How to become the smartest person. How to be smart

I observe amazing dynamics: the society is divided into two camps. The first one lives in a “food place”, and the second is frantically looking for an answer to questions. pros: “How to become smarter?” And if the “Pitnevites” know how to realize themselves, then the “wise men” have something to learn.

5 ways to become smarter describe a set of measures. It is important to follow all the rules. You won't get smart in three days, so be prepared to devote more time to it. If you have come to understand that the mind is needed to realize dreams, then dreams will soon begin to come true.

Paul Allen, co-founder of Microsoft IQ 170

Paul Allen is one of the most successful people who turned his mind into wealth. With a fortune estimated at 14.2 billion dollars, Paul Allen is in 48th place in the list of the richest people in the world, being the owner of many companies and sports teams.

Method one. Sleep more!

Sleep is necessary for the recovery of the body. The brain needs periods of deep sleep. In the phase of deep sleep, the information accumulated during the day is processed. Everything that you saw, heard and felt, is laid out on the shelves of memory. It's so much easier to find what you need, isn't it?

Scientists have proven that a person needs from 8-9 hours of sleep per day. Sleep better in the dark. Or in total darkness.

Method two. Drink water!

When there is little water and the body is dehydrated, the energy saving mode is activated. There is no time to solve complex mathematical problems. Water is necessary for the organization of blood, lymph and other important substances and processes. Water helps improve blood circulation and remove dangerous substances from the body.

It is recommended to drink up to 2 liters of water per day. That's enough if you don't go to the gym.

Garry Kasparov, the youngest undisputed world chess champion IQ 190

Garry Kasparov became the owner of this title at the age of 22. He holds the record for the longest holding the title of world number one chess player. In 2005, Kasparov announced his retirement from sports and devoted himself to politics and writing.

Method three. No smoking!

Tuxedos are allowed, but no smoking. When smoking, substances poisoning the body enter the bloodstream. The capillaries shrink. The brain receives insufficient oxygen. This leads to a decrease in the efficiency of its work. It is not just that a side effect of smoking will be headaches, a decrease in the sensitivity of the olfactory and gustatory centers.

Method four. “Ah, two, three, four! Let's spread our legs wider! Let’s do the right move!” (V. Vysotsky)

Physical activity makes blood move faster through the body. This is oxygen for the brain. Acceleration of metabolism and metabolic processes. It's like sweet soda in the summer: you drink and you can't stop.

80% of all resources the body spends on the brain. As a state to maintain officials. For the body, this is justified. The brain is responsible for coordinating all the processes and activities of the body. Therefore, throw some firewood: move more, run or take walks. The daily norm will be 1.5-2 kilometers. In translation - 3-6 tram stops.

Stephen Hawking, scientist, writer IQ 160

Stephen Hawking is known for pioneering research in theoretical physics and other work that explains the laws of the universe. Author of 7 bestsellers and winner of 14 awards.

Method five. Take your head, not your hands

The brain, like a muscle, grows. For muscle growth, the indicator will be volume and strength, and for the brain - speed, accuracy, attention and good memory.

Start with simple exercises: mental arithmetic, reading books, doing crossword puzzles. And to become smart like Paul Allen, who co-founded Microsoft with $14.2 billion, sign up for the Brainapps mind room. There is also a personal trainer who will evaluate the effectiveness of training. And nutritional supplements - games in several levels. If you want a “relief”, in a month you will add three-digit numbers in your mind in seconds. If you want to gain a heroic strength and learn page texts faster than a nightingale-robber - 3-6 months of complex training will help.

It's been 3-6 months.Get smarteryou did it. The growth dynamics of brain efficiency is unprecedented. Where and how to make an effort to become rich. 3 secrets of the rich.

Secret one. Describe the purpose

Need to know where to go.

Second secret. Make a plan

Here's a map - follow it.

A plan is a map with which I check the path I have traveled. I open the plan when it is scary to take the next step. When I'm afraid that nothing will work. And the worst thing is to think that nothing happened. This is where the plan comes in.

I decided to be smart. Described the criterion goal: to know 200 English words by such and such number. Day n has come, and I still do not know the words. I'm to the plan, check if I went there. And in the plan: Every day to learn five words. I didn't teach. Thought space would help. But space did not help. And now I have a different strategy: to learn five words every day by myself. Without the help of space.

A plan is a list of all the necessary steps to achieve a goal. It's scary to think how to jump over a one-kilometer canyon. But this is until the moment when it becomes clear from the plan that the bridge will “jump over”. And you will have to go through it.

The plan should be drawn up in such a way that “getting rich” becomes understandable and executable:

1. Earn 200,000 rubles and buy a Macbook Pro.

1.1. Earn 200,000 rubles in 12 months.

1.1.1. Earn 16,666 rubles a month in addition to salary. Every day to perform work for 555 rubles for 3-4 hours. Find a job that pays 150 rubles per hour.

Total: 150 * 4 will be 550 rubles. 550 rubles * 30 will be 16,500 rubles. 16500*12 will be the new Macbook Pro!

Secret third. Take action!

Water wears away the stone.

Proverb. Correct.

The nail can also be hammered with the palm of your hand. The main thing is to hit regularly. Technology and its availability give a chance to anyone who makes a minimum effort. Therefore - act!

This article is written for those who ask questions:, "How to become a smart person" and so on.

It seems to many people, including me, that in order to be a smart person, you need to be born like that, you need to have an innate talent. Like, if you were born stupid - it can't be fixed. But in reality, this is a myth, the biggest misconception. The fact is that our brain for many years of life needed improvement and regular training. And this means that if you want to become a smart person, any of us can.

The first and most banal answer to the question - "How to become smart?" - This - train your brain(first tip)! Even if the smartest person in the world abandons the daily training of the gray matter, then in the future, he will lose his mental abilities. His brain just atrophies. The brain needs regular activation of various thought processes, just like software needs to be constantly updated.

What does the phrase mean - "Training the brain?" To date, there are both well-known and proven methods for a long time (reading books, solving logical problems of varying complexity and focus), as well as new ways to improve attention, memory and other mental functions.

Take a piece of paper and write, according to which you will have to read N amount in N time, solve N number of logical problems, master one or another technique to improve the functioning of mental processes.

However, I will read more to you. Reading books develops our brains much more than viewing. In the process of reading books, we have to think a lot, and when watching a video, we have by and large only to contemplate and only sometimes think. Although, of course, there are videos that contain a lot of useful information. But it certainly isn't in the movies we watch every day, and certainly not in the news. This is a special training video - for example, recording lectures or conferences on some useful topic.

My second advice getting smarter is autonomy in decision making. It sounds strange, but it is also an important aspect. A person who makes decisions on his own first thinks a lot about choosing his decision. And it's much easier to hang your pile on other people and let them make the decision for you. Maybe that's why women are often dumber than men. After all, a man much more often takes responsibility for himself, and makes his own decision. And very often a man decides for a woman. And the woman only obeys the choice of the man and completely transfers the initiative to him. Why use your brains if a man can solve all problems. Maybe that's why, among the names of the smartest people, it is male names that appear more often.

My third tip for becoming a smart person is talking to smart people. As they say, with whom you will lead, from that you will type. One of the laws of how to become the smartest person says - surround yourself with smart people. And it will be better if they are smarter than you. Surrounding yourself with idiots who admire your intellect will, of course, satisfy your ego. And yet, communication with foolish people will only lead you to degradation, because you will have no one to equal and no one to learn from. Of course, interacting with smart people can lower your self-esteem, as you will feel stupid, and you will not always understand them. But it's still one of the best ways to get smarter. After all, smart people inspire and always give useful and wise advice.

Fourth tip - actively explore the world, expand your horizons. Becoming a smart person sitting at home with encyclopedias and educational films is not a very wise decision. After all, as practice proves, what is written in books and shown on TV does not correspond to what reality offers us.

Discard the myth that a wise man must be a hermit, and begin to actively explore the world around you. Visit new places as often as possible, travel more often, if finances allow you to, visit other countries. This contributes to the expansion of horizons.

Fifth advice - act outside the box. Patterned actions do not contribute to the development of our brain. But inventing non-standard solutions and their applications are being developed. That is, stop acting according to a pattern, stop being predictable and start improvising in your actions, bring new tones into your life. It will be cool when people around you have no idea how you will act or what you will answer in certain situations.

The sixth tip to become smarter is - ask questions and find answers. Your curiosity must be constantly maintained. By the way, this is Einstein's technique. He said that he was able to keep the child in himself and always asked questions. He was convinced that a person who constantly asks a question will surely find an answer to it. If you manage to keep your childishness, you will be able to understand a lot in this mysterious world. You can also find answers to your questions based on the knowledge and life experience that you already have in your head. Thus, you will force your brain to work actively. And looking for answers, both in your head and in other sources, will definitely make you smarter.

Seventh way - observance of the daily routine. It sounds a little ridiculous, but this tip is one of the very first on the list of how to become smarter. But why does this seem ridiculous? After all, improper unbalanced nutrition, insomnia, bad habits and obscene work - all this definitely does not contribute to the active activity of the brain. "Knotted" the brain is quite difficult to stir.

Therefore, if you want to become smart, you definitely need to follow the golden rules of good nutrition, rest and work: eat only healthy foods, get enough sleep (but not oversleep), do exercises every morning, and so on. You should also give up bad habits, try to avoid overwork and be in the fresh air as often as possible.

As for nutrition, the best foods for the full functioning of the brain will be those that contain B vitamins: liver, fish, vegetables, nuts.

Eighth advice - engage in spiritual self-development The answer is simple… Start to know your "I"! Thanks to various systems of spiritual self-development, you can discover the abilities of your body, hidden in you before, including the abilities of your brain.

Smart people have always been respected. They are excellent interlocutors, they can easily find an answer to almost any question, and they move up the career ladder more confidently. Perhaps that is why each of us wondered, how to become smarter. This would make life much easier and would bring many advantages. The only question is how to do it.

The mind is directly dependent on human brain activity. In fact, the more we think, the smarter we become. Intelligence must be distinguished from wisdom. I believe that the mind is the ability to find solutions to practical problems, and wisdom is the ability to find solutions to everyday problems. Therefore, in order to "pump" the mind, it is necessary to play various tasks, as well as train the brain. So the only way to get smarter is to think more. I'm kidding, of course. Although the concept, in my opinion, is correct, so I will give recommendations based on it.

Before practical advice, one property of our brain should be mentioned. It can be trained just like a muscle. Constant training will make your brain flexible and very efficient. It will be easier for you to control yourself, you will be able to cope with tasks faster, and mental work will take less effort. This will help you develop in other areas, so you need to train your brain constantly.

Read more books

Think for yourself, don't you associate a smart person with a person who reads a lot? Of course yes! Books allow you to expand your horizons, play different situations and develop along with the development of characters. Of course, we are talking about literary works, and not about books that the author writes every two weeks. It is necessary to read books chosen by the people, which have already been tested for quality more than once.

They can be found using special ratings. The easiest way is to type something like "Top 100 novels" in Yandex. Another option is to ask your friends. Surely you have a couple of friends in your friends whom you consider very smart. Ask them which books they remember the most and be sure to read them. Go to the library or visit a bookstore. I know from experience that it is better to read a real book. It is impossible to do this from a computer, it is very difficult to keep the essence. Another good option is e-books.

This is probably the most popular answer to the question of how to become a smart person. Once upon a time I watched a video, and there the video blogger talked about how experience accumulates over the years, and books can double and triple this experience. In 50 years you can gain only 50 years of experience, and if you read books, this experience will be several times more. Let's say 150 years. Do you think it's realistic to live that long? Of course not, but books allow for that too.

By the way, not fiction books, but, as I call them, practical books also help to develop the mind. In fact, this is some kind of experience that is known to the author and which he shares with readers. For example, I prefer books on psychology. Usually I just go to some Read City, find the right shelf there and look through book after book. Having found a suitable option, I write down the title and author or immediately buy.

Choose the area that interests you. Maybe it will be economics or political science, or maybe it will be esotericism and philosophy. It all depends on your preferences. And… read 100 books on your topic! Two well-known business coaches recommend doing this in order to become the best specialists in your field. Surveys show that 90% of professionals have read 1 or less books on their topic. That is, after reading even one book, you will become better than 90% in your field. Won't it make you smarter?

Create an environment

Our environment determines us. No wonder they say that it is enough to know a person's friends in order to understand who he is. The people with whom we are constantly in contact have a strong influence on us. We adopt their manner of communication, words and topics of conversation. I often notice this myself. At one time I had to spend in a circle of people who adored poetry and sublime themes. Soon I began to notice that I, too, was trying to find meaning even in ordinary-looking words. By the way, after that I really fell in love with Brodsky.

When I was at school, I had to constantly go to children's camps (first as a child, then as a counselor) and I noticed that it was very difficult for me to acclimatize after such trips. A friendly atmosphere reigned in the camps, focusing on the best, on achieving results. When I came home, I saw only despondency and indifference in the eyes, which at first was very painful. I remember that I didn’t even want to talk to anyone for a couple of weeks, despite the fact that these people were my friends or classmates. Then time passed, and I again merged into the usual course.

In my opinion, the biggest influence on me was my Orlyat brother Misha. Then I was still little interested in how to become smart and rich, but the first steps were already taken. Misha, on the other hand, was a year younger than me and had already achieved quite serious (for that age) heights. He was very smart, had a great command of the word and wanted to become a journalist. His achievements inspired me, since I was older, but I could not even boast of half of such awards. At home, I was one of the best in the environment and always tried to support it, but here is such a paradox. Of course it made me change.

The other guys in our crew were also quite smart and idiosyncratic. Communication with them seriously changed me. Considering that I spent 24 hours a day with them for a month, this could not but affect me. I really became smarter and, it seems to me, more sensual and responsive. When I arrived home, it was felt especially sharply, even my friends told me that I had changed a lot and began to work with my head more.

So, don't think about how to become the smartest. Just find someone smarter than you and befriend them. You will have not only extra convolutions, but also new friends. And that's always good. Also, don't forget your colleagues. They must share your interests, and for this, of course, it is necessary.

Educational programs

How long have you been watching National Geographic or BBC Wildlife? Despite the fact that I am one of those people who believe that TV is evil, there is still a lot of good in it. And these are educational programs and normal documentaries. Real professionals work on television, who are able to cram a lot of useful and interesting knowledge into a short video. As a child, for example, I could not be pulled away from the TV when there were programs about animals.

How often do you watch TV? I found statistics on the Internet that says that on average a person spends 2-3 hours a day behind this box. Now imagine that during this time you will watch not the unhappy love of a poor girl from the village, who met with bandits and is forced to become a surrogate mother in order to pay off her ex-drinking husband, but useful programs. How much new knowledge can you learn during this time? A lot of. So many. It seems to me that you don’t even have to say: “I want to become smarter” anymore, rather you want to write a book.

If you, like me, do not watch TV in principle, you can find various videos on the Internet. For example, I like to watch videos on YouTube called Science Pok. There, really interesting knowledge is given in small packs of 3-5 minutes. You can also find the necessary video materials using Yandex or Google. Just enter a query with the topic you are interested in and add the word "video". For example, “how to become smarter than video” or “how the land of video appeared”.

Looking for answers

School and college is a golden time for people who want to gain knowledge. Why? Because it is in these institutions that you are taught to find answers to your questions. Now, with the advent of the Internet, this has become much easier, but before that you had to spend hours in the library to find the right material. By the way, at the university, I also had to deal with a similar problem several times. What can I say? After spending 6-8 hours in the library looking for the right question, any topic can be learned thoroughly. But this subsection is not about that.

As I said at the very beginning of the post, the mind is, in fact, the ability to solve certain problems. Remember math. You went through a new topic and started solving examples. At first, everything is tight, because you need to carefully understand everything, understand what's what and constantly think. But after you solve a couple of problems, the process becomes noticeably faster and you can solve more complex examples. In addition, if you are well versed in this topic, then it will be much easier for you to solve subsequent tasks. The same thing happens in life.

Here you are interested, for example, how to be smart in school. You ask your parents, teachers, a smart classmate, look on the Internet and finally find the answer. Congratulations, you have become a little smarter. The more answers you can find, the smarter you will become in the end. Therefore, excellent students who are really interested in learning are much smarter than their classmates who are C students. I'm not saying that they are more successful, I'm talking about mental abilities.

Again, choose the area in which you want to become smarter and constantly ask yourself questions. For example, if you want to become a writer, you might be interested in how to properly title a book, how to write to publishers, how much work it takes to write a manuscript, and so on. The more answers you have, the easier it will be for you to find new ones, since everything in this world is interconnected. You will become much smarter, and with practice, experience will come with which you can.

How to become smarter? Create!

Collect all your knowledge on one topic together. You will be surprised, but you can learn a lot of new things for yourself and at the same time consolidate them by improving your memory. By the way, if you are interested in memory issues, you can read my article "".

Take any area in which you feel like a professional, highlight the main topics that other people may be interested in and try to answer them. First, you yourself will become noticeably more professional. You no longer have to ask other specialists how to become smarter and more interesting. Secondly, you will be able to help other people who want to become smarter. Thirdly, you will gain a reputation. Fourth, you can make money on it if you sell your articles. I think this is a good way to kill two birds with one stone.

take care of yourself

All the points above are related to this in one way or another. But it is worth dwelling on it in more detail. Perhaps you are already a smart person, but you just don’t know about it. Maybe you've been told too often that you're stupid and you believe it. Maybe you've been too irritated lately and can't concentrate on solving problems, so you feel like you're stupid. Or maybe you are in a circle of intellectuals, against the background of which you seem too stupid. There are many factors that do not depend on your intelligence.

The output here, oddly enough, is the same. Look for a problem and fix it, and then improve yourself. Try to figure out for yourself which methods work better and which ones worse, and so on. Try and don't give up. Remember, there may be many unsuccessful steps, but one of them will eventually lead to victory.

By the way, I noticed that for some reason girls, girls and women want to be smarter. This again speaks of low self-esteem, which often affects the fairer sex.

Let's do it again main ways to get smarter:

  • Think more;
  • Read more books;
  • Create an environment;
  • Watch educational programs;
  • Look for answers to questions;
  • Create;
  • Evolve;
  • Find other answers to the question of how to become smarter;

I hope my article helped you. I try to keep my posts clear and simple, but at the same time, fully reveal the topic. So far, it's not working well, but I'm trying, so I'm waiting for your feedback in the comments. And don't forget to subscribe to updates to be the first to receive new posts. Bye!

Perhaps we all want not only to appear, but also to be really smart people. Many believe that if certain skills are not laid down in childhood, then they will not be acquired later. Perhaps there is some truth in such an assumption, but not in this case - it is never too late to become a smart person if there is a desire for this.

If you decide that it's time to increase your level of intelligence, then we recommend starting this process with some simple recommendations.
    Train your memory. To do this, try to set aside at least thirty minutes every day to memorize a verse, because, for sure, the last time you did this was in your school years. This is a very good workout for the mind! Moreover, you can choose simple poems first, and then move on to more complex ones. You can also train in memorization on a list of products - make a list, read it carefully, put it in your bag and try to buy everything you need in the store without looking at it. When you decide that you have coped with the task, then look at the list in order to make sure of this. Drink coffee regularly- thanks to this, you can stay in good shape for a longer time, as well as maintain concentration. Try not to overdo it with this drink - a large amount of caffeine will lead to overexcitation of the nervous system and will not allow you to think rationally. Eat the "right" foods. First of all, pay attention to walnuts - they even allude to the fact that they are extremely useful for the brain. By eating them, you will improve brain activity and memory. Also, fish, which, as you know, are rich in iodine, as well as omega-3 fatty acids, which provide a rapid flow of energy to the brain, will bring a lot of benefits. Crosswords. It would seem that this is rather banal, but the usual crossword puzzles have a completely stimulating effect on brain activity. Studying of foreign language not only will it benefit you when traveling, but it will also have an excellent effect on memory development, which, of course, will help you remember more information, and therefore make you smarter. Knowledge. Never miss an opportunity to gain new knowledge - for example, if you have a few free minutes, we recommend that you open Wikipedia and read a couple of random articles. Rest. Periodically let your brain rest - if you have been engaged in active mental activity for several hours in a row, then you definitely need to rest for at least an hour. Do some light exercise or allow yourself a small cup of natural coffee. Don't forget to sleep well, because it is during sleep that the brain processes the information received during the day. According to scientists, an adult will be enough for 6-8 hours of sleep per day, but no less than that. Try starting a new activity. This will not only contribute to distraction from the routine, but also force your brain to adapt to a process that was previously unfamiliar to it, which means training. Read more books, and keep in mind that the more complex the pieces, the better for your brain.

How to become smart in studies

It takes some effort to achieve a reputation as the smartest student in the class. So where to start: 1) Listen carefully to the teacher in class. Some students believe that in order to study a particular topic, it is enough to read the necessary section in the textbooks. Yes, as a rule, this gives general knowledge, but you can hear various interesting details from the teacher. By the way, teachers often tell something that is not related to the compulsory school curriculum, but this information will subsequently benefit you and may come in handy at the most unexpected moment. In addition, if you listen to the teacher in the classroom, this will significantly save your time - at least you will not have to study the information already voiced at home. 2) Always do your homework. Never ignore homework. Even if you think that the given topic is completely uninteresting and will not be useful to you in the future, this does not negate the fact that such classes will be a wonderful training for the mind. In addition, you cannot guarantee that you will never need this particular information. In addition, one topic that is insignificant, in your opinion, can subsequently become the basis for more serious and necessary material, which, without the paragraphs you ignored, will not be fully understandable to you. And, of course, regular homework will protect you from bad grades. 3) Be interested in and study various sciences beyond the school curriculum. Pupils and students who really want to be erudite will not be limited to the knowledge that is included in the curriculum. Explore all the topics you like in depth - for sure, in this way you will make many impressive discoveries for yourself. In addition, more in-depth knowledge will allow you to get excellent grades, and this is also important. However, it is not necessary to study in more detail only those topics that are already in the school curriculum. Expand your boundaries - read about interesting historical facts, chemical and physical experiments. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the masterpieces of the classics and highly appreciated modern works, which were not mentioned in the literature lessons.

4) Read books. By far, this is one of the most obvious options for students who want to increase their level of intelligence. First of all, you will receive completely new information for yourself, if we are talking about, for example, a study guide. Fiction also has a lot of benefits - it stimulates reflection on a particular topic, teaches how to correctly and beautifully build sentences, and significantly enriches vocabulary. However, knowledge is not the only thing that books give us. In addition, reading books is an excellent memory training, and you will need the skill of quick memorization later in many areas of life. 5) Listen to audiobooks. Listening to audiobooks is perfect for those students who are overworked and do not have enough time to read. Perhaps you are training in the gym - in this case, in parallel, listen to headphones not your favorite musical artist, but some interesting work. You can also listen to audiobooks while riding a shaking bus to school, jogging, eating breakfast, and so on. For convenience, we recommend buying an e-book or downloading your favorite works to your phone, if its functions allow it.

6) Solve different math problems and puzzles. Solving various mathematical problems and interesting puzzles can be a wonderful exercise for the mind. If the tasks from the school textbook seem very boring to you, then pay attention to the various exciting puzzles that can be found on the Internet. You just need to drive into the search engine the query: "Online puzzles", and try your hand. He also recommends looking for various educational applications that can be downloaded to your phone, and solving extraordinary tasks at any convenient moment - standing in line at the store, sitting at the bus stop, and so on. 7) Don't give up if it doesn't work the first time. The mistake of many students is that they quit studying the material as soon as they stumble upon some kind of obstacle - for example, they do not understand this or that topic. If from time to time you are faced with the fact that you are having difficulty studying a subject, then this is not at all a reason to refuse it at all - go the other way! It is quite possible that one day you did not learn any trifle, and now it affects the assimilation of the whole material. It is also possible that your teacher does not explain the topic clearly enough (this happens too!). Try to study an incomprehensible paragraph from the very beginning without missing a single detail. If you're still having trouble, contact your tutor. First, let's define the word "erudite". We are talking about a person who is able to demonstrate awareness in a variety of issues, well-read, good memory. It is worth noting that far from always an erudite person can be called smart, no matter how paradoxical it may sound. A smart person, comprehending some information, draws the right conclusions from it, which he puts into practice (for example, having learned about the dangers of alcohol, he will not abuse it), at the same time, an erudite person, thanks to his excellent memory, can know all the nuances this or that question and nothing more (for example, he knows for sure that alcohol is harmful, but this does not mean at all that he will not abuse it). An erudite person throws in quotes, rich knowledge in a particular area and other information, for due to which one might get the impression that he is incredibly smart. It is worth noting that this often turns out to be the case, but still, as we mentioned, there are exceptions. As you understand, in order to demonstrate erudition, it is necessary not only to read a lot and watch documentaries, but also to actively train your memory, to memorize the learned material.

The development of intellectual abilities helps a person to become better and achieve more in life. There are several tips on how to become smart, which are given by teachers, psychologists and experts in various fields. Regular exercise and work on yourself will help you move forward.

How to become smart - psychology

Analyzing the abilities of different people and through numerous experiments, experts in psychology have identified several tips with which to improve.

  1. It is important to define goals for yourself, to achieve which you need to develop and become smarter.
  2. Many psychologists, when answering a question about how to become a smart person, recommend reading books, and you should choose literature that is interesting for a particular individual.
  3. Feel free to ask questions to learn new information. You can contact both live people and the Internet. It is equally important to ask questions to yourself, trying to find the answer, as this is a sign of active thinking.
  4. When figuring out how to become smart, it is worth pointing out another effective tip - learn to focus on a specific task and not be distracted. For this purpose, there are numerous psychological techniques and spiritual practices.
  5. Feel free to think out loud, as it has been proven that when a person pronounces information, their attention is less distracted and they think more productively.

For mental development, it is not necessary to go to special courses, spend days and solve problems, and for starters, you should follow a few simple recommendations:

  1. Try to regularly break your habits, for example, by doing housework, use your left hand (for left-handed people, use your right hand), take a different route to work periodically, and so on. Thanks to this, new connections between neurons will be created in the brain.
  2. When figuring out how to become a smart girl, it is worth giving one more effective advice - keep a diary, but you need not just make a banal list, but evaluate the events that have occurred, analyze the information and describe your own emotions.
  3. Regularly replenish your vocabulary, no matter what language. Classical literature is especially valuable in this matter, in which there are many rare words and interesting phrases.
  4. If you are interested in how to develop and become smarter, then it is recommended to exercise regularly, since it has long been proven that physical activity helps to effectively improve brain function. This is due to the fact that during training it is actively supplied with oxygen.

How to get smarter - brain exercises

There are many exercises that allow you to develop your abilities:

  1. For attention. Turn on the TV and put the clock in front of you. The task is to follow the second hand without being distracted by what is on the screen. When you manage to concentrate only on the clock for 3-4 minutes, then you can complicate the task and you need to not only follow the arrow, but also reproduce odd numbers from 1 to 9 in your mind.
  2. To become smarter and develop memory, it is recommended to do this exercise: write down the 10 nouns that come to mind first. For a minute, memorize their order, and then turn the sheet over and try to reproduce them. Over time, the task can become more difficult.

What games to play to get smarter?

You can also develop intellectual abilities in a playful way. If you are interested in how to become very smart, then use the following entertainment for leisure:

  1. Many will be surprised, but the favorite game in the 90s - Tetris or puzzles - is considered a classic puzzle. During the compilation of details, memory improves, critical thinking and the ability to assimilate large amounts of information develop.
  2. Checkers, chess, Monopoly and so on. All these games make a person think ahead, calculate possible moves, memorize information and develop thinking.
  3. Describing ways to become smarter, one cannot help but recall crossword puzzles that have been popular for more than a dozen years. By guessing words, a person develops, remembers new information and makes memory work actively.

Books to help you get smarter

Reading different literature is the most accessible and one of the most effective ways to improve your intellectual abilities. It is recommended to read such books to become smarter:

  1. "From good to great" D. Collins. The tips offered by the author teach how to properly extract the most valuable from general information, how to understand business processes and quickly move towards your goal.
  2. "Self-Confidence" E. Muir. This book describes tips on how to become smart, recognize your strengths and become resilient to life's various trials and troubles.
  3. "Emotional intelligence" D. Goleman. A specialist in the field of psychology gives practical advice on how to properly curb your feelings and emotions in order to easily achieve success in your career and personal life.

Prayer to get smarter

There is a special prayer before which they pray to choose the right path in life and achieve academic success. You can turn to the Mother of God in situations where you need enlightenment of thoughts and help in choosing the right decision. Parents are allowed to pray in front of the icon for their children who have learning problems. If you are interested in how to become a smart woman with the help of the Higher powers, then acquire the image of the Virgin and pray in front of her every day.

Hypnosis to become smart

One of the newest ways to increase your mental capacity and get motivated to learn is hypnosis. It is important to note that this method only speeds up the process of mastering information and skills, increases the ability to concentrate and improves memory. If you are interested in how to become smarter with the help of hypnosis, then you need to go to a professional for help, since it is very difficult, and sometimes impossible, to introduce yourself into the necessary state on your own.

How to become smart - magic

There are a large number of rituals that are aimed at improving intellectual abilities. The presented spell to become smart can be used by students who want to quickly learn the material and get rid of worries before exams. With its help, you can quickly and correctly perceive and analyze information. To conduct the ceremony, take any book, cross it three times and say the indicated plot