes thinks about correcting his fate with magical intervention, but not everyone knows when and how to carry out conspiracies and rituals for money, love, purification and other magical actions. The success of the ritual depends on many factors that every novice magician should be aware of.

During the ritual, you must be set for success.

How to behave during the ceremony

During the ritual, you must be set for success. In your head should be an understanding of what and why you are doing. A specific goal must be set, towards which you will move with the help of magic. You must believe in what you are doing. If there is no faith, there will be no result. You should not perform rituals to see if they work, magic can be bad for your health or financial, social position.

  1. Be serious, don't get distracted by extraneous factors, don't laugh. Remember that everything you do is very serious.
  2. During any ceremony, you should be as relaxed as possible and not tense with heavy thoughts. You can use meditation to relax. Experienced magicians can put their thoughts in order without using any meditation and without visualizing their relaxation.
  3. You can try one of the relaxation methods used by beginner magicians. Good, effective method relax.
  4. To do this, you need to sit in the most comfortable position for you. It is desirable to "ground", recharge the energy of the earth, sitting on it.
  5. If you are performing the ritual in winter, and there is no way to sit on the ground, you can sit on the floor at home, spreading a rug or towel under you.
  6. Close your eyes, imagine yourself in a standing position.

Around you in your imagination there should be nothing but a luminous ball of energy that flies around you in a spiral, absorbing all the negative energy and bad thoughts.

Sit in this position and imagine the ball until you are sure that all the negativity from you has gone into the ball.

Conditions for the success of the ritual

For the ritual to be successful, certain conditions specified in the description of the ritual must be met. If certain conditions no, then you need to adhere to the general requirements that have been tested by time and our ancestors.

Place of the ceremony

In the place where you will perform the ritual, there should be no one but you. Some people say it's okay to keep pets around, but that's not true.

  • During the ceremony, you need maximum concentration, and people and animals can interfere with you and redirect your attention from the ceremony to them. The consequences of this may not be very pleasant if you have practiced Black Magic; if White, then the ritual may simply not work.
  • It is advisable to conduct all rituals in nature, away from people. If it is not possible to conduct the ceremony in nature, you can do it at home, but among trees and herbs it will be much more effective.
  • Windows should be tightly closed and curtained if the description of the ritual says otherwise, or if there are rituals to attract money or a ritual that attracts success.
  • The window leaf in the window should be ajar, but the windows should be curtained, if this action is described in the ritual, or if a ritual is performed for a love spell, for exile negative energy, when cleaning the house and when carrying out any negative action that should not linger in your home.
  • Before the start of the ritual, it is worth conducting rites for protection.

Church candles, Thursday salt and silver must be in your house. Also icons of all saints, holy water. If one of the saints is mentioned during the ritual, a candle must be lit in front of his icon. If dark forces are mentioned in the conspiracy, then the icons should be removed from the venue, or covered with a scarf.

You during the ceremony

Your thoughts must be pure, you must be concentrated on the ritual. For greater concentration, you can use the methods of ancient meditation. For this you need:

  • Sit in the lotus position, preferably the correct one, but if it doesn’t work out for you, then it will go the way you can. The main thing is effort. Close your eyes. Sit with eyes closed a minute if you think a minute is enough for you. Listen to your breath, focus on each inhalation and exhalation.
  • While inhaling, mentally say "inhale", while exhaling - "exhale".
  • Sit like this for at least seven minutes a day. To enhance the result, and so that in the future you do not need to meditate for relaxation and concentration, Buddhists advise doing this meditation every day.
  • Rites have been performed since ancient times naked and barefoot. On the body of a person there should be no clothes, no underwear, no jewelry. It was allowed to leave a cross, because this is not an ornament. Rituals that were performed naked were often performed in communion with nature, in a forest or forest plantation, near lakes or streams.
  • Nowadays, it will be difficult to completely retire in nature, and even to such an extent that you can be naked there, so naked rituals are performed at home when no one is around.
  • IN modern interpretation rituals, it is allowed to be in clothes if there is no possibility or special desire to be naked. Clothing must be natural materials, monophonic. The clothes are the simplest, a skirt and a T-shirt, a simple dress. Not bright colors, clothing should be either gray or muted passive colors.
  • There should be no makeup on the face, the hair is loose, it is advisable not to comb it in the morning.
  • It is also allowed to leave decorations if they are used as talismans or if they contain natural minerals. If you still decide to leave jewelry, then during the rituals of Black Magic it is recommended to leave jewelry with agate and a silver frame. During the rituals of White Magic, silver and moonstone should be present in the jewelry.
  • You must not tell anyone that you are performing, have performed or are about to conduct a ritual. During the ritual, also do not be distracted and do not talk to anyone. You can not perform rituals if you are menstruating.

At least three days before the magical ritual, you should not eat meat and dairy products, you can not take alcohol. Experienced magicians do not drink at all, and not only three days before the ritual.

During the ceremony, your thoughts must be pure, you must be concentrated on the ritual

Magic paraphernalia

In addition to the icons of all Saints, holy water, Thursday salt and church candles there should be candles in the house possible colors. Each candle of a certain color has its own properties that are unique to the candle of each color. If you don't have the opportunity to buy candles of different colors, you can take white ones and decorate them with wax crayons.


The red candle symbolizes passion, desire. A red candle is used for love spells, attracting love and success in creativity.


A white candle symbolizes protection and purity, used for any purpose.


The black candle is used to get rid of negative emotions, to induce damage or cool.


The green candle symbolizes growth, success, money gain. Green candles are most often used in wealth rituals.


The blue candle symbolizes getting rid of fear. Used to calm down. Also, blue candles can strengthen a subtle connection with the other world.


A brown candle is used in household rituals, symbolizes home comfort.


A pink candle is used in romantic rituals, for love, friendship.


The orange candle will become indispensable assistant in rituals for a successful business.


The purple candle symbolizes the approach to God. It is used exclusively in rituals belonging to White magic, despite such a dark color.


  • Conspiracies should be known by heart, pronounce all the words correctly and consciously. It is allowed to change words in conspiracies only to synonyms, so as not to violate the meaning of the conspiracy.
  • A conspiracy can be written on a piece of paper, but only handwritten text gives the conspiracy the necessary magical concentration. Also, the entries must be completed without errors.
  • The plot for wealth is written on a clean, unlined sheet with a green ink pen. The colors of writing conspiracies are of great importance in magical rituals.

When to Perform Rituals

What days to spend magical rites? The magicians of the practice will tell you when to perform the rites and when to perform the rituals. They basically claim that any day except Sunday. You can seek the help of a magician so that he will tell you when it is better to do the rite of your choice. It is only important to choose the appropriate lunar cycle for the ritual being performed.

The moon influences human body depending on the phase

  1. Rituals for women are best done on women's days, for men - on men's days. women's days It's Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. men's days- Monday Wednesday Friday.
  2. Rituals to attract money are done on Thursday.
  3. During dawn, sunset, midnight, noon, the action of the rituals intensifies. Sunrise, sunset, noon or midnight is not one minute. You still have plus or minus half an hour left.
  4. Rites for positive actions (ritual for money, success, wealth, love) are done on the growing moon, when it is still light. Rituals for cleaning, spoiling, stripping and similar magical actions that have fading properties are carried out in dark time days on a waning moon.
  5. Can't do the same magical rituals during the Twelfth Feasts.

You can not interrupt the rite, which will take more than one day. If you tried to perform the ceremony, but something went wrong (you were distracted, you forgot the words of the conspiracy, there are not enough paraphernalia), you can’t perform another ceremony on the same day, it’s better to wait until a new day comes.

During the ritual

  1. Don't curl your fingers. If you need to read the plot several times, it is better to count the number in your mind. If you are afraid of going astray, use matches or counting sticks.
  2. If it seems to you that someone is standing behind you, in no case turn around, but do not be afraid either.
  3. You need to sit facing the west, unless otherwise indicated in the provisions for the ceremony.

After the magical ritual

  1. After the ceremony, all the remnants of magical paraphernalia must be burned or thrown away, unless otherwise indicated in the description of the ceremony.
  2. Candles should not be extinguished by breathing, use a bottle cap or extinguish the flame with your fingers. In order not to burn yourself, the flame is extinguished with a movement from the side with your fingers.
  3. Items that you used during the ceremony should not be used in everyday life. If this is a kitchen utensil that you cannot do without, it is recommended to consecrate it before further use.
  4. If the ritual requires the candle to burn out to the end, and the remnants of it need to be thrown away, then pour salt on the candlestick.
  5. After performing rituals for damage or similar dark magical actions, a bloodless fast must be observed for at least three days. If the fast is not observed, there is a risk that damage will affect you.

Do not tell anyone that you performed a magical ritual. If anyone asks, just say that you can advise him, that he is effective, if he really helped you. The performed ritual should remain secret between you and the one from whom you asked for help.

Magical rites and rituals require effort and time. If it seems to you that you have not achieved the desired result, you can perform another one of the same or similar ritual, only in the next lunar cycle. Some, especially strong rituals can be repeated no more than once a year.

Conspiracies are a verbal shell of ancient magical actions. When the ancient shamans, sorcerers, sorcerers - everyone who knew how to deal with cosmic energy and knew its laws, they performed this or that rite, they accompanied their actions with words. These words were filled with special energy. And then it was no longer necessary to take any action: it was enough to pronounce the words of the conspiracy, as the ancient energy began to work.

The conspiracy uses a special, not always clear modern man language. Pronounced correctly under the right conditions, it will certainly work. And although the mechanism of action of the conspiracy has not been fully elucidated, scientists do not deny its healing effect. If a person once (even jokingly, without completing the ritual to the end) read the plot, they say that he “lit up”, that is, he became involved in the tradition to which the ritual belongs.

The action of the conspiracy boils down to the fact that certain vibrations are inherent in a person, and the quality of his life depends on the frequency of these vibrations. Each one is individual. But there are also general rules: slow vibrations are a disease, their cessation is death. The faster the vibrations, the more interesting, brighter and richer the life of a person, the stronger he is in spirit and body. The secret of the impact of a conspiracy, prayer, mantra is that they change the vibration frequency of the patient, accelerate them, forcing the body to fight ill health. To do this, the plot must be read quickly and monotonously, so that the sufferer does not understand the content of the spoken text. In a huge number of conspiracies, the content is complete gibberish, but it is she who performs the function of an "accelerator" of vibrations. There are conspiracies that slow down vibrations, depending on who needs what.

You may not believe in the effectiveness of the conspiracy, but during its pronunciation, be extremely respectful of the listed names. Speak them clearly, without swallowing the end of words. Remember, if you utter a conspiracy associated with a cure, then present a clear picture of the desired future. For example, if a person has a deep wound, imagine mentally how it heals and even the scars disappear.

Rules of rituals and conspiracies

1. Do not engage in conspiracies out of curiosity, you can harm yourself and others. Think carefully before using them. Because by influencing life with the help of conspiracies, you are rebuilding the existing world. Are you ready to embrace change and live with it?

2. Do everything alone, unless you need another person for the ceremony. Banish all extraneous thoughts. You should only think about what you want.

Z. Repeat all words and actions exactly as described. If you do not have the opportunity to use some item described in the rite, choose another ritual.

4. Clothing should be plain (and it is best to wear a long shirt of unbleached linen). Everything is done only barefoot, take off not only shoes, but also stockings. On the hands and in the ears - no jewelry. The cross also needs to be removed. No cosmetics. Let your hair down, do not comb it in the morning. There is nothing but bread and water.

5. Rituals aimed at forgetting the past (or so that another person forgets the past) should be done at sunrise (or before sunrise). And if your goal is to influence your future, read the conspiracy at sunset.

6. Any ritual can be performed only once. If it seems to you that you did something wrong or said the wrong words, do not try to start over! The error means you don't need to do this ritual.

7. Be sure to put "protection" when creating any ritual. The best ways sewn up: cut off a small strand of hair from your head after performing the ritual and burn it on a church candle. Be sure to read those after the ritual "Our Father" nine times.

8. Never tell anyone about what you did and what you achieved with it.

9. You can not do the ritual during menstruation.

10. Never experiment with conspiracies, take them seriously, resort to them only in special situations.