Do smokey eye makeup. Smokey eye makeup for brown eyes - Conquer with a smoky look. purple smoky ice

Smokey ice makeup allows you to create an unusually attractive look, emphasizing the beauty of the eyes and hiding small flaws. Many people think that smokey ice should be done in black and gray. After all smoky eyes translates as "smoky eyes". This approach has long been outdated, since you can make smokey ice in any color. Its capabilities allow you to take into account eye color, skin type, outfit and specific situation.

Features of smoky eyes makeup

This classical technique make-up appeared at the beginning of the last century. Then the image of a vamp woman was very fashionable. This is understandable, since the sophistication of makeup creates a certain drama in the appearance.

The smokey ice makeup technique is based on feathered shadows that have smooth transitions of shades. As a result, a light haze envelops the eyes, giving the look a mystery and attractiveness. Using this makeup technique, the main focus should be on the eyes. Moreover, it is performed not necessarily in ash-black matte colors, but also in purple, green, gray and brown shades. Some danger is Blue colour, because sometimes it gives the effect of bruising.

Today, smokey ice is acceptable as an evening and day makeup, although much is determined by the selection of shades of shadows and eyeliners. Evening makeup is performed more saturated and dark, and daytime makeup is done in softer shades.

Smokey ice execution sequence

Before applying makeup, you should even out the skin color with a corrector and eliminate its imperfections. You can powder your eyelids a little. The following is a smokey ice makeup step by step.

  • Eyeliner. This is where the makeup starts. Eyeliner is done with a cosmetic pencil. But you can circle the eye contour with a flat brush. It must be remembered that this technique does not allow the use of liquid eyeliner. After all, its main difference is obtaining a strict, clear contour. And pronounced lines are contraindicated for smokey ice makeup.
  • In the outer corners, the contour line rises slightly towards the temples and becomes much thicker than in the inner corners.
  • The contour is carefully shaded. A thinner line is made along the contour of the lower eyelid, which is also shaded.
  • Shadows are better to choose close shades that create an effect after application. smooth transition. Well, if the color scheme of the shadows is combined with a pencil.
  • Shadows of the darkest shade are applied to upper eyelid thick layer from the outer corner to the inner. Shadows need to outline the contour, emphasize the arc in the eye socket.
  • Apply shadows on the lower eyelid from the outer corners of the eyes. Moving towards the inner corners, you need to reduce the intensity of the color.
  • Apply light shadows (for example, light gray, pearl, beige) from the crease of the eyelid to the eyebrows, upwards.
  • All transitions and borders must be shaded.
  • Mascara should be applied thickly on the upper and lower eyelashes. Especially intense - in the outer corners of the eyes.

Other ways to do smokey ice

The considered makeup option is not the only one. It's just more common. To know the intricacies of how to do smokey ice makeup, it is useful to try other variations of this technique. For example, the base color of the shadows (charcoal black in classical form) can be replaced with a thicker pencil line. It should be shaded upward along the moving eyelid. This operation is often performed not with an applicator or brush, but with the pads of the fingers. You can also spread the shadows with your finger.

Sometimes makeup artists first apply to the middle upper eyelid shades of an intermediate shade (usually colored). Then the most dark tone(black) is superimposed along the lash line, as well as under the crease and on the outer corner of the eye. Then they are shaded.

Some stylists do eyeliner with a pencil not at the beginning, but after applying the shadows.

Combinations of shades of shadows with eye color

For creating harmonious image shades of shadows and their saturation should match the color of the eyes, as well as the color of the hair and skin.

smokey ice for brown eyes includes rules:

  • for swarthy girls - a brown-olive shade;
  • suitable for light skin: purple, lilac, cornflower blue, bright blue shades.

Smokey ice for green eyes involves the use of chocolate, golden, dark green, purple shades.

IN smoky ice for blue eyes used: bright blue, pale pink, jet black, lavender, lilac, taupe, silver and gold shades.

Rules smoky ice for gray eyes :

  • To golden skin sand and bronze shades are suitable;
  • to light skin: purple, blue, turquoise, green shades;
  • to other skin types: chocolate, green, dark blue, dark brown shades.

Classic colors (black, light beige, dark gray) are ideal for gray and gray-blue eyes and any hair color.

Fashionistas should not forget that for smokey ice, you need to choose lipstick and gloss in neutral colors. Rules good taste require highlighting one thing so that the makeup does not look vulgar. So, a clear line of eyebrows should be added to the smokey ice makeup, gentle makeup lips and a slight blush. For irresistible appearance nothing more is required.

Incredibly popular all over the world and every day the number of its adherents is only growing. Girls with any color and shape of eyes are instantly transformed thanks to smokey ice.

Soft transitions between colors, creating a charming haze around the eyes, are traditionally performed in black colors. But such a range of shadows is more suitable for evening events, it is not suitable for every day because of its expressiveness and drama. Professional makeup artists suggested great way out from this situation - colored smoky eyes. Thus, one can choose perfect shade for a specific color type.

Executed in brown tones such a make-up is perfect for every day, it both beautifully emphasizes the eyes, and does not look defiantly bright. it’s very easy even for a beginner makeup artist, because for the convenience of girls, leading cosmetic brands began to produce ready-made eyeshadow palettes, the colors in which are selected in accordance with all color requirements.

It is also very important to have a good soft pencil or black gel eyeliner to create smokey. The quality of the pencil should be paid attention close attention, since they draw a line in a very sensitive area- internal mucosa of the lower eyelid. Such a procedure is not calmly tolerated by everyone, and if a hard scratching pencil is still used for these purposes, then the result may not be a beautiful make-up, but watery, irritated eyes.

Do not forget that smoky eyes (no matter what color the shadows will be used) focuses on the eyes, which means that lips should be painted with nude lipstick or calm gloss.

Perfect daytime makeup

Soft brown haze emphasizes the eyes incredibly beautifully, but in order to achieve best result, the skin of the face should be especially carefully prepared before starting makeup. If slight negligence is allowed in the shadows, giving a special charm to such a make-up, then the tone of the face should be perfect. The presented step-by-step instructions for creating smokey ice are designed for brown-haired women with bright eyes, this make-up will look most impressive with this type of appearance. But according to the same scheme, you can make a make-up for blondes and brunettes, adding minor changes to the selected shade of brown shadows.

Steps to create smokey ice:

  • Align the tone and color of the skin with a foundation or other product suitable for the type of epidermis.
  • Apply a small amount of blush on the cheekbones.
  • To paint over and comb the eyebrows - beautifully defined eyebrows are very important for such a make-up, a pencil that matches the color of the hair is perfect for brunettes, a lighter shade for blondes, and a darker tone for brown-haired women.
  • Cover the eyelids from above with a base for shadows, distribute a small amount also on the lower eyelid. If there is no base, then you can use foundation.
  • Most dark shade from a palette (for example, from L'Oreal Paris Color richo) apply to the entire moving eyelid, carefully blending it.
  • With a mother-of-pearl-coffee shade, highlight the center of the moving eyelid, apply it with a small brush on top of the main color.

  • warm brown smoothly blend the transitions between colors, Special attention pay attention to the border between the mobile and immovable eyelids.
  • Select the lightest shade inner corner eye and a strip under the eyebrows to visually make the eyes bigger and achieve a glow effect.
  • Draw with a thin black liner neat arrow along the upper eyelid, moving from the inner corner to the outer.
  • On the lower eyelid, make an arrow with brown pencil, the line should be quite intense, use a soft brush to slightly shade the borders of the color.
  • Make up the eyelashes with black mascara with the effect of volume.
  • lipstick natural shade Complete the smoky brown makeup.

brown smoky

Brown smoky eyes for the impending century

Smokey ice will help correct many imperfections in the shape and size of the eyes, so it is safely called universal. With the help of this technique, it is easy to "open" the eye and make it more expressive in such a common problem as an impending eyelid. In general, makeup for the impending eyelid has a number of features: it should be brighter than usual and you should definitely focus on the outer corner of the eye, namely, the area where the shadows are applied should be stretched towards the temples. Smoky eyes in brown can be daytime as it is calmer than the classic black and gray option, but it is also a great option for the evening.

Smokey ice for the impending century step by step:

  • Prepare the skin for makeup application (cleansing, scrubbing, toning and moisturizing). Since this is an evening make-up, there are increased requirements for the skin: it must be in perfect condition, thanks to this, the durability of the makeup will be higher and the image itself will be much more successful. With this make-up, the eyes attract close attention, so the skin of the face must meet high requirements.
  • Even out skin tone with foundation, mask imperfections with corrector, emphasize cheekbones.
  • Pin Foundation a thin layer of powder, including it must be applied to the eyelids. primer in this case it is not necessary to use, since the base of the makeup will be done with gel shadows.
  • Cover the entire moving eyelid with dark brown gel shadows, wipe the brush to remove the remnants of the shadows, and then blend the color towards the eyebrows. It is necessary to very carefully and gently pull them onto the moving eyelid.
  • Apply the same eyeliner to the lower eyelid.

  • Fix the color on top with a cool shade of brown using a wide flat brush.
  • With a shading brush, soften the sharp border of the shadows towards the eyebrows.
  • With the same shadows (cold tone), also fix the bottom line of the eyeliner.
  • Highlight the brow area with a soft yellow tint, then make a light accent on this area with the help of golden mother-of-pearl.
  • With black gel eyeliner, draw an arrow along the upper eyelid and paint over the mucous membrane below.
  • Curl your lashes with a curling iron and double coat them with jet black mascara.
  • Make up your lips with a colorless gloss.

Smoky Smokey Ice Makeup is currently one of the most popular trends in the field of make-up. Its distinctive feature is smooth, gradual transitions of shades of carefully shaded shadows.

The result of this technique looks like a light haze that envelops the eyes and gives a special appeal to the look.

Features of smokey ice makeup

color palette can be almost any- ranging from black and gray matte tones, ending with more daring ones - green, purple, blue.

Note! The blue-blue gamut is also applicable to make-up using the Smokey Ice technique. However, it should be handled with care, because shades of the blue palette can create a bruising effect.

To make the makeup look harmonious and successfully complement the image, it must be done correctly. Therefore, we will consider step by step how to make up the eyes of Smokey Ice. The Smokey Ice technique is suitable for evening, expressive make-up, and for a more natural, delicate daytime one.

Choosing a palette for eye color

Before you make up your eyes using the smoky ice technique, you need to decide on the color palette of the shadows.

It is important to choose the right color palette for makeup

For creating whole image for each eye color should be selected "your" appropriate palette that harmonizes with it.

The shade will depend not only on the shade of the iris, but also on the color type of the fashionista. For example, to blond hair or hair ashy shades suitable cold palette- steel, lavender, silver, pearl shades; and the pencil is black or graphite.

Women with this color type have ample opportunities for experimenting with the most different shades shadows. The most popular are gray, chocolate and golden shades.

Redheads should prefer warmer tones. that will help focus on natural beauty eyes, such as coffee, beige-gold or a shade of bronze. Although marsh and olive shades can come up.

Beyond hair color it is also necessary to take into account the shade of the eyebrows and skin, since, starting from one or two parameters, it will not be possible to create an integral, harmonious image.

For blue and gray eyes the selection of a specific color of the shadows in the makeup will be determined by the saturation of the shade of the iris, which can vary from pale blue to bright blue.

For blue eyes, makeup can be done in beige and gray tones.

During the day, you can make up your eyes using the smoky ice technique in pearl or gray-brown or light beige tones, as well as pastel colors - lavender or champagne.

For the evening version, shades that can make the eyes the main focus of the image are suitable.

Here suitable shades that contrast as much as possible with the tone of the iris; depending on its color, it is permissible to use turquoise, shade of the deep sea, bronze sand-golden, orange, copper, plum.

For green eyes a worthy frame will be creamy golden, brown, beige or lilac-plum shades.

It is these color solutions that will be in harmony with the color of the iris, depending on the intensity of the application of the color, different shades of green will be emphasized to varying degrees.

The black haze, which has become canonical for the Smokey Ice makeup technique, is not recommended for green eyes.

To make up in the style of Smokey Ice brown eyes, suitable as a classic black version (however, it will be relevant for creating an evening - bright and expressive make-up), and the whole diverse palette brown shades- from deep chocolate to muted copper or beige.

Light skin tones and blonde hair are not combined with increased color saturation, as the accent will be too obvious.

What you need for smokey ice makeup

Let's decide what you need to arm yourself with to make up your eyes using the Smokey Ice technique.

For smokey ice, you need to choose the right brushes.

For the classic version in the smoke black color scheme, you should prepare:

  • foundation for eyelid makeup, primer;
  • black eyeliner, preferably soft;
  • black ink; a good result, in particular, gives mascara with an eyelash-lengthening effect;
  • eyelash curlers;
  • black eyeshadow;
  • dark gray eye shadow;
  • eyeshadow shade "ivory";
  • brush or sponge for applying shadows;
  • brush for blending the applied lines.

Preparing to Apply Smokey Eyes

It will be more convenient if, before starting to apply makeup, before proceeding, prepare all of the above on the list so that everyone the right tools and means were friend.

Before starting makeup on the face, apply cream.

You should also take care of lighting: it should not be too bright or asymmetrical; both sides of the face should be illuminated with the same brightness.

Interesting fact! Majority professional cosmetologists and make-up artists who participated in a survey on professional make-up techniques expressed the opinion that the most common mistake newcomers make is applying makeup in the wrong light.

That is why, in their opinion, as a result, makeup is obtained with errors and imperfections.

Of course, perfectly smooth, smooth skin faces without a single flaw are a rarity, therefore, in order for makeup to look perfect, skin should be properly prepared:

  • to start - needs to moisturize with the help of a tonic;
  • apply daily cream , and after it is completely absorbed, blot the skin with a napkin to remove the remnants of the cream;
  • redness and inflammation on the skin that spoil the look, as well as dark circles under the eyes, help hide and corrector: an antibacterial green corrector is suitable for masking pimples, and with masking dark circles a yellow corrective will do just fine;
  • note: Sponge allows you to apply on the skin more thin layer foundation compared to applying it with your fingertips; therefore, it is recommended to apply the foundation with the help of a sponge - so the make-up as a whole will look more natural;
  • to fix the result apply face powder, using for this big brush; this line will hide oily sheen and give your makeup a finished look.

For make-up during the day, it is better to use matte powder as close to the skin tone as possible, and for evening make-up, you can experiment with iridescent, shimmering shades.

Eye preparation consists in leveling the tone of the eyelids using the base for applying shadows and curling the eyelashes with special tweezers.

The foundation will fix the make-up, allowing it to hold on longer without spreading or smearing; and curled eyelashes will give even more expressiveness to the look, making it more open.

Rules for applying shadows

As already said, shadows should be selected as close as possible tones to each other, because after applying to the eyelids, the transition should visually be smoother.

The darkest shadows are applied to the upper eyelid
in the direction from the outer corner to the inner in such a way that they outlined the contour of the edge of the orbit in the form of an arc. In the same direction, the color saturation should decrease.

Guided by the same principles, the lower eyelid is also formed - in the direction from the outer corner of the eye to the inner, most intense at the outer corner of the eye, gradually lowering the brightness of the color.

Most light tone(for example, “ivory, pearl or beige) is applied above the crease of the eyelid, under the eyebrow.

The presence of a visible clear boundary between zones painted in different colors is unacceptable.

According to the different way of applying shadows, an intermediate shade is applied to the central part of the upper eyelid first, after which the darkest tone (with classic version- black) is applied along the lash line and on the crease of the eyelid.

Borders should be blurred
. And the next step - the light tone of the shadows is located between the crease of the upper eyelid and the eyebrow.

Smoky Eyes - Smoky Makeup Step by Step

To properly make fashionable Smokey Ice, look beautiful and irresistible, every girl needs to learn how to correct execution technology smoky makeup.

You can emphasize your beauty with light daytime makeup, and if the exit is planned in the evening, then with a bewitching evening one.

As we already know, "Smoky Ice" - translates as "smoky eyes". The technique of this method is to express the eyes dark shadows in gradient form. That is, the shadows move from one color to another smoothly and literally dissolve the look.

In the classic version, it is considered that the color of the shadows is limited to gray and black., but that's not the case at all. To date, makeup artists have come up with such a wide variety of this technique that you can even experiment at home with brown, beige, green or purple. The color depends on what kind of eyes you have.

For proper makeup in the style of "smoky eyes" you will need: shadows (two colors), eyeliner pencil (not liquid!), brush.

Let's get started:

Fashionistas need to consider that when choosing "smoky ice" it is better to use lipstick light shades . Only the eyes will be the focus here. And if they are made up weakly, then you can choose a brighter lipstick.

For example, red or fuchsia. For a beautiful make-up, you only need a little blush, a neutral lipstick or gloss, and a clear line of eyebrows. Otherwise, you can look too vulgar or accidentally achieve an unbearable “doll” effect by many.

Smoky Eyes Makeup Step by Step Photo Instructions

Technique for performing the classic daytime Smokey Ice:

Technique for performing a bright festive Smokey Ice:

Technique for performing a bewitching green Smokey Ice:

Evening Smoky Eyes Technique:

Smokey Ice technique for blue eyes:

Magic Purple Smoky Eyes Technique:

How to make arrows

No smokey ice is complete without an arrow. You need to know how to draw it correctly.

The arrow is a continuous line with a smooth clear contour connecting the inner and outer corners of the eye, drawn along the lash line.

It is performed with a cosmetic pencil(preferably soft) black, dark gray or dark brown(depending on the colors makeup); or special eyeliner.

Towards the outer corner of the eye the arrow should expand and rise slightly towards the temporal region- this will give more expressiveness to the look.

The next stage is careful shading of the line drawn with a pencil; this will create a "smoky" look environment. Shading is done with a thin brush.

Eyelash coloring

This - The final stage performing eye makeup. Several layers of mascara with a lengthening effect will be the final touch for a complete make-up look.

Paying special attention to this, and most intensively staining the cilia on the outer corners of the eyes, it will be possible to achieve maximum expressiveness of the look.

Eyebrow shaping

Speaking of how to effectively make up your eyes with smoky ice style, you can't help but touch the eyebrow shaping. After all, expressive eyes require no less expressive framing.

Correct eyebrow emphasize the beauty of smoky ice.

For clearance eyebrow fit cosmetic pencil or shadows that have a shade as close as possible to their own eyebrow color; optional, for a brighter result, you can take the color a little darker.

Use of concealer

To the choice of shade of concealer to perform makeup in this technique should be approached very carefully, because the color scheme This makeup, which implies smoky shades, is too contrasting with light shades of concealer.

On excessively lightened areas of the skin around the eyes, such makeup will look somewhat unnatural.

In addition, it must be taken into account that in different time years, the skin will be suitable for a different tone of concealer.

Features of evening smoky ice

While creating evening look smokey ice to make up your eyes, as in the daytime version, is easy; The main thing - correct selection colors and neatness.

bright and expressive makeup make the following features:

  • more saturated shades compared to daytime makeup - discreet and delicate;
  • do not interfere, but only add expressiveness to the look, false eyelashes;
  • in subdued light or evening twilight, clearly let down looks spectacular, Contrasting brow contour; the tone of the pencil for this should be chosen based on the shade of the hair;
  • shadows for evening makeup Smokey Ice fit iridescent, sparkling; the most saturated and colorful tones are acceptable;
  • when using gloss it is expedient applying foundation for eye makeup, as it will prevent shedding of glitter particles.

Some secrets of the Smokey Ice technique

Make up eyes "as in the picture" is not enough. Eye makeup should be in harmony with the makeup of the face as a whole. without getting out of the picture.

Here are some secrets
, which will help create a solid attractive image:

  1. shading. Distinctive feature Smokey Ice makeup is the so-called haze effect, which is achieved by a smooth transition between different shades. When performing Smokey Ice makeup, it is not allowed to have clear lines. To achieve this goal, you should arm yourself with a convenient brush for blending shadows;
  2. Lipstick selection. Makeup made using the Smokey Ice technique involves creating an accent in the eye area. You should choose a lipstick of soothing shades. You can also use neutral gloss. An exception may be, perhaps, the evening version of Smokey Ice makeup, where more saturated tones of lipstick can be used.
  3. Applying blush. Blush should be preferred in soft, calm, close to neutral tones so that they do not look like a bright spot next to the main accent - the eyes.

Important to remember! Whatever color shadow is chosen for makeup, it should be in harmony not only with the color of the iris, but also with a shade of hair, eyebrows, skin - in a word, with a color type.

Only if these conditions are met, the makeup will look harmonious, and the image will look natural.

Useful videos about the rules for applying smoky eye makeup (Smoky Ice)

This video will show you how to do smokey eye makeup step by step:

The following video shows the implementation of smokey ice makeup in brown tones:

This video will teach you how to do smokey ice makeup for the impending century:

Among the popular makeup techniques, one of the most popular is smokey ice. This type of make-up is considered classic. evening option, it is performed in dark, often ash-black, tones and focuses on the eyes. We have selected for you interesting information about variations of such makeup for each eye color, as well as tips on how to make smokey ice at home.

Smokey ice doesn't count. This solution is suitable for an evening event, going to a club or theme party. Doing such a make-up in the morning without a special reason is considered inappropriate and tasteless. Each socialite girl it will be useful to master the smokey ice makeup technique in case, say, an unforeseen date in a restaurant, step-by-step instructions with a photo will come in handy here.

For makeup you will need:

The figure shows schematically how to distribute color spectrums, creating smokey ice.

Follow the step-by-step instructions, and you will certainly come out in the style of smoky ice.

1., make sure that there are no gaps along the lash line.

2. Apply base color with a brush intended for this over the contour, on the movable eyelid, on the crease area and slightly above it.

3. . Use a shade darker than the main one. Blend.

4. Same way highlight the crease in the closed century.

5. on the fixed upper eyelid middle round brush, on the bottom - flat. Mark the corners of the eye with a black pencil.

6. highlight eyelashes with mascara.

In addition to the emphasis on the eyes, which is achieved with such as smokey ice, do not be afraid to highlight the lips too. Red, wine and marsala lipsticks are perfect for evening smokey ice.

From English "smoky eyes" means "smoky eyes". This makeup involves shading shadows on the upper and lower eyelids. Pencil, eyeliner and mascara will also help to focus on the eyes. The eyes themselves can be visually enlarged or reduced, their shape can be adjusted. In such evening make-up can be combined different colors, use mica, mother-of-pearl and shimmering pigments.

Smokey ice is relevant for blondes, brunettes and brown-haired women with any eye color. But when using a color palette in makeup, you need to be guided by the principles of combining shades in a make-up.

Brown-eyed girls Feel free to experiment with all sorts of bright shadows . Almost the entire color palette suits this eye color. Most often, smokey ice is made for brown eyes in green, purple, blue and bronze colors.

Smokey eye makeup for green eyes

Owners of green eyes will look more expressive if smokey ice is made using shades such as purple, emerald green, turquoise, taupe. It is worth paying attention to the golden shadows. They will give the look of mystery and attractiveness.

Smokey ice for blue eyes

The beauty of blue eyes will be shaded by any cold colors. Very taupe gray looks beautiful in combination with blue. From warm colors it can be beige and yellow, as well as orange.

Smokey ice for gray eyes

Gray suits the eyes metallic. Can good to pair it with white. Also all shades of green and blue. Owners of gray eyes, whose skin and hair have a warm undertone, can use the following colors in makeup: ocher, bronze, beige. Girls with ash blonde hair, gray eyebrows and pale suitable for skin cold pink and lavender.

Smokey ice can be both simple in execution and complex using a mass of different cosmetics all sorts of colors. It can be performed in two colors, or it can be complicated by numerous ombre transitions from one shade to another. Determine which colors are most relevant to you, and feel free to use them for an evening smoky ice.

A unique feature of the "smoky make-up" (smoky ice) for green eyes is its ability to create attractive images, emphasize all the advantages of the eyes, and successfully mask flaws. This technique is one of the most common in the art of make-up.

Let's talk about the nature of smokey ice

The original makeup technique, including for green eyes, which is based on careful shading of several shades of shadows, stylists call smokey ice. From English it means “eyes in a haze”. If we talk about the number of tones of decorative shadows, then the best option for "smoky makeup" is a combination of 4-5 shades.

There are a huge number of smokey eye makeup options that are perfect for green eyes. It will not be difficult for owners of eyes of this color to choose an eyeshadow palette for applying make-up in this style. A variety of combinations of shades are suitable for green eyes:

  • brown and golden;
  • purple and plum;
  • nude and brown;
  • gray and black;
  • dark and light green, etc.

Smokey ice was originally conceived as makeup for evening walks and events. But now the scope of its use has expanded significantly. "Smoky make-up" has become a favorite daytime makeup technique among women and girls with green eyes.

When applying smokey ice makeup, flat brushes are used for applying shadows, soft brushes for blending, and eyeliners. Eyeliner can be used at the penultimate stage of eye design. The peculiarity of this technique is the very careful shading of each layer of shadows to create the effect of an invisible transition from light shades to dark ones.

Advice!The palette of shadows for smokey ice should match not only the color of the eyes, but also the skin and hair. Dark-skinned green-eyed women do not like light “smoky makeup”. Owners of green eyes fair skin and hair will not fit a dark make-up.

Basic makeup rules

It is important to know general rules, which will help you figure out how to do smokey ice makeup in order to emphasize the natural mystery of green eyes. The technique of "smoky makeup" is a platform for active creativity.

There are two basic techniques for applying shadows in “smoky makeup”:

  • to narrow the eyes - the shadows are "taken away" a little beyond the outer corner of the eye;
  • to expand the eyes - the tip of the shadows "ends" above the outer corner of the eye.

Smokey ice is applied in stages.

  • Stage 1. Preparation for applying facial skin makeup. "Smoky makeup" requires a particularly careful approach to the preparation of the skin. He does not tolerate strongly prominent flaws. Tools such as tonal creams, correctors, powder are used. It is important to apply a foundation before applying eye shadow so that it looks attractive for longer.
  • Stage 2. Outlining the line of the eyes along the mucosa of the upper and lower eyelids. To do this, it is recommended to use soft eyeliners of the required shades. The line at the outer corner of the eye, obtained with a pencil, should be slightly thicker.

  • Stage 3. Applying several shades of shadows in turn, accompanied by careful shading to create smooth and imperceptible transitions between colors. The darkest shadows are superimposed along the lash line, medium shades - on the moving eyelid, light - on the brow area. The inner corner is often highlighted with mother-of-pearl light shadows.
  • Step 4: Apply mascara with volumetric effect on eyelashes.

Advice! Dark shadows for smoky eyes create an effect expressive look green eyes. Most suitable for evening "smoky makeup". A light palette combined with green eyes is an option for a daytime smoky eye.

Day smoky makeup

Smokey ice makeup can be an option for both daytime and evening make-up. One way to achieve a daytime smoky eye is makeup using brown-beige motifs for green eyes. To implement this idea, shadows of 4-5 shades can be used, for example:

  • beige;
  • taupe;
  • black;
  • white pearlescent.

Step 1. Makeup base (or powder) is applied to the eyelid in order to prevent further shadow rolling. Beige light shadows are superimposed on most of the upper eyelid in the center.

Step 2. With a soft black pencil, a line is drawn on the upper eyelid along the growth of the upper eyelashes.

Step 3. The line thus obtained is shaded with a soft brush. Then another line is drawn slightly more than halfway along the upper eyelid. It also blends well.

Step 4. Black shadows are superimposed on the upper eyelid in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe outer and inner corners of the eye with the help of patting movements. To do this, use a cone-shaped makeup brush.

Step 5. Shadows of a gray-brown shade are applied to the rest of the upper eyelid.

Step 6. The corners of the eyes, where black shadows were applied and shaded, are also shaded with a dark purple color.

Step 7. The brow area is shaded with a flat brush with white mother-of-pearl shadows. It gives the eyes visual effect magnification.

Step 8. Along the line of the upper and lower lashes lines are drawn on the eyelids with a black soft eyeliner.

Step 9. The final note of make-up is coloring the cilia with mascara.

Advice! For girls with close-set eyes, when drawing the lower eyelid along the lash line with a dark pencil, you should not bring the line to the inner corner of the eyes. This visually brings the eyes closer to each other even more. You can use light shadows instead.

Burgundy version of the daytime "smoky makeup" for green eyes

We offer a step-by-step look at the implementation of smokey ice makeup in burgundy-gray shades for green eyes. For him, eyeshadows of such shades are needed:

  • dark brown;
  • black;
  • dark gray;
  • burgundy mother-of-pearl;
  • white pearlescent.

Step 1. To begin with, facial skin is prepared for applying makeup. For this purpose, foundation, makeup base, powder are used. After the preparation is completed, you can proceed to the direct imposition of shadows.

Step 2. Dark eyeshadows are applied to the upper eyelid. gray color shadows. Matte shadows in dark brown are superimposed on the crease of the upper eyelid. Then this ball of makeup is carefully shaded. This helps to give extra depth to the look.

Step 3. Pearlescent burgundy shadows are applied to the middle of the lower eyelid.

Step 4. The water line of the upper and lower eyelids is highlighted with a black eyeliner. Also, shades of gray are superimposed behind the burgundy mother-of-pearl layer, closer to the outer corner of the eye, but not reaching it. The gray pigment is shaded.

Step 5. Following the shades of gray, decorative shades of black are applied already in the outermost corner of the eye. They need to be carefully shaded.

Touch plays an important role in the creation good makeup

Step 6. The inner corner of the eye is highlighted with white pearl shadows. Also white pearl shade the lower eyelid is brought up.

Step 7. Using a black eyeliner, a not very thick arrow line is drawn on the upper movable eyelid.

Step 8. Eyelashes are painted with black mascara with an effect to increase volume. Smokey ice in burgundy colors is ready. Owner grey-green eyes can successfully fascinate and conquer others.

Advice!To make the eyes look more expressive, and the look seemed deeper, it is recommended to use a soft eyeliner to draw the water line of both eyelids. But this technique visually narrows the eyes, therefore, women with small eyes should avoid using it.

Evening smoky ice for green eyes

This version of smokey ice can serve as an evening make-up for green eyes (photo). For him, you should use the following shadows:

  • coral;
  • golden;
  • dark brown.

Step 1. After preparing the skin for makeup, you should align and clearly highlight the line of the eyebrows. For this purpose, an eyeliner of some shade of dark brown or close to the color of the eyebrows themselves is used.

Step 2. You need to apply shadows coral color with a soft brush on the upper eyelid, as well as half the height of the brow area and blend well. The same light shadows are superimposed on the lower eyelid.

Step 3. With a thinner brush, apply pearlescent golden decorative pigment to the upper eyelid, which is mobile.

Step 4. The mucosal line along both eyelids should be highlighted with dark brown shadows using a thin brush.

Step 5. Then you need to draw an arrow line along the upper eyelid using black eyeliner. From the inner to the outer corner of the eye, the eyeliner line should be slightly expanded.

Step 6. The next step is to line the eye along the lower eyelid with a soft black pencil.

Step 7. At the final stage of the make-up using the technique of coral-golden smoky ice, you need to make up the cilia with voluminous mascara. And the captivating makeup is ready. Lush false eyelashes are also perfect for parties.

Advice!You should not use bright lipsticks with such makeup for green eyes. In make-up, the emphasis should be on one thing. If we selected the eyes, then ideal option for lips will be a colorless gloss or neutral tones of lipstick.

The mystery of the emerald evening smoky ice

A very interesting and peculiar version of smokey ice is makeup in emerald tones for green eyes (photo). It will require decorative shades of several shades, namely:

  • light brown, nude, close to skin color;
  • light green, light green;
  • dark green, emerald;
  • dark brown.

Step 1. At this stage, traditionally using special means it is necessary to prepare the face and eyelids in particular for applying makeup.

Step 2. After completion preparatory actions shadows of a nude shade are superimposed on the lower eyelid, as well as the brow area up to half of its height. Shade thoroughly.

Step 3 Using a black soft pencil, a black line is applied to the upper eyelid along its line.

Dark smoky make-up. Step 1-4

Step 4. With a soft makeup brush, shadows of a dark emerald shade are superimposed on the moving eyelid over the black line drawn by the pencil, not reaching slightly to the inner corner of the eye. Then they are shaded.

Step 5. After that, with a soft brush, light green shadows are applied to the inner corner of the eye, as well as to the lower eyelid. They also need to be shaded.

Step 6. With a soft black pencil, both eyelids are highlighted along the mucous membrane - the lower and upper.

Step 7. With the help of mother-of-pearl green eyeliner, a thin line is drawn on the moving eyelid.

Step 8. The final touch of the make-up is coloring the cilia with mascara with a volumetric effect.

Advice! Owners of green eyes should be very careful to use shadows of green shades. It is necessary to choose a green palette of only such a tone, which will differ significantly from the shade of the eyes themselves. Because makeup should not merge with the eyes, but set off and emphasize them.

It is obvious that the wealth of smokey ice makeup made using the smokey ice technique is not limited to the considered interesting techniques. Owners of green eyes can give free rein to their imagination in combining the color palette of shadows.

Step-by-step instructions for applying smokey ice makeup in purple shades

It is in connection with this that stylists consider this eye color to be universal. True, in their experiments, green-eyed women should also proceed from some rules for selecting shades, primarily green, blue, gray, in order to avoid merging the shade of the eyes with the color of the shadows. By combining the right shadows, with the help of “smoky makeup”, a green-eyed girl can create a bewitching, captivating image for herself.