Setting the table for the New Year menu

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We have very little time left until the New Year. Each country meets and celebrates this day differently. magical holiday. We have mandatory attributes New Year's Eve is a decorated Christmas tree, unbridled fun and a richly laid table. Skillful housewives are especially careful when preparing the menu for this day.

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To prepare for the coming year in full, it’s worth finding out what you need to prepare for the holiday, and what it’s better to avoid. With tasty and well-chosen dishes you can appease the Fire Rooster, who will be favorable to you throughout 2017, because as we all know, how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it.

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Now we will figure out what should be on the New Year's table, and what is better to refuse in order to appease the cockerel.

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To please the Fire Cockerel, you shouldn’t give up meat at all. Master next year I am by no means a vegetarian and will be happy with meat snacks, but only those not made from their own kind.


It is advisable to give up chicken, turkey, duck and other birds, and replace them with veal, pork or beef.

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If the housewife decides to make cold cuts, it is recommended to serve them in the form of canapés, preferably with pieces of grain bread. This will please the obstinate owner of 2017.

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The rooster will be happy to see fish dishes on the table.

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Everyone knows how much the Rooster loves to peck grains, preferably brighter and more beautiful ones. Sandwiches with red caviar- an excellent choice that will perfectly decorate the New Year's table.



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After chicken, the second prohibition on the New Year's menu is chicken eggs. In order not to spoil the taste of salads and not to undermine your authority as a hostess, try to minimize their number and not decorate dishes with them.

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The Fire Rooster will be simply happy if you give up traditional salads, leaving only one or two, but prefer bright vegetable slices and generously decorate them with herbs.

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Sweet berries and fruits are another favorite delicacy of birds. They can be arranged in large and small vases, which should be placed not only on the New Year's table, but also under the Christmas tree, as well as in other places.


A good solution would be to make a fruit salad.

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Special attention should be paid to drinks. Traditionally, you can’t do without a bottle of champagne on New Year’s Day, but It is better to serve alcohol in the form of cocktails. It will be original, tasty, beautiful and correct. In addition, the literal translation of the word "cocktail" - "rooster tail".



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Although the Fire Rooster will be demanding of all women, he will definitely appreciate the efforts and will become supportive of caring housewives next year.


Make one or two hot dishes, the same number of traditional salads, and try to give preference to light, natural snacks with a touch of elegance, but without pretentiousness.


And under no circumstances forget about table setting. You should find a “golden mean” between pomp and negligence. May everything be tasty, beautiful and neat.

8:1447 8:1457 What should the New Year's table be like in the year of the Red Fire Rooster? What dishes can decorate it? How to compose New Year's menu? “The Cook,” as always, is in a hurry to help you and will offer on its pages many ideas on how to properly celebrate the holiday, what dishes to prepare for the New Year 2017, what drinks to decorate the menu with and how to set the New Year’s table 2017.

Soon, soon the Red Fire Rooster will knock on every door! New Year 2017 will come. And with it new life, new good luck, success, happiness, love, health! And in order to invite all these pleasant moments into our lives in the New Year, we need to try not to offend his main patron, but to tame him, feed him with dishes that are joyful for him, and delight them with the taste and combinations on the New Year’s table 2017.

How to set the New Year's table 2017?

The table setting is very important point in the decoration of a festive New Year's dinner. Remembering that the Rooster is a domestic, country bird, we will set the table simply, but with taste. Wooden bowls, spoons, and other utensils can be used. Clay dishes, tablecloths and linen napkins will also perform well. If you also find an antique samovar, which you place in the center of the table, and around it you place saucers with bagels, this could be the highlight of the New Year’s table 2017.

Let the dishes and other attributes at the table be bright, colorful, and painted. Do not set the table 2017 with fake dishes, for example, made of plastic. Not the case. Only everything is homemade, natural, close, sincere and warm.

Shades of the New Year's table 2017

Decorate the New Year's table 2017 with red Christmas decorations, Christmas tree branches, red candles, you can put sparkling scarlet stars on the table. Play with red and white combinations when choosing a tablecloth for the New Year's table. Place only red fruits in a vase on the table.

Be sure to place a figurine of the Cockerel somewhere near the New Year's table next to the figures of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. Let these patrons of the New Year 2017 watch how wonderfully and cheerfully you celebrate the New Year, and bring you a lot of luck and prosperity in it!

Happy New Year!

Read more about how to celebrate the New Year 2017 - the year of the Red Rooster in our New Year's article by the address.

Luck in the New Year of the Red Rooster depends on many factors. One of them - festive table. New Year's treats and properly decorated decor will help attract the attention of the symbol of the coming year.

The chores associated with preparing dishes and decorating the New Year's table are always pleasant. The expectation of a miracle and fairy tales, familiar from childhood, give positive emotions. The owner of the year, the Red Rooster, promises prosperity to hospitable owners and promises his protection to those who pay attention to his desires and whims.

Table setting

The style to follow is rustic. Simplicity and grace are combined just right and attract the attention of a capricious bird. Natural fabrics and the presence of wooden attributes will help create a fabulous atmosphere of a cozy rustic home and will bring a lot of positive emotions. Original linen and cotton napkins, embroidered with patterns with symbols of the coming year, all kinds of wicker baskets, compositions of dry herbs, fruits and vegetables decorated with spikelets, all this creates a unique energy of comfort and freedom.

Original approach There will also be dishes made of clay and ceramics. Hot pads can also be made from natural natural materials- straw, wood, fabrics. The table and the whole house can be decorated with symbolic nests made of twigs and grass. They will be a symbol of home well-being and will serve excellent decor. The family bird Rooster will appreciate your efforts and become the patron of the family hearth.

Chairs can be decorated with rough natural fabric, matting or burlap. Bows made from these materials will organically fit into the overall style and will be a wonderful addition to the overall picture. The table legs can be tied with red ribbons. This will be not only a decoration, but also a kind of ritual that unites everyone behind it.

The cutlery can also be decorated with ribbons and notes with the name of each guest. Pictures with New Year theme. Each guest will find a small card under their napkin depicting what awaits them in the New Year.

The color scheme can be chosen according to your taste, but do not forget that the year of the Red Rooster is coming, and this color should be taken into account in the design. White, a symbol of renewal and purity, will harmonize perfectly with a bright red pattern. Candles will complement the holiday atmosphere different colors. Their fire will relax you and set you at peace. Candles also enhance the magic of this night and take your thoughts into the world of dreams.

The central decoration of the table can be a composition of spruce branches, hung bright balls and nuts. You can hang notes with wishes of happiness and prosperity on the branches, and put a figurine of the Rooster below and offer him a treat in the form of cereal or porridge on a beautiful plate.

New Year's dishes

This year, you should take care not of expensive overseas dishes, but of simple food and elegantly decorate it. Fresh herbs, fruits and vegetables should be used in decoration. The Rooster, a supporter of everyday food, will appreciate even the most simple dish prepared with love. New Year's salads can be made in the shape of this bird using yolks, cut into thin strips of carrots, peppers, proteins and other products.

To attract good luck in 2017, you should put a small piece of grain bread on plates with vegetables and meat cuts. Baking will help housewives show their culinary skills and pamper their guests with delicious buns and pastries.

For drinks, you should use cocktails decorated with umbrellas, pieces of fruit and various shiny bows. Fresh fruits and vegetables, which are easy to purchase in the store, will serve as ingredients for tasty and healthy juices. Alcoholic products may also be present on the table, but you should not get carried away with tasting various liqueurs and wines. The Red Rooster is scrupulous in this matter and does not accept excessive consumption of strong drinks.

Remember that when the chimes strike, you can make your deepest wish, and it will definitely come true. Treat yourself and your loved ones pleasant surprises and in a great mood. We wish you the fulfillment of all your dreams and good luck in the New Year. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

29.12.2016 03:10

On New Year's Eve, everyone wants to know what's in store for them. new stage. WITH...

Today we will think about what the table setting should be for the New Year 2017. From ancient times to today New Year's Eve is considered a rather significant and favorite holiday. Her arrival is awaited not only by children who are eager to start eating a variety of delicacies, but also by adults who want to decorate the table in their home as beautifully as possible. On this day it should not just be on the table tasty food, but its serving is also decently decorated. After all, it all depends on how it is presented. It’s not for nothing that they say: “How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it.”

The owner of 2017 will be the Red Fire Rooster. In preparation for the coming of this year, it is necessary to do everything so that the new owner “does not get offended” and the year goes well. The Red Fire Rooster loves red, golden, orange, bright yellow, purple, brown, coral colors. He is personified with the energy of the Sun. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account all these nuances when decorating the table.

There has never been such a case when something interfered with a holiday beautiful tablecloth, dishes and glasses. For this night, the tablecloth and napkins can be chosen with the image of the owner of the year.

If you want something brighter, you can choose the colors of the tablecloth and napkin in red, yellow, green or deep orange.

These colors will go very nicely with white or pale blue plates. Selection color range should not go beyond the permissible limits. Too much a large number of colors and shades will disrupt the harmony of the New Year's table. Ideas and decor options are shown in the photo.

As for the tablecloth, it can also be snow-white, but the glasses and glasses can be pink. You can place miniature Christmas trees and candles on the table. Green color It wouldn’t be superfluous here, and if you also attach golden balls to them, this will only make the table more colorful and unforgettable.

You can place a vase in the center of the table, and place in it any New Year’s, but rather colorful composition, purchased or made with your own hands. There can be a variety of fruits on the table, as well as spruce and pine branches. All this can be decorated with silver or golden rain, and you can also use confetti.

To make the table decoration original and guests to be pleasantly surprised, you should take care of a homemade Rooster composition. He loves to dress brightly and tastefully. It is his main feature, it’s worth remembering this.

When setting the table, do not forget about the red and white color scheme; it will fit perfectly with any tableware. Be sure that the Rooster will like a variety of baskets with buns, compositions with spikelets, fruits and a small amount of straw branches.

There must be some baked goods on the table, some pickles and, of course, all kinds of cuts, decorated with a green sprig of parsley or dill. Thus, the table will turn out not only tasty, but also fun. The guests, the hostess of the house and Red will like it To the Fire Rooster.

The New Year's table of 2017 must necessarily correspond to the taste and preferences of the symbol of the coming year - To the Fire Rooster. In this case, you will be lucky, lucky and great mood, and not only during the celebration itself New Year 2017, but also throughout the whole year. If you agree with this opinion, then take advice from Karelian News about how to celebrate the New Year 2017: menu, holiday decoration, table setting and many more pleasant little things.

What to cook for the New Year of the Rooster

Since New Year 2017 is the year of the Rooster, the festive New Year's Eve menu should include delicacies that will please the symbol of the coming year. Prepare salads for the New Year 2017 from fresh vegetables and herbs. Also, New Year's table recipes 2017 may consist of rice, fish, seafood and boiled vegetables. Therefore, sushi, stuffed peppers or cabbage rolls with rice or other cereals are good options.

It’s great if you put a saucer with wheat sprouts in the center of the table. A basket with fruits, citrus and cookies.

Main courses include hot and cold appetizers from pork, beef, lamb, a rabbit. Freshly baked is welcome bread, decorated with wheat ears, as well as portioned baked goods - pies, butter buns, cakes.

Also, be sure to arm yourself with various recipes for the 2017 New Year's table cocktails. After all, translated from English, the cocktail means “rooster tail.” This means that this is the main drink at the New Year's holiday.

But if you don’t want to seriously offend the symbol of 2017, you’ll have to give up traditional, popular elegant chicken dishes and chicken eggs. Although there is an opinion that it is acceptable to use these ingredients in the form of salads, rather than whole baked dishes or deviled eggs. In addition, you can prepare treats from the meat of other poultry, as well as quail eggs.

And of course what New Year without champagne?

What should be on the New Year's table 2017: color scheme

One of the main points in preparing for the holiday is setting and decorating the New Year's table 2017, selecting plates, cutlery, tablecloths, and napkins. The element of fire will require you to find appropriate colors and shades: from bright red, orange and yellow to golden and brown. A successful combination of colors played in contrast, for example, red dishes on a white tablecloth.

What should be on the New Year's table 2017: naturalness

The Fire Rooster will appreciate a simple country style with natural clay plates, salad bowls and bowls or wooden bread bins and vases. He will also respond well to classic dishes made of ceramics or glass. But you shouldn't use synthetic materials, in particular plastic. It is better to choose a tablecloth and napkins from linen or cotton fabric.

New Year's table 2017: what paraphernalia should be

Small and insignificant details bright color look good against a light, discreet background. For example, when arranging gifts for guests, focus on the color of the main element of the holiday, adding to the simple paper packaging red bow or Christmas ball. And small figures of cute chickens or cockerels on the New Year's table will remind you on the festive night, “who is the boss of the house.”

What should be on the New Year's table 2017: the element of fire

Be sure to try to arrange New Year's table or somewhere in the room there are burning candles, bright garlands or light a fireplace, also don’t forget about the sparklers. Those. use live fire in the interior. In this way you will honor the element of fire in the year of the Fire Rooster.