Beautiful toasts about life. The most beautiful toasts

You can have everything in life: love, money, wealth, houses and cars. This is all temporary. But if there is no harmony in the soul, then it is impossible to become happy man. I wish you to find peace of mind and achieve harmony and enjoy life in peace!

Many people, because of the gray everyday life that surround them, began to forget about what a wonderful sky they have above their heads. Which beautiful month, trampling the moonlit path at night in a small planting, near the house and how beautiful, simple, wild flowers scattered around. Let's drink so that we don't forget to live and enjoy life behind the daily bustle!

Today there are so few people who can be faithful, honest and kind. Let's raise a glass to those whom life has not broken in difficult situation and they remained people with capital letter. Who are ready to help in a difficult situation and help in any way they can!

I want to drink for our years. For all the wisdom, for the experience they gave us. For everything beautiful that was and will be, for the people whom I call friends, for the love that warms the heart, for the parents who have become our support and a worthy example!

Once upon a time there were three women of fashion and beauties. One was very worried about her weight and completely refused food - she fell ill and lost her beauty. The second, on the contrary, thought that no amount of sweets would harm such a beauty. She got fat and, also, lost her former attractiveness. Well, the third did not go to extremes and very for a long time was pretty, fit and attractively rounded in right places. So let's drink to the ability to find a balance between your capabilities and your abilities in order to stay on the crest of the wave for a long time.

Everyone knows that the concept of happiness is individual. After all, candy can make someone happy, and someone is unhappy without a cool car. But often the realization of real happiness comes at some turning point for a person. And then he begins to understand how good he was. Let's appreciate what we have, because this is real happiness!

According to the ancient Indian wisdom, the one who is far away will always be close to you if he is in your heart. The one standing nearby will remain infinitely distant if he is not in your thoughts. In order to dear people in our thoughts and hearts there was a place!

Time is running out as fast as we empty our glasses at this table. We cannot make every moment beautiful. But we can fill the glass again. So let's drink to this opportunity!

I would like to raise my glass,
For loyalty, sincerity and honesty,
I wish not to lose these qualities,
After all, life becomes more wonderful with them!

I also want to drink and for that,
So that kindness surrounds everywhere,
So that everything was only good,
So that every desire comes to life!

They say: "What you sow, you will reap." So let's sow joy and goodness so that happiness and love return to us like a boomerang. And let's drink to that!

An eagle that does not fly away from the high cliffs into the wide expanses of the valley is a bad eagle.
An eagle that does not return from the wide expanse of the valley to the high cliffs is a bad eagle. So let's drink to the fact that we never forget about home, and wherever life throws us, we always return home!


They say that if it itches right hand, then this is for the salary, and if it itches left hand, then it's for the money. Let's drink to thoroughly itching both hands twice a month!


Two warriors showed off their sabers. They talked about what fine steel their weapons were made of and what beautiful lines were inscribed on it. Among these warriors was a famous sage.
- What are you arguing about? - he asked. - Tomorrow at dawn there will be a fight, and your sabers will decide which of them is better.
Let us not brag about our virtues until they show up in action. Let's drink to our deeds!

At a banquet in the House of Composers, a musician, a big drinker, says to his colleague:
- Why don't you drink anything, brother?
“You see,” he replies, “drinking in front of you is like playing the violin in the presence of Paganini!”
Since there are no such venerable drinkers at our table, we can drink without hesitation!


A long time ago, when man had not yet evolved from a monkey, one horseman was jumping through the trees. And he had his own special mentality.
So let's drink the drink that makes people with different mentalities exactly the same!


Two fishermen meet.
- How's the fishing?
- Great. I caught a pike of ten kilograms, and maybe more.
Probably fried?
- No, he let go.
- Why?
"No one will believe anyway...
When fishing, the main thing is the process of communicating with nature, and everything else is secondary. Let's drink to the main!


The philosopher La Mettrie said: Beautiful woman who considers herself ugly seems to me as ridiculous as clever man thinking he's a fool."
Let's drink to not seem ridiculous!


The husband and wife were captured by the natives. They tied them to a tree and performed ritual dances around them. Husband suspected trouble:
“I get the impression that we got to the cannibals,” he says to his wife, “perhaps they are going to eat us!”
- Dear, you, as always, think only about food!
So that no one gets the impression that we only think about food, I suggest a drink!


The hunter is chasing a rabbit.
- Uncle, didn’t you see how the hare ran through here?
- I saw it.
- Big?
- Yes, fat.
- And how long?
Yes, two weeks ago...
So let's drink to the fact that we do not set unattainable goals!


What does the referee do at the end of the match in the ring? He raises the hand of the victorious boxer, and he, all beaten, rumpled, bruised, triumphs and rejoices. Let us enter into his role and, rumpled and beaten by our difficult life, triumphantly, let's raise our glasses for our victories, past and future!


The most bottomless pool in which men drown, drown inevitably - these are the eyes of the beloved.
The most terrible fire in which men burn to the ground is the passion of a woman.
The greatest and strongest wall against which male severity breaks is female tenderness.
So let only such beautiful creatures meet on your way after a hard working day, in whose eyes you can drown, burn with passion and shatter into smithereens from tenderness.


Let's drink to the work that made a man out of a monkey, and also to the fact that some results of this work do not turn a man back into a monkey!


It seems to the blind that they do not see him, to the deaf it seems that they do not hear him, to the egoist it seems that no one loves him. To our wonderful director! He is in our hearts, minds and ears!


It is wonderful when the fire of life burns us, our ambitions, the thirst for love. It is wonderful when delusions go away and peace and quiet joy reign in the soul. For the ability to enjoy life in its whirlpools and its calm lake silence!

Beautiful toasts most appropriate at a crowded gathering, when the hero of the day is a well-known person, and it is clear in advance that all the events that took place at the celebration will be discussed at least a few days after the end of the holiday. They will be good for women's holiday- Mother's Day or March 8, because it is not for nothing that they say that women "love with their ears."

In verse

  • I wish you to be in a fairy tale today,
  • So that your eyes shine with happiness!
  • To catch a gold fish with a net
  • And for her to conjure you kisses!
  • To be able to make any wish
  • And it is to be performed immediately in the early morning!
  • Fish to be the most real,
  • In parting, she waved her shiny tail!
  • To make you think, whatever you want
  • And so that it comes true immediately, day or night!
  • I'll raise a glass for everything, and I'll drink everything in one gulp,
  • For you, I do not feel sorry for anything!
  • There are many guests at your feast!
  • There were a lot of toasts from your friends!
  • I'll raise a glass for your patience,
  • Because I have never met you more patiently!
  • I want more perseverance in life
  • So that there is no adversity, deceit, pretense,
  • Respect from people - small and adults,
  • And in the palm of your hand to catch the happiness of enormous growth!
  • Let it be big, like three watermelons,
  • And it will save you from embarrassment in life!
  • Pour your glass fuller, we'll drink to it!
  • Behind your big heart that shines with light!
  • This toast is for you!
  • Holiday - a man is born!
  • I chase away all misfortunes
  • Let's drink to your happiness!
  • So that it does not run away
  • To lie side by side,
  • smiled at you
  • Good luck in your destiny!
  • Well, I’ll say a toast, modest!
  • Happy B-day! Peace and health!
  • Brightness, kindness, victories!
  • And let there be light in the soul!
  • In the heart - warmth and affection!
  • In life - magic and a fairy tale!
  • At work - only luck!
  • The only way! No other way!
  • Happy birthday to congratulate
  • We have come to you today!
  • Let them not deceive you
  • Life is a friend, fate is a matchmaker!
  • May your path be
  • Light, non-thorny,
  • Over your head
  • The sky will be clear!
  • You better pour
  • full glasses,
  • We drink to you
  • Life did not get!
  • Birthday is sacred!
  • Celebrate, Celebrate!
  • Don't let life suck!
  • Pour for this!
  • Let everything go well in fate
  • Longevity awaits you
  • And let you from now on
  • Only one luck pret!
  • May success come to you
  • And stay with you
  • And the soul does not cry
  • This life is hard!
  • Happy jam day, sweet day!
  • It's good that we live!
  • I want to drink for life!
  • Always stay afloat!
  • To face difficulties
  • But as little as possible!
  • For them to overcome
  • Mindfully, serenely!
  • On your birthday
  • I wish love!
  • For love, my toast now!
  • I'm pouring wine!
  • Let love be near
  • And close people!
  • Passion boils the blood
  • And let there be happiness!
  • I wish you a wise head
  • And strong coffee and tea.
  • And fresh halva in the fridge
  • Soul so that loved ones do not miss.
  • I also wish drunken joy
  • And be with yourself in harmony and peace,
  • So that no one scares you with a war,
  • Feel free to live in an apartment.
  • Let there be joy in the heart
  • Let it beat hundreds of thirds!
  • I'll raise a glass for you
  • And I will hug you very tightly as a brother!
  • I wish you children
  • Smiling at dawn
  • The mood was given
  • And they love you very much.
  • And I wish you to be
  • In the soul of a child
  • To love cartoons
  • And love candy.
  • Every little thing to rejoice
  • Sweet sleep at night!
  • We raise our glasses
  • So that fate does everything!

In prose in your own words

I wish you easy life roads, joy and a May thunderstorm. So that God himself protects you from stupidity. So that you feel comfortable and at home. So that in life there was a meaning and a dream, and the sun beams warmed! For this we will drink, strong wine. Let all your dreams come true. And so that they come true, often you dream!


I wish that God did not have to ask for repentance! So that you live in care, in love and harmony. You were bypassed by various troubles. May every day be fine with you. Do not have enemies, do not meet boors. Love all your relatives, especially your mother! And may your home be cozy. I think all your guests will support me! Pour strong drinks rather let's drink together to make my wishes come true!

Love, harmony, respect, affection, kindness and mutual assistance lived in the world. They traveled the world and visited different houses. But mostly they went into the house to kind people seeking to help other people. And to those who lived according to conscience. Now I want to raise my glasses to all of these wonderful feelings visited the house of everyone sitting at the table. May your life be bright, rich and interesting!

A chrysanthemum bloomed in one garden. Each of her leaves was unusually beautiful. Each petal was fragrant and had beautiful shape. Many people came to admire this chrysanthemum. Many chrysanthemums envied this chrysanthemum. After all, they were less lush and attractive. I want to drink to you being a magnificent chrysanthemum, the most attractive and charming. Let everyone admire you and not be able to take their eyes off you!

There are many treasures on earth. There are diamonds, there is gold, there are emeralds. For some, oil is a treasure. I want to drink that your treasure is not what glitters, but what makes you feel happier. Let love fill your heart, let care surround you. Let the beauty of your soul inspire wonderful deeds. For the treasure of your life!

table solemn speech pronounced loudly, expressively, without haste. It doesn't have to be long: short toasts are often more appropriate, especially when there are many people who want to say them, or the event is limited in time. The first is always the eldest in "rank" or age. For example, if it's a wedding, then the parents start. couples usually speak in general.

To make a beautiful toast, you need to put your soul into it, feel every word that you say. Only then will you be able to impress the assembled guests. IN Lately The expression "toast of the day" is becoming more and more popular. Its essence is simple - this is the best table wish at a particular event. Often they even arrange a competition, and then they award the most eloquent speaker.

Drinking speech is a real art, and one who masters it perfectly can pick up inspired words on the go that are appropriate for the situation.! With us you can shine at any feast!

I want the world to not know screams
So that the mournful groan was not heard,
I want people to forget
Screams born of the horror of wars.
My toast: to always be distributed
The loud cries of newborns.
My toast: to sound in the world
Songs of happy, songs of lovers.
Risk and Prudence meet. “Listen,” says Risk, “let's join the company and fly to the Sun. "-" So we will burn! "-" No, they flew to the moon, no difference. "-" The difference is no less than between us: you are talking nonsense, and I am a good judge.
Let's drink to prudence and competent risk!
By a court decision, a young robber was settled on a desert island. No bush, no tree, no living creatures. One camel nibbles on thorn grass. The robber adapted to milk her, and then, driven to despair by loneliness, he decided to use her instead of a woman. The camel was patient. But while the robber was dragging stones, she stood, and as soon as he climbed the built pyramid of love, she immediately took a step forward. The robber was forced to rebuild the pyramid, and again to no avail.
This went on for several weeks. The unfortunate man no longer thought of anything as a solution to the deadlocked problem with the camel!
And then one day, after a strong storm, a robber saves a young fisherwoman. Her beauty was indescribable. After recovering from the shock, as a token of gratitude, she offered her savior:
- Ask what you want!
Throwing a glance in the direction of the camel, the robber joyfully exclaimed:
- Be kind, hold this animal!
Let's drink to a timely reorientation!
Let's drink to the spirit of optimism and love of life that I met here! In such a beautiful environment as here, you begin to feel that the hours are too finely divided life, and you want to exclaim: “Stop, moment! You are great! »
Let's drink to the wonderful moments of our lives!
Scorpio's wife got sick. The medicine had to be delivered immediately. Scorpio ran along the road. He ran and ran and found himself on the bank of a flooded river. I saw the Frog and asked him to take her to the other side. "I'm afraid," replies the Frog. - You sting me! "-" How can I sting you if I urgently need to get medicine for my sick wife! - "Well, sit down," said the Frog. The Scorpion sat on the back of the Frog, and they swam. In the middle of the river, the Scorpion nevertheless stung the Frog. “But what are you doing,” cried the Frog. - You promised not to sting! "-" I can't help myself, - said Scorpio. - That's what I'm shit! »
The frog drowned, the scorpion too, the wife died.
Let's drink to the fact that the character of all those present at the table is directly opposite to the character of Scorpio!
It's funny to worry about petty intrigues.
Since the god in heaven is unfailingly great -
Be calm and cheerful, appreciate this moment.
How long will you grieve and grieve, friend,
Lament that life is slipping out of your hands?
Drink intoxicated wine, be zealous in pleasures,
Having fun, make a destined circle!
For our life we ​​wave to the bottom,
Although a penny is worth it.
In this world, there is a trap at every turn.
I voluntarily did not live even a day.
Decisions are made in heaven without me
And then they call me a rebel!
Everything that will be: both evil and good - in half -
Prescribed to us in advance the eternal law.
Each step is destined in heavenly tablets.
There is no point in suffering and being sad for us.
How much use is our prayers and censers?
Only the one who does not end up in hell will go to heaven.
What will be destined for someone in the family -
Before the beginning of creation, the Lord approved! “We must live,” we are told, “in fasting and work.
As you live, so you will resurrect! »
I am inseparable with a friend and a cup of wine -
To wake up at the Last Judgment.
Leaves of the tree of life given to me
In the winter cold they burn in the spring fire.
Drink wine, do not grieve. Follow the wise advice:
Drown all worries in sparkling wine.
Having filled the mugs, we will not philosophize
And we will proclaim the first toast like this:
- May it be good for good people
And deservedly bad - all bad!
Let's pour some more and remember the saying,
Worthy of loudly boiling rivers:
- Let childhood be short, like a moment,
And let youth last a whole century!
And for the third time we move the circles together:
- Friend of honor, drink to the bottom! Not half!
Let the sad news go around us
And sons will survive... Amen!
The philosopher Plato was asked:
You have traveled a lot by sea. What was the most amazing thing that happened to you during these voyages?
- The most surprising thing happened every time, - answered Plato, - that in the end I landed safely on the shore.
Let's drink to those who have sailed for a long time on the stormy sea of ​​\u200b\u200blife, successfully overcoming all storms and waves.
To be honest, everyone comes into the world with a bag - to wander around the world for happiness. And we walk along the roads, straight and roundabout, and look for our happiness.
But the wise Bible says: “The kingdom of God is within us”, that is, in our soul there is a source of happiness.
So let's drink to the fact that this source was in full swing!
On the doors of one law office it was written: “We serve participants and invalids of the war out of turn,” and next to it is attributed: “We serve participants in the Battle of Kulikovo free of charge. Today is the 600th anniversary of this historic event. »
Yes... it was a long time ago. As I remember now ... we went out onto the field ... looked to the right - mop your yat! We looked to the left - mop your yat! We looked ahead - honest mother, do not count! .. But they overcame. Let's drink to our victories!
A poltergeist appeared in one house - a voice spoke to everyone. And he threw the people on this miracle, suspecting nothing. But the fact is that the poltergeist was well informed and set up in the most accusatory way.
For example, he said to the incoming one: “Well, Petya, your eyes are cracking with conscience: you show your mother-in-law behind your tongue ... Hello, hello, Vasily Ivanovich! Your eyes are cracking with conscience: you steal at work... Oh, Kolya is a heartthrob! How many women do you turn your head and promise to marry? Eyes are cracking with conscience. Some of those who entered were stunned and lost the power of speech, and some began to make excuses, they say, the eyes are cracking with conscience, but the heart rejoices. Some, especially those who had become more proficient in the science of life, immediately assumed a repentant pose, bowed and said: “Sinful, father, sinful! "Then a group of exposed people united and enthusiastically shouted to the newcomer: "Well, are your eyes cracking with conscience?" - “They are cracking, cracking,” the poltergeist confirmed ... It is clear from this story that everyone
We are not without sin.
Let's drink to make our eyes crack less with conscience!
For five months a tree stands covered with greenery, but one day, one night is enough for all the leaves to turn yellow. And vice versa. For five months the tree stands bare and black as coal. And one warm, bright morning is enough to make it green. One joyful morning is enough for it to bloom.
So let's drink to the fact that, unlike trees, we bloom all our lives!
I drink to our enemies! Let them have everything: a chic house, antique furniture, a swimming pool with mineral water, Persian-carpeted rooms, an American software-controlled telephone, and let this phone only ring: 01, 02, 03!
There is no doubt that life is inexhaustible for invention unpleasant surprises striking variety and originality of designs. For example, sitting Friendly family sipping tea at the table, making jokes and not thinking about the vicissitudes of life, and suddenly - even laugh, even cry - the wooden planks of the floor of the old house break and fall on the table, however, without any damage to themselves, neighbors from the second floor. Hello, they say, our respect to you ... Can you imagine the expressiveness of the scene? Or suddenly a black cat crosses the road, you are worried and late for a date. Thus, the main property of life is no-no yes to put all sorts of harmful surprises. And what is left for us? Be patient with them. For our resistance to the vicissitudes of fate!