Foot care at home. Foot care at home. How to make our legs beautiful and healthy? Mask with glycerin and vinegar

Basic principles of care

The skin of the feet needs to be taken care of most of all, as it regularly experiences tremendous stress.

The basic rules will tell you how to take care of your feet:

  1. Comfortable shoes.

Wearing the right shoes is very important for good circulation in the lower extremities. Boots and shoes made from natural materials promote skin respiration and reduce the development of the consequences that occur after long hours spent on your feet during working hours.

The selection of shoes is carried out according to the season, the heel should be stable and not too high. Incorrect choices can lead to bunions on the foot or an ingrown toenail.

  1. Daily hygiene care.

After a hard day's work, you need to take care of your skin. It relieves fatigue well with a contrast shower, a warm bath with sea salt. After water procedures, it is worth doing a self-massage of the feet and ankles using a moisturizer.

  1. Nail care.

To prevent ingrown toenails, experts recommend regular pedicures. The procedure can be carried out both in the salon and at home.

  1. Rest for the legs.

In summer, you need to walk barefoot on small pebbles, sand or earth. When walking, there is a massage of vital points on the foot, which are responsible for health and youth.

  1. Regular exercise.

Do not forget about daily exercises for the legs. The elements of classes can be the simplest - walking on "toes" and on the heels, drawing and rotating the feet, grasping objects with the fingers.

  1. Timely treatment of diseases.

When pathological processes appear on the skin of the legs, you should not self-medicate. It is necessary to visit a specialist to determine the disease and the treatment regimen in order to avoid the transition of the disease into a chronic form.

Regular foot care

All foot care procedures at home can be divided into daily and weekly.

  • Massage, as it reduces muscle tension and fatigue.
  • Foot baths - tone up, have a relaxing effect and remove swelling.
  • Cleansing measures using a hard brush or sponge to improve the trophism of the skin.
  • Nourishing the skin with oily creams.

Some methods are contraindicated for problems with veins.

Once a week, you should rid your feet of dead particles of the epidermis. To perform this procedure, it is necessary to steam the legs in hot water and then run a special scraper or pumice stone over the feet. The application of masks from cracks and calluses after a warm bath has a positive effect.

Nail care

Proper care of the nail plates on the legs is important. They should be carefully cut with tweezers to prevent ingrowth of the nail edge into the skin:

  • the nail should be cut straight, without rounding it;
  • file sharp corners to reduce the impact of the file and prevent delamination of the plate;
  • the nail on the thumb should be left a little longer than on the rest;
  • the cuticle of the fingers must be pushed back with a special tool;
  • applying varnish, especially in summer, can protect against fungal diseases and microbes.

Heel and foot care

It is important to properly care for the skin of the feet:

  • in the summer, before going outside, it is worth applying a nourishing cream to the feet;
  • regularly carry out self-massage of the heels with moisturizers;
  • do water treatments for the legs and cleansing scrubs in the evenings;
  • you can remove keratinized skin with a pumice stone;
  • use moisturizers more often. For better absorption, it is recommended to wear socks.

Properly selected shoes

Good shoes made of quality material can prolong the youthfulness of the feet and reduce fatigue and stress during the working day or during long walks.

Do not buy boots or shoes in the morning, as by evening the feet and ankles swell, which can make shopping tight and uncomfortable. Tight shoes lead to ingrown toenails and crooked toes. Too wide a piece of clothing contributes to the appearance of corns and keeps the muscles of the legs in tension, which causes chronic fatigue in the lower extremities.

For daily use, it is worth giving preference to boots with a small heel with a flexible sole.

Foot care products

Foot care at home is carried out using simple and affordable means.

Essential oils

They are able to positively affect the skin of the feet and heels. Each of them has its own effect and is capable of:

  • relieve dry skin;
  • eliminate inflammatory processes;
  • deeply moisturize;
  • heal small wounds;
  • reduce swelling.

The oil can be mixed with creams or used in its natural form. For the skin of the legs, extracts from avocado, almond, peach, rosewood, arborvitae are used.

Herbs for care

The healing properties of plants are used to reduce sweating in men, unpleasant odors, as a disinfectant and decongestant. Some decoctions soften the skin.

Herbs are prepared as a concentrated infusion and added to the bath. Chamomile, linden, sage, stinging nettle are perfect for these purposes.

Massage and gymnastics for legs

Foot care at home can be done through special exercises and self-massage sessions.

Impact on the feet using special techniques can improve the functioning of all internal organs and increase blood circulation in the tissues. Massage should be done with rubbing movements, paying attention to each finger.

The elements of therapeutic gymnastics do not take much time and allow you to restore vigor, keep your legs healthy and fit, and also improve muscle flexibility.

Approximate set of exercises:

  1. in a standing position, rise on your toes and fall on your heels;
  2. walk on your fingertips around the room;
  3. walking on the inner and outer surface of the feet;
  4. sitting on a chair, squeeze and unclench your toes;
  5. pick up objects of various shapes and sizes from the floor;
  6. rolling a ball or water bottle while working at a computer or watching TV.

Foot baths

  1. Bath with sea salt. Pour some salt into a bowl of warm water. This method well relieves fatigue after physical activity.
  2. Contrast baths reduce swelling and tone the skin. To perform the procedure, two containers are used, in one of which cold water, in the other - hot.
  3. Cracks on the heels are healed by a bath with a decoction of St. John's wort. 2 tbsp soak the plants in hot water. Add the resulting infusion to the basin and soar the feet.

Folk recipes

Achievements of alternative therapy are widespread in home use and have positive feedback from people with allergic reactions.

Dairy products

  • When peeling the skin, 100 ml of sour milk is mixed with vegetable oil, honey and calendula tincture. Apply the resulting mixture to the legs and wrap with a film. The procedure is done in 30 minutes.
  • A mixture of cow butter and sour milk will relieve cracked heels. Apply the product at night and wrap with polyethylene.
  • You can lighten and soften the skin with mayonnaise and sour cream. The feet are lubricated with a therapeutic agent for half an hour and then washed off.
  • To moisturize the skin, use a curd and sour cream mask.

bee products

  • To make the skin of the legs beautiful, silky and toned, prepare a special remedy from the yolks, 2 tablespoons of honey and a few drops of any essential oil. The procedure takes up to 20 minutes, after rinsing it is recommended to apply a moisturizer.
  • Warm propolis cakes can heal trophic ulcers and reduce swelling.
  • With varicose veins, a mixture of potatoes and honey is prepared as a compress to strengthen the walls of the veins.

Oatmeal and Honey for Problem Heels

  • For cracked heels at night, it is recommended to apply warm melted honey and put on a sock. In the morning, after washing off the product, lubricate the skin with cream.
  • Cook oatmeal and add linseed oil. After applying the mixture, warm the feet and keep the compress for up to two hours.

Mask for chapped and dry skin

Before using the therapeutic mask, you should first steam your legs in warm water with the addition of salt.

  • Lubricating the feet with olive oil can make them soft and velvety.
  • Alcohol is mixed with castor oil and chamomile decoction. Then apply the mixture to the affected areas. For density, it is recommended to add a little talc.
  • Onion gruel is used as a lotion on the sore spots of the feet. The compress is made at night and washed off with warm water in the morning.

Proper nutrition and vitamins

To care for the skin of the feet, it is worth taking care of the intake of minerals in the body along with food.

The good condition of the skin helps to maintain a balanced diet:

  • Protein is found in meat and dairy products.
  • Eating fish and nut mixtures enriches the body with fatty acids.
  • Carrots, seafood and liver provide a supply of vitamin A and omega acids necessary for the body.
  • Vitamin C will help support immune defenses. It is found in large quantities in fruits and vegetables.

Care for diabetes

Particular attention should be paid to the legs in diseases of the endocrine nature. The effect of high glucose levels on blood vessels and tissue trophism can lead to the development of skin pathologies, infection, gangrene and necrosis.

Basic principles of care for the lower extremities in diabetes:

  • daily inspection of the feet, especially between the toes and around the nails;
  • hygiene procedures should be carried out at least twice a day with soap;
  • in the formation of corns and corns, use pumice and plaster;
  • apply skin moisturizers in the evenings;
  • keep socks or tights clean;
  • treat wounds with aseptic solutions;
  • cover toenails with clear varnish to control the color of the nail plate;
  • use orthopedic insoles when wearing shoes;
  • at the first symptoms of gangrene development, you should consult a doctor without self-medication.

Taking care of the skin of your feet is quite simple. The main thing is to carry out procedures regularly and in a timely manner to treat the problems that have arisen.

If you do not want to become the owner of unkempt feet, cracked dry skin on the heels, fungal diseases, then the skin of the feet, of course, must be regularly looked after. This is especially true of the sole. After all, it is on her that the whole weight of the body rests, in addition, the foot experiences the pressure of shoes and friction from walking.

What is care?

Cleanse your feet once a week to remove rough skin. There are several ways to do this. The simplest is the usual rubbing of the foot, after taking a shower or bath. For these purposes, an ordinary pumice stone or a special pedicure brush is used. By the way, there will be a foot scrub, which is sold in stores. Folk remedies are also good, such as ground coffee.

Calluses also cause us discomfort. By the way, the process of callosity goes through three stages. In the beginning, the influence of mechanical influences affects, in the first stage, as a result of which redness appears, then swelling and, as a result, water bubbles. It is better to seal these places with a bactericidal adhesive plaster and lubricate with a solution of potassium permanganate. In summer, you can attach a mashed plantain leaf. In case of formation of a water bubble, do not open it, burn it better with a solution of "brilliant green" or potassium permanganate. If the bubble spontaneously burst, cover it with a bactericidal patch.

With dry skin, it is advisable to use an emollient cream, especially for this type of foot skin. This procedure is especially effective if done at night. To do this, lubricate the feet with plenty of cream, then put on cotton socks. The cream can be replaced with vegetable oil. The morning effect will really surprise you.

Pamper your feet regularly, for example by using foot baths. They are divided by action into nourishing, tonic, soothing. For example, warm water, a handful of sea salt and a bath with a tonic effect are ready. How nice it will be to hold your feet in such a bath. To complete the effect, then rinse your feet with cold water.

By pouring a couple of tablespoons of pine needles, flaxseed and wonderful chamomile with a liter of boiling water, you can get a soothing bath. Baths of nettle flowers, hawthorn, calendula, St. John's wort, celandine, string will make your feet beautiful and healthy.

When caring for the feet, we do not forget about a useful, in every sense, massage. How to do it? We start by stroking the feet and go towards the fingers, then stretch the fingers, as if stretching them. With varicose veins, massage is generally contraindicated. If you feel unusual heaviness in the legs, it is better to go through the ultrasound of the lower extremities in order to exclude the disease.

Pressing light movements massage the entire foot. It will be great if you roll the stick with your foot, though without excessive effort. Massage, by the way, has a beneficial effect on the entire body. In the summer, if possible, walk barefoot more often. Soft cool grass, pebbles, hot sand are the best massagers in all ages.

Resort to the help of masks and please the skin on the soles of your feet with nutrients and vitamins. A nourishing mask shows itself perfectly, which includes lemon juice mixed with kefir and cottage cheese.

Gymnastics - will never be superfluous when caring for the feet. For them, there are special exercises that help strengthen muscles, maintain mobility and help prevent injury.

It happens that the feet sweat. This happens due to increased excitability of the autonomic nervous system. Sweaty soles are soft and smell unpleasant, this is a consequence of the decomposition of sweat in shoes. In addition, the skin sweats between the fingers, and even wrinkles. To avoid this, take regular sedatives like motherwort and valerian tincture. Boric acid is good for sweating feet, it does not dissolve in sweat and does not lead to skin irritation. Warm baths, which include medicinal plants, also do an excellent job with sweating.

Chinese healers and Ayurveda have always been of the opinion that there are points on the foot that, if pressed, can heal a certain organ. This area has an interesting name - acupuncture. Modern science, at present, is increasingly inclined to assert that the organs of our body are shrouded in a subtle energy connection, which cannot be explained.

Do not put off taking care of your feet for later, and you will be guaranteed a flying gait.

Our legs are great workers who run many kilometers a day, carrying us and our things. However, unfortunately, we do not give them their due and sometimes take poor care of them. We can take care of the face and body, and leave the legs unattended. Regardless of the time of year, it is very important that your feet and nails look good on them. Do not neglect the opportunity to make your legs beautiful and well-groomed. After reading this article, you will learn how to take care of your feet and nails in the right way. In addition, you will learn how to get rid of calluses and corns, and in which case you should seek medical help.


Part 1

Adhere to the rules of personal foot hygiene

    Wash your feet daily. Feet tend to get dirty more often and faster than other parts of the body, so good hygiene is very important. If you shower in the morning and don't shower in the evening, be sure to wash your feet when you get home. In addition to being a sign of good hygiene, by doing this, you ensure that the bedding stays clean longer.

    • Wash your feet with soap and warm water. This will keep your feet free of sweat, dirt and bacteria that may be living on them. Pay special attention to the space between the fingers. Dry your feet with a towel after you have washed them.
    • Also keep your nails clean. If you wear open shoes in the summer, you have most likely noticed that your feet and toenails get dirty very quickly. Be sure to wash your feet and nails when necessary.
  1. Moisturize your feet every day. Use foot lotion or cream daily. If you want to keep your feet soft and hydrated, apply lotion or petroleum jelly before bed and put on socks. When you wake up in the morning, you will find that the skin of your legs is soft and hydrated! However, don't over-moisturize between your toes, as this can lead to fungus.

    Wear suitable footwear. Your feet will be healthy if you wear appropriate shoes that keep your feet clean and dry. As a rule, we dress in such a way that we feel comfortable depending on the weather conditions. When choosing shoes, follow the same principle.

    • In summer, wear shoes in which your feet will not overheat and the skin will be able to breathe. Wearing shoes that make your feet feel hot can lead to bad breath or a fungal infection.
    • Keep your feet warm in winter. To do this, you will need waterproof boots and socks. If you wear shoes that are not warm enough for your feet, frostbite may result.
  2. Get rid of bad odor. A lot of people experience this problem, because the feet sweat more than the rest of the body and, as a rule, there are bacteria on their surface that create an unpleasant odor. If you suddenly feel that an unpleasant smell comes from your feet, make the necessary changes.

    • Try changing your socks more often. If your feet seem to sweat throughout the day, you can take an extra pair of socks with you to help with the odor problem. Change your socks when your feet get wet with sweat.
    • Keep your shoes clean. Sometimes the smell can be very strong when sweat and bacteria build up inside the shoes. In this case, every time you put on your boots, your feet start to smell bad. Be sure to wear socks, wash your shoes, and buy new shoes if you can't get rid of the bad smell.
    • Use foot powder for bad breath. There are many products designed to keep feet dry and odor free. Use a special odor powder, talcum powder, or baby powder to prevent odor build-up.
  3. Keep your feet dry. In a humid environment, conditions favorable for the development of fungal infections are created. Following simple rules of hygiene will help you prevent the development of a fungal disease and the associated unpleasant odor and itching. Follow these steps to keep your feet dry and clean:

    • Change your socks often. This is the best way to prevent bad breath. Wet socks provide the perfect environment for fungus to grow. If your feet sweat a lot, change your socks as often as possible.
    • Use foot powder. Many people put powder on the inside of their shoes to keep them dry and clean.
  4. Take care not to get the fungus when you shower in a public place. If you shower in a public place, take precautions to avoid contracting a fungal infection. A humid environment is a favorite place for fungus and bacteria. So be sure to wear slippers when you shower in a public place.

    • Wear flip flops or shower slippers when showering in a public place.
    • Also, don't wear someone else's shoes and don't share yours with other people. If you are an athlete, make sure that no one tries your shoes.
  5. Trim your nails correctly. Trim your nails every few weeks to keep them healthy and strong. If done incorrectly, the result can be an ingrown toenail that is painful. The straight shape of the nail prevents it from growing in. Also, don't cut your nail too short, as this can lead to an ingrown nail or infection.

    • If you like a round shape rather than a square shape, use a foot file to smooth the edges and give them a slight curve; this will give you a square shape with rounded edges.

    Part 2

    Get a pedicure
    1. Get a pedicure every two weeks. Coloring your nails is an optional part of a pedicure, but with regular care, your feet will be soft and your nails clean and tidy. You don't have to spend a lot of money to get a pedicure at a salon, as with just a few tools on hand, you can do a pedicure at home.

      Start with a foot massage. If you walk a lot and sometimes experience pain in your feet, give a light massage before starting a pedicure. While it's optional, it's a good way to treat yourself a little. If you've already set aside time to get a pedicure, why not take a few minutes for a massage?

      Place your feet in a large bowl of room temperature water for 5-10 minutes. As a bonus, you can add a few drops of essential oils or Dead Sea salts to the water to scent your feet and soften rough skin. The above is an approximate soak time, you can soak your feet for a longer period of time if you want to relax or if the skin of your feet needs extra moisture.

      • Exfoliate with a scrub to get rid of dry and dead skin and moisturize your feet. To keep the skin on your feet soft and smooth, it is very important to remove dead skin. Rub the scrub in circular motions and then rinse it off. To exfoliate rough skin on the heels and bottom of the foot, use a foot file or pumice stone. Make sure you follow this procedure carefully. If you have calluses, scrape off the superficial horny layer with a razor. Thanks to this, the skin of the legs will be soft, and you will avoid pain.
    2. Take care of your nails. Trim your nails while they are still soft. Trim your nails straight. Don't cut them too short. Don't forget the cuticle. Apply cuticle oil to your toes to soften and moisturize hard corners, push back cuticles with an orange tree stick. The oil will moisturize the area around the nail and prevent cuticle breakage.

      • Trim your nails straight, not in a semicircle. This will help you avoid ingrown nails. If you prefer a rounded shape, use a smoothing file and file your nail into a square shape with rounded edges. Make sure your nails are not too short.
      • Take good care of your cuticles. Apply cuticle oil to soften and moisturize the edges and push the cuticle back with an orange stick. Make sure you don't press too hard or you could develop a fungal infection. Some people prefer to skip this step and not touch the cuticles, but you can do that too.
    3. Moisturize your feet. No matter what shoes you wear, be sure to keep your feet moisturized. After you have done the necessary exfoliating procedures, use a lotion or cream to protect the skin. This will make your skin soft and hydrated.

      • If you have a tendency to calluses, use a very oily cream. Thanks to this, your skin will be well hydrated and you will not face the appearance of corns.
      • If you have cracked heels, wear socks after you've applied your moisturizer.
    4. Optionally, you can cover the nail with varnish. Choose the color of the varnish to your taste. Try following the "three-stroke method" where you do two strokes on the sides and one in the middle. This ensures that the polish is applied evenly over the entire surface of the nail. Follow with a top coat for long lasting results and a glossy finish.

    Part 3

    Eliminate possible problems
    1. Get rid of an ingrown toenail. This is a very common problem that can be solved at home. Use nail tools with care to avoid infection. Trim the nail across. Gently lift the ingrown nail and place a tiny cotton ball under the nail bed. Change the cotton every day until the problem is fixed.

      • Protect your finger while it's still fresh. You can bandage it to keep it from getting an infection.
      • If you notice any signs of infection, see your doctor.
    2. Treat fungus. If you have a rash, itching, most likely, this may indicate mycosis. You can buy an over-the-counter remedy for foot fungus at the pharmacy. Use the ointment as directed until the rash and itching subside. Change your socks as often as possible.

      • If symptoms do not disappear after a few days, see a doctor.
      • Nail fungus is a type of fungus that is difficult to treat. If your toenails are brown or yellow and cracked, see your doctor. The doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment for you.
    3. Treat bunions. Big toe bursitis is a deformity of the joint that results in a bulge at the base of the big toe. This disease can be very painful if not taken to correct the problem. Bursitis can form in one or both legs. It can be hereditary, but is most commonly caused by wearing high-heeled shoes with narrow toes. These shoes put pressure on the big toe.

      • Make sure your shoes are comfortable. Try swapping out your stilettos for comfortable flats.
      • With bunion of the big toe, it is recommended to use special orthopedic linings. You can purchase them at a pharmacy. The lining is placed over the underwire to prevent pressure and friction against the shoe.
      • Consider surgery. If you are experiencing pain, talk to your doctor about surgery if other treatments don't work.
    4. Consult an orthopedist if you experience pain in your legs. If you experience pain, it is important to see a doctor.

      • Fractures of the lower limbs are very common.
      • You can exacerbate the problem if you spend a lot of time on your feet.
    • If you don't have toe separators, you can use a rolled napkin to be inserted between your toes.
    • Do not trim or scrape the cuticle.
    • Moisturize your feet every day.
    • Don't cut your nails too short as this can cause bleeding.
    • Always use non-acetone nail polish remover as acetone dries out nails and skin/cuticles.
    • If you paint your toenails, apply a small amount of petroleum jelly to the skin around your nails. Thanks to this, your nails will look neater and the skin around the nail will remain clean.
    • You can learn a lot from the pros, so treat yourself to a salon treatment when you need it - ask questions and take a close look!
    • Use the tip of an orange tree stick wrapped in cotton wool and soaked in nail polish remover to get rid of blemishes and excess nail polish near the cuticles or on the skin around the fingers.
    • When your healthy and irresistible feet are ready for summer, show them off in beautiful flip flops or sandals in your favorite color.
    • It is not necessary to do a pedicure in the salon. You never know how carefully the instruments have been processed, so there is always a risk of infection.
    • After a shower or bath, apply some lotion to your feet and put on your socks. This is a great way to make the skin soft and tender.


    • If you have diabetes, be especially careful when exfoliating, trimming your toenails, or pushing back your cuticles for a pedicure. Make sure you don't injure yourself, otherwise it can lead to serious consequences.

Foot care, like care for other parts of the body, is necessary not only to create and maintain an external aesthetic appearance and for personal hygiene. Neglecting the care of the limbs can cause many unpleasant and painful phenomena - calluses on the feet, rough skin, cracked heels, ingrown nails. To prevent the occurrence of these problems, salon procedures are not required, it is enough to know and follow the basic rules for caring for the feet at home.

Basic rules for foot care

Taking care of the cleanliness of the lowest part of the legs, monitoring the condition of the skin and nails on the fingers on it - this is what foot care consists of. Smooth skin, soft heels and a neat pedicure make the look of women's feet beautiful. You can take care of your feet using special industrial cosmetics, as well as folk remedies.

Normal daily care involves treating the feet while taking a shower with a hard washcloth, a special brush or a scrub to remove dead skin particles. Then the feet should be wiped dry with a towel, not forgetting the area between the toes. A nourishing cream is applied to the dried skin of the legs and massaged for 5-10 minutes. After water procedures, it is recommended to lie down for 15-20 minutes with raised legs, placing a pillow or soft cushion under the ankles - this will help relieve fatigue and swelling.

In order to prevent fungal diseases and as a fight against sweating, it is recommended to use a solution of potassium permanganate (0.2%) for washing the feet. The soles and areas between the fingers are wiped with a swab soaked in a solution of salicylic alcohol (2%). Such rubdowns reliably cleanse the skin and prevent excessive sweating. In the fight against sweating and other problems, many folk remedies consisting of natural ingredients help.

With strong sweating of the feet, you should not get carried away with wearing nylon products and it is better to give preference to shoes with leather soles.

Wearing tight shoes can lead to ingrown toenails, so make sure your shoes are comfortable and remember to trim your toenails. It sounds incredible, but the lack of care for the feet can ruin the gait and posture, cause pain and discomfort when walking, resulting in rapid fatigue.

Home Care: 3 Essential Steps

In addition to daily washing, it is necessary to arrange a “bath day” for your legs once or twice a week. Steaming the skin of the feet with subsequent cleansing and abundant moisturizing will allow them to always remain beautiful and healthy.

Soothing foot baths. Regular water procedures at home using herbal mixtures, salts with additives can relieve swelling, fatigue and give strength. The temperature of the water in the bath should be at least 40 degrees. To soften the skin of the legs and steam out the rough areas, you need to add soda (1 teaspoon) and grated soap (2 tablespoons) to the water. Cleansing the feet and cleaning the nails. After steaming, the legs must be treated with a pumice stone or a file, thus dead skin cells are removed, in particular, on the heels, which prevents the appearance of corns and the formation of corns. To cleanse the upper part of the foot, scrubs (ready-made or homemade) are often used. You can also purchase a whole set for foot care at home. After cleaning the skin and removing various roughness from it, you need to cut your nails, remove dirt and cuticles from under them with the tip of a nail file, and then file them, giving the desired shape. Moisturizing. The skin of the feet also needs constant hydration. After all, dry skin - predisposes to peeling, the appearance of cracks and calluses. For moisturizing, various creams are used, as well as masks prepared at home based on natural ingredients.

Essential oils and herbs for foot care

If you do not have an allergic reaction to essential oils, feel free to add them to the baths. In what quantity? This information is usually indicated on the packaging of the product. Here is a list of oils that help eliminate dryness and have a beneficial effect on the skin of the feet.

Avocado oil - great for dry skin with inflammation. Jojoba oil - penetrates deep into the skin, softening and nourishing dry skin. Almond oil - eliminates dryness and roughness perfectly. Rosewood oil - deeply moisturizes dry skin. Peach oil - provides moisture and softening skin, wound healing. Thuja oil - helps relieve swelling.

Medicinal herbs, infusions of which are added to baths, have an equally beneficial effect on the feet. Each plant has its own properties:

oak bark, coniferous extracts and thyme reduce sweating; calendula and chamomile have a disinfectant property; chamomile, linden flowers and honey relieve swelling; potato broth perfectly softens the skin;

Cosmetics stores sell various supplements, mixtures of herbs, salts intended for foot baths.

Such baths are usually taken for 5 minutes, in the presence of cracked heels - 10, and in case of excessive sweating of the feet - up to 3 minutes. Hot baths are contraindicated in certain diseases. So, for example, with varicose veins, severe edema and inflammation, as well as hyperhidrosis of the feet, it is recommended to take cooling baths.

Folk recipes

With the formation of corns on the feet, people recommend taking cold salt baths for the feet (a liter of cold water and rock salt - 1 tablespoon). The procedure reduces pain, relieves burning sensation, makes the skin of the feet soft. Keep your feet in the solution for 5-25 minutes. Baths to do until the complete disappearance of corns.

The starch solution softens the skin and accelerates the healing of deep cracks in the heels. It is prepared as follows: dilute two tablespoons of potato starch in one liter of water. Dip pre-washed feet in the solution in the evening before going to bed. Keep your feet in the solution for 15 minutes, then lubricate the feet with any nourishing cream.

Alcohol combined with castor oil fights cracked feet. Apply a mixture of 10 ml of alcohol, chamomile decoction and 5 ml of castor oil for 40 minutes on areas with cracks. Talc is added to thicken the mixture.

Onion gruel as a lotion is adjusted to the affected areas of the feet at night. In the morning, the drug is removed, the feet are rinsed with warm water. The procedure should be carried out 2-3 times a week.

An egg will help soften the skin of the feet. Whipped protein lubricates the feet and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Lighten and soften the skin of the feet mayonnaise with sour cream. The mixture is applied to the entire surface of the foot and kept for at least 40 minutes, then washed off.

Curd-sour cream mask is applied to the feet for 20 minutes. These dairy products perfectly nourish and moisturize the skin.

Lubricating the skin of the feet with olive oil makes it soft and velvety.

To soften the skin of the feet, slurry from aloe leaves is used. It covers the entire surface of the foot and after 30 minutes is washed off with cool water.

Tips to help prolong the youth of the legs;Regular care is the key to healthy feet;Nail care;What problems are fraught with improperly selected shoes;Means for the care of the legs;Massage and gymnastics for the feet;Foot care at home. Folk remedies.

Our feet, heels need love and care no less than other parts of the body. Knowing some tricks, you can improve, unload, moisturize and pamper your feet, spending a minimum of time and money.

Regularly, i.e. daily spend a few minutes on the feet and legs (apply a nourishing cream, massage them); Wear comfortable shoes, avoid high heels; Walk barefoot more often on grass, sand, pebbles; Once a week, remove the coarsened layer of skin on the feet, do a pedicure; Periodically visit a beautician or a pedicurist who will provide professional, comprehensive foot care; If you have problems associated with a fungal infection, do not self-medicate, but consult a doctor. In saunas, pools, showers in hotels, etc. do not go barefoot, so as not to "catch" the fungus or something like that.

A girl, a woman who has seriously decided to take care of her legs, should know and have an idea about all the procedures that are designed to give a second youth to her legs. This:

Baths with herbs and aroma oils; Foot masks; Massage of the lower extremities; Pedicure; Peeling of feet, heels, shins.

Regular foot care is the key to healthy feet

All foot care procedures can be divided into daily and weekly procedures.

Every day you can pamper your feet:

massage- it perfectly relieves tension, fatigue of the lower extremities. Contraindicated for people suffering from varicose veins. Trays- depending on the content of the foot bath, it can tone, relax, relieve swelling, fatigue, and even produce a healing effect. Cleansing procedures- while taking a shower, rub your feet and legs with a stiff brush. So you clear the skin and activate blood circulation. Nourishing, moisturizing creams.

No more than once a week, but regularly, the feet should be cleaned of rough skin. To do this, you need to steam the feet for 15-20 minutes in warm water, after which remove the stratum corneum with a pumice stone or a special scraper.

After cleansing, you can apply a foot mask that will moisturize the skin and help get rid of cracks, calluses and corns.

Once every 7-14 days, do not forget about the pedicure, where pay special attention to the nails.

Causes of leg discomfort

There can be many reasons for discomfort. Foot health is affected by both internal and external factors.

Firstly, it is a sedentary lifestyle, overweight. Due to sedentary work, the blood circulation of the lower extremities is disturbed, as a result of which swelling and dryness of the feet appear.

Secondly, the wrong shoes. This can lead to the appearance of corns, corns.

Thirdly, neglect of the rules of personal hygiene can cause various fungal infections.

Fourth, an ineptly done pedicure will lead to ingrown nails and infection of the skin.

Nail care

It is equally important to take care of your toenails. They should be cut regularly, paying special attention to the technique of this procedure. An improperly cut nail causes the nail plate to grow into the skin. Sometimes this can lead to surgery. Therefore, adhere to the following rules:

Cut the nail straight without rounding it; File with smooth movements from right to left, or vice versa. This technique minimizes the negative impact of the file on the nail and prevents it from delamination; Do not cut the nail on the thumb "at the root", it should be slightly longer than the others. You do not need to cut the cuticle on the toes, just push it away with an orange stick, or other tool.

By adhering to these simple rules, you can not worry about the condition of the nails, because they will always be healthy.

What problems are fraught with ill-fitting shoes

At first glance, the legs are not the most important part of our body. Most of the year they are hidden under shoes, and some problems (cracked heels, fungal infection of the nails) can be "masked" by wearing closed shoes. But neglecting the health of the legs can lead to more serious problems that affect all organs. For example, wearing uncomfortable shoes, a woman runs the risk of rubbing a corn, due to discomfort, the foot takes the wrong position, the load on the spine is distributed unevenly, it deforms, and this entails problems associated with the normal functioning of the abdominal organs. This is a slightly exaggerated situation, but quite real.

In addition to high heels, shoes that are too tight or too loose have a negative effect on the feet. Because of such boots, shoes, sneakers, the foot takes the wrong position, gradually deforms. In addition, no one is immune from the appearance of corns.

Shoes should be comfortable, comfortable, made of natural materials, with a normal heel height (it should not be felt).

Foot care products

The beauty industry offers a huge range of foot care products. There are quite a lot of them, each performs its function. They are divided into the following groups:

Scrubs, peeling- products designed to remove dead cells. Apply to soft areas of the skin from the knees to the feet. It is recommended to use scrubs before the depilation procedure to prevent ingrown hairs. It is enough to carry out peeling every 7-10 days. masks- cosmetics that moisturize, nourish and saturate the skin with useful substances. Pamper your feet with masks once a week after taking a bath, when the skin is steamed. This tool can be bought at the store, or made independently from existing products. Foot bath products- a substance that is added to the water, where the feet are subsequently placed. Depending on the content, they are able to relax, reduce swelling of the feet, heal the skin, and even contribute to recovery from a cold. They can be used both daily and with a short period of time (from several days to a week). Foot baths can be done with the addition of: medicinal herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula, etc.), essential oils (for example, tea tree, lemon balm, mint), other natural ingredients (soda, sea salt), purchased products.

Massage and gymnastics for legs

Foot and leg skin care in general involves such a pleasant procedure as massage and gymnastics. Scientists have proven that a huge number of nerve endings are concentrated on the feet, massaging which you improve the functioning of all internal organs. In addition, massage improves blood circulation and activates the internal strength of the body.

Every day, with pressing and rubbing movements, walk along the entire foot, starting from the socks, moving to the heel. Pay special attention to each finger.

In addition to massage, the legs require special health-improving gymnastics. It is not complicated at all and takes a minimum of time and effort, and the effect is felt instantly.

Standing upright, rise on your toes and lower yourself. Repeat the exercise 5 times. Walk on toes around the perimeter of the room for a couple of minutes. Stand on the inside of the foot and walk a few circles around the room, then change the position of the feet, standing on the outer edge of the foot. In a sitting position, squeeze your toes with force, and then sharply unclench. Repeat the exercise 5 times for each leg. Lift an object from the floor with your toes. While sitting at the table, roll the ball with your foot to improve blood circulation.

These few exercises will help restore vigor to the whole body and relieve tension after a hard day's work.

Never miss the opportunity to walk barefoot on grass, sand, pebbles. Even if you walk on the scattered children's designer on the carpet, you will involuntarily massage your feet.

Foot care at home. Folk remedies

Foot care at home does not require a lot of special knowledge and skills. Making baths, masks, scrubs from existing products, you not only fill your legs with life, energy, but also practically do not spend money.

Sea salt bath

This bath can be done daily. Pour a handful of sea salt (or ordinary table salt) into a basin of warm water and place your tired legs there. After 15-20 minutes, there will be no trace of fatigue.

Contrast foot baths

Take 2 containers, pour warm water into one and cool water into the other. Alternately dip your feet in cold and warm baths. This procedure perfectly relieves swelling, but is contraindicated in varicose veins.

Baths with the addition of St. John's wort

Great for healing cracked heels. For such a procedure, you need 2 tablespoons of St. John's wort to pour 1 liter of boiling water.

egg mask

For 3 days, this mask will eliminate the unpleasant smell of sweat from the feet. You will need 1 raw egg, 1 tbsp. vinegar and 1 tbsp. vegetable oil. Beat the egg and mix with the rest of the ingredients. We apply the resulting mixture on the feet, after which we put on socks and go to bed. Wash off the mask in the morning.

Peeling with orange peels

Gently cleanses the skin and gives it a healthy look. Grind the dried orange peels, add olive oil and apply the resulting mass on the skin with massage movements from the knees to the fingertips. Then rinse off with warm water.

Beautiful, healthy feet and heels are not a myth, but a reality. Every self-respecting woman should take care of her legs, because a girl is not at all difficult, does not require much time and money. Regularly cleansing the skin, using masks, massaging the feet, you can transform any legs beyond recognition. Please yourself with pleasant procedures, and then you will not be afraid of the problems associated with your legs.

In the struggle for beautiful legs, the new Scholl Velvet electric file, which has already been tested by millions of women, can also help you.

If you have not followed your heels and you have cracks, then it will be useful for you to read our article: Treatment of cracked heels at home

Surely, many people want the skin on their feet to be soft and tender, as it used to be in childhood. But in order to maintain the health and beauty of the skin on the legs, it needs careful and proper care.

Every day, the legs bear the weight of the whole body and quite large loads, which often leads to fatigue, injuries and diseases of the legs. If you do not take care of them, you can get various infections and skin diseases. And a regular pedicure in the salon is not enough. There are a number of rules, the observance of which will help maintain healthy feet.

Feet tend to get dirty more often than other parts of the body. Therefore, care for them should begin with regular washing. This should be done at least twice a day (morning and evening). It is advisable to use a mild antiseptic soap for this, which will get rid of sweat, bacteria and dirt.

Do not use too hot water, which will wash away the fatty coating of the skin. In addition, you should avoid using hard water, because it causes dryness of the skin and the appearance of cracks. The feet are wiped with a soft towel, paying special attention to the area between the toes. Neglect of this rule can lead to a fungal infection.

2. Moisturize the skin of the feet

The skin on the legs is very prone to dryness. Therefore, when caring for your feet, it is important to apply a moisturizer, especially before bed. It is applied to the entire part of the foot, including the toes, with gentle massaging movements for 10 minutes. If cracks appear on the heels, then after applying the cream, it is recommended to wear warm socks on your feet all night. In addition to the cream, you can use natural products such as coconut or olive oil. Before using oils, they need to be warmed up a little so that the skin absorbs them better.

3. Exfoliate the skin of the feet

Proper foot care is hard to imagine without a foot peeling procedure. The skin on the legs is usually thicker than on other parts of the body, so you need to regularly remove dead skin cells, keeping it soft and tender for longer. Regular exfoliation will reduce the risk of calluses and corns.

For peeling, ordinary pumice stone is used, which is easy to purchase at any cosmetics or household chemicals store. Before the procedure, the feet should be soaked in warm water for about 10 minutes. This will soften the skin well and simplify peeling. The movements of the pumice stone should be intense, but gentle, so as not to damage the deeper layers of the skin.

You can also use a variety of store-bought or homemade scrubs to exfoliate. For example, it’s easy to make your own using sugar and baby massage oil by mixing the ingredients to a paste consistency. After the peeling procedure, the legs should be washed with cool water and smeared with a moisturizer. Exfoliate your feet preferably once or twice a week.

4. Trim your nails regularly

It is recommended to trim your nails every two weeks. Such care is needed not only for nails, but also for the skin to protect it from unwanted infections and ingrown nails. For a pedicure, it is better to use specially designated scissors. To make things easier, you can trim your nails after you shower, when they are much softer.

Do not leave your nails too short, because this can cause pain and discomfort when walking. Corners and irregularities after shearing must be smoothed with a nail file. Do not cut your nails at a sharp angle or at the edges - because of this, they can grow into the skin. The cuticle should be lubricated with emollient oil and gently shift it to the base with a special stick.

It is easier to prevent any diseases in advance, so the skin of the legs needs regular examination and examination. It is important to be sure that there are no infections and fungus on the feet. After taking a daily shower, cuts, scratches, abrasions and blisters should be treated if they suddenly appeared on the skin of the legs.

When a person notices wounds or sores that do not go away for a long time, this is an occasion to be examined by a doctor as soon as possible. People with diabetes should adhere to additional guidelines prescribed by their doctors. Diabetics should never ignore any pain in their legs.

6. Massage your feet

Regular foot massage is not only very pleasant, but also useful for keeping your feet healthy. This procedure helps to improve blood circulation in the lower extremities, relax after a hard day, relieve pain and prevent swelling. Feet can be massaged daily, before going to bed.

Coconut or olive oil, which needs to be slightly warmed, is well suited for a massage procedure. The massage is carried out with soft circular movements, and the fingers are slightly stretched forward. Instead of hands, you can use various massage devices: rugs, rollers, balls, electric massagers, etc.

7. Provide spa foot care

Foot baths help not only cleanse the feet of impurities, but also reduce the smell of sweat, relieve tension and remove toxins from the body. The best way to prepare baths is bitter salt (Epsom). It and a few drops of any aromatic oil are added to warm water, in which you need to soak your feet for about 10-15 minutes. To soften and moisturize dry skin, it is useful to use a pumice stone after taking a bath. After the procedure, the feet are rinsed with clean water, thoroughly wiped and a moisturizing cream is applied to them.

The skin of the legs, like any other part of the body, is exposed to sunlight. When the sun falls directly on the feet, they too can get severely burned, which is harmful to the skin. It immediately changes color - from reddish to dark brown. The best advice is to sunbathe in moderation and at the right time when the sun is less active, and also remember to treat your feet with sunscreen.

But you can get rid of unsightly tan on your feet with a simple home remedy - a mask of equal parts of glycerin, rose water and lemon juice. It is applied to thoroughly washed feet and left for 20 minutes, after which the mixture is removed with water. This mask should be used 2-3 times a week, and soon the skin will become much lighter.

9. Control hyperhidrosis

The human feet contain many sweat glands. Excessive sweating creates an ideal environment for bacteria to thrive and eventually leads to bad breath and infections. In order to avoid such problems, you need to wash your feet daily, change socks and purchase hosiery made from natural breathable materials.

Shoes also need good and regular care. It must always be kept clean. Talcum powder, starch, or baby powder may be used to prevent bad breath. There are many products for hyperhidrosis sold in cosmetic stores and pharmacies. Before using them, it will be useful to talk with your doctor so as not to cause allergies.

10. Choose the right shoes

For the health of the feet, it is very important to wear the right, comfortable shoes that will not restrict movement, cause discomfort, pain when walking, the appearance of corns and blisters. You need to choose shoes made from natural materials that allow the skin to breathe. The fitting should be carried out very carefully and immediately on both legs. At the same time, it will not be superfluous to walk around the store a little to check the convenience of the model. It is best to buy shoes at the end of the day, because at this time the feet swell. Narrow shoes and shoes with high heels are only suitable for certain occasions, on ordinary days you need to give preference to simpler and more comfortable models with heels no higher than 6 cm.