Turquoise smokey ice. Smokey eye makeup technique for gray eyes. How to do smokey ice makeup for brown, green, blue and gray eyes

smokey ice for brown eyes- practically universal option makeup. Every girl should master this technique, because, having stuffed her hand, you can quickly emphasize the beauty and depth of your eyes. Depending on the execution and the chosen shades, this makeup can be both daytime and evening. So let's get started! How to make smokey ice for brown eyes? You will find the answer in this article.

What is smokey ice for brown eyes: a little theory

First of all, it is worth saying a few words about what is smokey ice.

This type of makeup got its name due to the fact that as a result of shading on the eyes, the effect of a disappearing haze is created. Usually, three or four shades of shadows are used for makeup, while you need to stock up on both light and fairly dark shades.

In order to make smoky makeup, it is better to use a brush: with a sponge you will not be able to achieve the desired effect.

Smokey ice is suitable for both light and dark eyes. However, this technique is much more relevant for brown-eyed beauties, because blue or gray eyes due to such makeup can become smaller with inept performance. Smokey ice makes brown eyes deeper and more mysterious.

Advice!Don't have makeup brushes? Then go to a regular art store. You will need a soft squirrel brush or a size 3 or 4 column brush to apply and blend the shadows. By the way, for eyeliner, you can purchase a synthetic beveled brush for decorative work.

Choosing a color palette

For everyday makeup shades of natural range are ideal: beige, brown, as well as the color of baked milk and eggshell. With the help of the shadows listed in the color, you can create both a fairly light and very intense make-up for going out.

If you like experiments, then brighter shadows will come in handy. Shades of lilac and purple, as well as burgundy and red, are ideal for brown eyes. With the latter, you need to be very careful, otherwise there is a great risk of achieving not a beautiful smoky make-up, but the effect of tearful eyes.

For extravagant makeup, you can use blue shadows. However, it is important to remember that Blue colour should be quite complex, for example, you can buy shades of indigo or ultramarine shades, take a closer look at the trendy turquoise shade.

To emphasize the depth of the eyes, you will need a soft pencil. For everyday makeup, take a pencil dark brown shade. A more dramatic make-up can be emphasized with a black pencil.

Advice! Many companies produce eye shadow palettes that are perfect for smokey eyes. Manufacturers made sure that you do not have to select shades, and did it for you. Pay attention to these palettes: with them you can make the perfect smokey eye. If you are not used to saving, palettes from Mac and Urban Decey will suit you. as more budget option You could call it Maybelline.

Shadowing technique step by step

Before starting makeup, wash your face thoroughly and apply your cream to your eyelids. This will smooth fine wrinkles and prepare the skin for makeup. After applying the cream, 15-20 minutes should pass: during this time it will have time to completely absorb.

To keep the shadows for a long time and not roll, buy a base. The base improves the adhesion of eye shadow particles to the skin and allows makeup to last throughout the day. Such a base is practically irreplaceable thing in any girl's makeup bag, because it's a shame when the results of your work disappear within a couple of hours after applying makeup. If you don’t have a base, don’t be upset: it can be replaced with a concealer or a small amount of foundation.

Now preparatory stage finished and you can start applying shadows. Be guided by the following step by step instructions how to make smokey afs for brown eyes:

  • Apply light eye shadow to the inner corner of the eye. This will make the eyes more open and expressive;
  • apply brown shadow from the middle of the eyelid and blend to the outer edge. Bring shadows into the crease of the eyelid: this will give expressiveness to the look;
  • apply the darkest shadows at the outer edge of the eyelid and blend towards the temple;
  • take the lightest shadow again and apply it under the eyebrow.

Make sure that the shades smoothly transition into each other. Only in this way can you achieve the desired effect.

Advice! To make the line at the outer edge of the eye more even, use ordinary paper tape. Put the tape on your hand a few times and peel it off: this will remove excess glue, so you can easily separate the tape from the skin around the eyes. Stick a small piece of adhesive tape so that it seems to continue the line of the lower eyelid. After the makeup is applied, remove the tape: the line will be perfectly straight.

Color variations

Want to do unusual makeup smokey ice for brown eyes? The photos will give you some ideas. For example, instead of brown, take burgundy. As the darkest tone, brown with small red sparkles is suitable. Such makeup will look quite unusual and bold.

love delicate shades? Then pay attention to turquoise and ultramarine colors. This makeup is perfect for summer.

The following combinations are also perfect for brown eyes:

  • olive and eggshell color. This combination looks very gentle, at the same time it emphasizes the beauty of brown eyes. By the way, if your eyes have a slight greenish undertone, then olive color make them greener;
  • black and white. This combination looks bright and extravagant;
  • dark purple and soft pink. It’s worth choosing such shadows if you want to make a gentle, delicate daytime smokey ice for brown eyes.

Experiment with shades as much as you like! The main thing to remember when creating smokey eyes is the need to use several shades that should smoothly transition into each other.

Advice! Make sure that the makeup of both eyes is symmetrical. Try to do makeup in good lighting conditions in order to achieve the utmost accuracy.

Eyebrow shaping

Smoky eye makeup requires extremely accurate and clear eyebrow design. Otherwise, the effect expressive look will be corrupted.

If your eyebrows are quite bright by nature, it is enough to style them with a special wax or gel. If you can't brag thick eyebrows, emphasize them with a pencil or shadows. Do not take a black pencil: it looks unnatural and is only suitable for girls with a pronounced oriental type appearance. Besides, too dark eyebrows in combination with rich smokey eyes look somewhat deliberate. The ideal option will become a brown pencil or brown shadow. By the way, you can bring your eyebrows with the same shadows that you did your makeup: this will make the makeup complete, harmonious and quite natural.

Advice! Too cheap shadows are not suitable for smokey eyes. They not only contain little pigment, but also do not blend well with each other. That's why desired effect you still can't create it. Do not save on your own beauty!

Maestro, ink!

Properly applied mascara will enhance the beauty of your eyes. Smokey eyes require a fairly accurate application of mascara and a clear separation of the cilia. Therefore, apply mascara in two layers and comb through your cilia with a special brush.

By the way, there are some tricks that allow you to create the perfect makeup:

  • you Round eyes , and you want to make them look slightly elongated? Then direct the cilia to the temples;
  • Do you want your eyes to look bigger? Raise them to the eyebrows, while trying to make the eyelashes especially densely stained in the central part of the eyelid.

Advice!With smoky eye makeup, do not forget to paint over the lower lashes with mascara. Otherwise, the makeup will look unfinished and a little short.


Eyeliner will help complete the smoky eye makeup. You can choose black or dark brown eyeliner depending on which eyeshadow palette you prefer. If you applied natural brown eyeshadow and made a light version of smokey eyes, then brown or dark gray eyeliner will work. If you have a visit to the theater or you are going on a date, it is better to take a black eyeliner.

The arrow can be quite active: thick and extending far beyond the edge of the eyelid. For office make-up, you can stop at the inter-eyelash delicate arrow, which will visually make your eyelashes thicker and more lush.

Advice! Many experts in the field of makeup advise using simple trick in order to achieve perfect shooters. Attach to the edge of the eyelid credit card and draw a line with a pencil. In this case, the line should continue the lower eyelid: this way the eye will become more almond-shaped. The resulting line will be an excellent "draft": just circle it with eyeliner and get a perfect, even arrow.

Common Mistakes

Smokey eyes for brown eyes - pretty simple technique. Of course, you will have to practice for some time, but the result will not be long in coming. When creating such makeup, it is important to avoid some typical mistakes:

  • do not blend all colors into one color. No need to "swing" the brush around the eyelid. Only the transitions between shades should be shaded;
  • do not line the lower eyelid with a white pencil. Many argue that in this way the eye will immediately appear larger. However, this is not so: such an eyeliner looks very unnatural. It is better to either do without it altogether, or take a light pink pencil;

  • no need to give up coloring the lower eyelashes. The difference between painted and unpainted eyelashes is immediately evident. Apply to lower lashes just one layer of mascara, and makeup will immediately become more complete;
  • no need to output dark shade too far out of the eye. Such makeup, reaching almost to the temple, looks attractive only on the catwalk;

  • the more intense the smokey eyes, the more perfect your skin should be. Smoky makeup requires you to eliminate all redness and unevenness on your face.

Advice! E If you can't do smoky makeup, don't despair. Many cities have makeup artists who give private lessons. Contact such a specialist: he will not only teach you the basics of smoky makeup techniques, but also select the most suitable colors for you.

Lip makeup

Surely for many it will come as a surprise that the rule governing the inverse relationship between the intensity of lip and eye makeup has long lost its relevance. Bright makeup the eye is quite capable of bright, dark lips. True, it is important to remember that the lips should be made up very carefully.

If you don't want to do too much lip makeup, just put some lip balm and tint on them. By the way, the tint will allow you to create a “kissed lips effect” that has been trendy for several seasons, which looks great in combination with delicate smoky makeup smokey ice for brown eyes.

But it is better to refuse lip gloss: give preference to matte textures. Glossy lips have long gone out of fashion.

Advice!Smoky makeup will do women of any age. True, it is important to remember that the more wrinkles on the eyelids, the less shimmering particles should be in the shadows. Older women should use matte shadows. Shiny particles clog wrinkles and make them more visible.

For almost 90 years, smoky eyes (or "smoky eyes") have been a favorite of many girls and women. He got this name because of the special technique of applying shadows and their careful shading. With it, you can hide imperfections: lift the overhanging eyelid and lowered corners of the eyes.

How to do smokey eye makeup for brown eyes

A healthy complexion is the basis of any makeup. Starting to create makeup in the style of smokey ice, you must definitely even out the tone of the face. The main secret This technique is the creation of a smooth and barely noticeable transition between shades.

Smokey ice step by step photos

This make-up was previously performed exclusively in dark colors. Now makeup artists recommend experimenting with shades of shadows and are not afraid to use both bright and light colors.

Step-by-step instruction:

Particular attention should be paid to eyelashes. For those who are naturally thick, it will be enough to curl them, for the rest it is better to use invoices. Following these simple recommendations, you will easily achieve the desired "haze" in front of your eyes and will fascinate those around you with just one look.

Make-up smoky eyes (smoky ice) will emphasize the look and make the inimitable and expressive mirrors of the soul shine.

Smokey ice make-up is a classic that appeared in the 20th century. Initially, smokey ice was applied, creating the image of a femme fatale vamp, and was performed exclusively in black. Smoky smoky ice became daytime and evening.

The application is based on a careful layer-by-layer shading of colored pencils and shadows. There is an appearance of enveloping the eyes with a light haze, and the look acquires depth and showiness.

To master Smokey Ice you need:

  • Dark eyeliners
  • Dark eye shadow
  • Eye shadow in light pearlescent shades

Considering that smoky makeup is combined exclusively with an even complexion and sophisticated ones, the following are additionally required:

  • Eyebrow pencils in the same tones
  • Lungs

Accessories for applying smokey ice:

  • Eye brushes - angled and flat
  • Eye shadow brush - sponge

Please note that with smoky makeup it is not advisable to apply bright colors lipstick. Make-up should be accentuated either on the eyes or on the lips. Use a light, discreet lip gloss in a neutral shade.

When choosing shadows, consider your shade of eyes, skin, hair and color scheme clothes.

If the eyes are set close, do not bring dark pencils to inner corner eyes, use light shades of shadows.

Smokey ice is a universal, amazing make-up that gives expressiveness, attractiveness to any eyes and is suitable for brunettes, blondes. Emphasizing the beauty of the eyes with makeup in smoky colors will make them sparkle.

Get a visual idea of ​​​​the technique of applying smokey ice makeup from the video of makeup artist Elena Krygina.

Smokey ice for blondes

representatives light curls And porcelain faces intrigued, intrigued and will intrigue the opposite sex with a unique and slightly naive charm. Proper makeup will emphasize the advantages and hide the flaws, helping the blond beauties and making them more attractive and charming.

Perfectly smokey ice is applied to blondes with gray eyes in gray tones. This flawless way give an expressive and charming look.

The main principle of applying smoky makeup is the perfect shading of the selected colors so that one shade imperceptibly and smoothly flows into another.

Make-up in gray tones is created either with an emphasis on a darker color scheme, or in a lighter alternative, choosing more lungs colors. In black, only pencils and eyeliners remain.

When creating a gray smoky ice, a fixative or lip gloss is chosen neutral natural shades. Bright, colorful lipsticks can make a look look vulgar or gothic.

In smokey ice for blondes, it is possible to slightly change the traditional palette smoky eyes. Dark pronounced, almost black, it is possible to replace with an alternative brown tone.

For an expressive look, it is allowed to use eyeliners of more saturated dark colors.

Smokey ice for blondes in brown gives a more spicy and sophisticated look. It seems rather bright and vulgar. This makeup is perfect for evening smoky ice in combination with applied dark rich lipstick.

For marbled skin perfect combination will give a shade of burgundy lipstick and delicate pink blush. For darker skin tone, pay attention to lipsticks of a palette of colors from peach to chocolate and cream tone blush. To give the skin a slight glow will help the use of a base - a shimmer.

Smokey ice is perfect for any girl, because smoky makeup is universal in its ability to emphasize the advantages of eye shapes and mask imperfections.

Smokey eye makeup

Smoky make-up is applied by blending non-solid pencils with shadows of concentrated and catchy tones. For daytime smoky ice, faded, desaturated shades and carefully shaded transitions are used.

Standard shades of smokey ice are black, dark gray and dull brown. Suitable tones for all colors and shapes of the eyes.

However, in summer and in the blinding sun, when black shades can look vulgar, it is more correct to use daytime smokey ice. Brown, gray, brown-gray, olive, gray-green, marsh colors look great in daytime make-up.

Smokey ice accentuates interest in the eyes, so a smoky make-up needs to be accompanied by a perfectly smooth and natural-colored lipstick.

In exceptional cases, when applying light shades daytime smoky ice lips can be defined brighter than usual. For showiness and organicity, daytime smokey ice is ideally complemented by an appropriate hairstyle and outfit.

For effective and flawless makeup it is important to hide puffiness and signs of fatigue in the eyes, because in combination with smoky makeup, puffiness can create a painful look.

Smokey ice is an unsurpassed makeup that emphasizes the shape of the eyes, shading the iris and giving clarity and juiciness to the whites. Smoky make-up visually enlarges the eyes, drawing attention to them.

Smokey ice evening makeup

To look spectacular, catchy and sophisticated at the same time, the fair sex spend a lot of time. To do this, they are helped by smokey ice evening makeup, designed for official receptions, dinner parties and parties.

Smokey ice makeup step by step

  • The predominant feature of evening smoky ice is solid skin. Ability to pick up foundation under the color own skin and evenly impose it - the main component of the process.
  • First, a corrective foundation is applied, smoothing and correcting irregularities and redness on the face. After use foundation creams. For evening make-up, foundations and foundations are applied to a shade darker than usual.
  • The powder looks exquisite with shiny and iridescent particles, it should be lighter skin for tone two.
  • Shine will not be superfluous in blush. When choosing blush, focus on color. Blush must be carefully shaded on the cheeks. For brunettes, beige, cream and pink colors blush. For blondes and redheads pink blush are not the best choice, it is better for them to use a blush of natural light shades.
  • Exceptionally after that they go to the eyes. Overhead will not be superfluous. Shade your eyebrows. The summed, clear and bright contour of the eyebrows looks much more refined and effective in the evening romantically subdued light. The shade of eyebrow pencils is chosen based on the color of the hair.
  • Ideal for sparkling and iridescent shadows, in colorful and rich colors. So that the shine does not crumble, first apply a base under the shadows on the eyelids.

Great importance in the evening make-up they take away. For the evening, it is necessary to emphasize their chic and pomposity. For this, bright and juicy tones are most suitable. If the focus is on the eyes, then lipstick and lip gloss is more correct to choose light, natural or pale colors, with impurities of sparkles.

Smokey ice - makeup for perfect tone face, clear and neat eyebrows, and, of course, eyes - catchy smoky and seductive.

In contact with

For daytime look would be ideal smoky ice in cool taupe tones. It will suit anyone and beautifully highlight both dark and light eyes. It is better to refuse black eyeliner and bright arrows so as not to overload the image. A light haze and expressive eyelashes will be enough to make you look bright, but not defiant.

To recreate this image, you will need:
- ;
- soft brown eyeliner;
- brown-gray shadows;
- light milk shadows;
- Mascara;
- eye makeup brushes

Step 1 Apply an eye shadow base all over the eyelid and a little on the lower lash line.

Step 2 soft brown pencil line the upper and lower lash lines. Make the eyeliner wide enough and not necessarily neat, then we will shade it.

Step 3 With a small eye brush, blend the pencil upwards on the mobile eyelid and slightly down on the lower eyelid. The line should be smoky.

Step 4 With a standard spatula brush, “hammer” the pencil substrate with shadows. Apply shadows with patting movements, try not to rub them on the eyelid.

Step 5 The most important process in smokey ice makeup is shading. Take a barrel brush and carefully blend the upper borders of applying shadows. The color should change from darker on the movable lid to lighter in the crease and on the fixed lid. The same should be done on the lower lash line.

Step 6 Apply a light milky shade under the eyebrow. If the main color of the shadows seems too bright for you, pick up light shadows on a barrel brush and blend with light movements over brown shadows.

Step 7 Apply 2 coats of mascara to your lashes.

This smokey ice option will take you a maximum of 10 minutes, take note of it for yourself morning fees to work. And if you want to add drama for an evening out, draw active blacks.

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