How to celebrate the new year to please the fiery rooster. How to properly celebrate the New Year of the Rooster: signs and customs We decorate the house for the New Year

New Year 2017: how to celebrate, what to cook to make it successful?

As soon as it gets cool outside, literally every person begins to look forward to a wonderful and very bright holiday - the New Year. This holiday with great confidence can be called a family holiday, because New Year's Eve gathers all relatives and friends at one table. Each family expects trembling moments when everyone makes wishes and raises glasses of champagne to the sound of chimes. Since each New Year passes under a certain sign, and the symbol of 2017 is the Rooster, then every person, for sure, has a question: “How to celebrate the New Year 2017, what to cook in the year of the Rooster?”
According to astrologers, it will bring stability and prosperity. But do not relax, because the Fire Rooster itself has a restless character, the year will be full of passions and unexpected twists, changes can be in all areas: both in personal life and in career.

How to welcome the new year 2017 to make it successful

People always want to believe in miracles, and on the eve of the winter holidays, one would especially like to hope for accidents and pleasant surprises. Apparently, therefore, many of us are interested in the question - are there any folk signs for the New Year 2017?

Your curiosity will be satisfied right now - yes, there are. And what's more, you should definitely listen to them, especially if you want the whole next year to pass in a favorable environment. So, what kind of signs are we talking about?

It is necessary to carry out general cleaning in the outgoing year. The most important thing is to get rid of broken and broken things, especially utensils. It is generally accepted that it is chips and cracks on objects in the house that take away all its positive energy.

Prepare your home by washing it especially thoroughly. Windows, doors, cabinets - absolutely all surfaces should be given maximum attention. In this case, residents will be able to enjoy ease throughout the coming year, because it will come clean and without any unpleasant surprises.

Despite the fact that in the outgoing year you need to clean, wash, put things in order, etc., you need to do this in advance, about 4-5 days before the upcoming celebration. On the eve of the holiday, you should not rush to clean up and take out the trash in the afternoon of December 31st. Otherwise, well-being will bypass your home.

How to plan your 2017 Year of the Rooster celebration?

  1. The celebration of any event must be thought out in advance, the Rooster is one of the symbols of the family hearth, so it is recommended to spend New Year's Eve with your family at home. The rooster is also a symbol of economy, therefore, having gone to meet the year in distant countries, you can anger the owner of the year.
  2. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the Rooster is not simple, but fiery. And since the element of the year is fire, it is recommended not to save on fireworks, fireworks and sparklers, these nuances will delight the symbol of the year.
  3. This year it is recommended to stick to a modest celebration, without excessive dancing on the table and crazy fun, you should celebrate the holiday in a quiet, calm atmosphere, but you should not sit at the table all night, after the wishes are made and the guests try the treats, you can go outside and go to the skating rink or slide.

Home decoration for New Year 2017 celebration

The owner of the year belongs to poultry, he gives his preference to everything simple, and in order to please the Rooster, the following things should be preferred:

1. It is desirable to take dishes made of wood or earthenware. You can also use wicker baskets for bread or fruit;
2. Shelves and tables can be decorated with embroidered napkins;
3. Festive table can be decorated with rustic linen tablecloth and coasters;
4. Armchairs can be covered with checkered blankets - this will create a feeling of comfort;
5. Small embroidered cushions placed on the chairs will make guests feel comfortable and relax more quickly.

If the decor items are made with their own hands, then this year's owner will like it even more. Also, everyone knows that the Rooster is a very selfish bird that is full of vanity, so it would be appropriate to use as many objects with his image as possible. To do this, you can use knitted, painted, ceramic or plush cockerels.
An original New Year's decoration will be a nest of branches or straw. The nest can be filled with tangerines, sweets, red apples and, of course, eggs that can be decorated to look golden. This decoration will bring a double benefit: it will decorate the house, and in the future, the Firebird will bring the same golden eggs, or money, all year round.
A very beautiful decoration can be made from spruce legs and twigs, tied with chic red ribbons with the addition of small red and golden toys. Such a decoration can become a festive table decoration, you can also hang it on the wall.
When decorating rooms, preference should be given to yellow, orange, scarlet and gold colors. Pay special attention to lights, candles and garlands. Everything around should just shine, and the best gift for the Rooster, of course, will be an open fire. So lucky those who have a fireplace!

New Year tree in 2017

The main decoration of every house, of course, is the Christmas tree. In the year of the Fire Rooster 2017, the Christmas tree should be hung with a mass of lights. The best decoration will be toys: roosters, cones, painted with gold and scarlet paint. The decor of the Christmas tree can be supplemented with tinsel, which from the glare of the lights will create an even stronger glow. It is worth noting that the Rooster loves colorful things very much, so when choosing toys, you can not skimp on the color scheme, decorate the Christmas tree with details of your favorite colors, and let it shine and shimmer, delighting the feathered owner of the year.

New Year 2017: how to meet, what to cook

The last and important question is what to cook on the festive table? The rooster is a very generous bird, so the table should be rich, but the dishes should be simple, from those that are prepared in the villages. The abundance of food and dishes on the table symbolizes wealth and attracts good luck to the owners of the house. This should definitely be taken into account if you are worried in advance about how to celebrate the new 2017 Year of the Rooster. However, everything that you put on the table must be eaten, otherwise you risk disappointing your fortune. Try to combine the entire prepared assortment on the table, but at the same time impose minimal portions. You can see our selection: "" where we tried to make a balanced and tasty menu for every taste.

The feathered owner of the year will like vegetables, salads, herbs and fruits. Cake and sweets will also please the Rooster, and not only him, guests will also be pleased to enjoy the taste of homemade cake, pie or kulebyaki. Dishes served in pots may also please the symbol of the year - it is tasty and unusual.

Outfit for celebrating New Year 2017

Beautiful ladies are interested in the question of how to meet and what outfit to choose? This is a really important question, because you need to understand what is better to buy for the meeting of the year, so that in the future you will live side by side with good luck for all 365 days.
The color palette is recommended in those colors that are present on the beautiful iridescent tail of a rooster - red, brown, gold, purple, orange, and sometimes even blue. The structure of the fabric is preferably smooth and sparkling: rayon, brocade, velvet, etc.
As for decorations, you should not overdo it here, extravagance will not be to the liking of the Fiery Rooster. If jewelry is needed to complement your evening dress, then it is best that they do not look very flashy. Preference is given to gold. Garnet and coral beads can also be a good accent, but as for diamonds, they are not recommended to be worn this year. The hairstyle should be elegant and sophisticated, it is recommended to complement it with a comb, a designer hat or an unusual decoration for the New Year theme. Makeup is recommended to be catchy, you can safely use sparkles, shades of bright colors, you can make a drawing on your face.
Men should put jeans and sweaters in the closet on New Year's Eve, it is recommended to dress as beautifully as possible. You can choose a formal suit and a chic tie, or trousers and a red shirt.

Gifts on New Year's Eve 2017

The best gifts in the year of the Fire Rooster will be household items - dishes, towels, tools. It is very important that the gift is useful in everyday life, and that it does not collect dust on the shelf later. Since the Rooster loves adventure and experience, tickets for some events can be a good gift: concerts, cinema screenings, excursions. And of course, do not forget that any gift must be supplemented with the symbolism of a cockerel - it can be a small souvenir, a toy or a postcard, this will also flatter the feathered one.

Signs for the New Year 2017, the year of the Rooster

New Year's omen for good luck. If you have time at the last minute of the outgoing year, when the chimes strike, to peel the tangerine and put it under the tree, you will feel happy throughout the year.

A wish for the New Year 2017 should be made only one and the most important. If you think too much, you can lose everything and gain nothing.

It is not worth working on New Year's Eve, meaning January 1st. If you dedicate this day to hard work, then you risk calling yourself a year in which you will work hard.

Money signs for the New Year 2017 are simple. You can not borrow on New Year's Eve, it is advisable to have time to pay off everyone to whom you owe. You should also not celebrate the New Year on credit, for example, using a credit card. Otherwise, you will be in financial need all year. It is important to remember that on December 31, January 1, 6 and 7, in no case should you lend or use any items from home.

In fact, there are a lot of New Year's signs, but the most important thing is to believe in them, and in a miracle. And yet, do not forget about the truth - how you meet the coming year, so you will spend it. Therefore, try to look at 100%, do not get tired in advance, do not enter into conflicts, do not borrow money, and in general, rejoice and smile more!

The celebration of the Year of the Fire Rooster 2017 is best organized at home: with family and loved ones. Decorate the house as brightly as possible, using the symbols of the year, pay special attention to your appearance and general decoration. And when decorating the Christmas tree, do not forget to hang or place a feeder with grain near it, this will become a treat for the feathered one, and will also flatter him very much. New Year is a magical holiday. Let these ideas on how to celebrate the New Year 2017 to make it successful, signs and tips will help you make it truly fabulous! Happy New Year!

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Despite the fact that it’s still November outside, it’s time to think about the New Year theme. Time flies, we will not have time to look back, as the New Year will come. In place of 2016, which is hosted by the Fire Monkey, 2017 is the year of the Fire Rooster. And you should already now think about how to celebrate this holiday in order to get the favor of the symbol of the year. For those who do not believe in omens in general and in the Chinese calendar and omens in particular, we suggest considering the tips from this article as one of the options for celebrating the New Year.

So, let's begin. The rooster is domineering and strict, fair and decisive, bright and pugnacious. The rooster is selfish and proud, but knows the value of money well. Therefore, the Rooster will be favorable to those who are wise about their income and know how to plan them correctly. Yes, the Rooster loves brightness and brilliance, but at the same time he is quite tight-fisted. And this means that our New Year holidays should be bright, but economical and not wasteful.

Where and with whom to celebrate?

The Fire Rooster adheres to well-established household traditions, so it is recommended to celebrate the coming year with family and friends. So that happiness does not leave you during 2017, you need to celebrate the New Year in a homely atmosphere. Invite your friends to your place, gather all your relatives or go to visit them yourself. It is unlikely that he will like it if you go to a restaurant, but the Rooster will definitely not be offended if you go to your loved ones.

How to celebrate 2017 and what to wear in the year of the Fiery Red Rooster?

You need to meet 2017 in the best outfit of fiery shades: red, wine red, scarlet, red, gold, purple, crimson, combined with deep black. The image should be luxurious, but not vulgar. The element of 2017 is fire, and this is red and yellow, strength, power, beauty. The Fire Rooster chooses red, ruby, carmine, scarlet, red, gold, crimson, crimson, as well as black (soot), brilliant white and mother-of-pearl. So your New Year's outfit, as well as the New Year's interior, must certainly include "fiery" elements of these colors. The rooster is elegant, official, loves the classics. In order not to offend him, refrain from carelessness in clothes, from earthy, marsh, mustard, flesh, gray, pale blue, yellowish-green shades.

hairstyles in the year of the Fire Rooster should be neat, strict, tall. Negligence is unacceptable. The rooster loves smooth feathers! Get your hair up and style it with a beautiful golden comb, and you will certainly please the owner of 2017.

Makeup on New Year's Eve 2017 should be bright. Red lipstick, red nail polish, black mascara, defined eyebrows. Let's leave the natural faded colors for everyday life. On New Year's Eve, you must create a bright image!

Decorations per year should be large, expensive, but there should not be many of them. Silver, brass, copper and modest natural gemstones are not suitable. The choice of the Fire Rooster is gold, ruby, spinel, garnet, diamond, tourmaline, pearls.

men it is not necessary to dress very strictly, but if he visits guests and brings with him a woman dressed according to all the rules of this holiday, he will have to comply. Too strict suit will reduce comfort, and you should not wear it if you don’t want to, but the Rooster will consider homemade pajamas, various jeans and sports trousers to be something immoral. Therefore, classic trousers and a bright comfortable shirt are enough for a man. Well, decorations are not forbidden.

How to decorate a house?

New Year's decor in the New Year should prove that you can create a brilliant and rich image with minimal funds. Do not be afraid to overdo it with lights, glitter, decorations.

The rooster welcomes the house where a colorful entourage is created for the holiday. Red napkins, a white tablecloth embroidered with gold thread, feather decorations, golden balls on the Christmas tree, red candles, bright winter fruits in crystal vases will create the necessary mood. Do not forget to use red apples, tangerines, oranges, red grapefruits, persimmons, rosehips and pomegranates in the table decor. Glasses should be on long legs, with gold patterns.

Add comfort to your home. Use blankets and blankets. Arrange pottery and vases at home. In the New Year's decor, there may be cute and interesting bouquets that were created from simple flowers. In addition to all the above rules, feel free to use various things and crafts that were made by yourself to decorate your home. And be sure to use images of the Rooster in different variations in decorating the house. It can be: all kinds of magnets, wooden figurines, soft toys, drawings.

How to decorate a Christmas tree?

A live Christmas tree is welcome, but the Rooster has nothing against an artificial one either. The Christmas tree is considered an obligatory attribute of every new year. And it is recommended to pay maximum attention to its decoration. In the new year 2017, all kinds of toys, tinsel and beads will look very beautiful on the Christmas tree. However, all these elements must be made in red and gold. And to make the Christmas tree look solemn, use garlands of various colors and sizes in its decoration. In addition to standard decorations, decorate your forest beauty: tangerines, sweets and nuts that will be hung from the Christmas tree. Add soft toys. As a result, everything will be simple and beautiful at the same time.

What to bring to the table?

So, celebrating 2017 is inexpensive, but hearty dishes. Obviously, it is worth excluding dishes from poultry and chicken in particular - for the Rooster this is insulting. Pork, lamb or beef are welcome; ducks, quails, turkeys are not even considered. Egg dishes are not allowed. Otherwise, the Rooster is tolerant.

In the center of the festive feast, place a cake or homemade pie. The bigger the pie, the better. And on the table you can arrange various homemade pastries. Pies and various pastries will delight guests with a pleasant taste. Such attributes will help create a truly homely atmosphere. Fresh greens must be present on the festive table. Make light vegetable salads. Also, do not forget to cut fruit. But for hot dishes, get pots. It will be very easy and delicious. In addition, it will look very original on the New Year's table.

You can also cook pilaf or risotto with seafood or beef as a main course, bake a leg of lamb or fish in the oven. When compiling a salad menu, do not forget the bean dishes, which will definitely appeal to the capricious host of the New Year. Also pay attention to mushroom dishes. As a dessert, a variety of cookies of several types are suitable, for example, kurabie and shortbread cookies. Cookies can be decorated with bright culinary topping of red and gold beads.

In conclusion, we can say that wherever your holiday takes place, it doesn’t matter if you follow traditions and signs or not. Whatever company surrounds you, it is important to remember that New Year's Eve should not be boring. Therefore, celebrate the New Year noisily, cheerfully and on a grand scale in the circle of your closest people. And then the whole next year will be with a bang! After all, it’s not for nothing that they say in Russia: “As you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it”

The moment is approaching, the fiery Rooster, the symbol of the New Year 2017, will replace the wooden goat. According to the eastern calendar, the Rooster will take its rightful place on the throne on January 28. Fire is the element of 2017, and the symbolic colors of the New Year are red, yellow, golden, orange and other appropriate shades.

In order to worthily spend New Year's Eve, you should carefully prepare, focusing on even the smallest things. On New Year's Eve, everything should be thought out: the festive table, the decorations, and the outfits. How to celebrate the New Year of the Rooster 2017: signs will help make the most anticipated night of the year unforgettable!

Festive table

How to celebrate the New Year of the Rooster 2017 and what should be the menu is probably the most pressing issue on the eve of the long-awaited holiday. It should be remembered that on the table there should be dishes not only traditional for the winter celebration, but also those that the symbol of the year Rooster loves. After all, on New Year's Eve, everyone should remain full!

It is better that vegetarian dishes take the leading position in the menu of the New Year, since the diet of the totem of the year includes no more than 2% of meat. Of course, turning your table into a paradise for herbivores is not worth it, especially if there are lovers of meat delicacies among the guests: chicken, poultry and rabbit dishes will do.

It is also worth taking care that there is a real abundance of fruit on the table, this Rooster will surely appreciate it! Also, the symbol of the year will appreciate something exotic and creative. After all, cooking is also a space for imagination! You can make, for example, a fruit cake, and insert fireworks in the center. Or depict a rooster from some dish.

Wardrobe tips

How to celebrate the New Year of the Rooster 2017: signs include the selection of a festive outfit in accordance with the symbol of the year. It should be remembered that decorating the festive table, according to the traditions and signs of how to celebrate the New Year of the Rooster 2017, brings good luck and prosperity to the house. But by dressing yourself in a symbolic color scheme, personal luck is attracted.

Rooster loves a creative approach to business. Therefore, the more original the New Year's outfit, the more likely it is that the Rooster will pay attention. While fiery hues are typical for 2017, the Rooster welcomes both blue and green. Therefore, if bright, eccentric outfits are not exactly your style, you can pick up clothes in soothing colors, diluting it with bright elements in the form of a brooch or hairpin.

The rooster will appreciate the efforts of everyone, especially if a good mood prevails on New Year's Eve, a bright atmosphere with notes of something incredible and magical. May the New Year be filled with unforgettable moments!

December. The most magical and bustling month of the year. The whole country is waiting for the holiday. Someone earlier, someone later, but in the end everyone is puzzled how to celebrate the New Year. You need to decide where and with whom to celebrate, what to wear, what to give to whom and what to cook. At the same time, many try to please the symbol of the coming year, so that later they can live in joy and prosperity for all 12 months.

According to the Eastern calendar, 2017 is the year of the Fire Rooster. Therefore, we will definitely have a bright holiday, and according to astrologers, an equally bright year. About how to properly celebrate the New Year 2017 - in the material of RIA PrimaMedia.

What the coming year is preparing for us: astrologers

Sinologists argue that the symbolism of the horoscope is directly related to the nature of the animal.

What do we know about roosters? Firstly, these bright birds are the real masters of the yard, they keep order in their territory. Secondly, roosters have a reputation for being badass and are constantly figuring out who's in charge by participating in battles. Thirdly, it is from their buoyant "Crow!" every day begins in the village, - says Sinologist Yevgeny Shmitko. - From this we draw conclusions who will be favored by this serious, sociable and fair symbol of the coming year in 2017. The first conclusion is for family people who prefer to celebrate the New Year with relatives and within their own walls. It is desirable if the house is in perfect order. The second is for those who are not afraid to show strength and show initiative, who will be ready for attacks and will be able to find a compromise in everything. The third is for purposeful people who are not afraid of change. The rooster in the Eastern calendar is a symbol of renewal, the beginning of something new and unknown. Only whether these changes will be pleasant is not specified.

Eugene added that each of us will have to feel the presence of the Rooster. This means that in the coming 2017 it will not be possible to avoid conflicts and changes. Do not miss the fact that the year of the Red Rooster, the fiery one, is coming. This color symbolizes passion and war. Therefore, to the explosive nature of the Rooster, flare-up sympathies are added, which can lead to new relationships or to breaking old ones, as well as aggression in interpersonal and international relations.

Astrologers confirm that with the advent of the Eastern New Year (January 28, 2017), conflicts are possible on the world stage. Everyone will put things in order in his "yard" and show who is in charge here.

What to wear and cook, as well as signs and forecasts of astrologers: How Primorye people celebrate the New Year to please the Fire Rooster. Photo: Anton Balashov, RIA PrimaMedia

What to wear and cook, as well as signs and forecasts of astrologers: How Primorye people celebrate the New Year to please the Fire Rooster. Photo: Anton Balashov, RIA PrimaMedia

According to a well-known feng shui master in Russia Snezhana Tikhonova, the outgoing year was dark, problematic, and the year of the Rooster will be white, bright and joyful. It is reported by IA YakutiaMedia.

A very good year is coming. The universe has decided to change the palette and dramatically change from black to white,” says Snezhana Tikhonova. - All over the world in 2016 we observed terrorist attacks, wars, political instability. 2017 will be a very bright year, judging even by the name - the Fire Rooster - a joyful year. But the Rooster is twofold. In nature, he is always fighting. We will observe these moments, as many conflict situations are expected, including international ones. Unfortunately, I can even predict a conflict between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. Do not forget that fire is always aggression. This is a very angry rooster. On the other hand, it is an analogue of the Red Phoenix. In general, from the point of view of feng shui, eastern astrology, there are four animals: turtle, dragon, tiger and red phoenix. And in this series, the Red Phoenix is ​​always a victory. That is, the year will be victorious for everyone who knows this and who will strive for this.

Snezhana Tikhonova also told IA YakutiaMedia about the troubles that can happen in the year of the Fire Rooster.

In the first three months (February, March, April) it is better not to set ambitious goals, plans, and not to make large purchases. This is not exactly a dangerous time, but not entirely favorable. At this time, you need to slow down your business plans a little, it is better to postpone large purchases (fur coats, cars, real estate) for later, says Snezhana. - There are two more points. First, there will be a lot of betrayal. For example, you were friends for many, many years with someone, you loved, trusted, as if you were yourself, you were taken care of. The same person can substitute. And the second thing - it's not me talking, but my teacher Lillian Too - there will be a lot of divorces. Even in those families that lived very well, this year this can happen. Unfortunately, there will be a lot of betrayals - both from women and from men.

Where and how to celebrate the New Year 2017 - the year of the Fire Rooster

There are a lot of options where and how to celebrate the New Year. We have already found out that it is recommended to celebrate the holiday with the family and preferably at home. But some have already planned trips, because there are so many days off ahead (New Year holidays in 2017 will last until January 8)! Then at least do not go on a journey alone, take relatives with you. It's more fun together, and the Fire Rooster will be pleased.

Many seasiders will spend the most magical night of the year abroad. The routes are known to all. These are the countries of Southeast Asia - China, Thailand, Vietnam, South Korea, Japan, Indonesia. You can also fly in the opposite direction - take a walk along the ancient streets of Europe. There is still an option to celebrate the Year of the Rooster brightly and unusually where our fellow countrymen rarely go - in colorful Rio de Janeiro or in the country of a golden sunset, Morocco. The Fire Rooster will be pleased.

Tours in Russia are popular. Basically, these are trips to large cities with a rich history or to ski resorts. However, you can simply go to relatives who live in unremarkable parts of the country. The main thing is that you will spend the holiday with your family.

If the family is nearby, but you want to change the situation - welcome to the recreation centers of Primorye. There are many options - from chalets without amenities to luxurious cottages with saunas and a full range of winter entertainment. It's just that today, most likely, there are no more empty seats. There is always the option to go to the dacha - yours or one of your friends. It will even be somehow at home, which will not leave the Fire Rooster indifferent.

Thrill-seekers can also celebrate the New Year in a tent. Climbing to some peak of Primorye. Also an option, why not. At the most magical moment, you will be much closer to the stars. Just dress warmly.

And wherever you are - in no case should you quarrel on New Year's Eve. It is better to let go of the offense and make peace. Otherwise, not only will the holiday be spoiled, you will also anger the symbol of the coming year. But if you celebrate in a cheerful and friendly company, then your relations with others in the coming year will improve significantly.

When preparing for the holiday, do not forget about music, fireworks, garlands, entertainment for the company - everything that turns an ordinary day into a holiday. And, of course, the symbol of the year - the Fire Rooster, should be in the most prominent place.

How to celebrate the New Year 2017: what to wear

The Fire Rooster is a bright bird. He will definitely like outfits of red and yellow shades, asymmetrical models of dresses and skirts, original jewelry. At the same time, the symbol of the coming year likes refined and elegant looks - avoid frank cutouts, transparent fabric and casual style.

A beautiful outfit will cheer you up for the whole year. Photo: Veronika Rybalchenko, IA MagadanMedia

When choosing a festive outfit, give up casual suits, flashy and daring models, careless sweaters with funny patterns and inscriptions. Astrologers say that the Fiery Rooster will definitely not appreciate such options. But it will be happy if women dress in cocktail dresses and put on high-heeled shoes. Their companions do not have to celebrate the New Year in a formal suit - it will be boring (if the dress code of the event does not require it). Let there be a pullover or a jumper with trousers, the main thing is that they emphasize your masculinity.

To appease the Fire Rooster, you need to choose the right colors:

  • red, burgundy, pink (love, passion, power);
  • green (family, faith, hope);
  • yellow (health, wealth);
  • black (career, success);
  • terracotta or orange (new knowledge);
  • white (changes in life, of course, for the better).

Don't go overboard with accessories this year. Let them be less than necessary. Astrologers recommend that the fair half find bright feathers in the form of hairpins or brooches. Men are encouraged to wear a red shirt or tie, a red handkerchief or any other red accessory on New Year's Eve.

An important detail - the New Year must be met in new underwear.

How to decorate the house and the table for the New Year 2017

Everyone knows from childhood that in order for the New Year mood to appear, you need to decorate the house and decorate the Christmas tree. Some do it in early December and live all month in anticipation of the holiday.

To appease the Fire Rooster, when decorating the interior, use the colors of his favorite range - red and golden. Use jewelry made from natural materials. Although the tree itself can be both natural and artificial.

The element of wealth in 2017 is fire, so there should be more candles on the New Year's table than ever.

What to wear and cook, as well as signs and forecasts of astrologers: How Primorye people celebrate the New Year to please the Fire Rooster. Photo: Anton Balashov, RIA PrimaMedia

What to wear and cook, as well as signs and forecasts of astrologers: How Primorye people celebrate the New Year to please the Fire Rooster. Photo: Anton Balashov, RIA PrimaMedia

What to wear and cook, as well as signs and forecasts of astrologers: How Primorye people celebrate the New Year to please the Fire Rooster. Photo: Anton Balashov, RIA PrimaMedia

What to wear and cook, as well as signs and forecasts of astrologers: How Primorye people celebrate the New Year to please the Fire Rooster. Photo: Anton Balashov, RIA PrimaMedia

What to wear and cook, as well as signs and forecasts of astrologers: How Primorye people celebrate the New Year to please the Fire Rooster. Photo: Anton Balashov, RIA PrimaMedia

Tinsel, sparkles, garlands - all this will create a festive atmosphere. But do not overdo it, the Fire Rooster loves elegance and moderation in everything. Red apples can become the main decoration of the holiday - they are beautiful, useful and can even be hung on a Christmas tree.

You can also hang a bag of grain and coins there. The rooster is a reasonable bird, so it will definitely thank the owners of the house, who have shown concern for it.

As for the festive table, it also needs to be decorated. Elegant candles and candlesticks, napkins, figurines of roosters, a festive tablecloth - all this can be used for decoration. But remember that as a result, the table should be elegant.

What to cook for the New Year 2017

The main decoration will, of course, be festive dishes. They can also be decorated (preferably with something red - caviar, tomatoes, pomegranate, red pepper). Do not forget about corn, green peas - the Rooster will appreciate such care and will definitely be supportive in 2017.

Canapes, tartlets and crackers will look good on the table. The rooster loves light and nutritious snacks, and they can also be beautifully presented. The main thing is that there are no semi-finished products on your menu - all food must be made by hand. The rooster is categorical to everything unnatural.

Of course, there can be no poultry and egg dishes on the table. But there are so many options - meat, fish, vegetables, seafood. It is believed that the neighborhood of meat and seafood dishes will allow you to catch the bird of happiness in the coming year and increase your income.

A special place on the table should be reserved for fruits - the symbol of the coming year will be delighted with bright compositions like a fruit tree, a bouquet or a basket. Astrologers say that in the coming year, prosperity and well-being can be attracted to the house.

But a good mood for the whole year can be earned with delicious desserts. The rooster is a sweet lover and will be happy with your signature treats.

What can not be said about alcohol. The rooster is cocky by nature, which strong drinks only exacerbate. That's why he doesn't like them. In order not to anger the bird, observe moderation and give preference to light and sparkling wines, cocktails and liquors.

New Year's signs and rituals

It is customary to expect a miracle from the holiday, which is why many try so hard to please the symbol of the coming year. But besides what we can do ourselves, there are signs accumulated over the years for the New Year. What to pay attention to on the eve of 2017?

Let's start with preparing for the holiday.

  • If during the decoration of the Christmas tree a toy fell out of your hands and broke - this is for profit! The more fragments and the larger they are, the better. In addition, you can always say: "For luck!".
  • If you want abundance on your table all year round, cook 12 dishes.
  • If you sneeze on December 31, you will be lucky all year.
  • And another year you need to meet in new clothes - so that you don’t deny yourself anything all year.
  • If guests come to you on New Year's Eve, then you will be with guests all year (to avoid this, go visit yourself).
  • It is no secret that before starting a new one, you always need to get even with the old - to collect and distribute debts. And so that there are no problems with money in the coming year, put a large bill in your pocket and do not exchange it for a year - it will bring good luck and financial well-being.
  • To attract financial well-being into the house, tie a new broom with a red ribbon and place it at the corner with the handle down. The red color will appease the Rooster, and the sign with a broom always works.

During the celebration, there are also many signs.

  • If in the New Year's fuss you stumble on the threshold with your left foot - to failure, with your right - success awaits you all year. A bad omen can be "nullified" by spinning three times around its axis counterclockwise. Most importantly, don't fall!
  • During the meeting of the New Year 2017, there is a sign: go outside, look around if there are three or even more cats nearby. It’s a pity if all the cats in your area decided to go for a walk on this night, this promises you trouble, you will be the culprit all year because of your sharp tongue.
  • When meeting the New Year 2017, there are actions for good luck: prepare a coin in advance, preferably yellow, and while the chimes are striking, squeeze it tightly in your fist. Monetary will be a year, profitable. And another nuance to this sign: the smaller the money, the larger the profit will be next year.
  • Do you want your chosen one to be with you all year long, do you dream of keeping him next to you? Put his photo in your pocket closer to your heart.
  • An interesting New Year's sign for the year of the Rooster: if you accidentally torn a new beautiful dress during the celebration and dancing, do not be upset. This year, a fleeting passionate romance awaits you. And if the New Year's outfit gets dirty, this can also lead to monetary gain, but you won't get gossip.
  • Most importantly, on New Year's Eve, be sure to make a wish. At the same time, remember that it must be formulated correctly, avoiding the “not” particle.

You should definitely add this one to the New Year's signs of 2017: food from the New Year's table cannot be thrown away. As signs say, in this way you will throw happiness out of the house.

What to wear and cook, as well as signs and forecasts of astrologers: How Primorye people celebrate the New Year to please the Fire Rooster. Photo: Anton Balashov, RIA PrimaMedia

The year of the Fire Rooster 2017 is approaching. We will tell you how to appease the symbol of the year, what signs promise success, what to give to relatives for the holiday and how to meet the future owner.

Symbol of the New Year 2017 - Fire Rooster

New Year holidays are coming! According to the eastern horoscope, the symbol of 2017 will be the Fire Rooster. Naturally, each animal has its own character. And according to tradition, if you appease the symbol of the next year, then success will accompany all endeavors.
The rooster is characterized by such qualities as emotionality, confidence and ardor of character. The symbol of 2017 requires attention and respect, it is unshakable, persistent and always carries out its plan. And if the Rooster is Fire, then tireless activity and energy are added to all of the above. Fire is a symbol of light, passion and love. The Fire Rooster will help you achieve what you want in the future in 2017, he will not let you go astray. Symbol color - Red. The ambitious and assertive Fire Rooster will come into its own on January 28, 2017. The rooster promises happiness in love and family life, as well as career success.

How to meet the year of the Fire Rooster 2017: signs and customs

According to ancient beliefs, if you meet the Fire Rooster correctly, then in the new year the symbol will help make dreams come true. So there are several signs that will appease the Fire Rooster, and then he will be favorable to you next year.

Firstly, they are ordered to see off the Old Year magnificently. From 29 to 31, the table should be bursting with delicacies if you want gifts of fate next year. that the Fire Rooster will definitely like: rice, wheat. It will be good if fish becomes the main decoration. Secondly, this year it is necessary to deal with all debts, and celebrate only in a clean apartment.
Some of the signs are aimed at ensuring that next year is not stingy with finances. If on New Year's Eve you put a new broom in the corner with the rods up, the handle of which is wrapped with red thread, then there will be prosperity in the family. And in order for the next year to be joyful, do not skimp on decorating the Christmas tree, let the music play louder, and the house shine with the light of garlands.

It is worth saying that the Fire Rooster is an important bird. He loves fame. So, if you want there to be no gossip about you, and only good things were said - do not gamble on New Year's Eve.

However, the Rooster is known to love to argue. If you want to avoid conflicts in 2017, congratulate as many people as possible on the holiday. And the Rooster is a domestic bird. He is very family-oriented, keeps order and does not let strangers into the yard. If you want to strengthen family ties: tie the legs of the New Year's table with white thread, and a minute before the chiming clock, clean the tangerine and put it under the Christmas tree.

Well, and most importantly, enter the new year with pure thoughts and soul.

Horoscope and gifts in the year of the Fire Rooster 2017

Choosing a gift is not an easy task. However, in the year of the Fire Rooster, you can give whatever your heart desires. You can choose gifts according to the signs of the zodiac, or you can rely on your own intuition. But, one way or another, jewelry, household utensils, things necessary for work and creativity, gadgets will always be relevant. However, it is worth remembering that the Rooster does not like cheap and formal gifts, the symbol requires respect, so give the necessary and practical things.

The Fire Rooster is characterized by determination, wisdom, exactingness and an ardent temperament. Aries is in for a financially successful year. But the Rooster warns: do not spray, concentrate on one thing. A wonderful gift for a stubborn lamb is office equipment, a gift certificate or a training course.

Taurus stars predict success in any endeavor. Therefore, persistent gobies can be pleased with creative kits, movie tickets, exhibitions and various master classes.

Gemini in the year of the Fire Rooster will have to learn an instant reaction. You can surprise such a controversial sign with unusual gifts: skydiving, dancing, gadgets.

Homemade crustaceans may like a warm blanket, bathrobe, self-development training and household appliances. The fiery rooster will make them get out of their comfort zone and plunge them into the turbulent course of life.

Lions will be happy to improve their body. Gold jewelry, gym and yoga memberships, travel, home exercise equipment and aroma oils for relaxation are suitable for them. Fiery rooster to force to pay attention to health!

Virgo next year will not sit still: they will always be in business and worries. Give them diaries, tablets, or a comfortable pair of shoes to avoid time pressure.

Libras will want to be leaders in the year of the Fire Rooster. They will definitely suit a fashionable bag, perfumes, collection wines.

Scorpions are waiting for the wind of change in all areas of life. You can give them a photo shoot, an original alarm clock or shopping.

For archers, the Fire Rooster has prepared meetings with acquaintances from the past. The symbol of the year advises to give the militant sign items to create comfort and romance: a table lamp, tea, a service.

The rooster in the new year will resist the earthiness of capricorns. There will be obstacles and good luck. To inspire this practical sign, gift a Capricorn a theater ticket, a quest, or a flashy item like a red stole.

Aquarians will finally be able to bring all their ideas to life. The year will be successful and creative. We will give jewelry, fashionable clothes and leather accessories.

Pisces will also leave their home and rush towards the sun. The Fire Rooster portends them success in love affairs and at work. Fish will be happy with cosmetics, sports equipment and exclusive chess.

However, the most important thing is to make gifts from the heart and with a great mood. and relatives and friends. Happy New Year 2017. May the Fire Rooster bring good luck in all endeavors.