How to change the shape of your eyebrows at home. Correct eyebrow shape for an oval face, photo. Choosing an eyebrow shape

What's in the article:

The fashion world annually offers new options for eyebrow design. The choice should be made on a form that will harmoniously complement the owner’s appearance. To avoid spending extra money on salon treatments, you can learn how to make straight eyebrows at home yourself.

Face and eyebrow shape

Before adjusting your eyebrows, you need to decide on your own type of facial contour. After this it is already selected suitable shape and bending. Makeup artists identify 5 main cases:

  1. Round outline. The owners have similar facial lengths and widths. The protruding part is the rounded cheeks. It is recommended to make the shape with a slight bend, but do not greatly lengthen it towards the temples.
  2. Square face. In this case the description is similar to round shape. Instead of cheeks, the girl has cheekbones. Straight lines of the chin and forehead of the same width. Eyebrows are also adjusted in accordance with the previous type. It is better to make the thickest part at the base, and reduce the thickness towards the end.
  3. A rectangular face differs from a square one only in height. The purpose of eyebrows is to visually expand the look. Therefore, the bend is made closer to the edge, and the main part should have a straight and even shape.
  4. Triangular outline. The widest part of the face is the forehead line, and the narrowest part is the chin. Eyebrows should be formed soft, even and with an undefined peak under the outer corner of the eye.
  5. Oval face. There are no obvious differences in the size of the upper and lower parts of the face. Some people may have prominent cheekbones. The shape of the eyebrows should be free of any strict, straight and obvious geometry. Only smooth and even lines.

After determining your face type and reading the recommendations, you need to understand how to make your eyebrows smooth and beautiful on your own.


The process of creating a shape involves emphasizing the contours of the existing eyebrows. If naturally thick and straight eyebrows grow, then the girl should not try to create thin, writhing threads herself. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is look at what curves nature forms on its own. Only then do you start making adjustments.


Like any procedure, the plucking process requires preparation. Those with sensitive skin are advised to steam their face using a hot towel. And girls with normal type skin, you can simply wash your face warm water.

For correction at home, you should stock up on the following items:

  • Brush. If you don’t have it in stock, you can use an empty mascara brush.
  • Tweezers.
  • Pencil.
  • Mirror.
  • Scissors.

You should also prepare an antiseptic cream or lotion in advance. It will help reduce redness and irritation on the skin.


To understand how to create an even eyebrow shape at home, you must first define their boundaries. This will help you see the future outlines, and if necessary, correct them yourself and make them straight and even. To do this, you can use the following technique:

  • Attach thin pencil to the wing of the nose and the inner corner of the eye. The intersection of the resulting straight line with the eyebrow will be the beginning.
  • Move the pencil from the inner corner of the eye to the outer corner. This way you can find the end of the line.

In this case, it is always worth focusing on the outlines available from nature. The next step is to comb the eyebrow hair. This manipulation must be carried out during correction so as not to remove the desired hairs. Using a brush you can make your eyebrows even and beautiful.

Now that the future beautiful shape has been outlined, you can begin plucking. Experts recommend pulling out along straight hair growth lines to avoid inflammation and ingrown hair follicles. Only hairs between and under the eyebrows can be removed.

If, after final combing, there are hairs sticking out and getting out of the total mass, it is better to straighten them out with scissors. And in case of accidental deletion desired hair Don’t be upset, because cosmetics come to the aid of girls.

Color and texture of cosmetics

Properly selected cosmetics will help you create smooth and beautiful eyebrows at home. The basic and always true principle of attractive appearance is a harmonizing color of eyebrows and hair. It’s easy to choose the right shade using the following recommendations:

  • For fair-haired girls, the ideal option would be eyebrows and hair that match in color.
  • If your hair color is red, then you can choose cosmetics in chocolate tones. At the same time, there should not be a strong difference between natural eyebrows and the chosen shade of the pencil.
  • Blondes should not buy black and dark cosmetics. Makeup artists recommend choosing light brown tones.

Another important aspect The key to creating smooth and beautiful shapes lies in drawing each individual hair. And it doesn’t matter what cosmetics are used.


The most common and easiest to use tool is a pencil. It is cheaper than all other products and has a wide selection of shades. The palette starts from black and ends with ashy. With its help, it will be easy to figure out how to make straight eyebrows at home.

There are two main methods of using a pencil:

  1. You can dye only your hair without touching your skin. To do this, just slightly moisten the stylus and gently walk through the hairs with the very tip. Such the method will work only for owners of thick and even eyebrows, when no obvious problems are visible.
  2. Paint both the hairs and the skin underneath them. This option for creating straight shapes is used much more often, as it makes it possible to fill the space between the hair with a more even color. Suitable for girls with both thick and sparse eyebrows.

The most important rule for using a pencil is to press lightly. Do not paint over the entire space or press hard. Trying to create perfectly clear and even eyebrows, there is a risk of getting an unnatural look.

There are also wax-based pencils. They allow you not only to paint the necessary straight areas and bends, but also to fix the position of the hairs. The use of this product on thin eyebrows is not recommended. This will make them visually less voluminous.


More and more varieties of eyebrow shadows have begun to appear on the market. The advantage of shadows is in kind. Even an inexperienced girl will find it difficult to go too far with the color intensity. The soft texture creates a naturally smooth and beautiful look.

The application rule is also to recreate the hairs on the skin. All movements should be soft and straight. It is better to follow them along the growth line. The more strokes, the more natural the result looks.

To use shadows you will have to purchase a special angled brush. Its shape is perfect for applying and shading the material. With its help you can draw both clear straight lines and invisible strokes. A brush can also be an addition. It evenly distributes the dry shadow material in case of a makeup mistake.


Lipstick is widely used by professional makeup artists. In their hands, such a cosmetic product allows you to create incredible and lasting images. However, it will be difficult for a beginner to understand how to create even eyebrows using lipstick. It is difficult to shade and apply. If you managed to achieve beautiful shape, then the makeup will last long time. At the same time, the lipstick is not afraid of water, which is why it was loved in a professional environment.


Using tint reduces the time of daily makeup. It is sold in the form of a felt-tip pen or brush. Tint is applied even layer for several hours, which gives a lasting, indelible color. When using, it is not recommended to draw too straight or curved shapes. It cannot be considered basic makeup, since the intensity is low. It only highlights the rare translucent spots between the hairs.

Making your eyebrows even and effectively maintaining their straight shape at home requires experience and skill. Don't be upset if the first time you get a different effect from the expected one. Beautiful makeup is natural and natural looking.

A beautiful face is what all girls dream of. Eyebrows play an important role in making this wish come true. If you choose the right shape for them, they will perfectly emphasize natural beauty faces and expressiveness of gaze.

You will learn how you can make eyebrows at home by reading the article.

Correct eyebrow shape - how to shape eyebrows at home?

To create the correct eyebrow shape, many factors should be taken into account: features and shape of the face, direction of the corners of the eyebrows and other. By following our following recommendations, you can easily do eyebrow correction at home.

Correct form:

  • Classic rounded smooth eyebrows Great for any face shape. They will not only open the eyelid, but will also rejuvenate your face a little;
  • Eyebrows "house" (triangular shape) is suitable for girls who naturally have a slightly higher center of the eyebrow. Otherwise, you risk looking surprised every day;
  • Rounded arched eyebrows were popular not only during the Soviet Union, but also among modern women. This shape is ideal for women with rough facial features, as it visually softens them a little;
  • Eyebrows with a “kink” - one of the most fashionable shapes among modern women. It will give your look expressiveness and your face - naturalness. With its help you can hide some facial imbalances;
  • Narrow straight eyebrows - perfect fit thin women, since they visually widen the face a little and smooth out a sharp chin.

Outer corners of eyebrows

Particular attention should be paid when shaping the eyebrows outer corners, because with their help you can completely change your facial expression:

  • Corners point up – this direction is typical only for women. It gives the face a certain naivety, tenderness and surprise;
  • Corners point down - this direction makes the face sad and tired. Fortunately, this physiological feature very rare;
  • The base of the eyebrow and the outer corner are located on the same line - the best direction. Women with such eyebrows can choose any shape for them, their face will still have an intelligent, thoughtful look.

Don't forget to take into account your individual characteristics:

  • Women with rough facial features Thin eyebrows will not work;
  • Massive eyebrows can ruin a sweet, gentle face;
  • Blondes don't suit dark eyebrows, and for brunettes - light ones.

How to pluck eyebrows correctly - video, detailed instructions

First you need to determine the correct position of the eyebrows, and for this you need to do one simple test.

Eyebrow shape test

Video: Eyebrow correction at home

    • Pluck eyebrows better evening , before going to bed, because after the procedure on sensitive skin the eyelid may experience slight irritation;
    • Correction must be carried out on clean skin , so be sure to remove your makeup before the procedure; Read: .
    • Hair should be removed in the direction of growth . Otherwise, they may begin to grow incorrectly and a shaggy effect will be created;
  • You should not use a razor or scissors when correcting your eyebrows. . Not only do you risk ruining the shape by unfastening too much, the result of such a correction is not very durable;
  • During the procedure, do not forget to ensure that your eyebrows are symmetrical ;
  • Many cosmetologists It is not recommended to pluck it yourself top line brows , you risk ruining its shape. Read also:

We told you all the secrets how to make beautiful eyebrows. Put them into practice and you will always have an irresistible look.

The right eyebrow shape can work wonders. It allows you to correct and add elegance to almost any face. However, creating beautiful eyebrows with your own hands is not so easy. Especially if you don’t know certain techniques and tricks that professional makeup artists use. In this article, you will learn how to create perfect eyebrows at home to always look irresistible.

Beautiful eyebrows are the calling card of any woman

Correction pencils, shadows, special brushes and tweezers - all these and many other tools are in the arsenal of a self-respecting lady. However, not everyone knows how to use them correctly. Because of irregular shape eyebrows, an imbalance of facial proportions occurs, due to which the appearance does not look as harmonious as its nature created it.

Of course, you can resort to this radical method, like eyebrow tattooing in a beauty center. But in in this case there is no guarantee that the master will perform his work efficiently and professionally. And the poor client will have to for a long time walk around with tattoo mistakes. That is why perfect option- learn how to correct the shape of your eyebrows yourself and give them a well-groomed, beautiful look.

How to choose a shape according to your face type?

The first thing you should pay attention to is the shape of your face. It will depend on her future form perfect eyebrows:

  • Oval long face. In this case, straight eyebrows will do. This will visually balance the balance and make the oval of the face more harmonious.
  • A round and square face will be well decorated with pointed eyebrows with a kink. At the same time, you should not leave too thick a contour. It will only make the image heavier.
  • A triangular face will look more feminine with rounded, flowing eyebrows.

For determining required length eyebrows you need to mark its beginning, end and highest point. For this purpose, you can use a regular cosmetic pencil. The beginning of the eyebrow should run along the line of the wing of the nose and the inner corner of the eye. Its end is determined similarly, but by the outer corner of the eye. The highest point is in the middle of the pupil.

We give the ideal shape with tweezers at home

Many women are concerned about the question of how to pluck beautiful eyebrows. This is very easy to do if you have a quality tool in your arsenal. It should be immediately noted that this procedure will not save you from correction forever. Moreover, you need to pluck your eyebrows every 4-5 days.

It is best to carry out the procedure in the morning. According to experts, at this time painful sensations much lower than in the evening. Before you start creating beautiful eyebrows, you need to wipe the tweezers and skin alcohol solution to prevent the entry of germs.

You need to pluck the hairs gradually, from the inner to the outer corner. At the same time, it is worth monitoring the thickness and length of the eyebrows and not deviating from the given shape. To prevent the procedure from being painful, you can cool the skin with an ice cube and stretch it slightly. This method is used by specialists who perform hair removal on the most delicate areas.

Beautiful eyebrows, photos of which are presented in the article, are the result of work professional makeup artists. Therefore, do not despair if you were unable to give the required form the first time. New hairs grow quickly enough, so in just 1-2 weeks it will be possible to correct the situation.

Thick or thin?

It is known that thread-thin eyebrows were popular among young ladies at the beginning of the 20th century. Over time, ideals began to change, and today you will not surprise anyone with thick black eyebrows against the background of light brown hair. However, you need to know when to stop everything. We recommend starting from individual characteristics faces.

If you have never plucked your eyebrows before, then start doing it gradually, bringing the shape to the ideal. The main thing is to stop in time and not pluck too much. Just for such purposes, there are special stencils that can be purchased at any cosmetics store. They allow you to choose not only the desired shape, but also the thickness of the contour.

If you still don’t know how to pluck beautiful eyebrows, then you can entrust the first correction to a professional. In the future, all that remains is to maintain the original form in proper form, which can be done independently.

Beautiful eyebrows with a pencil - corrective technique

For proper makeup For eyebrows, only high-quality cosmetic pencil or special shadows should be used. In the latter case, you also need to select an appropriate thin brush with a beveled edge.

First, you should outline the contour of the future eyebrow, and only after that paint it over. To make the curve look natural, it should be shaded only at the outer edges. In this case, it is recommended to start shading from the highest point of the eyebrow. This will create natural contours.

To consolidate the result, you need to emphasize the resulting curve with concealer or foundation corrector. outside. If you have thick eyebrows, then lay them with a brush and fix them with gel.

You should not save on decorative cosmetics, because business card For any self-respecting woman, these are beautiful eyebrows, photos of which can be found among the works of professional makeup artists. This is where you can get ideas and inspiration for makeup.

Permanent paint

If you are naturally given dull light eyebrows And dark hair, then this can be corrected using special paint. However, it has both advantages and disadvantages. For example, you can get a serious burn or allergy from low-quality eyebrow dye. Therefore, it is better to give preference to products famous brands. In addition, the wrong choice of tone can cause a strong contrast in appearance. Successful eyebrow tinting will save you from daily correction with a cosmetic pencil.

Tattoo in a beauty salon

Today, beautiful eyebrow shape can be achieved by specialists in any beauty center. This procedure costs from 2 to 5 thousand rubles, depending on the technique and experience of the specialist. Eyebrow tattooing is an ordinary tattoo, only done on the face in for cosmetic purposes. That is why it is recommended to approach such a drastic step with caution.

Firstly, you need to agree with the artist on the shape of your future eyebrows, because it will be impossible to change it in the coming months.

Secondly, you need to prepare for the fact that a beautiful eyebrow shape will not be formed immediately. For the first week after the procedure, the skin on which the paint layer was applied will peel and turn red. To restore it, the specialist will recommend a special ointment.

In addition, tattooing will require periodic correction. Of course, not as frequent as plucking with tweezers, but more expensive.

Daily care

Beautiful eyebrows involve not only them perfect shape, but also general healthy condition. That's why it's so important daily care. Use of caregivers cosmetics will help preserve correct eyebrows. Beautiful curves and healthy hairs are supported by castor oil. Recommended use for daily makeup special pencils containing useful minerals that restore the structure of the eyebrows.

In the article: we learn to choose the ideal eyebrow shape, model eyebrows, discover the secrets of proper care.

One of the stages of human evolution is getting rid of excess hair on the body and face. And yet, eyebrows and eyelashes still decorate our faces, which means their presence is vitally important for us.

Our eyebrows:

  • protect the eyes from moisture (sweat or rain), which avoids many of the dangers associated with temporary partial loss vision
  • are important factor personal identification (give the face character). I wonder how quickly you identify famous actress in the second photo below?
  • actively participate in nonverbal communication. Can you imagine surprise without raised eyebrows?

Are you still convinced that eyebrows are “just” eyebrows?

What do beautiful eyebrows look like?

Beauty is a relative concept. European beauty standards of the early 14th century assumed the absence of eyebrows in beautiful ladies. In the 17th-19th centuries, the Old World was conquered by “threaded” eyebrows

And only in the 21st century beautiful eyebrows are:

  • naturalness
  • grooming
  • accuracy

Fashion trends for eyebrows

1. They have a beautifully curved arch of a natural shape that matches the oval of the face
2. Natural thickness and width

Before we delve into the process of creating the perfect shape, let's take a closer look at our eyebrows.

All eyebrows have

  • inner part or head
  • middle part - body
  • outer part - tail

And only ideal eyebrows have all these parts in certain proportions:

I. Three basic points beautiful eyebrows are built according to a simple and well-known rule, where
1 - eyebrow start point
2 - bending point (highest point of the eyebrow)
3 - end of eyebrow

For a softer curve of the eyebrows, point 2 is constructed by drawing a conditional line not through the pupil, but tangentially to the iris of the eye

II. Excess hairs between the bridge of the nose and point 1 are removed at an angle of 45⁰. From point 1 to point 2, the eyebrow rises in a straight line, and its width remains unchanged. From point 2 to point 3, the eyebrow gradually narrows, and the line forms a slight bend

Important: the width of the eyebrow in this part should be no less than 4 mm and no more than 10 mm

To correctly construct the line of the outer part of the eyebrow from point 2 to point 3, you should determine its direction, which will be located within the internal boundaries of the lines in the figure:

Important: the thickness of the eyebrow at point 3 ranges from 1 to 4 mm

Excess hairs from point 3 to the temple must be removed

III. Point 1 and point 3 must be on the same horizontal line tangent to upper eyelid eyes

IV. Distance between point 2 and upper eyelashes is a value equal to the diameter of the cornea (with the eye open)

V. The distance between the eyebrows should be equal to the width of two fingers or correspond to the width of the palpebral fissure (exception - close-set eyes)

VI. Ideal ratio parts of the eyebrow looks like this:

The most beautiful types of eyebrows

Those eyebrows that correspond to

  • face shape
  • eye shape

To see this, take a look at the photo below:

The model's face is different in all the photos due to the change in the shape of the eyebrows. And only in one photo is this image perfect (photo in the lower left corner).

So, the ideal eyebrow shape depends on the type of face

  • For oval face Horizontal eyebrows are suitable, without too high a break and softly rounded in the outer part of the eyebrow. An oval is considered the ideal shape for a face and the task of eyebrows in this case is to correct minor errors in appearance

Important: too high a break can give the face a perpetually surprised or angry expression.

  • Do long face Absolutely straight eyebrows will help wider ones. Remember, a high arch visually elongates the face even more

Important: Be careful with the width of the eyebrows - wide, straight eyebrows give the face a stern, hard and cold expression

  • Perfectly softens a face with a square, hard jaw round shape brows

Important: thinly plucked eyebrows create an imbalance and accentuate a heavy jawline

  • A beautifully arched eyebrow with a high rise and a short outer part is ideal for those with a round face. This eyebrow shape visually lengthens the oval, giving the face an expression of coquetry and mischief.

Important: round face Eyebrows with a perfectly rounded arch or a very sharp break are absolutely not suitable

How to give a beautiful shape to your eyebrows?

In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems.

The main thing is to never remove your natural eyebrows! This is silly!

Step 1. Print your full-face portrait photo
Step 2. Decide on your face type and choose your preferred eyebrow shape based on your face shape.
Step 3. Apply the lines and dots described at the beginning of the article to the photo
Step 4. Using the applied markers, draw your ideal eyebrow shape.
Step 5. Carefully examine your reflection in the mirror and the resulting pattern, after combing your eyebrows with a special brush
Step 6. Consider where the eyebrows require waxing correction (to remove extra hairs), where the hairs can be trimmed slightly, and where you should resort to using a pencil
Step 7. Start making corrections

Important: If there is a need to remove excess hair, remember that depilation is carried out along the lower line of the eyebrows. Experts do not recommend plucking hairs along the top line

How to draw beautiful eyebrows with a pencil?

Exist general rules for visual correction of eyebrows using a pencil

  • The drawn borders should coincide with the natural line of the eyebrows
  • For correction, only a perfectly sharpened pencil is used for decorative cosmetics, not eyeliner
  • The lines should be clear, continuous, with equal pressure
  • The space inside the boundary line is shaded according to the following rules:
  • the inner part is slightly darker than the middle part
  • outer part is lighter
  • blend the pencil thoroughly
  • use special wax to fix the result

What does a beautiful eyebrow tattoo look like? What does beautiful permanent eyebrow makeup look like?

Video: Permanent eyebrow makeup (Eyebrow tattoo)

Video: Eyebrow tattoo. My experience

Before deciding on such a procedure, you should take into account the following:

  • tattoo, even done in good salon experienced craftsman will never be natural
  • unsuccessful Permanent makeup remains for a long time and cannot be washed off
  • the only way to correct the master’s mistakes is to resort to the help of a laser without a guarantee of success
  • eyebrow tattoo makes you look older

Important: the procedure has many medical contraindications

What is the secret of beautiful eyebrows? How to care for your eyebrows to maintain their beauty?

Eyebrows cannot “live” separately from the face. They are an important part of the big picture.

Light straight hair suggests that the eyebrows will not be too wide. Their color:

  • medium gray
  • light brown
  • medium brown

Voluminous hair with curls allows you to “wear” wide natural eyebrows

  • for fair-skinned brunettes, dark brown or dark gray
  • for dark-skinned, dark-haired beauties - black

Titian-style beauties with red locks can afford to play with eyebrow color. Suitable for them

  • all shades of brown
  • golden chestnut
  • dark brick
  • terracotta

Daily eyebrow care should include

Once a week you can do eyebrow masks

Recipe 1:

  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • castor oil - 1 tbsp.
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.


  • Moisten two cotton sponges with the oil mixture
  • Place sponges on eyebrows
  • Place compress paper on top of the sponges
  • Mask time 5-10 minutes

Recipe 2:

  • olive oil - 2 tbsp.
  • liquid honey - 2 tbsp


  • Mix and heat in a water bath to a temperature of 35⁰-36⁰С
  • Apply to eyebrows
  • Mask time 5-10 minutes

Important: Avoid getting the mixture in your eyes!

How to make beautiful thick eyebrows at home step by step? How to grow beautiful eyebrows?

1. Proper nutrition. The list of products that “love” your eyebrows is given below.

2. Nightly oil combing
3. Eyebrow masks
4. Eyebrow tinctures

A tincture for thick eyebrows may be as follows


  • petals of several calendula flowers
  • vodka - 1 tbsp. l.

How to do

  • Place calendula petals in a hermetically sealed container and fill with vodka.
  • Leave in a cool, dark place for 24 hours
  • Before use, dilute with water 1:1
  • Soak 2 cotton pads in the diluted tincture
  • Place on eyebrows
  • Place compress paper on top
  • Compress time - 1 hour

Cognac compresses have a good effect on eyebrow growth

For this compress, mix cognac with any vegetable oil(ideal option: jojoba, burdock, castor, flaxseed). Place sponges with the mixture on your eyebrows for 1-2 hours.

Beautiful natural eyebrows, photo

The 21st century allows you to make a career out of beautiful eyebrows.

A striking example of a stellar career: model Cara Delevingne

Wide eyebrows are part of the Olsen sisters' look

Video: How to grow eyebrows

Video: Perfect eyebrows. How to paint eyebrows with a pencil?

Choosing the shape of eyebrows is a whole science nowadays. After all, the correct contours of the eyebrows can correct facial features, make the gaze expressive and open, and “emphasize” a person’s character.

Usually the shape of the eyebrows is selected according to the type of face, but it is important to take into account other features of appearance. For example, if a girl thin lips, eyebrows of medium width will suit her. Thread eyebrows will look ridiculous if the young lady has full lips.

Scheme for constructing the correct eyebrow shape

There is a scheme that cosmetologists actively use to determine the boundaries of the eyebrow. To do this, you can use the most ordinary pencil or brush.

  1. To determine the starting point of the eyebrow, apply a brush to the wing of the nose so that it passes through inner corner eyes. Cosmetic pencil place a dot at the intersection of the pencil and the brow ridge;
  2. The location of the highest point of the eyebrow is determined by applying the brush to the wing of the nose so that it passes through the pupil. Fashion trend building a beautiful shape: choose the point of highest eyebrow elevation a couple of millimeters towards the temple from the intersection of the pencil and the pupil. Also put a mark in this place;
  3. The end of the eyebrow is determined by applying a pencil from the wing of the nose through the outer corner of the eye. Don't forget to mark this point;
  4. To see schematically finished result, connect all three points with one line.

After building the correct shape, you can start plucking out excess hairs, coloring and makeup.

Choosing the shape of the eyebrows according to the type of face

It's no surprise that every face type needs its own frames. With inappropriate eyebrows, the face becomes expressionless and loses its individuality.

Eyebrows for oval faces

An oval face shape is considered ideal, therefore, it is natural that almost any eyebrows go to such a face (if, of course, the arch, beginning and end of the eyebrow are found correctly).

These can be flatter, curved, round or kinked eyebrows. However, an oval face will look best with smoothly shaped eyebrows, the corners of which are gently rounded towards the temples.

Shape for a round face

Problem for a round face – slightly stretch its shape and make it more graceful.

This can be achieved by giving the eyebrows a high arch shape. Avoid too much fine lines– instead of correcting and narrowing the shape, they will give the face additional roundness.

Also, a round face should not have rounded eyebrows. They only emphasize the roundness on the face, which is not at all appropriate here.

An elongated face is visually necessary make it more rounded and seductive, so for him we choose straight, rather wide, horizontal eyebrows.

In this way, we try to visually reduce the length of the face a little, making the eyebrows flatter. If the arch of the eyebrow is high, then you should not raise its end too much. We try to bring it on the same horizontal line with the beginning.

For a square face

Eyebrows on a square face should start with a smooth arch to soften your face and make it more harmonious.

If you want to emphasize the rigidity of your character, then make the top point of the arch more expressive and sharp. If you want to make your face softer and more feminine, round it, making its line smoother.

Unsuitable square face straight eyebrows. They visually “cut off” the face, making it shorter than it actually is.

For a heart-shaped face

In this case, a soft kink will suit you. In this case, you need to watch the tip of the eyebrow - the beginning and end should be approximately on the same line, otherwise we will visually expand the triangle of the face, making top part abnormally wide compared to the bottom.

To avoid looking perpetually surprised, choose your eyebrows in the shape of a smoothly curved arch, which has the same thickness almost along its entire length.

For diamond shaped face

This face shape is quite rare and gives the face a certain charm and zest. Therefore, if your face is shaped like a diamond, it will look best on it. smooth eyebrows with a slight arch, which will make the widest parts of this type of face narrower - the forehead and cheekbones.

Ways to shape eyebrows

Are you unsure whether to choose plucking, growing, dyeing or just styling? Or maybe I should go ahead and get a tattoo, so as not to bother with makeup every day?

An excellent method, fast, but not durable - it lasts until you remove makeup. It is performed using a variety of waxes, gels and styling pomades after you have colored your eyebrows with shadows or a pencil.

The product must be applied to the hairs, then laid in the desired direction and wait until fixation occurs.


It is an unpleasant correction procedure. Executed after building the correct shape. To reduce pain during the procedure, follow these tips:

  • Gently stretch the skin index finger when plucking out excess hairs;
  • Before you start plucking, wipe the skin of your eyebrows with an ice cube to numb the pain, or you can also use a special anesthetic cream;
  • The feeling of pain decreases if the skin is steamed in a water bath or sauna;
  • Try to grab 1 hair at a time with tweezers, at the very base, then pull it out with a sharp movement;
  • After the procedure, wipe the injured area with an alcohol-containing solution;
  • Keep in mind that during menstruation the skin becomes very sensitive, so plucking your eyebrows is not recommended during this period. In addition, cosmetologists advise adjusting the shape using tweezers in the middle of the day, since at this time the body’s sensitivity to pain is reduced.

What progress has come - in the salon you can grow your eyebrows in a couple of hours, without resorting to long, grueling regrowth own eyebrows within a few weeks.

Everything that nature did not reward you with or that was lost in your teenage desire to experiment, you can get now. It happens this way: extensions are applied to the skin or to your own hairs using glue.

Before extensions, the material must be selected according to color. Extended eyebrows look very natural. Since thick eyebrows are now in fashion, extensions are in great demand among girls.


You can dye your eyebrows every day with shadows and a pencil, or once every one or two weeks using special paint or henna.

For everyday makeup Lightly tint your eyebrows with a pencil in a couple of strokes and apply fixing gel. Thanks to dyeing, light hairs become more visible, and the eyebrow becomes thicker and brighter.

A great way to correct the length, width and thickness of your eyebrows. The advantage of tattooing is that it has a long-term effect. There are 3 main types of tattooing - shading, hairline tattooing, and mixed type(the so-called 3D or 6D tattoo).

The first method is easier. First, the contour of the eyebrow is drawn according to the diagram, after which the pigment is shaded inside the contour. This method takes less time, but its effect is less natural, especially up close.

If you go to an incompetent artist, or your eyebrows are created with low-quality pigment, you will not be pleased with the result. Correcting such errors is very difficult, and often costs much more than the procedure itself.

Do not forget that any tattoo requires special care during the healing period, which lasts 1-2 weeks and does not look very presentable on the face. Thus, changing the shape of the eyebrows is a separate large section V modern industry beauty, with dozens of methods, tools, as well as salon services.

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