Short toasts and congratulations on the wedding. original toasts for a wedding. Short toasts for a wedding in verse

The sage was asked:
– When between husband and wife there are ideal relationship?
“When the husband does not hear what his wife says, and the wife does not see what her husband is doing,” answered the sage.
So, in ideal family the husband must be a little deaf so that the wife can grumble, and the wife must close her eyes a little so that the husband can get a little out of control. We will not drink to those who do not see everything and those who do not hear everything, but we will drink to ideal family! Let's drink to simple and a good relationship between our young beautiful couple! rating: 34 ↓

The word marriage has two meanings - marital relations and defective - in the sense of defective products. Often the second meaning appears in the first and the result is a kind of defective marriage. But I want to say that this never happens if the union of two hearts is based on understanding, respect and love. So let us wish the newlyweds to preserve these foundations of the family, we wish them a marriage without marriage! 35 ↓

There is such a modern parable, a story with some hint, when two friends are talking and
one asks the other:
- How many times did you get married?
“I’m ashamed to even say it,” answers another.
“Well, well,” the second one consoles, “in our time you don’t have to be ashamed of anything, let’s talk as much as you can!”
- Just one time! - was the answer.
So I want our newlyweds to be - in a good way, of course - also ashamed. So that they have
only one marriage is the only happy and reliable union today! 46 ↓ - Cool toasts for a wedding

Dear newlyweds! I wish you lightness and heaviness! I wish that your heart will always be light and your pockets heavy! 50 ↓

I want to start my toast with one parable, a small instructive story. One day, the castle in which the king and queen lived was captured by their enemies. And the leader, amazed by the beauty and grace of the queen, showed gallantry - he allowed her to leave the castle, and moreover, he allowed her to take with her everything that she could carry. And the queen, without hesitation, put her king on her shoulders, and as best she could, she carried him out and freed him. So I want to wish everyone who is married that for the wife the husband, and for the husband, respectively, the wife, will be the greatest wealth in the world!
And for those who are not yet married, let us wish them to gain this main wealth! 57 ↓

There lived the only one in the world ordinary man, he had cherished dream- find the most perfect woman and marry her. He had been looking for her all his life, and now, when gray hair had already lightly touched his hair, he found her! She was beautiful, she was perfection itself! He immediately, without hesitation, proposed marriage to her. But the girl was young and dreamed of finding her ideal, so she didn’t even look at him. So let's raise a glass to the newlyweds. It’s great that they didn’t get bogged down in an endless search, but became each other’s most beloved and most ideal! 9 ↓

A wise man, having seen a lot in his life, once said: Brief is the moment of happiness! But if you find yours true love, then this moment can last a lifetime!
So I raise a glass to the newlyweds, so that they carry their happy moment throughout their lives! For the young, for their true lasting happiness! 42 ↓

A marriage is like a house: first you need to build it, day by day, plank by plank, make it warm and cozy, take care of it. And from year to year we adjust, consolidate, improve something. And then he will serve happily ever after, and will be the basis for a happy family life. Today I want to wish our young people that they build their marriage just like a beautiful and cozy house - patiently, tirelessly, with understanding and consideration.
And when your the marriage will pass all tests of strength, I am sure you will become truly happy! So, happiness to you, our dear newlyweds! 38 ↓

A legal wife is a real pearl in the hands of her husband, who shines with her beauty and illuminates the path with light. Let's raise our glasses to ensure that the spouse carefully preserves this priceless pearl given to him by fate! 43 ↓

The sages believe that “people exist for each other.” So let's drink to the fact that everything will be so for our young people in their newly-made family. Young people - live for each other! Make major decisions together, understand each other, appreciate each other and be happy! 40 ↓

I want to wish today that the life of our young people will always be like a fairy tale. After all, in a fairy tale, after the wedding, the groom gets at least a real princess as his wife, and then lives with her happily ever after. Here you are, our dear young people, live like a king and princess, may God grant you to cope with all the difficulties and always be the happiest! 38 ↓

They say that getting married can be compared to taking medicine - both should be taken without hesitation, in one gulp. But the medicine does not produce such happy, radiant faces as our newlyweds have today. This means that their mutual choice was very successful. I offer a toast to our newlyweds - may they have a serene, long and successful voyage on the waves of the sea of ​​life, in love, mutual respect, fidelity and happiness! Bitterly! 42 ↓

There is an anecdote about a husband who went on a business trip for a whole month. Upon returning home, all he said to his wife was the usual “Hello.”
“Dear,” the wife was offended, “you should at least kiss me.”
“Well, my love, you give it,” the husband answers. – After five years of marriage – and suddenly such orgies!
I want to make a toast so that our newlyweds retain passion for each other in their souls, even after celebrating golden wedding! Bitterly! 43 ↓

Love and family mean a lot in a person's life. To be able to carry your warm feelings for each other through the years, you must learn to hear each other without words. I wish you that even kilometers away from each other, you can hear what your other half is thinking about.

An indestructible family is one where husband and wife trust each other, do not argue over trifles, and when condemning cries are heard behind them, they only hold each other’s hand more tightly. I wish you to always hold each other's hands and feel their warmth.

Our dear young people! I want to wish you joy in your family life that has just begun! May your marriage be strong! May your love be beautiful! Live in complete harmony - and may your family life be the happiest!

They say that wealth is first of all health, secondly, a good wife, thirdly, children! Therefore, I wish the groom to be rich - to have remarkable health, to take care of his beautiful bride, whom he took as his wife today, to give birth to healthy children, with whom life will be doubly happy! For the bride and groom, sad!

Newlyweds, accept my wishes: love, prosperity, fidelity. May your family become stronger every day. Be each other's support and joy in life. Harmony and mutual respect! Remember, going through life together is much more fun than going through life alone. Happy for you, dears! Great family happiness!

One philosopher said: There are many seekers in life, but those who find are difficult to find. There is no doubt that our newlyweds are the happiest chosen ones who have found each other. Let your family hearth always burn with a bright and unquenchable flame. May his fire always illuminate your life with the warmth of relationships, love and devotion!

They say the giant is not knower of love, will not reach the waist of an ordinary person in love, because love elevates. Let us raise our glasses to the sublime love that lifts us to the skies!

Dear newlyweds! I wish you that everyday little things and trifles never overshadow the main thing in your life - joy and happiness! Let's raise a glass to your right choice, for your joint happiness and a wonderful future!

We wish you happiness, health, and children soon! So that your day begins with a smile, so that you are not too picky! So that they value each other, respect each other, so that there are no quarrels, omissions, sadness - and so that you never get bored!

“Moishe, who always gave $10 to a beggar, today gave only $5, explaining that now that he got married, he is forced to cut expenses. To which the indignant beggar replied that he was not going to support Moisha’s family. So let’s drink to the fact that the husband always knows how to ensure the well-being of his betrothed!”

You can live to see your golden wedding only if the wife has a golden character and the husband has iron endurance. Let's drink to such a wonderful alloy.

As the English playwright Bernard Shaw said: “When you chase happiness, one day you will realize that it was right under your nose all along.” It’s so good that our newlyweds found their happiness quickly enough! Never lose your happiness, take care of it and cherish it! For the young! Bitterly!

People say: “Let you have a good enemy than a bad mother-in-law.” And if you already have a bad mother-in-law, then it’s better not to have other enemies.” Let's drink to our groom having the best mother-in-law in the world!

After the introduction of Prohibition, there were much more divorces in the world, because many men looked at their wives with sober eyes for the first time. So let's drink so that our groom will always be drunk without wine from his beautiful wife. Bitterly!

Dear newlyweds! I wish you that one day you will be attacked: let money attack you in a dark alley, and you will not be able to fight it off. Bitterly!

The sage was asked:
– When is there a good relationship between husband and wife?
“When the husband does not hear what his wife says, and the wife does not see what her husband is doing,” answered the sage.

So let's drink to the good relationship between our bride and groom!

As the famous French writer Hugo said: “If love is real, it will never know satiety and cannot cool down.” These are brilliant words! So let's wish the young spouses to enjoy each other's company every day of their family life and never get enough of the sweetness of their love!

French writer Albert Camus once said: “Walk always next to me and be my friend.” I believe that spouses are not only lovers, but also faithful, devoted and closest friends for life! I would like to wish the young family to always keep pace with each other, looking in the same direction and having a common goal! May their journey be easy and pleasant for both! Bitterly!

A loving person sees beauty in everything. Its light and brilliance ennobles spiritual impulses and eradicates shortcomings. As Dostoevsky said: “Beauty will save the world!” I raise my glass to sincere love this couple and for the radiant beauty of the bride!

Good day everyone! What a great gala event you are preparing for! I will be happy to help you prepare toasts for your wedding, offering you many options for them - short, original, touching, funny, long and short, from parents and friends in their own words.

In my opinion, poetic congratulations beautiful, but for a feast, those in prose sound as natural and soulful as possible. Wishes in verse can complement your words, but the main thing is to prepare something personal from the bottom of your heart, and then your congratulations will resonate in the hearts of the newlyweds, and perhaps be remembered for a long time.

I have selected for you many options for toasts and table speeches for the wedding in my own words. Among them there are touching, original, interesting and heartfelt ones. Naturally, it is better to take them as a basis and add a couple of personal phrases, and you can also mix them by taking the words you like most.

Close young people, for example, sister, brother, close friend or to a friend or relatives can be included in speech interesting case from the life of one of the newlyweds, if it fits the topic and does not put the newlywed in an awkward position! For example, a friend may remember how, as children, she and her fiancée fantasized about what kind of husbands they would have and how many children they would have. Surely, these ideas will now sound funny - for example, to have 10 children and a husband who creates Barbie dolls on an industrial scale.

Even if the dreams at that time looked quite adequate, we can always say that the friend eventually found the smart, caring, best man for herself that she had once dreamed of. Add a little personal and your imagination, take something from the suggestions below as a basis, and such a toast can be safely made even at a wedding royalty. He will be amazing!

Love and family mean a lot in a person's life. To be able to carry your warm feelings for each other through the years, you must learn to hear each other without words. I wish you that even kilometers away from each other, you can hear what your other half is thinking about.

Today is a wonderful and unforgettable day for you, our newlyweds. You are now husband and wife. Treasure such titles and each other! Know: it is happiness to go through life holding the hand of a loved one in yours. Take care of this happiness, pass it on to your children and grandchildren. Live in abundance, love and prosper!

On this great day, when our newlyweds invited us all to share with them the joy of a wonderful wedding, I want to say the following toast: may your life be like good fairy tale: sunny and joyful, bringing fun and fulfilling dreams. Let the main place in your home be taken by trust and love, reliability and general life tasks. Let your home become your fortress - a fortress true love and indestructible happiness, in which the fire never goes out, bringing warmth and comfort!

Dear newlyweds! May there be no storms on your way. We wish that all your wishes come true. Today, on this beautiful day, love has united you in legal marriage. Today is the start of your family life, honeymoon and honeymoon. We wish that this year becomes the most honeyed for you, so that you can feel its sweetness in all subsequent years married life. Love and be loved! Bitterly!

Love is a wonderful phenomenon that unites two people with different destinies into a single whole. It is always good and comfortable to be next to your loved one, someone with whom you want to spend every minute of your life. Today, on this exciting and significant day, the book of your family’s life is in your hands. Today is her birthday, the first page of the book is dedicated to her. May every subsequent page be yours life together will be as bright and joyful as today. We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts, we wish you joy, prosperity, mutual understanding and strong eternal love. Bitterly!

On your wedding day, you want to tirelessly congratulate the newlyweds, but when almost all the words are said, you think that you can look at this couple forever, like fire and water. Your life will begin very soon family people, it will be different, but let it be good lion's share! I wish you to live in such a way that on every anniversary you receive a thousand congratulations and feel that you deserve them!

On this day you received a huge number of gifts, but none of them can compare with the one you give to each other today - a family hearth and the warmth of your love. I wish you to be worthy guardians of this hearth. And let his fire burn brighter day after day, warming and illuminating your family.

One ruler was asked:
— How do you always manage to maintain peace and tranquility in your state?
And the ruler answered:
“When I’m angry, when I’m violent or in a terrible mood, my people are calm, they understand my condition and try to calm me down. When my people are angry and riotous, then I am calm and act in such a way as to restore peace and happiness to everyone.
Well, as we know, a family is a miniature state. And my toast is that peace and tranquility be maintained in a similar way in this wonderful new family. Let the husband understand and forgive his wife, and let the wife turn a blind eye to her husband’s minor mistakes. Not in the world ideal people, but there are perfect couples. We wish our young couple to try to become the most ideal in the world!

Of course, today is the day when everyone nice words directed specifically to you. We would really like to say something non-trivial and original. But this is impossible! Because true happiness really lies in three things: love, health and children. And we, as parents, desperately want these three components of happiness to be present in your home. Wishes will come true, joy will come, friendship will not fade. But only mutual feelings will warm you in the evenings for the rest of your life. Be happy!

There is a wonderful parable about a husband and wife. Every day the couple ate a muffin for breakfast. They divided it into two parts: lower and upper. The wife always got the top part, and the husband the bottom. After several years of marriage, namely on their wedding anniversary, the wife took the lower part for herself, saying that she had always wanted this. To which her husband replied that he, on the contrary, wanted top part, but he left it for his beloved, because he thought that she loved her more. Let mutual understanding and reverent attitude towards your soulmate always reign in your family!

Congratulations from parents

A blessing from parents for marriage has long been very important for a young family. Wise words of advice good wishes and beautiful congratulations can remain in the memory of the bride and groom for long years, and support in difficult moments. You yourself will feel what you need to wish for your children, and I will just show you a few options.

You are so beautiful today! I would like to believe that this is not a dream, because you are already old enough to get married. Your wedding is the most significant event in the lives of us, your parents, and we will try our best to help you so that you live a very long and very happy life! Know that nothing should disturb your union, and it is in your hands. Let bright sun happiness illuminates your life together, and the stormy wind of change, if it changes anything, only for the better. We wish you to give us wonderful grandchildren as soon as possible, because we can’t wait to try on the role of grandparents! Health to you, our children, a smooth life together, prosperity, mutual understanding and great love.

Newlyweds, almost everyone has probably already told you how important today is. We would like to wish you to be not just a couple, but a family with capital letters. So that in absolutely any life situation you didn’t forget about it for a minute. Share your problems with each other, learn to keep goodness in your heart. Rejoice, have fun, solve problems, most importantly - together! We are immensely happy for you and want you to live a long and happy life, side by side with each other. Let's drink to this!

Dear children! Please accept my heartiest congratulations on your wedding day. May happiness always accompany you. And we bless you for a long journey and many years of marriage. May every day of your life together bring you joy, love and bright feelings. May your cup of life always be full. Do not know sorrow and troubles and go towards your dream step by step in harmony. If you stick to each other, then you will not be afraid of life’s storms, winds, or rains. And we can always share with you all your problems and joys. Be happy!

Beloved and dear children, we have parting words for you! Today is your most long-awaited, most important and happiest and kindest day in your life - your wedding day. Remember it every minute and remember it when you feel sad. We wish your family to be the happiest and most friendly in the whole world; be sure to appreciate and respect each other. We wish the bride to become a caring homemaker, best friend And happy mom. We would like to wish the groom to become a strong “wall” and support for his family! For you, our dears, be healthy and love each other, and the rest will work out! This is what every parent dreams of. Bitterly!

Short wedding toasts

Let's be honest, it's not always possible to proclaim a stream of lovely wishes to the newlyweds. Especially at large weddings, otherwise they will drag on for several days. Therefore, for those who are anticipating how the toastmaster will hasten them, taking away the microphone (just kidding), I give short, succinct toasts. A beautiful and cool wish can be expressed even in a few words.

Newlyweds, accept my wishes: love, prosperity, swan fidelity. May your family become stronger every day. Be each other's support and joy in life. Harmony and mutual respect!

Dear bride and groom! Today is a special day - your wedding day. We wish that your family will always be strong and friendly, and that happiness will be great and immense, so that it will be enough for your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Our dear young people! I want to wish you joy in your family life that has just begun! May your marriage be strong! May your love be beautiful! Live in complete harmony - and may your family life be the happiest!

I wish you good weather on your long voyage! Don't let any underwater reefs or rocks get in your way! And may fair winds and good luck always accompany you! Happy sailing on your family ship!

Please accept congratulations on this important day for you two! Good luck to you! Let the smiles that you give to each other live in your home, and let the laughter of your children be heard, and let harmony and agreement reign in your family!

On their wedding day, I wish the young couple to live in peace and harmony, mutual respect, fidelity and tenderness! Let every day begin with words of love and end with a kiss! Let your life not be boring, and let your wishes come true make you both happy!

Today, on their wedding day, we congratulate the newlyweds and want to not only wish them happiness, but also wish them farewell to a long and interesting family life! May everything always be fine with you, lovelies! May peace and harmony always reign between you, and may your home be a full cup!

I wish that only notes of prosperity and joy sound in your family life, to which you would spin in a rhythmic waltz of positivity.

They say that in a good marriage, the husband is the head and the wife is the heart. So let’s drink so that our young people will never have headaches or heartaches in life!

Cool toasts for a wedding

There will always be cheerful guests who want to give up touching perfect congratulations and say a cool toast. And that’s great, choose only those that suit the newlyweds’ sense of humor so that there are no offense.

I will say in the words of Rogers: “Live, young people, so that you will not be ashamed to sell your pet talking parrot to the main gossip of the city!”

Bernard Shaw said: “To marry is stupid, not to marry is even more stupid.” Our young people chose the lesser of two stupidities. And they did it right! We raise a glass to you and your happiness!

A legal wife is a real pearl in the hands of her husband, who shines with her beauty and illuminates the path with light. Let's raise our glasses to ensure that the spouse carefully preserves this priceless pearl given to him by fate!

Friends! Our fiance was able to discover such a star - smart, beautiful, caring. So let him always maintain its shine. And the bride star protects and illuminates your life path. Warm family hearth to you!

We give you cabbage,
So that the house is not empty.
We give you onions,
So that they do not know severe torment.
We give you carrots,
So that there is love in the house.
We give you a tomato,
So that discord may be spared from your home.
We give you a cucumber,
So that the groom quickly becomes a father.
We give grapes
May your home always be rich.
Here's how much they gave.
Well, now it’s “Bitter!”

Mendelssohn's marvelous march
Let it sound so sweet now!
And then - pots, minced meat,
Vegetable garden, parsley bed,
Curlers, socks, panties,
There's a lot of junk under the bed,
Cellulite, blues, mustache
And wrinkled pajamas.
Be happy, friends,
You are now spouses!
You are now one family,
Take everything into your hands!

So they say: “The husband is a unit.”
And “zero wife,” as they say.
It all depends on how they line up
Two digits, subject to change.
When the wife comes into the house
Daughter-in-law with tact and insight,
She, becoming a zero behind her husband,
The wife will make it a ten.
And a stupid wife in front of her husband
Zero becomes forward-
And the count goes backwards
And the result, of course, is worse.
I drink for a good reason
A wife sharing life with her husband,
Led him to high numbers,
But it didn’t reduce it to zero.

I wish that your tandem will twist all the laws of physics around your finger and you will not become twice as strong, but simply be able to move mountains on your way! Congratulations, newlyweds!

Today you have come to the threshold of a new world - the world of the family, and how you walk through it depends on you. Hold on tightly to each other, and then neither of you will fall.

Take a look at this wine glass filled with champagne - let your home be like a full cup! The champagne in this glass is sweet and sparkling - let there be fun in your relationship, let all your days and nights be sweet and unforgettable! Look how many glasses are filled for you today! I wish your family capital to increase by the same amount! For your happiness! Bitterly!

I wish you to give birth to children -
Various nice kids.
We expect heroes from you
And beautiful daughters.
So that the country is replenished
The population is full.
I want to raise my glass
And I wish again:
Golden until the wedding
Advice and love to you!
For young people we have a command:
Live together, have a good time!

That's all - looped!
It's too late to lament
It used to be "trawl-wali"
Now - seriously!
Half and half laughter and tears,
Bed, kisses and dinner,
And such, let's say, prose,
How and what to divide the budget into.
Be happy guys!
What else can I tell you?
And for the golden wedding
Don't forget to call us!

Dear newlyweds! With all my heart I wish you to celebrate at least ten more weddings in your life: paper - in a year, glass - in two years, weathered - in three years, chintz - in five years, bronze - in ten years, porcelain - in fifteen, crystal - in twenty, silver - in twenty-five, gold - in fifty, diamond - in seventy-five years. I also wish that all today’s guests will certainly attend all these weddings. Let's drink to the fulfillment of this wish and the happiness of the young!

Let's drink to the mathematics of family life: to the addition that made this married couple; for subtracting both from the number of bachelors and unmarried; for dividing all sorrows and difficulties in half; for multiplying your family by having children! For the young!

When I was little, I kept thinking, how come noses don’t interfere with kissing? Now I see that they don’t interfere. So let's drink to our newlyweds, so that in their family life nothing will stop them from kissing! Bitterly!

Scientists say that love is chemical reaction. Therefore, it would not be out of place to assume that our newlyweds are alchemists. They will experience many important discoveries in life, learn countless love formulas with the most important ingredients: tenderness, fidelity, mutual understanding, prosperity and health. We wish them patience, happiness and good luck! Bitter for the newlyweds!

In Ancient Rus' they said that where there is harmony, there is treasure. I wish the young people to always get along with each other, and then they will definitely find a treasure in the form of love and harmony.

A bachelor brags to a friend: “I will have a beautiful, smart, faithful and thrifty wife.” - All this is good. But how do you cope with all four? Our groom is lucky, his (Name) is beautiful, smart, faithful, and thrifty. All that remains is to cope. However, I am sure that the young man is capable of this task. For the young. Bitterly!

Beautiful toasts

Beautiful speeches at a wedding sound especially heartfelt thanks to the magical atmosphere of the celebration. In this selection you will surely find an option you like, or combine several of them. Some may seem too sweet and marshmallowy. But they are also suitable for a young couple if they love romance.

Newlyweds, accept my wishes: love, prosperity, fidelity. May your family become stronger every day. Be each other's support and joy in life. Harmony and mutual respect! Remember, going through life together is much more fun than going through life alone. Happy for you, dears! Great family happiness!

Our groom is a real astronomer. He discovered an incredibly beautiful star, his charming bride. Let's raise our glasses so that she always has the strength to illuminate her husband's path with the light of care, devotion, and love!

On your wedding day, I wish the newly-made husband and wife to live in harmony and may every step you take, easily and without hesitation, be consistent with your mutual love! Let, over time, when the hot passion subsides, let that special love come in its place, which gives the soul warmth and peace, which burns evenly and brightly for many years!

Can you hear the music? No? Listen. This music is quiet, like the rustling of grass, light, like a breath of wind, gentle, like a mother’s kiss. This music flows from two hearts that have merged together today. I wish you that this music will sound louder, more confident, so that the voices of your children will join it. Let it become a hymn - a hymn of family, love, happiness. Bitterly!
I wish you that your golden carriage will carry you through a happy, easy life, deftly avoiding all difficulties and obstacles. So that the road leads through a garden of unprecedented beauty, and nearby are everyone who is dear to you. For the well-being and happiness of the young!

One philosopher said: There are many seekers in life, but those who find are difficult to find. There is no doubt that our newlyweds are the happiest chosen ones who have found each other. Let your family hearth always burn with a bright and unquenchable flame. May his fire always illuminate your life with the warmth of relationships, love and devotion!

The wedding ring is an ancient emblem bequeathed to us by our ancestors. This is a symbol of fidelity: the husband’s heart belongs to his wife and vice versa. A wedding ring has neither a beginning nor an end. The wedding ring is made of pure gold: this means that no dirt will stick to it. The ring is a symbol of love and eternal fidelity. Dear newlyweds! May your love be pure, tender and eternal! Let's reinforce our wish with the friendly clink of glasses!

Dear (name), dear (name), I wish that your family cabin will always be full of provisions and prosperity. So that the waves and reefs of difficulties pass by... And the sail is filled with luck and carries your ship to the vast latitudes of prosperity!

Father-in-law and mother-in-law: On this significant day, I want to propose a toast to the bride’s parents - mother-in-law and father-in-law. They raised a white swan, smart, beautiful, cheerful - a pleasure to watch. No wonder our fellow hunted for her so much. A smart mother-in-law is like a second mother to her son-in-law. Let's wish her to bring kindness, support and affection to her daughter's family, and the young people will figure out the rest themselves. For your health, dear father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Our dear lovers! We wish you to save your tremulous feelings until your golden wedding. And by that time, may you have a home - a full golden cup, good health, like a bar of gold. May your golden character remain. We also recommend having an aquarium in your home, and in it - goldfish, fulfilling all your wishes!

I congratulate you on your significant day! This is a great joy for everyone present that two such wonderful people decided to unite two lives, two destinies into one. May the happiness you experience today fill your hearts and bring you great joy on your holiday. Long and happy years, family well-being, understanding and warm relationships.

Toast from the host (toastmaster): Today you, young people, have many relatives on both sides. But at this solemn moment I would like to address the mothers of our young people. It's no secret what a mother means to each of us. We turn to her in joy and sorrow. Our pain is her pain, our joy is her joy. And how many of your mothers have gray hair while raising such beautiful children! They say that small children are small worries, big children are big worries. Dear and wonderful mothers! Even now, when your children are entering independent life, your hearts are still beating anxiously. Dear, good, beautiful mothers! I raise a toast to your good deeds, to your tender hearts, for raising such wonderful children. Low bow to you!

From the groom

Young people also traditionally say their toast. After all the wishes of the guests, they are given the floor. A great opportunity to thank all the guests who came to you and the parents who gave you life. Well, why not hide it, why not express admiration or respect to the mother and father of your other half.

Dear guests! This day is very important for me. I'm happy that I'm getting married today best girl in the world. And today she and I have twice as many relatives. Now my young wife and I will be looked after by two families, not just one. And we, in turn, will also treat them with double attention and care. I propose to drink to the unification and bringing together of our families, to mutual support and love. And for our dear parents!

I propose a toast to the mother of our beautiful bride. Thanks to her she was born, thanks to her she became prettier and matured. Let's wish her health and many years of happy life!

Dear guests! Today, on this joyful and memorable day for us, many wishes were addressed to me and my chosen one, both serious and humorous, but most importantly, sincere. If all these wishes come true, neither envy, nor jealousy, nor quarrels, nor anger will ever creep into our family life, but peace, harmony, trust and love will reign in it. Thank you very much for your good wishes to us, the young spouses, for the fact that by coming to our first family holiday today, you shared our joy. Let's raise a glass to the health, happiness and longevity of our dear guests!

From the bride

Dear friends! I won’t lie: I was very afraid of meeting my husband’s parents, but... it turned out that my fears were in vain. I was lucky, I found my second parents. With all my heart I raise a glass to the health of my mother-in-law and my father-in-law and our mutual love!

Dear friends! I won’t hide it from you, I’m very glad that now I have another mom and dad. I was incredibly lucky and found my second parents. With all my heart I raise a glass to the health and longevity of my mother-in-law and my father-in-law and our mutual love!

Let's drink to the health of my husband's parents - to my father-in-law and mother-in-law. I am grateful to you for raising such a wonderful son - smart, strong, kind. I want to become for you not just a good daughter-in-law, but also a loving and beloved daughter. Here's to you, our mom and dad!

That's all, friends. I tried to find for you the most interesting and beautiful toasts so you can shine at the wedding. Okay, this might scare some people. Just so that you say the main words to the newlyweds and wish them further fairy tales that began on the wedding day and in everyday life!

Hugs, Anastasia Smolinets

You are not a fan of poetic speeches and memorized prose speeches, then we recommend
You can write short wedding congratulations in your own words. Then
You will be able to say all the most important things that lie
You are at heart, and wish the newlyweds what they need, and not what they wish for all people at all weddings.

Congratulations will be received with favor and gratitude if they are not drawn out and will be cheerful and sincere. But, even speaking on our own, we should not forget that a wedding is a solemn event, and words addressed to the bride and groom must be spoken without blushing, without hesitating, or stuttering. Page 1 of 5 They say that a giant who does not know love will not reach the waist of an ordinary man in love, because
Love elevates. Let's raise our glasses to sublime love... Dear newlyweds!
Today is marked by your marriage. From now on you will live together. May your life be filled with sun, joy, love and fidelity...

On this significant day, I want to propose a toast to the bride’s parents - mother-in-law and father-in-law. They raised a white swan, smart, beautiful, cheerful - it’s a pleasure to watch... On this happy day, I want to wish the bride to become so indispensable for her husband that he always wants to tell her: There are many tender hearts, in only one
My shelter and peace, and my home.
It’s dearer and sweeter than everyone else
This is the heart of my beloved... Friends!
I propose a drink for a kiss!
After all, it was invented by a man because he couldn’t find any other way to shut a woman’s mouth... A wedding is always a special event that does not leave those around you indifferent, no matter how old they are. No matter who gets married, a wedding is a holiday...

Dear newlyweds!
Nowadays there is an expression: it’s not a wonder that they separate, it’s a wonder that they live. And we sincerely wish you to live a marvelous life... A slender poplar grew in the forest, and a slender birch tree grew in the rows.

And they fell in love with each other” and they were drawn to each other until they finally connected their branches and intertwined together... Page 1 of 5 More more congratulations Happy wedding day you can download for free in the form of a collection. If you have been invited to a wedding celebration, then you need not only to choose wedding congratulations and buy a gift for the newlyweds, but also to remember a few funny or wise toasts that will allow you not to fall flat on your face when
You will be given the floor to wedding celebration. On this page we have collected the best wedding toasts and hope that you will find them useful.

wedding toasts:

We sincerely congratulate you on your legal marriage. Today, on your wedding day, I gave you a piece of myself
The sun, and this particle is the family hearth.
The sun is the source of life on
The earth, the family hearth is the source of life for the family.

Keep this precious gift for the rest of your life. No matter how cold the wind blows, the flame of the hearth should burn, giving light and warmth to your family. I raise my glass to the unquenchable light and warmth of your family hearth!

How to congratulate your friend on her birthday

wedding toasts:

Dear young people!
Chekhov wrote: “In family life, the most important screw is love, sexual desire, one flesh, everything else is unreliable and boring, no matter how cleverly one calculates.” I propose a toast to the “most important screw” in your life - to your love!

wise toasts for a wedding:

One married couple lived to blessed wedding– 70 years old. And all these years the couple were affectionate and happy. When they were asked what the secret of such long-lasting marital happiness was, they answered: “The whole secret is that all these seventy years we have had a single bed... So let’s drink to an eternal single marital bed!”

smart toasts for a wedding celebration:

One person got married. Some time after his marriage, he meets one of his friends. He, seeing that his friend was very sad, said to him: “I can guess the reason for your sadness. After all, the twenty-eighth day has passed since your marriage...” “No, it’s not the twenty-eighth day that saddens me, but the twenty-eighth night...” So let’s not be sad, friends, and let’s drink to the fact that every night will be our wedding night!
Good luck to you!
Dear young people!
The Great Spaniard
Cervantes said: The lover, in whose breast everything comes again and again
Love feeds on doubts
So let's drink so that our bride and groom never doubt each other!

You've probably noticed that spouses who have lived together for many years have the same interests and tastes. In our family, for example, both my wife and I love... me!
And we have known the groom not so long ago, but we also have the same tastes - he and we all like his bride!
I propose to drink to the beautiful bride!

beautiful wedding toasts:

that the first wealth in life is health, and the second is a wife. Good wife- this is half the happiness. No better friend than a faithful friend. With a good wife, grief is half grief, and joy is doubly joy. A good wife has no price for her husband.

Let's wish our newlywed to justify these proverbs and drink to her!

Toasts for the bride and groom:

With all our hearts we wish you
Good health, and may
Sadness and sadness will disappear from your face.
Today is your happy day,
You can't count your family and friends. At the wedding you are your children. You raised them, it was difficult
You were losing peace and sleep.
For all the worries and concerns,
Low and low bow to you!

wise toasts for a wedding:

“Happiness is when you are understood.” This is true. Each of us wants to be understood by other people, because it is always very important to feel the support and respect of others. I want to wish our young people mutual understanding and love for many, many years to come!
To you, dear ones!

cool toasts for a wedding:

The weather in nature can be anything: clear, stormy, stormy, or hurricane. Both clear and stormy weather are creative for crops.

But if rain or wind crosses a certain threshold in strength, they are already destructive. so that in their family climate quarrels and bad weather will never be destructive. Let the sun shine in
To your family!

funny toasts for a wedding:

One wise man had a daughter. Two people came to her to marry her: a rich man and a poor man. The sage said to the rich man: “I will not give my daughter for you,” and married her to the poor man.

When asked why he did this, he replied: “The rich man is stupid, and I’m sure he will become poor.” The poor man is smart, and I foresee that he will achieve happiness and prosperity. If that sage were with us today, he would raise the cup of wine to the fact that when choosing a groom, brains are valued, not wallets.

short toasts for a wedding:

This is when your mother-in-law in your Zhiguli car flies into the abyss. So let's drink so that mixed feelings never visit you!

original wedding toasts:

2014 A wedding is a special day not only for the bride and groom, but also for all the people close to them. Guests carefully choose their outfits, do beautiful hairstyles, and do not forget about beautiful bouquet for newlyweds and, of course, as a gift. Well, what about without congratulations? Yes, yes, those very words that fly from all sides on this exciting day towards the bride and groom. And so that the words are not impersonal, formal, repetitive, wedding congratulations in your own words to a friend, from friends, aunts, parents of the bride is a separate point in the preparation of the guest invited to the wedding. Some useful tips you will read about this in this article. No matter how refined our speech is, it must, first of all, be sincere and understandable. Memorized words always have a tinge of artificiality, which certainly should not be present at a wedding. As a reverse example, the following are cool and short wedding congratulations in your own words.

A beautiful story about young people

It's always nice to hear this!
At first you describe with a slightly literary touch beautiful couple, the story of their acquaintance. And only at the end of the congratulations do you say that it was the newlyweds that were being discussed. The technique is as old as the hills, but it is always sentimental and, as they say, touches your heartstrings. Here's an example. “In one of the most ordinary gray high-rise buildings, I lived alone for twenty years. good girl. I studied with straight A's, went to music school and really loved the book “Scarlet Sails”.

No one knew or could imagine how and when this girl would meet her prince. She just waited, knowing that this day would come. The girl graduated from school and entered the university. Everyone thinks she will make a good lawyer. But most of all, the girl dreamed not of career heights, but of a quiet family nest, of chicks, and that her Prince would help her achieve all this. And in another very ordinary gray high-rise building, a boy lived for twenty-five years.

I didn’t exactly get straight A’s in my studies, went in for sports, and didn’t really like romantic books. But everything has its time... The boy grew up, received an education, became eligible bachelor. And I would have broken many hearts if I had not met her one day - that same girl, dreamy and tender. And it happened in spring park, where our heroes walked with friends. This is how the most beautiful met and, I’m sure happy couple– ours
Olya and
Andrey. And I would like to wish you that your fairy tale is just beginning, and that there are still many bright, interesting and exciting pages ahead. Write your family’s book from scratch, with pure thoughts and straight away. And let this book become an example for many, let your family history will be, if not ideal, then deserving of this applause!
Congratulations!" It is clear that the congratulator will substitute the names and details of the story according to the circumstances of the lives of the specific newlyweds. Only new, only original wedding congratulations from the bride’s parents. Prepare your toast in advance. Don’t be lazy and read the toasts that you can say in your own words in this article.

The coolest toast at a wedding! The dude is having a blast


Well, for example, one of them. "One rich man, Respected man had a beautiful wife. Everyone envied him and said that everyone could wish for such a life. And your friends even exclaimed, they say, your life is like a sweet dream.

The wife never contradicted her husband, she was always friendly and obedient, which delighted those around the gentleman. And that’s why everyone was surprised why he was often sad. And so the gentleman invited one of these acquaintances to visit him.

They brought them food: all the dishes were desserts. Cakes, pastries, sweets, chocolate... At the end of dinner, a friend begged: “I can’t eat this anymore, don’t you have meat and bread!” And then the gentleman raised forefinger up: “You see, friend, how quickly you grew tired of sweets.”

It’s the same in family life – one sweet thing will quickly become cloying. Be real, sincere, know how to tell each other what you feel. Without any pepper or spice, a family pie will quickly become boring. For you!"

Congratulations in romantic tones

When else can you allow yourself to be sentimental, if not at a wedding? You can remember touching moments from the newlyweds’ relationship that you know, and focus on some romantic actions. All this would be more than appropriate in a wedding setting.

And again - an example. “You know, it always seemed to me that couples are made in heaven. Not even marriages, but couples. It’s as if a higher mind decides that if these two people are knitted into one union, the result will be one whole, strong, indestructible, capable of giving the world light, goodness, and happiness.

Skeptics will immediately argue, they say, isn’t the higher mind often mistaken? After all, marriages often collapse... And, you know, it seems to me - not often. It’s just that earlier, in the time of our fathers and grandfathers, a broken thing was repaired, but now it’s thrown away. So are relationships.

There is no such thing as ideal while we are living people. And if something doesn’t work out somewhere, don’t rush to get angry with your soul mate. After all, this is already a part of you, your soul mate, your closest and dearest. Have pity, understand, warm and thaw.

And there, from above, it will be noted for sure. Such couples, who protect each other and their feelings, are always given more. I am sure that you are just such a couple.

Happiness and understanding to you! Can't decide what to wear for the wedding. Then read our article and see the wedding dress as a guest in the photo.

Do your parents already know what they will say during congratulations? Recommend our article to them and help them with their choice. They will definitely thank you.

Our selection of toasts will help you beautifully congratulate the newlyweds and not embarrass yourself during the feast. Read more here.

Poems for a wedding - only good ones and only appropriate

If you really want poetic forms, you can look at this beautiful version wedding congratulations in your own words in prose.

Wedding congratulations in your own words

2014 04:
45 Option 1 wedding congratulations in your own words
In the ocean of life, a family is a ship, where the husband is the sail and the wife is the steering wheel. Let's wish the groom endurance, and the bride to unerringly find the right course. May your family's caravel plow the stormy waves of the ocean of life for many years to come!
And may, despite the weather outside, peace and love always reign on the deck of your ship!
For the young! Option 2 wedding congratulations in your own words
Allow me this joyful holiday, give young people a couple of useful tips:
1. Advice to the groom: when you return late and “under attack,” immediately hug your wife... so that she doesn’t have time to swing.
2. Advice to the bride: for the sake of maintaining peace and tranquility in the family, the husband should not guess who is boss in the house.
3. Advice to the groom: if things don’t go well, listen to your wife.
4. Advice to the bride: don’t complain about your husband, remember - a man is not ideal, to change for the better, he needs a woman.
5. Advice to the groom: even if your wife is wrong, ask her for forgiveness.
6. Advice to young people: you were born yourself - help someone else be born. Option 3 wedding congratulations in your own words
When a person is not alone, when his soul mate is finally found, the time comes to taste happiness and find wings to fly to the ends of the world hand in hand with your love!
I congratulate the newlyweds on the conclusion of the sacred marriage union and I wish them happiness!
May the sun always shine for them and luck smile on them! Option 4 wedding congratulations in your own words Gems, as you know, become real treasures only in the experienced hands of a master... Today we have before us the very
Fate completed its work, and having united two loving people in a legal marriage, revealed to the world a masterpiece in which two shine brighter than the sun!
So let their marriage be strong and durable, and let the family become the best frame for their love, more expensive than gold and purer than silver! Option 5 wedding congratulations in your own words Today guests are vying with each other to make wishes for your future life, and I really want all these fireworks to come true!
A big house, a lot of children and a little later - grandchildren, joint victories, many years of ardent love and happy old age... May you be well, spouses! Option 6 wedding congratulations in your own words Dear newlyweds!

When creating a family, you are responsible not only to each other, but also to society, and your duty to it is to live in love and happiness, raise healthy and cheerful children and be a faithful support to your fathers and mothers. Good luck, dear newlyweds, for many years to come!
Let's proclaim a noisy toast in honor of the newlyweds! Option 7 wedding congratulations in your own words We wish the groom that his better half would passionately love sports, cars, fishing and beer. And let him be no less passionate about TV series, shopping and cooking.

Then your family will be ideal and you will always have a common cause. Option 8 wedding congratulations in your own words
At all times, happiness was sought far away, the best minds deduced its formulas, in a word, it was the most desirable and most mysterious treasure for people... But look!
These two found their happiness, they are husband and wife for whom happiness was found in marriage and love!
I wish them to live in their own and most beautiful world!
Let love warm them gently, protect them and give them smiles! Option 9 wedding congratulations in your own words
On their wedding day, I want to wish the happy spouses, of course, love and happiness!
Let your union mutual love the clear sun will shine on you, let it become your guiding star and help you find happiness for your young family!
Do not know quarrels and sadness, but smile more often, and declaring your love to each other, fill your home with warmth and comfort! Option 10 wedding congratulations in your own words
I congratulate you, my dear newlyweds!
Just think - our life is so beautiful and amazing, and now you have someone to share all your joys with, someone to lean on, and most importantly - someone to love with all your heart!
I wish you strong family happiness and many years to come, have no worries and live in harmony! Option 11 wedding congratulations in your own words
Happy wedding day, newlyweds!
My congratulations to the groom for kidnapping the most enviable beauty from under the noses of bachelors, and to the bride for managing to lure such a good fellow into her feminine network!
Be happy, coo like doves, and never get tired of talking about love and kissing sweetly! Toasts - congratulations on the wedding in your own words One princess could not marry her husband for a very long time for the reason that she set one condition for all applicants: that once a year she would leave home for three days, without explaining where and why. There were many who wanted it, but when they heard the condition, everyone refused. Time passed, she was still unmarried. Finally, someone was found who agreed to this condition. A year passed, then a second, and on the third he couldn’t stand it and decided to follow where she was going. Early in the morning she got up and went into the forest, hit the ground and turned into a snake, wrapped herself around a tree and began to hiss. So let's drink to those wives who hiss once a year, and even then not at home!
I thought for a long time about what kind of love there is and this is what I decided.
There is student love - when there is someone to love, there is something to love, but there is nowhere to do it.
There is unhappy love: when there is a place to love, there is someone with, but there is no longer anything to do it with.
There is lonely love: when there is somewhere to love, there is something to love, but alas... there is no one with.
There is philosophical love: when there is someone to love, there is where to do it, there is something to do, but why? So I would like to wish the young people the happy love that they deserve, when there is someone with whom, there is where, there is something to do and unnecessary questions never arise in your head !!!...
Car accident: one car crashed into another. A policeman who arrived at the scene stops a lady passing by. “Madam!” - he turns to her. - Would you agree to be a witness? - With pleasure! - she answers. - But first you tell me... what happened?!...
There are those in the hall who know exactly what happened today, I mean the wedding!
These two people are involved in the case... as witnesses!
I propose to drink to the witnesses!
5 I wish you a happy life,
Plenty of potatoes
Burakov underground
Yes, kids have a feast! One day I witnessed a conversation between two women about marriage. “Ah, marriage is like a mirage,” says one, “with palaces and camels. First the palaces disappear, then the palm trees and, finally, you are left with only one camel...” I do not agree with this woman. Yes, there is a camel. But marriage is not a mirage, but an oasis that helps us survive in uncomfortable times. Besides, you all know very well, the camel is a ship of the desert, and it is very important that a wise, experienced captain stands at the helm on its bridge. And who is in this role, you understand. Let's drink to excellent navigation in our everyday stormy sea! Dear newlyweds, dear guests!
Once upon a time in ancient
In Babylon, the following proverb was invented: “If you grab your chest, say something, but if you grab a glass, say a toast.” What would I like to wish for newlyweds? And I’ll tell you about this in verse: Let them never separate
They will grow together in sweet fidelity,
As the creator wanted.
This, by the way, I composed myself, in the ancient
Babylon would never have thought of such a thing. Let's raise our glasses to the unbreakable union of happy lovers!

Dear newlyweds, dear guests!
There is a proverb: “There is no need for treasure if the husband and wife get along well.” Getting along with each other is the whole secret of family happiness. And you can’t accumulate more wealth in a hundred years.

This treasure is in ours own home. Don't look for it in distant lands. So, dear newlyweds, my toast to you: to your treasure - your harmony!
Dear friends!
There are not only bright things in life, but also dark colors. Time passes, new worries appear, unexpected problems arise, and everyday life begins to depress. Therefore, today I would like to wish the newlyweds to go through these difficult sections of life’s journey shoulder to shoulder, in equal participation in family matters, so that the young wife does not bend over from the weight of worries, the scarlet roses on her cheeks do not fade, the happy sparkle of her eyes does not disappear, and her heart does not close to the beautiful. For you, dear bride and groom, for your happiness and love!

For prosperity and happiness new family, let them live like butter and honey. And may your whole life be
How Honeymoon. Bitterly!
The word “marriage,” which denotes marital relations, has an unattractive homonym: the word “marriage,” which denotes spoiled products.

Often the second meaning invades the first. However, there is no doubt that marriage is not marriage if it is based on love. Let us wish the newlyweds to preserve this only strong foundation of marriage, let us wish them a marriage without marriage. AND, Dear friends, don't you think the wine is too bitter? Bitterly!
The people are great in proverbs.

What are they talking about? A man without a wife is like a goose without water. good wife Yes, fatty cabbage soup - don’t look for any other good thing. Without a wife, any house is a barn. A husband is strong through his wife, a wife through her husband. Without a wife is like without a hat. It follows that the step taken by our newlyweds is necessary and timely, so I join in wishing happiness to the newlyweds. There are, however, other proverbs: beat your fur coat to make it warmer, and beat your wife to make it sweeter; to love your wife is to hold the storm. But these recommendations must be agreed upon with the wife. For the light of your home!
Marriage has many definitions. Some will say that this is an obligation of two people to each other and to society to love each other, to take care of each other.

Others will say that this is one honeymoon consisting of roses, chrysanthemums and love, and many years of colorless existence. Still others will say that marriage is a gift of fate, protection from the cruelty of the world. Still others will say that it is better to hang yourself well than to marry badly. And everyone will be right, because marriage depends on the talent of the newlyweds, their mind and heart. Let us wish the newlyweds marriage in its best sense!
As an ancient philosopher once said: “There are many seekers in life, but those who find are hard to find.” Without a doubt, our newlyweds are the happiest chosen ones who have found each other. May your family hearth always burn with the same bright and unquenchable flame as this cup burns, this symbol of the hearth and hearth that we give to the bride. May your home always illuminate your life with the warmth of relationships, love and devotion. For your happiness!

On this significant day we are happy to see here lovely couple, which sets out on a joint voyage through life and celebrates this event. It’s not without reason that they say that it’s heaven in a hut with your loved one. This means that even the most bitter cup can be sweetened with love. I sincerely and with all my heart wish that the union you entered into was a union of love, intelligence, joy and mutual assistance on the difficult path of life, so that you see your happiness in the happiness of another and thank the moments when life brought you together. Here’s to your happy present and cloudless future! Dear newlyweds!
I want to congratulate you as a friend of your childhood games and fun. I knew you when we were all still children, when we went to school together, played together... But the years go by quickly, children grow up, little girls turn into blooming young brides, and the newlywed and I have grown into wonderful young people. For some time now I began to notice an attraction between my friend and his playmate, it began in childhood, and today it ended with ex girl and the boy, former playmates, became husband and wife, united their lives into one. Welcoming this celebration, I wholeheartedly congratulate the young people and ask everyone present to support me: “Bitter!” The wedding ring is an ancient and multi-valued symbol. Firstly, it is a symbol of fidelity: the ring clearly shows others that a person’s heart belongs to his or her spouse. Secondly, the ring is round, that is, it has neither beginning nor end and, therefore, symbolizes eternity. And finally, the wedding ring is made of gold, and gold is a pure and beautiful metal that dirt does not stick to. Thus, the wedding ring symbolizes love and fidelity, purity and eternity. Dear newlyweds, may your love be faithful, pure and forever strengthen your marital harmony. Let's reinforce our wish with a friendly clink of glasses and shout from the bottom of our hearts: bitter!

A slender poplar tree grew in the forest, and a slender birch tree grew nearby. And they fell in love with each other, and were drawn to each other, until they finally connected their branches and wove themselves together. Why are our newlyweds not poplar and birch? Let's wish them that the branches of their love will never unravel and hold each other tightly. I would like to wish the newlyweds with all my heart that their lives will be as joyful and fun as this wedding. But a wedding is fun because the heroes of the occasion give others joy and fun and rejoice themselves. I want to recommend this principle of reflection: love and be loved, give and be gifted as an important life principle. Long live the bride and groom!
Dostoevsky said: “Every person must make at least one person happy.” Myself
God commanded that you make each other happy.

Men tend to have other lives on the side, however, family should always take precedence. This is sacred. For your happiness!
The weather in nature can be anything: clear, stormy, stormy, or hurricane. Both clear and stormy weather are creative for crops.

But if rain or wind crosses a certain threshold in strength, they are already destructive. We wish the newlyweds that quarrels and bad weather will never be destructive in their family climate. Let the sun shine in your family!
If we continue the comparisons and metaphors, then a family is not only a cart, but also a pyramid, where the side faces are formed by husband, wife and children.

This means that if a family consists of a husband and wife, then there may not be stability: the third and fourth walls are needed - children. Let us express our hope that the stork will not forget to fly to you with a package, more than once or twice, and that your husband will be greeted by the joyful patter of children’s feet and shouts: “Daddy has come!” Congratulations on your legal marriage and wish stability to your family pyramid - lovely children whom you will raise smart and kind. Dear guests!
Today we have witnessed how two hearts entered into an alliance to beat inseparably and faithfully, as one, for the rest of their lives. They met a long time ago and long ago exchanged declarations of love and vows, and with today began to belong to each other. So let fate, which helped them meet, which was favorable to their feelings, continue to be their good companion, weaving only roses into their thread of life. I propose to raise our glasses to the newlyweds, to their happy future. Bitterly!

According to ancient laws
Domostroy naming the bride and groom husband and wife was equated to princely titles, and on the wedding day the groom was called a young prince, and the bride a young princess. The guests of honor were called boyars and noblewomen. The word for a toast is spoken by the noblewoman... (so-and-so): Dear newlywed couple!
Boyaryna... (so-and-so), that is, I, with all my heart, wishes you to celebrate ten more in your life happy weddings. Are you surprised? Will explain.

Calico wedding - in a year. Wooden - in five years. Copper - in seven years. Pink - in ten years. Glass - in fifteen. Porcelain - in twenty. Silver - in twenty-five. Thirty years later - pearl.

Gold - in fifty. Diamond - in seventy-five years. And in the eyes of the guests present here, I see a sly desire to be invited to all weddings. For the fulfillment of our desires and the happiness of the young!

Dear guests!
Today, a new relationship has formed between the families of the bride and groom family connection. Shared grief is half grief, shared joy is double joy. Any adversity is felt less if it falls not on one, but on many, and joy becomes greater. Let's wish many happy years to the new family union!
Bitterly! Dear children!
May your marriage be happy!
May your love be joyful!
Live in friendship and harmony. We always want happiness to last, and therefore I wish you only eternal happiness, only bright love, only true friends!
So, may your union be happy! Dear newlyweds!
We sincerely congratulate you on your legal marriage and the formation of a new family. Advice and love to you!
The most beautiful thing in life is great human friendship and love.
May your love be as long as your life!
When creating a family, you are responsible not only to each other, but also to society, and your duty to it is to live in love and happiness, raise healthy and cheerful children and be a faithful support to your fathers and mothers. Good luck, dear newlyweds, for many years to come!
Let's proclaim a noisy toast in honor of the newlyweds!
There are many groom's friends at this fun wedding. And I’ll tell you a parable especially for them. One young man was walking through the garden, in which there were many beautiful roses.

And the young man plucked roses one after another. And he thought that roses would always come his way. However, over time, the garden began to thin out and wither, the flowers began to fade, and in the end only thorns and fallen petals remained. So hurry up, young men!
For your future family happiness!
Once upon a time there lived a nice chicken
Mashenka, beautiful and homely. She rushed regularly and hatched chicks regularly.

She raised, took care of and protected her chickens. We treat the bride to this chicken, and now
Mashenka transfers her powers to the bride so that she gives birth to as many children as this hen hatched. Dear guests!
Let's drink to the happiness of future children
If 10 children are born in a family, and only half look like their father, then the father is awarded the medal “For Part-time Work.” If 10 children are born in a family, and none of them look like their father, then the father is awarded the medal “For Non-Interference.” And if 10 children are born, and all of them look like their father, then he is awarded the medal “Well done Father!” So let’s wish our groom to become a great father! Dear newlyweds!
I propose a toast so that in your family life you always remember the words of the French writer
Rostana: " Good family- one in which the husband and wife forget during the day that they are lovers, and at night - that they are spouses.” Let's drink to make sure this happens in your family! Dear young people!
From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your legal marriage and starting a family!
Friendship and love are the most wonderful feelings in human life.
May your love be as long as your life!
Live in love, happiness and joy, may you have healthy and cheerful children, and be a faithful support to your fathers and mothers. Good morning, dears!
One person got married. Some time after his marriage, he meets one of his friends. He, seeing that his friend was very sad, said to him: “I can guess the reason for your sadness.

After all, the twenty-eighth day has passed since your marriage...” “No, it’s not the twenty-eighth day that saddens me, but the twenty-eighth night...” So let’s not be sad, and let’s drink to the fact that every night will be your wedding night!
Good luck to you!

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Wedding toast

None of the scientists can still
give an answer to the question: what is love?
Everyone agrees that love is a mystery
which remains unsolved to this day!
So let our newlyweds live their whole lives
with this secret in their hearts and will never be able to solve it!

Toast to the wedding

I want to drink to you, dear newlyweds, and make a wedding toast:
Each of us has our own path, which may be different. For some, this is a winding path full of barriers and obstacles. Someone has a wide road along which you can move freely and easily. Some people like to move quickly and swiftly, while others value caution and calm. Today you have connected two completely different paths into one common one. I would like to wish you that no matter what you encounter, you will always move together, hand in hand, support each other and protect each other. Have a smooth road!!!

Wedding toast in your own words

Bride and groom!
I ask you to rise.
Guests bow.
From now on, your fate is decided,
You have been given the titles “husband” and “wife”!
We wish you great and heartfelt love,
May your union be the strongest and most eternal.
May everything become more beautiful day by day
And let your home be a full cup!

Wedding toast in prose

Dear young people! My toast is clear and short. I wish that four holy names, four guardian angels are always present in your life: Faith, Hope, Love and Sophia-wisdom. Follow them, and may God grant you happiness in your family life.

Cool wedding toast

As they said in ancient Babylon: if you grab your chest, say something. Take a glass - say a toast. Here is my wish: “Let two never separate loving hearts, will grow together in sweet fidelity, as the creator wanted.” Congratulations on your legal marriage!

Wedding toast to the newlyweds

I propose to drink to the young people, let today begin the countdown of the most wonderful part of their lives. Let the clock hands freeze forever, recording the moment of the beginning of their family life, and let the chimes strike only at happy dates that are worth remembering! For the young people and their family!

Beautiful wedding toast

Wedding toast in verse

Life modern man is a garland of colorful days: bright and cloudy. And it depends only on you, dear newlyweds, which days you will have more! So let everyday trifles and troubles not spoil the most important thing in your life - your selfless love, which makes you the happiest in the world. Bitter, newlyweds!

Wedding toast in your own words

On this joyful day, I would like to wish you family happiness.
As you know, happiness cannot exist without love. Today is a wonderful sunny day. Let's imagine for a second what would happen if it were cloudy? Would this ruin your holiday? No. Do you know why? Because you really love each other and want to be together. So let's drink to the young people and their family happiness. Bitterly!

Short toast for a wedding

I want to congratulate our newlyweds on this extraordinary event in their lives, wish them mutual understanding and great love. Today is your day, and we drink to your happiness!

Cool toast for a wedding

Dear newlyweds!
With all my heart I wish you to celebrate in your life
at least ten more weddings: paper - in a year,
glass - after two years, aged - after three years,
calico - after five years, bronze - after ten years,
porcelain - in fifteen,
crystal - in twenty,
silver - in twenty-five,
gold - in fifty,
diamond - in seventy-five years.
I also wish that all today’s guests
were sure to attend all these weddings.
Let's drink to the fulfillment of this wish and the happiness of the young!

Cool short wedding toast

Marcus Aurelius believed that “people exist for each other.”
So let's drink to this
so that it will be so in this newly made family.
Young people, live for each other!

Funny wedding toast

I will say in the words of Rogers: “Live, young people, so that you will not be ashamed to sell your pet talking parrot to the main gossip of the city!”

Wedding toast in prose

Newlyweds, please tell me how children are born? Do not know? I will remind you of three ways how and where you can find them. First, order them from the stork. Second, look in cabbage. And thirdly, go to the store. But I want to drink to the fourth way to replenish your family - the most pleasant and proven one! For the young and their future children!

Wedding toast in verse

Friends! Today at an early hour
Suddenly the muse visited me!
She came to ask about you
And she gave me a toast for good luck!
Which tender words
She dictated to me, brothers!
And... my head started spinning!
I have to admit now...
Search for eternal words
Take a spoon full of tenderness!
And let it burn like firewood,
Love passion inevitability!
And Muse’s toast was simple:
“We must love each other steadfastly!”
And I, a single boy,
Raising my glass, I’ll shout to you: “Bitter!”

Funny wedding toast

A slender poplar grew in the forest,
and a slender birch tree grew nearby.
And they fell in love and were drawn to each other,
until they finally connected their branches and wove themselves together.
Why are our newlyweds not poplar and birch?
Let's wish them twigs
their loves were never unraveled and held tightly to each other.

The best toast for a wedding

There lived a variety of feelings on a distant island: Joy, Boredom, Pride, Happiness, and, of course, Love. One fine day they noticed that the island was slowly sinking into the water, and decided to move to another before it was too late. Only Love was in no hurry to leave favorite place. But when there was only water around, she began to call for help. No one wanted to save her, only one old man swam to her in his boat and transported her to the island. She tried for a long time to find out his name, and when she was told that it was Time, she was very surprised. Only Time can understand how important Love is in life.
Let's drink to ensure that this bright feeling never fades in your life and illuminates your long and happy path.

A short wedding toast in your own words

They say that marriages are made in heaven. Today, on your wedding day, I wish that your union is protected by heaven, and may all life’s difficulties and everyday problems be nothing to you. Love each other and be happy all your life.

Wedding toast from friends

We want to wish that the road of life along which you will walk, holding hands, will run through a beautiful blooming garden with sweet-voiced birds of paradise. To bright sun love and kindness warmed and illuminated your path. May fate favor you in all your endeavors, may obstacles and sorrows not be able to break you, but only make you stronger and more resilient! Be happy!

Wedding toast from parents

Our dear children,
You are more valuable than anyone in the world,
We wish you happiness from the bottom of our hearts,
We bless your union.

You take care of each other
And always live together
And appreciate it every time
That fate suddenly brought you together.