Sapphire wedding 45 years. What to give parents for a sapphire wedding anniversary (45 years). What to give parents on a wonderful anniversary

The 45th wedding anniversary is a unique and significant date. Therefore, it should be celebrated widely and cheerfully. The couple deserve a grand celebration. After all, they kept their relationship for so many years, experienced joys and hardships together. Often children and close people of a married couple want to please them with unusual gifts, prepare original congratulations and organize surprises. And in order for the holiday to be a success, you need to know what kind of wedding it is, what its meaning and traditions are, what to give to the "newlyweds" and how to decorate the celebration.

What wedding

45 years of marriage - a sapphire wedding. Sapphire is a symbol of wisdom and the ability to control emotions. People with such properties and character traits can perceive life events with an open mind and make well-considered and balanced actions. Some legends say that sapphire stones endow their owners with fortitude, patience, perseverance and excellent health.

If we consider the color meaning of sapphire, then it serves as the embodiment of calm and tranquility. This does not mean that love and passion have disappeared from marital relations. They just moved to a new level, became even stronger and more reliable. The main message of celebrating a sapphire wedding is to show that with time love and tenderness do not disappear, they become deeper, more penetrating, forgiving and understanding.


One of the main traditions of the 45th anniversary is the exchange of rings adorned with sapphires. At the same time, children, grandchildren, close relatives and friends must be present at the significant event. After all, a married couple who have lived together for so many years is an example to follow. There is nothing more touching than a husband and wife who, having traveled such a long journey together, repeat the words of the oath again and exchange ordinary wedding rings for updated sapphire ones.

How to organize a holiday

It is customary to celebrate 45 years of marriage noisily and magnificently. However, it is not easy for elderly spouses to organize such an event. Therefore, it is desirable for children and grandchildren to take all the pre-holiday chores upon themselves. In this case, the newlyweds will remember the celebration for a long time with unusual surprises, cheerful congratulations and unexpected plot twists.

Where to celebrate

The grandeur of the event mainly depends on financial capabilities. But such a significant anniversary should not be completely ignored. If funds do not allow for an event in a cafe or restaurant, arrange a party at home.

When composing a script for the celebration, consider the age of the spouses. Try not to let the entertainment tire them out.

Room decoration

To create a festive atmosphere, take care of the design of the room. Make sure it's decorated in sky blue, green, and turquoise. Harmony should be traced in everything: in the colors of the curtains, in the order of laying out the napkins lying on the table. Decorate the table itself with a sapphire tablecloth, cover with blue dishes, and arrange candlesticks. Hang bright garlands and balloons indoors. At the same time, you should not make the decor too pompous and catchy. 45 years is a date that embodies the spiritual closeness and comfort of living together.

It is good if there are sapphire shades in the outfits of the heroes of the occasion. Guests should also take care of the appropriate attire. Then the celebration will take place in a harmonious atmosphere.


The event will be especially memorable if you think through all the details in advance and paint an approximate scenario with an entertainment program. In this case, it is imperative to take into account the age of the spouses (usually 65–70 years). Therefore, try not to tire them out with entertainment.

What to give spouses

The most important problem faced by relatives and guests invited to a sapphire wedding is the choice of a gift. What do they give for 45 years of marriage? Children and grandchildren can present an expensive gift with the symbols of the celebration, such as a necklace, cufflinks or bracelets. Under no circumstances are rings allowed. This is considered a bad omen. If spouses want to exchange rings adorned with sapphires, let them themselves acquire them for each other.

Close relatives can arrange a second honeymoon for the "newlyweds". Perhaps they have long wanted to visit some country or city. Arrange a pleasant trip for them. Or arrange a trip to a sanatorium. So they can unwind and improve their health.

Among the most popular gifts for a sapphire wedding are:

  • Jewelry or any other accessories in blue.
  • Interior items in sapphire tones: figurines, paintings.
  • Flowers - both cut and in pots. It is advisable to select them in the color of the symbol of the holiday. These can be irises, aconite, lupins, delphinium, blueberries, etc.
  • Photo collages. For such a long life, the spouses have accumulated many pleasant common memories. A visual reminder will give the couple joyful moments and refresh the senses.
  • Theater or concert tickets.
  • Elegant textiles: plaid, blanket, bed linen, towel, dressing gown.
  • Things related to water (blue color also represents water). For example, an aquarium with fish, a home fountain or bathroom items.

When choosing a gift, it is worth remembering the tastes and preferences of the couple. If possible, discuss the future present with them in advance. Try to do it unobtrusively and not arouse suspicion. Let the donated thing be a pleasant surprise for them.

Surprises for a significant date

Usually, at the age at which a sapphire wedding is celebrated, material values ​​​​are much less significant. The most important thing for older people is the manifestation of love and care that givers can express through a gift. Very reverently, the spouses accept signs of attention not bought, but made with their own hands. Therefore, do not be afraid to be creative in order to please the sapphire anniversaries.

  • If you know how to bake cakes, then it is not at all necessary to order expensive sweets in a pastry shop. A home-made dessert will please no less. After all, the main thing is that you put a piece of your soul into it.
  • Those who draw well can complete a family portrait by the anniversary. And needlewomen who know how to embroider can present an embroidered tablecloth, bed linen or pillow for a significant date.
  • Anniversaries will be pleased with songs or poems. The main thing is to learn them by heart, and not read from a piece of paper. A great alternative would be a congratulation sounding from the radio or from the TV screen.
  • If possible, you can rent a large billboard and place a photo of anniversaries and congratulations on it. Let everyone know about such an amazing event.
  • Some relatives prefer an American-style surprise. They pretend to have completely forgotten about the upcoming event. And in the evening they arrange a chic celebration, which remains in the memory of the spouses for a long time.

45 years of marriage is a significant event. The more responsible you approach the celebration of the date, the brighter the memories of this day will be. Think over every little thing, choose the right and beautiful words. Such an attitude will not go unnoticed and the sapphire “newlyweds” will like it. After all, they will understand that they are very dear to the people around them, which means that they do not live in vain.

Forty-five years of being together in the proud title of spouses is a date that deserves all admiration and a little white envy from those who are not so lucky with their soulmate.

The symbolic name - sapphire wedding - is associated with one of the most expensive and durable precious stones of an unusual blue color, which is credited with wisdom and strength. Muslims believed that the Earth is a huge sapphire, the reflections of which give the sky a bluish tint, and in wedding symbolism it is a planet on which the spouses have lived together for a lifetime.

The sapphire anniversary, which is celebrated on this day, is traditionally decorated in any shades of blue and blue.

On this day, blue flowers and gifts in sapphire-blue colors are given, the heroes of the occasion are dressed in the same colors and the banquet hall is decorated. In the morning, according to tradition, the newlyweds congratulate each other on the 45th anniversary of the long and not always happy life that they lived together, sharing all the hardships and hardships, joyful and happy moments.

In the morning they give each other gifts. The traditional bouquet that the spouse gives is designed in blue and white, usually roses or hydrangeas, forget-me-nots and cornflowers, but the composition of the bouquet is not canonical, the main thing is the shade that is selected according to the season.

Despite the fact that, according to etiquette, the celebration on this day is celebrated on a grand scale, and paraphernalia is strictly observed, including expensive and iconic gifts from guests, flowers should be present everywhere.

The first bouquet is given to the wife by the hero of the occasion, the festive hall is decorated with it, the guests give beautiful and unusual compositions.

The flowers from the guests must contain white and blue shades, but pink, red and purple are allowed in parallel with the main defining tone, symbolizing love, tenderness and warm feelings. Blue and white prevail in the outfits of happy spouses, the dress code for guests is not so strict, but bright blue should be present at least in a symbolic version - a bracelet, a hairpin, a handkerchief in a jacket pocket.

In the outfits worn for the solemn anniversary, guests are allowed golden, silver, white and all shades of blue. Men, depending on the season, are allowed to wear a strict classic beige or black suit. The design of the room is designed in the same colors: the tablecloth on the table is blue, the dishes are the most pompous option, if there are transparent blue glasses, it will turn out absolutely perfect.

Etiquette connoisseurs insist on the most solemn scenario - up to the guest host (master of ceremonies), video filming and a live orchestra. But there are no fixed rules.

The main thing is to create an unforgettable holiday for parents, and an anniversary that will be remembered for a long time for guests.

The only thing that is certainly included in the script is a beautiful wedding cake, which at the end of the holiday the husband and wife cut and hand over to their guests.

You can also celebrate at home if there are no financial opportunities appropriate for the occasion, but even then all the design requirements remain unchanged. In extreme cases, you can celebrate in a narrow family circle, with close friends and relatives, but always cheerfully and solemnly.

On a fine summer day, go to the country house and organize a holiday there, in relaxed, friendly and well-thought-out conditions.

Gift Ideas for Husband and Wife

It is customary to give symbolic, symbolic and expensive gifts on this day. For a married couple, this is an unforgettable day, from which material reminders should remain. Beautiful flowers from her husband are a sign of love and attention.

On this day, spouses traditionally give each other jewelry or high-quality jewelry, but the gift is determined by the financial condition of the family. Therefore, a frame with a view of the city in which a distant honeymoon trip was carried out or a household item that a spouse has long dreamed of may be more appropriate than the most expensive decoration.

A great gift can be a joint walk and a light breakfast in a cafe, a trip to a museum or a visit to the cinema. This will remind you of the times of youth and pre-wedding courtship. courtship. A good tradition on this day is to exchange paired sapphire rings, which replace previously worn ruby ​​rings. A husband can give his wife earrings or a necklace, and a wife can give her husband cufflinks, a ring or a tie pin.

In lean times, it can be a hand-knitted scarf or warm socks, a pie beloved by your husband, or a dish that is laborious to prepare, for which on other days there is simply not enough energy or time.

How to congratulate spouses to friends and relatives - tips

The main selection criterion is maximum attention to the anniversaries themselves. The value on such days is not so much the amount spent, but the attention shown.

For children, the best gift would be to save the mother from the chores around the house and tiring standing in the kitchen, so they should take over the organization of the holiday.


On this day, you can give everything that is needed in a married life: from dishes and bed linen, to everything related to water (swimsuit, bathrobe, towels, shower, new plumbing). Sapphire is considered a stone of the sun and water, so you can give some nice options:

  • festive clothes for the newlyweds in blue (option for children or adult grandchildren);
  • a joint trip (even if it is a day trip to a nearby city);
  • the indispensable traditions of a sapphire wedding include blue-blue bouquets and beautiful postcards;
  • household items that will be useful to spouses for living together.

The main condition is that the gift does not look bought in a hurry, so there should be beautiful paraphernalia: blue or golden paper, bows, ribbons, stickers, etc.

Congratulations in prose, poetry

If they are invented on their own, composed in their own, albeit unprofessional, poems, or this is a postcard drawn by children from the bottom of their hearts, this is a doubly pleasant and memorable way to congratulate from the bottom of their hearts.

Feeling or funny, designed like a collage of joint photos, a video edited by the hands of children - there should be a lot of all this. In the festive scenario, the toastmaster must take into account in advance how many guests welcome the anniversaries and how the ceremony of verbal congratulations will take place.

  1. The color is blue - deep, like the Black Sea,
    richer than the sky above.
    And feelings are stronger than the depths of the ocean.
    On the day of your Sapphire anniversary!
    Let your love be an example for your grandchildren.
    And be loved without measure.
    And, while spending summer days in the country,
    You catch the stars for your luck!
  2. They say that at forty-five
    everything blooms again!
    I want to wish you
    Never lose heart!
    May you always be lucky in everything
    Let memory not fail
    May good luck come to you
    And great love awaits!
  3. You are together exactly forty-five
    Beautiful, bright years!
    And we want to wish you
    Confident victories!
    After all, a big life is ahead.
    So let happiness await you
    We wish you happiness on the way
    Let there be no hassle!

It's okay if hugs, kisses, something knitted, sewn, grown or cooked by one's own hands are presented from the family.

To give such things, you need to sincerely wish well and work hard on their manufacture, and this is sometimes more expensive than bought in a hurry, and is called - made with love.

Original and practical gifts

Original gifts are rarely practical, but they touch the most sensitive strings in the heart. If you make a gift with your own hands, the most expensive of them will be the one in which attention is paid to parents.

To their life together, dear memories, funny and happy moments. Or to favorite activities that they willingly indulge in in their free time. An encyclopedic dictionary can be useful for a crossword lover, and a double boiler, an oven, a beautiful set of dishes or a dishwasher can be useful for a culinary master.

An original gift can be a souvenir made by one's own hands at home - a painting, modeling, wood burning or embossing, made especially for the solemn date, and practical - bed linen or beautiful bath towels.

The main thing is that the color symbolism is maintained, or there is a mention of the date that is celebrated during this.

Here you will learn how to celebrate and what to give for the 45th wedding anniversary:

Not everyone manages to stay together until this date and re-feel how dear the person with whom almost the entire conscious life has been lived. Have you ever attended a sapphire wedding, and how did it all happen? Share with us your impressions. Will you celebrate such a date if you are lucky, and how do you imagine it?

45 years of marriage is also called a sapphire wedding. This is a fairly long period lived together. Therefore, it is customary to celebrate it on a grand scale, in the circle of relatives and friends.

Sapphire symbolizes wisdom, and the couple who lived to this anniversary are at such an age that they have seen and know a lot.

A sapphire wedding allows the whole family once again to enjoy an amazing couple. Therefore, in order for everything to match the celebration, it is necessary not only to make the right gifts, but to decorate the room according to the theme of the holiday.

The meaning of a sapphire wedding

Each wedding anniversary plays an important role for spouses and has its own meaning. The longer a couple is in a relationship, the more meaning is given to the anniversary. The 45th anniversary of living together is an event that has been tested and hardened over the years. That is why this date is called a sapphire wedding.

The anniversary says that the spouses have already developed a strong and trusting relationship. Husband and wife understand the desires of another partner from a glance and from a half-word. That's why 45th anniversary and compared with sapphire, because it is a crystal clear and transparent stone.

It is customary to celebrate a sapphire wedding with the family.

  • friends;
  • colleagues;
  • relatives.

Employees at work can be called in the only case if both spouses work at the same enterprise. The celebration is best done in a restaurant or outdoors. After all, the 45th anniversary will be celebrated in a large circle and it’s not a fact that your house can accommodate so many guests.

Husband and wife on this day must definitely exchange new wedding rings adorned with sapphire. The general gift will not only please the eye, but also improve the state of health, because sapphire is credited with a bunch of healing properties.

A gift for a beloved woman for a sapphire wedding

What to give your wife for a sapphire anniversary? Absolutely every man, based on the name of the wedding, will acquire jewelry with sapphire inserts. Such, but why limit yourself to obvious presents. You can present a gift for 45 years of marriage to your spouse traditional and at the same time it is non-standard.

Today there are many decor items and not only with the use of sapphire. For example, a box decorated with stones on top can really surprise your soulmate.

A 45th anniversary gift doesn't have to be traditional. These include items that your significant other has been dreaming of for a long time. To match the anniversary, you can pack a gift in a beautiful blue package. Be sure to complement the present with a bouquet of your wife's favorite flowers.

Presents for a beloved man for 45 years of marriage

When it is necessary to take into account a number of factors. The main ones are the date, in our case a sapphire wedding and the age of the representative of the stronger sex. Just like a woman, a spouse can be given jewelry with ruby ​​inserts. But this gift is likely to be primitive. Men love objects that are practical and desirable.

If your spouse is an avid angler, then a fishing rod or spinning rod decorated with blue inserts will be a good present for him. Such a gift will not only please a man, but will also be remembered for a long time.

For connoisseurs of alcoholic beverages, an expensive cognac in a beautiful blue bottle will be a good present. Such a gift will be both traditional and desirable for the stronger sex.

How to make parents happy

The organization of the 45th anniversary is most often trusted by children or close friends. Therefore, the holiday itself will be a good present, but every child wants something that will be remembered for many years. Well, what could it be? There are a lot of options here, especially if children know the preferences of their parents.

Household appliances will be a good and useful gift. After all, every day there is something new and necessary for the economy. Textiles will also be a great gift for a married couple on their 45th anniversary. New bed linen or a set of bath towels will complete the hostess' collection.

To simplify the process of choosing a present, you can talk with your parents and find out what they would like to receive on such a significant day. Perhaps they would like to take a trip to Europe or another continent. It is also recommended to pamper your parents with spa passes for two or a romantic dinner in some reputable restaurant.

In general, healthy and happy children will be the biggest gift for every parent.

What not to give for a sapphire wedding?

Any date, including a sapphire wedding, has its own signs. The same applies to gifts that spouses and guests give to each other. There are a number of presents that are not worth a wedding.

These include primarily antiques. These items accumulate the most diverse energy, which can then go to the relationship of the spouses. In the end, this will lead to disagreements and divorce.

Items that are very fragile and can break easily are also not recommended as gifts. After all, it is believed that the relationship of the spouses will be just as fragile in the future. Mirrors are among those items that should not be given not only for a wedding, but also for its anniversaries.

The mirror is a window to another world, and, as you know, you should not expect anything good from it. Therefore, in order not to harm your loved ones, spouses, friends, try not to give the items listed above.

Useful video

Wedding anniversary - 45 years.

Sapphire wedding.


A sapphire wedding is a great achievement for absolutely any couple. Not everyone manages to live as much as 45 years together. Therefore, on this day, you need to thank your soulmate for the years passed together. After all, it is difficult for one person to go through life, but together you can move mountains.

The celebration of each wedding year is a sweet tradition and each year is characterized by some symbol. And the longer the couple lives together, the stronger and nobler the symbol.

Spouses who have lived together for 45 years can celebrate their wedding day, which is called a sapphire wedding. Sapphire is an exquisite and noble stone, it symbolizes purity, devoted love, the strength of relationships.

The couple have long proved their love and demonstrated their strong relationship. Now they only have to rejoice and live for each other. Such a wedding anniversary cannot but be a joyful event.

Sapphire wedding traditions

For a long time, certain traditions of celebrating a sapphire wedding have been formed. Not to say that life together was easy, but nevertheless the married couple withstood all the trials sent by fate and retained the kindest attitude.

45 years of marriage is a round date, which means it is necessary to arrange a holiday and invite children, grandchildren, relatives and close friends to it.

It is good if witnesses who were at the wedding 45 years ago will be present at the celebration. But a lot could change in 45 years, and if there is no way to invite witnesses, then you should not be upset. Still, the 45th anniversary should know a significant event.

Symbolic ceremonies can be repeated and rings exchanged. But only the rings must be new and of course with sapphires. Spouses must take oaths, as they did many years ago, only the words of the oath can be changed. Such an oath will be stronger, because the husband and wife already know each other well.

In India, sapphire is considered a symbol of purification, so spouses must undergo a purification ceremony. You can cleanse the body in different ways: by visiting a sauna or bath, or with the help of medical nutrition.

This will help not only cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, but also the mind of negative thoughts. It is equally important to cleanse the souls and tell your soulmate about all your experiences and anxieties. This tradition helps to strengthen family relations and bring them to a higher level.

How to celebrate a sapphire wedding

The forty-fifth wedding anniversary is a serious date, so it is better to approach its celebration carefully. It is better to celebrate such a date on a grand scale, so you need to start preparing for it in advance.

It is necessary to choose the most suitable venue, the age of the couple must be taken into account. A couple who has lived together for 45 years is no longer young, so they should choose a cozy, beautiful hall. Ideally, organize a sapphire wedding in the place where the wedding celebration took place 45 years ago.

Spouses should follow a certain dress code, focusing on the symbol of the holiday. Clothing in blue and blue tones is best suited, because this is the color of the sapphire stone. But this means that the entire outfit should be of the same color, it is enough to add one element to your image that matches the symbolism. For example, the wife may wear a blue blouse and the husband a blue tie.

To make it convenient for guests and spouses to have fun, it is necessary to rent a spacious banquet hall. The decoration of the hall also needs to be given attention, there should be a large number of sapphire shades.

Blue curtains, tablecloths, napkins will create the desired entourage. You can put cutlery with blue handles, napkins on the table, arrange vases with blue flowers. A cake with the number 45 will be a great solution to celebrate an anniversary.

The organization of the holiday should be well thought out, so that guests and spouses are interested, and so that it remains in their memory for a long time. At the beginning of the holiday, much attention is paid to the heroes of the occasion, rituals and traditions.

They can exchange rings at this time, say an oath. After that, the heroes of the occasion can spin in a wedding waltz, discarding all the years they have lived and feeling young again.

After that, guests can present their gifts for the 45th wedding anniversary, say their congratulations on the sapphire wedding. The last part of the holiday is especially fun, as various competitions, concerts with the participation of artists or the guests themselves are organized. It is advisable to invite a photographer to the holiday to take interesting and sincere pictures. Guests and heroes of the occasion will remember this holiday, looking at these photos.

If the weather allows, then you can celebrate a sapphire wedding in the open air, somewhere in the forest, on the banks of the river. You just need to find a good quiet place where you can not only sit, but also run. It is desirable to have a pond so that you can swim. Gatherings in nature with barbecue are always pleasant and leave good memories. But here, careful organization is needed to make guests feel comfortable.

Some couples do not want loud fun, despite the fact that 45 years of marriage is a round date and prefer to celebrate their anniversary together. Therefore, if there is no desire to gather a huge number of guests and fuss, then it is better to spend the evening together somewhere in a cozy cafe. And it’s better to go somewhere on vacation - to a sanatorium or a seaside resort.

What to give for the 45th wedding anniversary

If we proceed from the symbolism of the celebration, then you need to give gifts for the wedding of sapphire. From this stone you can find a wide variety of jewelry, souvenirs, products.

A man can give his wife any sapphire jewelry - earrings, a ring, a necklace. In addition, it will be possible to present a bouquet of blue flowers.

For men, there are also sapphire jewelry - cufflinks. You can also present a lighter trimmed with sapphire. If a man is indifferent to trinkets, then it is better to give him some practical gifts for a sapphire wedding, such as a blue scarf, sweater or plaid. It will be better than a thing that the spouse will not use.

Sapphire products can be expensive, so you can give any gifts in blue tones. You can present everything that is useful to spouses in the house: household appliances, napkins, bedding, cutlery and other things.

Noble alcoholic drinks will also be a pleasant gift, especially if it is cognac aged for as many years as the spouses have lived together for years. Various sweets go well with alcohol, especially chocolates.

You can give anything, even impressions. If you don’t know what to give for a wedding, feel free to present tickets for exhibitions, concerts, certificates for attending courses, if you know that this will please the spouses.

Congratulations on a sapphire wedding

Along with an original and necessary gift, guests pick up congratulations - words that touch the soul. But sometimes it happens that feelings overwhelm, and I want to express the depth of my love and respect, but it’s hard to find words. It doesn’t matter, you can use ready-made congratulations that contain the right words.

You need to know that the forty-fifth anniversary cannot go unnoticed. It is worthy to gather many guests and celebrate merrily. In extreme cases, you can bring the whole family under one roof. Children can organize a holiday for their parent to respect them and express their love. They will certainly be pleased to realize that close people remember and care about them.

SMS - congratulations

It's your anniversary today.
Not just a date - forty-five!
What a wonderful picture
You are the bride and groom again.

You are this wedding of sapphire
Don't limit your age.
We sincerely wish you
Survive until the golden wedding!


From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate you on the 45th anniversary of your life together, on your Sapphire wedding. Sapphire is the personification of wisdom, depth and peace - all that comes only with age. May your fruitful union, sealed with strong love, last as long. We wish you excellent health and simple human happiness.


Everything in the world is not accidental
You together - forty-five!
Reveal your secret -
How to keep happiness?

We wish you peace
And happiness is not to be scared away.
Let the bright color of sapphire
Lights the way for you.


Tell someone, no one will believe
That it's possible to love so much
That each of you will entrust life to another,
Almost half a century to live side by side.

Children were brought up, grown-up grandchildren,
You always remain an example for them,
Perhaps so long, without squabbles and boredom,
Save love despite the years.

Husband and wife go hand in hand for many years, overcome many difficulties in order to maintain their love. In society, wedding anniversaries have been given symbolic names that emphasize the value of happy years of family life. If 45 years of marriage are already behind, what kind of wedding is this? Her symbol is sapphire, the stone of wisdom and infinity.

What kind of wedding will the spouses have to celebrate if they have 45 years of marriage behind them? People who shared the cup of joys and sorrows for so many decades, thanks to their wisdom, did not allow the storms of life to destroy their family boat and thus made their love eternal, like the sky above their heads. The calm color of the skies and the peaceful sea reflects the sapphire gemstone. In addition, it symbolizes good health, which spouses will need so that future years of happiness are not overshadowed by anything.

In no case should you ignore such a significant wedding anniversary - 45 years. We have already learned what kind of wedding it is - sapphire, a day of rich memories and bright hopes. How to mark it correctly?

How to please your soulmate?

When people have lived together for almost half a century, it is very difficult for them to surprise each other. But this must be done so that the wedding anniversary is not a regular date on the calendar. What to give your beloved wife on the sapphire anniversary of marriage? There are many options - you can choose from the list a gift that is financially affordable and matches the character and tastes of your spouse:

  • jewelry inlaid with sapphire (earrings, necklace, bracelet, brooch, pendant);
  • a combination bag with blue elements;
  • a frame for a memorable photo with patterns of rhinestones of marine shades;
  • a novel about love in an author's cover made of beautiful fabric with decorations;
  • perfumes imitating the smell of the wife's favorite flowers;
  • sconce for reading, decorated in blue tones.

A great gift would be an item related to the profession or hobbies of the "lady of the heart", for example:

  • dishes;
  • kitchen appliances;
  • collection of new recipes;
  • a book about plants;
  • exotic flower in a vase;
  • karaoke;
  • tickets to a premiere at the theater or a concert of your favorite artist.

For a woman who wants to thank her beloved for the wonderful 45 years since the wedding, it is also important what gift to give him. Men do not wear jewelry, but stones - symbols of the anniversary - can be on:

  • lighter;
  • cigarette case;
  • flask;
  • keychain;
  • cufflinks;
  • tie clip;
  • notebook and pen;
  • wrist watch.

If your husband is a passionate hunter, fisherman, collector or something else, you can give him:

  • modern fishing rods or hunting weapons;
  • comfortable camping tent;
  • warm tracksuit;
  • portable radio;
  • antique item;
  • musical instrument;
  • camera, etc.

There is a widespread tradition on the day of the 45th anniversary of marriage to change stones in wedding rings for sapphires. They will remind the loving couple and others about the great life experience and the inviolability of sincere feelings.

How to make parents happy?

For people of mature age, there is nothing more precious than the attention of their children. They especially need the presence of their heirs on the day of the 45th anniversary of marriage. What kind of wedding it is and what to give to parents, everyone whose fathers and mothers are on the eve of such a holiday must know. The best surprise will be a gift in which there is a piece of warmth and gratitude:

  • the icon of the patrons of the marriage of Saints Peter and Fevronia;
  • a portrait of parents, embroidered or painted in oils from their wedding photo;
  • a family photo album in a cover with inserts of blue pebbles (in this album, you can make paper pages so that the heroes of the occasion write down their memories, and the guests - wishes);
  • a plasma TV or DVD player complete with discs containing your parents' favorite films and family videos;
  • cutlery with monograms of a specially created family coat of arms;
  • photographs designed in the form of a family tree;
  • vouchers to the sanatorium;
  • huge cake with a congratulatory inscription.

In addition to giving a gift, one must not forget to help parents prepare for the meeting of guests.

Anniversary invite ideas

Undoubtedly, 45 years of marriage is a significant date. Therefore, what kind of wedding is this and what to give - questions that invariably concern all those invited to the celebration. Having learned that the symbol of a solid anniversary is a sapphire, many guests want to decorate their gifts with the appropriate jewel. What items can make such a stone more valuable? This:

  • painting;
  • glasses;
  • samovar;
  • casket;
  • coasters for cups;
  • statuette.

It is believed that it is not customary to give a watch, but on this day such a gift would be quite appropriate, because it symbolizes the years that the spouses spent together. It’s great if the watch is vintage, designed to remind lovers of their youth and acquaintance.

It is not necessary to encrust your gift with sapphires - you can simply wrap the box in sky blue foil and put in it:

  • cover;
  • bed sheets;
  • pillow cases;
  • plaid;
  • tablecloth;
  • blanket;
  • a set of napkins;
  • wall panel.

Anniversaries will be pleasantly surprised by the beautiful embroidery or hand-made appliqués on these things.

Warm words are the heart of the holiday

Even if you have already prepared for the celebration, taking into account what kind of wedding is celebrated after 45 years of marriage, congratulations are not limited to giving a gift. For people who have carried their love through the trials of time, who have long established a family nest and raised children, kind words from the mouths of those invited are very important. You can express your admiration for the happy couple in the form:

  • press announcements;
  • musical composition on radio or television;
  • a congratulatory film using photos from family history;
  • author's performance of the song.

What can I say to those who built their dream home not on the sand of frivolity, but on a strong stone of mutual feelings that have not faded for 45 years? Guests often express their wishes in a poetic form:

It was the best moment when

With excitement you said yes!

In the name of true love

Fulfilled their words:

Happier, there is no stronger family!

Let it shine on the whole world

Award winning bridal sapphire!

They say that at forty-five

Everything blooms again!

I want to wish you

Every day your fill

Happiness, joy, warmth,

And hope, and goodness!

Let the bright light sparkle

Love, which is so many years old!

45 years have passed

From the day the rings rang

For the first time in your hands.

You dreamed of happiness in dreams

And it became a wonderful reality!

And loyalty in the hearts blossomed,

Despite moments of adversity.

Let the sky shine above you

Pure and delicate sapphire

And your love saves again

The Creator Who Rules the World!

You have not lost a drop of tenderness

Love of hot and boundless fidelity,

You saved like jewelers

Wonderful feelings magical sapphires!

Let them be an example for everyone

Let them not stop sounding in the hearts

Words of support, joy and affection,

Let life last like a fairy tale!

45 happy years

Your hearth is family

Gives everyone rays and light

Every moment!

Let the fire burn stronger

And never goes out!

In your wedding anniversary

You are even more beautiful!

If the guest would like to turn to the happy couple in prose, first you need to name the heroes of the occasion by name, and then say something like the following.

  1. The years lived together are a real treasure, which is more expensive than the largest sapphire. Every year of family life is worth a lot, and we know it. Your ability to appreciate and understand each other is an example for all of us. Thank you for preserving an island of true feelings and hope in our not always sunny modern world. We will learn from you to protect our happiness. We sincerely wish you eternal youth, excellent health, pleasant surprises from your loved ones, faith in a wonderful future and unshakable prosperity! 45 you are "bitter"!
  2. Sapphire is blue like the sky and clear like spring water. A cloudless sky is a symbol of peace, water is a source of life that fills you with strength on the most difficult hot days. We wish you peace and purity in your relationship, so that you carry them through all the subsequent years of your life together!
  3. For 45 whole years you have endowed your other half with warmth and tenderness, protected, protected, supported each other. Love, tested for such a long time, can be considered eternal. Therefore, the symbol of this amazing date is sapphire, a stone reminiscent of wisdom and endless fidelity! Let it illuminate your path to happiness, because there is no limit to perfection!
  4. Husbands face many trials. This is life, time, financial difficulties, sometimes misunderstanding of others. You have been conquering such thorns for 45 years already, do not let them interfere with the magnificent flowering of your love! Confirmation of this is the flowers of life, your children and grandchildren. May your family hearth gather friends and loved ones for a very long time to warm themselves by the bright flame of happiness and prosperity!
  5. Let today, on the day of the sapphire wedding, the same dazzling bonfire of love burn in your hearts as years ago! Let the eyes of the beloved still resemble sapphires, and the voice of the beloved - the most beautiful music! Be happy! Bitterly!

Whatever wish you like - poetic or prosaic, you need to learn it by heart and pronounce it, putting your soul into every word. After all, congratulations matter only when they are sincere, and listeners always feel it.