26 weeks feeling in the abdomen. If you suffer from cramps and stretch marks. Possible physical sensations

The baby grows, continues to gain weight, fat folds appear on the arms and legs. The fingers are clearly defined. The child's facial features are already clearly visible. The film that was on the eyes disappeared. Eyelashes and eyebrows are clearly visible.

At this time, with premature birth, the child in 60% of cases with the help of doctors will already be able to survive outside the mother's body.

Weight, height of the fetus and size of the uterus

The size of the fetus at the 26th week of pregnancy is: height - about 35 cm, and weight is 700-800 g. The child occupies all the space inside the uterus, it is getting tighter there.

The size of the uterus now: about 24 cm in height and 16 cm in width. It is located 6 cm above the navel and 26 cm above the pubis. Every week the uterus rises by 1 cm.

How the baby develops and develops

  1. His heart beats at a frequency of 120-160 beats per minute, which is the norm. However, if you feel that your child's heart is beating faster, do not worry too much. Arrhythmia - frequent occurrence in children in the womb. It is connected with the fact that the child's heart is still growing and developing;
  2. The formation of the rudiments of milk and molars is completed;
  3. The development of the brain and the formation of taste buds continues;
  4. Actively grow hair and nails;
  5. In boys, the testicles descend into the scrotum, and in girls, the vagina finishes forming;
  6. In the fetus at the 26th week of pregnancy, the formation of the lungs continues, and a special substance (surfactant) begins to be secreted in them, which will allow the baby to breathe on its own after birth;
  7. The baby responds very well to external factors, such as loud music or bright lights;
  8. Baby bumps can be very painful. As a rule, it starts to be active when you are at rest. Most of the time the child sleeps (about 16 - 20 hours), however, he already has a well-developed sleep and wakefulness regimen.

Symptoms and sensations during pregnancy

Feelings at 26 obstetric week pregnancies from increased activity of the baby's movements only intensify. Not only you can already feel how he is floundering in the stomach, it can also be in the household. Just put your hand on your belly! Babies behave differently long before birth, but often their temperament during fetal development is only confirmed in the future.

Well-being and ailments of the expectant mother

  • back hurts. Due to the increase in the body weight of the mother and child, as well as the expansion of the pelvic bones, the load on the back and legs increases, which causes pain and discomfort. To alleviate the current condition, it is recommended to wear a pregnancy bandage belt, which helps support the back and significantly aligns the posture;
  • The gait is changing. Weight gain and an increase in the uterus significantly affect gait. They say that all expectant mothers are characterized by a typical gait of pregnant women;
  • Worried about heartburn. The growth of the uterus can cause malfunctions digestive system, which can lead to heartburn. Recommendations to alleviate the condition: eat small meals, exclude fatty, spicy, fried and carbonated drinks;
  • Often want to go to the toilet. Frequent visits to the toilet, mainly at night, continue due to the pressure of the uterus on bladder;
  • Symptoms of varicose veins appear. Pain in the legs can speak not only about fatigue, but also be the first bell of varicose veins. The uterus grows and puts pressure on lower part body, resulting in the formation of a blood clot in a vein. The part of the leg where the blood clot formed swells and turns red. It is advisable to start treatment as early as possible, without letting the situation take its course;
  • Constantly want to sleep. Drowsiness and rapid onset of fatigue are other factors that bother women in an interesting position. When resting, place small pillows under your back and legs to increase the level of comfort;
  • Sometimes cramps in the calf muscles bother. Convulsions are not uncommon during these periods. Feeling fatigue, pain and cramps, you need to devote more time to passive rest. The ideal position is to lie down with your feet at heart level to improve blood circulation in the body. Massage will also help relieve symptoms;
  • Colostrum begins to be secreted. The breast becomes larger, the nipples darken, and the release of colostrum is already observed. It's time to start preparing your breasts for feeding. Easy cold and hot shower, as well as wiping with a hard towel will greatly help you during lactation;
  • Increased tone uterus. Due to the fact that the woman's body is preparing for childbirth, you may have already heard from your gynecologist about the increased tone of the uterus. There is nothing wrong with this, unless you are worried about sharp pains in the back and abdomen. Be vigilant, because they may indicate premature birth.

Sex life: pros and cons

Let's talk about intimacy future parents. What happens at the 26th week of pregnancy if future parents do not neglect regular sex? This acts as a kind physical activity, in which the birth canal becomes soft and elastic. And the hormone contained in male sperm has a positive effect on the cervix, and when birth process helps her to open up well.

The only advice: wanting to diversify your sexual life, it is necessary to reduce the pressure on the abdomen as much as possible.

We also recall the contraindications that exclude sexual intercourse, namely:

  • bloody discharge from the genitals;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • if a special cap was put on the cervix to preserve the fetus;
  • uterine hypertonicity;
  • slightest detachment of the placenta.

With multiple pregnancies, gynecologists prohibit sexual activity, even if there are no other contraindications.

If you feel great, and pregnancy passes without complications, then sex is even recommended to some extent to increase the degree of trust in your relationship with your loved one.

Your belly size and weight gain

Your belly has grown significantly, rounded and bulging forward. Weight gain continues, but it needs to be carefully monitored. At the 26th week of pregnancy, as a result of the fact that the uterus increases and presses on all organs, shortness of breath may become your companion. Relief will come only when the stomach begins to fall closer to the date of birth.

And this is how the tummies of other expectant mothers look like for a period of 26 weeks:

Ultrasound examination and analyzes

Do you want something interesting?

A referral for an ultrasound scan at the twenty-sixth week of pregnancy is issued only according to indications in case of any complications.

Doctors use ultrasound to examine physical development child, they look for heart defects, whether the skeleton and genitourinary system are developing correctly.

Also, experts can see the work of the cerebellum, exclude such deviations as "cleft palate" and " cleft lip».

There is an assessment of the birth canal, the level of development of all organs, the condition of the uterus, the number amniotic fluid.

There is also a diagnosis of abnormalities or pathologies, namely: a delay in the development of the fetus, premature aging placenta, etc. You can already know for sure the sex of the child, since the genitals are fully formed.

In addition to ultrasound, the expectant mother will have to pass routine urine and blood tests, make a smear on the flora.

A blood test allows you to determine the level of glucose in order to exclude or confirm the possibility of developing diabetes in the baby and mother. Urinalysis allows you to find out if there is inflammatory processes, as well as how well your body copes with the load on the urinary system. A smear, respectively, will help to examine the microflora for the presence of infectious diseases.

Harbingers of threats and dangers to the fetus

At the twenty-sixth week of pregnancy, there are a number of threats that future parents should be aware of. These include:

Preeclampsia. The first clear symptoms that something is wrong with your body are:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • frequent headaches;
  • swelling of the hands and feet;
  • nausea and vomiting.

All these factors may indicate preeclampsia (late toxicosis), which is extremely dangerous for mother and baby.

Fetal hypoxia. Too violent, painful or, on the contrary, rare weak movements can serve as signs oxygen starvation fetus.

Low water and polyhydramnios. Movements of the child that cause severe pain can also indicate a threat. The movements of the crumbs are affected by the deviation from the norm of the amount of amniotic fluid: with oligohydramnios, the movements become stronger and more painful, with polyhydramnios, on the contrary, the fetal motor activity decreases, if not completely imperceptible.

Anemia. Revealing low level hemoglobin can lead to a deficiency of brain cells and, as a result, to anemia. Signs of anemia are:

  • lowering blood pressure;
  • pale skin;
  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • dizziness;
  • stars before your eyes.

Placental abruption. Drops of blood from the vagina transparent selection V in large numbers or brown slime from the uterus should be alarming. Sharp pain in the pelvis and abdomen, vomiting, pain when urinating, fever, darkening in the eyes also symbolize abnormalities.

Uterine hypertonicity. Increased uterine tone can cause premature birth.

Radiculitis. Back pain often worries women in position. However, constant, sharp and incessant pain may indicate such a diagnosis as sciatica. It does not threaten the child, but in the future it can greatly undermine your health.

preterm birth. Symptoms at 26 weeks pregnant that define preterm labor:

  • cramping pains in the lower abdomen;
  • blood from the vagina;
  • discharge of the cork and outpouring of amniotic fluid;
  • uterine hypertonicity;
  • lack of audibility of the fetal heartbeat;
  • lack of activity of the baby during the day, etc.

Childbirth at this time occurs very quickly, since premature baby has a small head circumference. The baby has a chance to survive. Just a birth ahead of time can affect the hearing and vision of the child, the development of cerebral palsy and a reduced level of intelligence. Caring for such children is very difficult, so keeping the fetus until the due date of birth is extremely important.

In all of the above cases, self-medication is inappropriate, only an immediate visit to the doctor will save your health and the health of the crumbs.

  1. Eat a well-balanced diet, eliminating fatty, spicy, sweet foods from the diet. This will help regulate your metabolism. Also in the diet you need to include enough carbohydrates, fats, protein and fiber. The use of natural juices and dairy products will positively affect your health;
  2. Good rest and wearing a bandage belt for pregnant women will help reduce the load on the legs and back;
  3. Healthy sleep, walking on fresh air, comfortable clothes and shoes contribute to the improvement of your well-being;
  4. The participation of the father in the intrauterine development of the baby is difficult to overestimate. His touches on the stomach and conversations with the belly button have a very good effect on the mood of the crumbs, and sometimes even help to calm him down during excessive activity;
  5. The higher the period becomes, the more carefully and responsibly you need to count the number of shocks per day. Proper Development the fetus at the 26th week of pregnancy and its health directly depends on your lifestyle;
  6. Timely visit antenatal clinic and timely tests will help to fix the presence of abnormalities in the development of the fetus.

If the pregnancy is easy, without causing you any particular worries, then you can relax and get the most positive emotions from its current state. Talk to your child more often, stroke your stomach, listen to classical music, look at the beautiful - all this contributes to the full development of the baby!

This material is for informational purposes only, before using the information provided, you must be sure to consult with a specialist.

26 week - the last week second trimester. A woman enters the "finish line" and is actively preparing for the birth of a child.

Now, if you have not done this before, it is advisable to enroll in courses for pregnant women. Here, expectant mothers will not only be helped to gain self-confidence, but will also be told about upcoming birth, the most important medical procedures, will show the safest sets of exercises necessary in order to facilitate the course of childbirth, which is just around the corner.

Fruit size

At the 26th week of pregnancy, the length of the child is about 32 cm. In size, it can be compared with a small melon.

Baby weight

The weight of the child at this time is about 800 gr.

Fetal development at 26 weeks gestation

The baby is actively preparing for the first breath, intensively swallowing the amniotic fluid surrounding it. The bones of the child are getting stronger, the eyes become more sensitive to light. In boys, the testicles descend into the scrotum; in girls, the process of forming the vagina is completed. All the sense organs are already well developed. The cognitive activity of the brain is progressing - the baby can already express his own emotions (cry or laugh). The relationship between the brain and the adrenal cortex is being established, which contributes to the formation of a stable hormonal background. The baby is actively moving in the womb - now not only the woman, but also anyone who puts his hand to her stomach feels his tremors. If the child does not move, then he is sleeping. As a rule, the baby begins to push hard in the evening.


Heart contractions should be rhythmic, their frequency at week 26 is still 140-160 beats per minute. In case of deviation from the norm, the doctor may suggest that the mother do a cardiotocogram (CTG). This is an absolutely safe procedure, if necessary, it can be done daily. CTG during pregnancy is two curves combined in time: one of them displays the heart rate of the fetus, the other - uterine activity.

What does a fetus look like at 26 weeks pregnant?

As the reserves of subcutaneous fat increase, the baby's skin becomes smoother and brighter. The eyes of the child are open and carefully examine everything around. Now all the babies are blue-eyed - the real eye color, laid down by nature, will appear only a few months after birth. The ears of the crumbs are no longer “glued” to the head, as before, but slightly protruding.

Body changes and new sensations of a woman

Do your hands go numb during pregnancy, and do you feel pain, tingling and burning in your wrists? Such discomfort is familiar to many expectant mothers at the 26th week of pregnancy. Most likely the reason lies in the imbalance of the amount of magnesium, calcium and potassium in the body. In this case, a woman should review her diet and increase her intake. fermented milk products, as well as vegetables, legumes and dried fruits. If, together with numbness, edema appears on the hands, there is a so-called tunnel syndrome in pregnant women. The reason for its occurrence is as follows: excess fluid accumulates in the tissues and causes swelling, which then compresses the nerve. For relax unpleasant symptoms doctors advise mothers not to leave their hands in one position for a long time, to do a warm compress more often and be sure to tell your doctor about your ailment.

Weight gain

By the end of week 26, the total weight gain is just over 8 kg. The difference from the previous week is about 300 gr.

Mom's belly

The size of the abdomen at 26 weeks of gestation depends on the size of the fetus and the amount of amniotic fluid. Too much big belly(more than 80–85 cm in diameter) indicates polyhydramnios, obesity, malpresentation or large fruit. Very small - indicates a delay in the development of the baby or is a sign of oligohydramnios. To dispel all doubts about the size of the tummy, be sure to consult your doctor.

Analyzes and ultrasound

Week 26 is no different from the previous one. As always, the doctor will measure the expectant mother arterial pressure, the size of her abdomen, the height of the fundus of the uterus, ask the woman to stand on the scales, listen to the fetal heart beat, and also evaluate the results of urine and blood tests. Urinalysis is informative for the detection of late toxicosis (preeclampsia) and kidney disease, and clinical analysis blood allows you to exclude the likelihood of developing diabetes and determine the level of hemoglobin in the body. As far as ultrasound is concerned, normal course Pregnancy ultrasound at 26 weeks is usually not prescribed.

Nutrition at 26 weeks pregnant

The fetus at this time is growing very actively, and according to experts, mothers need at least 2000-2500 kilocalories per day. This is quite a lot for a woman, so nutrition during pregnancy should be divided into small portions and eat at least 5-6 times a day. Most healthy foods for pregnant women, it is still dietary meat, sea fish, cottage cheese, yogurt, vegetables, berries and fruits. At a period of 26 weeks, some mothers begin to suffer from swelling: so that they are not so obvious, learn to control the amount of fluid consumed. Is it possible for pregnant women to drink non-alcoholic beer and kvass? Doctors believe that it is possible, but in very small quantities. However, women who have kidney problems should not use these drinks.


With tunnel syndrome, the symptoms of which are described above, the expectant mother can be helped by taking vitamin B6. This vitamin contributes to the formation of blood cells, antibodies and chemical substances that transmit impulses to nerve cells. In addition, it plays a critical role in the development of the fetal brain and its nervous system. However, before buying a vitamin at week 26, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Sex at 26 weeks pregnant

Prolonged abstinence from sex adversely affects emotional background any representative of the weaker sex. If the partner experiences fear of the mother's tummy and cannot overcome this feeling in any way, one of the ways to get rid of the accumulated energy is to masturbate the woman during pregnancy. All this is normal and completely natural. But masturbation now (and even more so in the third trimester!) is better not to get carried away - clitoral orgasm considered stronger than vaginal. In some cases, it provokes early discharge of amniotic fluid and the onset of labor.


Until the third trimester has come, mothers, in the absence of medical contraindications, are allowed to bask in the bath (the question of whether pregnant women can take a bath is asked by many women). But the water temperature should not exceed 37–37.5 ° C, and the intake time should be limited to 10–15 minutes. When leaving the bathroom, you should not make sudden movements, it is also desirable that at this time someone close to the woman be in the apartment, ready to help her if necessary.

Beauty and accessories

Are you already wearing a bandage? If not, you need to purchase it urgently. Now you can’t do without this accessory - the bandage during pregnancy will support the baby, performing the function of the abdominal muscles. In addition, it will help to properly redistribute the load on the woman's spine. It is not necessary to tighten the bandage too tightly, but it should not hang out either. Be sure to ask your doctor to show you how to properly wear and put on this essential during " interesting position» an element of women's wardrobe.

Every day intrauterine life baby is unique. This article will talk about the features of the development of the child at week 26.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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Anatomical features of the fetus

To determine how well the baby is growing, doctors use a special ultrasonic method examinations. In the course of such a study, a specialist can obtain the main dimensions of a little man.

The intensive development of the child contributes to the fact that normal values determined indicators for each week of pregnancy vary.

The table below shows the norms of the main clinical criteria for the parameters of the fetal body, which are determined during ultrasound.

In addition to determining the main parameters of the body, through an ultrasound examination, you can also see how the baby looks. High-precision devices currently used by specialists make it possible to obtain a fairly high-resolution image of the fetus.

The face of the baby by the 26th week is already quite formed. auricles are small in size and acquire a more convex configuration. The eyes cover the outside of the eyelids. Downy hairs grow above the eye sockets of the child, which will later become eyebrows. The child even has small eyelashes.

With each subsequent day of pregnancy, the baby becomes more and more cute. His skin becomes smoother and more even, and the number of wrinkles that previously covered it is reduced. This is largely due to the fact that under the skin of the baby, the amount of brown fatty tissue begins to actively increase.

An increase in subcutaneous fat contributes to the fact that the baby no longer looks so small and emaciated. On the child's body, dimples and the first folds begin to appear. Gradually, the cheeks become chubby.

What does the baby feel?

The intrauterine development of the fetus at this gestational age is still ongoing, but the basic internal organs and the systems are already in place and some of them are even starting to function. However, the internal organs will be able to work in full force only after the birth of the baby, while their work can be called “training”.

By the 25-26th week of pregnancy, the child's nervous system is already functioning quite well. The baby's brain already weighs about 110-115 grams.

The number of furrows and convolutions, which give the cortex a specific striation, continues to increase every day. Such a special structure of the cerebral cortex significantly complicates the behavior of the baby. Every day the child increases the number of reflexes that he needs for later life.

Without the normal development of the nervous system, the functioning of the sense organs is also impossible. By this period, the baby can already feel quite a lot - light, sound, taste and much more. This response to environmental influences is largely facilitated by the intensive development of the peripheral nervous system.

Ability to hear

The most striking sensation experienced by the baby at this time is the ability to distinguish sounds. The baby quite easily distinguishes parental voices. It has been scientifically proven that the mother's voice has a relaxing effect on the fetus.

It is interesting that every day the number of sounds perceived by the child increases. So, he can already perceive sounds environment piercing through the walls of the abdomen. For example, the baby hears the noise of a vacuum cleaner or water flowing from a faucet.

Sounds of too high intensity can frighten the baby. The fetus will show its dissatisfaction with increased motor activity. Too loud noises also contribute to the fact that the child will begin to actively kick.

The best sounds for the development of the nervous system - musical works. Experts have established that at this period of intrauterine development, the formation of the first musical preferences is already possible. Listening to classical music can be great option pastime for the expectant mother and her baby.

No less useful for the development of the child and the natural sounds of nature. So, the murmur of a stream or the sound of the surf has a calming effect on the fetus. Regular walks in the fresh air can make a child feel positive.

The ability to see

Note that a truly visual analyzer in a baby will begin to work only after his birth. At a period of 26 weeks, the fetus can already close or open its eyes. The structure of the eyeball determines the ability to distinguish light.

Scientists conducted a number of interesting experiments, during which it was proved that when exposed to a stream of bright light on the face of a fetus in the womb, he tries to turn away from him or even change his position.

With excessive insolation, the motor activity of the fetus can increase significantly. The baby, as a rule, reacts to too bright light by changing its location or simply by increasing motor activity.

The ability to taste

Despite the fact that the birth is still far away, the fetus is already able to distinguish taste. Perhaps this is when they swallow amniotic fluid.

During the day, the baby can swallow about 450-600 ml amniotic fluid. It enters the internal environment of the child's body, where part of the dissolved in it nutritional components absorbed into the bloodstream, while other substances are simply removed through the kidneys. The main substance that is actively absorbed into the blood is glucose. It is necessary for the child's body for the full development of the brain and nervous system. Some vitamins may also be absorbed.

When the amniotic fluid is swallowed, the fetus feels its taste. The child's tongue already has microscopic outgrowths - papillae. They are a kind of receptors that help a person to feel different taste options. So, quite easily the fruit can distinguish between bitter, salty and sweet tastes.

Swallowing amniotic fluid can cause your baby to hiccup. This reaction is quite normal and serves as a kind of stage in the development of digestion in a baby.

Ability to move

The motor activity of the fetus at this stage, perhaps, is quite hallmark 26 weeks. The child is already rather big, his weight has exceeded half a kilogram. This leads to the fact that the active movements of his child begin to be strongly felt by his mother.

Every day, the number of movements made by the fetus increases. This is due good development musculoskeletal and nervous systems. The bones of the fetus are already quite dense, the muscles are mobile and elastic. All these anatomical features significantly affect the volume of possible active movements.

Until this time, the kid was very interested in learning own body. He played with his umbilical cord, touched his face, flexed and extended his fingers and toes. By week 26, due to the good development of the brain, the fetus becomes interested in studying the "water world" in which it is located.

So, with his legs, he begins to push off the walls of the uterus. It also often happens that the baby begins to “pound” with his hands on the internal organs of his mother, which are quite close to the uterus in which he is located.

It is important to note that by week 26, the intensity of motor activity in the fetus, as a rule, increases. A woman feels her baby, which is in her womb, much stronger than before.

Some experts note that during the day the baby can be active every 10 minutes. For rate prenatal state fetal obstetricians-gynecologists advise expectant mothers to count the number of movements that they feel.

It is important to note that not all the time the child is active. The baby at this stage of his intrauterine life is already able to sleep. Sleep in the fetus is usually from 17 to 20 hours during the day. At this time, the baby sleeps and does not make active movements.

The motor activity of the fetus is an important clinical criterion for assessing its condition. So, if the baby kicks very often, then this may be a manifestation of the fact that he experiences some discomfort.

Doctors note that the following common causes can lead to increased motor activity in the fetus.

  • Psycho-emotional influences. The stress endured by the mother has a very adverse effect on the state of the child's body. Under the influence of stress in the female body, a number of hormones are formed that cause spasm of blood vessels. Shortfall nutrients and oxygen contributes to the appearance of a response from the fetus.
  • Hypoxia - tissue starvation of internal organs. This state occurs when there is a decrease in oxygen supply to the body. Hypoxia can develop for a variety of reasons. According to statistics, women living in large metropolitan areas suffer from hypoxia much more often.
  • Mother's illnesses. Some pathologies of the heart and blood vessels that occur with the development of heart failure can lead to insufficient intake of nutrients necessary for fetal growth.
  • Smoking. It has been proven that regular smoking has a damaging effect on blood vessels thus causing a decrease in the supply of oxygen to the children's body. This situation will also contribute to increased motor activity of the fetus, as it causes him pronounced discomfort.

If future mom believes that for some reason her baby began to show too much activity, then she should definitely discuss this with her obstetrician-gynecologist. Only a doctor observing the course of pregnancy can determine whether this condition is individual feature or is it a manifestation of pathology.

How is it located in the mother's womb?

The location of the fetus in the uterus is very important clinical sign. The choice of birthing technique will depend on how the baby is located in the womb. So, if the child is in the head presentation, and the woman does not have any severe pathologies, then in this case it is possible to carry out natural independent childbirth, at breech presentation is usually carried out C-section. The fact is that the likelihood of developing dangerous traumatic injuries in the last version of the location of the baby in the uterus is very high.

It is important to note that the way the baby lies in the womb can still change before birth. This usually happens with very active fidget babies who "love" to spin and spin. There is still quite a lot of time left before the onset of childbirth, which means that doctors will determine the location of the baby in the uterus several times. It often happens that just a few weeks before the birth itself, the baby changes its position.

Pregnancy is divided into three trimesters (from the first to the fourteenth, from the fifteenth to the twenty-sixth, from the twenty-seventh to the fortieth week) and the gestation period (forty-first, forty-second weeks). Every seven days are of great importance for the fetus, despite the fact that a woman may not notice significant changes. The 26th week of pregnancy is the borderline between the second and third trimesters.

This is especially important to know if you are planning to travel by plane, as many airlines do not allow expectant mothers in the third trimester to pass without special documents, certificates, accompanying doctors. This comes from the fact that this period brings a number of unpleasant sensations to the woman, and any ill-conceived sudden movement can cause premature birth. Let's talk in more detail about the features of the 26th week of pregnancy for a woman and the fetus, as well as about the dangers that can lead to disastrous consequences.

26 weeks pregnant: how many months? general characteristics

The gestation period by week varies by month. Yes, by lunar calendar this period corresponds to 7.5 months, and according to our usual calculation comes 6.5 months. In any calculation, this is the 26th week of pregnancy.

What is happening at this time? By this week, the rapid increase in the size of the uterus ends. Since the child grows more slowly in length, “work” on the weight of the fetus begins. Consequently, the belly of a pregnant woman increases, but not as rapidly as before the twenty-sixth week. But this does not mean that pregnant women avoid unpleasant sensations, such as pruritus, pain on the sides of the abdomen, heartburn, constipation, thrush, leg cramps, varicose veins, swelling.

The formation of weight in the fetus requires proper nutrition. If you really want vanilla crackers, cream cakes, then allocate about 5-10% of your diet to these products. And give the main preference to vegetables, fruits, dairy, fish, meat products. Remember that useful microelements, vitamins, minerals are important for the baby and your body.

What tests, examinations are needed at week 26?

If a pregnant woman passed her entire period without complications, did not lie on the preservation, feels well, then the doctor will most likely prescribe a routine examination at 28 weeks of pregnancy. But a woman can come to the gynecologist herself when new or pain. For example, the child's tremors have become more frequent during the day. This may indicate that the child does not have enough oxygen, then the doctor will advise you on forest walks or prescribe special pills, examinations, and sometimes ultrasound is prescribed.

26 weeks of pregnancy is not a mandatory period for the diagnosis of ultrasound. But with multiple pregnancies, complications, infections, "bad" heredity, leading an immoral lifestyle, an additional examination may be prescribed to exclude or identify abnormalities in the fetus.

If the pregnancy is difficult, then a routine examination by a gynecologist is a prerequisite for a pregnant woman. This includes the delivery of urine, blood tests (from a finger and a vein), an examination by a gynecologist (measurement of pressure, pulse, weight, abdominal circumference). Further, based on the results of the tests and the conversation with the pregnant woman, the gynecologist prescribes further examination by specialists or prescribes treatment.

26 weeks pregnant: what happens to mom?

By this period, the weight of a woman increases by 6 kilograms (the norm is 350 grams per week). The abdomen rises, making it difficult for a pregnant woman to breathe, especially if she is carrying large fruit or several kids. The night continues frequent hikes to the toilet due to the fact that the pressure on the bladder increases.

If the fetus is large or you are pregnant with several children, then insomnia may be added. Rather, the woman wants to sleep, but in the prone position she begins to suffer from heartburn or painful continuous tremors of the child. This could mean two things:

  • from a prone position, pressure on the fetus increases;
  • The baby is not getting enough oxygen.

In addition, the 26th week of pregnancy may be accompanied by cramps in the lower extremities, stretch marks, varicose veins, edema, shortness of breath, low or high pressure. That is why doctors recommend monitoring your diet, the amount of fluid consumed, motor activity pressure, breathing. Otherwise, gestosis may appear, which negatively affects the development of the child.

If there is gestosis

When female body can not cope with the load, then preeclampsia may appear, accompanied by edema, hypertension, the appearance of protein in the urine. These complications can occur in mothers with kidney disease, hypertension, and obesity. If you miss planned gynecological examinations, then you can not notice the beginnings of the appearance of preeclampsia and miss precious time.

Gestosis is very dangerous for the fetus. Since the child receives insufficient oxygen along with micronutrients, spasms of the placental complex may appear. Then the syndrome is diagnosed intrauterine delay fetal development, that is, the weight at the 26th week of pregnancy will not correspond to the norm.

A pregnant woman can also suffer from severe preeclampsia, which disrupts the blood circulation in the brain, which causes loss of consciousness, convulsions, bleeding from the vagina also opens, and premature uncontrolled birth occurs.

The course of treatment is prescribed by a doctor. How to prevent preeclampsia initial stage experts recommend taking multivitamins, where there is vitamin D, iodine, medications with magnesium and vitamin B6; follow the diet prescribed by the gynecologist; take prescribed herbal remedies (cranberry juice, lingonberry leaf, kidney tea), sedatives. In severe forms of preeclampsia, a pregnant woman is treated in a maternity hospital.

If you suffer from cramps and stretch marks

The 26th week of pregnancy may be accompanied by cramps in the lower extremities. More often this happens during sleep, when the muscles of the lower leg go numb, then there is severe pain when they twitch convulsively. But sometimes such convulsions overtake a pregnant woman during the day with the wrong movement. This condition indicates a lack of calcium. If you continue to ignore this fact, then preeclampsia or hypertension will develop.

A lack of calcium not only indicates a lack of it in a pregnant woman, but also in a fetus. It is necessary to consume 300 mg of calcium daily in order for the child to receive a sufficient amount of the mineral. Otherwise, fetal growth retardation may develop. Do not be afraid of an overdose, because by birth the baby must accumulate 25 thousand mg of calcium. Specialists often prescribe drugs such as Calcium-D3 Nycomed, Sana-Sol, but the dosage is determined by the doctor.

The abdomen at the 26th week of pregnancy in many women is "dotted" with stretch marks. There are no complications for the health of mother and child, but after childbirth it can be added to postpartum depression a bunch of negative psycho-emotional traumas. It is better to treat them at the first appearance, since "old" stretch marks can only be surgically corrected.

Lubricate fresh defects hypoallergenic gel"Mederma" or cream, where the composition contains mummy (more often, mothers buy "Mummy" tablets, dissolve them in a small amount of water or cream, lubricate stretch marks).

If anemia occurs

According to statistics, every third pregnant woman in the world suffers from anemia. This disease is characterized by a lack of iron, which is consumed with food (the norm is 20 mg of iron), but our body can absorb only 2 mg. At the same time, the body loses half of the absorbed daily. If the need for iron increases, then anemia appears.

It is dangerous not only with a low amount of hemoglobin, but also with a violation of the activity immune system, brain, respiratory tract, skin, gastrointestinal tract. 26 weeks pregnant is especially milestone, since signs of anemia can be perceived by a woman as a common malaise. Symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, distraction, weakness, headaches, and fatigue may indicate the development of anemia.

For the fetus, iron deficiency anemia is dangerous for the development of preeclampsia, the threat of miscarriage. If the child manages to be born with untreated anemia, then this disease passes to him and is reflected in his intellectual, psychomotor development, immunity. Anemia is treated by medicines in a hospital, and an improvement in iron levels in the blood can be seen at least a month later.

What to do with varicose veins, heartburn?

A child at 26 weeks of pregnancy begins to actively gain weight (for comparison: by the end of the sixth month, the weight of the fetus is 700 grams, and after a month it is already 1.5 kilograms), so it is especially important for pregnant women to monitor nutrition and fluid intake. Do not drink liquids more than 1.5 liters, otherwise preeclampsia may develop.

Due to the increase in body weight, women develop varicose veins veins. To make your life easier, follow a few recommendations:

  • give more rest to the legs, putting them on a hill;
  • walk barefoot more often;
  • give up high-heeled shoes;
  • do not sit in a cross-legged position;
  • put on special elastic tights in the morning;
  • use prescribed heparin-based ointments or gels for edema;
  • wear a bandage to relieve tension from the spine and legs;
  • visit a doctor every 2 weeks if you are suffering from swelling to exclude the onset of preeclampsia.

At 26 weeks of pregnancy, the development of heartburn for many women becomes another unpleasant scourge. This happens due to the constant growth of the uterus and its pressure on gastrointestinal tract, due to which part of the acidic digested food from the stomach enters the esophagus, hence the sour burning appears. Get rid of it discomfort the following steps will help:

  • daily 6 meals a day in small portions;
  • exclusion of fatty, spicy foods;
  • wakefulness after eating;
  • herculean porridge for breakfast;
  • taking medications such as "Phosphalugel", only after a doctor's prescription.

What happens to the fetus at 26 weeks of gestation?

The most tangible changes for a pregnant woman were considered, but how does the fetus develop at the 26th week of pregnancy? His growth reaches about thirty-five centimeters and begins to slow down, but the weight is actively gaining. By this time, the weight of the fetus reaches 940 grams and should increase by the seventh month by almost 1.5 times. The subcutaneous layer begins to build up.

The development of the brain continues. This is evidenced by the activation of the pituitary gland, which produces growth hormone. Work is getting better endocrine system, expressed in the relationship of the nervous system and adrenal glands. While it is too early to talk about the perfection of the work of the adrenal glands, the pituitary gland. These are just the beginnings. However, most of the hormones produced by the fetus enter the mother's body. If a woman has diseases of an endocrine nature, then from this period she needs to visit an endocrinologist more often.

Due to the increase in body weight, the fetus tries to assume the correct position (head down), as there is less space in the uterus. His movements are limited to this period (pregnancy 26 weeks). The movements become not soft and pleasant, but strong and painful.

Most pregnant women notice the activity of tremors in the evening, as well as with a lack of oxygen, a stressful situation. This is due to the fact that the fetus sleeps for twenty hours. The norm for fetal development is about 10 movements per day, if less or more, then you need to consult a doctor.

If you do an ultrasound, you can see other neoplasms in the fetus:

  • eyebrows, eyelashes, nose, ears, lips are clearly visible on the face;
  • eyelids open, eyes open and close;
  • the fat layer under the skin is practically formed, but its final development will occur later;
  • taste buds are formed, the child reacts to bitter and sweet;
  • the formation of the inner ear ends, because the baby is sensitive to music, sharp sounds;
  • the skin becomes smoother, becomes opaque, acquires light tone, vessels disappear;
  • skin folds appear in the elbow fossae;
  • nails, hair continue to grow actively;
  • permanent teeth begin to form, which will come out at a younger school age;
  • boys have testicles abdominal cavity pass into the scrotum;
  • in girls, the formation of the vagina is underway.

All internal organs continue to develop, and their activities are improved. So, digestive tract continues to produce waste from his work in the form of meconium. These neoplasms are characteristic of the 26th week of pregnancy. Fetal development according to ultrasound diagnostics with more details looks like this:

  • resistance index of the carotid internal artery - 0.89 mm;
  • systolic-diastolic ratio of the umbilical cord artery - 3.19-3.27 mm;
  • umbilical artery resistance index - 0.58-0.79 mm;
  • placental maturity parameter - 0;
  • resistance index of the arcuate arteries in the uterus - 0.36-0.65 mm;
  • weight - 880-940 grams;
  • fruit length - 35 centimeters;
  • biparietal size - 61-73 mm;
  • forearm - 35-43 mm;
  • lower leg / shoulder - 41-49 mm;
  • thigh - 45-53 mm;
  • head circumference - 22.4-26.2 cm;
  • fronto-occipital diameter - 77-93 mm;
  • abdominal circumference - 19.4-24 cm.

On this period it is not necessary to undergo an ultrasound (pregnancy 26 weeks). The weight of the child is determined at a routine examination by a gynecologist. However, in case of complications, the doctor may refer the pregnant woman for diagnosis. At this time, various malformations in the fetus are excluded (hydrocephalus, "cleft palate", "hare lip", disruption of the cerebellum, fetal growth retardation) and the condition of the birth canal and placenta is assessed.

Features of multiple pregnancy

The 26th week of pregnancy with twins is characterized by the same symptoms for the mother: heartburn, swelling, varicose veins, insomnia, pain in the lower abdomen, sacrum or back, vaginal discharge, stretch marks, cramps, stool problems, shortness of breath, frequent going to the toilet. A woman with multiple pregnancy belly looks like last dates. Therefore, her movements become slow, cautious. This is correct, since any sudden movement, a slight fall can lead to miscarriage or premature birth.

Twins develop without deviations along the same path of fetal development. The difference is that they can differ in body weight (one more, the other less) and they can take a position in the uterus opposite friend friend. If one fetus rapidly increases in weight, while the other loses body weight, then we can talk about feto-fetal transfusion syndrome. It is urgent to see a doctor, as this can lead to the death of one of the children.

Discharge at the 26th week of pregnancy, odorless and colorless, is the norm. Gynecologists-obstetricians focus on the fact that every woman always has transparent discharge. The cause for concern is their unusual thick consistency, color (white, yellow, gray), smell, itching.

At any stage of pregnancy, thrush or vulvovaginal candidiasis may appear. In general, this fungus is the norm of the oral, vaginal and intestinal flora. But due to the restructuring of immunity, an increase in estrogen hormones or genital infections during pregnancy, the fungus becomes pathogenic, causing thrush.

The consequences of thrush should not be underestimated. For a woman, this brings a bouquet of inflammatory complications of the genital organs, endometritis of the uterus, and for the fetus, this threatens with a miscarriage, premature birth, underweight, the presence of skin, intestinal infections.

When thrush appears or spotting a pregnant woman should contact a gynecologist who will prescribe a course of treatment.

What dangers can await a pregnant woman?

Most important period women in position is 26 weeks pregnant. The development of the fetus may deviate from the norm if the expectant mother ignores the following points.

  1. Fluid intake of more than 1.5 liters causes edema, which leads to varicose veins, hypertension, preeclampsia. The latter disease can cause fetal growth retardation, miscarriage, premature birth.
  2. Ignoring vaginal discharge with a smell, color, thick consistency can also negatively affect the development of the fetus. In addition, instead of normal discharge amniotic fluid may leak, so contact your doctor immediately.
  3. The lack of a vitamin-mineral complex (D, magnesium, calcium, iodine, B6, iron) can lead to anemia, preeclampsia, hypertension, convulsions in the mother and delay the development of the child.
  4. A frequent feeling of heaviness on the right under the ribs may indicate stagnation of bile, which can lead to cholelithiasis. Common causes its occurrence is consumption fatty foods, obesity.
  5. There is heaviness in the lower abdomen at this time (pregnancy 26 weeks). The weight of the child may not be the deciding factor. It is necessary to consult a doctor for the presence of isthmic-cervical insufficiency. Otherwise, the infection can penetrate through the cervix to the fetus, and the release of amniotic fluid can lead to premature birth.
  6. May appear late toxicosis, characterized by hypertension, edema throughout the body, overweight, which is also dangerous for the health of the baby.

Thus, be attentive to internal sensations, as the maternal instinct will tell you if something is wrong with the baby. Rest more, gain positive emotions and exclude stressful situations, physical and emotional stress.

The course of pregnancy at the 26th week

The growing belly presses on the diaphragm, which restricts the breathing of a pregnant woman. She may have shortness of breath , feeling that there is not enough air. It will become more difficult to put on shoes, overcome long distances and steps.

Helpful Hints

Future mother good to read not only novels magic stories about love, but also more practical books. So, on the shelves of bookstores there is now a sufficient assortment of good literature about pregnancy, and you can already start getting acquainted with books on baby care, breastfeeding and health of children in the first year of life. Such knowledge never hurts.

It's time to get busy shopping for baby , now it will be much easier to go around stores and look after everything you need than in a few weeks. In the event that while a pregnant woman still regularly goes to work, acquaintance with children's things in reality should be postponed for a couple of weeks, and take the time evening walks and sparing, such as swimming, fitball or yoga for pregnant women.