Makeup to enlarge eyes with an impending eyelid. What makeup is suitable for girls with small eyes and an impending eyelid

Properly applied makeup can transform any woman, hide flaws and emphasize dignity. Various techniques for applying cosmetics help to “correct” the incision and location of the eyes, correct the fullness of the face and the overhanging eyelid. It is worth noting that this feature of the structure of the eyelids is not a disadvantage, it can even be called a kind of highlight of the appearance, if you correctly add accents to the eyes with the help of makeup.

Overhanging eyelid - the structure of the eyes, in which the upper fold is very weakly expressed or completely absent, since the overhanging "hood" of the skin hides it. The complete absence of a fold on the eyelids is typical for representatives of Asian culture.

In other nationalities, the impending eyelid is formed due to age-related changes in women who have crossed the fifty-year mark, but can occur in very young girls.

Causes of "sad" eyes

The main factors for drooping eyelids are:

  1. Genetics is the main cause of the defect.
  2. Thin skin. With this feature, with age, delicate and thin skin begins to form the same hood.
  3. Constant pressure. People who suffer from chronic fatigue are pessimistic about life, distrustful of others, scrupulous about small things, constantly straining the muscles in the bridge of the nose, which leads to the formation of unnecessary wrinkles above the eyes.

Women whose drooping eyelids are not hereditary can correct the situation with the help of special exercises, taking vitamins, proper sleep and rest, and adhering to the drinking regimen.

Makeup principles

Knowing some cosmetic subtleties will help eliminate the inconvenience when applying makeup to owners of overhanging eyelids.

Areas of special attention

In competent makeup for the impending eyelid and eye enlargement, eyebrows deserve special attention, which should fit the shape of the face, not be too thick or, conversely, thin. If there is any doubt about the ability to make suitable eyebrows on your own, then it is better to seek help from a professional.

A beautiful curve at the eyebrows will allow you to divert attention from the “problem” eyelids and thereby achieve a more or less perfect face. A pointed brow arch is great for women with heavy eyelids, but there are other features to consider, as this shape can unfavorably emphasize, for example, a pointed nose.

Makeup is considered complete only when the effect of lush eyelashes is achieved. Owners of impending eyelids are best to initially curl the eyelashes with special forceps, and then apply mascara. Excess mascara is the so-called spider legs, which can more strongly emphasize “imperfect” eyelids, so the eyelashes can be painted thickly (it is better if they are eyelashes at the outer corner of the eye), but carefully, separating each eyelash. In make-up for the exit, it will be useful to use false eyelashes.

The eyelash growth line is drawn with a soft pencil, and the arrow should not have a kink. No need to make the arrow long: let it be shorter, but its tip will be thicker than the beginning.

It is also necessary to ensure that the skin under the eyes does not have bruises, dark spots or "bags". A concealer will help to even out the color of this zone, the color of which must be chosen based on the existing problem. Blue and purple bruises are covered with yellow concealer, while yellow circles under the eyes are “neutralized” with purple products.

Makeup rules and techniques for heavy eyelids

This feature of the structure of the eyes requires special attention during the use of decorative cosmetics for the face. It is worth painting the eyes in the open state, only in this case the makeup will be applied correctly with impending eyelids. Step by step it looks like this:

Makeup is a kind of tool to attract attention, one has only to learn how to use it skillfully. . The main task of makeup is to improve the appearance and features of the face., giving a well-groomed appearance, emphasizing the existing advantages. There are several techniques in which such a cosmetic flaw as the overhang of the eyelid will be completely invisible.

To enlarge the eyes and visually minimize the impending eyelid, makeup must be done with distraction from problem areas - this is one of the techniques. With this makeup, the emphasis is on eyebrows and good shading. Eyebrows will need to be painted not with a pencil, but with shadows using a brush with beveled pile. Under the eyebrow, in the place of its fold, you can apply a little highlighter to "highlight" this area.

Eye shadows must be taken only in natural tones, which are shaded towards the temple. The eyeliner or pencil here is replaced with dark shadows so that the eyes do not seem narrow and small.

The most popular makeup application technique is the pencil loop, which looks very impressive and helps to “open” the look and visually increase the space between the eyes. For makeup in this technique, you can not use shades of light shades or with mother of pearl. Here you need to take shadows of a dense texture of several shades that match each other. A kind of round loop is drawn in the darkest shade, which smoothly connects the outer corner with the crease of the eyelid, and then easily blends.

Among the age-related makeup techniques for the impending century, lifting makeup stands out, giving the face a youthful look. This is a rather painstaking technique that requires enough time and skills. The sunken parts of the face are brightened with correctors, and the bulges are hidden with the help of a foundation or powder of dark shades. The main thing in this makeup is to lift the facial lines by drawing the right parallel strokes. You can not use cosmetics with glitter or bright colors.

Oversights and errors in application

If makeup is applied without taking into account the structural features of the face, then it will not only look awkward, but can also add unnecessary years.

The main mistakes in makeup with lowered eyelids:

To achieve the maximum effect, it is necessary to use high-quality cosmetics. To get the desired result from applying makeup, you need to train your skills daily.

Attention, only TODAY!

The main purpose of makeup is to slightly correct the natural features of the face. And if it is applied correctly, then even serious flaws can be decorated so that they turn more likely into advantages.

For example, many women do not like the so-called hanging eyelid. Skillful make-up for impending eyelids will help to correct the situation and “open” the look.

Makeup for impending eyelids - eliminates the problem or hides the highlight of the image?

Someone came up with the canons of female beauty, making them generally accepted. Although, by the way, they are constantly changing, following the fleeting fashion. But all the same, all women strive to meet this single standard. So, trying to get closer to the ideal, they are constantly mastering new ways of fashionable makeup. And if once a slightly loose eyelid was considered an element of a languid female image, today it is already a disadvantage.

But in fact, this type of century is not a drawback at all, but such a feature of the female image, its highlight. And it would not be worth attaching importance to the fact that, according to someone, the impending eyelid gives the look of dullness, fatigue and even gloom. After all, eyes shining with happiness will not allow any fatigue or gloom to come close. The best confirmation of this is the eyes of Emma Stone, Blake Lively, Jennifer Lawrence, who managed to conquer the world with the same “hanging” eyelid, from under which, in spite of everything, their views seem simply magnetic. And they do not care that someone notices a flaw in their appearance. In fact, they feel like queens, which they are. At least on the screen.

The best makeup option for the impending century

But, as they say, there are no comrades for the taste and color, so most women try to highlight their eyes with the help of make-up. So, if the problem is in appearance in something hanging, then, naturally, it should be raised. Therefore, the correct makeup for the impending century must begin with the eyebrows. The eyes are called the mirror of the soul, so the eyebrows can be considered their frame, which must necessarily elegantly frame the eyes-soul. And in makeup for this type of eyelid, you need to highlight the eyebrows. They do not need to be made brighter, but noticeable ones will have to. The expressiveness of the eyebrows will perfectly divert attention from the special century and other moments such as a large nose or cheeks-apples. A clear line of eyebrows will help to make the features softer and more graceful. With the help of a pencil, you can make the eyebrow line more correct or create it initially, if it is absent at all. With a thin wax lead, you can easily fill in the missing sections of the eyebrows. And due to the wax, the line will last all day.

Eyebrow shadows should be used in cases where the shape is good enough, but there are gaps. With their help, you can gently fill the shape and give facial features maximum naturalness. The gel is needed to fix the direction of the hairs. The shape of the eyebrows needs to be corrected so that their tips are in a slightly raised form, so the naturally lowered lines should be visually directed upwards. This technique will give facial features more youth and freshness. And before that, a sad look will not seem tired.

To make the right makeup for the eyes, the impending eyelid of which gives the look a certain severity, you need to consider using special basic eye shadow products. After all, another problem of such a century is that shadows are very poorly kept on it, quickly rolling under the crease. To solve this problem, many cosmetic brands are introducing the release of special shadow bases that can facilitate the application and distribution of colored pigment products. Due to this, the shadows do not roll. Such a base is applied with a special brush, although some makeup artists prefer to do this with a finger. It is important to be able to apply as thin a layer as possible, all over the eyelid, starting from the roots of the eyelashes and ending with the eyebrow line.

For proper eye makeup with an impending eyelid, it is important to be able to hide, darken the protruding areas, but not overdo it. First, a crease is drawn, for which it is better to use cool shades, including ash brown and gray-beige. The matte texture of the products is also important, because the volume will only increase from the shine, but here it is necessary on the contrary - to reduce, to hide everything overhanging. Further from the outer corners, closer to the ciliary contour, along the fold formed between the fixed and moving eyelids, the shadows are shaded. So the shape of the eye gets additional depth, which allows you to hide the overhanging eyelid when it is darkened and immersed inward. To visually increase the cut of the eyes, you need to make a light shadow in the form of a haze on the lower ciliary contour.

Day option

In this situation, it is useful to make the ciliary contour more pronounced. This will allow you to focus on the eyes, while hiding any flaws. For such makeup, it is important to use stable cosmetic textures. The applied eyeliners, pencils, shadows must be persistent, so that, for example, a line drawn with a dark pencil is not imprinted under the eyebrow or blurred throughout the eyelid. You need to bring your eyes along the lash line closer to their roots, and blend a little from the outer corner.

To achieve the effect of a fresh look, you need to use light shadows with a matte texture or with minimal satin sheen. They are applied to the moving eyelid, slightly brightening the inside, which will give the look more clarity.

Use light matte shadows - they will visually enlarge the eyelid

It is also important in this make-up to make eyelashes more expressive and voluminous. This will perfectly complete the correct make-up of the eyes. But at the same time, it is important not to overdo it with the coloring of the lower eyelashes, especially if they are longer than the upper ones. In this case, it is enough just to slightly tint the corners. Then it will be more likely that the makeup will not spread, leaving unsightly bruises under the eyes. And with the help of false eyelashes, you can also visually lift the hanging eyelids. It is enough to use natural cilia in bunches or corners. It is also important for greater naturalness and wearing comfort for a long time to use high-quality, well-proven eyelashes.

A popular technique for lifting the eyelid is the use of smoky eye makeup. With the help of a light haze, you can make the look more expressive and correct the shape of the eyes. In this case, it is also important to choose a matte texture, because the shine will only add volume, which such eyelids do not need. To perform such a make-up, it is advisable to use a good shading brush, which gives a soft color transition.

A popular technique for correcting a “swollen” eyelid is arrows. But here it is better to avoid the so-called "horned eye" effect. After all, the arrows are a clear geometry that, if used incorrectly, is unprofitable to highlight the eyelid. Therefore, chickpeas are important for extreme accuracy. The line itself should be large and expressive, but within reasonable limits. The ideal option is an arrow that gently turns into haze on a fixed eyelid. Such a line is able to draw attention to the eyes, hiding overhanging eyelids.

The correct arrows will help to correct the shape of the eyes

If such makeup is done correctly, then it will correct some of the flaws, make the face more attractive, and emphasize the advantages of appearance. In addition to the innate features of such a century, it often forms with age, but in this case, you just need to know how to correct this flaw with the help of cosmetics. An extreme measure - surgical intervention - blepharoplasty, but it is not financially accessible to everyone, and not everyone is ready to go for it.

By applying dark shadows in the crease, you can make the eyes very expressive.

Basic rules for doing makeup on impending eyelids

Makeup artists have developed a set of rules on how to do eye makeup with an impending eyelid. So:

  • A great way to correct the appearance is to form or “finish” thick beautiful eyebrows that perfectly distract the attention of others from the eyelids and eyes. The shape of the eyebrows is chosen according to the type of face. You can pluck out excess hairs, removing excessive saturation. The pencil is selected to match the tone, the eyebrows are drawn, and after that the strokes are gently shaded to make them not so noticeable.

Expressive eyebrows distract attention from the shape of the eyelid

  • To correct such an eyelid, you need to choose several similar shades: dark ones to emphasize the outer corner of the eyelid, and light ones for the inner corner of the eyelid. The middle shade is applied to the middle of the eyelid, and, if desired, to the eyelid under the eye. In such a make-up, contrasting tones are not appropriate. It is also better to avoid using a black contour pencil, as well as white. Indeed, from a stronger contrast between colors, flaws are more pronounced. S / li>
  • On the lower eyelid, a brown or gray outline is required. To do this, you can use both a pencil and shadows, gently shading them. This is important, because the presence of clear, correct lines only exacerbates the problem. And the most ideal make-up for a “swollen” eyelid is smokey ice, made using the most delicate shadows.
  • In this make-up, it is better to refuse eyeliners with drawing arrows and clear contours.
  • It is better to use compact shadows, because fatty ones will only make them heavier and roll in folds.
  • Pearlescent shadows are also unacceptable in this type of makeup, so it is better to give preference to exclusively matte ones.

Competent make-up and the correct shape of the eyebrows will make the image unforgettable

How to apply cosmetics on eyes with a lowered eyelid: step by step instructions

This feature in appearance gives the look of a tired look, levels its expressiveness. To correct this shortcoming, you should master the correct technique of applying shadows. Before considering how to apply makeup on the impending eyelid step by step, you need to choose the most suitable shadows. Best suited, of course, are dark brown, light brown and nude shadows. Also, olive, lilac-lilac and other unobtrusive matte shades will not hurt. To perform makeup, it is also useful to watch a video in which the details and subtleties of applying cosmetics are clearly visible.

So, the procedure for applying makeup is as follows:

  1. The skin must be carefully cleansed of the remnants of makeup. With the help of a corrective base, even out its relief, prepare it for applying cosmetics.
  2. If necessary, correct the eyebrow line by removing excess hairs. You should get lines raised up in the middle and directed upward along the edges. Carefully draw eyebrows, shade the strokes made with a pencil.
  3. Pick up the average shade of the shadows and apply it over the entire surface of the moving eyelids and a little above the natural crease. Blend gently with a soft brush.
  4. Pick up the darkest tone of the shadows on the brush, clearly draw the border of the applied shadows, especially in the outer corner. It should remain sharp and rush up to the eyebrows. Again - neat shading of the shadows.
  5. From the bottom of the eyebrow line, apply the lightest shadows.
  6. Apply medium eye shadow on the lower eyelid and blend thoroughly.
  7. Apply a dark tone of shadows along the growth line of the ciliary row on the upper eyelid.
  8. Tint the eyelashes with mascara, moving obliquely, directing the brush from the inside of the eye towards the outer corner.

Makeup for "swollen" eyes, depending on their color and shape

With the help of this type of makeup, you can not only visually correct the eyelids, but also highlight the eyes, make the look brighter, clearer, sincere. The most popular makeup for brown eyes on the impending eyelid. For this eye color, the most colorful shadows are suitable, which can be selected for each specific case. In daytime makeup, brown, taupe, peach or champagne are most appropriate. But for an evening out, you need saturated colors, such as gray-blue, blue, golden, vanilla, lilac, brown, plum shades. In this makeup, pink and yellow colors are inappropriate, as they either make the eyes teary, or emphasize the natural yellowness of the whites of the eyes and facial skin, which, of course, is completely undesirable.

If the incision of the eyes with the impending eyelid is also narrow, then its own technique will do. You need to take a gray or brown pencil and draw a line above the natural crease on the upper eyelid. After that, it is necessary to draw an arrow with a pencil not only along the ciliary contour, but also from the outer corner of the eyes to the previously drawn line, as if connecting both edges with the number V. Using a brush for shadows, you need to gently shade the strokes. A little light shadow should be applied to the inner corner of the eye. The surface of the moving eyelid, up to the crease itself, must be covered with light shadows. On the lower eyelid, emphasis is placed with the help of darker shadows and followed by shading. A gray pencil will help emphasize the line above the roots of the eyelashes on the upper eyelid. It remains only to tint the eyelashes, curling them at will with special tweezers. In this case, black mascara, which lengthens the eyelashes, is best suited. Excess paint should be removed with a cotton swab.

And most importantly - smile at your reflection in the mirror, remember something pleasant and go ahead with shining eyes, about the "swelling" of which no one will suspect!

The problem of impending eyelids is found not only in women after 40 years, but also in young girls. Often this is a physiological feature of the structure of the muscles and skin of the face, which is quite possible to hide with properly executed makeup.

Heavy eyelids give the face a tired, strict or sad look, but if you correctly make up your eyes with overhanging eyelids, then this flaw will become invisible, as decorative cosmetics will obscure the desired areas, removing volume.

Makeup tricks and rules

  1. Dark and light shades of shadows should be applied to certain areas of the eyelid. Dark shadows are applied to the overhanging crease, as they remove volume, light ones - to the inner corners of the eyes (they will make the look wider and more expressive), neutral - to the moving eyelid. Moreover, even dark shades should not be mother-of-pearl. Glitter emphasizes the impending eyelid. Mother-of-pearl is acceptable only under the eyebrow.
  2. With the impending century, cosmetics should be well shaded, clear lines are not allowed. For this reason, it is best to perform makeup with dry shadows and a pencil. Eyeliner and liquid shadows are poorly shaded. For accurate work, you will need high-quality brushes, an applicator. If there are no such tools, then you can blend the cosmetics with your fingers. Movements should be accurate in the direction from the outer corner of the eye to the inner.
  3. Cosmetics must be durable, because due to the structural features of the eyelid, there is a risk that it will be smeared. To prevent the shadows from rolling, it is recommended to use a make-up base.
  4. If the lips are made up with bright lipstick, then the eyes should not be too bright., even if it is done to mask the impending century. A trick with a bright lipstick will help draw attention away from the eyes when there is no time for a thorough make-up of the eyelids.
  5. The arrows should be not only feathered, but also directed upwards. Moreover, it is impossible to completely draw the eye from the inner corner to the outer. It is necessary to start the arrow from the middle of the eye. It should expand a little closer to the outer corner.
  6. An excessively round and straight eyebrow line should be avoided, as this emphasizes the overhanging eyelid. The best form is raised from the outside. But the break should not be too sharp. This form distracts attention from the impending century. But at the same time, it is recommended to first “try on” the shape by drawing it with a pencil. Eyebrows should not be too thin or thick, as thin eyebrows contrast with overhanging eyelids, drawing attention to them, and wide eyebrows make the eyelids even heavier. It is recommended to lengthen a short eyebrow with a pencil that matches the color of the eyebrow as much as possible.
  7. The lower eyelid should not attract much attention. Pencil or shadow for coloring the lower eyelid is used minimally. Otherwise, the makeup will look sloppy.
  8. Eyelashes are recommended to be pre-curled, for a more open look. And mascara must be applied in a thin layer, but with an emphasis on the outer edge. In make-up with impending eyelids, false eyelashes are appropriate. If false eyelashes are not used, then mascara with a lengthening effect is optimal.
  9. You can level the flaw with the help of a makeup technique called Cut Crease. It involves drawing a clear boundary between the moving and fixed eyelids with a pencil or shadows. You can draw it a little higher than its natural position, as a result, the eyelid will become more pronounced and seem to rise.
  10. Due to the fact that the movable part, when the eye is open, is hidden under a fold of skin, namely, it is darkened in the traditional version of smokey ice, the very essence of the technique is lost. Smokey ice on eyes with overhanging eyelids must be performed, observing a special rule - it is important to transfer dark accents from the moving part of the upper eyelid to the fixed one. Moreover, the correctness of the makeup must be constantly monitored by opening the eyes.
  11. Eye makeup tends to darken, which does not look the best with the impending century. To avoid this result, you need to use a lighter makeup base.
  12. A highlighter will help divert attention from impending eyelids. It should be applied under the eyebrow and on the inner corners of the eyes.

Makeup colors

When choosing a shade of decorative cosmetics for the eyes, it is necessary to focus on the color type of appearance. Makeup artists recommend combining suitable shades or using shades of the same shade, but of different saturation.

Makeup sequence

Before you paint eyes with impending eyelids, you need to prepare the following cosmetic products and tools:

Makeup for narrow oriental eyes with an impending eyelid

The most advantageous in the makeup of narrow eyes look nude shades of shadows of different saturation.


Makeup for small eyes with an impending eyelid

Makeup is done with shadows:

  1. The main shade will be any light. It is applied to the movable eyelid, stretching to the eyebrows. A light shade of highlighter is applied directly under the eyebrow.
  2. It is also recommended to apply light shadows on the lower eyelid and blend them thoroughly.
  3. The dark shade of the shadows is distributed from the middle of the upper eyelid to the temple and must be shaded.

For deep-set eyes with an impending eyelid


If the corners of the eyes are down

A drooping eyelid and drooping eye corners and a hanging eyelid are a double problem, but it can be solved with the help of makeup. In this case, make up the eyes using the Cut Crease technique.

Here's how they do it:

For bulging eyes

When applying makeup for bulging eyes, two main principles are observed:

  1. Artificially traced fold.
  2. Darkening of the outer and inner corner of the eye.

The basis of makeup should be light shadows. Particularly light areas are the middle of the upper eyelid and the area under the eyebrow.

For brown eyes with an impending eyelid shadows

It is easier to choose the right shade of shadows for brown eyes, as the choice is wider.


Cat eye makeup for blue eyes with an impending eyelid


Gentle makeup for green eyes

It is done like this:

Age make-up after 45.50 years

How to paint eyes with impending eyelids, if other age-related changes join, step by step:

  1. To remove age-related changes, choose a highlighter with reflective particles and apply it under the eyes.
  2. An eyebrow is drawn with light strokes with a pencil.
  3. Light beige matte shadows are applied to the moving eyelid.
  4. With a pencil of a dark gray or dark brown shade, the ciliary contour is worked out.
  5. After drawing the ciliary contour, be sure to shade the line so that it looks softer and more natural.
  6. Shadows of a warm beige shade draw a ciliary contour, a fold between a mobile and a motionless eyelid.
  7. Dark brown shadows add saturation to the crease and take away the shade under the eyebrow.
  8. Slightly stain the lower eyelid with a beige tint.
  9. Eyelashes are painted with mascara.

Smokey ice for the impending century in pencil technique

How to paint eyes with impending eyelids using the smoky ice technique is described below:

If you know the principles of applying light and dark shades of shadows and skillfully combine them, then the problem of the impending century will no longer be so relevant, so it can be hidden with eye makeup. But since makeup is not a surgical method, in order to look good every day, you will have to carefully paint your eyes every day.

Video about makeup with impending eyelids

Step by step eye makeup with impending eyelids:

What you should know about the features of makeup for impending eyelids:

With the right makeup, you can visually remove some of the flaws in your appearance, making your face more attractive. Often, middle-aged women are interested in the question of how to paint eyes with overhanging eyelids. After all, such a deficiency usually manifests itself with age. You can remove it with the help of surgery, but such manipulation is painful and expensive.

How to paint eyes with hanging eyelids

Rules for applying cosmetics for impending eyelids

The problem of the impending century is very common, although it occurs mainly after 30 years. Therefore, ladies are interested in how to paint eyes with impending eyelids, makeup photos and possible mistakes. So, before proceeding with the process, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for its implementation:

1. To divert attention from the eyelids, you need to learn how to create the correct shape of the eyebrows. All excess hair should be removed, removing excess weight from the face. If necessary, the eyebrows are finished with a pencil, the shade of which should match the color of the hairs.

2. Making out the upper eyelid, you should use several shades of the same color. The inner part is filled with light shadows, and the outer part is filled with darker ones. But the use of contrasting colors for makeup is prohibited.

3. The lower eyelid should be lined with a black pencil, and then shaded with a thin brush.

How not to paint eyes with hanging eyelids?

If there is a problem with drooping eyelids, then eyeliner should not be used during makeup, as the contour will turn out to be too clear. This will cause the drooping eyelid to stand out even more and appear heavier. Preference should be given to matte shadows that fit better on the eyelid and hide its flaws.

Makeup sequence for impending eyelids

Unfortunately, not all women pay attention to how to properly paint their eyes with overhanging eyelids. As a result, makeup further emphasizes the imperfections of the face. It is advisable to use shades of brown, green or lilac. The process takes place in several stages.

As we age, our eyes become less expressive as the skin of the eyelids weakens and begins to sag. But if for some women this can happen after 40, for others, a heavy eyelid is simply a feature of appearance.

The hanging eyelid makes the look sad, so not all girls like it. However, some famous actresses just have such a trait, and this does not affect their fame and charisma. Therefore, there is no reason to worry. The right makeup for the impending century will turn this feature into a highlight. Undoubtedly, makeup artists help the stars, but do not be afraid, such makeup is quite easy to do at home. Just a few strokes are needed to restore the freshness and youthful appearance of the face. Consider how to do makeup for drooping eyelids.

General rules for doing makeup

By lifting the visual outer corner of the eye with the help of cosmetics, you will ensure that the severity of the eyelids will not be visible. The use of shadows of a dark shade serves as a concealer. The drawn corner, rising from the eye to the temples, changes the shape of the eyes.

Eyebrows in such makeup are of great importance, so they need to be properly adjusted. Too thick eyebrows will make the look even heavier, thin ones too - this is not too good. Here it is important to find a middle ground and make the eyebrow line distract from heavy eyelids.

A subtle curve with a raised outer edge will look interesting and give the eyes more expressiveness. Remember Marilyn Monroe, who did just such an eyebrow makeup. The kink of the eyebrows is done in the outer corner of the eye. But before you do that, it's best to experiment with the pencil to see if it will look good on your face or not. Remember that beauty is only achieved with experimentation.

The right choice of shadows will help to do a great job. Light, natural shades are most suitable, as they make the eyes visually larger. For blue eyes, both shades of brown shades and with a blue tint are suitable. Beige and pink overflows on the eyelids will also look great on blue eyes. Brown-eyed, you can apply any shades of shadows. They will suit both blue, lilac shades, and warm beige or brown. Green-eyed women are incredibly nutty shades with beige shades. They can also try experimenting with lilac, lilac and marsala shades.

Mother-of-pearl shades are not suitable for this kind of makeup for anyone. But matte shadows will help solve the problem. Light shades should be applied to the upper overhanging eyelid, and darker shades should be applied a little higher where the eyebrow bone is located. For the lower eyelids, you need to take a darker tone.

Eyelashes will take all the attention if they are thickly made up and the heavy eyelid simply will not be noticeable behind them. The outer corners of the eyes stand out more intensively. Lift the ends with an eyelash curler. False eyelashes will be appropriate for evening makeup.

Dark eyeliner will help hide a heavy eyelid. The arrow should be quite dense, start from the middle of the eye and scatter on the rise to the temple. Too thin a line will make the eye even heavier. But you should not make too sharp eyeliner, so it's better to take a cosmetic pencil, not a liner. The arrow should not be interrupted, it should also expand towards the end of the eye. The lower eyelid is brought lightly with a pencil or eyeliner.

With the help of a concealer, you can remove all imperfections under the eyes, such as bruises or swelling. But no one has yet canceled a good sleep, so you still need to get enough sleep, otherwise no concealer will help.

Before you start doing makeup, you should prepare all the accessories: day cream for the face and eyelids, base foundation, shadows, sponges or wet wipes, eyebrow pencil or brush with permeable gel, lipstick with lip pencil, mascara, loose powder. This is the basic foundation of any woman's cosmetic bag, but this list can be expanded depending on personal preferences.

Makeup tricks for the impending century

Shadows do not differ in longevity, they blur before the eyes, accumulate unevenly in the folds of the skin. Therefore, it is necessary to apply a primer on the face and eyelids, or at least a foundation.
The Cut Crease makeup technique just helps to hide the piquant feature of the eyelids. This technique involves darkening the creases near the eyebrows and the fixed eyelid with shadows.

Smokey ice is another technique that also helps to hide the problem. But it must be done skillfully. The upper eyelid is painted in a light tone, and the lower one is slightly darker. Smokey Ice makeup is most suitable for going out.

A highlighter will help to distract from the structural features of the eyelids, which will shade the area in front of the eyebrows and the corners of the eyes inside.
If there is absolutely no time for makeup for lowered eyelids, then you can use a distracting maneuver - to brightly highlight the lips. Eyelashes should not be highlighted too much.

To hide wrinkles or circles under the eyes, you should work with a corrector, which should be slightly lighter than the main skin tone. But here it is important not to overdo it, as an excessive layer of cosmetics will visually enhance the problem.
During the day, eye makeup with an impending eyelid can darken and it always looks bad in the photo.

To make it less noticeable, it's best to apply the foundation a little lighter than you usually wear for your skin.
Try to apply shadows with your eyes open, as it is difficult to evaluate your work objectively with closed eyes.
To get a great make-up for impending eyelids, a step-by-step photo should be nearby.

Makeup algorithm

  1. We apply the foundation for makeup, treat the areas under the eyes with a concealer.
  2. Correcting eyebrows.
  3. We apply basic shadows on the moving eyelid.
  4. Draw a line just above the crease and blend it.
  5. We emphasize the lower eyelid with the base shade of mascara.
  6. Paint the lashes, paying more attention to the outer corners. The lower eyelid does not need to be painted.

Makeup mistakes

Inept application of makeup will only emphasize the cons. Let's try to figure out what not to do:

  • In no case should shadows be lacquered or mother-of-pearl, on the contrary, they will highlight the overhanging eyelid, which you want to get rid of. A little pearl shade can be applied near the eyebrow. Forget about glosses, they are unacceptable for heavy eyelids.
  • If the arrow is lowered down, and not up, then the look will seem unkind. A round and straight arch of the eyebrows will also not add beauty to the makeup and may even make it ridiculous.
  • Do not take liquid eyeliner, as it is difficult to blend. It's better to just take a pencil. Shadows also need to be carefully shaded, so you should not take liquid ones. If you do not shade the shadows, then the situation with the impending century only gets worse.
  • If you decide to make the lips the brightest spot, then do not try to express your eyes too much with makeup.
  • Poor-quality cosmetics leads to too rapid damage to makeup, it is smeared and all efforts are nullified.

Consider makeup options for impending eyelids

Day makeup

All you need is a pencil and ink. The arrow, starting with a thin line from the middle of the eyelid, should be thicker at the end. This rule is common to all make-up for impending eyelids. Lower eyelashes do not need to be painted at all, and it is better to paint over the upper ones well.

Light shadows are applied to the eyelids, the outer corners are highlighted with creamy shadows with light mother-of-pearl. Shades in brown shades will help make the eyes more expressive. It is enough to decorate with brown shadows the entire upper eyelid and a little lower.

Narrow eyes

Your task is to make such lines to form the letter V. One line is drawn over the upper eyelid, where the crease passes, and the other on the eyelid. It is better to use a brown or gray pencil. All lines must be shaded with a special brush. Highlight the inner corner of the eye with dark light shades.

The moving part of the eyelid is painted with light shadows, their border should be on the crease. Dark shadows are applied to the lower eyelid, which are carefully shaded. At the top, the eyes are drawn with a gray pencil. It is better to curl eyelashes with a special device and coat them thickly. It is this makeup for narrow eyes with an impending eyelid that will make the image harmonious and distract from the structural features of the eyes and eyelids.

Round eyes

When doing makeup for round eyes with an impending eyelid, first of all, you need to reduce the eyes and make them more oriental. You will need a minimum of cosmetics. The pencil will help draw clear lines that will hide the flaw. Make a small neat arrow, and you can refuse the shadow.

Small eyes

To make the right makeup for small eyes with an impending eyelid, you need to paint over the lower eyelid with gray shadows and blend them from bottom to top. So the eyelids will appear more elevated, and the look will bewitch with its depth. Long lashes make the eyes look bigger, so try to apply a thick layer on them. False eyelashes, whole or in tufts, will also improve the situation. Take a soft pencil to lightly line the lower eyelid.

planted eyes

In order to make makeup for deep-set eyes with an impending eyelid, you should choose not too bright and not too faded shadows. Their shade should be medium. Apply shadow just above the crease. Draw thin arrows as close to the eyelashes as possible. The arrow at the beginning of the eye at the bridge of the nose should be thicker than at the end at the temple. Eyelashes should be thick, they need to be painted only at the top, it is better to leave them untouched at the bottom. Thick eyebrows and bright lipstick will create the desired effect. Set eyes don't need shadows.

evening make-up

Artificial lighting, which is present in the evening, can play a very cruel joke, make the face plain. Therefore, it is worth making a bright evening make-up, saturated in colors. Shadows need to be taken not brown, as is customary, but burgundy, black, blue, but in no case pearly or with sparkles. The eyes also stand out brightly, you need to use eyeliner along with mascara.

Consider the eye makeup of stars with an impending eyelid.