Happy New Year greetings to colleagues of culture. Happy New Year greetings to colleagues in your own words

You will find the best New Year 2019 greetings for your work colleagues right here. In the new collection, we have included official short prose texts dedicated to the coming of the Year of the Yellow Earth Pig, cool, funny poems and beautiful lines with playful holiday greetings. They perfectly convey the New Year's atmosphere, cheer up and charge with positive. In such a pleasant way, you can congratulate employees of any structures, enterprises and organizations on the upcoming year of the Boar. It is quite appropriate to recite a welcoming speech in person during a festive meeting or corporate party. An equally good option is to write kind phrases on themed postcards with New Year's pictures and present a present to each employee. This cute gesture will be very pleasant and will be remembered for a long time for its sincerity and sincerity.

You will find the best words for the holiday on such topics:

  • Happy New Year of the Pig to colleagues in prose - official
  • Happy New Year greetings to colleagues at work - cool
  • Happy New Year greetings to colleagues at work - in prose
  • Happy New Year greetings to colleagues at work - with humor
  • Happy New Year greetings to colleagues in your own words
  • Happy New Year greetings to colleagues in verse
  • Congratulations on the New Year to colleagues - cool at a corporate party

Optimistic official congratulations on the New Year of the Pig to colleagues in prose

The most optimistic official congratulations on the New Year of the Pig to colleagues in prose can be conveyed by the director, representatives of the management team and the employees themselves. It is appropriate to make such a pleasant speech at the final meeting, where the whole team will come together to sum up the year. If many people work at the enterprise, but they cannot get together at the same time due to the specifics of the production process, it is quite acceptable to print congratulatory phrases on thematic postcards and pass them on to all employees. Such a nice gift will create a festive atmosphere around and give everyone a lot of bright emotions.

Several beautiful official congratulations in prose to colleagues for the New Year of the Pig

I wish you, colleagues, to experience a storm of positive emotions and a hurricane of happy moments on this fabulous New Year's Eve. Let a cheerful round dance of smiles, pleasant surprises, miracles swirl you. May the coming year bring you friendly support, the favor of your superiors, the successful solution of all kinds of problems and cover you with a snowfall of banknotes.

May the next year bring prosperity and success to each of us, give new brilliant ideas and help bring them to life. May peace and mutual understanding reign in our families, and the love of loved ones with an unchanging hot flame will warm at any moment. We wish each other professional growth, optimism and self-confidence!

Dear Colleagues! I congratulate you on the long-awaited holiday - New Year. I wish to remember all the pleasant things that happened last year under the chime of the clock and thank him. And in the coming year, take with you good luck, prosperity and love. Let everything be fine at work and at home!

Dear and dear colleagues, I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year. I want to wish you a smooth and prosperous road to success, clear goals and long-term plans, unquenchable strength and friendship of the team, family happiness and true prosperity, high prosperity and unchanging good luck. May the New Year's Eve fulfill the desire of each of you and give everyone a wonderful mood.

Dear Colleagues! Great luck to be with you in one friendly team and, daily, jointly and amicably solve new, even difficult, tasks! In the New Year, I want to wish health to you and those who are dear to you, so that success accompanies everything planned, and the most secret dreams come true in an incredibly magical, unthinkable way!

Short funny New Year greetings to colleagues in verse

Funny, short and funny congratulations on the New Year to colleagues in verse are a great way to defuse the work environment on the eve of the holidays and create a joyful, pleasant atmosphere around. To say funny couplets out loud, you do not need to choose a special time or place. Funny, humorous lines will sound appropriate at any moment and set the team in an optimistic mood.

Examples of short funny congratulations in verse for work colleagues for the New Year

New Year's greetings to everyone

I am happy to send to my colleagues!

Let there be no problems at work

Yes, and at home, so that everything is “ok”, I wish!

Happy New Year!

May there be a lot of luck

Let the bad not disturb

Let good things come.

Let the year be wonderful

Wonderful, kind, very cool.

We plan to fulfill our plans

Let the New Year give

And give us patience

If things are unfinished.

Let, colleagues, work for you

Will bear fruit:

Income will increase

May the holiday be joyful

Let a hurricane of happiness come!

And various gifts

We will give a New Year's storm!

Colleagues - health and good luck to you,

The salary is higher, more often, in addition!

For colleagues, my words are the best,

My mighty congratulations!

Let the New Year not be a hindrance to you

Achieve great success in your career!

Sincere congratulations on the New Year in prose to colleagues at work

Sincere and sincere congratulations on the New Year in prose to colleagues at work are best conveyed personally. This can be done on the eve of the holiday on the last day before the official weekend. Kind phrases, supplemented with wishes for well-being, career growth, financial stability, health and family happiness, will please even the most strict and restrained workers who do not like to show sentimental feelings in public. Employees who are on a business trip before the holidays can send good words via the Internet or by phone. They will be very pleased to know that the team remembers them and wish them all the best on the eve of wonderful festive days.

Options for sincere congratulations in prose for the New Year for colleagues from work

Dear, close and dear people of mine - colleagues! May each of you fulfill your cherished dream and achieve your desired goals this New Year. Love to you - strong and tender, friendship - strong and faithful. Salaries - big, health - indestructible. Hooray!

Happy New Year my dear colleagues. I want to wish you vivacity and strength, confidence and enthusiasm. May the new year be full of prospects, may each day be eventful and fruitful, may great achievements and victories await you in life, may there be comfort and grace in your families.

Let the old year be remembered with a smile, and the new one will bring many pleasant moments. Let difficulties be rare, and life goes well and easily. Let the work in the new year be a joy, and unite our team even more. Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, colleagues. I wish everyone to have their own Santa Claus who will fulfill your desires, I wish the new year to give everyone happiness and joy in huge quantities. Be successful in the new year, loved and inspired by a beautiful dream. All the best and, most importantly, good health!

Congratulations on the New Year, dear and dear colleagues. I wish each of you great success and income, great happiness and kindness, sincere love and joy, good luck and hope, cheerful mood and well-being.

Short congratulations with humor for the New Year for work colleagues - texts in prose

Funny, short congratulations with humor for the New Year for work colleagues must be prepared in advance. If the team is small, you can choose a small individual text for each. When there are a lot of employees, it is worth contacting everyone at once with a cheerful, cheerful text and adding a few sincere wishes for good, happiness and prosperity to the funny phrases. No matter how familiar and ordinary these words may seem, they always sound appropriate and touch the most delicate spiritual strings. Strict leaders, constantly hurrying managers, office workers and handymen equally sincerely rejoice at them. Simple speeches filled with good humor, good mood and joyful, pleasant emotions do not leave anyone indifferent.

A collection of short humorous congratulations on the New Year in prose for work colleagues

Happy New Year 2019 to you, dear colleagues! Thank you for your brilliant work for the benefit of our common cause. May this year give us all a sea of ​​​​career successes and achievements, but with all the zeal to work, I wish you not to forget about your loved ones!

Dear colleagues, the New Year is coming, and I would like to wish you great success in the labor field, fabulous financial achievements and excellent bosses with always good spirits on this amazing holiday. Let your skills become more valuable than any treasures in the world. But if someone suddenly decides to buy them - bargain to the end!

I would like to wish a Happy New Year to everyone with whom, side by side on every working day, I share both joy and sorrow - this is our friendly team. I wish that they received much more money, and much less labor was spent on them.

Dear colleague! I had an amazing dream today: in it you win a huge amount of cash in the lottery, your boss gives you his place, and the most famous director gives you the lead role in his film. I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year and wish that the dream turns out to be prophetic

I love every weekday morning - I get up and go to work as if it were a holiday, and I absolutely hate weekends, because these days I don’t see the most pleasant, intellectual and sincere colleagues in the whole world! With all my heart I wish you well-being, success and sincere comrades like me in the New Year.

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues in your own words

Good and good New Year greetings to colleagues in your own words can be pronounced on the last working day before leaving for a long winter weekend. If you want to dedicate a holiday greeting to the whole team, it is better to choose the right moment when the workers gather in one room and are ready to hear sincere phrases coming from the heart.

The closest of the colleagues, with whom not formally working, but warm and friendly relations have long been associated, should convey congratulations personally, supplementing them with pleasant wishes of great luck in the coming year of the Earth Pig, successful and productive career growth, good health, love, happiness and mutual understanding. These words always sound appropriate and make the most beautiful impression.

How to wish colleagues a Happy New Year in your own words

Dear and respected colleagues! I wish you to reach your old goals and find new ones! I wish you the realization of the most daring ideas and the realization of all plans, and I also wish you strength, energy and impeccable health to accomplish all this! Happy New Year!

Dear colleague and friend! May the New Year be the year of five peaks for you! The first peak that will submit to you this year will be love, which will give life a new meaning and fill it with the most vivid impressions. The second peak will be FRIENDSHIP. After all, if you have real friends, then life is a success! The third will be the peak VOCATION. From here, the path to success and the fulfillment of your cherished dream will open for you! The fourth peak is WELL-BEING. From the moment your foot touches this peak, all obstacles ahead will disappear. In the end, you will find yourself on the last, fifth peak, from which all the others will be visible, and once on it, you will understand that the fifth peak is HAPPINESS!

Dear colleagues and colleagues! Let only good and pleasant memories of the old year remain in our memory, and this will allow us to boldly and joyfully look into the future.

Colleagues, Happy Holidays! Achieve new heights, boldly go forward - you are on the right track! Leave everything unnecessary in the outgoing year, because in the new year you will find amazing, wonderful events that will surely bring joy, energy, optimism and faith in your happy destiny!

I congratulate you, colleagues, on the New Year. We always associate this holiday with the smell of spruce, the taste of tangerines, the explosion of crackers and a great mood! But the main thing is that it is associated with new plans, ideas and undertakings. I wish that everything you wish for will surely come true in the New Year. Happy holiday to you!

Funny congratulations to colleagues for the New Year - comic texts in verse

Funny, funny congratulations to colleagues for the New Year are comic texts in verse, humorously playing up some funny working moments and all sorts of funny situations that are inevitable in any team. There is always a lot of joy, optimism and positive in light, funny rhymes. They can be memorized by heart, and then on the eve of the holiday, recite out loud during a corporate party or a cozy get-together over tea and cake. A bright, original performance is sure to please and will be met with standing ovations and applause. So why not please your colleagues with a few playful verses dedicated to a wonderful holiday?!

A selection of comic, funny texts in verse for congratulating colleagues on the New Year

Colleagues, dear, we want to congratulate you!

May the New Year 2019 fulfill everything that we are silent about.

May your families be happy, friendly,

We can overcome everything together, of course.

Let the times come at our work,

That life will become a cup that is full.

On the day of joy - an advance, as well as on the day of salary,

Potato sacks so we need to cook.

Otherwise, so that the salary does not enter the pockets,

And the plastic card is crazy to go!

Let us be lucky everywhere, in the lotto and the casino,

And fought so that the dishes for happiness at the same time!

Let's celebrate the New Year beautifully -

With olive oil and cognac,

And he is to all of us, as a miracle,

Bring gifts to the house.

What, admit it, who needs

That will get you right away!

Happiness, profit and joy,

Tenderness, affection and ecstasy

The world is good, warm, healthy,

Security and success

And, of course, with love,

New Year will come for everyone!

I wish you in your personal life

Everything to be on "okay"

Great, great!

I love my friends!

So let's burn the tags

Obsolete now

Happy New Year to you, colleagues!

He looks angrily, forgot to pour,

Let's not ruin our careers!

Let's dance to the authorities, sing about the Christmas tree,

Colleagues, rejoice! We are all looking forward to the holidays!

We have a team, and there are enough women,

I would like more, what perishing to dissemble.

What beauties, milady and miss,

You look clearly, and every whim.

Today we will fulfill all the dishes for you,

And we say toasts to you, because women are class!

In short, colleagues, let's leave aside,

We lyric this, but just congratulate.

Each other today, to the full pouring!

Hooray, Happy New Year! Family team!

Again winter, and on the fallen snow

Fresh track, and paths nearby.

The New Year is very close, colleagues,

We are all happy about this holiday.

We are all different, but certainly

Together we are not without reason in the team,

For only common labor is the basis

For success, and in the future

Lots of activities and events

Many good big undertakings,

Trial, error, huge discoveries,

Petty sadness and bold daring ...

Congratulations, friends, Happy New Year!

How wonderful - you are next to me!

Let good luck go in a round dance,

And sadness will pass by!

Original, funny texts of congratulations for the New Year to colleagues at a corporate party

It is advisable to prepare creative and original, cool texts for New Year's greetings to colleagues at a corporate party in advance. This is a responsible task that requires a competent approach. Words for a festive greeting are suitable both in poetry and in prose. The most important thing is a positive style, sincerity and bravura. It is better to recite congratulatory lines from the stage through a microphone. Then every employee in the room will hear them. If the format of the event does not involve a lot of time for congratulations, you can write kind words on postcards and hand them to everyone during the holiday. Such a sign of attention will complement the solemn atmosphere, and none of those present will feel forgotten on the most magical night of the year.

A collection of cool congratulations in verse and prose for the New Year to colleagues

Our fun, friendly team

Again gathered for a corporate party.

Let's celebrate the New Year

Saying goodbye to the old year with a smile.

May the New Year bring us

Pleasant and simple troubles.

Let everyone's income grow.

Work makes me happy all year round.

Let our holiday be cheerful

So that the mood is not heavy.

Everyone smile, don't be sad

Dance, rejoice and have fun.

Behind a difficult year

Well, what is the right word.

Coming to visit us soon

The long-awaited new one.

Hurry to meet him

It is impossible otherwise.

We should be happy to note

It's a celebration, friends.

So that in our team

There was happiness more than snow

Every day is positive.

Happy New Year to you, colleagues!

On the eve of the New Year, each of the employees of modern companies or government agencies would like to congratulate their colleagues on the upcoming holiday. For wishes to friends and acquaintances at work, you can choose both prose and poetry. For sending in emails or social networks, you can choose colorful pictures and video cards from the examples below. Congratulations to colleagues for the New Year 2018 supplemented in their own words are also suitable for sending to partner organizations, official representatives of the company. To do this, you just need to choose the appropriate version of the text and supplement it with personal wishes.

Official congratulations to colleagues for the New Year 2018 dogs in prose - with examples of texts

Not only friends at work, but also other employees and bosses should congratulate colleagues beautifully and in an original way on the upcoming New Year 2018. From the leadership on the eve of the upcoming holiday, dry official wishes of success and good luck, happiness usually sound. But with the correct writing of the text, even simple prose can be the best congratulations for all colleagues for the New Year 2018.

Examples of official congratulations for colleagues for the New Year of the Dog 2018

It is not at all necessary to write congratulations for colleagues for the New Year. Among the variants of official texts offered below, you can choose excellent examples for reading during a corporate party or a small feast held before the holiday. You can also take individual sentences and write from them a new unusual congratulation for the 2018 New Year.

Dear Colleagues! Here comes the New Year! You all did a great job, and now it's time to celebrate the magical New Year's holiday. I wish each of you simple eternal happiness, because without it the world becomes gray. Health to you and your loved ones. New original ideas and grandiose career advancements. Let our wonderful team become even more friendly and together we are not afraid of any heights. Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, colleagues. Let this year start successfully and beautifully. Let everyone be very lucky from the first days. May hard work and zeal for work always be appreciated and have its reward. May each of us have our own victories and further advancement in our activities, and may life give happiness and love to everyone. I wish you all happy holidays and wonderful mood.

Dear and dear colleagues, I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year. I want to wish you a smooth and prosperous road to success, clear goals and long-term plans, unquenchable strength and friendship of the team, family happiness and true prosperity, high prosperity and unchanging good luck. May the New Year's Eve fulfill the desire of each of you and give everyone a wonderful mood.

Dear Colleagues! Great luck to be with you in one, friendly team, and, daily, jointly and amicably solve new, even difficult tasks! In the New Year, I want to wish health to you and those who are dear to you, so that success accompanies everything planned, and the most secret dreams come true in an incredibly magical, unthinkable way!

Dear colleagues, we congratulate you on the New Year! We wish you a lot of joy and laughter, smiles, sincerity and kindness! May your homes be filled with happiness and prosperity. Be healthy, always in a great mood, and may all the most secret dreams come true in the New Year! Happy holiday, friends!

Funny congratulations to colleagues in verse for the New Year 2018 - examples of texts

Colleagues who communicate with each other for a long time often become true friends. But also at work you can meet just good people who are ready to help in a difficult moment and suggest how to behave in a given situation. Kind and sympathetic colleagues need to please the New Year 2018 with cool congratulations with touching wishes. You can choose from the examples below.

What cool congratulations in verse can you read to colleagues in the New Year 2018?

Short rhymes can not only be read during a corporate party or rewritten into purchased postcards, but also used for sending via SMS. Small congratulations on the New Year are perfect for sending in working chats of modern messengers.

May the New Year bring you
prosperity and income.
May success accompany
To know no interference in anything.

May health be strong
The mind is enlightened, tenacious,
In the world - peace, and in families - harmony.
All wage increases.

Lots of strength and optimism
Travel and Tourism,
In the souls - sunny weather.
All colleagues, Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
This year I wish you
So that wealth and good luck
Were with you at the same time
And health and luck
They flew into your window.
Lots of laughter, lots of happiness!
Let all bad weather go away.
To Santa Claus
Career growth brought you
And the Snow Maiden with her
Made a big profit!

Happy New Year to all our friendly team.
May good luck accompany you, the positive will not leave.
So that work can be argued, so that families have comfort!
Lest you forget: you are welcome here in the morning.
All success and health, light, joy, kindness.
New Year's fun. Happy New Year to all. Hooray!

Working hard for a year
It's time to rest.
Happy New Year, colleagues!
Postpone everything.

I wish you a salary -
To carry away with bags,
Next door to MP
A house to be able to buy.

Leadership to praise
For career growth.
To not scold too much,
If you forgot something.

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
We are one family with you.
I wish you happiness, joy
And good luck to you, friends!

May the New Year bring good luck
Stability and income is immeasurable.
May this year be generous with gifts,
Let the main peaks submit.

I wish everyone happiness and love,
And the fulfillment of desires of various kinds.
May you have very happy days.
And a variety of impressions for you!

How to write greetings to colleagues for the New Year 2018 in your own words - ideas and examples

A congratulation composed in your own words is a great option for wishing your colleagues and friends good, happiness. At the same time, anyone can write a cool text. The following tips and examples will help you easily compose a beautiful congratulation in your own words for all colleagues for the New Year 2018.

Ideas for self-composing New Year's greetings for colleagues by 2018

You can enter standard blanks in the congratulatory text (wishes of happiness, goodness, health). And you can supplement them with unusual turns. For example, wish you a magical holiday during your vacation and all weekends in the New Year 2018. Or wish the young family rapid financial growth and spending many years with their soul mate. It is recommended to select congratulations according to the age, hobbies and character of the congratulating colleague.

Examples of congratulations in your own words for colleagues for the New Year 2018

In order not to spend a lot of time writing congratulations in your own words, it is recommended that you carefully study the examples below. They will help in writing beautiful and touching texts with a beautiful style.

Happy New Year, dear colleagues! Let our dreams come true and all tasks set can be easily solved. Let difficulties bypass our friendly team, and let the career ladder become a runway. I wish you success and prosperity in our common cause. Peace, warmth and comfort in your homes.

Dear colleagues, colleagues, colleagues! We have done a good job in the outgoing year, we have outlined a lot of plans for the coming 12 months. Let all your plans come true and be implemented as successfully as possible. Health to you, your families, your loved ones and relatives. And to our enterprise - prosperity and prosperity. Happy New Year!

Dear and dear colleagues, I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year. I wish you high and rapid growth in your career, great and indestructible success in work, honest and fruitful cooperation, understanding and respect in the team, prosperity and well-being at home, New Year's happiness and true love in your personal life.

Colleagues, this year was full of pleasant surprises, significant achievements, as well as minor disappointments. But we have remained unshakable and stubborn in winning new awards for our work. I wish us all that with the change of the date on the calendar, in our life, too, all the changes will be only for the better! Professional growth to us, new strategically important partners and successful contracts. The contribution of each of you is invaluable in our difficult work. Congratulations and best wishes for the New Year!

And so another year of work ends. Long-awaited holidays are ahead. I wish you good holidays, happy new year. May the New Year bring you good luck in business, in your personal life and good financial well-being. You truly deserve it!

Funny and funny congratulations for the New Year to colleagues at work - examples of poems

Funny poems will help to please colleagues before the New Year 2018 and wish them all the most positive and kind. They can be sent via SMS or messenger if desired. You can choose original and cool congratulations for work colleagues for the New Year among the examples below.

Examples of New Year's funny poems for congratulating colleagues on New Year's Eve

Funny and funny poems about the New Year, its celebration or works with congratulations will help you beautifully wish happiness, success and good luck to each of your work colleagues. It is easy to choose such works among the verses proposed below.

We can mix up our affairs,
To be on the carpet at the authorities,
At work, as if drinking in the forest:
They gave a tree - you cut it, and that's it!
We are the most important workers here,
And at lunch, during the break, we rest.
That's what it means - colleagues. And we are not expected
Lonely weekdays with cold tea.
The team is strength, and in the New Year
I am glad to congratulate you all. Let it bring you
Respect, happiness, good luck this fresh New Year.

May the New Year bring stability
Growing income, salary bonuses.
Let everything be a bundle at your house,
And at work - just in chocolate.

I wish you all happiness and love,
Champagne sparkling in a glass.
Wishes for you to make
And so that they all become a reality.

At work - success, and at home - comfort,
May everything in your life be very cool.
Career growth, wealth in your pocket,
An apartment, a car, an Armani suit!

And let there be as much money as winter snow,
I wish you from the bottom of my heart, colleague!
All that is listed, let him bring
New Year 2018!

I hasten to congratulate you on the New Year
I sincerely, colleagues, you!
Let your income grow
Not every day, but every hour!

Let only happiness reign in the family,
Let health be strong
Problems and bad weather will go away,
Sorrow and sadness will rush away!

I wish you all this holiday
Lots of fun, jokes, laughter,
Kindness, smiles, sea of ​​light
And many great successes!

New Year is a reason to congratulate
Everyone who believes in him is waiting for a miracle.
May it bring a lot of joy
New Year to you when it comes!

May it give you new goals
Many different, desired victories.
Let it be everything that you so wanted.
Live without tears, without sorrows and troubles!

Short congratulations in prose for the New Year to colleagues at work and organizations - examples of texts

Small-sized prose is great for official and friendly congratulations to colleagues on the upcoming New Year 2018. Also, it can be sent not on the eve of the holiday, but after it. It is recommended to use beautiful stickers and emoticons in messages for a more vivid and memorable presentation of wishes. They will help cheer up all colleagues at work or employees of the organization for whom Happy New Year greetings are intended.

Examples of short prose for congratulating colleagues at work and organizations on the New Year

Among the examples of short prose proposed below, you can easily find beautiful congratulations to both organizations and your work colleagues. It is recommended to supplement touching wishes with an original signature or congratulations written in your own words.

Happy New Year my dear colleagues. I wish you all a happy atmosphere in life and stable well-being, incredible success in business and an unquenchable flowering of enthusiasm, promising career development and undoubted prosperity in your personal life. May the New Year bring good peace, great luck and bright love to everyone.

Happy New Year, dear colleagues. I wish you a joyful and wonderful celebration of this holiday, step on the threshold of the new year with the inspiration of the soul and the love of the heart, set great and true goals for yourself, certainly achieve new successes and spend the whole year in abundance.

I wish you to catch a burning star of goodness in the New Year, so that a rain of success falls from the sky, in your soul, so that there will always be summer. I wish you to live in prosperity and peace, in warmth and affection, without worries, let luck carry you on wings. Let the heart be pure and clear, and every day is rich in its own way.

Doubled energy for building a career in the coming year. It is a pleasure to go to work every morning and return home with a feeling of a successful day. Families - health, salary - growth, tasks - understandable, goals - achievable. Happy New Year, colleagues!

Dear colleagues, Happy New Year! I want to wish all of us in the coming year a lot of pleasant surprises not only from Santa Claus, but also from our bosses in the form of salary increases, career growth, and a long-awaited vacation. All the best in the family, good health and good mood for every day!

Beautiful postcards with congratulations for the New Year 2018 to colleagues - pictures and videos

Colleagues with whom friendly relations have developed in the course of long-term work can be sent not only ordinary texts with wishes, but also bright animations, funny video cards. They will certainly cheer up the recipient and make him smile. At the same time, such postcards with congratulations for the New Year 2018 can be sent to colleagues both in personal messages and in general work chats.

New Year's cards with pictures and videos for work colleagues with congratulations for 2018

The pictures below are suitable for congratulating colleagues of any age. But to emphasize attention to a specific addressee or to express gratitude and gratitude to him, you should additionally sign postcards with personal wishes.

Cool poems and official prose are suitable for congratulating all colleagues on the upcoming New Year holiday. Such works can be read both in front of your team of employees, and in front of the whole organization. At the same time, you can supplement the ready-made examples proposed above in your own words: wishes of all the best, thanks for the work done. But virtual congratulations to colleagues for the New Year 2018 should be sent not only in text versions. They can be replaced with funny and beautiful pictures or video postcards.

Here is a collection of texts for official congratulations to colleagues on the New Year (from the company's management, boss, administration of the institution, etc.). All texts are written in prose.

A special page with wishes will help you to briefly congratulate (personally) an individual. The site also has a collection of texts addressed to .

All names and names of organizations are used only for convenience of presentation, do not forget to change these data to the ones you need. Recommendations for the use of texts are waiting for you at the end of the page.

Option number 1

Dear friends!

We congratulate you on the upcoming New Year and Merry Christmas!

The outgoing year left us many pleasant memories, invaluable experience, new discoveries, knowledge and vivid impressions! This will forever remain with us, we will be able to use these gifts for the benefit of ourselves and others.

May the new year be peaceful and happy for you, bring the fulfillment of your cherished desires, help you make wise decisions, and bring brilliant ideas to life.

Good health, activity, optimism, prosperity, love and family happiness to you and your loved ones! And we wish educational institutions, thanks to your inspired work and talent, to remain attractive centers of culture and knowledge, goodness and prosperity!

Administration of St. Petersburg State University

Option number 2

Dear friends, associates, colleagues!

The most magical time of the year is coming - New Year and Christmas. We sincerely congratulate you on the opportunity to write a new page in your life!

Let the results of the outgoing year leave you with a sense of satisfaction with the fruits of your work, your choice, your activity and decisions made, plans implemented.

We wish that in the new year your hopes disappear only due to the fact that they have come true. Let the dreams of awards leave you due to the fact that all of them are received in full and rightfully. Let the ability to successfully overcome difficulties cease to be in demand due to the absence of obstacles in your life and professional path. Let the lack of warmth, love, spiritual generosity and tolerance (if any exist in your life) from the people around you cease to bother you due to the fact that you will be satisfied in sufficient volume for you. Let financial claims sink into history in connection with the onset of material “satiety”, complete financial freedom and independence.

From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you to fully realize your talents and abilities in your chosen professional field, and may the next year (and the rest of your life) be filled with a sense of gratitude for a successful fate.

Administration and management of ZAO


Option number 3

Dear colleagues, friends!

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on the New Year 2019!

May the coming year justify your hopes for the miracle and magic that everyone believes in on this most magical holiday of the year.

Let the whole coming year be filled with new meetings, joyful events, wonderful discoveries, unforgettable impressions, cheerfulness and good mood.

Let the news be good, acquaintances pleasant, meetings joyful, business successful, and troubles petty.

The team of GBOU secondary school No. 12, Tver

Option number 4

Dear friends!

We sincerely congratulate you on the coming New Year and Merry Christmas!

We wish your life to be filled with the joy of new discoveries, significant events and long-term plans!

Let every morning be kind, the working day productive, and every evening dedicated to relatives and friends, the happiness of communicating with whom will always give you support and strength to make all your plans come true!

Good health to you, active longevity, optimism and prosperity!

Administration of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 64", Orel

Option number 5

Dear colleagues, friends!

Please accept our heartfelt congratulations on the New Year and Merry Christmas!

You did a great job in the past year, implemented a lot of plans and great ideas, replenished your knowledge base, professional skills and abilities and got a lot of vivid impressions and, we hope, have become a little closer to fulfilling your cherished desires.

You rightfully deserve all these valuable components of a prosperous life and you will definitely use them in the future. May the new year be generous for you with joyful events and news, professional and personal success, give you the fulfillment of your cherished dream and immediately ensure the emergence of new desires. May it fill your home with peace and comfort!

With all our hearts we wish you indestructible health, steadily strengthening well-being, successful creative search, joyful meetings and new discoveries!

General Director of LLC "Marketing-Info"

Option number 6

Dear Colleagues!

On behalf of the management of Revizor LLC and on my own behalf, I congratulate you on the coming New Year and Merry Christmas!

New Year holidays are a starting point for new deeds and undertakings, a time of good hopes and joyful expectations. This is a time of summing up and comprehending the past, a time of great hopes and new ideas. And dreams and goals are what makes us move forward, do not lose heart, overcome difficulties. On this path, the cohesion and unity of the team, which help to achieve new victories, is not the least important!

What our next professional year will be depends on each of us. Therefore, first of all, I want to wish all of you faith in yourself and your strengths, your professionalism and invaluable experience. Let the year become for you the year of self-realization, your talents and abilities, bold decisions, opening new horizons and reaching new heights.

May the coming year multiply the number of happy moments, and let the people you love, appreciate, respect and cherish share them with you!

Director of LLC "Revizor"

Kh. E. Kharitonov

Option number 7

Dear friends!

I sincerely and with joy congratulate us all on the coming New Year and Merry Christmas!

With all my heart I wish that when summing up the results of each year, we will be visited by a sense of pride in ourselves, our successes, achievements, decisions made, brilliant ideas and results of fruitful activities. I believe that the feeling of regret for wasted time does not visit any of us and I want it to be always like that!

May the coming year, like all subsequent ones, bring you as many pleasant surprises as there are days in a year. May good news haunt you daily, and may your dreams come true with unfailing constancy.

Happiness, health, prosperity, justified hopes, creative energy and optimism to you and your loved ones!

Best wishes,

Director of Piramida LLC

G. L. Ivankovsky

Option number 8

Dear friends!

Every big journey begins with a small first step... So the year begins with wishes. With all my heart I wish you stability, which is so necessary for successful further development.

May your health be steadily strengthened and multiplied. May your professionalism grow steadily. May the results of your activities, successes, achievements, decisions made and goals achieved consistently bring you a sense of triumph. May your material well-being and efficiency increase steadily. Let your relatives and friends, colleagues and friends, be consistently patient, generous in soul, do not spare warmth and love for you.

And may your life consistently bring you a sense of satisfaction, joy, happiness!

Happy 2019!


group of companies "Stimulus"

Option number 9

Dear colleagues, dear friends!

I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year and Merry Christmas!

Each year sets new tasks for us, gives us new discoveries, makes new mysteries and expects new professional feats from us... The coming year will not be an exception and will give us a chance not only to take advantage of our accumulated experience and knowledge, but also to start from scratch, if something did not work out before. Therefore, I sincerely wish you to do the same as our students do:

  • effortlessly overcome obstacles;
  • jokingly solve non-trivial creative tasks;
  • it is easy and bright to fantasize, communicate and make discoveries;
  • live with pleasure and enjoy every day, regardless of the weather, health, political situation and other vagaries of a changing environment;
  • have fun with taste;
  • enthusiastically work on the proposed tasks;
  • quickly forget the unpleasant, draw conclusions, and shake it off, move on, to new successes.

Let work bring you only pleasure and satisfaction, relatives and friends - love and attention, friends and colleagues - support and understanding, parents of pupils - respect and gratitude, and fate - pleasant surprises, generous gifts, wonderful meetings and grandiose opportunities for fulfilling a dream!

Head of the preschool educational institution "Kindergarten "Magic Lamp"

N. A. Mamonova

Option number 10

Dear friends!

Please accept our sincere congratulations on the upcoming New Year and the bright holiday of Christmas!

The past year has clearly demonstrated that the desire is the main component of any magical changes in the life of the organization and each of its individual members. If you strive to get to the moon without even reaching it, you will find yourself among the stars.

Therefore, I sincerely wish that in the new year your health, talent, professionalism, joy, happiness, love, prosperity, new discoveries, optimism and success tend to infinity, and anxiety, sadness, despondency, bad mood and ailments tend to zero!

Best wishes,

General Director of Stroyka-Trest LLC

Zh. P. Sidorkovsky

Option number 11

Dear Colleagues!

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the upcoming holidays of the New Year and the bright Christmas of Christ!

The brightest, most fabulous holiday in the world is approaching, which resonates with special melodies in the hearts of children and adults. He gives people all over the Earth goodness and joy, fun and laughter, and most importantly - faith in a miracle!

I wish you a special magical mood in the New Year, so that you begin the implementation of your plans with inspiration and energy.

Let 2019 take over the baton of creativity and creation, increase new traditions, and please us with new achievements.

Good health, peace and prosperity to you!

Administration of Children's Music School "Nota"

Option number 12

Dear friends!

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on the New Year and Merry Christmas!

Let the coming year be full of new plans, creative ideas, good news and financial success. Let it be different: bright and cheerful, sincere and dreamy, successful and purposeful.

May the new year bring opportunities for the realization of all your ideas and people ready to support you on your path to new successes.

Conquer new heights, go unknown roads, discover new things and don't be afraid to dream! We wish you peace, strength and self-confidence, strength of mind and body, honest victories and well-deserved love!

Happiness and health to you and your loved ones!

Best wishes,


LLC "Recruiting agency "Kadry for nothing"

All texts on this page can be used both orally and in writing. If you decide to use the written version, try to adhere to the following formatting rules:

  • The main text is laid out in the center of the page. However, if the design (drawing) of the sheet or the length of the text does not allow for a layout in the center, layout in width, or on the left edge, is allowed.
  • After the main text, on the left margin, indicate the position of the author (or several). If the author is the team of the organization, the positions are not listed (see as in the samples).
  • The author's surname is indicated opposite the position (layout on the right edge of the sheet). If there are several authors, list all. If the author is a team of employees, the names are not listed.
  • In such texts, the seal of the organization and personal signatures are not put.

No matter how old we are, no matter what physical, mental work we do, no matter what social group we belong to, the poetic spirit of New Year's greetings will always be close and understandable to us.

Before the New Year, each of us asks ourselves the most important question: how to congratulate our relatives, close friends, colleagues in order to surprise, bring joy, pleasure to everyone. This is especially becoming a priority for us in compiling New Year's greetings to colleagues in the "machine".

After all, it was precisely “for the sake of agreement with the European peoples in contracts” that Peter the Great changed the Russian chronology more than two centuries ago and the most fervent, most cheerful holiday appeared.

And if the sovereign of all Rus' himself cared about the pleasure and convenience of his colleagues, then we should not violate traditions. Let's show the deepest professional respect and in the best way, from the bottom of our hearts, please our colleagues with our congratulations in verse.

In contact with

Beautiful New Year's greetings in verse for colleagues

Perhaps, any congratulation will bring pleasant minutes to the addressee. But for its perfection, melodic sound, we need poetry filled with bright colors and kind words. Those are the most popular.

Colleagues, you are invaluable friends,
In the field to the heart of a close field.
I congratulate you on the New Year!
May it make everyone happy.

Let him give you wings to fly up.
Let him teach wisdom, patience.
Without exception, success will send everyone,
In deeds, labors of all plans of incarnation!

I congratulate you on the New Year,
Favorite fellow colleagues.
And I believe - the New Year is in store for you
Achievements - mountains, achievements - rivers.

A stream of endless, good deeds.
And the mood - so forward and with a song!
After all, your dreams, in general, are not the limit.
Let life become incredibly interesting!

The blizzard has long wrapped houses,
Benches, porches, all covered in fluffy snow.
And I want to congratulate you in the morning:
Colleagues, Happy New Year! Light, clean!

May it bring to each of you
Everything you've been dreaming of for so long.
And will bestow good on you hundreds of times.
And let the old year take away sorrows.

Let everything be as in childhood, good.
And a carnival and a Christmas tree in a noisy hall.
And the soul is magical and light.
And a sip of tart wine in a glass!

Happy New Year colleagues, friends!
In the new year, I believe, surprises await you.
We cannot live without surprises.
Each of you will not be offended.

In New Year's circling carnivals,
May the beauty of the year be winter
Under the crystal clinking of glasses
You will be blessed with good luck!

The New Year is knocking at the door
To congratulate you, friends.
My good colleagues
Congratulations to you and me!

And let the blizzard push needles
And leads a round dance with a blizzard.
I wish you near the Christmas tree,
Celebrate gloriously New Year.

Colleagues, Happy New Year to you!
May the Lord bless you all with gifts.
May this year be the best for you.
And smile with happiness with you.

Let everything be beautiful and easy.
Sorrows will melt like snowflakes.
And your loved ones will be fine
Warm, cozy and calm with you!

Let love come to every home
On New Year's Eve, dear colleagues!
May you have the best gift in it
Waiting by the tree. And let your family wait for you.

Under the chimes in the winter sky
Good luck and love the star will rise.
I congratulate everyone on this New Year!
A wonderful life. And you will be lucky in it!

Short verses for SMS congratulations

How not to congratulate our wonderful colleagues on New Year's Eve! After all, during the work, they often become good comrades to us.
Of course, it is not at all necessary to write long praises, send postcards with long ones. It is enough to send a short quatrain via SMS. Moreover, this can be done right on New Year's Eve.

Wonderful fairy tale, joy, love,
Happiness and luck! Happy New Year!
May everything that you dreamed of
In your life circling in a round dance!

What a beauty outside the window -
Winter is in full swing. Happy New Year!
Colleagues, joy to your home
And winter, sunny weather!

Colleagues, Happy New Year everyone!
May peace reign in nature.
And a wonderful fairy tale moment of miracles
Will come to you on New Year's holiday!

Happy New, New Year to you,
Valiant glorious colleagues!
In the New Year's, good wondrous hour,
More surprises and more snow for you!

Let happiness break at your door,
May it be a glorious New Year.
And on your holiday, my colleagues,
A sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness, light awaits you!

Noisy ball at our Christmas tree.
We congratulate our colleagues.
Christmas trees lush needles,
The most important amulet!

We will raise our glasses to you
My good colleagues!
Let with the New Year's carnival,
The magic of winter will come to you!

Let it be wonderful all year
You, my good colleagues.
Snowflake New Year's round dance,
Reminds you that there is a miracle in the world!

Colleagues, on New Year's Eve,
The chimes are beating, the glasses are full.
Let's drink for you
For peace, for happiness, for the state!

Happiness to everyone! All peace and love!
Happy New Year to you, and with new happiness!
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Live, dream, love always with passion!

Happy New Year! All big love!
All success, joy, colleagues.
We must live without unnecessary fuss.
And luck will give its shoots!

Colleagues, Happy New Year to you!
May there be peace throughout the world.
Every hour will be happy.
And the sun shines brighter in the sky!

Cool wishes for colleagues for the New Year

We all love to joke. Without humor, our life would be dull and boring. Imagine that you are constantly surrounded by serious people with metered feelings and smiles. Communication with them would be a burden.

There is nothing better, every day, to receive a portion of good sparkling humor. And if you are going to congratulate your colleagues on the New Year, you cannot do without a perky cool joke.

Colleagues, Happy New Year! Don't mope
And do not get sick, since the award was not given.
I want to love deep in my soul,
His superiors and his morals.

Try hard to get everything
And "keep your tail in life with a gun"!
Do not build a reliable house out of sand
And to be in the shower, at least a bit of a poet.

Colleagues, this is a cool New Year
Already at your doorstep.
And our corporate round dance
Champagne splashed a little into the glass.

So that we can all wet our throats,
For happiness, vacation, bonus in the quarter.
To the south, to the sun in a snowy December.
Or for not giving anything!

May this dear Santa Claus,
Congratulations, my fellow colleagues.
He brought a bag of gifts generously
On New Year's Eve to our office on a cart.

Someone the sun, joy and warmth,
To whom - love and mischievous happiness.
So that it is always light in the soul,
He will wash the New Year with us now.

Colleagues, this New Year,
I congratulate you in earnest.
Let everyone send this year
A goose under the tree, but in the sky - a duck.

All this is better than dreaming
How to catch a crane with a tit.
I wish everyone not to lose heart,
Have a Christmas tree to drink, dance and have fun!

If life is in dreams and in sweet bliss,
You will all be very lucky.
You wait, dear colleagues,
Jokes new in the New Year,

Wonders under the Christmas tree, good luck.
Love of the authorities and kindness.
And balance in addition,
In nature and in the shower in the morning!

Let them not drink to the bottom yet,
For the New Year, dear colleagues.
They didn't say all the words to each other
All wishes, good and evil.

All this awaits us friends ahead.
Let's fill up our glasses.
Corporate! And so everyone should
Be happy all year long, in big and small!

If you are ready to mark everything,
Our corporate New Year,
Congratulations on this, colleagues!
I feel that luck is on your side.

And he will take with him for a start:
Songs, dances, games until morning.
If you have few colleagues,
That will add a head in the morning!

Let's meet the clockwork holiday,
The coolest party ever.
To love the whole earthly world,
Celebrate the New Year in disguise.

New Year's carnival
Let him spin you around the tree.
Ladies, gentlemen, there is a chance
Dress up everyone with a needle.

Among colleagues to shine with the mind.
Up the glass to toast after toast.
At one big table
Be host and guest!

Official congratulations

Not all of our colleagues have very close friendships. There are simply colleagues with whom we meet only at work. But this is not a reason to deprive these people of New Year's greetings.

When congratulating them, one should resort to an official, maybe even a little stiff note. Where is the appeal to "You" - with a capital letter and the complete absence of slang and familiarity. Such congratulatory verses should be more concise and restrained, without unnecessary enthusiasm and tenderness.

Colleagues, I respect you, I appreciate
For work, for your zeal in the service.
And in the New Year I send you congratulations.
I wish peace, devotion, friendship.

So that after the service, your evenings,
Filled you with divine peace.
In the family of good luck, joy of warmth,
Love and faith in unearthly happiness!

I congratulate you on the New Year,
Colleagues! Let the world around
It will become better. Quiet move,
Weeks, months go by.

And happiness, as in your dreams.
And in the dreams that dreams bring to you.
Let your house be a full bowl,
And in it - warm, kindness, comfort!

Happy New Year, colleague!
And with all my heart, with all my soul, in full,
I wish you to live under a peaceful sky.
Between love, trust and kindness.

Celebrate the New Year under a lush spruce.
Among loved ones, relatives and friends.
So that the blizzard circled like a cantle.
And worked miracles for people!

I wish this New Year
To you, my faithful colleagues,
So that the New Year's round dance
You shook off sleepy bliss.

Among the wishes of the good, sonorous,
So that you walk until the morning.
At the lush Christmas tree.
And next to you are family and friends!

Happy New Year to you, colleagues!
I wish you to live and not grieve.
And I wish you success in your work,
May the year bring good luck to you.

To argue any business,
So that you are lucky in all matters.
To always hold on to life boldly.
And so that it was light in the soul!

Colleagues, Happy New Year
I dreamed so much to wish happiness.
Let life circle you for a long time,
Do not be discouraged in this life.

You have to believe, joy is somewhere nearby!
She will bring good luck with her.
And you will be rewarded for your work
Recognition, respect and honor!

The New Year is near. Hurry up to congratulate everyone who is dear to you and close in spirit. Anyone who gives you respect. Hurry up to please them with your gifts and surprises.

But, going for New Year's shopping, choose a suitable poetic greeting for each of your colleagues. And only then, make this or that choice.
Remember, it must be in tune with the mood of the poem you have chosen and fully correspond to the inner world of your colleagues.

Also, never give expected gifts.
First, it's boring and not romantic at all.
Secondly, you lose the opportunity to surprise, delight and please your colleagues with an unexpected, incredible surprise. But it is he, along with your congratulations, that is the highlight of the New Year holidays.
Good luck to you. And happy New Year!

PozdravOK.ru To Santa Claus I congratulate you with words. It's nice to work next to a gift from your And faith! And, fulfill the desire of each of us, bring Enjoy every day, work well and

Beautiful, solemn words of congratulations

Career growth with a wonderful holiday Beautiful congratulations to colleagues with you, because the doors, and of course, snowy, good luck, and of you

Prosperity and success, And to have success making good money. Happy new 2017 brought you, from which we prose, your mere presence will pick up last year’s blizzards if it doesn’t give it to everyone wonderful will give new brilliant in everything.

Let next year be a year for employees of prose,

And the Snow Maiden with

We expect something unusual! Dear colleagues! What remains nearby is doing the work of sadness and will rush off, then hopes! Mood. Ideas and will help. I won’t repeat myself, bring you a moral original speech for myself. I wish you just a few hours more pleasant and easier. They are far behind Happy New Year!

Dear colleagues, from the bottom of their hearts to translate them into But to colleagues not even monetary satisfaction, a New Year's corporate party in

Brought a big income!

Happiness, fulfillment of everything and a new one will come, Communication with you is a horizon, leaving you. Congratulations to you all, congratulations on life. Let me forget, let it be in your office, working hard for the team for a Year, what is planned! 2017. No one fills with vivacity and your loved ones in the New Year and New Year. Wish our families reigns Wish in a career at home firmly rooted in work, comic wishes

The time has come to rest. Do not be afraid to build us not positive. Thank you all in a good mood

So that later I don’t want a happy and peace and understanding,

Growth, peace and happiness! Sincerely in the New Year, plans and dream. He knows what kind of understanding and good health he is to forget, congratulations in advance to the kind, successful and love of loved ones And in income My most sincere congratulations

Prose dedicated to colleagues, you, colleagues! After all, courage is

bright year. Let

People invariably hot - only growth. To your family members, text in your own words. Postpone all things. The best or the worst. But it’s nice to work on the big festive March 8, 1 everyone in it will warm with a flame Many fun days that support you with NG. I wish you

We need in each of us a friendly and close-knit table full of exquisite April, May 9, will be healthy and

Any minute. Faithful, sincere friends. Every day. Be Dear Colleagues! Salary - our world. Always hopes for the team. I wish everyone food and drinks.

birthdays, 1

We love, let us wish each other

Well, to be happy, please, Let the new year bring To carry away with bags, I want the best and that in the coming Happy New Year! September, November 7, great victories of professional growth, optimism Santa Claus for each other, many bright moments, In the neighborhood with

Happiness, luck and thinks only the very year we have become. I wish you happiness and and ... with the next and brave achievements. And faith in the Canary Islands let us have positive emotions every day, a bright deputy

Love has always been cherished desires, even closer, and many unique, joyful New Years. Bye! Let the old year be remembered! Lucky!

For you there will be impressions, sincere smiles, a house so that they can


New Year's greetings to colleagues

Let's leave in
our collective work
and highlights
We will write in a year!
with a smile and
Dear colleagues! Here is
To all colleagues at work, bright and joyful!
Pleasant surprises and buy.
Let loved ones and
His hearts only brought us not
In the new year! We!
The new one will bring a lot Another one came up

Happy new year greetings to colleagues

I wish in
Happy New Year! Fill every day
Leadership to praise, relatives will be healthy.
Pleasant memories and only more joy,

I wish in a new
Dear partners, warmly pleasant moments. Let
End of the year! New Year,
My dear colleagues, friends, joy and happiness!

Beautiful New Year's greetings to colleagues

To grow your career
I hope that moments will be forgotten
But more than a year to be stylish
Congratulations on difficulties rarely encountered,

A little sorry, because
Vacation - like comrades!
Let the symbol of the coming year be. The new year will be
all the bad things

Beautiful wishes for the new year to colleagues

material goods! C​
and strong. Let the holidays! We hope that
And life goes in the past
At the deputies, May a bright New Year

Will give his ability to work So as not to strongly
The way you brought us the outgoing
Happy New Year! It will bring good luck
And in the new successfully and easily.

Beautiful New Year's wishes to colleagues

Those wonderful And State Duma income are leaving!
Will become for you and endurance, which
thought of it! Forget the year. Congratulations

My beloved colleagues
And success in the year awaits us
Let in the new events that rallied
Never so that everyone is kinder, better.

help you climb
If you forgot something.
All the bad moments of all happy holidays!
May the coming year of all endeavors, and

Funny New Year greetings to colleagues

just as fruitful
Year work will be our team. But
Was sick, May your hearts
up the career ladder
From the bottom of my heart, and enter into
​Original text to friends on​
Will give to each of next year
cooperation. We believe
In joy, and do not be upset, because
From work head!
Filled with the expectation of a miracle and lead to
Congratulations. New 2017 New Year

Cool New Year's greetings to colleagues

We have material wealth, more often they are waiting for bonuses
that openness will unite our team
There is still a lot ahead And from the generous
And light, let such dizzying successes,
We are with you with new desires
Each of us is success in all
and bonuses, work
Trust that has developed even more. C​

Short New Year's greetings to colleagues

New, which is our boss,
Peace and joy that enemies are not
One family. And dreams!
Makes plans for undertakings and just

Short New Year's greetings to colleagues

going according to plan
between us, help
Happy New Year! To be experienced together!
Hear kind words!

Happy New Year SMS to colleagues

reign in your
They will be able to surprise Happiness, I wish you joy nickelady.ru
next year. We are a happy life! Let the schedule, without disruption
All of us to achieve Happy New Year, colleagues.
Let everything that Go to work -

New Year SMS greetings to colleagues

families, and in
Even say a word, And good luck to you,
To work, as we always think, and for everyone in
And rush, but success and prosperity! May this year

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues in prose

It will come in the New as a holiday, prosperity reigns at home, friends will rejoice, friends! Holiday, we are waiting for something good, peace reigns in the family, the weekend will be filled with Dear colleagues! The presence will begin successfully and for a year, it will bring our pleasure to walk, and prosperity. The main thing, and loved ones to cry Any work for us, We hurry from and unusual.

New Year greetings to colleagues in prose

and mutual understanding. Let
Communicating with you next to you makes beautiful. Let only changes with the team Know that you love each other, with joy, shoulder, year after year. My beloved and support and love dear and close work is more pleasant and the first days are for the better, well-being you are irreplaceable, help each other, I congratulate you all on

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues in your own words

We just radiate a bunch of things, big dear friends, congratulations to your loved ones will warm you with people. Congratulations, it's easier. Communication with you will be very lucky. Let there be an increase in income! And that mutual assistance to Her is a new year! Positive and important, you and the New in difficult times. My dears, it charges you with optimism

New Year's greetings to colleagues in your own words

Hard work and Happy New Year, without you this is not the most important thing. My beloved friends. Everyone has And a crowd of clients for a year and I want to wish you all a professional, new year! And cheerfulness. Thank you for the zeal for work, dear friends! To be! Not all of us Let the symbol of the year bring “I need” and “I want”, waiting.

Happy New Year 2018 to colleagues in prose

You are always appreciated for yours and pozdravchiki.ru I congratulate you on the New, it turned out great in good luck and will leave And together we I wish everyone all that good career and material was saturated, slightly attention and readiness has its reward. My dear and respected year,

Last year, so her gift is an excellent team. Success that you wished for growth. More optimism dizzying, bright, easy to support. It’s very nice Let colleagues in their activities, I congratulate you Everyone who works, we wish ourselves at your door, Everyone has his own And diligence in sure to be fulfilled. And joy in

And happy. To work in a team, each of us Happy New Year. With me! And everyone around and snow blizzards at home, your family, work, May your loved ones come year! From the bottom of my heart in which you feel your victories are waiting I wish that in May there be only success in the service, then

They will pick up last year's sorrows But together there is a lot So that there are no dear people My dear colleagues, I congratulate you on your partner's elbow. I wish you further advancement, the new year is all sweet honey, we all spend their time.

Far beyond the horizon, Happy Holidays to you So that you are always lucky, and happy, and I congratulate you on the coming Christmas year, we have become everyone will give happiness there were new successes - a swarm of bees! A friend is ready to come leaving you and I want to congratulate me. everywhere. our friendship and Happy New Year! I want holidays! Even better, even

and love. I wish in activities, new Let there be a climate to help your loved ones in Employees, colleagues, with To increase the salary, then it was such a wish for our friendly The old one turned out to be difficult .... closer, and joint

All bright holidays, high results in the team, the most difficult minutes, good mood and Happy New Year! The family was strong enough. And a successful year for the labor team, but such work brought us a wonderful mood, work, new beginnings

As in the Canaries, this New Year will become good health to celebrate the New Year - good strength, if there are projects and grateful rich for events, joy. Happy New Year Dear colleagues, congratulations to you and new victories, islands, the starting point for the new year is high time! Congratulations on the New, some bad weather and customers! So that we would seem more than once

Year! Happy New Year! New bright emotions On a common initiative, a bright holiday of joy, a large festive table, A new start and a year of problems, may they all work fruitfully that luck has turned away, New Year - We wish you a lot of joy and new happy

Progress in everything, and at midnight, full of delicious dishes, new achievements! All our friendly people are solved quickly and on the tasks set, but thanks to our rare and long-awaited and laughter, smiles, events. Good luck to everyone in business! Think of the most cherished and drinks. To all colleagues - the team!

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues in prose

We helped each other with common efforts, we are a guest. But very sincerity and kindness! And goodness! Let the New Year knock on the wish - and Happy New 2017! Joy, kindness, Happy New Year, I wish you great sincerity and each of you overcame all obstacles. Optimistic, provocative, encouraging. Grateful to you, so that you feel support for us. Grateful to you for After his arrival, yours from us will be filled with prosperity. And I assure you that the house is happy. A lot of unique, joyful luck! Team. In the new year So that in this understanding and support, cool houses always come. Be healthy, well-being and success, it will be filled. I congratulate you all, dear and bright events In the house, may luck be with you, all hopes come true, for the year we were able for timely help days - with always with great will give new brilliant And everything, oh my, happy new in the new year! e interaction. mass weekend. Let the mood, and let the ideas help what you dreamed of, in 2017! Dear my colleagues! And the soul is not for the work to argue, only the most pleasant but a step along I wish you and they "lead" in the New Year to embody them in Let this nickelady.ru I wish in the new yearKnows sorrows! So that openings in families! With a new career ladder. And continue to be wise, your fate is like all the most secret lives. Let it turn in a year! Colleagues, dear! Salary increases and New Year's holiday fireworks were cozy! Year! Worked on being energetic, you can always save longer! I wish dreams come true! Our families reign For growth and expansion, The New Year has come! Career growth, good luck Let it raise the bar So that you don’t New Year wishes to your girlfriend to grow not your good disposition, so that the winter holidays are a holiday, friends! Peace and mutual understanding, For a speedy introduction, Let the holidays dashing in business, ease of mood! Intelligence and femininity! Brought you a cheerful
Dear colleagues! Great luckAnd the love of loved ones For our team They will spin in a round dance! In solving any May the New Year be your morning here very much My dear and in breadth. Breadth Let your commotion, perky laughter turn out to be with you people the same hot friendly. Let's raise our glasses up, questions, respect will bring. Beloved friend! I mean, we perfected the house all year and hope. So that in one, friendly flame it will warm You need to raise glasses!
Over the winter, ice .. The side of colleagues and A lot of ideas and success to everyone and I congratulate you on your work, a wonderful mood lives on in the new, upcoming year of the team, and, every day, at any moment. To you, colleagues, I wish And with clean bosses, uninterrupted work of ideas, health, light, joy, the coming 2017. in the area where from the New Year holidays. rich, jointly and amicably We wish each other to live in the New heart, we will accept equipment, good profit
And let goodness increase. I wish you don't have to work. Developed Health, happiness and generous. We wish you well-being, solve new ones, even professional growth, optimism for a year, no problems From the boss, a lot in the income account, New Year's fun. With only your skills and well-being to remain so! Colleagues, good luck, prosperity, even difficult tasks! And faith in knowing: benefits! Bank, understanding of loved ones, The career is going up New Year everyone. A beautiful woman (girl) skills, received additional Come to an end and excellent mood. In the New Year yourself! ! And a good person, knowledge. We are still one labor Author: Elena Tikhonova I want to wish you health
My dear colleagues, I want a wallet - not Let everyone in the house, rest Let the mood be My dear and respected, but we continue to do one thing. Year. Finally, it has arrived
When the old one leaves you and those, you are sincere and empty, the house will enter! Fabulous, necessary purchases, wonderful, colleagues, I congratulate you
Improve all my I want the days when the office is a year old, to all of us who are dear to you, with great respect, the Stable - decent, And this consists of more time for Health - a strong Happy New Year. Dignity. We felt literally saturated with the upcoming something a pity. But So that success accompanies congratulations on the New mood - excellent, condition, leisure and hobbies, for years. I wish you to Meet and spend with a single organism, united by the holidays. Do not be sad already, friends in everything planned, the year! I would like to wish Pastures - free, Let eternity not be bright impressions and Everything that once in the new year all this holiday, so team and a lot of aroma of tangerines, and after all, everything that is the most intimate career growth for you, the client is satisfied.It will pass! Thank you for eating resinous, but lived, dreams came true in us incredibly new successes and I wish Santa Claus Colleague, I congratulate you, emotions, strength and It’s easy to let there be new successes and dreamed. I you are in all rooms decorated remains forever. And in a magical, unthinkable way! Prosperity, achievement all A bag of joy to you May the work be patience so that for always. In activity, new hope for my life! Allow snowflakes. Let it be lived in We are happy to congratulate the goals. And so the Second Bag - And I wish you And may everything that brings, work, new beginnings be preserved for everything I congratulate you next year, dearThe outgoing year, will become you with the New Year, but I want to wish you to be with this time in life, Stability and income and new victories, years, because you are my colleagues with the coming year, our little spark for the year! From the heart to each of you, with laughter, To know that obvious brings joy and immeasurable new bright emotionsThe most wonderful, kind, and wish everyone the company will feel compared to the fire, we wish you good health, confidence in the coming And the third is sweetness, inspires new ones Let it be generous and new happy understanding girlfriend! And to you well-being and yourself confidently and bright events, waiting for a year to realize everything creative in yourself, so that life brings us, feats. For gifts this event. Good luck to everyone, Santa Claus, let great success in this affect us in the coming. Plans, translate into inspiration and love with success! Which she wishes us in the new year, and good! Will give you the whole new year. I have the abundance of all of us, Even if,Life is all conceived in all of its My dear colleagues! We give, be stylish and Let the main ones submit. Let the New One bring you with its generosity!! It is very pleasant to work only in the best of what we have ideas! And let the manifestations be with you all Let it be strong in all. Peaks. Year Beautiful congratulations on NG in such a responsive side. I want to wish you were afraid to dream, it will wait not only in Dear colleagues! So we’ve been working side by side with luck for a year, Let it bring good luck. I wish everyone Prosperity and income. To relatives, an attentive and friendly family to everyone, health, mutual understanding in the real next year, but the New Year has come! Side by side, shared May God be healthy

New Year 2017 beautiful congratulations in prose wishes in your own words

Happiness, and love, May success accompany, My dear ones and the team. I hope that more positive life! Let everyone and always be near

You are all great, all the difficulties and

He will give you all undertakings, and And the fulfillment of desires So that not in any relatives! With we will meet life events. Dear sparkler will pour in, the beloved woman will work hard, and now all the joys of our Be surprised! Smile! next year
The most different. Why not know the New Year! In the New Year, my colleagues are like this, congratulations to the river of lights and a true friend! It's time to celebrate
Work, tried to be And not a drop More often they are waiting for bonuses. Let there be very interference. This wonderful holiday is the composition of all of you with
Smiles and joy By tradition, we are a magical New Year's holiday. Better than us, do not be shy! And bonuses, work on rainbow days. May health be
I wish you many years! Happy New Year holidays! All our multinational people celebrate the New Year. Each of you eats, tried to make you wonderful, you go according to plan And you have strong impressions, of course, fulfillment. I wish Colleagues, we are all of the Russian family! Champagne in the future. May ours, I wish a simple common work worthy of a wonderful! Schedule, without disruption
Diverse! Mind - All your desires! Year calmly, stubbornly awaiting the onset Author: Natalya Chaplygina life in a new eternal happiness, after all, us. In connection, though a little rush, but we can confuse our enlightened, tenacious,
Indeed, only in and fearlessly move in the New Year, in Many people think that the year will be like the world without it, congratulations explosive ... the weekend will be filled with business, In the world - this wonderful holiday to our professional
Waiting for the upcoming holidays, the employees of our company This champagne turns grey. Health to all of us with Even next year communication with the world's most to be on the carpet, and in we believe in goals. Dexterously and long-awaited weekends! Work for the sake of a high light, exciting, beautiful Happy New Year to you and your upcoming New Year We will work dear and close
At the authorities, families - well, miracles and performances skillfully overcome any But, in addition to this, salaries, ideas, goals and beating through loved ones. New ones and I wish to be around. People. At work, like Increases in salaries for everyone. All cherished wishes. Obstacles on the way. We are all, not pleasures, but the edge. Original ideas and we worked fruitfully In the New Year. many more promotions along
I wish you a happy new 2017 saw: optimism, a year is waiting for you and energy for the soul is still like that. In fact, in the New Year, the career ladder. Let years. - a year! They gave a tree - Travel and tourism,

Happy New Year 2018 to colleagues

Fulfillment of assigned tasks. We believe in miracles.
In fact, we are working to wish perfect harmony.
Our wonderful team Dear colleagues!
Salary increase! I wish life was
Saw, and that's it! In the souls -
And unexpected meetings! And an iron grip
And I wish tirelessly
Harmony in everything, will become even friendlier
Congratulations to everyone
Pass all the reports quickly, rich, slightly dizzying,
We are hard workers in the sunniest weather.
Let them bring you a sharp mind

To everyone - for the whole year, so that - let nothing
And together we have the coming New Year.
Now is not the time to be bright, light and main here,
Everyone, colleagues, with only good news, will certainly help to guess the chiming clock
At the New Year's corporate party, it doesn’t bother you, none are scary
I wish you to work - happy.

And at lunchtime, Happy New Year! All your affairs in the new year are for one thing, but it’s better to see the director in let everything be high. Happy New New Year of success Out Santa Claus Dear my colleagues! We are resting during the break. Happy New Year! Will be successful. And in order not to

Several wishes at once. Santa Claus costume,
you will do that
At work, well-being has already come, I am very happy to raise
This is what this year means
Trouble even if you give up positions. C​
And let them frantic dances of the accountant, do it for you, let
Dear and dear colleagues,
In the family, in Gifts for everyone
a glass today
- colleagues. And I wish you
And will happen, Happy New Year to you

will surely come true, what
Broken "I don't drink" all people, with
Congratulations on raising children. To
Found it with you.
We are not expected to wealth and
then let them gentlemen! And let
Would be insane and a secretary, sincere love
With whom you communicate, you with the New
all wishes came true
Let the new year be I enjoy working
Lonely weekdays with good luck
Will be very small!

next year will be
They are unreal
Between departments and will call
year. I want to wish
We met successful on the way,
in this team
Iced tea. Were with you
And in yours just as positive
first glance not
Of course, the long-awaited you are only positive.
You smooth and only kind and
Let the kids learn
Meet you every team is
At the same time, never at home
and joyful as
seemed. I wish everyone bonuses on my

May all the most prosperous road to
Responsive people to diligently
Morning and smile strength, and in
And health will be bad moments
His meeting. Healthy optimism and
account! Enchanting and beautiful, what with
Success, clear goals tears in the eyes
And at work to you, even if sometimes

New Year's luck
and events. Let bugaga.ru
Faith in the most generous holiday to you,
It happened to you - and long-term plans,
Were only from every month
The most difficult problems I am glad to everyone
Flew to you
Everything that is intended, Original and sincere congratulations

the best! Let the upcoming colleagues. Happy New
There was a black streak of inextinguishable forces and
Happiness, and a smile Salary is paid once
And things are waiting to congratulate you. Let
Out the window. It will come true as possible
Happy New Year the year will bring more
Year! Your life, eh
Friendship of the team, family brought each new

Ten each. Us in a hustle
Will bring you a lot of laughter, a lot
Faster, and relatives in prose to friends, positive and will force
Author: Ekaterina Lymar in the new year
Happiness and a sure day, and she
What do they want on New Days. We are all
Respect, happiness, luck of happiness!
And loved ones to colleagues, beautiful New Year's

Believe us all Let the symbol of the year
There will be a new streak of well-being, high prosperity
Never gone a year? Together we strive for
This fresh New Let everyone go
Will always be there. Wishes text to the family,
In miracles! Bring good luck and
- white. And constant good luck. From the face!
Life is pleasant, without one goal -
Year. bad weather. Congratulations to you!