Articles about the New Year's carnival masquerade for the elderly. New Year's games and competitions with the hall

Scenario of the New Year's carnival 2015 (grades 8,9,11)


Presenter 1

Presenter 2

Kikimora -

Baba Yaga


Father Frost

Snow Maiden


Boy and girl



Everyone run here

Gather in this room

If you want to see

New Year's carnival

Presenter 2.:

Came back to us today
Christmas tree and winter holiday
This New Year's holiday
We were looking forward to it!
Sparkling golden rain
Our cozy, bright room.
The tree around invites us,
It's time for the holiday.

Presenter 1 There is no more elegant than our Christmas tree,
There is no more beautiful and sweet
All straightened needles
On spreading branches.
In the bright hall noise and laughter,
The fun has begun!
Our tree is the best
There is no doubt about it!
Hello dear guest,
Lush, in needles.
Hello slim big
holiday tree!

Presenter 1:
Finally carnival.

And, believe me, it's not in vain

Everyone expected him
Finally in school holiday,

We are tired of studying.
So go ahead! To the masquerade!

But at the beginning of the New Year

Congratulations to all guys!

The word for congratulations is given to the principal of the school

Host 2:
The old year ends

Good good year.

We won't be sad

After all, the New one is coming to us ...

Accept wishes,

It's impossible without them.

Be healthy and happy!

Happy new year friends!

Presenter 1 funny ideas
brought us New Year
With a cheerful sonorous song
Let's start our round dance!

The song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"

Presenter 1

We invite you to a holiday

For the annual Masquerade.

Let's arrange at the New Year tree

We are a real carnival.

Leading 2.

Fun, games, songs, dances

Attractions and poetry

Help us at the carnival

Have fun from the heart.

Leading 1.

Today is an unusual holiday.

Perhaps a fairy tale will come to us

And a miracle, magic as a gift

He will definitely bring it with him.

There will be contests, jokes,
Awards, prizes.
Disco very soon
He will tell us: "Don't slow down!"

Presenter 2

The clock strikes, the minutes hurry,

Hurrying up the course of events.

The whole country is waiting impatiently

Fairy tale holiday - New Year!

The song "New Year's" of the Disco Crash group sounds.

Kikimora and Baba Yaga appear. They sit around the Christmas tree and play cards, argue.

Good evening friends!

One day the hour comes

Everyone is waiting with hope for their arrival.

and the miracle happens again

And this miracle is the New Year!

For the fact that you are so glad to meet,

For kindness open eyes

We want to give you a gift -

Let's give the show to you now!

Baba Yaga.

And I tell you: a wonderful duet of Gurchenko and Moiseev! Jack!


How beautiful! Look - pah! Lady…

Baba Yaga.

(dreamy) I would like to be like Lyudmila Gurchenko!


Honey, how many braces do you need to make - there won't be enough ropes!

baba yaga

Dreaming is not bad! Bito!


Yeah, it's bad not to dream.

baba yaga

Stop arguing. Let's better our beloved


We've gone crazy, we've gone crazy. We need a shake, we need a shake


And in the forest no one, absolutely seriously. Situation – help, situationSOS! You can't find anyone in your neighborhood, so we'll hang out with you alone.

Baba Yaga.

How lousy in my soul, I'm about to scream. I'm not in the mood, I don't want anything. This boredom is poison gas for us, even new outfit we are not happy with the eyes.


We've gone crazy, we've gone crazy. We need a shake, we need a shake

Baba Yaga.

Look! The devil is carrying someone to us.


(peeping) Santa Claus or something ..

Baba Yaga.

Did he change his image?

Sounds like new year music

Cats. I'm Koschei... So I decided to celebrate the holiday with you in your hall! Okay, let's get down to business! The Christmas tree suits, the palace corresponds to the status, the presenters are super! Lots of kids! And Granny Yagusya is here...(kiss)


A what about the software?

Presenter 1

Dear Koschey! Our program is ready! We are waiting for Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden with gifts!

And we invite you to our cheerful round dance!

Leading 2.

Move wider - wider

Let's start a friendly dance!

Who froze on our Christmas tree,

He's getting warm now!

Round dance dance of little ducklings.


(unsatisfied). Oh, tired, oh tired!

I haven't danced like this in a long time!

I almost sprained my leg!

I'll rest a little now!

I will bring fear and horror

In this wondrous beauty!

To the one I don't need

Lost in the dark.

I'm cunning, I'm angry, I'm greedy

Rude, cruel and merciless!

I don't know anxiety

I gave my heart away!

I am immortal, that is, eternal,

Because heartless!

I am cunning! I so want to have fun!

Russian folk music sounds, bells sound.

Santa Claus appears.

Father Frost.

Chest, compresses the chest longing and grief.

Yes, it is clear to be unhappy is my lot.

For so long I brought a good parzdnik to people

The light turned over and the white snow is not nice.

My heavy cross will have to be carried to the end,

I can't find my former happiness.

Oh, woe to me, because people will not understand me,

Why did the Snow Maiden run away to Hollywood?

And after death I will not find peace.

I'll hang myself! No, I'd rather go on a binge! I did not expect this from the Snow Maiden!

This is a blow below the belt!

She left me, old man. How can I appear in front of people without the Snow Maiden!

Eh! I'll go where my eyes look.

Baba Yaga.

Father Frost! Hello Darling! Are you lost, tea?


Haven't seen you for a thousand years...

Baba Yaga.

Did you come or what?


Maybe you need our help? To bewitch some kind of snow woman ...

baba yaga .

What did not weigh gifts lost7


No, he favorable price Got Santa Claus.

Baba Yaga.

You that he would then be happy.

Father Frost

Enough! enough! My Snow Maiden left me.



Father Frost.

In Hollywood, she was invited to the main role in the film "Emmanuelle Returns"


(sympathetically) How can you live without the Snow Maiden now - you will be7

Baba Yaga.

Can we get off?

Father Frost.

Stop mocking you! It's so hard for me!


Woo! Nervous! Well, nothing, nothing. (Seats Santa Claus at the table). Now we will make you a massage, drink a glass of infusion ... ..

Baba Yaga.

Relax, calm down, you look, we'll think of something.

Kikimora and Baba Yaga together.

Listen to us Santa Claus and do not hang a red nose. And do not hang and do not hang a red nose! You will find the Snow Maiden. You will find happiness again! AND magical holiday bring people!

Father Frost

Where can I find her? A good Snow Maiden does not lie on the road.


Leave this to us.

baba yaga

We are now casting for the role of the Snow Maiden.

Father Frost

Can you?

Kikimora and Baba Yaga together

We are refined natures. We declare to you openly and boldly! And smartly gifted. We can do anything with you!


Competition, evening, celebration for society. We are not in danger of loneliness.


Ladies and Gentlemen

Baba Yaga.

Ladies and geltmen!


Seniors and senoritas.


Citizens and citizens!


We welcome you to the first grand competition "Snow Maiden of the Year"

Baba Yaga.

(gets big snowflake)

Look at our snowflake, the word "frost" is written on it.


Dear ladies! Please remember the songs that begin with the letter "M".

The spectator who remembered the song first Kikimora invites to go to the Christmas tree. The hall is offered the same task with the letter “O”, etc. until I leave 5 participants. If the first guy guessed it, then he can offer any girl.

baba yaga .

Here are our adorable contestants!


Santa Claus, sit down, take a rest, take a closer look at the future Snow Maiden. You after all from five olna to choose it is necessary.

Santa Claus sits down. fanfare sounds.


We begin!


The Snow Maiden is majestic and kind. And she walks from the hip.

Baba Yaga.

Gets on the leg easily. Like a swan is swimming!


Let's see with you, dear viewers, how our lovely ladies can walk beautifully.

Cocadets defecate to the music. Baba Yaga comments on the competition.

The Snow Maiden must have golden hands.

Baba Yaga.

Yes! (to the contestants) Show me your hands. I don't see any gold.


I figuratively said! Future Snow Maidens will be very useful skillful hands in the next competition.

Baba Yaga.

We propose to build a New Year's carnival costume from improvised materials, there are materials needed helpers.


Five brave men Will there be people ready to support the future Snow Maiden in our hall? Ladies, invite gentlemen who will become your models.

Competition is going on New Year costume". Each participant is given a roll of toilet paper.

Granddaughter of Santa Claus is sweet, affectionate ...

Baba Yaga.

Now our charming contestants will take turns complimenting Santa Claus. Each compliment should contain the words - snow, blizzard, blizzard, etc.

There is a competition for the best compliment.


That Frost looked after his granddaughter - a beauty?

Father Frost

Where is it! Eyes are blind! Each is good in its own way.


What we are going to do. Casting again?

Father Frost.

That's what I thought ... Snegurochka - then not only I should like it alone, but people too. Therefore, we will choose it with the help of the applause of our respected viewers.


Well done Santa Claus. Cool idea.

Santa Claus chooses the Snow Maiden with the help of audience applause.

Baba Yaga.

Hooray! Here is our winner.

Father Frost.

Let's go Snow Maiden to prepare with you, a long road lies ahead.


How are you going to leave?

Baba Yaga.

It is necessary to pass the initiation into the Snow Maiden.

Presenter 1

How not to dance today?

Dance more, out of the norm

Today everyone should be

In excellent dance form.

We dance modern dance rhythms.

Presenter 2

The most timid and not brave

In the whole world dance white,

But let today at the ball

No one is sad in the corner.

Let your eyes shine brighter than the stars and lights

Invite, girls, guys to dance.(White tango).

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka are returning.

Father Frost.

All! There are no forces with this Snow Maiden! Take her back. He needs a new fur coat, a convertible sleigh. Help me find my dear Snow Maiden. I can't live without her.

I release the chosen Snow Maiden into the hall.


What should we do now. How to look for it.

Baba Yaga.

I have a magic globe. He shows the place where the one you think about is located.

(carries a globe, spins it, pokes a finger)

Father Frost

She's in the east! Wow, it's gone where!


They all went to the east Baba Yaga, Kikimora, Koschey, Santa Claus. They are met by a rich sheikh.


Greetings gentlemen. Why did you come here? What do you need in my harem?

Father Frost

I lost my granddaughter. I go around the world looking for her.


And what does she look like. Is there one in my harem?


Let me show you all. You will not find a gift. They all dance with me, they know a lot of dances. And even Russian folk.

Russian folk dance grade 8.

Santa Claus examines the girls.

Yes, they dance well! But my Snow Maiden is not among them! It's a pity!


Oh remembered. Your Snow Maiden was here. She ran away and didn't like it here.


Let the globe spin again.

Bab Yaga.

Spin grandfather drum.

Father Frost.

Yep got it. Look gossips where?


Got to the south.

Father Frost.

Well, let's go.

The leader announces the competition.

Dance tunes are playing. During the dances, games are held: “They don’t dance in a hat” - a girl and a boy have hats on their heads. They break up any couple by handing them the hat. Whoever has a hat left with the end of the music, he performs game task(both a girl and a boy).

A couple comes out (colorful clothes like the Mexicans)


Buenos. Diss. Who are you?

Young woman.

Why come to our country. And why are you dressed like that? It's hot outside in summer. Did you come here in fur coats?

Father Frost.

My granddaughter Snegurochka has gone to no one knows where. Don't you have her here?


How is she describe her.

Santa Claus describes the Snow Maiden.

Young woman.

Yes, there was one here. She seduced all of our men, bewitched her with her coldness. But she left. It is not known where.

Presenter 1

In this country, people are very fond of music, songs, dances, fun. Now we will see the original dance numbers.

Dance grade 9.

Dance grade 8.

Father Frost.

And here she is not.

Bab Yaga.

Well, grandfather twist the globe.

Father Frost.

I twist and turn the Snow Maiden, I want to find it.


Look, grandfather, you got to the west.

Presenter 2 announces a contest with the audience.

During the modern dance, the hosts bring out a lot of balloons and explain that the dance will continue as long as all the balloons are in the air. As soon as the ball, at least one, touches the floor, the dance is over.

Sheriff comes out

Gentlemen, show me your documents? So Santa Claus, Baba Yaga, Kikimora. Why did you come here

Father Frost.

I'm looking for a snowman. She is my granddaughter.


Have you been put on the wanted list? How does she look?

Father Frost.

Describes the Snow Maiden.


Yes Yes. I remember it was here. I tried to find all the gold. But I didn't find it and left here.


No more strength Santa Claus Snegurochka to go look for her. He got tired and decided to rest a bit. Sat on a stump and fell asleep. And he dreamed .. And what he dreamed about, we are now with you and we'll see.

Fairy tale grade 11.


And she's not here. Well, grandfather, spin your globe for the last time.

Father Frost.

I'm spinning and I want to go home. ABOUT! Russia! Native house. Maybe the Snow Maiden is already at home?

They leave.

Host1 announces a competition

Questions for the competition "Knowledge for a barrel"

1. How much is twice two? (4).

2. What is three times three? (9)

3. Name the tallest grass. (bamboo).

4. What house in our village stands at the intersection of the median and the parallel? (any).

5. How many nails do you need for a well-shod horse? (not necessary because she is savvy).

6. Where do Siberian cats come from (from South Asia).

7. In which work is the hero assassinated three times and only the fourth time he dies? (kolobok).

8. What do linen paintings by Leonardo da Vinci have in common? (paintings are painted on linen).

9. As the name of the hero of Chekhov's story "Horse Surname" (Ovsov).

10. When was Santa Claus born? (over 2000 years ago)

11. Why do they put up a Christmas tree on New Year's Eve? (spruce is a symbol of eternal life).

12. Residents of which country eat one grape with each stroke of the clock (in Cuba).

13. In which country has it become a tradition to throw away old furniture in the new year? (Italy).

14. In which country at midnight all the lights go out for 3 minutes and the time comes New Year's kisses? (Bulgaria).

15. Name a bird that does not lay eggs, but hatches from them? (rooster).

Presenter 2

So they came home and ended up in a cool club. Music sings with might and main. The people are having fun. After all, we are celebrating the New Year.

Father Frost.

Snow Maiden! My granddaughter! I didn't expect to find you! Completely played!

Snow Maiden.

Grandfather I didn’t play anywhere, I just lingered with people.

Grandpa, sorry for being late.

I brought such desires!

Among the winds, among the snows

I live with my grandfather.

And my life is like sweet Dreams,

Like a fairy tale.

Today I came to the ball

Congratulate you friends

May the New Year come to your house

And my song.

To joy, happiness, ringing laughter

Captured in the hall, everyone, everyone, everyone

Time flew by so fast
Minutes, half an hour, hours...

We managed to have some fun

We managed to give you prizes!

Happy New Year to you

It's so nice to congratulate you!

And I wish you with all my heart
Learn to never forget!

Presenter 1
More often, it's easier to smile

And live in peace with dad, mom.

Cheerful, fun to laugh,

Really be friends!

May there be more fun and laughter

Let people only cry for joy!

I wish you great success in everything

I wish you good luck in work and study!

Presenter 2

I wish you success in the New Year too!
More cheerful, sonorous laughter,
More good friends and girlfriends
Excellent grades and knowledge chest!

Life will be brighter and richer

Because people are good

And each other happiness and good luck

We wish with all our hearts.

Presenter 1
We sincerely wish you all good luck,

Let the New Year, which is so fun started

It will be happy and wonderful for you,

It will be filled with laughter and song,

And say goodbye to all of you:

"May your dreams and wishes come true!"

The last leaf is torn off

The calendar has been removed from the wall.

Waiting for a long time congratulations

January behind the door.

Presenter 2
May good luck visit you

Let inspiration come.

May your life become brighter

Into the new year that has begun!

Now it's time to say goodbye.

Our speech will be short.

We say to you: "Goodbye!

Until happy good meetings!

This is the end of the masquerade ball. We invite you all todiscotheque .

And as always, the New Year comes quite unexpectedly, although the date of this big day is well known to all. Surely this happened to you too: there are two or three days left before the celebration, and you have zero ideas in your head, not a single gift and no thoughts about the menu. Let's try to simplify this task and offer you several options for what could be theme party for the New Year.

Option 1: dudes

Despite some hackneyedness of this subject, the style of the fifties leaves no one indifferent. These are elegant hairstyles, graceful bright outfits, eye-catching makeup ... And, of course, incendiary music. In general, the New Year will be great occasion plunge into this unique atmosphere.

Where to celebrate? In the room where you will relax, there must be a place for incendiary dances. A minimum of furniture and a better sound system - that's the whole secret.

What to serve? The kitchen for dudes should be homely, unassuming. Make more mouth-watering sandwiches, a few pies with hearty fillings, cuts with fruits and meat products are perfect. Take note of the buffet idea.

What to wear? Men can wear loose pants bright color. Suitable and tight pants by bone. The image will not be complete without a colorful tie or hat! ladies can choose fluffy skirt, emphasizing the waist, and stylish lacquer pumps.

How to have fun? Dance! Dance a lot. And stock up on dynamic games. By the way, the same “Bottle” will be very useful on such an evening.

Option 2: Masquerade

A very neat and easy idea. Moreover, the enchanting carnival and miraculous transformation usually happen in new year's eve. More flirting and languid looks from under the masks - and the most mysterious night year succeed!

Where to celebrate?
Certainly, perfect place there would be a large ballroom, but it will not be easy to find one, so just choose a cafe in classical style. It is important that your company is private. In the decor, it is best to do without bright lighting - take note of the candles. More antiquity and mystery!

What to serve? Don't get distracted by food. The best companion this evening can be a glass of champagne. In addition - fruits, snacks and desserts. Remember: your masquerade should be as sophisticated as possible, only then the idea will justify itself!

What to wear? You need to stick to the image strictly. Women can not do without a long evening dress, and men without the classic three-piece suit. Pay attention to accessories: lace gloves or a fan will help you out. Not less than required element- mask. It is not worth saving by buying a cheap cardboard option. Choose really beautiful mask- it will become the highlight of your image.

How to have fun? Learn to dance classical dances. Why not? For example, a square dance or a waltz. This New Year will definitely be remembered for a lifetime! Do not be too lazy to make a theatrical production based on a classic work - the guests will be delighted.

Option 3: foreigners

If you don’t know what theme to come up with for the New Year, then why not have a cup of coffee with a French woman or a glass of beer with a German? Choose your favorite country and become its typical representative for one night.

Where to celebrate? To some extent, such a party can be called "acquaintance". Acquaintance with new culture, traditions, national clothes. The place here is not so important: it can be both a modern cafe and an office. Let there be more upholstered furniture, for example, pear chairs. You can choose lounge style as background music or invite a DJ.

What to serve? Everything is simpler than it might seem: every "foreigner" must take with him the national dish of the chosen country. The table will turn out to be very diverse, and you can try a lot of unusual dishes for you.

What to wear? The main task of each party participant is to repeat the image of a representative of a particular country in as much detail as possible. Take the time to learn a few phrases foreign language, this will make the image even more believable and colorful.

How to have fun? Can choose national music different countries, but it's better not to bother and just organize a joint disco of European hits. It is possible to organize several zones with board games, it is desirable that they touch on the topic of travel in one way or another.

Option 4: heroes from fairy tales

The symbol of the coming year, the Pig, has repeatedly become the main character of fairy tales. And this means that such a topic will definitely please him. And who has not dreamed of turning into a princess or a prince from a fairy tale at least for one night?

Where to celebrate? An apartment with a chic interior is best suited. You can also rent a hall with the decor you need. Your task is to be in a place that resembles an old luxurious castle. More candles, paintings, natural wood furniture, gilding.

What to bring to the table? Fictional characters don't eat! However, celebrating the New Year on an empty stomach is not an option. Prepare Buffet with delicious appetizers. More canapes, beautiful desserts. If possible, call in a decorator that nicely styles your festive table.

What to wear? You are unlikely to be able to make the perfect costume on your own. Yes, and it will take a lot of time for such a themed outfit for the New Year. Easiest to take fairy costume rental in a special service. If you still decide to make a costume at home, then choose simpler images: for example, a pirate or a fairy.

How to have fun? You can arrange a competition for best suit in the format of a small theatrical performance in which everyone will take part fairy-tale heroes. Buy, for example, shields and swords for comic games.

All children love holidays. Especially when they turn into an interesting and fascinating fairy tale. So why not arrange something similar for the kids? What can be New Year's children's ball? This will be discussed further.

Visiting a fairy tale

How to organize a New Year's ball? The first idea is to make it look like a fairy tale. To do this, you need to choose one thematic work that the children will like and be recognizable by the guests. And based on this, you need to develop a script. There can be many options here. Theatrical fairy tales "Cinderella", "The Adventures of Santa Claus", " The Snow Queen"and others. However, in this case it must be borne in mind that there will not be so many main characters, while other children will play secondary roles.

Script Example

The scenario of the New Year's ball according to a certain fairy tale should not differ much from the original. That is, if a certain work is chosen, main idea the plot should not be lost. For example, when interpreting the fairy tale "Cinderella", the main characters will be Cinderella herself, her sisters, and stepmother. There must also be a fairy aunt, maybe a kind father, and the presence of a handsome prince is obligatory. The rest of the children are assigned the role of mice for the carriage, as well as guests at the ball. If there are many participants and everyone needs roles, you can put on a dance of snowflakes: let Cinderella remove the snow, and not go through the cereals, etc.

Texts are best rhymed, so it will be easier for little artists to learn the text, and it will be easier for the audience to perceive what is happening on stage. Dialogues don't have to be long. It is best to bet on dynamic action and musicality. The script must include songs and dances. And the action can end beautiful ball where all participants of the evening will take part.

Idea two: in a modern way

We must not forget that the New Year's ball is made specifically for children. Toddlers should enjoy what is happening first. Therefore, it is best to take into account all the wishes of the little participants. And for this, you can ask them themselves how they see the new Year's Eve. It is not surprising if the guys choose modern cartoon. It could be Shrek or Beauty and the Beast. The right approach will provide a very fun and unusual performance.

Shrek script example

What could be the scenario New Year's masquerade ball from the cartoon "Shrek"? Very fun and interesting! After all, this is also a fairy tale with a positive ending, when lovers find each other. Acting heroes who should be in without fail: Shrek, Fiona, donkey, dragon, puss in boots. The rest of the characters can be anyone: villagers, a mischievous prince, invented animals that will help the heroes find each other. The script itself should be about the lovers finding each other, overcoming all the problems in their path.

Idea three: favorite cartoon

Why not make a New Year's ball as a projection of the favorite cartoon of many children and adults - "Masha and the Bear"? Here there are a huge number of scenario options, because the plot itself is very diverse and consists of many series. What if we make up our own story? For example, Masha and Misha are lost, and the inhabitants of the forest help them find each other by completing various tasks. At the end, everyone goes to the New Year's meadow with beautiful Christmas tree. Actors there can also be quite a lot: Masha, the Bear, a bear, a hare, two wolves, a squirrel, a hedgehog, a pig, a goat, a dog, Masha's sister, a penguin, a panda. Diverse heroes and interesting unforgettable costumes - is it not best idea for a kids party?

Idea four: collection

A New Year's ball for children can also be created from a variety of cartoons and fairy tales that children like so much. Mix everything and make a festive mix of classics and modern stories, heroes of domestic and foreign cinema. Let the boys and girls choose the role themselves, and for it the author will write the script for the holiday. Kids will love it and adults will love it too.

Script Example

The scenario of the New Year's ball in this case can be absolutely anything. Invite fairies and princesses, princes, snowflakes, snowmen, gnomes, superheroes, bunnies and squirrels, chanterelles, tangerines and crackers to the Christmas tree. Where without negative heroes: Baba Yaga, the Evil Wizard, may be present. The main faces in - Herringbone and the Snow Queen, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Events can develop as follows: a negative character stole the Christmas tree, and without it, the New Year will not come. And all participants must help Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden find the forest beauty by completing various tasks.

Masquerade ball

If we are talking about older guys, for example, middle school age, you can make a New Year's ball in the form of a masquerade. In this case, there can also be a huge number of scenario variations. The main thing is not only to wear beautiful suit, but also think about the mask.

The script for the New Year's masquerade ball is very easy to write. An excellent example of fantasy is the Soviet comedy Carnival Night. In a similar style, you can come up with a school New Year's Eve: it may not be a theatrical performance, but just an evening with dances, songs, funny numbers and monologues. Mandatory Rule- observe the dress code, that is, dress in an elegant suit, and hide your face under a mask. Ideally, if such a holiday is made at the level of not only the class, but the entire school.

Nuances, features

And at the very end, I would like to talk a little about the nuances that need to be taken into account when drawing up the script. First of all, you need to think about the costumes. The outfit can be bought, sewn by yourself or rented. It is also necessary to ensure that all children participate. If someone is on the bench, the holiday will be ruined. It is important to think about the thematic decoration of the hall, to create scenery, even the simplest ones. And, of course, do not forget that the dialogues of child actors need to be diluted with songs and dances. Only in this case the ball will be as rich and interesting as possible.

Have you been dreaming of making an amazing party for a long time, but don't know what theme to choose? We offer to organize a masquerade carnival, which will not only bring its own special atmosphere, but also allow you to make a truly unusual celebration!

Mysterious masks and silhouettes, exquisite outfits and beautiful music - all this is a party in the style of a masquerade ball for adults! Here you can enjoy a truly magnificent spirit of the Middle Ages, because that period was so full of interesting and bright balls.

You can organize a masquerade, making a corporate party or a birthday, because a masquerade is always fun, unrestrained dancing and a lot of original competitions! you can find interesting options for babies!

How to arrange a masquerade so that everyone is happy? Read our article today!

Invitations and outfits

Invitations to such a holiday should be fully consistent with the theme. Therefore, it is better to decorate them with the image of masks.

Don't forget to include the dress code requirements!

When choosing an outfit for a masquerade, you can stop at simple way mysterious guest.

But if you are looking for more original and interesting ideas, then we can please you! we have collected all the best for those who dream of getting a prize for the best costume :).

By the way, you can make a mask for your costume from feathers. It looks very unusual and stylish!

Themes for the masquerade

Of course, it is important in what season the holiday takes place. For example, here we have collected interesting ideas For autumn ball. You can also link to a specific holiday, such as Halloween!

The theme of your holiday can be very diverse. For example, a "screen adaptation" of famous children's fairy tales or cartoons - Chippolino, Cinderella or even Shrek. Each of those present can be given roles in advance and then their costumes will fully correspond to the image :).

The theme of the circus will also be interesting, you can play courtiers under King Louis and even become the heirs of the Qin dynasty for one day!

No less interesting will be the theme party "Masquerade Ball" in a musical or vintage theme.

You can choose characters from your favorite movies or computer games. The main thing is that all those present are fully imbued with the idea and the chosen topic.

How about an urban theme?

Or the animal world?

It will be great in a masquerade to beat a single color scheme. This can be embodied both in the costumes of the guests and in the overall design of the holiday.

Room decor: ideas for a masquerade ball

What is a masquerade? This is to be able to wishful thinking :). So - you need to try to create an atmosphere that is unusual for you and your guests.

Let feathers, beads, mirrors and lights become the main decorations of the premises. Of course, do not forget about the main attribute of the holiday - masks! You can draw them and add them wherever your heart desires!

By the way, great idea will decorate the premises in a single color style. This will not only make decorating easier, but also save you the trouble of matching colors and shades!

Do not forget about the elegant and at the same time chic table setting!

And, of course, how to make a masquerade without chic table? It is best to choose not banquet menu, and the format of the buffet table. This will allow guests to move around the restaurant or at home and find time to communicate with friends and colleagues.

Also, the highlight of your evening can be a delicious and thematically decorated cake!


looking for interesting entertainment, pay attention to the games and contests that we have selected for you here.

Asking the question "How to organize a masquerade ball?" think about what holiday you would like to visit. After all, a corporate masquerade or a masquerade at home should in any case be fun, lively and leave a lot of positive photos! That is why it is best to make sure that your guests find time to take pictures in a magical photo booth, which should be placed in one of the areas of the room!

To ensure that the mood of your guests is always on top, it is necessary that the music for the masquerade ball is also carefully thought out and selected. You can use our selection posted

Schedule (estimated for 4 hours):
1. Meeting guests at the entrance (girls dressed up as fairies meet)
2. Getting to know the guests, introducing them to the King and Queen of the ball.
3. Ball - a dance marathon with the participation of a dance master, with competitions, an auction and small dramatizations.
4. Seeing off the old year and meeting the new.
5. The arrival of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Contests.

Characters: Presenter, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, dance master, fairies at the entrance. Actors for dramatizations (you can rehearse in advance, or print out roles and improvise with guests).

1. Meeting guests.

First fairy:
Welcome, we've been waiting for you
A little more - and the waltz will play,
And the Christmas tree will flare up, the candles will burn -
A magical New Year's Eve awaits you!

Second fairy:
O noble guests,
Shining like stars in the sky!
Tell me how to introduce you to the palace scroll? (see below)

(Writes down.)

A). Palace Scroll - it contains the names of guests, titles and achievements. At the end of the meeting, the list is promptly forwarded to the king, queen and host.

B). A box with paper smiles - they are distributed to guests, later, when everyone gets to know everyone, you can write a wish to one of those present on a smile. This is mail. At the end of the ball, the Host reads out the mail, and the fairies (those that met) deliver it to the addressees.

2. Acquaintance


Valiant knights and beautiful fairies, sages and wanderers gathered in this hall from all over the world. We are pleased to welcome you to New Year's ball. In our world, time goes differently than the people of the earth are used to, so do not be surprised by the small miracles of the holiday, but rather rejoice with us. Let us greet those who have arrived at this ball with applause.

The presenter reads out the names of guests, titles from the list. Each of them walks through the hall to the throne of kings and bows. This must be explained to the guests by the fairies at the entrance in advance. The king and queen smile and say to the couple kind words to each guest personally.

3. Ball

The promised hour has come
We invite everyone to the waltz.
Let the sounds of the violin circle
Let the smiles shine!
Step right, step left
Hello friends,
Our wonder queen
And, of course, the king!

The King and Queen enter the first dance.

Five to six dances - 15-20 minutes.

Between dances, the host announces:

1. This song is dedicated to all those who have not lost their good spirits and enthusiasm of youth in the hustle and bustle of running days.
2. This dance is dedicated to true connoisseurs of cherry syrup and strawberry jam. (or something along those lines).


We had a dramatization about the suffering of Bluebeard (a dummy character), who suddenly begins to sob in the middle of the ball. He tells a story about his three wives, who mercilessly mocked him, and therefore had to strangle them - the nerves could not stand it. The story is really funny, especially if it is shown in roles. (The text is available, but it is long). At the end of the story, Bluebeard is put up for auction by suitors, and unmarried ladies are bidding and showcasing their talents.

4. Meeting the new year.

(The clock strikes.)

King :
Let's fill our glasses, friends,
To please the year and, of course, the family,
So that everyone in spirit finds a craft.
May we all be lucky in the new year!

Queen :
So that the kingdom of a dream come true enters your house as soon as possible
And so that it is good and joyful for you in it!

(The first dance of the New Year, at the end of which Santa Claus appears and starts dancing in the hall without warning.)

We have an amazing guest. IN different countries he is known by different names- Per Noel, Babo Natale, Gaspard, Melchior and Valthazar in one guise, Santa Claus - in general, his Majesty - Santa Claus! And his beautiful companion...

(Monologue of Santa Claus.)

5. Contests

Competition 1.
Exam on the history of the new year (quiz) - the presenter will have the text. The first team to give the correct answer gets a token. The team with the most tokens wins the prize.

Presenter: Would you like to warm up. So, a competition for the most dexterous!

Competition 2.
Two teams stand in a line - half a meter apart from each other, it is impossible to move. From the beginning to the end of the line must be passed balloon without dropping it. Who is faster, he and well done.

Dangerous contest 3.
It takes three of the bravest (or more depending on the male-female ratio). For example, three gentlemen are blindfolded. Everyone else gets around. The daredevils, blindfolded, must choose a mate from those who are standing and dance the dance without going beyond the circle outlined by a ribbon laid out on the floor.

(Santa Claus is dancing with the presenter.)

Santa Claus: Oh, and you tired me, red girl, and now I still have to go around seven kingdoms. And at the Snow Maiden my eyes are closed. And our deer are not fed at the gate. Let's go already.

Presenter: Well, Grandpa, work is work.

Father Frost :
Well now it's time to say goodbye
hug, kiss,
May you be well
In the year that came into the world!

Snow Maiden :
So that you are all healthy
So that the dragon with its wing
Protected you like a cover
Didn't puff fire on you.
So as not to attend laziness,
And let the world fill the house!
And so that every new day
Warmed the hearts with warmth!

Queen: Let the children be obedient,

King: And let your eye be apt!

And so that the hands do not tremble,
And that there were no separations.
To avoid boredom
There were fewer blizzards in life.

Goodbye friends
And see you in a year
Let the stars shine for us
IN Holy holiday New Year!