How beautiful to make an evening make-up. Too dark lips. Video tutorials on creating the perfect makeup

Beautiful makeup is an important component of the recipe for the beauty of every girl and woman, to be honest.

Whether it's everyday makeup or festive and evening make-up- very important to do proper makeup both the eyes and the whole face.

Making the right makeup for beginner girls by yourself is quite difficult, given the many techniques for applying makeup for the eyes and face, as well as the variety of tools for creating beautiful flawless makeup.

But do not panic and get upset prematurely if you do not know all the rules for applying makeup, and also doubt how to do the right makeup yourself.

We offer you a useful guide to make-up, and more precisely photo a guide on how to do the right makeup step by step - beautiful make-up eyes and proper make-up of the whole face.

Beautiful makeup photo lesson below will help you make the right makeup yourself - choose foundation according to your skin type, draw perfect arrows and beautiful eyebrows.

The most important thing to make a beautiful makeup, you must first prepare your face for applying cosmetics.

Do not forget about the rules for choosing lipstick, blush and the color of the shadows to match the color of your eyes. And then even tone, radiant skin and beautiful make-up are provided to you.

Beautiful makeup step by step: photo tutorial on how to do the right makeup

Every girl can make a beautiful evening make-up. It should be bright or aggressive.

At a gala event, any woman wants to look stunning. To do this, she needs to pick up, do her hair and beautiful makeup. Bright or subdued light of the institution, lights, set table, clink of glasses - in such an environment, an evening make-ap will look best.

Beautiful formal make-up

For solemn events, which are held in the evening, a woman should make a bright make-up.

When creating it, the girl's personal tastes and trends are taken into account. modern fashion. Beautiful solemn make-up is matte shadows and a different palette of colors with mother of pearl, velvet powder, good lipstick, mascara with the effect of lengthening and thickening the eyelashes, oily blush, lip gloss and a unique perfume scent.

At the same time, a woman must have healthy skin faces and beautiful body if she intends to wear a dress with deep neckline or cutout on the back.

Beautiful eye makeup - photo

Hollywood stars and other beauties of the world use to create makeup decorative cosmetics which helps to create beautiful eye makeup. Photos allow you to appreciate how spectacular a woman looks with evening make-up, how her face shines, attracting the attention of others.

Step by step evening makeup

It is not necessary to go to a beauty salon to a professional master to create an elegant and glamorous make-ap. Any woman can do good makeup for the celebration itself.

Step-by-step evening makeup consists of the following steps:

1. Clean your skin. Any tonic or other cosmetic lotion is suitable for this.

2. Apply foundation. A special cream base will hide all skin imperfections

3. Cover your face with foundation. It must be expensive and high quality. cosmetic product, because the impeccable depends on it appearance skin. Choose a tone slightly darker than your skin tone. If you need to paint over pimples, then use a corrector pencil

4. Powder your face. The powder will eliminate excess shine and give the face a beautiful matte finish.

5. Blush. They will give a face fresh look and focus on the beautiful oval of the face

6. Now it's the turn of the accent - it should be on the lips or eyes. If the emphasis is on the lips, use bright lipstick, and emphasize the beauty of the eyes with mascara or a thin line of eyeliner. If eyes should attract attention, then you need to perform eye makeup according to their color.

A woman with this eye color can apply any color of the eyeshadow palette, except yellow shades. Yellow inappropriate for evening makeup, as it will make the face tired and give it a sickly look.

Evening makeup for brown eyes is performed using intense and even aggressive shades. Steps for doing brown eye makeup:

1. Emphasize the shape of the eyes with an arrow

2. Apply a peach tone to the inside of the eye. Shadows dark shade on the outer side of the eyelid

3. Now you should shade the applied shadows well so that there are no clear transitions from one tone to another

4. Apply mascara to your eyelashes

Gray-eyed beauties can use olive, blue and purple shades in eye makeup. Burning brunettes with gray eyes will suit rich green and lilac colors.

Evening makeup for gray eyes is performed on the same principle as make-up for dark eyes - arrows, shadows and mascara. Depending on the chosen make-up colors, bright hues are also applied to the inside of the eyelid, and dark to the outside. Shading is milestone to eliminate transitions from tone to tone.

Evening makeup for green eyes - green makeup

Owners green eyes can use golden and silver shades. Brunettes with this eye color prefer purple and all shades of lilac.

Evening makeup for green eyes light color hair should be done using a brown pencil. Shadows can be chosen in the following colors: milk chocolate, gold, olive color, gray-brown tone.

Important: Green makeup great for both brunettes and blondes with this eye color.

Evening makeup for blue eyes - blue makeup

Blue-eyed beauties can use silver, gold, chocolate and purple tones. Do not use brown shades of dark shades, red and green tones, as well as black shades of shadows. In the color of this makeup, blue eyes "go out."

Evening makeup for blue eyes can be done using blue shadows with a smoky sheen. This blue makeup will look great.

Tip: Apply blue shadows to the inside of the eyelid, and apply gray to the outer part of the eyelid with a transition to a dark purple tone.

To perform any eye makeup on your own, you need to have a special set of brushes that will help you apply shadows correctly and blend them.

A set of brushes for home make-up

Tip: Get brushes made from natural pile - sable or squirrel. They are soft and will gently apply makeup.

A set of brushes for home makeup should include at least 6-7 products that are used to apply the necessary cosmetics:

  • base creams
  • concealer
  • powder
  • shadows
  • rouge

The set should have a brush to blend the superimposed shadows. Six brushes are minimal amount, which should be in the set.

Professionals have more than twenty of them. TO standard set make-up artists add a brush for brushing off particles of makeup from the face after applying foundation or blush, various brushes for correcting and evening tone in the nasolabial part of the face, brushes for softening eyeliner and others.

Evening eye makeup - photo

Any girl can perform evening eye makeup. Photos will help you get it right. They show how the shadows should lie, in which part of the cheekbones blush is applied and how the eyebrow line is drawn.

Professional makeup - where to buy professional cosmetics?

If you are not sure that you can make a brilliant make-up yourself, then you should contact a beauty salon. Professional makeup- this is an impeccable appearance and success at any celebration.

But, if you are confident in your abilities, then you need to know where to buy professional cosmetics. It can be purchased at any cosmetics store. Professional cosmetics for the face will have a higher cost than conventional decorative cosmetics.

Important: The high price of cosmetics speaks of its quality. You can be sure that the mascara will not run, and the lipstick will not leave marks on clothes.

How to buy cosmetics on Aliexpress?

You can buy good cosmetics not only in a regular store, but also on the Internet. Aliexpress is a large market for various products, which also offers high-quality cosmetics at decent prices. Buying cosmetics on Aliexpress is simple: go to this seller's page and place an order with payment. After that, expect delivery of goods to the post office of your city.

Video: V evening makeup. Step by step evening makeup tutorial

Makeup for the evening is more difficult than daytime and requires more time. Without professional skills, you should not combine many colors at once, add a lot of sparkles and complete it with false eyelashes. But also do not limit yourself to applying mascara to the eyes and a light gloss to the lips.

Basic rules for evening makeup

Light evening makeup should be done taking into account some principles.

  1. The chosen color palette and its intensity should be appropriate for the event. visit official reception requires more restraint than going to a nightclub.
  2. Evening makeup includes the use of more cosmetics than everyday makeup.
  3. It is permissible to focus on both the lips and the eyes. But it is important to keep the balance of brightness so that the makeup does not look too vulgar.
  4. The make-up should match with the clothes. The brighter the outfit, the calmer the face should be. With a dress of laconic color, you can paint brighter.
  5. In order not to worry about the condition of cosmetics on the face, you should choose persistent products.
  6. Do not apply makeup in bright light. With subdued lighting, you can achieve the perfect evening make-up.
  7. For perfect image you need to choose the best hairstyle.

little secrets

Light evening makeup will turn out to be successful if you follow some tips from professionals. For example, you should not use a lot of camouflage products to eliminate skin imperfections. Sometimes this can be achieved by shifting emphasis. In the presence of bags under the eyes, a large application of foundation and correctors can emphasize them. Instead, shift the focus from the eyes to the lips with red lipstick.

When using contact lenses, it is necessary to abandon crumbly shadows.

If a girl has lowered outer corners of her eyes, correctly drawn arrows will help visually lift them.

To paint over the cilia well, you should slightly pull the upper eyelid to the side.

Blue eyes

Light evening makeup for blue eyes will look good only with the right choice. color scheme. It is necessary to take into account the color of hair and skin, as well as the chosen outfit.

Blue eyes suit golden, purple, emerald, silver, azure tones of shadows. And also do not discount the pastel shades of pink. Brightness can be adjusted. More intense shades will make the look deeper. When performing evening makeup, you should take into account the peculiarity of lighting. Subdued light changes the perception of the make-up. It is possible that a beautiful gradient eye makeup, which looks great in bright light, will not look good in twilight. in the best way. Too dark shadows can create the effect of tired eyes with circles under the eyes. Shadows of light blue tones in combination with black eyeliner are also not recommended.

It is important not to overdo it with the brightness of makeup. Saturated options are suitable for brunettes. For blondes, the color palette should be more delicate.

Step by step makeup for blue-eyed girls

Light evening makeup begins with a thorough cleansing of the skin. Then you need to even out the complexion, masking all the defects. This will require a concealer, Foundation and some powder. If applied to the eyelids, the foundation will last longer.

Then you need to make up the eyes.

  1. Upper eyelid you need to cover with shadows of a pastel tone. will be needed to make the area under the eyebrow a little lighter. They must also be applied to inner corner eyes. You can use white or silver tones.
  2. Shadows of medium intensity need to make up the crease upper eyelid and loosen up a bit. It is worth paying attention to purple, pink, gold and silver tones.
  3. The outer corners of the eyes need to be painted with the most dark shadows. Then you should remove the sharp transition between tones, shading the shadows of different shades. Light should include taupe, plum and lilac shades.
  4. Almost any evening makeup requires the use of eyeliner. IN this case you need to use the black color that draws the eyes from above. If makeup needs to be softened, then gray or brown pencil. It is important not to overdo it and make the arrow thin and neat. It should start from the middle of the century and go to the outer corner of the eye. The lower eyelid should not be highlighted with a pencil, it is better to use not bright shadows. There is a little trick to visual magnification eyes. First, the growth line is painted over with a gray pencil. upper eyelashes. Then a silver eyeliner is applied on top.
  5. At the end of the eye makeup, you need to make up the eyelashes with mascara. White ladies are advised to use dark shades gray or dark skin Black is the best choice.
  6. Lips should be covered with soft lipstick or gloss.

Brown eyes

Nature has endowed many women with brown eyes. At the same time, they may be different shade- from light caramel to dark brown. The advantage for their owners is that they can afford to use almost any color scheme.

Light evening makeup for brown eyes involves using one of the popular makeup techniques - smoky eyes or based on color contrasts. For a smoky evening make-up, brown and black eyeshadow palettes are primarily considered. To beautifully make up your eyes with shadows of contrasting shades, you need to know that the main color (lighter) is applied to the entire moving eyelid. The second color (darker) highlights the outer corner of the eye. The final element will be eyeliner and mascara.

Light evening makeup step by step begins with cleansing the skin of the face and neck. It is important that there are no traces of previous cosmetics on the face, otherwise the evening one may lie unevenly. Then foundation is applied to the skin. It is important that the base color is not too dark compared to the natural skin tone. Foundation must also be applied to the skin of the neck and décolleté.

Beginners are not recommended to perform complex options makeup using a large number shades. You will have to spend a lot of time, and the probability of failure is very high. In order not to have to try to somehow make up in the confusion, it is better to limit yourself to using two shades of shadows, eyeliner and mascara. It is worth devoting free time to experiments.

One of important elements evening make-up are perfect eyebrows. They should be plucked and neatly stacked. To outline the outline, you should use a pencil or shadows. At the same time, it is important not to overdo it - they should match in color with natural ones or be a little darker.

Color combinations for brown eyes

The most natural shades are those that match the color of the iris. Suitable for all owners of brown eyes various shades brown, gold, black and grey. There are others that are suitable for girls, depending on the color of the eyes. For example, for dark eyes you can try blue and bright purple shadows. So bright eyes various shades of pink and plum harmonize well. If there are green blotches in the iris, you can look at olive and swamp green.

Grey eyes

Light evening makeup for gray eyes, like for any other, begins with cleansing the skin and preparing the skin.

Moving eyelid needs to be painted matte shadows pastel color. upper eyelid with outside you need to make up with dark shadows so that you get a line V-shape. It should occupy an area of ​​​​no more than a third of the eye. The border should be slightly shaded. The same color is used to line the lower eyelid. The arrow should not be too intense and pronounced. The resulting triangle on the upper eyelid should be filled with slightly lighter shadows and slightly powdered with dark mother-of-pearl shadows on top. The inner corner of the eye is emphasized with light mother-of-pearl shadows.

Evening makeup is not complete without eyeliner, it should take a little more than half of the upper eyelid. When using a pencil, it needs to be shaded a little. The combination of dark eyeliner with mother-of-pearl shades of brown or purple. Finish your eye makeup by applying mascara to your eyelashes. They should be voluminous and fluffy.

The palette of shadows for gray eyes can be varied and often depends on the specific shade of the iris. Pure gray eyes are quite rare. They are usually green, blue or brown blotches. Girls with grey-green eyes beige shades, silvery colors of different saturation, combinations of brown and gold are suitable. This eye color needs interesting makeup, so you should not avoid purple, graphite and lilac. But light evening makeup for green eyes does not involve the use of silver and blue tones that make the face tired. Besides, green color lost in the blue background. And you should also avoid brick shades. Their disadvantage is that they create the effect of tearful eyes, which does not paint the girl at all.

Light evening make-up for owners gray-blue eyes allows the use of a palette of blue and blue shades, pastel shades pink and purple. And also gold and silver shades are suitable for them.

Beginners are encouraged to try different variants makeup. Evening option interesting opportunity to experiment with a combination of colors and cosmetic products. With experience comes speed and high quality light evening makeup. A photo with its various options will help to judge the quality from the outside.

In the life of every woman, events happen when you need to look simply irresistible: a wedding, a birthday, a meeting of graduates, a corporate party, or just going to a restaurant with your loved one! It is these occasions that give us the opportunity to do brighter makeup than usual.

General rules for evening makeup

  • evening makeup should be brighter than daytime
  • if the event will take place in a dimly lit room, use a face tone lighter than usual; if the light is bright enough - a tone darker
  • For holiday option fit foundation and powders with a shimmer effect, but in this case it is better to use shadows without shine
  • The emphasis in evening make-up, as in daytime, should be either on the eyes or on the lips. Most often, girls highlight the eyes, this emphasizes the depth of the look. In addition, if you rely on lips, you will have to constantly touch up makeup, especially if you eat.

Step 1. Tone and eyebrows

The perfect tone of the face is the key to a chic make-up. For glowing skin, first cleanse and moisturize with cream. After waiting a bit, apply foundation with a brush. If your skin has noticeable flaws, use concealer, it will hide visible imperfections, making your face tone flawless. If left on the skin oily sheen use powder.
Very important role eyebrows play in the evening make-up, especially if you don't have bangs. Eyebrows should be neat, combed and well made up. In evening makeup, eyebrows can be brighter, so black and dark brown pencils are allowed.

Step 2 Eyes

If you decide to focus on the eyes, then you can not be afraid to use the brightest shadows. Do not forget, the shadows should be in harmony with the color of the eyes and your clothes.

Mascara impose in two layers, it is better to use black. If your eyelashes are not very thick and long, you can stick artificial ones for the evening.

Feel free to use liquid eyeliner and draw arrows in evening makeup.

Step 3 Lips

If your makeup focuses on the eyes, then use a pale beige lipstick or a subtle lip gloss.

In the case of an accent on the lips, apply bright lipstick in red, cherry, plum shades - those that suit you best.

Step 4. Blush

The final touch is the application of blush on the cheekbones.
Blondes should choose blush apricot, peach or pink-beige. For brunettes, bronze or beige-brown tones are ideal. Brown hair suits brown and beige shades with a pink undertone. Redhead girls need terracotta, beige or brick blush.

Tricks of evening makeup by eye color

Brown eyes

Brown eyes are bright on their own. Your task is to correctly highlight them and not overdo it with makeup.

  • on brown eyes the technique of “three colors” looks insanely beautiful. This is a technique in which three matching shades of shadow gradually blend into each other on your eyelids. In order not to suffer with the choice of colors, buy ready-made eyeshadow palettes.
  • for more bright makeup highlight the outer corner of the eye with a black pencil
  • highlight the inner corner of the eye with light shadows to make the eyes glow
  • Brown eyes are perfect for brown, purple, blue and burgundy shades shadows

Green eyes

Green eyes are really magical and the most important thing is not to spoil this magic with makeup.

  • green-eyed shades of the following shades are suitable: brown, golden, lilac, purple, olive, all pastel colors
  • do not use black eyeliner, better take a gray pencil

Blue eyes

Blue eyes attract attention, but only if they are correctly highlighted. In everyday life, they are quite pale, and it takes effort to make them sparkle.

  • cold pink shades can perfectly hide signs of fatigue
  • all gray, blue, mother-of-pearl and metallic shades go very well with blue-eyed
  • pink shadows with black eyeliner look very impressive

Grey eyes

Gray eyes are unique in that, depending on the color of the shadows, they can change the shade.

So, evening makeup is ready! When choosing a shade of shadows, be guided by the color of your hair, skin and clothes, then you will look perfect.

Video: evening makeup Anna Sedokova