Funny happy birthday parables for a man. Caucasian toasts: beautiful, funny and wise toasts, parables and congratulations for all occasions

Any feast requires pronunciation beautiful speech. And it’s not enough to just say “Here’s to your health,” you want to wish something really worthwhile. A parable toast is perfect for this. This short story instructive in nature, at the end of which you need to make a generalizing conclusion, which will become a wish. A parable toast will be appropriate for any event or holiday.

New Year's greetings

On New Year's feast Speeches are made about how good it is to leave everything bad in the past year, about the fact that it is worth changing something so that everything becomes much better than it was. Toast parable on New Year- This great way Give your friends and family a gift that makes you think about yourself and your place in life.

Shakespeare once said: “All life is a stage, and the people in it are actors.” Really, how often can we be ourselves? We constantly have to hide behind the mask that society has painted for us. Many are ashamed to express their opinion or express their own self. The New Year's toast-parable will tell you how not to be afraid of yourself and your characteristics.

Faulty pot

One man carried water from the river every day in two pots mounted on a long pole. One pot was intact and always “conveyed” the required portion, but the second had a crack, which caused the water to splash and only half of what was collected could be stored in it.

For many years a person did the same job. He always brought only two-thirds of the required amount of liquid to his teacher's house. The whole pot was very proud and often boasted about its achievements. His friend was depressed and sad because he had a defect.

One day, a cracked pot decided to speak to its owner. He said that he was very ashamed of himself and his appearance, and also that because of him the student could not bring enough water. Then the man replied: “When we go to the teacher’s house, pay attention to what beautiful flowers grow along the road.” And indeed, from the side where the cracked pot hung, there were magnificent flowers all along the road. Then the man said: “I have long known about your peculiarity, pot, and therefore I specially planted flowers along the road to bring them to the teacher and please him.”

Everyone has their own shortcomings, but if you look closely, you can find dignity in them. So let's throw all masks aside in the New Year and not be ashamed of our true Self.

About the transience of life

At the time of the creation of the world, God gathered a dog, a donkey, a monkey and a man. And he began to decide how old someone should live. He decided to give the monkey 15 years of life, the dog 10, and the donkey 20. Near the man, God began to think.

What age do you think a person should live? the man asked.

“I think 25 is enough,” God answered.

What? “I am the king of nature, a rational being, I must live more,” the man was indignant. - Are you really going to give your highest creation only a measly 20 years?

Okay, I changed my mind, God answered, I’ll give you a century. But remember that for the first 15 years you will be as cranky as a monkey, the next 25 years will be your real, human years, for another 20 years you will, like a donkey, carry your hump and earn your living from this, and the remaining 10, like an old, mangy dog, you will throw yourself at everyone, trying to preserve your acquired property.

So let's drink so that in the New Year the years of the donkey and the dog will not come, and we will remain in our human lives until the end of time.

Short joke-parable

At a big feast you often want to make people laugh. An hour later, everyone seemed to have eaten and drunk, and it was time for fun. That’s when toasts-parables with double subtext will come in handy. We offer this option.

A young horseman is riding through the desert, and next to him is a girl - his beloved. They jump for a week, then jump for another. We've completely lost our way. Both are tired, hungry, but nothing is visible in the desert. Suddenly, they meet a goat on their way. Dzhigit immediately decided to kill him. He took good aim and fired, but missed. He fired again. And when the cartridges ran out, he entered into hand-to-hand combat with the goat. Yes, the restive one got caught, kicked back, and galloped away. The horseman and the girl were so tired and exhausted that they could not overcome the goat and died of hunger.

So let's drink to the hope that we will never come across such stubborn assholes on our path in life.

Toast parable for birthday

Any parable toast for a birthday must be addressed to the birthday person. You can mention his strengths, desires and what he has achieved. But the best thing is to build your wish so that it covers everything together. One will help you create your own unique greeting.

About a full jug

One eastern sage gathered his students and placed an empty jug in front of them. First he poured stones into it, and everyone thought it was full. But after that, the sage filled in the peas, and the cereal took up the empty space between the stones. Then he poured sand. At each stage, it seemed to the students that nothing would fit into the jug, but water also fit there. And only now the sage said that the jug was full.

Our life is like a jug. Stones are the basis - education, health. Peas are those things that we cannot do without - home, family. Sand symbolizes those little things that make life even more enjoyable, but you can do without them. These are jewelry, dresses, household items. Well, water is our environment, friends and loved ones.

I wish the birthday boy that his life is as full as a jug. So that the main place is occupied by basic values, so that they are complemented by material goods, pleasant little things, and, of course, true friends.


Yes, the Parable, perhaps, in our case could also be crowned, just like the Anecdote, because a better basis for a toast cannot be invented. And no wonder, these sympathies go back more than a millennium. The Old Testament, the lives of Christ, Buddha, the foundations of most religions, all this and much more are densely permeated with the life-giving vessels of Parables, figurative and brief, intelligible and simple in dress. All of them are easy to remember and amenable to retelling, while taking liberties and only benefiting from this, polishing them to a rational and compact aphorism. This is its advantage over poetic forms, where everything is subject to the laws of versification, where retelling already requires the work of memorization, cramming. The brilliance of this diamond of the Word, admiration for it, moved me to the sweet work of identifying and enlarging the plot core in Toast.

My friends, having familiarized yourself with a tiny dose of Parable-Toast, set off on your own voyage across the vast ocean of this wonderful genre. There are many wonderful collections on the Internet, they are constantly replenished with the nectar of her tireless fanatical fans, who find masterpieces on the pages of rare books, vigilantly looking out, sensitively hearing them in life. Your biased search, guided by your own tastes, will allow you to create your own, even a small collection, a kind of stash, from where at the right moment, in moments of graceful competition with friends at a feast, you can extract and present your original gift, the Parable-Toast you nurtured.

In the meantime, enjoy my small selection. A significantly larger portion will be placed

in the book “Unique Toasts about Beauty and Love”, and then, in full, in electronic form.

About the wind's love for a flower

The wind met beautiful flower and fell in love with him. While he tenderly caressed the Flower, it responded to him with even greater love, expressed in the fragrance of aroma and color. But it seemed to the Wind that if he gave the Flower even more of his pressure, he would receive something even greater. But the Flower could not bear such violent passion and broke down. The wind tried to lift him and revive him, but could not. Then he calmed down and breathed very gently on the Flower, but it withered before our eyes. Then the Wind shouted:

I gave you all the power of my love, and you broke! Apparently, you didn’t have the power of love for me, which means you didn’t love!

But the Flower did not answer. He died.

For a sense of proportion in everything! Anyone who loves must remember that Love is not measured by force and passion, but by tenderness and reverent attitude.

About the happiness of having two wives

One sheikh achieved the highest happiness on earth: he had two wives. Filled with joy, he went to the market and bought two identical gold necklaces, which, after happily spent hours, he presented to his wives, asking each not to tell the other about it.

But earthly happiness is rarely cloudless. One fine day, both wives came to him, beside themselves with rivalry and jealousy, and attacked him with questions:

Tell us, most magnificent of men, which of us do you love most?

“My dears, more than anything in the world I love you,” the sheikh answered, trying to calm them down.

No, no, the wives protested. - We want to know which of the two of us you give your most great love?

My beloved, why are you quarreling? I have you both in my heart.

But this was not enough for the wives.

You won't get rid of us like that. Come on, admit it, which of us is the mistress of your heart?

Since the sheikh could no longer resist the onslaught of his wives, he whispered promisingly:

If you absolutely want to know this, I will tell you the whole truth. The one of you to whom I gave the gold necklace is the one I love the most.

Both wives looked at each other triumphantly, each confident in their victory.

For diplomats! Establish a law obliging them to live in a harem. Ensure strict compliance with this law, as an extremely useful means of maintaining their high professionalism for the benefit of the fatherland!..

Our angel's name

The day before his birth, the child asked God:

I don't know why I'm going into this world. What should I do?

God replied:

I will give you an angel who will always be by your side. He will explain everything to you.

But how can I understand him, since I don’t know his language?

The angel will teach you his language. He will protect you from all troubles.

How and when should I return to you?

Your angel will tell you everything.

What is the name of my angel?

It doesn't matter what his name is, he has many names. You will call him "Mom."

For the army of angels named “Mom”, for their impeccable eternal service. Even if they begin to suggest to you that your protective Angel changes color, that he is black, flawed and sinful, never believe anyone. Whatever the Angel does, he does in the name of your salvation, that he is the reliable hand of God!..

Fragile gifts

Once upon a time there was an old man a wise man. He loved children and spent a lot of time with them. He also loved to give them gifts, but for some reason he most often gave them fragile things. No matter how hard the children tried to be careful, their new toys often broke. The children were upset and crying. Some time passed, the sage again gave them toys, even more beautiful, interesting, but still fragile.

One day his parents could not stand it and told him:

You are wise and wish only the best for our children. But why do you give them such gifts? They try their best, but the toys still break and the children cry. But the toys are so beautiful that it’s impossible not to play with them.

“Very few years will pass,” the elder smiled, “and someone will give them his heart.” Maybe the skills of caution that they will acquire will help them handle this priceless gift at least a little more carefully?..

For sensitive memory, vigilance for the extreme fragility of human relationships! For the lifelong safety of this precious crystal even with its most active use in life. We will fill and empty these vessels, ring, moving them, when announcing the next toast! Well, if you happen to break one by accident, exclaim in unison: “Fortunately!..”.

Love and friendship

Love and Friendship met somehow. Love asked:

Why in the world do you need you if there is me?

To leave a smile where you leave tears,” Friendship answered.

Here's to the wonderful union of this couple! May fate prevent the replenishment of this team with such participants as Resentment, Jealousy, Deception, Vengeance, Cruelty!..

Wealth, Love and Friendship

Once upon a time there lived an old man. He lived completely alone, he had no one. One evening, he heard a knock on the door.

“Who’s there?” he asked.

“This is your Wealth,” came the answer from behind the door. To which the elder replied:

I was already fabulously rich, but it didn’t bring me happiness.” And he didn’t open the door.

The next day he heard a knock on the door again.

Who's there?

This is your Love! - To which the elder replied:

I was loved, I loved madly, but it did not bring me happiness, and I did not open the door.

On the third day they knocked on his door again.

Who's there?

This is your Friendship! - he heard in response. The elder smiled and opened the door:

I'm always happy to have friends.

But suddenly... along with Friendship, Love and Wealth came to him. And the elder said:

But I only invited Friendship!

And the guests answered him:

You have lived on earth for so many years and still don’t understand? Only with Friendship come Love and Wealth!..

For a lifelong relay of discoveries! For discoveries-gifts! For the reckless faith that the Last Gift, the Departure, contains within itself the continuity of this relay race, cared for by the Father, that is, only joy!..

Little lies

A girl walked along the road, as beautiful as a fairy. Suddenly she noticed that a man was following her. She turned around and asked:

Tell me why are you following me?

The man replied:

O mistress of my heart, your charms are so irresistible that they command me to follow you. They say about me that I play the lute beautifully, that I am initiated into the secrets of the art of poetry and that I know how to awaken the pangs of love in the hearts of women. And I want to declare my love to you, because you have captivated my heart!

The beauty looked at him silently for a while, then said:

How could you fall in love with me? My younger sister much more beautiful and attractive than me. She's coming for me, look at her.

The man stopped and looked around, but saw only an ugly old woman in a patched cape. Then he quickened his steps to catch up with the girl. Lowering his eyes, he asked in a voice expressing humility:

Tell me, how could a lie come out of your mouth?

She smiled and replied:

You, my friend, also didn’t tell me the truth when you swore your love. You know perfectly all the rules of love and pretend that your heart is burning with love for me. How could you turn around to look at another woman?

For using an amber drop of a little lie in a precious frame of good wishes!..

The doctor knows everything

He lay seriously ill in bed, and it seemed that his days were already numbered. The wife, in fear for her husband's life, went to fetch the village doctor. For more than half an hour he tapped and listened to the patient, felt the pulse, put his ear to the patient’s chest, turned him first on his stomach, then on his side, then again on his back, raised his legs, opened his eyes, looked into his mouth and, finally, spoke confidently and definitely : “Good woman, unfortunately I have to tell you a sad truth, your husband has been dead for two days.”

Then the seriously ill man raised his head in horror and groaned in fear: “No, my beloved, I’m still alive!” Then the woman energetically hit the patient on the head with her fist and shouted angrily: “Shut up! The doctor knows better whether you are alive or dead!”

For compliance with our loved ones! For fulfilling their whims and sweet trifles!..


There is good food in India famous story about a girl passing by the place where the Believer offered his prayers; and the law says that no one should pass where a person is praying. As the girl walked back, the man said to her:

How daring! Do you know what you did?

What did I do? - asked the girl.

And the man explained to her.

“I didn’t mean to cause any harm,” the girl said. “But tell me, what do you mean by ‘praying’?”

For me, prayer is thinking about God,” the man said.

Ooo! - she said. “I was going to meet my fiancé and I was thinking only about him, about my beloved, and that’s why I didn’t see you. But if you thought about God, how did you see me?..

For praying when there is no double vision on your mind!

God works in mysterious ways

A rich young man fell in love with a girl who happened to meet him on the way and married her. The girl was missing one arm, and she was ashamed of the young man. God heard her prayer and restored her hand.

One day at dinner, the couple heard the voice of a beggar asking for alms. The wife took two pieces of bread and wanted to take it out, but her husband stopped her. She began to cry, considering it stinginess, but he said:

This is not enough, give him a bowl of soup and a piece of meat.

She looked at the beggar and saw that this was her first husband, who had become a beggar out of stinginess. Then she told her husband her story. Her first husband was extremely stingy. One day, when he was not at home, she gave the beggar a chicken, in which she hid a valuable ring. When her husband returned, he was very angry, divorced her and expelled her from the city, cutting off her hand. The husband cried and said that he was the beggar, and the ring gave him wealth.

For your generosity! For one of the signs of our godlikeness. This sign is not subject to human arithmetic, and is branded by misers as nonsense and a whim. They do not know such an equivalent calculation as a momentary balm for the soul. The generous do not experience any loss in the future, for such people are pleasing to the Almighty and walk under his care.

About courage

One day a merchant asked a fakir:

Why aren't you afraid to keep a snake in your bosom? You must be a very brave person?

You see,” the fakir answered, “there are three types of courage.” The first is when the brave man does not imagine the size of the danger and therefore does not feel fear. The second is when a brave man imagines the size of the danger, but overcomes his fear. And the third type of courage is the courage of knowledge, that is, when, thanks to knowledge, you are not afraid, and a person who is not privy to the intricacies of the matter considers you brave. That's why I'm not afraid.

For the courage to be brave! For the courage to hang such a responsible and obliging label on yourself! May its bearer be forgiven for instances of cowardice; these seconds are trivial and insignificant compared to the daily hard work of bearing such a weighty label!..

Supreme Craftsmanship

One day, a European student came to the old Teacher of Chinese martial arts and asked:

Teacher, I am the champion of my country in boxing and French wrestling, what else could you teach me?

The old master was silent for a while, smiled and said:

Imagine that, while walking around the city, you accidentally wander into the street, where several armed thugs are waiting, dreaming of robbing you and breaking your ribs. Have you presented your task?

Good girl, that's exactly how it is. More precisely, almost like that. I will teach you not to walk on such streets.

For unemployment! For the downtime and oblivion of all weapons, the lack of demand for violence. For the triumph of common sense over evil and violence!..


A woman approached the Conqueror with a request to free her relatives. He said:

Here standing in front of you are your husband, your son, and your brother. I will only let one go, who do you choose?


But why?

I can find a husband, I can give birth to a son, but I cannot create a brother.

After hearing this, the Conqueror freed all three.

For moderation in desires! Don’t wish for much in reality, don’t declare it loudly. Loud speeches are heard by everyone, including jealous demons, but the innermost babble of the heart is heard only by the Almighty.

Mother's Courage

A pious woman's son fell ill and died. She wondered how she could convey this sad news to her husband when he returned tired from work. But then he came and asked about the health of his beloved child.

“He’s sleeping, don’t wake him,” she said and served dinner. He slept peacefully that night, rested before the hard work. And his wife, serving him breakfast, said:

Yesterday I saw something strange: our neighbors were given something for safekeeping, the owner came and demanded his things back. Then they cried and began to complain about his heartlessness and cruelty.

The husband responded to this that they were stupid: after all, they had only just freed themselves from the responsibility assigned to them. Then she told him what had happened to their son, and her husband, seeing her restraint, bravely endured the difficult news.

For courage! For endurance and prudence in circumstances spontaneous and dictated by passions. Let's cool our heads and consult with the Father before taking a responsible step!..

Doom Tree

Once upon a time an old man, a wonderful plum tree grew in his garden. When the fruits were ripe, he filled the basket with the choicest ones and took it to the Sultan in the hope of a good reward. By chance he met the Sultan in the middle of the road and handed him a basket. The Sultan ordered one of the butlers to take the basket and detain the old man, without explaining for what purpose. And the goal was only to thank in detail and give a reward.

But the butler, in the bustle of the street, thought that he was ordered to arrest the old man and threw him into prison, where he languished for a whole year, because the Sultan forgot about this fleeting street incident. Suddenly the Sultan fell ill, and no medicine could ease his suffering. They thought that the cause of the illness could be the fact of injustice in the actions of the Sultan, they began to stir up his past deeds, and then the butler remembered the old man.

The Sultan was in highest degree was saddened to hear this news, and sent the old man to his treasury, leaving him to choose any jewel for himself. The old man chose a cheap, shiny axe, cut down a plum tree, and buried the axe.

For not accepting freebies! For suppressing in yourself the slightest signs of greed and greed, the desire to get rich, to receive a golden fee for a trifle, for what you should give as a gift from your bright and simple soul!..

A pit for your neighbor

One day, a shepherd made some completely trifling remark to some man, but he was offended, harbored a grudge against him and decided to take revenge on him. He knew that he was grazing animals in a remote place where almost no one walked, and decided to take advantage of this and dig a deep hole-trap for him so that he would fall into it and not be able to get out. Late in the evening the vigilante began to dig. When he was digging, he imagined how his offender would fall into it and, perhaps, break something for himself and die in it, not being able to get out of it. Or at least his cow or goat will fall there.

He dug energetically and persistently, dreaming of revenge, the hole became deeper and deeper. But then dawn broke, and he woke up from his powerful, disturbing thoughts. Imagine the avenger’s surprise when he saw that during this time he had dug such a deep hole that he himself would not be able to crawl out of it. He howled, rushed about, and began to dig steps, but then a cow fell into the hole and broke his neck.

For the traps of Love and Goodness! Place them at every step, rejoice when one of your brothers lands there! Rejoice, and this little hearth will turn into a holiday, for the guardian angels of the “victim” will join your rejoicing, and the Almighty will smile warmly and approvingly!..

A parable is a story with a moral lesson at the end. Congratulations and simple toasts in the form of a parable are very much appreciated during the feast due to the originality of the presentation. A successful parable can be used to congratulate you on your birthday, offer a drink, or cheer up your guests.

There lived a pack of wolves in the jungle. The leader of the pack was very old. And when the pack had to go hunting, the leader said that he was not able to lead the pack. Then a young, strong wolf approached the leader and asked him to allow him to lead the pack. The old wolf agreed, and the pack went in search of food. A day later, the flock returned from hunting with prey. The young wolf told the leader that they attacked seven hunters and easily killed them. The time had come for the pack to go hunting again, and a young wolf led it. The pack was gone for a long time. And then the old wolf saw the young one, covered in blood. He told the leader that the pack attacked three people, and only he was left alive. The old wolf asked in surprise:
- But on the first hunt, the pack killed seven armed hunters, and everyone returned safe and with prey?
To this the young wolf replied:
- Then there were just seven hunters, but this time there were three best friend.
So let's drink to friendship!

Uzyk-mar-Nar once said:
- I'm tired of you, wife!
From now on I long to be free,
Go away, you are no longer needed!
Shatanna answered him:
- I always obeyed you
I'll leave home early in the morning.
But we lived for so many years loving
And it’s not good for us, my wise friend,
Don't invite me to the farewell feast
Our neighbors, so that in the morning
None of them could say:
“He sent his wife away without a feast,
By violating our mountain adat.”
- I agree, the wine will flow through the night,
I am glad for the farewell feast.
All night the wine flowed like a river
And the kebabs ripened on the coals:
Old Nar said goodbye to his wife.
Both he and the guests got drunk.
Woke up in the morning Uzyk-Nar
From shaking and body pain.
Opening his eyes, he recognized his wife,
She carried him in a cart.
- Wait, where are you taking me?
Have you gone crazy, oh God?
- After all, you said: “You’ll take it with you,
What is more dear to you!
I raise my glass
For women who are in bad times
A man is valued like a diamond
And gold is the most expensive!

One evening a young woman came into the telegraph office and in a trembling voice asked for a form. She wrote a telegram on one form, tore it up, then on a second one - and tore it up again. Then she wrote a third telegram and handed it to the window, asking him to send it quickly. When the telegram was sent and the sender went home, the telegraph operator inquired about the first two. Here's what was written in the first one:
"Everything is over. I don’t want to see you anymore.”
The second one had this text:
“Don’t try to write or see me anymore.”
And in the third, the woman wrote:
“Come immediately by the next train. Waiting for an answer".
So let's drink to the constancy of female character!

There is an old, old legend, it tells about the history of winemaking.
Zeus's son Bacchus was handsome, strong and brave. One day he went on a long journey. He walked easily. The high sun shone so brightly that the road dust seemed like a scattering of gold. Feeling tired, the young man sat down on a stone. And suddenly at his feet he noticed a small twig, barely sticking out of the ground. There was something touching about the thin, defenseless stem. Bacchus decided to take him with him. He carefully dug it up by the roots and, holding it in his hand, set off. After walking a few steps, he noticed that the plant began to dry out from the heat. How to save him? He picked up a bird bone from the road and put a twig into it. But right before our eyes the branch grew, and the bird’s bone soon became too small for it. The young god found a lion bone that contained the plant along with a bird bone. But the branch continued to grow, and the path was still long. And then, on the side of the road, he saw a large donkey bone...
When he got there, the branch intertwined the bones of a bird, a lion, and a donkey so intricately that there was no way to separate them. The young man decided that this was a trick evil forces. I buried the plant in the ground along with the bones. And soon a bush of unprecedented height grew here. In autumn, huge clusters of juicy sweet berries hung on it. It was grapes. Bacchus collected the harvest, pressed the juice and prepared a magical drink from it, which was later called wine. He did not reveal the secret of cooking to anyone, but he generously treated everyone who came to him.
And then something strange happened: when people drank one glass each, they cheered up and sang like birds, another glass - they became strong like lions, drank even more - and the heads of the guests sank low, like the heads of donkeys.
Therefore, listen to me, horsemen: you need to drink just enough wine to have fun and sing like birds or work with the strength of a lion. And never drink again, lest your heads bow down like the heads of donkeys!

Three travelers were walking along a rocky mountain road. A day goes by, two. The water has long since run out, the thirst has tormented me, and there is not a single source nearby. But suddenly the travelers saw on their way an orange tree, miraculously growing among the inaccessible bare rocks. Losing strength, the exhausted travelers reached a tree on which there were three fruits.
The first traveler, not wanting to spend his last strength on peeling the juicy fruit, tried to squeeze the juice out of the orange, but the thick peel let in very little of the saving moisture, which was not enough to save himself from thirst. The second, seeing the fate of the first, tried to eat the whole orange without peeling it. However, the bitter and tough peel stuck in my parched throat. The third took into account the mistakes of the first two. Having spent his last strength to remove the peel, he peeled the fruit, and the life-giving pulp saved his life.
So let's drink so that we always peel off the bitter skin of quarrels, insults and adversities and revel in the juicy fruits of love!

Once a Georgian married a Ukrainian. When the wedding was over and the newlyweds were left alone, the Georgian sat down on a bench and said morally with an accent:
“Now you are my wife, and I’ll tell you what.” If I come home and my hat is here,” he pulled his hat onto his forehead, then you feed me, give me something to drink, caress me, but don’t bother me with anything!.. And if I come home and I have my hat here here,” he pushed his hat to the back of his head, “then you feed me, give me something to drink, caress me, and then you can ask for whatever you want!..
- Now listen here! - his young wife interrupted him. “If you come home and my hands are here,” she rested her hands on her steep sides, “then I don’t give a damn where your hat is!”
So let's drink to women's persuasiveness!

A certain king was crooked. A skilled painter was with him.
For some reason the monarch disliked him and was looking for a reason to find fault.
“Paint my portrait, but such that it looks exactly like me,” he once ordered the artist.
“So my end has come,” the artist thought sadly. “If I draw him crooked, he will execute me.” If I portray him as seeing, he will say:
“It doesn’t look like it!” - and he will also cut off his head.
An acute situation gives rise to resourcefulness. The artist painted a deer, and next to him was a king with a gun in his hands, one eye, blind, closed, as if the king was taking aim. In this form he presented the portrait to the sovereign.
He could not find fault with the painter, and his life was saved.
This toast is to the talented and resourceful.

There lived an old man on the shore of the blue sea and he was already a hundred years old. One day someone knocked on his door.
- Who's there? - asked the old man.
“It’s me, your Wealth, open it to me,” they answered from behind the door.
“I was already rich, but the money left me long ago.” No, I won’t open the door for you, don’t even ask,” said the old man.
And the wealth is gone. Some time passed, and again there was a knock on the door. The old man asked again who was bothering him.
“It’s me, your Love, open to me,” they answered him.
– I already had love, I was married. But my wife died a long time ago - why do I need love? No, I won't let you in.
And Love left unsalted. And for the third time there was a knock on the door. And again the old man came to the door to find out who needed him. Happiness stood outside the door and asked to come into the house.
“Well,” said the old man, “I had happiness too.” But that too passed. Go away, I don't need happiness.
Happiness has gone away. Before the old man had time to move away from the door, there was a knock again.
-Who is bothering me again?
- It's us, your friends!
The old man replied:
– I’m always glad to have friends! Come in!
He opened the door, and together with his friends, Love, Wealth, and Happiness entered his house. I propose to raise our glasses so that the doors of this house will always be open for friends, and with them everything else will come to the owner!

A man and a dog were walking along a long, deserted, tiresome road. He walked and walked, terribly tired, and the dog was tired too. Suddenly in front of him is an oasis! Beautiful gates, behind the fence - music, flowers, the murmur of a stream...
- What it is? – the traveler asked the gatekeeper.
- This is heaven, you have already died, and now you can go in and truly relax.
- Is there water there?
– As many as you like: clean fountains, cool pools...
- Will they give you food?
- Whatever you want.
- But I have a dog with me.
- I'm sorry, but dogs are not allowed. She will have to be left here.
And the traveler walked past... After some time, the road led him to a farm. There was also a gatekeeper at the gate.
“I’m thirsty,” the traveler asked.
- Come in, there is a well in the yard.
- And my dog?
- Near the well you will see a drinking bowl.
- What about food?
- I can treat you to dinner.
- And the dog?
- There will be a bone.
-What kind of place is this?
- It is a paradise.
- How so? The gatekeeper at a nearby palace told me that heaven was there.
- He lies everything. It's hell there.
- How can you, in heaven, tolerate this?
- This is very useful for us. Only those who do not abandon their friends reach heaven...
I raise my glass to true and loyal friends!

Let men forgive me, because we are talking about women.
In an ancient legend
Since then we have learned
That loyalty to your beloved is in many ways
Depends on hair color.
The young men walked, arguing,
Along the seashore.
And there is no end in sight to the dispute
But suddenly we met by the sea
They are a gray-haired sage.
-You are old, you are wise,
We've been arguing all morning.
- What is your dispute?
I just don't understand.
– Don’t trust brown-haired women
Don't trust brunettes
Or can you trust no one?
– I personally am afraid of both whites and redheads,
But I know, I swear by my beard,
That a woman can then only believe
When she turns grey.
Men, I see, are smiling again,
They laugh at women.
And your brother, probably, at his word
And you can't trust a bald man.
Friends, let's drink to us - curly, gray, black, bald, but devoted!

One Georgian prince had an only son. The prince wanted to educate him the best way. Began to consult with smart people. He consulted and decided that only virtue was respected. And abstinence leads to virtue, which protects a person from vice. And the prince decided that his young son would become a virtuous man. The prince gathered his servants and said:
“I declare to you all: if any woman dares to appear near my house or in the garden, or even near my garden, she should be severely punished.” This is about beautiful women, which give rise to vicious thoughts in men. So, remember my order.
Virtue and wisdom reigned in the garden and in the prince’s house. But a year has passed. One day, while walking through the garden at night, the prince heard a passionate whisper in the thickets of flowers. The prince announced the alarm, soldiers surrounded the garden and soon brought his son to the prince, accompanied by a woman wrapped in a veil. The prince shouted when he saw the woman:
- Tear off the covers from her! Let everyone see the weapon of vice!
A woman appeared before everyone, crooked in one eye. It was a scullery maid, left in the palace only because of her disgrace.
- Explain to me, my son, where were your eyes?
The prince's son bowed forward and answered:
“Father, this woman is not as bad as you think!” True, she has one eye. But isn’t there only one sun shining in the sky, father? And we find it wonderful. And we believe that this is enough. It gives us quite a bit of light.
The prince, clutching his head, shouted:
- Enough, I cancel my order!
So let's raise our glasses to the love that always arises where there is at least one woman and at least one man!

When one respected aksakal celebrated his eightieth birthday and the fiftieth anniversary of his life together with his wife, he was asked:
– How did you manage to maintain family life and at the same time good health?
“There’s no secret to this, it’s just that when my wife and I got married, we made an agreement with her: as soon as we quarrel, I put on a burka and go to the mountains. So it was precisely daily walks in the mountains that brought such benefits to both my health and my family life.
So let's drink to the wives with whom we become long-livers!

A man and a bear fraternized. The man invited Toptygin to visit and gave a feast in his honor. And when he said goodbye, he kissed the clubfoot and asked his wife to do the same. But the wife spat and said angrily:
– I can’t stand smelly guests!
Soon the man visited the bear. Having decided to chop wood on the way back, he took an ax with him. Mishka greeted the guest affectionately, and then began to persistently ask him:
- Hit me on the head with an ax!
The man refused for a long time: is it really possible?! But the owner of the den insisted on his own. What to do? The guest hit the clubfoot on the head with a butt and seriously injured him. A month later, the friends met again. The bear’s head managed to heal, and he said to the man: “You see, brother: the wound from the ax has healed, but the heart, wounded by your wife’s tongue, has not healed.” The tongue can not only injure, but also kill.
Let us handle this dangerous weapon carefully!

Respectable people gathered at the table. And the women asked: “What is love?”
One woman says:
– Love is probably a disease.
The doctor stands up:
- No, this is not a disease. Most likely, this is work, because a very large amount of energy is released.
The architect stands up:
- Well, what kind of work is this? After all, everything is so perfect. Rather, it is art.
The art critic stands up:
- No. Art needs an audience. And this happens one on one. Rather, it is a process.
The lawyer stands up:
– What a process it is when both sides are satisfied. Rather, it is science.
The old professor stands up:
- What kind of science is this when every young student can do it, but I, an old professor, cannot!
So let's drink to the eternal students! In love!

The parents had an only son. He lived happily and grew up happily. He had friends, as he called them. And then one day he met beautiful girl and decided to marry her. In the pre-wedding efforts, the father approached his son and suggested:
- Come on, son, I'll call your friends.
And the son agreed.
And then the solemn day came - the wedding day. All the neighbors and relatives gathered, colleagues, just acquaintances and strangers came. But there were no friends - not a single friend showed up at the wedding. And when the son asked his father a question, he answered:
- Son, I wanted to check on your friends, and instead of inviting them to the wedding, I sent them a request for help. As you can see, no one came.
So let's drink to real friends! For us and our friendship!

Vacationers on the beach caught a bottle in the water. They opened it, and a note fell out: “I live on a desert island. There are no bandits, no loans, no debtors, no creditors, no cops, no tax inspectors, no businessmen, no bankers, no graters, no showdowns... May you all burst with envy!” And the signature: “New Georgian.”
Let's drink to you, my friends, being lucky in life too!

A wife wakes up her husband in the morning after a feast in honor of his payday.
- Vakhtang, get up, it’s late!
– Woman, have you cleaned my jacket?
- Cleaned it up, Vakhtang, get up!
- Woman, have you cleaned my shoes?
- What, Vakhtang, are there pockets there too?
So let's raise a glass to our gentle and caring wives!

Once a horseman decided to get married and came to his father. At that time, the father was sitting thoughtfully under the shade of an old tree and drawing something in the sand with a twig. Dzhigit, approaching him, said:
- Father, I need your advice. I met an amazingly beautiful girl and I want her to become my wife.
The father, without looking up from his thoughts, drew a zero in the sand.
“Father, I’m sure she will be a wonderful housewife.”
Father, still not looking up from his thoughts, drew another zero. The horseman continued to list the girl’s merits, but the old father all this time drew only zeros. The guy finally despaired and exclaimed:
- Father, we love each other!
After that, the father looked at his son respectfully and drew a unit in front of all the zeros.
So let's drink to love, which can increase all virtues thousands of times!

The Eastern ruler once visited a prison where twenty prisoners were serving their sentences.
- Why are you sitting there? - asked the bishop.
Nineteen out of twenty immediately swore that they were imprisoned innocently, solely due to a judicial error. And only the twentieth admitted that he was in prison for theft.
“Release him immediately,” the bishop ordered, “he can render bad influence on all others honest people that are located here.
So let's drink to the people whose honesty helps them to be free!

Two leopards were circling in the forest and came across a hut. There was a leopard skin on the floor.
– Do you know what this is? – one leopard asked the other. He looked at the skin and trembled, whispering in horror:
- Let's run! This is my mother-in-law!
Let's move our glasses in honor of good mothers-in-law, whom we would not be afraid of!

Once upon a time there were two friends. They fell in love with one girl, and she said to them:
“I love you both, but you will light a fire on both sides of the river.” Whoever's fire burns longer is the one I will marry.
They did just that: tourniquet-tourniquet... and one fell asleep. The second sees that his friend has fallen asleep, swims across the river, throws firewood at him, swims back and... falls asleep. The first one, waking up, sees that his friend’s fire is going out, swims across the river, looks, but he has no wood, and throws himself into the fire...
So let's drink to the fact that each of us has such a friend.

One mosque rector addressed his parishioners after the holiday:
- Unhappy ones, know that you have fallen below animals. Well, put two buckets in front of the donkey: one with water, the other with wine. What will he drink?
- Of course, water! – answered many listeners.
- That's right, water. And why?
- Because he's an ass! – came a friendly answer.
My friends, let’s not become like foolish donkeys, let’s pour wine into glasses and drink, especially in such pleasant company!

There is a wonderful legend in the Caucasus.
The old khan had one and only son and his name was Sandro. He was good to everyone - handsome, strong, dexterous, and smart, but the trouble was: he had no memory. The old khan wanted him to have many grandchildren, so that cheerful children's voices could be heard in the house. But there was no way his son could get married. No matter which girl Sandro meets, after five minutes he can no longer remember who she is or what her name is.
And so Sandro decided to go to distant lands for his bride. The khan gave him a parting amulet and said:
“My son, when you meet a girl you like, give her this amulet.” She will put it around her neck, and you will always be able to remember her by this amulet.
Sandro left and traveled for a long time through high mountains, valleys and villages, but did not meet a single girl who would suit his heart. And then one day, tired, hungry and thirsty, he wandered into a village. In the center of the village there was a deep well with clean, cold water, and a girl stood at the well and drew water.
“Beauty,” Sandro turned to her, “give me something to drink, I’m dying of thirst.”
The girl poured him not water, but delicious wine, and he got drunk.
- Dear girl, give me a piece of bread, I’m dying of hunger.
The girl baked a magnificent pie and fed him. And he realized that he would not meet a better girl on his way, gave her the amulet, and said that if she wanted to become his wife, then let her come to his homeland, he would recognize her by the amulet. And he left.
The girl thought and realized that she had fallen in love with the young traveler. She went to Sandro in the city, but lost the amulet on the way. That's why Sandro didn't recognize his bride when he saw her.
The girl brought with her her delicious wine and a magnificent pie. Sandro tried them, remembered her and never forgot her again.
Let's drink to the golden hands of the hostess, who today created such dishes, the divine taste of which can make you forget everything in the world!

One elder told me an old legend. A long time ago there lived a man in the mountains. He somehow angered fate - and was severely punished for his sin. This man was constantly thirsty, but could not quench it. He drank from wells, drank from fast mountain rivers, but thirst pursued him. And even the best wine could not help him. One day he walked into an unfamiliar house and asked for a drink. A girl of unearthly beauty brought him a jug of ordinary water. The man fell in love with her at first sight, and forgot about everything in the world except this girl. Even about your thirst.
So let's raise a toast to the kind of love that can quench even the strongest thirst!

One wise man had a daughter. Two people came to her to marry her: a rich man and a poor man. The sage said to the rich man:
“I will not give my daughter for you,” and he married her off to a poor man.
When asked why he did this, he replied:
“The rich man is stupid, and I’m sure he will become poor.” The poor man is smart, and I foresee that he will achieve happiness and prosperity.
If that sage were with us today, he would raise the cup of wine to the fact that when choosing a groom, brains are valued, not wallets.

One prince invited a musician to his place and asked him to entertain him. The musician played very well.
- May your hand be blessed! – the prince praised the musician. - For a wonderful game, I will give you a gold cigarette case.
The musician thanked the prince and the next day came for what he had promised.
- What cigarette case? Yesterday you delighted me with a good game, and I delighted you with my promise. What's left of your game is the same thing left of my promises.
Let's drink so that the promises of men do not dissipate like the wind!

One merchant had a son. A merchant once gave him a coin and said:
- Take it, son, and try to save money.
The son threw the coin into the water. The father found out about this, but said nothing. The son did nothing, did not work, but only ate and drank in his father’s house. Then the father called his son and said:
- Go, son, and earn money yourself.
The son went and got a job. From morning until late evening he kneaded clay with his bare feet and, having received the money, brought it home.
“Look, father,” said the young man. - I earned money
The father replied:
- Well, son, now go and throw them into the water.
The son realized that he had previously been unfair to his father’s kindness and lowered his head.
So let's drink not to the belt and rod, but to the wisdom of our fathers and grandfathers.

Two commanders met in battle. One defeated the other, took him prisoner and put him in a pit. A selfish man decided to help out someone in trouble. He approached the pit and shouted to the prisoner:
- Prisoner, will I do well if I help you escape?
The commander thanked him. Throwing a rope into the hole, the man pulled him out. And the first thing he asked was:
“Did I do a good job of saving you?”
The rescued man thanked him again. But after a short time The “benefactor” again asked if he had done well to help the general out of trouble. The general got tired of this, and he shouted at the top of his voice:
- Hey, who's there? This man wants to help me escape!
The guards appeared and seized them both. When they asked the commander why he gave himself away, not wanting to hide, he replied:
“This guy is boring me, asking for gratitude.” By the time we got to a safe place, he would have killed me. I'd rather stay in the hole.
So I raise a toast to my friends who always help me without requiring any thanks!

There is an old Caucasian legend.
High in the sky, right under the clouds, a young eagle was flying. A deer was running below, saw her and shouted:
“Little eagle, look how good I am: I run fast, I’m wise with experience, and my eyes are big and bright.” Come down from the sky, you will be my wife.
- No, deer. You are really good, you run fast and low, and you are wise with experience, but actually stupid, and your eyes are beautiful, but not keen - you don’t see that I’m not suitable for you. Run further, don't be my husband.
Let's raise our glasses to the beautiful housewife, whose husband flew high, was smart, and had keen eyes, because he saw such an eagle high in the sky and was able to take her as his wife!

One day a traveler was walking along a mountain gorge. Suddenly he saw: an ancient old man was planting a fruit tree in the garden. The traveler was surprised and asked:
- Father, tell me how much years will pass, before the tree that grew from the seed you planted begins to bear fruit?
The old man answered him:
- You're right, of course. The fruits will appear no earlier than in a good twenty years. I, most likely, will not live to see this, but let others eat them, just as I now eat what my ancestor planted.
I propose a toast to the old man,
So that his covenant does not fade for centuries,
So that generosity is exactly like this
Distinguished each of us.

God molded a man out of clay, and he was left with a small piece of clay.
-What else do you need to make, man? - God asked.
The man thought: it seems like everything is there - arms, legs, head - and said:
- Make me happy.
But God did not know what happiness was. He gave the clay to the man and said:
- Make your own happiness!
For our success in this matter!

The grandfather sat in heaven and wept bitterly. A boy came up to him and asked why he was grieving. The old man answers:
“There is a custom on earth to drink for the repose of our souls.” As long as our children remember us, we are always well fed and with a full jug of wine. And now I have an empty jug, which means I have been forgotten on earth.
So let's remember those who are not with us.

The winegrower gave the gardener two roosters and said:
– You will breed purebred chickens.
The gardener was happy, but early: the roosters fought each other every now and then and walked around bleeding. The gardener told the winegrower about this, and he advised:
- Catch the roosters and pluck them.
- They won't die? – the gardener was scared.
- Don't worry.
The gardener plucked the roosters and released them. The roosters felt cold, they huddled close to each other to keep warm, and made peace.
Let's drink, friends, so that our friendship will always warm us!

The trial is underway. A young beautiful Georgian woman, recently married, is divorcing her husband, a small and frail man.
– Why are you divorcing your husband? - the judge asks her.
- Yes, the whole village is laughing at me - I’m weak, frail, can’t jump on a horse. Is this a horseman?
The Georgian jumps up and shouts indignantly:
- Wah-wah, you’re lying, woman! She doesn't feed me! Give me one bowl of soup and the whole village will be jealous!
Let’s drink to our hostess, who cares about her sweetheart and about you and me!

Two Caucasians met. After the usual stormy Caucasian greetings, one asks the other:
- Listen, Vakhtang, dear, they told me that you got married? This is true?
- Yes.
“The last time I saw you, you were a confirmed bachelor. Why did you get married?
– You know, I couldn’t eat what they serve in the canteens.
- Well, what now?
- Oh, now I eat in the dining room with pleasure!
So let's drink to love, which can radically change our view of the world!

One day a young horseman, having descended from the mountains, found himself in an unfamiliar city. He wandered the streets hoping to find a place to stay for the night. Late at night he was lucky enough to find shelter with a young widow. She put it in her only room on the next bed. At night the woman began to complain that she was cold. Dzhigit lent her his blanket.
After some time, the woman again complained that she was cold. To which the guest said that he had nothing more to offer her. Then the woman said that before, when her husband was alive, he warmed her with his body. Here the modest young man was taken aback and said:
- Excuse me, but where can I find the body of your late husband at three o’clock in the morning in an unfamiliar city?
So let's drink to women's ability to give subtle hints!

Once upon a time there lived one very rich man and one poor man. And both wanted happiness. The rich man was served happiness on a large platter, but soon he grew tired of it, and he began to cry because he did not know what else to want.
But the poor man’s happiness was on a high rock, and he climbed and climbed it, but, not knowing the rules of rock climbing, he failed every time.
So let's drink to not looking for deceptive happiness on a wide platter, but to enroll in the mountaineering and rock climbing section, and thereby acquire reliable life skills.

It happened in a tropical country. The daughter complained to her mother that her husband was cheating on her. And the mother said:
- This is a fixable matter. Bring me two or three hairs, but not ordinary ones, but pluck them from the tiger’s whiskers!
- What are you talking about, mom! – my daughter was scared.
- Just try, you are a woman, you should be able to do everything!
My daughter thought. Then she slaughtered a sheep and went into the forest with a piece of meat. She sat in ambush and waited. A tiger appeared and, furious, rushed towards her. She threw the meat and ran away. The next day she came again, and again the tiger rushed towards her. She threw the meat, but did not run away, but watched him eat. On the third day, seeing her with meat, the tiger happily beat his tail, it seemed that he was waiting for the woman. And she began to feed him right from the palm of her hand. On the fourth day, the tiger joyfully ran up to the woman and, having eaten a piece of lamb, laid his head on her lap. The tiger dozed off blissfully. And at that moment the woman pulled out three hairs and brought them home to her mother.
“Well,” she said, “you have tamed such a predatory beast as a tiger.” Now go and tame your husband either with affection or cunning - as best you can. Remember: there is a tiger in every man.
So, I propose a toast to women who have tenderness, patience, and courage, and so that the tigers dormant in us, men, surrender to their mercy!

Givi returns after a long service in foreign lands to his home, to his beautiful wife. He enters his house, and he is greeted not only by his wife, but also by three children! They rejoice, laugh, and call him dad. Givi was surprised and asked his wife:
– Suliko, are these our children? After all, when I left to serve, they were not there!
- Vai, Givi, don’t you remember? When you left for service, I was pregnant - our eldest was born. And then, remember, I came to you - after our date, a daughter was born!
- Well, okay, but where does the third one come from? – asks the amazed Givi.
- Why are you pestering him? He sits quietly, and let him sit!
So let's drink to our merciful mothers, thanks to whose efforts we all have many cheerful brothers and beautiful sisters!

High in the mountains lived a gray-haired and wise elder. He was telling an old legend about a young unlucky Georgian named Givi.
Givi wanted to marry, but not a single girl in the village was given for him, such an unlucky man. His mother went to the village and married the most beautiful girl to him. Givi got married, had children, and they were so naughty that his wife could not cope with them. Givi’s mother began to sit with her grandchildren, play with them, and raise them.
Givi had a flock of sheep, but wolves got into the habit of stealing young lambs from it. He wanted to ask his mother for advice, but didn’t have time. She died. But after death she turned into a hawk and began to drive away the wolves from her son’s herd. And Givi had no more troubles, and he lived a long and happy life.
So let’s drink, (host’s name), to our mothers, the wisest and kindest, ready to help us in any difficult situation!

One horseman went to the market. He looks and they sell three parrots. He approached and began asking the seller what kind of birds they were. Seller says:
– One of them knows nothing, the other knows a few Georgian words, and the third - the most expensive - knows where the treasure is buried.
I chose the most expensive Georgian and bought it. Asks:
- Parrot, do you really know where to look for the treasure?
- Kaneshna.
He walks past an old, abandoned courtyard:
- Well, parrot, is there a treasure here?
- Kaneshna.
Enters the yard:
- Look here, parrot?
- Kaneshna.
A Georgian walked into the yard and saw a beautiful girl there...
- This is a treasure!
– Genatsvali, did you really find the treasure? - asks the parrot.
- Kaneshna!
I propose to drink to love, which helps us distinguish true values!

In our family, one parable is passed down from generation to generation.
When my great-great-great-great-grandfather married a girl from a neighboring village, he took her to his place on horseback. But on the way the horse stumbled - and my ancestor said: “One”; when the horse stumbled, he said: “Two”; but when the horse stumbled for the third time, he killed him. Then his wife exclaimed: “Why did you kill the poor animal?” In response, she heard only one word: “One.” Since then, all women in our family have been told this parable before they get married.
So let's drink to the women who know how to shut up in time!

The man died and went to heaven. His guardian angel meets him in heaven and tells him:
“Come with me, I’ll show you your whole life path.”
They look down, and below there is a road, in some places flat, in others with bumps, and on the road there are two pairs of footprints. A man asks an angel:
– What is this second pair of footprints after mine?
- These are my tracks.
The man looks further and suddenly sees that in some places there are only some traces, and no others. Then he asks the angel:
– Why in some places there are only one footprints?
The angel answers him:
- This is special difficult moments your life!
-Where have you been? Why are there no traces of you? How could you leave me at such a difficult time in my life?
- These are not your tracks, these are my tracks. But yours are not here, because I carried you in my arms.
So let's drink to everything difficult periods our lives, our angels carried us in their arms. In general, let's drink to our angels!

Once upon a time there lived a girl of incomparable beauty, but she had neither a husband nor a groom. The fact is that a sage lived next to her, and he said:
“Whoever decides to kiss the beauty will die!” Everyone knew that the sage was never wrong, so hundreds of brave horsemen looked at the girl from afar, not daring to even approach her. And suddenly one day a young man appeared who, at first sight, like everyone else, fell in love with the beauty. But he instantly climbed over the fence, came up and kissed the girl.
- Ah! - the horsemen cried out. - Now he will die!
But the young man kissed the girl again, and again. And she immediately agreed to marry him.
- But how can that be?! – the other horsemen exclaimed. “You, sage, predicted that whoever kissed the beauty would die?!”
“So it will be,” answered the sage. “But I never said it would happen right away.” He will die someday later, when after many years of a happy life his time comes.
So let's drink to those who know how to listen carefully. Even such long toasts!

In one high mountain village, a very old and very rich aksakal dies. All his relatives gathered at his deathbed to listen to his last will. The dying man whispers:
“I leave my house to my beloved wife, my countless flocks of sheep to my sons, my priceless wines to my daughters and their husbands, my vast vineyards to my grandchildren, and to my eldest great-grandson Givi, who always repeated to me that the main thing is not money and property, but health, I leave my new boots, cloak and staff - go, dear, through the mountains, breathe the air, gain health, wail, wail, wail!
So let's drink to health - the main value of a real horseman!

Have you heard the most beautiful Caucasian legend?
Once upon a time in the Caucasus mountains there was a small village. All the people in that village were cheerful and hospitable. And the biggest fan of feasts was one gray-haired old man. He did not have the money to throw rich feasts, but he had a young daughter of such beauty that the whole village gathered to see him and even residents of other villages came. The old man was proud of his daughter and dreamed of marrying her to his neighbor so that she would always be nearby.
One day guests from distant places came to him and brought him strong and tasty wine. The old man arranged a holiday, and his daughter was present at it. Among the distant guests there was a young horseman who liked the old man’s daughter so much that he decided to marry her and take her with him. He poured strong wine for the old man, he drank it and fell asleep. And the horseman took the girl to distant lands, and married her, and began to organize merry feasts, to which many people came to try his strong wine and look at his beautiful wife. And from then on the old man lived alone and did not host any more feasts, because nothing made him happy without his daughter.
Let's drink to our hostess, our daughter (birthday boy, etc.), smart and beautiful, and wish her to decorate our holidays and delight our hearts for as long as possible!

Once upon a time there lived a just and wise king in one of the Caucasian countries. And he had three sons. This king grew old and wished to hand over the reins of government to one of his sons who would be more capable of this difficult task. The king called his sons and said:
– My dear sons! You see that your father can no longer rule the country because he has become old. Whichever of you is able to fulfill my dream will inherit the throne and become king.
- What kind of dream is this, father? - the sons asked.
“There is a huge storage room in the royal courtyard. I want you to fill it with something that would be most needed in this world. So go on a search, find what you need and fill my storage.
The sons set off on their journey. Thirty-three days later they returned home and came to their father.
- Well, have you found the most necessary thing?
- Yes, we found it, dear father!
The king led his sons to the doors of the storehouse, opened the doors and called his eldest son.
“What will you fill this vault with, dear son?”
The eldest son took a handful of grain from his pocket and said:
“I will fill this storehouse with bread, dear father!” There is nothing more necessary than bread; no one can live without it.
The king called his middle son:
– What will you fill this storage with?
The middle son took a handful of earth from his pocket and said:
“I will fill this storage facility with earth.” Without land there is no bread.
The king called his youngest son:
- Well, what will you fill this storage with?
With these words I let you down younger son to the father of a beautiful girl and said:
“I will fill this repository with the light of love, father.” I have traveled a lot, seen a lot, but there is nothing more needed in the world than love. Without love there would be no life on earth. Love is the most necessary thing! Only the light of love gives life to a person!
-You deserve the right to the throne! – exclaimed the delighted father. – You want the most beautiful things, you want to fill your hearts with the light of love!
So let's listen to the opinion of the wise king and raise our glasses to the most beautiful thing in the world - to love!

There is an old parable in the Caucasus. Once a snake crawled to Allah and said:
“Turn me into a beautiful woman, I’m tired of crawling around in scales.”
Allah fulfilled her request and, turning her into a beautiful woman, said:
- Go and feel sorry for people.
Then a white dove flew to Allah and asked:
-Turn me into a beautiful woman!
Allah transformed her and said:
- Go and bring good to people.
Since then, two beautiful women have walked the earth - with a black and a white soul. So let's drink to women with white souls, of whom there are undoubtedly more!

A merchant and a scientist were sailing on a ship. The merchant was rich and carried a lot of goods, and scientist man had nothing. A storm arose at sea and the ship was wrecked. Only the merchant and the scientist were saved. They clung to a log, and the wave carried them to the shore. The merchant sees that the scientist is sad and says to him:
- Why are you sad? It was I who lost my wealth, and yours - everything is with you.
Let's raise a glass to that wealth that cannot be lost - to reason!

Before getting married, the bride negotiated only one condition from the groom: once a year he would let her go for three days without asking anything. They lived for a year in love and harmony. By the end of the year, the husband only felt some kind of internal tension in his wife. He became worried and asked what was the matter. Instead of answering, his wife reminded him of her condition and immediately disappeared from the house for three days. She returned on time, joyful, happy, and again they lived a harmonious life. However, a year later, the wife disappeared again for three days, and appeared even more tender and attentive. In the third year, the husband could not stand it and stealthily followed his wife. The wife, going deep into the forest, came out into a large clearing and stopped near a hundred-year-old oak tree. Looking around, she hurriedly climbed onto a branch and... turned into a viper. For three days the husband did not take his eyes off his viper wife, for three days the snake hung upside down, hissed, and poison dripped and dripped from its tongue. Exactly three days later, the poison stopped dripping, the snake slid from the oak tree and turned into a woman again. She clapped her hands, laughed a happy laugh and ran towards the house. Her husband barely managed to get ahead of her. Let's drink to the women who pour out a year's supply of poison in just three days! And not on my husband...

Once upon a time there lived a wise man, and he had a son, Dato. They lived amicably, but poorly: they had no relatives, no money, and there was only one field, which they sowed every spring. But the birds also pecked out the harvest from this field.
And then the time came, the old man died, but before his death he said to his son:
“When spring comes, plow our field three times and sow it with the best grains.” Spare no labor, weed and water the sprouts, and you will have rich shoots. But a big beautiful bird will fly in and destroy your entire harvest. If you are good to her, she will make you happy.
Spring came, Dato plowed the field three times, sowed it with the best grains, sparing no time and effort, weeding and watering the seedlings. And then the time came to harvest, but a large beautiful bird with golden sparkling feathers flew in and pecked all the grains. Dato was upset and wanted to drive the bird away, but he remembered what his father told him and did nothing to it.
The bird flew up to him and said:
- Dato, you were kind to me, you gave me plenty of your grains to eat, I will give you happiness for this.
The bird waved its wing and flew away, and the girl remained standing in its place. “This is such happiness!” – Dato thought. “She is as beautiful as a flower and as clear as a sunny day, but I myself have nothing to eat, and now I have to feed her too.”
Dato looks, and the girl has already approached the house. She waved her hand - and his old rickety house became like new again. She entered the house, waved her other hand, and all the dust and junk disappeared somewhere, and in the middle of the room appeared new table, all laden with delicious dishes. She went out into the field, waved her hands - and again it turned green with young shoots.
Let's raise a glass to our hostess, a real sorceress, who with one wave of her gentle hand I was able to set this fabulous table!

Two Georgians are talking:
- Soso, why are you so sad?
- Yes, my wife goes to her mother in a neighboring village for a month.
- So, that means you're so upset about this?
- Not really. If I have a happy face, she won't go anywhere!
So let's drink to wives like ours, whom we are always glad to see! Let mom come and visit herself!

A shepherd was driving across a field, looking for a sheep that had strayed from the herd. I approached a vast vineyard. He sees some gray-haired elder working there. The shepherd greeted him and said:
“Have you seen my sheep, good man?”
- No, I haven’t, but maybe my older brother will help you with this. He's working on that edge of the vineyard. Ask him.
The shepherd approached the elder brother of the gray-haired man. This one's head and beard were black on one side and gray on the other. The shepherd greeted him. He asked about his sheep. The half-grey man says to him:
“I didn’t see your sheep, but my older brother caught someone’s sheep this morning.” He works on the opposite edge.
The shepherd approached the eldest of the brothers and saw in front of him young man without a single gray hair on his head. The shepherd greeted him and told him about his trouble. The young man gave the shepherd his sheep. The shepherd thanked him and asked:
- Tell me, good man, why do your younger brothers look older than you?
“Our younger brother turned gray because he did not marry for love, he took himself a rich but evil wife. The middle brother is half gray because he has not yet married. And I am young because I married the girl I love - and every day I live with my beloved prolongs my life.
So let's drink to love, which makes lovers forever young!

The Georgians had a queen named Tamara. She was brave and people loved her. The Persian king came to Georgia with a large army. At first he was victorious. Tamara was forced to retreat. Ahead of her troops were driven by carts, then the warriors themselves walked. So Tamara went deeper into the mountains along the Daryal Gorge. Here she settled in her large tower. The Persian king sent word to Tamara:
- Give up. I have a huge army - and you will not defeat me. If you surrender, I will take you as my wife.
“Although your army is huge, any of my warriors can resist your ten warriors.” And rather than become your wife, I would prefer to marry my most worthless warrior.
Tamara united Georgians and various mountain peoples. With their help, she defeated and expelled the Persian king from her region.
So let's drink to rebellious women who know how to get their way!

A meeting was held in one Georgian village. First, the first secretary of the district committee spoke:
- Genatsvale, you worked hard for our Soviet Motherland, and the party has not forgotten you - you all see the banner of the foremost workers, which was awarded to you according to your merits. But one thing worries me - you don’t have a club... Where do you celebrate holidays with the sweet speeches of the toastmaster? Where do you listen to the smart stories of our respected lecturer? Where do you finally come to meetings to talk about the glorious deeds of the party? In this barn you can only moo... I propose to raise money and build a club... Do you agree?
- No! No! - the residents answered unanimously.
The secretary shrugged and sat down resentfully. The chairman of the district executive committee continued the meeting:
– I understand you – fame would make anyone’s head spin, I know that... But don’t forget! The party offers you a way out on how to raise culture in your village... And how do you respond? And already with a threat in his voice:
– So you will collect money for the construction of the club?
- No! No! - everyone answered unanimously.
Finally, the secretary of the local party organization stood up and raised his hand, demanding attention:
– Do you remember what Aniko’s grandmother told her granddaughter before the wedding?
- We remember! We remember! – those gathered answered in the same unanimous manner.
– So will you collect money for the club?
- We will! We will! - Everyone answered readily and began to disperse.
After the meeting, as usual, they organized a feast and the first, giving a friendly pat on the shoulder of the collective farm secretary, praised him:
- It's time to promote you, dear! So what did old Aniko say to her granddaughter?
- Yes, everyone here knows this... Before the wedding, the granddaughter came to her grandmother for advice: which side should she lie next to her husband so that it would be comfortable...
- Well, so what?
- And the wise Aniko says to her: “Whatever, granddaughter, he’ll take what’s his!”
So let's drink to the wisdom of the old people.

On our website you will find more than 500 original author's birthday toasts. More than 300 authors work especially for you; new birthday toasts appear daily, both in prose and in poetry. We have already covered all the “newborns”: boyfriend and girlfriend, dad and mom, colleague and boss, etc. And we continue to expand our database so that you can choose the best, most interesting and suitable birthday toast for your occasion.

Birthday Toast

I want to tell you this parable:
“The pencil maker made beautiful pencil, put his soul and heart into it. Before putting it in the box, he said:
“You must know five things. They are necessary to become the best. First: to do many useful and important things, you need to allow Someone to hold you in His hand and guide you. Second: time will wear you down, and this is very painful, but necessary. Third: everyone makes mistakes, the main thing is to understand and correct them. Fourth: the most important thing is inside. Fifth: you must leave a mark behind yourself, regardless of the condition and the surface on which you are used."
Let's congratulate our birthday boy on his birthday and drink to him following these simple, but so important truths.

Birthday greeting or toast

Listen to this parable:
“A man once dreamed that he went to heaven, where he could look at hell and heaven. First he went to hell and saw a huge hall there, tables full of food and drinks. There were unhappy people sitting at the tables who could not eat because they were holding very long spoons in their hands. Then he saw heaven, where there was also a large hall, tables full of food and drinks. There were also people sitting at the tables who could not eat because the spoons were very long. But these people were happy.
The man was surprised and asked the angel why people are happy in heaven and unhappy in hell. The angel said: “In heaven they don’t try to feed themselves, they feed each other!”
I would like to raise my glass to congratulate our birthday boy on his birthday and wish him more joyful moments in life, good luck and happiness. It all depends on your attitude towards life, and in this regard you are going in the right direction. Bon Voyage!

Birthday toast

I wish you to reap a generous harvest: health, good luck and love.
And so that everything is in abundance. And only one thing was missing:
Time to think about where all this comes from.

Birthday toast to friends

A friend is not easy close person who is ready to support you at any moment. It's something more:
P – will give you tights of the right size;
O – he really wants to invite you to the sale;
D – does little stupid things, like any real woman;
R - glad every meeting with you;
U – you can always ask her for lipstick;
G – ready to get involved in any adventure;
And - and he just loves you.
So let's drink to the fact that in everyone's life there is such a person who could be considered a best friend!

Birthday toast

I wish you seven colors of the rainbow: so that it shines above you
yellow sun and blue sky so that you always have
orange mood and purple dreams to be given to you
red tulips and finally, so that in your life there will be
eternal summer, dressed in green.
Happy birthday!

Birthday Toast

They say that once upon a time people did not grow old, but at the same time, they never changed and could not fully understand what happiness is, what love is, what friendship is. And one day they were given a choice to experience all this, but in return, time became powerful over them, they were scared, but they decided to take a risk and did not lose! After all, without time, we would not have known true love, true friendship and real happiness! So let's drink on your birthday, to the time you lived, and to all the good things it gave you!

My dear friend, today is your birthday, and at this table there is a great company of people who are dear to you and who care about you! So let's drink to getting together as often as possible and only on joyful occasions! And, of course, let's drink to the birthday girl! Let your beauty bloom year by year, and your inner world only gets better too!

Toast for Mom's Birthday

Walking along the slopes of life,
I'm often afraid to fall apart
Therefore, mother, dear,
I'm holding your hand...
My sweet angel, you shine
My life is like a star in the sky...
Having passed all the roads in the world,
I always come back to you!
For the best mother -
You are the only one in the world!
For your happiness, dear,
I drink the glass to the bottom!

You are worthy of praise and kind words,
Today, saying them is a good reason.
You gathered us at the festive table,
We drink so that you will be forever young,
So that the years multiply your power,
So that the experience makes you wise, but does not spoil it.
Be happy, be ready to help your friends,
Be honest, be healthy and be free!

Toast Birthday

One day, a company like ours gathered at the festive table to celebrate someone's birthday. They sit, drink, have a snack, tell table stories, someone has already started singing songs, when suddenly one guest gets up, taps the glass with a knife and says: “Dear guests! Dear birthday boy! We all love you very much and once again we want to wish you a happy birthday. I want everyone to stand up and unanimously congratulate you on the holiday, and at the same time look who sat on my plate, which the hostess put on the chair during the change of dishes!” Dear guests! Let's fill our glasses and drink to our birthday boy and to making everyone present in any company feel at ease!

Birthday toast to a friend

I want to drink to the beautiful and smart girl, congratulate her on her birthday and thank fate that she once brought us together and for so many years we have been the closest and best friends. I appreciate you for your cheerful disposition, joyful outlook on life, and lack of excessive seriousness. And let some believe that when a person is not serious, this hinders him in many ways. In fact, this is true. I address these words of a famous person to you: “Only the mentally ill take each other completely seriously.”

Original toast for a birthday

If you wish someone happiness on their birthday, then it is the same as a light bulb. Why? It shines brightly, burns forever, and the most important thing in happiness is to have a generator nearby! Let's drink to those “energy drinks” who are responsible for regularly turning on happiness!

Birthday Toast

I want to raise my glass while standing,
So that the world is full of happiness and peace,
And I say my wish
Beauty, let's drink to her!
Let life amaze you with luck,
Your dreams know no boundaries
Love always only makes hearts happy,
And friendship will be true without end!
I want to congratulate a wonderful woman on her birthday! You are beautiful and young, you make us happy with your great mood and a cheerful outlook on life! We wish you all the very best!

CEO birthday toast

Once an old man caught a goldfish in a net in the blue sea. She said that she would fulfill the old man’s three wishes. And so he thought and thought, and wished for the first thing: so that the whole sea would become from vodka. The old man drinks and can’t get enough of it. And the fish wheezes: “Make a wish, old man, and let go, otherwise I’ll suffocate.” The old man thought deeply and wished that the river would also become made of pure vodka. Your wish has come true! The old man drinks and can’t get enough of it. And the fish was almost dead, and barely whispered: “make a wish and let it go!” The old man scratched his head - he couldn’t think of anything. “Oh, God bless you, give me half a liter, I don’t need anything else.” Let's drink so that every birthday you make only real wishes and fulfill them better than gold fish!

Birthday Toast

For your birthday I want to tell you a toast,
In fact, it is unpretentious and simple!
They wish a lot today and everything,
And I want to wish you only one thing!
May good luck be with you,
And you will become much richer!
Let them surround you with great warmth,
They treat you with great soul!
I wish you a lot more health,
And the children will help you in everything!
But, in general, I wish you happiness in life,
And I will ask everyone to drink to the bottom!

Birthday Toast

Suddenly a small sun appeared in the sky. All the people looked at the sky and were amazed at its beauty and joyfully extended their palms to its rays. It was you who was born, a beautiful, extraordinary, sweet woman. The sun became brighter and everyone rejoiced and admired it. So let’s drink to you, our sun, which shines more and more every day!

Toast for a young girl's birthday

How beautiful you are, young
How much happiness awaits you!!!
I drink to always
You walked forward with a firm step!
So that only fabulous success
Accompanied you on your journey!
Please everyone raise their glasses,
And I drain my glass!!!

Oriental birthday toast

May your days be as bright as the silks of oriental beauties,
Let your table be full of dishes, like a padishah’s dinner.
Let the nights be fabulous, like the words that fell from Scheherazade’s lips.
Let your house become a palace, let the pond dissolve into the sea, and let your garden beds be overgrown with palm trees.
Let's drink to your imagination to always help you out in difficult times!!!

Toast for a friend's birthday

We have known you since childhood, friend,
In adversity we always helped each other,
Both joy and sorrow were shared all the time,
And they maintained a strong friendship for years!
So we'll drink today, on your birthday,
Behind best girl, without a doubt!
For joy, success, for good luck in business,
May you hold happiness tightly in your hands!!!
Let's drink to make your wishes come true,
And everything worked out without any problems!!!

Toast for a friend's birthday

There is never too much happiness
As much as you want.
We miss him all the time.
So raise your glasses!
We drink to have a lot of happiness,
and love so over the edge,
And earthly goodness to you,
Just drink to the bottom!

Toast for a friend's birthday

One day a man asked God to give him the meaning of life, and then he gave him love. And the man got what he wanted and became happy, but one day the love passed, and the man felt very bad, then God gave the man a friend who could support him. After all, this is the main quality of a true friend, to be with you when you feel bad! And it is precisely such a friend that I want to drink to and wish him only good luck in life!

Toast for a man's birthday

Listen to this story:
“One day a peasant came to the hairdresser. While he was waiting for his turn, he heard the master praise his fellow villagers: “Everyone in this village is so brave and courageous that they even shave dry.” The peasant decided to do the same. But after a few minutes it became unbearable for him. Then he says: “Oh, I live on the very edge, so I can use soap!”
Happy Birthday, our dear birthday boy! Let's drink to the strong and brave man who can find a way out of any situation.

Toast for a man's birthday

Everyone knows that up to a year each future man sleeps with a pacifier. From one to six years old, his sleep is guarded by a teddy bear. From six to twelve years old, every boy dreams of a book. From twelve to sixteen he thinks about his dream. From sixteen to twenty-five he sleeps with his girlfriend, from twenty-five to forty - with his wife, from forty to fifty-five - with his mistress, from fifty-five to sixty-five - with hope. When he turns sixty-five, a closed window becomes his companion. Let's drink to this birthday and wish our birthday boy that his window will always be open!

Birthday Toast

One a famous person said the following phrase: “People are what they should be and can be. They should do no more than they can. And if to be able means to be in reality, then what they are not is what they are not able to be.”
Let's congratulate our birthday boy on his birthday! I want to drink to him staying the way he is! Every person has the right to individuality and uniqueness, to mistakes and shortcomings. However, our love does not become less or weaker! Let's love a person just like that, and not for something! So let's drink to seeing only the best in people

Toast to your husband on his birthday

I want everyone in the world to know
That I tremblingly love my husband,
He may be bright,
And gloomy, like the sea at the time of storms.
But I’m always calm next to me, from various misfortunes, hardships or troubles,
May your home be filled with only joy and light!
We drink to you, be the happiest of all,
Do not encounter any obstacles or obstacles on the way!!!
Son, we raise our glasses to you -
May happiness always accompany you!

Toast to a friend's birthday

No one knows how the first friends appeared on earth; perhaps one Neanderthal helped another drag the carcass of a dead dinosaur to the cave. And for this he invited him to tea, perhaps one neoderthal gave another an excellent cut of the skin of a spotted rhinoceros, and for this she gave her a necklace made of the teeth of a saber-toothed fly. History is silent about this from us, but I know exactly how our friendship with you began and I will never forget it, and now, on your birthday, I really want to wish you to have in me the same friend that I have in your face!

Just before his death, the old man bequeathed to his two sons all his property to be divided in half. But the siblings couldn’t get along when dividing up their property, so they decided to invite them to help......

Once upon a time there lived a rich man and a beggar. The beggar had nothing to lose anyway, so he walked, drank vodka, had fun, etc. but the rich man couldn't...

Another parable that can be used as a toast: a donkey once threw a lion’s skin on himself and began to pretend to be a lion, began to stride importantly, etc...

One of the Soviet officials who oversees all the literature of that country once came to Stalin himself and said:

What to do with the writer and poet N. Everyone accuses him of Trotskyism, but there is significant evidence that he is loyal to our party...

Wise toasts


wise toasts

Happiness is like a ball that rolls up: today under one, tomorrow under another, the day after tomorrow under a third, then under a fourth, fifth, etc., according to the number and line of happy people.

Let's drink so that our ball will always be with us!

The sage said: “When you forgive, you receive satisfaction much more than from revenge, since forgiveness evokes praise, and revenge evokes repentance.”

Let us forgive each other our mistakes and blunders more often and thus receive mutual satisfaction!

Young and Beatiful lady at the funeral she said that she would never forget him and would not marry again. But she soon forgot her oath.

How will you survive people's rumors now? - asked her relatives.

“I’ll show you what people’s gossip is worth,” she said. She immediately took the bell, hung it from the rooster’s neck and released him into the street. People saw a rooster with a bell around its neck and began pointing at it to each other in surprise and laughing. But three days passed and everything became quiet,

This is how it will be with me - she said, having already entered into new marriage, lady. - They will make noise for three days and then die down.

I drink to the hope that people’s gossip won’t drive us too crazy!

As Shota Rustaveli said: “What you hid is lost. What you gave is yours!”

Let's give each other the warmth of our souls! For you, dears!

One merchant had a son, and the merchant once gave him a coin: “Mine, son, money.” The son threw the coin into the water. His father didn't tell him anything. The son continued to live in his father’s house and do nothing. Then the father called and said: “Go, son, and earn your own living.” The son went and got a job. From morning to night he kneaded clay with his bare feet and earned money. He brought it home and served it to his father. His father tells him: “Go and throw them into the water.” The son lowered his head and realized how unfair he had been to his father's kindness.

So let's drink not to the belt and rod, but to the wisdom of our fathers and grandfathers.

One hunter dreamed all his life of catching a black and brown fox. All his life he hunted for her, went all the mountains far and wide. In his old age, it became difficult for him to make transitions, and he began to hunt in a nearby gorge, almost near the house. And then he came across a black and brown beauty. The hunter asked the fox:

Where have you been hiding until now? I've been looking for you all my life.

“And I’ve lived in this gorge all my life,” answered the fox, “but don’t you know that even if you spend your whole life searching, it still takes one or even one moment to find it?

So let's drink to the women who are next to us, and to the moment when we found each other!

In youth it seems that happiness is ahead, in old age it seems that happiness is behind. How not to miss it?

Probably the best thing is to enjoy the present.

Here's to the moment, friends!

Once a horseman was riding through the mountains of beautiful Georgia with his young wife. He was as strong as a bull, as strong as a mountain river, his eyes were as bright as those of an eagle, his dagger was sharp as an attack of appendicitis, and his brain was as twisted as a scribble on a hat.

And so, a mountain goat appeared on the rock above the road. And the horseman, at full gallop, pulled out his gun and shot at the animal, but missed. Then he stopped his horse and, taking aim, shot again, but the goat did not even move. Then the horseman got down to the ground, and, kneeling down, fired again, but the goat only jumped to the side. And when the horseman wanted to lie down to shoot, the goat had already disappeared. Both the young horseman and his young wife died of hunger.

So let's drink so that we don't come across such goats on our life's path!

Kafka has a parable about a man who stands in front of an open gate and does not dare to enter it. The gate is guarded by stern guards. Time passes and the gates close. Then the guards say:

This gate was meant for you, and you were the only one we were supposed to let through.

Let's drink to not being late and entering your gates!

The philosopher Diogenes said: “Being rich and having a lot of money are not the same thing. The truly rich are those who are satisfied with their life.”

Let's drink to wealth!


-oriental parables and toasts

In a certain khanate there lived many poets. They wandered through the villages and sang their songs. Khan loved to listen to poets in his free time from his affairs or from his wives. One day he heard a song that sang about the cruelty of the khan, about his injustice and greed. Khan became angry. He ordered the poet who composed the seditious song to be taken to the Khan's palace. The composer of the song could not be found. Then the order was given to catch all the poets. Like hound dogs, the khan's guards rushed along villages, roads, mountain paths, and remote gorges. They caught everyone who composed and sang, and they put everyone in the palace dungeon. In the morning, the khan came out to the arrested poets:

Well, now let everyone sing me one of their songs.

All the poets took turns singing a song, praising the khan, his bright mind, his kind heart, his beautiful wives, his power, his greatness, his strength. They sang that never before had there been such a great and just khan on earth. Khan released one poet after another.

Finally, only three poets remained in the dungeon, who did not sing a single song. These three were locked up again, and everyone thought that the Khan had forgotten about them.

However, three months later the khan came to the prisoners:

Well, now let each of you sing me some of your own songs.

One of the three immediately sang a song praising the khan, his bright mind, kind heart, his most beautiful wives, his power, his greatness, his strength, his glory. He sang that there had never been such a great khan on earth. The singer was released. The two who did not want to sing were led to a fire that had been prepared in advance in the square.

“Soon you will be consigned to the fire,” said the Khan. - For the last time I say, sing me some of your songs.

One of the two could not resist and sang a song glorifying the khan, his bright mind, his kind heart, his beautiful wives. his power, his greatness, his strength, his glory. He sang about that. that never before has there been such a great and just khan on earth.

This singer was also released. There was only one left, the last stubborn one, who did not want to sing.

Tie him to a pole and start a fire! - the khan ordered.

Suddenly, the poet tied to the post began to sing the very song about the cruelty, injustice and greed of the khan with which this whole story began.

Untie it quickly and remove it from the heat! - the khan shouted. - I don’t want to lose the only real poet in my country!

So let's drink to the great art of telling the truth even in the face of death!

Eastern parables and toasts

A certain prince invited a musician to his place to entertain him. The musician began to play.

Oh, bless your hand! - the prince praised him. - I give you a silver azarpema. The musician thanked him and sat down to play further.

I will not regret my horse for you! - the prince went wild.

The musician tries even harder.

“I wish you a cow,” the owner became generous.

The next day the musician appears to receive the promised gifts.

What azarpema, what horse? - answered the sobered prince. - Yesterday you pleased me with your play, and I pleased you with my promises. The same thing that remains today from your game is left to you from my gifts.

Let us fill our glasses and drink so that we can always and under any circumstances keep our word.

Toast parables

The ancient Greeks believed that human destiny had its own goddesses. They were called Moira. Initially, it was believed that each person has his own moira. Then the number of these goddesses was reduced to three: Atropos, Clotho and Lachesis. A person’s whole life was connected with them. They were imagined as old women. Lachesis sets the lot even before birth, Clotho spins the thread of fate, Atropos inevitably brings the future closer and, cutting the thread, ends life.

So, dear hero of the occasion! I wish that Clotho would spin your thread strong and thick, Lachesis would keep your happy lot, helping you to pass through life. sharp corners and labyrinths, and Atropos’s scissors became dull, and she sharpened them for a very long time before doing the inevitable.

Parables congratulations on birth

Once upon a time, God gave a person five years to live, and a horse, a dog, a monkey and all other animals - fifty years each. The man was offended, but God decided so...

A man went to the animals so that they would give him a part of their life. This is how it happened that for twenty-five years a person lives like a human being, for the next twenty-five years he plows like a horse, then he lives like a dog, and for the next twenty-five years they laugh at him like a monkey.

So let’s drink to (name) living for at least another hundred years as a human being! Happy day to you dear!

parables happy birthday

Once a jackal came to a lion and invited him to fight. Leo didn't pay any attention to him. Then the jackal threatened him:

If you do not fight with me, then I will go and tell all the animals that the lion - the king of animals - was terribly afraid of me.

The lion thought and answered in a majestic tone:

I'd rather be condemned for cowardice than be despised for a humiliating fight with a jackal!

So let's drink to remaining lions everywhere and never humiliating ourselves before unworthy jackals!

parables happy birthday

I want to wish my friend on his birthday the health of a marathon runner, the intelligence of an academic and the wealth of Bill Gates. (name) has everything else: wonderful parents and reliable friends.

For you, (name)! For our friendship!

Congratulations... wishes... toasts and humor... as well as... parables and wise wishes..

toasts for men.....

You know, Susie, I’m so lonely,” Gabi complains to her friend.

That is, how lonely? - Susie is surprised. Everyone knows what you have

there is not only a loving husband, but also a handsome lover...

That's the thing: they constantly rely on each other.

So let's drink to real men who do not shift their responsibilities onto the shoulders of another!


It was a beautiful fresh morning. Came to a beautiful lake beautiful girl, and near the lake a sheep walked and chewed grass. The girl began to undress, and the ram kept walking and chewing grass. The girl almost undressed, and the ram kept walking and chewing grass. The girl completely undressed, and the ram kept walking and chewing grass. The girl jumped into the water, and the ram kept walking and chewing grass. The girl got out of the water, and the ram kept walking and chewing grass. The girl got dressed and left, and the ram kept walking and chewing grass... So let’s drink so that there won’t be such rams among us!


It used to happen that as soon as I thought about women, I immediately got excited. And now I think and think, and it’s all in vain, probably something happened to my head. Let's drink so that everything is always in order with your head!

Who does a man sleep with in his life: Up to 5 years - with a pacifier, from 5 to 10 - with a teddy bear, from 10 to 20 - with a dream, from 20 to 30 - with his wife, from 30 to 40 - with someone else's, from 40 to 50 - with any, from 50 to 60 - with a heating pad, from 60 to 70 - with a closed window. So let's drink to never close the window!


Adam stood under the apple tree and saw Eve and covered himself with his hat. -

“Pick an apple,” Eve asked. Adam stood silently. “Please pick an apple,” Eva asked. Adam reluctantly took his hands off his hat and picked an apple. Let's drink to the power that holds the hat!


In one not very large city there was a not very large bathhouse.

And in that bathhouse there were two sections - women's and men's, and these sections were separated by a thin wall... And then, one fine day, when the bathhouse was full of people, this wall fell with a roar. Everyone from both sides was seized by the gangs, and they covered the most piquant places... They stand like that, and they look at each other, they don’t know what to do. They stood like this for some time, the girls were the first to become bolder, and gradually they let the gangs go... The men looked, this is the case, so they let the gangs go... They let them go, but the gangs don’t fall... So let's drink to the strength that held back the gangs!


At 20 years old, a man is an instrument that plays without tuning. At 35 years old it’s a violin. It takes 2-3 minutes to set up and plays at the tuner's request. At 55 years old, it’s a piano: one tunes, the other plays. So let's drink to us men playing the violin until old age!

A naked woman with a pistol in her hand enters the men's bathhouse. The men saw her and covered themselves with their basins. She pointed the gun at them: “Hands up!” - The men raised their hands, and their basins were hanging. So let's drink to the great power that holds the basins!


Do not love a single man: he has not yet married and will not marry you. Don’t love a divorced person: the first one divorced and she will divorce you. Don’t love a widower: he drove the first one into a coffin and will drive you... Love a married man: he loves his wife and will love you! For married men!

For the cute, beautiful, kind, smart, attractive - for us, men!


A frog jumps over the railway tracks, and at this time

a passing train cuts off her bottom. She jumps further and thinks: “But my butt is beautiful, it’s a pity to leave it.” The frog came back, and then the train cut off its head. Let's drink to not losing your head over a beautiful ass!


A real man is one who remembers exactly a woman's birthday and never knows how old she is. And a man who never remembers a woman’s birthday, but knows exactly how old she is, is her husband. So let's drink to real men.


A man was walking through the forest. Suddenly a gray wolf runs out of the thicket and says: “Man, I will eat you!” - For what? - So. OK. If you fulfill three wishes of the person you meet, you will remain unharmed. That's what we decided. On the way they met a woman. The wolf explained the situation to her and said: - Your first desire, woman? Looking down, she quietly said: “Man, I want... The man fulfilled her first wish with great desire.” Having lowered her gaze, the woman said for the second time: “Man, I still want it.” Gathering all his strength, the man fulfilled her second wish. - Well, what about the third? - asked the wolf. Blushing, the woman whispered: “I want more.” The man knelt down, lowered his head and said: “Eat me, wolf.” So let's drink, friends, to those men whom wolves do not eat!

Toast parables - toasts in and prose

Toast parables

You all know the legend of Icarus. A long time ago, Icarus lived in the world. And he dreamed of flying like a bird. Icarus made himself wings from feathers and broke away from the sinful earth. He decided to rise above the trees - and he did. I wanted to fly higher than the mountains - and I took off. Then Icarus wanted to fly higher than the Sun, rose high, high almost to the Sun itself, but the wax that held the feathers melted, Icarus fell to the ground and broke. I want to wish our birthday boy that everything he dreams about comes true, that he conquers any heights and that no matter how high he rises, he never falls to the ground!

One of the ancient Greek myths tells about a woman named Dido. Driven by adversity, she settled in North Africa, where the Barbary king Yarb promised to give her as much land as an oxhide could cover. Dido cut the skin of an ox into thin strips and used them to measure out a large plot of land on which she founded Carthage. So let's drink to women's intelligence.

Once upon a time there lived a rich man and a poor man. The poor man had nothing to lose and he had fun, walked, ate barbecue, drank vodka - in general, he had a blast. But the rich man did not eat, did not sleep, did not rest, but still sat and trembled over his gold. And then one day the rich man got tired of this situation. “What is this,” he thought, “I’m a rich man, I have a lot of money, and I can’t live normally.” And then he decided to give all his gold to the poor man. And so, from then on, the rich man began to live and have fun, and the poor man changed. Now he stopped eating, drinking, resting - he began to tremble over his gold.

So let’s drink so that neither money, nor fame, nor love will prevent you from remaining a happy and cheerful person.

Once upon a time, God gave a man twenty-five years to live, and a horse, a dog, a monkey and all other animals fifty years. The man was offended, but God decided so... The man went to the animals so that they would give part of their life to him. This is how it happened that for twenty-five years a person lives like a human, for the next twenty-five years he plows like a horse, then he lives like a dog, and then for the next twenty-five. for years they laugh at him like he’s a monkey.

So let's drink to N.'s life as a human being for at least another hundred years! Happy birthday to you, dear!

The ancient Greeks believed that human destiny had its own goddesses. They were called Moira. Initially, it was believed that each person has his own moira. Then the number of these goddesses was reduced to three: Atropos, Clotho and Lachesis. A person’s whole life was connected with them. They were imagined as old women. Lachesis sets the lot even before birth, Clotho spins the thread of fate, Atropos inevitably brings the future closer and, cutting the thread, ends life.

So, dear hero of the occasion! I wish that Clotho would spin your thread of life strong and thick, Lachesis would guard your happy lot, helping you pass through life’s sharp corners and labyrinths, and Atropos’s scissors became dull, and she sharpened them for a very long time before doing the inevitable.

One day, a swallow with her little chicks was fleeing from predators and found herself on the edge of a deep mountain gorge. And the first chick began to ask:

Mommy, carry me through, and I will always love you!

You're lying! - said the swallow and threw him into the abyss.

Mom, bear with me, and someday I will save you too! - said the second chick.

You're lying! - said the swallow and also threw him into the abyss. And the third chick said:

Mom, save me, and when I grow up, I will also save my children!

“But you are telling the truth,” said the swallow and saved him.

So let's drink to the bitter truth!

One old man had two sons. Before his death, he bequeathed to them to divide the remaining inheritance in half. The brothers did not get along during the division and invited their neighbor to resolve their dispute.

What did your father punish you?

He ordered everything to be divided in half,” the disputants answered.

Well, divide: tear all the clothes in half, break each bowl in half, cut the livestock and poultry.

His stupid brothers listened and were left with nothing.

Let's drink to the fact that we divide everything not in half, but fairly.

One woman gave birth to a child. Everyone is good, but there is one drawback - instead of a navel, there is a nut. The poor woman has shown it to every doctor and no one can help.

And then she heard from good people that there was a sorcerer in a remote village - he could help her grief. A woman came to the sorcerer and asked for help. The sorcerer gave her a magic wrench. She came home, unscrewed the nut from her son’s belly button and her son’s ass fell off. So let’s drink to not looking for adventures on your ass!

A baby camel once asks his mother:

Mom, look how slender and thin the horse’s legs are, but why do we have such crooked paws?

But we will walk through the desert, but the horse will not be able to, it will get stuck.

Mom, look how straight the horse’s teeth are, but why are ours so crooked and bent, and saliva flowing all the time?

But we can eat thorns in the desert, but a horse cannot.

Mom, look how smooth and beautiful the horse’s back is, but why is that hanging out there?

But we can survive in the desert for two weeks without water, but a horse cannot.

Mom, why the hell are we doing all this at the zoo?

So let's drink to survive in our zoo!

The bull complained to the donkey:

I was disappointed in cows: lazy, fat, stupid...

“Perhaps I, too, will be disappointed in cows,” answered the donkey.

Why are you? - the bull was surprised.

You see, if I’m disappointed in people, I’ll get hit on the spine, but if I’m disappointed in cows, then it’s quite safe...

Friends, I suggest we drink so that we will never be disappointed in people!