Rustic style in the interior: a modern interpretation. Furniture and decoration of the wedding hall. Festive menu and table decoration

Rustic style wedding is tenderness and originality in one bottle

Rustic style wedding is suitable for romantic people. The design of the ceremony should be identified with the simplicity of lines, unpretentious decorative elements and the absence of luxurious accents. If a decision is made to create just such a ceremony, it should be understood that ahead not an easy task: it is necessary to show that simple and to some extent rough things can be elegant and beautiful.

Brief description of the rustic style

When you first see the design of any ceremony or interior in this style, you can decide that this is not rustic, but even a light Provence. However, it is not. more strict when choosing elements and decor. It does not use ruffles, bright prints, semi-antique surfaces, ethnic motifs. Only natural materials, natural color palette, natural fabrics.

The basis of this wedding style is the following concepts:

  • as a place where the ceremony will take place, the best choice would be a park, a forest edge, a meadow with a pond, a restaurant in rustic style or cafe, country house or log cabin;
    In any fishing line, even the smallest, there are a couple of suitable places
  • from materials it is worth paying attention to wooden beams, live moss, burlap, glass containers for flowers and candles, chintz, flax, twine, hay;
    The materials will be required natural and relatively inexpensive, so it will not be difficult to find them.
  • natural flowers are preferred from plants: cute daisies (preferably not the big ones that are sold in flower shops, but field ones picked in the natural environment), cotton flowers, lavender, cornflowers, ears of wheat;
    The main landmark is wild flowers
  • as the main shades, it is desirable to choose beige, ivory, sky blue, yellow, pastel green, brown and, of course, white.
    Shades, like materials, should be natural

Also, the following principles are important:

  • Rustic is not just based on natural materials (wood, branches, etc.). In it, they are used practically without any processing, in a pure, pristine natural form.
    Raw hemp, logs, uneven overgrown arches - all this is very appropriate.
  • In the manufacture decorative elements allows some carelessness, but disorder and chaos is not welcome.
    Crystal glasses can harmonize well with a vase made of raw wood with bark and moss
  • It will be appropriate to make with your own hands not only decorative elements, but also jewelry for the bride.
    One of the most popular homemade jewelry is the bride's wreath of fresh flowers and herbs
  • Decorative elements should be a little rough, but at the same time beautiful and graceful.
    Rough, but very original plate stand

This style cannot be expressed in separate accents or things. Rustic must be fully embodied: from the groom's boutonniere to the manufacture of arches and decoration of the premises for the celebration.

How to choose the right place?

A rustic wedding is, first of all, a marriage registration, which should take place on the road. Of course, the best option would be to hold a celebration in nature: a quiet forest edge, a clearing in front of a lake, an open field with whole heaps of hay. This is very romantic, but it also has the other side of the coin: the choice of an open place presents a certain risk, since weather can present an unpleasant surprise in the form of rain or strong winds. To insure, it is recommended to build a tent or awnings from the rain.

Ideally, if there are a couple of gazebos nearby, where you can hide in case of bad weather and continue the holiday
Although a similar canopy is quite suitable

The ceremony can only be held outdoors during the warmer months. If a rustic wedding takes place during the cold season, you can choose a country house or a restaurant. For the ceremony itself, you can use the terrace, and for the celebration - a large hall, where there is a simple, without unnecessary luxurious elements. It is best to choose those rooms where the design is made of stone, brick, wooden beam or saw cut.

Rustic style wedding hall
The same natural materials are used in the design.

Furniture and textiles

The pieces of furniture create the basis of the rustic look that guests will see in the first place. You should definitely think about the arch. It can be made of timber, branches, decorated with burlap, wild flowers. A more original option is to use the branches of a sprawling tree as an arch. It is also decorated with various elements: draperies, antique lace and ribbons.

When choosing chairs and tables, one should be guided by the basic principle of rustic style: the use of natural materials. That is, we choose wooden pieces of furniture. It would be best to get folding chairs.


Use small stumps instead of chairs. However, it should be ensured that their surface is clean and the guests do not get dirty.

Also, not ordinary wooden tables will look original, but their likeness from large wine barrels. The barrels will be the base, and a wooden covering can be arranged on top.

Snacks or sweets are usually placed on such tables.

If the wedding is held in a field area, you can use compressed hay. It can also be decorated with chintz, burlap and wildflowers.

Compressed hay will make original benches for guests

Textile elements are not used as often as when decorating weddings in other styles. Rustic involves minimal use of textiles. The main types of fabric that will be appropriate are burlap, linen, chintz. You can decorate the backs of chairs with them, make decorative accents and small wedding accessories. It is advisable to purchase tablecloths from linen or chintz. Chintz napkins framed with antique lace or discreet ribbons will look very nice.

Mandatory condition - natural fabrics

A string will also be helpful. She can tie and fasten various elements, as well as use as decoration. You can hang candles above the tables, which will be placed in glass candlesticks, balls of flowers, cones and branches, holiday garlands.

original solution for lighting

Floristics: flower arrangement, creating unique bouquets and boutonnieres from flowers, choose dahlias, daisies, bluebells, astilbe, cornflowers and sweet peas. It is important to choose muted, pastel colors. Flowers don't have to be flashy.


If you arrange flowers on the tables, use not traditional vases, but wicker baskets. If you decorate an ordinary basket a little with twine and ribbons, you get a very pretty replacement for a rustic vase.

Instead of a vase, you can use decorated glass jars or bottles decorated with twine.

Bouquets for decorating tables and the hall can be decorated using paper, twine and burlap. delicate flowers against the background of coarse fabrics and ropes, they will look very cute and gentle.

You can not decorate the bouquets. Flowers will look good in small hanging vases: baskets or glass containers. In this case, the containers themselves will need decoration. The positive side of this idea is that you can pour water into the bottle and the flowers will keep their freshness and fragrance longer.

The original vase can also be carved from wood

Particular attention should be focused on the bride's bouquet. Here you can play not only with wild flowers, spikelets of wheat. original idea there will be the use of small cones, live moss or even branches with berries. But no traditional roses, lilies and orchids. A bouquet with cotton flowers, delicate cornflowers, white poppies looks very nice.

As decorative elements, everything is simple: ribbons are used to bandage the handle of the bouquet. Next on top is burlap tied with twine or thin tape antique lace.

The groom's boutonniere is also made of simple colors. A pair of spikelets wrapped in a small piece of chintz and tied with a thin ribbon will look more unusual.

Lovely boutonniere tied with twine

Images of the bride and groom

White Wedding Dress This is what every girl dreams of. What should it look like in rustic style? First of all, it should be noted that the dress should be incredibly light and simple.

Rustic loose dress

Simple summer sundresses with lace inserts, light flowing dresses are allowed. You can use more traditional dresses with fluffy skirt and a corset, but then it’s worth diluting the “classics”, with shoes (boots) that are not traditional for a wedding, and interesting jewelry.

More suitable shoes for a rustic wedding would be light and comfortable ballet flats, sandals or not high shoes. It is allowed to decorate shoes with burlap and flowers. You can also make a bandage for the bride from chintz. Herbal and floral bracelets can also be made upon request.

Dress and shoes should be comfortable, especially if the wedding takes place in nature.

Makeup should be discreet. Shadows are usually used in neutral, pastel palettes. For lips choose delicate shades of pink, peach gloss or lipstick. A slight blush on the cheeks will look very cute.

Remember that the image should look as natural as possible.

The hairstyle should be casual and romantic. Light waves, hairstyles with braids, just loose curls will look best. Hair can be decorated with flowers. Usually they are used instead of the usual veil. It can be either separately fixed flowers or a specially created wreath, headband or hairpin.

The rustic masculine look also implies the rejection of everything traditional: patent leather shoes, ironed trousers on trousers and strict jackets. The best assistants in creating right image will be simple checkered shirt, a vest and light linen trousers or jeans made of thin caton. The shirt can be unbuttoned with one button at the top.


Interesting suspenders or a cheerful coloring of a butterfly will help to diversify the image of the groom.

Choose something more comfortable for shoes. Moccasins or sandals will do. The main thing is simplicity and convenience, which, undoubtedly, the newlyweds will take with pleasure.

Another interesting bow for the groom.

Carrying out a photo session

Wedding photos will help to capture all the memories to the smallest detail. To most accurately convey the rustic style, it is recommended to prepare a special prop. With the help of simple objects that, one way or another, are identified with this direction, the skillful hands of the photographer will convey all the charm of this day on film and remain with you for a lifetime.

Great ideas for a photo shoot are:

  • shooting in the field blooming flowers, sunflowers, ears of wheat;
  • the use of horses in filming;
  • the use of props such as old bicycles, gardening items, rocker arms, wooden boxes, etc.;
  • haystacks, old wells and swings;
  • old fences decorated with flowers and inscriptions with the names of the newlyweds and the date.

It's the little things like this that make a photo session really spectacular.

Rings, which are usually imprinted on a luxurious pillow, are best placed in a small bird's nest created by your own hands or sewed like a chintz pillow and framed with fresh flowers.

Alternatively, you can use a live moss stand.

Preparing invitations in rustic style

Wedding invitations occupy a special place in preparation for the solemn ceremony. It is from them that the guests begin to realize that young people are getting married. But also from the invitation you can see in what style the wedding will be and what should be prepared for.

The mere sight of such an invitation suggests that the wedding will not be classic.

There are a huge number of options that are suitable for creating rustic ceremony invitations. Instead of traditional paper, you can use birch bark, tree bark, fabric, textured paper. Add such small details as a couple of cotton flowers, spikelets, buttons, burlap inserts and guests will immediately understand that the ceremony will be unusual and original. To soften bark or coarse fabric a little, you can add frills from old handmade lace or discreet satin ribbon.

The text part of the invitation can be made up with special vintage fonts that will add intrigue and romanticism to the message.

Making rustic wedding invitations

Pleasant trifles

You should take care of small details and decorative elements. These can be small figurines of birds, transparent candlesticks, small branches of deciduous or coniferous trees that will not be too annoying and, at the same time, will recreate the atmosphere of the full embodiment of the rustic style.


If in doubt whether a particular decor element is needed, remove it. Rustic style does not tolerate congestion.

For larger items, look at cart wheels (or even a whole cart), wine barrels, wooden boxes, haystacks. They can not only create a suitable environment, but also become an excellent backdrop for a photo shoot.

A pair of wheels from a cart near a table with sweets - just right for rustic style

Take care of the seating cards for guests. They can be made in the same style as invitations to the ceremony. Wood bark, rough, dense fabric, special kraft paper are suitable for creation.

The role of cards can be played by such wooden disks

An obligatory item is the choice of gifts for guests in gratitude for the fact that they attended the event and rejoiced for the newlyweds. In addition, these small souvenirs should remind those invited of this important day. For the rustic style, the following original options are suitable:

  • small jars filled with honey, homemade jam and decorated with twine, burlap, a few cotton flowers, lavender or spikelets.
    Basket decorated with burlap

Do not come up with something too pompous or sophisticated. Every detail, even a gift for guests, should reflect simplicity, sincerity and a certain charm.

The wedding ceremony is the most important day for the newlyweds. This is where a new life begins. The newlyweds will not just be a couple, but will be a family. And it is necessary to spend it as the bride and groom wish. Among the huge variety of options and styles, rustic is becoming more and more popular. Its main principles are simplicity, comfort, natural materials and lack of pomposity. At the same time, this principle is used not only in design, but also in the choice of clothing. No corsets, strict suits and strict rules.

It is important to leave a memory both in photographs and in small souvenirs. Therefore, you should pay attention to all the details. Special props must be prepared that will fully convey the mood and style of the ceremony in the photographs. And guests should be pleased original gifts and invitations.

Lastly, a few beautiful weddings rustic style.

Vitaly and Polina

Sofia and Mikhail

Recently, there has been great popularity themed holidays. To create an original wedding, you need to choose certain style, which will be present in everything: the design of the space, the dress code, the festive menu. If you love nature and are attracted to everything simple, natural, homely, then a rustic wedding is the perfect option for you!

What is a rustic wedding?

From French "rustique" is translated as "rustic", "simple", "rough".

If you are romantics, love field plants and dream of a ceremony under open sky, then a rustic wedding is just for you!

In this style there is no luxury, lush decor, only exquisite simplicity. It is very popular in Europe and America, it is from there that he came to us.

Many newlyweds call this style burlap, as this material is most often used in decor. The characteristic features of the rustic style are coarse decor elements, natural colors, natural materials. This style is also relevant because such a wedding can be held at any time of the year.

To decorate the festive space, cream, beige, dark green tones, as well as the color of aged wood are used.

Traditionally, rural weddings were held in early October after the harvest and the completion of the main field work. And therefore symbolic meaning Rustic wedding is a unity of loving hearts and a celebration of abundant nature.

The main features of the rustic style

Stages of organizing a wedding

First you need to decide on the venue of the holiday. Most often, rustic weddings are held outdoors. With the help of a tent, you can protect guests from the scorching sun or rain.

Organizers need to take care of the delivery of invitation cards. It is necessary to decorate invitations beautifully, since it is with the help of this important detail the guests get the first impression of the style of the future wedding.

The third important point is the celebratory banquet. It is necessary to carefully consider the holiday menu. It can be dishes of Russian or European cuisine. The main condition is that all treats should be simple, no culinary delights. Festive table you need to decorate with confectionery, freshly baked bread.

You need to buy drinks. If you are planning an alcohol-free wedding, then treat guests with juices, water, and different types of tea. lovers alcoholic beverages you can please with berry or fruit liqueurs, homemade wine, herbal tinctures.

You also need to order a wedding cortege. It can be a horse-drawn cart or a vintage car, decorated in your own way.

Do not forget to invite a professional photographer who will capture the best moments of the holiday. And the operator will create a whole film about your wedding.

The rustic style has European roots, and therefore the ransom traditional for Russia is not needed. Representatives of the young can come up with entertainment that will fit the desired style.

  1. On the day of the wedding, the young people gather separately, then they go to the registration.
  2. After the ceremony, a photo session is held in nature.
  3. Then a banquet is arranged with a professional host. Concerning musical accompaniment activities, then the best option country or jazz. During the break, the newly-made spouses dance, after which all the guests join them.

Beautiful fireworks are a great end to a wedding celebration.

Venue for the ceremony

In the warm season, you can register in a forest clearing, chamomile, poppy or wheat field, on the river bank, a picturesque cliff or in a cherry orchard. The main thing is to get acquainted with the weather forecast in advance so that strong wind or the rain didn't spoil the registration. For safety, use canopies or portable hangars.

Autumn gives a lot of materials for decorating a wedding celebration. A wedding ceremony in a forest or park will look especially beautiful. You can register a marriage in the open air, and hold a banquet in a restaurant or cafe. For such a program, a country house is perfect.

Looks very nice winter wedding rustic style! With the help of decorative elements, the lack of warmth and comfort, which is so lacking in the cold season, is compensated. For a wedding, a country hotel is most suitable. Celebrate the wedding ceremony in great hall with wood trim and a fireplace. And organize a banquet in a specially designated room, the main thing is that the interior should have stone, brick and wooden beams. The advantage of a country hotel is that guests can spend the night and leave in the morning.

Festive space design

Rustic wedding decor should be sophisticated and simple at the same time. The place for the ceremony must be zoned with the help of an arch, near which registration will take place and places for guests will be located. Use branches or roots as the basis for the arch. You can decorate it with wild flowers, textile garlands, antique lace. You can experiment with the shape of the arch.

It can be old doors or gates. It looks very solemn and symbolic!

Furniture for the ceremony should be made exclusively from natural materials. Guests can sit on folding chairs, haystacks or burlap-covered stumps. Hemp can serve as stands for various decorative elements.

Ordinary wooden tables can be replaced with homemade ones. To do this, take two large wine barrels and cover them with a wooden cover. It looks very stylish!

From briquettes
hay, you can create tables, chairs or even sofas for newlyweds and guests. Cover the hay with a natural thick cloth, decorate with cushions and wildflowers.

Rustic style involves minimal use of fabrics. Most often, the festive space is decorated with burlap, linen, chintz. These materials cover chairs, tables, create composite elements and accessories for the wedding. Linen or chintz napkins with lace or ribbon trim look very nice.

To decorate the space, twine is used. With the help of this thin rope, lamps, candlesticks, flower arrangements, cones, textile garlands are fixed on tree branches. Also, glass containers are decorated with twine, which are used as flower vases.

Decorate the festive space with daisies, bluebells, cornflowers, sweet peas. To decorate bouquets, use paper, twine and burlap. The contrasting combination of delicate colors with coarse materials looks very stylish and elegant. Bouquets can be placed in hanging vases decorated with fabric, lace or paper, or baskets. To keep them fresh and fragrant longer, pour water into a container.

The registration area can be decorated with paper garlands, aged furniture, books with yellowed leaves from age, wooden barrels, window frames or carts. Give up shiny materials in decor, they will look ridiculous.

Design of invitations

invitations are business card newlyweds, you can create them with your own hands. It could be invitation card, decorated with lace, a scroll tied with a rope or a piece of cloth or a piece of bark with a carved text. You can not do without cardboard, kraft paper, openwork napkins, homespun lace, dense fabric, wrapping paper. You can experiment as much as you like, the main thing is to stick to the natural colors, avoid synthetic materials and glitter.

In one style, you can create all wedding accessories: invitations, gift boxes, wedding pillow. For decoration, use coarse fabric, lace, beads and ribbons.

Gift boxes can contain sweets, jars of jam, honey, homemade soap, etc. These are souvenirs for guests to remember your wedding.

wedding flower arrangement

A rustic style wedding bouquet is created mainly from wildflowers. You can complement the bride's bouquet with bright ornamental plants. You can dilute the composition with cereal herbs, which give positive symbolism to the bouquet.

To create a contrasting bouquet, combine blue or purple flowers with bright sunflower. A rich and juicy composition is obtained with clusters of viburnum, mountain ash or sea buckthorn. Most often, the bride's bouquet is decorated with daisies, cornflowers, lilies of the valley, bluebells, small roses, daisies, etc.

The image of the young should be light and tender. Straight, slightly fitted style, flowing, natural material: cotton, linen or silk. It can be a sundress with lace trim or a dress with long sleeve, open back or shoulders. Winter outfit of the bride can be supplemented with a shawl, voluminous scarf, cape or cardigan.

The hairstyle should be slightly careless and natural, as if the bride had just collected her hair. It can be different types weaving or loose curls, decorated with flowers, rim, beads. You can complement the image with a wreath of wild flowers, twigs, dried flowers, etc. The wreath should be created from the same flowers as the wedding bouquet and the groom's boutonniere.

As accessories, use bracelets from field plants, miniature earrings, thin chains.

You can decorate the bride's legs with summer ballet flats, open sandals, low-heeled shoes or cowboy boots. Shoes can be decorated with burlap or linen.

A young make-up should be natural and only in pastel colors. Use foundation, as close as possible to the natural skin tone, light lipstick, a little mascara and a little blush. Eyes can be slightly emphasized with eyeliner.

Rustic Groom

The groom can safely refuse classic tuxedos, trousers with arrows, patent leather shoes. The most successful option is casual style. For example, a light checkered shirt that can be unbuttoned at the top, a vest or a tweed jacket. Pants can be of any shade, but not black, the material is linen or thin cotton.

The ideal color combination is blue with sand. You can complement the image with suspenders, a colorful bow tie, a hat or a boutonniere. Replace patent leather shoes with sandals, moccasins or boots.

Wedding rings

Rustic style rings should be simple, best material- silver or White gold. Taboo - large gems, fine workmanship.

Classic stand for wedding rings looks like a pillow made of dense natural fabric, decorated with lace. A stand made of a wooden frame with carved names of the newlyweds and the date of marriage can be decorated with a ribbon. A stand in the form of a nest of grass and twigs looks very original and symbolic.

Put a small napkin in the nest, and on top of the ring. Use sprigs of needles, cones or field plants as decoration.

Ideas for a wedding photo shoot

Rustic wedding will give unforgettable emotions, the main thing is to capture them correctly. Best Ideas for photo:

  • Shooting against the backdrop of a rural fence made of slats, a wheat, sunflower or poppy field.
  • A dilapidated barn or a herd of cows grazing in a meadow is suitable as a background.
  • Photos with animals look beautiful: horses, dogs, goats, etc.

Use whatever old stuff you find:

  • bike;
  • gardening Tools;
  • rocker;
  • large barrels;
  • wooden bench, etc.

You can take a photo near a haystack, an old well, a swing.

Festive menu and table decoration

Tables should be covered with tablecloths made of natural fabrics, decorated with fresh flowers, glass candlesticks, vases, wicker baskets, rough wooden boxes, etc. flower bouquets dilute with dried flowers and green twigs. Don't forget the natural fabric napkins with lace trim.

guests on hay briquettes, hemp, benches or wooden chairs. Cover the furniture with textiles and decorate at your discretion. If the day is cool, then you can offer guests blankets. Guest cards can be made on wooden discs.

As for the menu, you will not see any frills in the form of chocolate fountains, cheese fondue or salmon in wine sauce. According to the concept of the event, simple village dishes are welcome: young jacket potatoes, jellied fish, chops, vegetable stew, fresh and canned vegetables. You can't do without fruit and a cheese bar. Treat guests with compotes, fruit drinks, homemade wines, tinctures. In cold weather, warm up with mulled wine, grog and hot chocolate.

Delight the sweet tooth with mint gingerbread, berry muffins, chocolate cookies, cupcakes, rolls. As for the wedding cake, it can be a simple biscuit with milk cream, decorated with fresh fruits or berries. It can be served on a tray or a wooden frame.

Festive dress code

You need to warn about the dress code even in the invitation, so that the guests have time to think over their image. It is better for ladies to dress in light linen sundresses or dresses in pastel shades, and for men - in wide shirts and thin trousers.

Bridesmaids should set off the bride, and therefore it is better to choose a beige or cream color for their outfits. You can complement the image with original ballet flats or cowboy boots. messy hairstyle and lack bright accessories is a prerequisite. Bridesmaids can be given bouquets that vaguely resemble a flower arrangement in the hands of the bride.

Wedding entertainment and a procession of young people

Concerning entertainment program there are many ways to have fun. You can hang swings decorated with ribbons on the trees. The most popular games are twister, tower, towns, Cossack robbers, etc. You can include music competitions in the program.

young - this is also a very important point. For this, a country-style car, decorated with branches, flowers, textile frills, paper garlands and figurines of young people, is suitable. By tradition, cars can be decorated with tin cans tied to ribbons.

Perfect option It's a horse cart filled with hay. Such a trip will bring a lot of pleasure to young people. A rustic wedding is a unique event that will be remembered for a long time!

Rustic weddings, despite the simplicity of design, are unusual and stylish. In addition, the natural rustic entourage allows you to create a touching and romantic atmosphere at the celebration.

The basic principles of a rustic wedding- naturalness, simplicity, comfort. Therefore, among the main design rules, it is worth noting the need to use:

  • Natural materials (wood, wildflowers, hay, burlap, chintz, linen, moss, "grandma's inventory");
  • Natural tones (green, cream, sand, brown, blue, blue, white).

Choosing a venue for the celebration

An important criterion when choosing a place for both an offsite marriage registration and a wedding banquet is the natural surroundings. Thus, it will be ideal to hold a celebration in nature. Options for places can be a river bank and a lake, a forest clearing covered with tree crowns, a field with haystacks. To a certain extent, this choice is quite risky, because the weather can bring various surprises. Therefore, in order to protect yourself from bad weather, it is advisable to prepare a tent or awnings.

If the wedding is scheduled for the cold season, or you want to spend a holiday not in nature, you can organize it indoors. For a wedding, it is worth choosing halls or terraces of restaurants, country cottages, hotels without too much “brilliance” and “pomp”. The simpler, the better. The interiors of these rooms should have a minimum of decor, there may be wooden, stone, brick elements.

Rustic wedding decor

Fantasizing how best to decorate the place of celebration, it is worth remembering that the main thing in this case- simplicity. When choosing a color scheme for decoration, give preference to natural, natural tones, while avoiding very bright unnatural colors and shades.

. Arch for exit registration

Arch for exit registration, like all elements wedding decoration, must match the selected style. Therefore, you can choose one of the following design options:

  • Make an arch from a wooden beam or branches, decorate it with burlap, lace, wild flowers;
  • Replace the arch with a garland, an old door;
  • Use a beautiful spreading tree instead of an arch, which can be complemented with fabric drapery, wildflowers, openwork rustic lace and ribbons.

Wildflower baskets can be used as limiters for the path leading to the arch.

. Furniture and decoration of the wedding hall

Ordinary chairs and sofas for guests can be replaced with wooden folding chairs, benches and even stumps. To give a rustic touch to your wedding, you can use pressed hay cubes covered with burlap or linen. Tables can be replaced with wine barrels, or you can use ordinary wooden tables covered with chintz tablecloths with floral ornament. Shade such tablecloths can napkins made of burlap and complemented by lace edging. Field and garden flowers will look great on the tables, but it is advisable not to put them in vases, but in baskets, wooden boxes, simple glass jars decorated with twine.

Decor elements

For a spectacular design, almost any natural materials are suitable: leaves, needles, tree bark, hay, branches, moss. You can use dim worn or aged items, for example, old books, lace, candlesticks. Garlands-flags can be an excellent decoration for a hall or a place in nature. To add romance to the atmosphere, silhouettes of hearts, birds, any images associated with the village will do. Bright decorative accents of a wedding can be a cart, wooden window frames, wheels, large barrels, wood slices, wooden crates, small logs. Such elements perfectly reflect the style of the celebration and can become a backdrop for interesting photography.

As for floristry, a rustic wedding involves decorating with field and garden flowers, dried flowers, spikelets. flower arrangements should look simple, as if they had just been plucked from a meadow. Chamomile, cornflowers, dahlias, sweet peas, bluebells, daisies, lavender are perfect for this style. It will be possible to emphasize the style by tying the bouquet with twine.

. Important little things

For the preparation of invitations, table number cards and seating arrangements, you can use kraft paper, which is usually used for packaging, or wood-style designer cardboard. The pillow for the rings of the newlyweds will correspond to the rustic style if it is made of burlap and decorated with lace, ribbons, beads.

Simple in design should be not only the decor, but also the menu. When choosing dishes for a wedding, their design, the main thing is maximum simplicity and naturalness. The wedding cake should also have a minimum of decorations, for example, made using fruits or berries.

Gifts for guests

Support the theme of home comfort and warm relationship gifts to guests will help. To keep fond memories of original wedding, You can donate:

  • Jars of honey or homemade jam, tying notes with words of gratitude to them with twine;
  • Fresh flowers in small pots with the inscription "with love";
  • Small baskets with berries or homemade cakes.

Images of newlyweds without pretentious elements

Instead of the usual puffy outfit with a tight corset, the bride should choose a dress straight cut from a flowing fabric that can create the impression of lightness and airiness. It is advisable to choose a dress for a rustic wedding as simple as possible, without shiny, pretentious decorative elements. The ideal option is an outfit in cream, beige tones, complemented by lace. self made. Also, as an outfit for a celebration in this style, a cocktail dress or sundress is perfect.

IN wedding hairstyle it is also desirable to do without complex styling, curls, bouffant, bright decorative elements. When choosing a hairstyle, you should stop your choice on braids or loose hair. If the hair is short, then everyday, slightly careless, styling is suitable. For hair ornaments, you can use flowers, for example, in the form of a wreath.

Instead of a jacket, the groom can wear a vest, and replace a regular tie with a bow tie. You can choose any shirt light shade and complete it with suspenders. Pants fit simple cut, if desired, they can be completely replaced with jeans. To complement the image of the groom will help a simple headdress, for example, a straw hat, and moccasins from shoes.

Bouquet for the bride, boutonniere for the groom: a feeling of slight negligence

In the design of the bride's bouquet, everything should be just as simple, without sparkles, bright draperies. It is better to complement the flowers with ribbons, vintage accessories. The handle of the bouquet can be decorated with burlap or lace. It is advisable not to make a bouquet of the correct rounded shape, since this element should create a feeling of slight negligence. The groom's boutonniere should repeat the elements of the bride's bouquet, for example, the same wild flowers, dried flowers, pieces of burlap, ribbons.

The beauty of a rustic wedding lies in its simplicity, softness, and charm. Do not worry about the fact that you can not recreate this style in pure form. You can use only a part of the above tips for your celebration. The main thing is to make it beautiful, romantic, extraordinary holiday, which will the best way reflect exactly your married couple.

A warm, gentle and homely rustic wedding will not leave indifferent any couple of lovers. Rustic (rustic) translated from French (rustique) means "rustic". But this should not scare or suggest that your wedding will be boring or not stylish. On the contrary, the ceremony will be refined and at the same time simple, which greatly exalts this style in comparison with others. Simplicity in every detail. Speaking of rustic style, associations with nature, naturalness, naturalness come to mind.

Rustic wedding decor.

Rustic wedding colors.

The basis of the colors of a rustic wedding are such colors as: white, cream, brown, green, gray, blue.

At the same time, various shades of wild flowers can become accents: cornflower, chamomile, clover or lemon balm.

An ideal place for a rustic wedding can be a field with haystacks, a clearing in a forest, or in a forest forest under dense tree branches. Also great option will become a country restaurant, hotel or cottage - places in which there are such features of the interior solution as a natural stone, brick, wood.

Features of the design of a rustic banquet.

As mentioned earlier, the rustic style implies comfort and home environment. To achieve this effect, you should use some tips. Tables can be replaced with wooden barrels or large tree stumps.

I advise you to draw a seating plan for guests on a wooden window frame or old doors.

Tables are easy to cover natural fabrics(or even boards), flower vases can be replaced with small wooden boxes.

To create a warm atmosphere, we decorate tree branches with garlands, flags. We use all kinds of jars and bottles (with flowers or candles). Hanging decor deserves special attention at a rustic wedding!

If sweet table made by hand, it's generally a fairy tale! Grandma's cookies, pies, muffins and milk - simple, tasty and themed!

Do not forget about the guests. a good gift for them can be jars of jam, jam or honey.

materials and flowers.

Natural materials will help create the right atmosphere, so it is advisable to use berries, branches, stumps and cuts of trees, cotton, as well as burlap and lace.

When decorating a wedding in a rustic style, it is worth abandoning new and too bright materials and fabrics; in this case, old jars, chests, books, paintings, photographs that have been preserved from our grandparents will be more suitable. And dried flowers!

Gypsophila is the main guest at a rustic wedding!

As for such an important element as the bride's bouquet, it is important to consider the following features. The bouquet should be slightly careless, disheveled, as if you just picked these flowers on the field. Preference should be given to dahlias, cornflowers, chamomile, bluebells, lemon balm, for a greater emphasis on naturalness, you can fasten the bouquet with linen or twine.

Rustic wedding invitations.

Rustic wedding invitations are best designed on textured paper, for example, choose designer cardboard. For brave couples, there is an opportunity to realize their most interesting ideas and issue invitations on the bark or log cabin of a tree, which will certainly look very original.

Arch at a rustic wedding.

The accents of nature did not bypass the arch, which can be decorated using flowers, tree branches, foliage and needles, and fabric. The decor is well complemented by garlands that you can make yourself from glass jars, as well as old doors, a cart, barrels and other objects long forgotten by us. Hay covered with a fabric (for example, burlap) will perfectly replace ordinary chairs - during check-in, guests need to sit on something! But the basis will be wood and floral decoration.

How to dress for a rustic wedding?

The bride's outfit should be simple, straight, creating a light, airy look. It should be noted that the dress may not be traditionally wedding, it would be appropriate here. Short dress or at all summer sundress from natural fabrics.

As for the hairstyle, here it is worth dwelling on loose hair that will be blown by the wind, or a large braided braid.

The image of the groom is different from what we are used to seeing. Suspenders, a shirt, a hat, especially a straw one, moccasins, a bow tie will be relevant. The boutonniere can be made from burlap, dry or fresh wildflowers…

And now let's look at all this on the example of a particular rustic wedding!

Summer is the best time for a rustic wedding in nature. I share with you an example - a beautiful and very warm photo shoot wedding ceremony In the countryside.

The bride and groom (Lindsay and Stephen) planned this celebration for a long time and very carefully. To begin with, they decided on a place. It was decided to hold the ceremony in the suburbs, where Lindsey often visited in the summer in her childhood. Beautiful landscapes have become the main decor of the wedding!

Making it magical holiday not without the help of the team from wedding agency. Together with Lindsey and Stephen, all the details of this celebration were thought out. They decided not to limit themselves to one day of celebration and organized a whole weekend. We rented several houses for guests to stay and thought of some fun activities: barbecue on the beach on the eve of the wedding, for girls and shooting training for young people. Our heroes really wanted to arrange a holiday not only for two, but also for family and close friends. And they did great!

many elements wedding decor were made by designers by hand especially for this ceremony. For example, the arch under which the wedding took place was made of ordinary logs and decorated with fresh flowers.

And what original look transport they chose! It is worth taking note of these ideas. Of course, if you also prefer nature to the bustle of the city. Rustic wedding is for you.

Weddings on a specific theme are increasingly replacing the traditional type of celebration. If you want something original, but without too much pathos, pay attention to the rustic style. It is characterized by an atmosphere of home comfort and warmth, rustic furnishings, natural shades, naturalness and simplicity. If all this is to your liking, then a rustic wedding, the photo selection of which is presented in the article, is exactly what you need.

Color palette and decor

To properly arrange such a celebration, you should know that the color scheme should be within the natural shades. Give preference to: beige, white, pink, gray, blue, green, etc. Sand and cornflower blue, rich green and cream color blend well in contrast. As accents, you can use the following shades: terracotta, marsala, mustard, etc.

Decorating a rustic wedding involves the use of simple materials. This allows multiple businesses using a minimum of finance. But behind this simplicity, one cannot lose the solemnity of the holiday, and therefore remember the main decor ideas:

  • Use lots of flowers at your wedding. It can be various field or artificial flowers similar to them: chamomile, cornflowers, bluebells, lavender, poppies, buttercups and others. You can also take gerberas, chrysanthemums, some roses as a basis. When forming bouquets to decorate arbors, tables, and a rustic bridal bouquet, you can create a slightly casual composition, as if it had just been assembled, by tying everything with twine or a strip of linen.
  • Play with paper decorations. With your own hands, you can make funny holiday garlands, decorate flowers or decorate tables. Paper is a budget option decor at a wedding, but to make it very cheap (but not angry), you can use it again. Use old books and diary entries. This gives a certain antiquity, which also corresponds to the rustic theme.
  • In continuation of the "old" theme, do not forget the details that bear a slight imprint of time. In grandmother's attics, cute little things that will be appropriate at a wedding have been gathering dust for a long time. You can artificially age things (chairs, tables, even glasses of young ones) using the “shabby chic” technique. By the way, you can find out more information about on our website.
  • As for the fabric for the design of the rustic wedding ceremony venue and the area where the photo session will take place, give preference to burlap, canvas, linen and lace materials. The table of the newlyweds is draped with the same fabrics, as well as decorating the hall.
  • The photo area can also be decorated with hay, dry meadow herbs that exude an incredible aroma. Bales with this filling will look original as a background even for decorating a ceremony in nature.

Important! Rustic wedding design does not tolerate shiny, iridescent materials. Such tinsel against the background of natural decor elements will look ridiculous and funny. You can see successful design options in a rustic style in the photo:

Time and place

A feature of the event in the spirit of rustic is its versatility, because it can be arranged at any time of the year. Where to hold a wedding if it is in the summer? It is best to make it somewhere in nature in a tent, in a forest in a village house, on the sea or even in the country (for a budget type). There must be some kind of canopy to protect from rain in case of bad weather. If the celebration falls on a cold season (in early spring, autumn or winter) and is held in a restaurant, then it is enough to add a touch of country style to the design of the hall to match the theme.

As for the place of the marriage ceremony, it is best to conduct it on fresh air. It could be outside registration in a forest clearing, in a park, by the sea, etc. The arch at the wedding is decorated with natural materials (flowers, branches, fabrics). But instead, the rustic style allows you to make a simple background of garlands, or even install old doors as a symbol of entry into new life. You can also pick up a suitable sprawling tree, decorate it and use it as an arch. Such eco examples are suitable for those who want something unusual.

Invitations and gifts for guests

Rustic wedding decor includes invitations and bonbonnieres skillfully decorated to match this theme. Invitations are made from textured designer paper or cardboard. For decoration, use lace, dried flowers, sticks, buttons in natural shades. But bark or log cabin will look even more original for these purposes.

Be sure to compliment your guests. This is a small gift in the form of a bag or a box with sweets, but it can also be a jar of jam or honey. In addition, handmade soap will be appropriate, beautiful souvenirs in a rustic style, etc., which will leave warm memories of a wedding in a rustic theme.

Images of the groom, bride and guests

The rustic style is good because you should not think too long about the images of the newlyweds. The bride's dress should emphasize light and gentle image, in it the girl should be like a field breeze. As a style, a straight line is suitable fitted dress in flowing fabric, with an open back and lace embellishment. You can also choose a knee-length model in combination, for example, with openwork summer boots. Winter or autumn wedding suggests the presence of warmer things: a knitted cape or fur coat, as well as boots. Vintage accessories complete the rustic look, and the hairstyle can be decorated with a wreath of fresh wildflowers. The makeup of the bride should be gentle, as natural as possible. We prepared examples of the image in the chosen style on these photos:

The groom's suit doesn't have to be classic. More suitable for rustic direction casual, free and light image. Combine sand and sky colors, pick up original suspenders and a vest. Even a straw hat and boots can be present in the image. But the image at the wedding turns out to be lively, cheerful and unusual. The boutonniere is made in the spirit of the bride's bouquet (dry flowers, heaps of linen or burlap).

In the rustic style, despite its simplicity, there is a certain dress code for those invited to the wedding. But you shouldn’t be too smart about how guests should dress. Bridesmaids often wear similar dresses (at least in tone) or completely the same. Guests must wear natural fabrics. pastel colors. The groom's friends should also not be in strict suits to match the style of the future husband. Give preference to vests, plaid shirts, moccasins, hats.

The nuances of the script and the wedding cake

Since a rustic wedding is more of a European type, a ransom is not accepted here, although it is not excluded. The morning of the bride and groom begin, of course, separately. They gather, prepare, and a photo session of these gatherings is held in parallel. And then the groom comes for the girl. One car for two takes them to the place of marriage registration or they can travel separately, as they do at weddings in Europe. To the music, young people exchange rings and agree to marriage. After that, a photo session takes place in nature and in other places, depending on the wishes of the newlyweds. Then everyone goes to a banquet, where the host has already prepared entertainment and contests based on the rustic style (something related to the countryside, nature). As for music, it can be country, jazz, folk, and it is better that these are live compositions.

Script ends as usual wedding cake rustic or . There should not be any special confectionery delights, pompous decorations, etc. It will be enough biscuit cakes with delicate milk cream, with the addition of fresh fruits, nuts and honey, powdered sugar. The cake should be simple, but made from natural ingredients in delicate pastel colors. Accents can be sprigs of mint, lemon balm, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, etc.

Photo ideas

The rustic style has been at the top of popularity for several wedding seasons, and 2017 was no exception. For more inspiration, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with a selection of wedding photos in this topic: