Aquarium fish like gold but multi-colored. Aquarium goldfish. Care, description, compatibility

Goldfish (lat. Carassius auratus) is an artificially bred species of freshwater fish from the genus. Belongs to the class of ray-finned fish, the carp-like order, the carp family.

This species received the Latin name from its ancestor - silver carp, which gave offspring of a beautiful golden color with a red tint. The Russian name of the goldfish comes from the color of the scales of aquarium inhabitants, the diminutive form of the word "fish" and, possibly, from the rather expensive cost of the first bred specimens.

Goldfish - description, characteristics, structure.

A goldfish is a fish with an elongated, laterally compressed or short rounded body. All representatives of the species are characterized by large gill covers, the presence of hard notches on the first rays that form the fins, and pharyngeal teeth. The size of the scales of goldfish depends on breed variations and can be both large and small, up to complete absence in some areas.

The color of goldfish varies widely: it can be red-gold, pale pink, dark bronze, fiery red, yellow, black with a blue tint, and so on. However, one feature remains - the color of the abdomen is always slightly lighter than the main color.

The shape and size of the lateral fins, as well as the tail of the goldfish, are different. They can be small forked, quite long and developing, like the lightest veil, or have another bizarre shape. Eyes in goldfish may have the typical size and structure of all fish, but in some breeds they have varying degrees of bulge.

The length of an aquarium goldfish is unlikely to exceed 15 centimeters, although in special ponds the sizes of fish often reach 45 centimeters, excluding the tail.

The lifespan of a goldfish depends on the shape of the body. Goldfish with short rounded bodies live 13-15 years, fish with a long flattened body live for about 40 years.

Aquarium goldfish, types, photos and names.

Over many years of targeted breeding, approximately 300 different breeds have been bred, which amaze the imagination with a variety of shapes and colors. Among aquarium lovers, the following breeds and types of goldfish are most popular:

  • suitable for breeding both in aquariums and in open water. This breed is closest to the natural form of the silver carp. The fish are characterized by an elongated, laterally compressed body, the length of which at good conditions the content can reach 30-45 cm. The straightened rounded caudal fin does not exceed 10 centimeters in size. Paired fins, located on the abdomen and chest, also have a rounded shape. The scales of a goldfish are colored in red-orange shades, however, there are breed variations with red and white colors.

  • Goldfish Butterfly jikin (butterfly telescope, butterfly tail) (Eng.Butterfly tail goldfish) - a breed of goldfish obtained as a result of long-term selection. A distinctive feature of this breed is the characteristic shape of the forked caudal fin, resembling spread wings. The body length of the jikin butterfly does not exceed 20 cm. The fish is used only in aquarium breeding and easily tolerates rather cool water temperatures. In this breed, variational varieties of goldfish are distinguished, which differ mainly in the color of the scales. The color of goldfish can be silver, red with white spots, orange, black and white or red with black fins. Variations appeared with noticeably elongated tail fins.

The following goldfish belong to the jikin butterfly breed: calico butterfly, black and white panda butterfly, orange butterfly, red and white butterfly, black butterfly, red and black butterfly, pom pom butterfly.

  • Lionhead (eng.Lionhead goldfish) - an unusual variety of goldfish with a characteristic short body up to 15 cm long, resembling in shape large egg. Her head is covered with peculiar velvety growths that make her look like a head or. These growths cover the eyes of the fish, which are not very large anyway. One of the features of the breed is the absence of a dorsal fin, as well as a short, sometimes forked tail of a goldfish, which is slightly raised upwards. The head and fins are bright red. The body is covered with large scales. The color of the lionhead can be orange, red, black, red-white, black-red, and also with the presence of three colors: red, black and white.

  • Ranchu goldfish (eng.Ranchu goldfish) with a short, ovoid, flattened body and shortened fins. This breed is characterized by a curvature of the spinal column in the tail. Like lionheads, ranchu fish have growths on their heads and do not have dorsal fins. The triangular tail of these fish was formed from two fused tail fins. Modern breed variations of the ranch are characterized by a wide variety of scale colors, in which there are orange, white, red and black colors. But the most valuable for aquarists are goldfish, which have brightly colored lateral and pectoral fins, nose and gill covers, with little or no pronounced body color or with partial coloring of the tail, as well as with fine uniform spotting.

  • Ryukin (riukin, nymph) (eng.Ryukin goldfish) - a slow and heat-loving aquarium breed of goldfish with a characteristic spherical body and a high back, formed due to a curved spinal column. The body length of the fish can reach 20 cm. The fins are massive, rounded, of medium size, however, there are varieties in which the length of the fins is increased. The dorsal fin is strictly vertical. The tail of the goldfish is forked, up to 15-30 cm long. The head of the ryukin is large, with a rather big eyes. The color of the fish of this breed is diverse. There are specimens with red, pink, white and even variegated scales.

  • Veiltail (Eng.veiltail goldfish) - a very beautiful goldfish, a calm and slow aquarium inhabitant with an ovoid or spherical body, the length of which reaches 20 cm. A small head smoothly passes into the body. The size of the eyes of veiltails is somewhat increased. Their iris can be any color other than green. A distinctive feature of this breed of goldfish and its variations is a lush a long tail, which looks like a ribbon. Its length exceeds the size of the body several times. There are varieties of veiltails with a tail, which was formed from several fins, which are a magnificent thin veil. Depending on the ratio of the length of the fins and tail to the size of the body, two varieties of this breed are distinguished: ribbon and skirt veil tails. The color of the scales of the fish can be different, ranging from a rich red-cinnabar color of the back and sides with a golden belly, ending with a solid black color. There are variations with red fins and white or light yellow scales.

  • telescope (eng.Telescope eye goldfish) - a variety of goldfish, bred for keeping in aquariums. It is characterized by a short egg-shaped body and elongated fins. But its main distinguishing feature is its large eyes. Their shape, size and direction of the axis vary widely. The eyes of a goldfish telescope can reach a diameter of 5 cm and have a spherical, cylindrical or conical shape. Often the axes of each eye are perpendicular to the surface of the head and directed towards different sides. There are varieties of goldfish with eyes pointing upwards. They are called astrologers or celestial eye. Among the variations that make up the breed, there are fish with scales and scaleless. Their coloring is very diverse. It can be both monophonic and variegated.

  • Bubble-eye (eng.Bubble eye goldfish) - a sedentary aquarium species of goldfish with an egg-shaped body and a head smoothly turning into the back. The length of the body of the vesicle can reach 15-18 cm. Unlike most goldfish, the tail of this breed does not hang down. The vesicle lacks a dorsal fin, the eyes are rather large, looking forward. A distinctive feature of the breed are peculiar, filled with liquid, bubbles growing near the eyes, the size of which can reach 25% of the size of the body of the fish. The color of the goldfish is mostly monochromatic, sometimes with rather large spots. contrasting color. There are individuals of red, white, golden or orange color.

  • Comet (English)comet goldfish) - an active and fast aquarium breed of goldfish with an elongated body, the length of which can reach 18 cm. The comet resembles an ordinary silver carp. From him, this fish differs in color and longer fins. Depending on their size, simple comets are distinguished, in which only the tail is elongated, and veiled rock variations with fins and an oversized tail. In purebred representatives of the breed, the length of the tail can exceed the size of the body by three to four times. The most valuable are comet goldfish with silver scales, bright red eyes and a lemon yellow tail.

  • Pearl (English)pearlscale goldfish) - a breed characterized by a swollen egg-shaped body middle length(up to 15 cm) with short lateral and pectoral fins. A distinctive feature of such fish are convex scales, resembling pearls cut into two parts. The new scales of a goldfish that grow back when mother-of-pearl “pearls” are damaged, unfortunately, do not reproduce the original original shape and texture. Fish of this breed do not differ in color diversity. Most individuals are orange, red or white in color. Recently, breed variations of tricolor and black color have appeared.

  • Oranda (eng.Oranda goldfish) – one of the most unusual and colorful breeds of artificially bred helmet-shaped aquarium goldfish. Oranda is a kind of veiltail and differs from it in spectacular outgrowths on the head and on the gill covers (in black varieties, the outgrowth is colored to match the body). Because of such an interesting “headdress”, aquarists often call representatives of this breed “little red riding hood”. Moreover, the larger the “hat” of the fish, the more valuable the individual is considered.

The color of the oranda can be the most diverse - from scarlet and white to black, blue, lemon yellow or multi-colored spotted. Depending on the color, the oranda fish is divided into variable varieties: red and white oranda, chocolate oranda, blue oranda, dark gray oranda, chintz oranda and others.

The fish has a rather large size: its length varies from 15 to 26 cm (sometimes more). Unlike other helmet-shaped species, the oranda fish has an unpaired dorsal fin. All other fins hanging down, slightly forked. The caudal fin of a goldfish often makes up 65-70% of the total length of the barrel-shaped and rather short body, and by certain breed criteria must be skirt-shaped and not fork-shaped. Oranda goldfish is a long-liver among aquarium inhabitants: with proper care, it is able to please the owner with its beauty for 13-15 years.

Of all known aquarium fish, perhaps the most famous - gold fish. She lives in many aquariums, adults and children know her, and even a fairy tale has been written about her. We will talk about this popular, beautiful and slightly magical pet in this article.

Appearance of an aquarium goldfish

The progenitor of goldfish was an ordinary crucian carp, however, Chinese. From this it is clear that the favorite of aquarists is a freshwater family of crucian carp.

The ancestors of this fish were domesticated back in the 7th century AD, and used to be called golden ones. Now, thanks to centuries of selection, diversity aquarium goldfish huge, you can see it on multiple photo.

Common features in goldfish are fairly easy to trace. This is a golden-red coloration of the fins and body, and the back is darker than the belly. There are pinkish, bright red, white, black, blue, yellow and many others.

The body is slightly elongated, compressed laterally. Sexual dimorphism is not expressed, only during the spawning period the female can be identified by the enlarged abdomen.

Currently, goldfish are divided into short-bodied and long-bodied. The size of different species is different, but the common fact remains that if an aquarium grows, then its maximum size usually does not exceed 15 cm. If the dwelling is much more spacious, such as a pond, then the golden beauty can grow up to 35-40 cm.

Habitat for goldfish

In nature, the closest relatives of goldfish originally lived in China. Later they spread to Indochina, and then to Japan. Further, with the help of merchants, they ended up in Europe, and then in Russia.

In the quiet Chinese provinces, fish lived in slow-moving rivers, lakes and ponds. People breeding crucian carp in their reservoirs began to notice that some were yellow or red, and chose them for further selection.

Later, such crucians were kept in vats in the homes of rich and noble people. So, we can say that the goldfish simply does not have a natural habitat. This species is bred and selected artificially.

Care and maintenance of goldfish

When choosing an aquarium for a goldfish, count on 50 liters per individual. If you plan to keep a flock of 6-8 tails, then the population density can be increased - 250 liters will be enough for them.

Moreover, short-bodied species need more water than long-bodied ones. The shape of the aquarium is better than the traditional one - the length is twice the width.

The aquarium must be equipped with filters (external and internal), compressor, ultrasonic sterilizer, heater. All this is necessary for care and creation comfortable conditions residence goldfish– temperature, water purity, oxygen saturation.

The temperature required for short-bodied species to live: 21-29 C⁰, for long-bodied species: 18-25 C⁰. Water hardness 10-15⁰, maintain acidity within 8 pH. The water is partially replaced.

Gold soil likes to dig, dig, so it is better to refuse small fractions and put pebbles on the bottom. Laying various decors in the form of sharp and hard locks on the bottom is not worth it, pets can cut themselves.

Pictured is a veil-tailed goldfish

Plants planted in an aquarium will most likely be eaten, but do not be upset, because pets do not just spoil the beauty of their home, but get important nutrients from green leaves. To create the same interior, you can plant plants with hard leaves that are not to your taste, for example, fern, elodea, anubias.

Feeding goldfish should be approached responsibly, and the main rule is not to overfeed and maintain a balance. These pets are very gluttonous, therefore, the owner has to follow their figure.

It is better to feed a little 2-3 times a day to avoid heavy pollution aquarium food leftovers. When calculating food, you can focus on the weight of the fish, and try not to give them food more than 3% of their own weight.

Almost everything will go to feed the fish: worms, various cereals, bloodworms, coretra, bread, herbs, dry mixes. The mixture must be bought specifically for goldfish, it contains special additives that give the color an even richer color.

Well, such compositions contain everything essential vitamins. It is impossible to give dry mixes too often, 2-3 times a week is enough. Before serving, such food must be soaked, because when swallowing dry food, air enters the stomach, their tummy swells, and the pets begin to swim sideways or even upside down.

If the pet is not immediately transferred to another food, then it may die. Another danger of dry food is that it swells in the stomach and the fish have an upset intestinal tract, constipation.

It is enough to soak the food for 20-30 seconds. Sometimes, at content already adults aquarium goldfish, it is worth arranging fasting days for them.

Types of goldfish

Varieties of gold aquarium fish so many. Let's talk about the most popular.

Shubunkin is a very unusual color goldfish. Her scales are motley, as if a light calico is put on.

The outfit mixes blue, red, black and white colors. The standard of this species is an elongated body and a large caudal fin. Size about 15 cm.

In the photo, the goldfish Shubunkin

The lionhead is a goldfish with growths on its head that seem to form a mane. She has small body, double tail fin. Such an unusual individual is very expensive, since this species is rated as the highest stage of breeding science. This variety grows up to 18 cm.

Pictured is a goldfish lionhead

The pearl is one of the oldest varieties, a plump, pot-bellied fish. Her scales look convex, like pearls on her body. This small species reaches a size of only 8 cm. Names of goldfish a great variety, all types are different and unique in their own way.

Pictured is a goldfish pearl

Reproduction and lifespan of goldfish

Reproduction of goldfish occurs in May-June. In males ready to spawn, a white rash appears on the gills, and in females, the tummy is rounded. For good results in a spawning aquarium, you need to constantly fill in fresh water and aerate it well.

Lighting the aquarium during this period is necessary around the clock. The female spawns about 3000 eggs, which remain to hatch on their own, which happens after 5-8 days. Goldfish can live up to 30 years.

Goldfish price and compatibility with other fish

Goldfish are not at all aggressive, but despite this, you should not settle them with their own kind. For example, long-bodied and short-bodied species do not get along in the same aquarium.

Slow-swimming species must be kept separate or nimble neighbors will leave them hungry. It is also better not to experiment with others.

The only ones who can safely settle with goldfish are various. gold aquarium fish price varies depending on age and type and usually in the range of 100-1000 rubles.

Many lovers of beauty would like to have a golden fish, like in a fairy tale, which, moreover, would be able to fulfill wishes. But, unfortunately, we are not in a fairy tale.

And today we will talk about an ordinary aquarium fish from a subspecies of the freshwater genus crucians.

Found in nature different kinds these fabulous fish with different sizes, shapes and colors, so you can choose for every taste. Goldfish in all their splendor are shown in the photo. Before the final choice, you should carefully consider all the nuances.

Goldfish were the first inhabitants of the fauna to appear as pets among people.

At first they were Brown, but over time, as a result of repeated selection, species of light red color appeared. Today, there are many varieties of golden beauties, of any size and color.

The choice of golden inhabitants of the aquarium

Among the huge number of species of goldfish, there are naturally expensive specimens. But you won’t find them in ordinary pet stores, mostly they sell fairly ordinary species at affordable prices.

Symbolically, the fish are divided into:

  • Long-bodied. They have an elongated body shape, like their ancestors.
  • Round-bodied. They have a round thick body shape and long hind fins.

The nature of these fish are also different. Long-bodied - mobile, round-bodied, on the contrary, too slow.

When choosing, limit yourself to any one species so that the fish will comfortably exist in the future.

Round-bodied fish are smaller in size than long-bodied ones, which can reach up to 50 cm in length, as a result of which you will have to increase the volume of the aquarium, or take this into account immediately when choosing fish. Long-bodied fish are much more enduring and less demanding in keeping than round ones.

Types of golden representatives of the aquarium fauna

Golden regular. This fish is long-bodied, similar to the one in the illustrations of the goldfish for the well-known and beloved Pushkin's fairy tale. She is bright orange in color, very active and undemanding to care for. It grows up to 18 cm in length, so the aquarium should be spacious enough.

Lionhead. Refers to the round body. The tail is of medium size, divided in two, there is no fin on the back. On the head there is a growth in the form of a raspberry cap. Their appearance is not ordinary and elegant.

Shubunkin. Goldfish of this species have bright colors, so they will certainly decorate the aquarium. There may be blue, black or red spots on the backs. True fish lovers especially appreciate the tricolor of the species.

Black telescope. Naturally, this is a round-bodied black fish, has a long tail and bulging eyes. They can simply be called telescopes, since in nature they are only black. In the aquarium it is better to keep them together with colorful views for contrast.

Veiltail and fantail. Their pride and feature is a long tail-fin, consisting of two parts, which makes them unusual. But not all fish lovers like it.

Oranda. It looks like a fish with a back fin like a veiltail, but it has a growth in the form of a crimson cap, like a lion's head. Most famous representative this type of front hat or tancho. The color of the tancho is white, and the cap is red. In Japanese, tancho means rising sun.

Comet. A long-bodied fish with rather elongated fins in red or red-white colors. They are also not whimsical, resistant to cool environments, so they can be kept in ponds.

Fish care

Aquarium for goldfish should be with water room temperature without heating. Air purging (aeration) is a must in medium aquariums. Comfortably coexist with others predatory representatives aquarium fauna, but are absolutely not competitive, even in the race for food.

An aquarium with a volume of 200 liters or more is suitable as an ideal fish house. In a smaller aquarium, the fish will feel uncomfortable and cramped.

Goldfish love to play with pebbles, so make sure your aquarium has a coarse or fine-grained substrate without sharp edges to keep the fish safe.

Do not get carried away with decorative things in the form of various towers, castles, etc., so that the fish do not damage their luxurious fins.

To improve the aquarium, use hard-leaved living plants that will not be eaten by fish and will fulfill the mission of an ecological stabilizer.

Fish nutrition

Feed the fish should be 1-2 times a day, little by little, so that everything is absorbed within 10 minutes, no more. Avoid overfeeding as this can make your fish sick.

Provide your fish with a varied diet as they are omnivores. First, dilute dry food a little with water, and defrost frozen food to room temperature and you can feed the fish.

Do not freeze again! Live aquarium plants should also be present as food, not just decoration.

Photo of a goldfish

Experienced aquarists know what a huge number of fish species, including goldfish, exist today. And given that each of them has varieties, it can be assumed that the aquarium world is truly huge. In this article, our heroine will be an aquarium goldfish. You will learn what varieties of it exist, how it should be kept and how to care for the silent beauty.

Aquarium goldfish - types

It often happens that the owner of the aquarium, when asked by a guest: “What kind of fish is this?” - difficult to answer. This is not surprising - it is difficult for a beginner to understand all the diversity. Description of aquarium fish (some species) we bring to your attention.


It will not be an exaggeration on our part if we say that the veiltail is the most common and popular goldfish. It has an ovoid (almost round) body shape. The eyes are well marked on the large head.

Veiltail can be scaly and without scales. It can have a very diverse color - from solid golden flowers to black. In addition, these fish are spotted, sometimes they have multi-colored, very elongated fins.

But its beauty lies not only in color - it is a fish with a magnificent tail. It consists of three or four fused fins that create folds and go down like a veil. According to the observations of aquarists, there are individuals in which the size of the tail exceeds six times the length of the body. Certain requirements are imposed on exhibits that relate to the length of the fins, their location, and body shape. These beauties do not exceed 20 cm in length.

Veiltail aquarium goldfish is a peaceful creature. But she needs space - two individuals should be placed in a hundred-liter aquarium, at the bottom of which there will be large soil, hard-leaved plants (pod, elodea) and shelters. Water temperature +25 degrees. Veiltail prefers natural light. About a quarter of the water needs to be changed every day.

Golden carp

As already mentioned, aquarium fish, whose species are numerous, as a rule, are the result of the work of breeders. But golden crucian in nature lives in China, Korea and Japan. But it was not always so. More than 1500 years ago, these aquarium fish were bred in China. Their species are widespread today. Goldfish came to Russia at the beginning of the 18th century.


The body and fins of the carp are red-gold, the back is slightly darker than the abdomen. There are other colors - red, white, white-pink, black, fiery red. The body of this fish is elongated, slightly compressed laterally. Males can be distinguished from females only during spawning, when the female has a rounded abdomen. Males have white dots on their pectoral fins and gills.

Astrologer or celestial eye

This aquarium goldfish has a characteristic feature that makes it difficult to confuse it with any other. These are her telescopic eyes, which are directed slightly up and forward. These are very beautiful medium sized fish. Their length is about 15 cm.


Aquarium goldfish pearl is beautiful and very unusual. It was bred in China. Her body is round. The fin on the back is strictly vertical. Other fins are often paired, short. Distinctive feature- rather clumsy swimming. It is usually painted in gold or orange-red, but white species are also found. This aquarium goldfish, which is quite easy to keep, needs only a balanced diet.


Another representative of the "magic" fish. The comet is distinguished by an elongated body with a long bifurcated ribbon tail fin. Sometimes it is confused with the veiltail. The longer its tail, the more valuable the specimen is.


Aquarium goldfish (the species we are considering today) are very bright and characteristics. So the oranda, along with a rather typical ovoid and swollen body, has a golden cap - a growth on its head.


An artificially bred aquarium goldfish in Japan. It has short body, rear backrest profile and outer upper edge tail fin create an acute angle. The pelvic and pectoral fins are small.


A rather unusual, but surprisingly beautiful fish. She has a rounded short body. On the head and near the gill covers there are voluminous outgrowths that appear in fish at three months.


And another fruit of the work of Japanese breeders. This fish can be kept both in spacious aquariums and in decorative greenhouse ponds. IN European countries it appeared at the beginning of the 20th century, and from there it was brought to Russia.

These beautiful pets require a spacious aquarium - at the rate of 50 liters of water per fish. Short-bodied representatives of the family (telescopes, veil-tails) need more water than long-bodied ones (comet, shubunkin).

The peculiarity of these fish is the desire to dig in the ground. Therefore, for this purpose, it is better to use pebbles or coarse sand, which fish do not scatter so easily. It is desirable that the aquarium was specific and spacious, had large-leaved plants. Therefore, it is better to plant plants with a powerful root system and rather stiff leaves.

There is a good compatibility of aquarium goldfish with calm fish species. We will talk more about this in this article a little later.


With regard to food, goldfish are not picky. They eat a lot and willingly. Therefore, novice aquarists need to know that it is better to underfeed these fish than to overfeed them. The daily amount of feed should be no more than 3% of the weight of the fish. Adults are fed twice a day - in the early morning and evening.

The diet of goldfish should include both live and plant foods. You should be aware that when feeding with dry food, they should be given in small portions 3-4 times a day, since in the esophagus of the fish it swells and increases significantly in volume, which can disrupt the digestive organs of the fish.

Goldfish Compatibility

On the one hand, this question is simple, but on the other hand, it is rather complicated. This is due to a number of nuances that are characteristic of this family of aquarium fish.

Almost all representatives of the extensive family were obtained in the course of a thousand-year selection. Their ancestor is the Chinese silver carp. Therefore, if we are talking about compatibility within a given species, then it should not be in doubt. All these fish are absolutely compatible.

However, there is one caveat here. Since all goldfish belong to the same family, when they are in the same aquarium, they will interbreed, resulting in outbred hybrids.

Aquarium fish compatibility

With cichlids (astronotus, angelfish, discus, etc.) Cohabitation impossible. All cichlids are aggressive and will not give life to these peaceful beauties.

With tetras (neons, minors, flashlights, glass tetras, etc.), the situation is opposite. Tetras are peaceful creatures. They will have excellent neighborly relationships in the same aquarium. True, when goldfish grow up, they can eat small tetras. Therefore, it is better for them to live with larger characin fish (congo or thorns).

Goldfish and catfish

In general, in this case, we can state 100% compatibility. However, it should be borne in mind that not all catfish are so harmless. For example, bay or bots of Modest can bite. And ancistrus at night can stick to sleeping goldfish, from which they will have a very unsightly appearance.

Relations with cyprinids

These are very nimble fish (barbs, zebrafish and others). Therefore, such a neighborhood is undesirable. This is especially true for barbs.

Diseases and treatment

Like all living things, goldfish can get sick and need medical attention. When a golden pet gets sick, the owner often simply does not know what to do. Often the aquarium owner himself is the culprit of some fish diseases.

fungal diseases

They arise due to the activity of fungal infections and bacteria. One of the most common manifestations is clouding of the scales. The culprit of this disease is the small ciliary ciliate cyclochaete. Separate affected areas first appear on the body of the fish.

At the initial stage, the disease can be suspended. To do this, dilute a 5% sodium chloride solution in a separate aquarium and immerse the patient in it for five minutes. In addition, it is necessary to increase the temperature of the water and slightly increase its aeration.


It's an inflammation of the stomach. It occurs when immoderate feeding of the fish, as well as when using low-quality feed.

A sick fish eats well and does not lose its appetite for a very long time. But she becomes less active. Her stomach is bloated. The stool becomes thready with bloody mucus.

Treatment of aquarium fish in this case is simple and effective. A sick fish is transferred to a separate aquarium with water, to which a little manganese solution is added. During the week, she is not fed at all, the aeration of the water is increased and its temperature is increased by two degrees.

Goldfish: cost

Many people have goldfish today. And it's not just experienced aquarists. Therefore, we want to warn beginners: before buying, think about the fact that this is not a toy, but a living creature that requires constant care.

Aquarium goldfish, the price of which can vary from 100 to 800 rubles, can brighten up your leisure time. You can watch her graceful movements for hours.

The goldfish (Carassius auratus) is rightfully the most recognizable species of ornamental fish, which occupies an honorable first place in the list of the most popular aquarium inhabitants.

General information

The goldfish got its name, first of all, for the color of the scales: the standard body color is reddish-golden, often with a metallic sheen. There is also a version that the fish were called golden for their high cost in those days when they first came to our country. Now goldfish for aquariums are bred on an industrial scale in special fish farms, so it is not difficult to get almost any kind of goldfish in your aquarium.

Man has been keeping and breeding goldfish for several millennia. During this time, a huge number of varieties have been bred, differing both in the color of the scales and in the shape of the body. Looking at all this riot of bright colors and unusual shapes of goldfish, it is hard to believe that a simple gray fish from the Karpov family became their progenitor.


Depending on the breed, a goldfish may have an elongated, laterally compressed or short body with a rounded abdomen. Each representative of goldfish can be found enlarged gill covers, hard notches on the first fin rays and pharyngeal teeth - additional jaws in the throat or pharynx.

The structure of the scales of goldfish also depends on the breed characteristics: they can be large, small or absent altogether in some areas.

The most popular body color of a goldfish is red-gold, but there are forms with a different color: bronze, black, spotted, bluish, etc. The belly of a goldfish is always colored lighter than the back.

The variation of the fins is also quite wide. The caudal fin may be single, forked, veiled, or have another unusual shape. The dorsal fin of a goldfish is found to be short, veiled, or may be absent altogether. The eyes are large and slightly protruding. In some breeds, they can be greatly enlarged and have a bizarre shape.

The minimum size of an adult goldfish in good conditions is rarely less than 15 cm. Individual breeds can grow up to 30 cm. Goldfish are considered long-lived among fish. The average life expectancy is 13-15 years. The record for the longest life in an aquarium belongs to an English goldfish named Tish, who lived for 43 years.

Sexual dimorphism in goldfish is not pronounced, it is possible to determine the female and male only in the period of preparation for spawning.

History of appearance / discovery

The inhabitants of ancient China had an extensive culture of keeping wild fish in a variety of cages and barrels. Periodically came across very beautiful bright representatives, which were used for further breeding. The spread of Buddhism also contributed to the emergence of unusual forms. According to the canons, it was strictly forbidden to kill fish, even physically handicapped ones. They were settled in special "merciful ponds", where they lived out their lives until they died of natural causes.

The first written references to the "red crucians" are already found in Chinese sources of the 3rd - 4th centuries. Probably, these were separate mutations of silver carp with a reddish body color. The appearance of such fish was episodic. Most likely, the characteristic stable red coloration was obtained as a result of selection work in VII-VIII.

After the 960s, goldfish become popular pets. At that time, only wealthy people, as they had enough space for arranging private ponds and pools.

Gradually, the demand for goldfish increased, their price fell, and gradually they became common pets in many Chinese homes.

At first, the fish spread in Indochina, at the beginning of the 16th century they came to Japan. Local breeders brought a large number of new breeds of goldfish and have become recognized leaders in this field.

The first goldfish came to Europe in the 17th century. At first, their cost was very high, and only the wealthiest people could afford to keep goldfish. A century later, goldfish spread widely throughout Europe.

The first evidence of the appearance of goldfish in Russia dates back to the 15th-16th centuries, usually they were gifts from foreign ambassadors. But the widespread distribution of fish begins in the 17th century during the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, and later his son, Peter I.

Nowadays, a wide range of breeds of goldfish are available to aquarists, which are grown on specialized fish farms (mainly in Southeast Asia).


Since the current goldfish are the result of selection of silver carp, it is not possible to meet them in their natural habitats. The offspring of goldfish released into a natural reservoir is usually reborn into its original form in several generations.

Goldfish (Carassius auratus) is a form of crucian carp artificially bred in China from silver carp. Mention of the "goldfish" (golden-colored crucians) is first found in Chinese chronicles, the natural range of this species includes the rivers of the southern Chinese provinces.

Silver carp (formerly Carassius auratus, now Carassius gibelio) is a wild ancestral form of goldfish, originally distributed in the waters of Central Asia and Siberia, as well as in the lower reaches of the Aral Sea rivers. Later, the silver carp was artificially settled in many water bodies of Europe and Siberia. It feeds on plants, detritus, small crustaceans and insects. At the beginning of the 16th century, these fish were first exported to Japan and China, where they decorated the imperial gardens.

In some reservoirs, only females of silver carp live, which spawn with males of related fish species (roach, golden carp, tench, bream, carp and others). At the same time, spermatozoa of related species stimulate the development of eggs, hybrids are not formed, and only females appear in the offspring, supporting the existing population.

In appearance, gold and silver carp are similar. In some reservoirs, these species live together. In this case, there is a gradual displacement of gold carp by silver. Silver and golden carp can interbreed and produce hybrids that are found in some water bodies.

There is a problem of introducing aquarium goldfish into the natural environment. So, in Australia, some aquarists released their fish into natural reservoirs, where they reached considerable sizes on a rich food base. The largest of these individuals had a mass of 1.9 kg. At the same time, goldfish pose a threat to the rest of the inhabitants of the reservoir - they quickly eat higher plants and algae, which creates a shortage of food, can destroy the eggs of other fish, and spread infections.


Quantity breeding breeds goldfish are simply amazing, at the moment there are more than 300 of them. Hundreds of years of various crosses and careful selection have contributed to such a wide variety. Separate breeds were obtained due to the keeping of fish in terrible conditions: aquariums with a large overcrowding, very warm water with rare changes, plentiful feeding with natural high-protein feeds. This led to outbreaks of infections, due to which the abdomen of goldfish swelled, creating the preconditions for genetic changes, which were subsequently fixed by selection.

Initially, 4 main breeds were created: Ryukin, Wakin, Ranchu and Demekin, from the various variations of which all the variety of modern variations was derived. All breeding goldfish are divided into two large groups: long-bodied (comet, vakin, etc.) and short-bodied (telescope, oranda, etc.). The first group is closest to the original form, the differences are usually in the shape and size of the fins. The breeds of the second group have undergone much more significant changes affecting the entire body of the fish. Due to serious changes in all organs, the life expectancy of such forms is greatly reduced.

An interesting direction in the selection of goldfish is breeding breeds with eyes looking up. This is due to the historical traditions of placing fish. In Europe, they are used to watching goldfish from the side, and in Asian countries - from above.

Common Goldfish

This breed is closest to the natural form - silver carp and actually differs from it only in color. The body is elongated, the color is bright, red-orange. Less common are variants of red color with black spots and calico - red-black-white. The scales have a pronounced metallic sheen. The tail fin of a goldfish is single, short. Abdominal and pectoral - paired. Requires ample space for swimming, so an aquarium with a large length is desirable. They grow up to 30 cm. Under good conditions, a goldfish can live from 10 to 30 years.

common goldfish

Telescope Goldfish

Telescope is one of the most popular and unusual breeds of goldfish. The first copies were bred in China in the 18th century, after which Japan took over the baton. Telescopes have many unusual synonymous names. In the Land of the Rising Sun, a fish is commonly called demekin. In many Asian countries, you can find the name Dragon Fish or Dragon Eye. The names speak for themselves and emphasize the key feature of the fish - highly developed eyes that sit on special stalks and protrude at some distance from the skull. Otherwise, it is a standard short-bodied goldfish with a forked tail fin. It is worth noting that the juveniles do not have characteristic bulging eyes; they begin to appear only by six months from the moment of birth. In some telescopes, the length of the stems can reach 2 cm. At the moment, several types of eyes are distinguished in telescopes:

  1. The eyes are dome-shaped, hemispherical, partially protruding (Dome Eyes).
  2. Flat eyes are cylindrical in shape with a flat surface (Flat Eyes).
  3. The eyes are fully protruding and resemble a sphere (Globe Eyes).

There are a large number of color forms and variations. Individuals with a completely black color are especially valued. In the US, they are called Black Moors (Black Moor Goldfish). Our compatriots were noted in the creation of one of beautiful forms telescope: at the end of the 19th century, a stable variety of a telescope with a black color and a long tail was obtained. It was called the Moscow Black Telescope. He was popular both in our country and abroad. In 1941, an amateur aquarist Andrianov received a black telescope with bright red eyes.

Goldfish "Butterfly" (Goldfish Butterfly tail)

The breed appeared on sale about 40 years ago and is a type of telescope. A distinctive feature is the double tail fin, which resembles the wings of a butterfly when viewed from above. The eyes of the fish are bulging. Coloring is varied: for example, black and white ("Panda"), red and black specks ("Little panda"), etc. When kept in an aquarium, do not install decorations with sharp edges - eyes and tail may suffer. The size is about 10 cm. Life expectancy is 10-15 years.

Wakin (Goldfish Wakin)

Large goldfish for large aquariums and decorative ponds, grows up to 20 cm or more. This breed can be considered the progenitor of many forms of goldfish. It has been bred in Japan since the beginning of the 17th century. The body is torpedo-shaped, the tail is forked. Koi differs from carp in the absence of antennae. In addition to the caudal fin, a feature is an unusual color - large red-orange or yellow spots on a white background. The bright red color is considered the most valuable. They can live in an aquarium for up to 20 years.

Water eyes (Goldfish Bubble Eye)

One of the most unusual breeds of goldfish. The body is ovoid, the tail is bifurcated. A feature is the presence of two bubbles hanging on the sides under the eyes, filled with liquid. They can reach up to ¼ body size. The color is varied, you can find: red orange, chintz, black, pink, etc. They form in young goldfish at the age of closer to two years. The eyes are directed upwards, the dorsal fin is absent. When kept in an aquarium, be aware that the bags of liquid can burst. Subsequently, they will recover, but may vary in size. In addition, an infection can get into the wound, so for goldfish it is recommended to install decorations without sharp edges. Watereyes are very delicate goldfish and are prone to bacterial and fungal diseases. Maximum size up to 13 cm, life expectancy up to 15 years.

Veiltail Goldfish

One of the most beautiful breed forms, but rather capricious goldfish, which has specific features when kept. A distinctive feature of this breed is the fins. They are long and thin, reach large sizes and look like a veil. The body is shortened, the abdomen is rounded. The dorsal fin of a goldfish is well developed, it can reach a size of 6 cm. The caudal and anal fins are bifurcated. There are various colors: white, red-orange, chintz, etc. It has a tendency to certain diseases. Very often, golden veiltails have problems with their swim bladder. This is explained by the fact that the selection followed the path of selecting individuals with a shortened body. Consequently, all the internal organs also changed and condensed. A reduced swim bladder can sometimes not cope with its functions. Veiltail goldfish's gorgeous tail fin is their pride and their burden: prone to numerous injuries, it can serve as a breeding ground for bacterial and fungal infections. In an aquarium they grow up to 18 cm and live, on average, 10-15 years.

Pearl (Goldfish Pearlscale)

This relatively young breed of goldfish (bred at the beginning of the 19th century) has an almost perfect spherical body. The head is small and narrow. Scales on the body are dark outline and stand out in contrast, from the side they look like droplets. The classic color of the pearl goldfish is red-orange, but on sale you can find a wide range of colors: blue, black, white with various color splashes. There are breeds with caps similar to orands. In an aquarium, the size of the fish does not exceed 10 cm. It is considered a fairly hardy breed, but slowness and clumsiness must be taken into account when keeping it: a goldfish may not get food.

Stargazer (Celestial Eye Goldfish)

Another popular name for this goldfish is the Celestial Eye. Breed features: complete absence dorsal fin and the presence of protruding eyes, similar to the eyes of a telescope, with only one difference - the astrologer's eyes are directed upwards. It was first obtained in China at the beginning of the 19th century, a century later it was brought to Japan, where local breeders brought the breed of goldfish to modern standards. It has a short, ovoid body. The anal and caudal fins are forked. There are several color variations: black, orange, gray, etc. The special structure of the organs of vision imposes a number of restrictions on keeping: decorations with sharp edges cannot be used in the aquarium and active fish that can damage the eyes cannot be selected as neighbors. Interesting fact: at a young age, the eyes of the fish are located normally, but as they grow, they change. The size of the fish in the aquarium does not exceed 13 cm.

Comet (Goldfish Comet)

The breed has a torpedo-shaped body, elongated fins and a long single tail with a deep bifurcation. It is a further development of the classic goldfish. It was bred in the USA and is one of the hardiest forms. For a comet, it is necessary to provide a suitable aquarium from 40 liters, preferably an elongated shape: a goldfish loves to swim very actively. They tend to jump out, so the aquarium must be covered with a lid. Classic combination colors are red and white, but you can find forms of silver, mother-of-pearl, white, etc. The average size when kept is 10 cm, life expectancy is up to 14-15 years.


This breed of goldfish was created by Japanese breeders in the middle of the 18th century. The name of the fish is most likely associated with the large Chinese port city of Nanjing, once former capital states. The original sires to create this breed were also exported to Japan from this city. And since in those days it was common practice to name any product that came into the country after the city from where the cargo arrived, the name Nanjing was also assigned to goldfish. In our time, it is very difficult to purchase this fish outside of Japan, since the government of the country classified the breed as specially protected, which led to a sharp decrease in exports. Nanjing has an egg-shaped body, a forked short tail. The dorsal fin is absent. The average body size is 13 cm. The classic color is copper-red, with red fins and a head. Based on the traditional nanjing, two variations with unusual names were bred: "White Duck Egg" (the body is completely white, the fins are pinkish, the gill covers and bases of the fins are bright red) and "Black Dragon Egg" (velvet black, bulging eyes and a warty "cap" on the head).

Oranda (Oranda Goldfish)

A characteristic feature of the oranda goldfish is a leathery outgrowth (resembling a cap), which differs in color from the main color of the body. It is laid for 3-4 months of the life of the fish and completes the formation by two years. Also, growths are allowed on the gill covers. The body shape of goldfish may vary: the Japanese prefer more elongated individuals, while in China, short-bodied varieties are popular. The abdomen is rounded, the fins of the goldfish are clearly forked and often very long. Color has a wide range of variations: red, black, blue and various combinations thereof. The “Little Red Riding Hood” variation stands apart - its body is absolutely white, the tubercle on its head is bright red. Oranda goldfish are highly valued in the East, they are called only “Water Flowers”. There are interesting hybrids, for example, Oranda Dragon's Eye has an oranda body and eyes like a telescope. Goldfish are quite sensitive to water quality, so when caring for them, you need to regularly monitor its parameters. The bumpy surface of the "cap" is sensitive to dirt - dirt, falling between the folds, can cause infection of the fish. Properly organized filtration is the key to success when keeping goldfish.

Oranda Little Red Riding Hood (Redcap Oranda Goldfish)

The most recognizable variation of the Oranda goldfish. The body is shortened, the abdomen is rounded, the fins are large forked. Body color is white. On the top of the head is a warty outgrowth of bright red color. The growth is laid at 3-4 months of life, and reaches its maximum size at the age of 2 years. Oranda goldfish are sensitive to water quality and temperature. In the aquarium, they reach a size of 15-20 cm.

Pompom (Giroshima)

The pom-pom is not currently regarded as a separate breed, but rather as a trait that can be seen in certain breeding goldfish breeds. In this regard, in 1987 it was decided to divide fish with a similar feature into two main groups: Japanese pom-poms (this includes species with a dorsal fin) and Chinese pom-poms (breeds without a dorsal fin). The group of goldfish got its name for an interesting feature: their nasal valves are greatly enlarged (in the normal state they are invisible) and form fluffy growths of various shapes and sizes on both sides of the mouth, but very reminiscent of pompons. They can be red, white, brown and blue color. The most valuable are individuals in which the color of the pom-poms differs from the main color of the body. Unfortunately, the fish are not as popular as other breeds, but in the aquariums of goldfish connoisseurs, you can also find him.

Ranchu (Ranchu Goldfish)

This breed is one of the most popular in Japan and China. Ranchu has a massive short body with a rounded shape. The back is broad, strongly curved towards the tail. In general, this breed of goldfish is very similar to the lionhead, but the latter has a more developed tail fin and a more even back. The tail is small, sometimes divided into several parts. The classic and most popular coloration of a goldfish is a white body with speckles and red head growths. The breed was bred in the Land of the Rising Sun at the end of the 19th century and at first did not have head tubercles resembling raspberries in structure. Subsequent crossings and selection have led to the fact that the presence of growths is now assigned to the breed standard. This brings the ranch and lionhead breeds very close, sometimes it is very difficult to establish which particular breed these or those fish belong to. Species aquarium is best suited for keeping. The unusual body shape does not allow goldfish to actively swim in the water column, so active related breeds are not suitable for joint keeping. Ranch goldfish do not like low temperatures, so keeping in ornamental ponds is not recommended.

Lionhead Goldfish

Very similar to the Ranchu breed. The body is short, rounded. There are growths covering most of the head of the fish, up to the point that they can completely cover the eyes, nostrils and mouth. For the outward resemblance to the mane of a lion, goldfish got their name. You can find a wide variety of colors: red, blue, black, as well as numerous combinations. Goldfish are sensitive to water parameters, do not use scenery with sharp edges. The lionhead is slow, with cohabitation with active fish species, it can remain without food. The average size in the aquarium is up to 13 cm.

Nymph (Fantail Goldfish)

These decorative goldfish are frequent guests at various exhibitions. Nymphs are distinguished, first of all, by a large caudal fin. The most valuable individuals have a fully forked tail, similar to a triangle when viewed from above. The anal fin is similarly divided. The red-orange coloration of goldfish is the most popular, but other colors are also found. Despite the high decorative qualities, the nymph goldfish is quite hardy. It can be kept both in an aquarium and in open ornamental ponds in summer time. For her, even smooth temperature drops to 4-5 ° C are not terrible. The average size of nymphs in an aquarium is 10-15 cm. The Japanese form of the nymph goldfish is called Ryukin.

Ryukin (Ryukin Goldfish)

The Ryukin breed (also spelled Ryukin) was created by Japanese breeders. The name translates as “gold of the Ryukyu” - it was from this archipelago that the first forms were delivered, which became the basis for further selection. Against the background of other goldfish, it is distinguished by a dense short body with a characteristic curve of the back - a hump running from the head to the dorsal fin. The latter, in turn, must be strictly vertical and reach in height from 1/3 of the body. It is very similar to the crest on the helmets of Roman legionnaires. The tail fin of a goldfish is forked, the other fins are rounded at the ends. The value of an individual depends, not least, on the length of the fins. There are individuals with a monochromatic color or spotted. It is possible to keep goldfish in ponds.

Jikin (Goldfish Jikin)

One of the rarest breeds of goldfish. It is a relative of Ryukin and inherited from it a short body with a rounded abdomen. A distinctive feature is the structure of the caudal fin. It is divided into four parts and, when viewed from behind, resemble the Latin letter "X" (x). In English-speaking countries, it is called "Peacock Tail". The second unusual sign of this goldfish is color. Red spots are located on a white background of the body, and they are located strictly in certain places: mouth, fins: ventral, anal and dorsal, gill covers, tail, area near the anal fin. Such a coloration is considered a reference, but it is extremely difficult to obtain such individuals when breeding. Therefore, breeders usually go to the trick: excess pigments are removed, and the missing ones are added by injection. The average size of the fish is up to 15 cm.

Tosakin (Tosakin Goldfish)

The breed was bred in Japan in the middle of the 19th century, but almost disappeared a century later. According to one version, this was due to the fact that the breed did not leave the borders of its province. for a long time. At the end of World War II, the territory of the province was subjected to massive bombardments, and in 1946 it experienced a major earthquake. As a result of these events, almost all tosakins were destroyed. However, collector Hiro Tomura accidentally discovered six surviving individuals in a restaurant in Kochi and traded them for a bottle of alcohol. Thus, the breed was saved, and later restored.

The breed feature of Tosakins is special shape tail. It is completely fused and, when viewed from above, folds into an almost even circle. These fish were specially bred for observation from above. The body is short, ovoid. Coloring can be red, orange and silver in various combinations. Due to the short body, this goldfish swims rather clumsily. When keeping it is very important that there is no strong current in the aquarium.

Shubunkin (Shubunkin Goldfish)

Another close relative of the natural form, which inherited from it endurance and unpretentiousness in nutrition. The body is torpedo-shaped, the caudal fin is single, dissected. The goldfish is painted very colorfully: on a white background there can be large spots of various colors, as well as small spots all over the body. The size in the aquarium reaches more than 10 cm. It is possible to keep it in an ornamental pond. There is a very interesting color variation shubunkin - shubunkin Bristol (Goldfish Bristol Shubunkin), obtained in the UK. The goldfish has a modified tail fin, it is rounded and resembles a heart. The main color of the scales is blue, with colored patches.

Care and maintenance

Keeping goldfish requires a spacious aquarium. This is due to the large size of the fish (some individuals can grow up to 20-30 cm) and their activity. The minimum recommended volume is 50 liters per individual. Classic rectangular aquariums with a height of no more than 50 cm are preferred. Long-bodied breeds of goldfish, such as comets, are best suited for a tank that is elongated in length: this way they will have more space for active swimming. It is best to use rounded pebbles as a substrate, as goldfish love to dig in it. The size must be chosen so that the fish cannot swallow the pebbles. When designing an aquarium, it should be remembered that some breeds of goldfish with modified eyes (telescopes, stargazers, water eyes) can easily damage the organs of vision, so the decorations should not have sharp edges. Goldfish swim in all layers of water.

Goldfish have gained fame as aquarium "dirty", and there is some truth in this - the fish are active and rather voracious, therefore, they release a lot of waste into the water, and also constantly raise turbidity, rummaging in the ground, so good filtration and aeration are very important for them. It is recommended to use powerful canister external filters for water purification. Nitrifying bacteria living on filter sponges and special substrates will decompose and process ammonia, which is dangerous for fish, into practically safe nitrate. Modern compressors can easily enrich water the right amount oxygen, which is necessary for both fish and beneficial bacteria for their life. Do not forget about regular water changes: every week you need to change 25-30% of the water to fresh, this will not allow harmful compounds to accumulate in the water.

Goldfish are cold water species. This means that the optimum temperature for keeping them will be 18-23°C in summer and 15-18°C in winter. In the summer, many goldfish are able to live without problems in ornamental ponds on outdoors. Thus, when keeping goldfish, you can not use a thermostat. Water hardness should be in the range of 8-25 ° dGH, acidity - 6.0-8.0. From this it follows that goldfish are quite hardy and able to live in a wide range of water parameters. It should be noted that modern breeding species are more sensitive to water parameters, so it is better to follow the recommendations for their content with great attention.

If necessary, salt can be added to goldfish (5-7 g / l), they tolerate slight increase salinity of the water.

As a legacy from the natural form, goldfish inherited a love for plucking the delicate leaves of aquatic plants. Therefore, when keeping in an aquarium, it is best to use hard-leaved or fast-growing species (for example, anubias, elodea, giant wallisneria, some cryptocorynes). It is worth remembering that goldfish are very fond of digging the ground, so the plants must be planted so that the pets do not have the opportunity to get to the roots. Often, when keeping them, aquarists make a choice in favor of artificial plants.


Ideal for keeping goldfish will be a species aquarium, that is, it would be best to plant a flock of fish of the same species in a container of a suitable size. It should be borne in mind that it is better not to mix breeds with a long and short body. Long-bodied species are more active and can damage neighbors' fins or eyes.

The difficulty of combining with other species is also due to the difference in temperature optimums for cold-water fish (golden) and tropical fish (most of the other ornamental fish). For the second group, the preferred water temperature is 24-28 ° C, which is the upper limit for goldfish, warm water is less comfortable for them.

If the aquarist has decided to keep goldfish together with other species, then you should not pick too small fish as neighbors that can be eaten by goldfish. Not the best choice would be active fish that can bite their fins, for example, many types of barbs. Breeds such as comets can get along with non-aggressive medium-sized cichlids.


Goldfish are omnivores. This means that both animal and vegetable components must be present in their diet. Fish are unpretentious in food and are able to eat any kind of food: dry, live, frozen. Dry food with a high content of spirulina, as well as floating plants (duckweed, wolfia, riccia) are used as vegetable top dressing. Some aquarists practice feeding goldfish with cereals: semolina, wheat, rice, etc. But such products can lead to a deterioration in water quality.

Dry food used for feeding goldfish should be completely balanced, nutritious, and well digestible. The latter is especially important, since undigested substances will enter the water with fish waste and can cause the accumulation of toxic nitrogenous compounds.

Given the huge popularity of goldfish in the world, Tetra produces a whole line of specialized food for goldfish - Tetra Goldfish. The line includes more than 10 types of feed, differing in the form of release and additional functions. All foods contain the Clean & Clear Water formula: food ingredients are highly digestible, which reduces the amount of fish excrement and allows the aquarium water to stay clean and clear for longer.

  1. Tetra Goldfish (Granules) is the basic food for all types of goldfish. Available in the form of flakes and floating granules. The optimally selected composition improves the health and vitality of the fish.
  2. Tetra Goldfish Pro is an innovative food formulated with gentle low temperature technology to save more nutrients and vitamins. Chip-shaped food with nutrients in the red rim and krill in the yellow center to enhance natural coloration and support muscle development.
  3. Tetra Goldfish Color (Sticks) is a highly nutritious food with natural color enhancers that allow goldfish to show off in all their glory. Available in the form of flakes and granules.
  4. Tetra Goldfish Gold Japan is a premium food in granules for all breeding goldfish (orandas, telescopes, ryukins, etc.). The mini granules soften quickly in water and gradually sink to the bottom, which is in line with the habit of Japanese goldfish to search for food at the bottom. Natural carotenoids enhance the color of fish. Rich in vegetable proteins for optimal digestion.

It is necessary to feed goldfish several times a day in small portions, which will be eaten by the fish in a few minutes.


Goldfish become sexually mature by the first year of life. However, when breeding best age for the selection of producers is the age of 2 to 4 years. The older the female, the more eggs she can lay. Large individuals can sweep away up to 3000 eggs. Spawning may occur several times a year. When breeding breeding forms, it is necessary to pay great attention to the quality of the producers: they choose the best available individuals, with the maximum compliance with the breed standard.

Sexual dimorphism in goldfish is not expressed. It becomes possible to determine the male and female only at the onset of the mating season. IN vivo it falls at the end of spring (April-May). During preparation for spawning, the appearance of both males and females changes: on the gill covers you can find small rounded mother-of-pearl tubercles called tubercles, and small sawtooth notches appear on the pectoral fins. In females of goldfish ready for spawning, the abdomen increases in size, while males actively pursue females, driving them into dense vegetation and making characteristic blows to the anus.

For spawning, an aquarium from 40 liters with good aeration and lighting is suitable. The water level should be about 20 cm. Producers often eat their eggs, so at a height of 1-2 cm from the bottom it is recommended to install a grid with a large cell, or use dense thickets of living plants in the aquarium. The stimulus for spawning is an increase in temperature and a large water change (more than 1/3).

The eggs are about 1 mm in size, at first translucent with a yellowish tinge. After a few days, the laid eggs turn pale and become difficult to distinguish, and the unfertilized ones become covered with a fungus and turn white. Infected goldfish eggs must be removed and healthy eggs treated with an antifungal agent such as methylene blue.

On days 2-6, larvae appear from the eggs, which hang motionlessly between plants and receive nutrition from the yolk sac. Usually they are in a position upside down. Hatching time depends on water temperature and light. After the supply of nutrients is exhausted, the goldfish fry swim to the surface of the water in order to fill their swim bladder with air, after which they are able to assume a horizontal position. Then the fry begin to move actively in search of food. Artemia nauplii, rotifers or "live dust" can be used as starter food, as well as high quality dry food for fry. It is necessary to feed the fry often, up to 3-6 times a day. As they grow, the number of feedings decreases.

The initial coloration of goldfish fry is very reminiscent of its ancestor, the silver carp. Breed color appears in juveniles at the age of 2-3 months.

As goldfish grow, it is necessary to sort according to the necessary outward signs. The fact is that in the offspring, splitting according to morphological characteristics is very often observed, and in some cases the fry do not have the expected breed characteristics. Such "cleansing" helps to reject individuals that do not meet the standards. In addition, sorting helps to unload the aquarium and prevent fry from being “pulled in”.

Juveniles of purebred goldfish are very sensitive to water quality and are prone to certain diseases, so it is necessary to strictly monitor the condition of the nursery aquarium.