We come up with an original wedding toast from a witness. Wedding toasts from a witness: from a friend with love ... Wedding toast from a witness to her best friend

Like it or not, but in addition to the newlyweds, the witness and the witness are always in the center of attention at the celebration. They need not only to look appropriate, but also to think over what they will say to young people at the banquet table. What toasts of the witness and the witness at the wedding will come in handy, read in our article.

They can, by agreement, stand up and together pronounce the toasts of the witness and the witness at the wedding. Let someone start the congratulations, and someone continue. If one of the witnesses wants to surprise everyone with originality, then it is worth speaking separately, raising a glass. You will not surprise anyone with congratulations in verse, unless they are written personally. But beautiful congratulations in prose, but with a deep meaning, can delight the entire banquet.

Choose the words to your taste so that you can convey your attitude towards the young. It is advisable to memorize the text, as dry reading discourages interest in listening to the speaker. And if the speaker speaks from memory, it will sound like his sincere words. Let the cool toasts of this article help you.

  1. Toast "Take care of your happiness"

Some newlyweds were looking for happiness. In an old manuscript, they read that for this you need to tear off a piece of the shirt of the happiest man in the world. The search for spouses lasted several years and was unsuccessful - some did not have enough baby for happiness, some of wealth. When the spouse had already lost hope, they saw a young boy without a shirt in the clearing, who carelessly sang a song and lay on the grass. The young man said that he was extremely happy, but he did not have a shirt to give a piece of it to the spouses. Let's drink to the fact that our newlyweds do not live in search of someone else's happiness, but rather take care of their own!

  1. Toast "About friends"

A wise man once said that the more friends you have, the further you get from them. I do not agree with these words. When a person has friends, it's wonderful. Worse - to be so busy as not to find time to meet. Now at the festive table there are many relatives and friends of the young. We all saw each other and talked. I propose a toast to the fact that we do not need a reason, and we can just see our friends.

  1. Toast "For a golden character and iron restraint"

Our dear newlyweds. We would like to wish you to live in peace and harmony, starting with chintz and so on until the diamond wedding. And for this we wish the bride to have a golden character, and her husband an iron restraint, and then together you will succeed! Let's drink standing up for this strong alloy!

  1. Toast "For the wife"

Dear guests. It's sad to realize that our wonderful friend has been kidnapped. An angel did it. Few people get the chance to meet an angel. Today such an angel sits right in front of us. The young wife is the very pure angel who will give our friend a happy family. I propose a toast to the young wife.

  1. Toast "Melody of Love"

The melody of love in the family, based on the beating of two hearts in love to the beat, let it sound let it play throughout the entire married life. May the notes of disappointment and sadness never be heard in it. May there be harmony in your family nest. Let the sharp chords of quarrels always turn into a melody of love. Let's drink to the melody of love in the family, let it always play.

  1. Toast "For the eternal flame of love in the hearts"

Life is like a striped zebra. There is a white stripe, then a black one, but also a gray one. Carefree days pass, a baby appears in the light and everyday problems begin to strain. I wish you always back to back to overcome all the difficulties of fate, keeping the fire of love in your heart. For the eternal fire of love in the hearts of the young.

Short congratulatory toasts

If you do not want to attract the attention of guests for a long time or are afraid to get excited and forget the words, then the following short toasts will do.

  1. For the fact that the young spouses found each other

As one of the great people said, that he seeks a lot, but it is difficult to find the one who finds it. So, you - young newlyweds found each other. We all see how your eyes shine with happiness. Let's drink for you!

  1. For a successful voyage to the land of Love
  2. We all travel to this country across the ocean of life, each on our own ship. We choose our path to happiness. I propose to drink to the ship of your family, may it never leave the borders of the land of Love.
  3. For family

Every person is either happy or unhappy in life. But there is something strong, a force that always supports a person - this is his family. Let's drink to the family so that you take care of it.

  1. For gardeners

As the people say, if sons are born, then parents plant poplars, and if daughters - birches. So let you have your favorite grove of lush poplars and birches. Let's drink standing up for our gardeners and wish them many children!

  1. For birthday

I propose to drink today for my birthday. But not for what you all thought. Today a new young family was born. Let's raise our glasses to the newborn and wish her to remain the firstborn! For the birthday of a young family.

If you are a friend or boyfriend, then prepare your congratulations in advance. Try to remember, but no - say in your own words a few warm words, the main thing is that they sound from the bottom of your heart.

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A wedding is a joyful event in the life of a young couple. However, the preparation of a wedding celebration requires a lot of time and it is necessary to take into account a huge number of various little things. For a witness, the wedding of a best friend is also a rather troublesome event. He also needs a lot of preparation and we should not forget about the wedding toasts from the witness.

wedding banquet

After the wedding ceremony has taken place, the photo shoot has taken place, the walk has ended, and the time for the wedding banquet has come. And if the menu is chosen by the newlyweds, the wedding agency is engaged in the design of the hall, and the invited host entertains the guests, then the toasts will have to be said independently. And for the witness it is very important to say a very beautiful and memorable toast, to wish the young people a long happy life in the family. It is advisable to take care of this in advance.

A toast from a witness at a wedding

The role of a witness at a wedding is very honorable and quite important. One of his responsibilities is the need to give a wedding speech with congratulations for the newlyweds. This is not a simple set of pleasant beautiful words and phrases - these are wishes for a young couple for long happiness and love. Therefore, you should not rely on impromptu, it is better to think over and come up with a speech even before the start of the celebration.
First you need to choose which toast will be pronounced. The toast can be quite long, for example, be a parable or have a long interesting backstory. There are short and capacious toasts containing literally 2-3 phrases, but these phrases are filled with deep meaning. Given that a wedding is a rather joyful event, which means that funny, cool toasts will become quite appropriate. However, you need to carefully monitor that the cool toast is witty and does not go beyond the bounds of decency, does not hurt the feelings of the groom, bride, their parents or guests. Also at the wedding you can often hear toasts in verse.

The best wedding toasts from a witness for newlyweds

"For the happiness of the young!"

A philosopher once said: "The seekers in life are quite numerous, the finders are hard to find." However, there is no shadow of a doubt that at this wedding the newlyweds are the happiest people who have found each other. Let the warm and cozy hearth illuminate the joint family life throughout life with the warmth of feelings for each other, devotion and fidelity. For the happiness of the young!

short toast

I drink this glass so that my husband, 10 years and 20 years after the wedding, looking at his stunningly beautiful wife, still loses his head, but not his mind.

parable toast

One traveler visited many countries, visited many different cities. He learned many different interesting stories and beautiful traditions and customs. And I decided to find another one. In one of the cities, he saw a walking couple in love. The traveler approached them and asked: "And how do you declare your love?" Then the young man, without answering, hugged his beloved by the waist and kissed him tenderly. "Like this!" - the guy answered the traveler. I propose a toast to love, whose deeds and deeds are more eloquent than any words!

Beautiful wine wedding toast

I invite our young people, their parents and all guests to fill their glasses with wine. Yes, it's wine. Because I will talk further about wine. Has everyone poured wine into their glasses? Let's take a closer look at it now. It is unusual, it has a sweet and bitter taste at the same time. It turns heads and intoxicates even the strongest and most courageous, and over the years the wine only becomes stronger, better and more valuable! Let's drink to the fact that the love of the young is like good wine, so that with each passing year it intoxicates them more and becomes stronger over time. Congratulations to the bride and groom on their wedding day and I want to wish you strong love and endless happiness!

Funny toast about fairytale love

Dear friends, do you know how a fairy tale differs from reality? A fairy tale is when he married a frog, and she suddenly turned out to be a princess. And the reality is when everything is the other way around. So let the life of young people always be fabulous!

marriage without marriage

It is known that the word "marriage" has two meanings. These are family relationships, and product flaws. In some cases, both meanings may be intertwined. However, if a family is created on a feeling of love and mutual respect, then the quality of such a union will be without any shortcomings. Therefore, I propose to drink for our young people to have a marriage without marriage!

For parents Beautiful New Funny From friends From friend From friend Good Wedding From a witness

Wedding toasts from a witness in prose and poetry:

Today we have witnessed how two hearts have entered into an alliance to beat inseparably and faithfully, as one, for the rest of their lives. They met a long time ago and exchanged declarations of love and vows for a long time, and from today they began to belong to each other. So let the fate that helped them meet, which was supportive of their feelings, continue to be their good companion, weaving only roses into their life thread.
For the newlyweds, a happy future, I propose to raise our glasses. Bitterly!

When our son was five years old, we got to watch the movie "Fantômas". The film, as we later found out, is not intended for children's perception. Therefore, both the child and us, he brought a lot of unnecessary excitement! .. For the first time, when the head of Fantômas, dressed in a stocking, appeared on the screen, our son shouted loudly and frightened:
- Mother! Who is this?!
There is silence in the hall. And in this silence, everyone distinctly heard the voice of the wise girl:
- It's uncle!
I asked everyone who this handsome young man was sitting next to the groom. They tell me: a witness. This is what I know! It's like saying: it's an uncle! Tell me, please, your name... I propose to drink for the witness, for Mr. N.!

At a film festival, an actor approached an American movie star:
- Hello! Don't you recognize me?
“No,” she replies.
- Well, how! Exactly five years ago I proposed to you!
- Oh, how interesting! the star revived. - Remind me, please, what happened next?.. We got married?!
I think we can safely testify - the young people got married! For the young!

The south wind brings with it warmth, softness, calmness. The north wind brings courage, purposefulness. The west wind brings industriousness, efficiency. The east wind brings wisdom. And then one day in the place where the lovely child was born, the winds converged and gave him all their beautiful qualities. Over time, the child grew up and turned into a beautiful girl who is getting married today. So let's drink, friends, for the bride!

How beautiful is our young today!
A young beauty in a wonderful snow-white,
clean as love itself, attire
- recently a bride, and now a spouse.
Look how happy she is today
what happiness shines in her eyes,
addressed to a loved one!
And if we could look into her heart,
then we would notice that it is to the brim
overflowing with love and happiness,
and there are no words to express the fullness of these feelings.
And I propose to raise our glasses to
so that happiness is endless!

Dear guests! How did it happen that you and I are walking today at this cheerful, noisy wedding? The origins of this solemn event are rooted in the not quite distant past. Then our fiance had just met with the bride and did not think about any wedding. They walked under the moon and talked, talked, talked. About nature, about the weather, about youth fashion, about the moon, about the stars ... And suddenly he felt that there were no more words left - and he proposed to her! So let's drink to those men who, not finding the right words, make an offer!

Dear bride and groom! From the bottom of our hearts, we congratulate you on your legal marriage. Today, on the day of your marriage, the Sun gave you a particle of itself, and this particle is a family hearth. The sun is the source of life on earth, the family hearth is the source of family life. Keep this precious gift for the rest of your life. No matter how cold the wind blows, the flame of the hearth should burn, giving light and warmth to your family. I raise my glass to the unquenchable light and warmth of your family hearth!

Real life consists of many little things, empty words, disputes, life situations. Life is a garland of colorful - bright and cloudy days. And the tranquility and well-being of your life, dear newlyweds, depends on your kindness and consent! So let everyday trifles not spoil the main thing in your life - happiness and joy. For your happiness, newlyweds!

On a day so happy for you
My wishes are uncountable.
Don't regret what happened
Take care, keep what you have.
Health, wealth, good luck,
Good and true friends.
And most importantly (how else) -
Get kids soon.
For you, young people, to the bottom
I drink a glass of sparkling wine

Each guest at the wedding congratulates the newlyweds in their own way, although everyone wishes the bride and groom practically the same: love, happiness, respect. Wedding toasts from the witness are always distinguished by special sensuality, because on this day her life changes, since her best friend is now getting married.

Dear guests, I propose a toast to the shoulders of the newlyweds! I wish your shoulders to be strong, broad and reliable, so that they steadfastly withstand all the burdens that will fall on your fate. Let only smart heads carry your shoulders. And let the shoulders of the bride and groom are always there to help each other out in difficult times. Let's drink to strong shoulders, a happy family life and the joys that it will give you.

Funny wedding toast about love

After the wedding, the young husband said to his new wife: "Honey, you know, I compared all my expenses for our honeymoon trip with the total cost of your dowry, and I realized that I married purely for love." I wish that the young never have a single drop of doubt that they joined their destinies only out of love. So let's drink to the love of the bride and groom, may she never lose her heat!

A wedding toast from a witness about wealth

My toast contains the wisdom of life, conveyed in one parable. A rich man and a poor man lived nearby in the same city. The poor man was always cheerful, rejoiced at every moment of life, because he had nothing to lose. He did not live in a big way, but he did not feel disadvantaged either. But the rich man did not spend money, did not eat much, did not sleep for a long time, and did not even rest. He constantly sat over his gold and counted it. And at one point he got tired of it, the rich man wanted to live normally, experiencing all the joys that are inherent in the world. The rich man began to spend money, have fun, did not deny himself anything, but the poor man, on the contrary, became sad, tried to save everything and did not want any joys. Let's drink to the fact that no money and power prevent you from being happy and cheerful family men.

Wedding toast from a dream witness

In Chinese philosophy, it is said that a person's dream is not something that exists somewhere, not something that is impossible. A dream is a road that a person paves through the earth. I wish you to pave a happy path in your life that will allow you to make all your wildest dreams and desires come true. And may you always be lucky in this! A wedding is a celebration of new ideas, dreams and hopes. As long as you dream together, you will live and love each other! For the young!

Wedding toast from a friend about life

Wedding toast from a witness about people

People are different. Some like to be sad, bored, their existence is painted in gray. Some people carry a special charge of energy, they are a kind of explosive device for everyone around. Such people charge us with joy and desire to create something new. I wish that ______ and ______ (names of the newlyweds) always charge each other with their energy, give moments of joyful attitude and lead their family to the realization of all plans. Bitterly!

Wedding toast from a witness to the family

I want to invite everyone to raise their glasses to the new family. Now in my soul a lot of joyful feelings are mixed for my close friend, who today became the wife of a wonderful, strong and reliable man. I also dream of creating the same family as yours, therefore, inspired by your marriage, I will begin to actively look for my soul mate. And I wish you that you are not just halves of each other, but become a single inseparable whole, which will fill every day with happiness and depth of tender feelings. Remember that there is a long winding road ahead of you, overcome it with dignity so that your children can follow the example of their loving parents. Bitter young!

Humorous wedding toast from a witness

One friend once asked the second: “What are your plans with your admirer for a future relationship? Are you planning a wedding?" “Yes, everything is fine, we agreed on almost everything, it remains to agree on a few small details,” she replied. "What details?" "Yes, I want him to be at the wedding in a black tailcoat." "What about him?" the friend asked. "And he refuses to marry at all." I am glad that our newlyweds did not have any differences in matters of the wedding. I wish them to be united and happy in the future. For the newlyweds!

Usually, witnesses are given the floor to congratulate the young at the beginning of the whole event. On the site www.svabdagolik.ru you can find materials about the role of the bridesmaid at the wedding as a whole. And our toasts are suitable as a congratulatory speech for a witness at any stage of the holiday.

Usually, the closest friend of the bride is chosen as a witness (in the popular way - a friend) for the wedding. It is desirable that she herself not be married, because she will have to dance with a witness, and maybe even kiss to the cries of “Bitter!”. A bridesmaid at a wedding has a lot of responsibilities: first dress up the bride, then successfully “sell” the groom. In the registry office - to fix the signature of the newlyweds with your stroke, and if the newlyweds are getting married, then during the ceremony, hold a heavy crown over the bride's head. In addition, all day long it is necessary to constantly monitor so that the makeup of the newlywed does not lose its freshness, and the bride herself is not stolen. The list of worries goes on. But the main thing is that against this background congratulatory witness was not relegated to the background.

The best impromptu is the one that is well prepared. Interesting, smart, emotionally bright, from the witness at the wedding can be a pleasant surprise for the young and their guests.

It is possible that they will remember him when they celebrate their wedding anniversary. And for your speech to be successful, it is advisable to take into account some of the nuances.

How not to do it?

  • No need to test the patience of guests by reading congratulations on a piece of paper for a long time.
  • There is no need to talk at length on the topic of family and marriage, and also to teach how to live. From the lips of a young unmarried girl, this sounds inappropriate.
  • When making a toast, do not be embarrassed, stutter and stutter.
  • There is no need for awkward poems (even if they are your own) with banal rhymes and ridiculous content. For example:

Pour me champagne - wine

To keep the family strong...

Let's drink together for the young

So that they race through life on a couple of bays ...

You connected your beautiful hearts today,

So stay with love until the very end!

With such verses you will demonstrate bad taste and your own lack of literacy.

  • No need for sexual allusions and greasy jokes: you are a friend of a chaste bride!
  • When making a toast, you should not play a role; it is desirable to remain sincere and natural.

To be on top!

  • Out of respect for the guests, you need to remember that brevity is the sister of talent.
  • It is desirable congratulations-toast in detail think ahead, and if the need arises, then rehearse.
  • Be careful with poetry! You can pick up other people's poems, but always high-quality and competent. If you have inspiration, write yourself. Or remake the lines of famous poets, or maybe a song. Such an impulse will be appreciated by the whole wedding. Having a hard time? Order poetry from a professional. It costs money, but at least you won't be ashamed of bad rhymes.
  • Toast in prose can also look spectacular. In my own words, it doesn't mean easy. That toast sounds good, in which every word has its place.
  • Try not to repeat what has already been said before you. Bring a new twist to your wedding celebration with your performance.
  • Well, if you, as a friend, tell something touching or funny about the bride, remember how you studied together, went hiking, dancing.
  • Thank your parents for the fact that they raised a good friend for you, and a beautiful bride for the groom.
  • Contact the groom because today you are marrying your best friend and you are not indifferent to how the family life of the newly-made couple will develop.
  • If the toast requires any additional preparations or special effects, take the toastmaster as an accomplice, let him include your congratulations in his script.



Get creative with tradition. The text of congratulations can be issued in the form of a scroll, letter or telegram, and after pronouncing a toast, give it to the young - there will be a memory. Good examples can easily be found online.

Enter the role

Play your part as a witness. In a toast, it could be something like this: I remember how my girlfriend dreamed of love, knew the groom, when he still did not think about the wedding, their romantic relationship developed before my eyes. Today I stood next to her in the registry office (at the altar) and felt how worried she was. I want to continue to be a witness to the happiness of the young. If you trust me, I can become the godmother of your first child. And when I get married, we will be friends with families!

congratulation gift

Bring visibility! It is one thing to say a well-known phrase about the prospect of building a house, giving birth to a son and growing a tree, and another thing is to help in the implementation by giving the newlyweds a symbolic brick, a vest and a money tree in a pot.

You can add a small car model (motorhome) or a photo album, which will capture all the main moments of family life. Use music, slides, balloons, candles.

Proverbs and sayings as a basis

Treasury of wisdom - Proverbs and sayings different countries of the world. Any of them can be the basis for a toast.

  • Without a wife, as without a hat, and without a husband, as without a head!
  • Live hand in hand, soul to soul!
  • Husband and wife have the same thoughts!
  • The husband is the head, but the hood on it is the wife!
  • Treasure is not needed if the husband and wife are in harmony!
  • Happiness comes to the house together with the wife.
  • Take a good wife - do not know boredom and grief!
  • With a wife and money - jokes are bad!
  • With a good wife, grief is half grief, and joy is doubly.
  • A husband is a shepherd to his wife, and a wife is a plaster to her husband!

Humor in congratulations

Humor at a fun wedding - the best ally, even if he is "black". Let's raise a glass to the young and their "black" life! Do not be surprised. I just want to wish the groom to walk in an expensive black tuxedo as often as possible, and the bride in a black little cocktail dress. So that they ride in a black limousine, and rest at least on the Black Sea. At the same time, they ate black caviar with spoons, and drank fragrant black coffee in the morning.


Perfectly perceived at the wedding toast- metaphors.

  • In the house of family happiness, trust builds the walls, love creates the roof, and the stork brings comfort. Let's drink to the fact that all this was in the life of the young!
  • Dear newlyweds! Today your family ship sets off on a journey across the ocean of life. Many tests await you: undercurrents, rocks and storms. I wish that your love does not drown in the waves of everyday life. Let's drink to a long and prosperous voyage!
  • If a woman is a flower of love, children are the flowers of life, then a man is a gardener: the more he takes care of the flowers, the more beautiful and brighter they become. Let's raise our glasses to start a beautiful garden today!


Many beautiful and instructive stories can be told in the form of a parable.

Toast calls

  • Dear guests, let's drink to celebrate together with the young at least ten more weddings. In a year - chintz, in two - paper, in three - leather, in five - wooden, in seven - copper, in ten - tin, in fifteen - porcelain, in twenty - crystal and, finally, silver, gold and diamond! By the way, in order to live to see a silver wedding, the wife must have a golden character, and the husband must have iron patience!

Do you need crafting ideas - use ours! Would you like to give your loved ones a creative birthday present, but don't know what? We have some ideas for you! At this address you can read about the appropriateness of white wedding suits for men.

  • I propose to raise glasses for four simple arithmetic operations. For the addition, thanks to which one beautiful girl met with a reliable guy. For subtracting them from a single life. For dividing all future hardships in half. For multiplying well-being many times over!
  • From the combination of iron and concrete, an indestructible mixture is obtained. So let your marriage be strong, like reinforced concrete, not break under the weight of worries and be a support for you in life!

Original toasts - culinary recipes

  • Dinner for your loved one. Take 100 g of care, 200 g of patience, 300 g of respect, mix and season to taste with love and tenderness. Serve hot!
  • Take a spoonful of patience, two spoons of trust and three spoons of tenderness, add half a glass of love and half a glass of passion. Stir and get a cocktail "Pleasure". You can use it daily in the evenings. Let's all drink champagne tonight. Bitterly!

comic scene

Can act out a skit transfer of the bride according to the act from the bridesmaids to the groom. Take the trouble to prepare in advance and colorfully arrange the text with something like this: We, the bridesmaids, pass (tear off from the heart) our beloved (name) to the groom. Inventory according to the act: 90-60-90, smart, beautiful, sportswoman, knows how to massage and dance, cooks delicious borscht, knows lullabies. The act is signed by all the bridesmaids present at the wedding, headed by the witness. You can seal the signatures with "seals" in the form of fondant kisses. The bride also puts her kiss on paper. When signing the act, the groom is required to determine where the imprint of the lips of his beloved is. If you don’t guess right, feel free to set a ransom in the form of various comic tests and tasks. For a successful transfer, it’s not a sin to drink!

According to unwritten wedding laws, the first toast at the celebration is usually said by the groom's father, followed by the bride's father in turn, both mothers, godparents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers and sisters.

The feast is interspersed with dancing and entertainment. After relatives, the turn comes to friends and comrades. The list of congratulations from youth is opened by a witness and a witness. By this time, the guests have already drunk enough and dispersed, so it is important that toasts were pronounced cheerfully and naturally. And if the wedding went according to an unforeseen scenario and for some reason you were not given the floor at the common table, do not be discouraged. Due to her status, the witness is always next to the young, so it's never too late to raise a glass and make your toast in a narrow circle. The main thing is that everyone is satisfied and there is something to remember! Even if you have not prepared to make a toast, say everything that is on your mind, of course, without delaying your congratulations. So did the bridesmaid in the following video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQBJJIpINnI