Wise Caucasian wishes for the 60th anniversary. Caucasian toasts: beautiful, funny and wise toasts, parables and congratulations for all occasions

Once upon a time, God gave a person everything for life
25 years old, and the horse, dog, monkey and all the rest
nym animals gave 50 years. The man got offended
God and went to the animals to ask them to give
whether to him a part of their lives. This is how it happened
the first 25 years a person lives like a person, the second 25
plows for years like a horse, lives for the next 25 years like
dog, well, for the last 25 years they have been laughing at him like
over the monkey.
So let's drink to ____ living at least another 100 years as a man!
Happy birthday to you, dear!

The peoples of the Caucasus have such a belief.
If a child is born in the family, then with him
100 devils are born. When the child turns
year, then one angel appears, and the devil becomes
one less. And so year after year: the number of angels
is growing, and the devils are getting smaller and smaller.
If a person is 50, this means that there are
elk only 50 devils, but 50 angels appeared.
Today we have before us a man, consisting of
guilt from devils, half from angels. And with each
year the angelic beginning will prevail in it
more and more noticeable. I suggest a drink
birthday boy, in which dark and light forces are mutually
well balanced!

There is a Sanskrit prayer: "Give me
rebelliousness to face the inevitable, courage,
to change what can be changed, and
growth to know this difference. "I drink to wisdom
our dear birthday boy who goes through life
or head held high, leaving behind
good deeds. He walks with his head up
pride, but from the awareness of the rightness of the cause, which
serves me. Health and happiness to you, ___
For your wisdom!

There is a legend in the Caucasus: when
child, then God kisses him. God kiss the child
in the mouth - and a magnificent speaker will grow, kiss
in hand - a jack of all trades will grow ... So come on -
let's drink the same for the birthday boy, because even he himself
God doesn't know where he kissed him!

The mountain peoples of the Caucasus have one good proverb:
"The camel gave birth to a camel - did not hear
and neighbor. The chicken laid an egg - cackles for the whole
light." Let's raise our glasses to "our
humble birthday man who knows his own
business, but do not ring about it to the whole world!

One Eastern sage said: "Easy to do
so that people know you, but it is difficult to truly
know yourself." I want to wish _____
(name) so that he knows himself! This will help him
achieve the noble goal that he has in front of him
put. Happy Birthday honey!

Dear hero of the day! I propose to raise a glass
and drink to the fact that after a certain number of years we
celebrated your birthday again, and you for-
revealed, as once Bernard Shaw: "You see, I
turned 68 years old. I have two more
years of youth, so we must hurry!

A Chinese philosopher once said: "A dream is
not what already exists, but also not what cannot
be. It's like on earth: there is no road, but people will pass,
pave the way." So let's drink to
the birthday man laid his unique
road - the road of your dreams!

May there be so much grief and sadness in your life,
how many drops of wine will be left in this glass after
how I will drink to your happiness!

What do you need young guy? win and be
win beautiful women. Live
happily. May your heart be open to
love, and the soul - for beauty. Do not forget,
what is the blue sky, rivers, forests, books, art
stvo and other joys of the spirit.
Happy birthday!

Impossible to imagine caucasian toastmaster with a "cheat sheet" in his hands, a toast in the Caucasus always says what the wisdom of the ages and the ardent heart of a horseman tells him. That is why the culture of the Caucasian feast went down in history as a standard of sincerity, wisdom and expressiveness.

When going to a friend or relative for a birthday or anniversary, it would be nice to remember this and prepare, in addition to a gift, original wish or interesting toast, which is better to learn by heart or speak offhand, having previously thought through the approximate content. A wish that is spoken rather than read always looks more sincere and bright, because contact with the eyes of the hero of the occasion is maintained, in addition, you can beautifully raise a glass, add gestures, etc.

This collection contains Caucasian toasts and table jokes for a man's anniversary, which can be taken as the basis for a cheerful or lyrical congratulation.

1. Caucasian toast at the anniversary of a man "For an easy and fun life!"

A long time ago, two horsemen lived in the Caucasus. They were completely different - like the sun, which caresses everything around with its rays, and like the moon, which is always silent and cold. But there was something in common between them: they were born in the same year, they were very rich, and each had a beautiful wife.

But this was where their similarities ended, because one of them lived as if he were the happiest and luckiest. And the other - all the time he was angry and dissatisfied with his own life. Everything seemed to him that the time of happiness is far beyond the mountains. This is how life went. They had great children, and then wonderful grandchildren. But the grumbler remained a grumbler, and the optimist was more and more clearly enjoying life.

Years passed and they grew old. One was pleased with everything, but the second did not understand why God gave him this life. Then he realized that he did not live at all. And the one who was not afraid of life, and lived every moment like a holiday, was satisfied with his fate and died with a light heart.

So let's drink so that the birthday man's life is easy and full, like our glasses!

2. Toast - a joke for the hero of the day "The best in a dream and in reality"

One morning a wife says to her husband:

Dear, I had such an amazing dream in which you bought me a wonderful fur coat!

My dear, - her husband answers her, - maybe you will fall asleep again and see in a dream where I can get money for your fur coat!

So let's drink so that the wife of our birthday boy sees right dreams so that he was the best in her eyes both in a dream and in reality!

3. "For the friends of the hero of the day!"

There lived one very lucky man in the world and his name was Givi. He had everything: a huge apartment, a luxurious cottage, the coolest car, a stunning wife from former models. But ... Givi did not have one - he did not have friends, because childhood friends envied Givi that he had so pulled ahead. And those friends with whom he made acquaintance in adult life, envied his current luck and good fortune. And there was no joy or happiness for Givi, because what kind of joy is it when you cannot share your luck with your best friend?!

So, let's drink to the friends of our hero of the day, who are always with him - both in grief and in joy!

4. Parable of male friendship ..

Looking at how many true friends surround the hero of the day, I remembered one parable.

"Three hundred years ago this legend arose, it was folded about two inseparable friends. Yegor and Samson lived in the same village. They have been friends since childhood and always stood up for each other in any boyish disputes. Time passed, but the friendship between Yegor and Samson became stronger: Samson's misfortune was grief for Yegor, and Yegor's joy became happiness for Samson. And so they lived to everyone's surprise, never betraying each other and not setting their goals above the goals of a friend.

People were just surprised and shrugged their shoulders. However, both Yegor and Samson enjoyed great respect in the village for their relationship.

Once Yegor went to the mountains for brushwood, then an avalanche came down on his misfortune and fell asleep Yegor. When in the evening Yegor did not return home, Samson realized that something was wrong here and, without waiting for the morning, set off in the footsteps of his friend. Samson walked all night, and on his way every now and then came across blockages. So he made his way through the snow until dawn. His arms and legs were stiff, and only a few sips of wine remained in the wineskin. The exhausted Samson sat down on a stone and began to think: “If I return to the village for provisions and help, then Yegor will have to wait even longer for help!” Therefore, having gathered the rest of his strength, Samson went on. I went and found my buried friend, who had already lost all hope of salvation!

Let's raise our glasses to true friendship! Let in Hard time each of us do not skimp on help and dedication!

5. Anniversary table joke "Let's drink to the men who..."

Our dear birthday boy!
We consulted and decided to give you a young eagle.
"Why?" you ask. But because eagles live up to a hundred years,
and he is as dear to us as you are. We're sure when he gets old
and die, you will still be healthy and strong, and you will be able to honor
bury him high in the mountains! Let's drink to health!

Rejoice and have fun on this beautiful day.
Happy Birthday to You! I wish happiness;
To pour over the edge, like water without measure.
Just remember the good. And let a lot of faith
Will to get whatever you want.
May you abide among the peaceful on earth.
Only great joy, let the eyes shine,
There will be only light with you even in the middle of the night.

On your birthday we wish
Forget worries, fuss.
Let your heart rest
And bloom like spring.
And near the sea in the light of the sun,
Among the wonderful southern palms,
Love will suddenly knock on the window.
You fly away with her in the dance.
Let the wine sparkle with new
And your life will be reborn
To be completely drunk with happiness,
Without any measure, drunk.

‘Pray everyone that I stay alive until I cry with you!’, Khoja told them. Everyone prayed and said with one voice:

“So,” Nasreddin rejoiced, “I won’t die again?!
Dear debtors, let us raise our glasses to creditors who pray to God for our longevity!

He was a quiet and reserved young man. After standing for half an hour near the house where his beloved lived, he saw the door suddenly open and a lady appeared in front of him, giving him a stern look. Who are you waiting for here? she asked. "In ... your daughter," he answered frightened. “In that case, you better get out of here,” she said. “You are in no way suitable for our daughter. When her father was courting me, and I suddenly didn’t show up for a date, he climbed over the garden fence, strangled the dog, put out the window, locked my daddy in the room, put a ring on my finger and said that we would get married right away. This is the kind of groom we would like for our daughter. So let's raise our glasses to the brave and dexterous horsemen!

Let the sun shine in the eyes
A smile will illuminate your face.
I congratulate you on Valentine's Day.
I wish you happiness and love.

Happy birthday congratulations to you!
Let the table break from food
And a thousand familiar eyes
Let it sparkle with joy.
So that laughter and dancing and love
Your house has been completely filled.
And joy flowed so that the river,
And the music was loud.

A man was driving from one village to another. The road passed among the mountains, winding between rocks, along cliffs and abysses. Suddenly the donkey stopped - and not from a place. The owner began to pull him, goad him. The donkey stands rooted to the spot. The owner began to scold him with bad words, call him names, whip him with a whip. But the donkey, as it stood, remained standing. Then he went. And then a man saw a huge stone around the bend, he had just fallen, and if his donkey had not stopped, then ... The owner hugged the animal and thanked.
So let's drink to the fact that we always listen in a dispute to the opinion of another person, even if he is a donkey!

What's the difference between truth and lies? the sage was asked.
“Yes, such as between the ears and eyes,” he answered.
What we see with our eyes is true, but what we hear with our ears is not always true.
Let's drink to hear and see.

One a wise man said: a body immersed in a liquid is acted upon by a buoyant force numerically equal to the weight of the displaced liquid. I want to drink a glass of this beautiful wine for not being affected by the buoyant force!

One monarch ordered his minister of food:
"Get me something sweeter than anything in the world!"
The minister went to the market and bought a language.
The ruler was delighted with the skillfully prepared dish.
And a day or two later, a new order came from him:
“Get me a meal that is not bitterer in the world.”
The minister again went to the market and bought the language again.
- I demanded a bitter, you again brought the tongue. How so?
And the minister explained:
“Sir, there is nothing more pleasant in the world than smart words and there is nothing worse than bad words. It all depends on the language...
My toast is to skillfully manage your tongue.

One father had three sinuses. Trisina is such a swamp. So let's drink to the fact that we are never sucked into family problems!

Ancient Eastern wisdom noted:
“It is more pleasant for one father to feed ten children than to feed one father for ten children.”
So let's raise our glasses so that your children never have to feed you!

A glass of red wine is placed on the open outstretched palm and a toast is said: - May there be as much grief and sorrow in your life as there are drops in this glass after we drink it!

Many men dream of having a harem.
They believe that the more women around them, the more diverse and interesting they are. family life, topics more love and they get affection.
So let's wish that our young one would never want to have a harem, because his wife alone could replace him! For the bride! Bitterly!

A certain king was crooked. With him was a skilled painter. For some reason, the monarch disliked him and was looking for a reason to find fault. “Paint my portrait, but such that it looks exactly like me,” he once ordered the artist. “So my end has come,” the artist thought contritely. “If I draw him crooked, he will execute me. If I portray him as sighted, he will say:
"Does not look like it! ' and also cut off his head.
An acute situation breeds resourcefulness. The painter painted a deer, and next to the king with a gun in his hands, one eye, blind, covered, as if the king was aiming. In this form, he presented the portrait to the ruler.
He could not find fault with the painter, and his life was saved.
This toast is for the talented and resourceful.

They sit in the next world in the paradise of the soul at the table, talking, eating, drinking. One knocked over his jug, but it is empty. “Everything,” he said, “I have been forgotten on Earth.”
So let's drink so that the jugs of our departed loved ones are not empty!

Oriental sage Khoja Nasreddin fell ill. Creditors began to visit him and asked him to repay his debts - the hour is uneven, he will die.
“Pray everyone that I stay alive until I cry with you!” Khoja told them. Everyone prayed and said with one voice:
Our prayer will be heard by Allah!
“So,” Nasreddin rejoiced, “I will never die?!
Dear debtors, let us raise our glasses to creditors who pray to God for our longevity!

A wise man had a daughter. Two men came to her to woo her: a rich man and a poor man. The wise man said to the rich:
“I will not give my daughter for you,” and he gave her away as a poor man. When asked why he did this, he replied:
“The rich man is stupid, and I am sure that he will become poorer. The poor man is smart, and I foresee that he will achieve happiness and well-being.
If that wise man were with us today, he would raise a cup of wine so that when choosing a groom, brains are valued, and not a wallet.

One gets up
“I want to drink to our Dato!” This is a real man: he can drink three horns of wine in a row and love three women!
- I want to drink for our Gogi - this is a real man: he can drink ten horns of wine in a row and love ten women!
A third gets up, mournfully looking at the floor:
- And I propose to drink for Vladimir Ilyich Lenin ... I don’t know how much wine he could drink, and I don’t know if he could love women in any way, but only a real man could avenge the death of his older brother!
So let's drink for a real man - for a birthday man!

In one old Caucasian song, it is sung: “The year before last, I lived in Pyatigorsk and I washed ten times in the sulfuric waters. Gulim-jan, Gulim-jan, I know my business, we drink Kakhetian wine and walk boldly. Let's drink to the indicated direction and to our happy vacation in Pyatigorsk!

A man and a bear fraternized. The man called Toptygin to visit and gave a feast in his honor. And saying goodbye, he kissed the clubfoot and asked his wife to do the same. But the wife spat and said angrily:
- I can't stand smelly guests!
Soon the man visited the bear. Deciding to chop wood on the way back, he took an ax with him. Mishka affectionately greeted the guest, and then began to insistently ask him:
- Hit me on the head with an ax!
The man refused for a long time: is it possible?! But the owner of the den insisted on his own. What to do? The guest grabbed the clubfoot with a butt on the head and badly injured him. A month later, the friends met again. The bear's head had time to heal, and he said to the man:
- You see, brother: the wound from the ax has healed, but the heart, wounded by the tongue of your wife, has not healed. The tongue can not only hurt, but also kill.
Let's be careful with this dangerous weapon!

Such a thing as need is our sixth sense that can overshadow all others.
For the fact that we are always completely satisfied with only five other senses!

There is a legend in the Caucasus:
when is born
child, then God kisses him. God kiss the child
mouth, - and a magnificent speaker will grow up, kiss his hands - a jack of all trades will grow up ... So let's drink to the birthday man, because even he himself
God doesn't know where he kissed him!

Let the sun shine in the eyes
A smile will illuminate your face.
I congratulate you on Valentine's Day.
I wish you happiness and love.

In one old Caucasian song, it is sung: “The year before last, I lived in Pyatigorsk and I washed ten times in the sulfuric waters. Gulim-jan, Gulim-jan, I know my business, we drink Kakhetian wine and walk boldly. Let's drink to the indicated direction and to our happy vacation in Pyatigorsk!

Such a thing as need is our sixth sense that can overshadow all others.
For the fact that we are always completely satisfied with only five other senses!

They sit in the next world in the paradise of the soul at the table, talking, eating, drinking. One knocked over his jug, but it is empty. “Everything,” he said, “I have been forgotten on Earth.”
So let's drink so that the jugs of our departed loved ones are not empty!

Happy birthday congratulations to you!
Let the table break from food
And a thousand familiar eyes
Let it sparkle with joy.
So that laughter and dancing and love
Your house has been completely filled.
And joy flowed so that the river,
And the music was loud.

I often hear that life is like a zebra with black and white stripes, which, moreover, rushes in an incomprehensible direction. I wish you to saddle this beast and decorate it in bright colors to decide for yourself where he will turn and what your every day will be like!

I offer you a drink
Always be on top
Smile, don't be sad
Find something you like!

Travel and dream
Don't forget about friends
Be confident
And stay out of harm's way!

Happiness, joy, kindness,
Happy Birthday to You,
Be wise, don't be discouraged
Conquer the world all the time!

From Batman to Superman
None of you are worth
You are the standard of a man, for sure,
Because the word sir!

I want on your personal birthday
So many words I wish
But that words are empty sounds,
Let me give you a brotherly hug.

There lived a rich man and a poor man. The poor man had nothing to lose, and he had fun, walked, ate barbecue, drank vodka - in general, he came off. Once upon a time, God gave a man twenty-five years to live, and a horse, a dog, a monkey and all other animals for fifty years.

One donkey pretended to be a lion. He threw on a lion's skin and began to step importantly. He began to terrify from afar and even put a herd of cows to flight. While cleaning the room, the servant found a ruble and gave it to the owner. "Since you're so honest, keep it to yourself," he said.

Then I went
Kikimora and a grove grew. Last went
Beautiful. Behind it grew a dense forest. So let's drink to those women who care about environment on our planet.

And vice versa, accepting his feelings, make a man the most happy man in the world. A happy man can move mountains!
Let's drink to women who can love and inspire, to the strength of the weaker sex!

Let's raise our glasses to the truly faithful women! 1

Table joke "For an excellent hostess!" One woman was once asked what she works for. - I'm a soloist! - proudly answered the lady. - I do not sing, but salt - cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes! . I propose to drink for our birthday girl, who is not just an excellent soloist, but an excellent hostess!

There are people who have some kind of charge in their souls, an explosive device of gaiety, energy and joy. Our "newborn" is just such a type of people. He is cheerful, and everyone around him receives such a charge from him. So let's proclaim a toast to our hero.

For caucasian man a woman can have seven ages: a newborn, a child, a girl, a young woman, a young woman, a young woman, and a young woman. So let's drink to the last four ages, from which not a single woman comes out and will not come out!

Caucasian toasts
For daughters!

There is a custom in the Caucasus: when a girl is born in the house, the father takes out a gun and shoots once. When a girl grows up and they want to marry her, her father shoots a gun twice, but when a girl is married off, her father fires a gun three times. So let's drink to the fact that from our homes more often...

Caucasian toasts
For women who glorify men.

Women, despite being the weaker sex, sometimes significantly stronger than men. In their hands - power over men. A woman can dishonor a man until the end of time by rejecting his love, but she can also glorify him through the ages by bestowing her love. So let's drink to the fact that women always ...

Caucasian toasts
For the women you love!

Once, in his youth, Givi confessed to his sister that he wanted to get married. My sister searched and searched for a long time and finally found one girl. Givi asked his sister: - Well, sister, how old, please tell me, is the girl that you looked after me? “I asked her how old she was,” the sister replied, “...

Caucasian toasts
To live to 132

Let's drink to the fact that you have lived for 132 years.
And so that at the age of 132 you died.
And not just died, but killed.
And not just killed, but slaughtered.
And not just stabbed, but out of jealousy.
And not just out of jealousy, but for the cause!

Caucasian toasts
Who will you press?

At a driving school in Georgia, a driver's license applicant takes an exam. The inspector explains the traffic situation:
- You are driving in a car on a narrow road. On the left - high-high mountains. On the right - cool-cool abriv. Suddenly on the road - a beautiful girl. And next to her is a terrible, terrible old woman. Whom to crush...

Caucasian toasts
A real man is...

A real man is the one who remembers a woman's birthday exactly and never knows how old she is. And a man who never remembers a woman's birthday, but knows exactly how old she is - her husband. So let's drink to real men.

Caucasian toasts
girl and ram

It was a beautiful fresh morning. Came to a beautiful lake beautiful girl, and a ram walked and chewed grass near the lake. The girl began to undress, and the ram kept walking and chewing grass. The girl almost undressed, and the ram kept walking and chewing grass. The girl completely undressed, and the ram kept walking and chewing grass. Girls...

Caucasian toasts
Real toastmaster

The toastmaster gets up, raises a glass of “Kindzmarauli” ... and suddenly feels that he has begun to fuss in his stomach. He decided to first make a toast, then fire a pistol and at the same time free himself from inner unrest. And so he did. But, oh horror!
The gun misfired, but this case didn't misfire...

Caucasian toasts
Let's drink to our success!

God made a man out of clay, and he had a small piece of clay left. “What else do you want to blind, human?” God asked. The man thought: everything seems to be there - arms, legs, head - and said: - Blind me happiness! But God, although he saw everything and knew everything, did not know what happiness was. He gave the clay to the man and said...