How to make tonic at home. Tonic recipe at home - the creation of a natural remedy for skin beauty. Toners for oily skin

Skin care should be given special attention at any age, because it depends on what impression we make on others. The effect of rejuvenation, velvety and elastic skin can be achieved using special cosmetics (creams, masks, scrubs and tonics). Specialty stores offer a huge number of them, but why spend extra money if you can make your own tonic that suits your skin type.

The tool is the most common among other skin care products, it not only removes makeup residue, dirt and dust, but also restores normal complexion, fills with active ingredients and moisturizes.

After using the tonic, creams are better absorbed, and vitamins and oxygen enter the deeper layers of the epidermis faster. This effect can be achieved if you use the tonic twice a day. To do this, just apply a couple of drops on a cotton swab and treat the skin of the face and neck in a circular motion.

The main thing in this matter is to choose a tonic for your skin type, so you should remember a couple of basic recommendations:

  • For oily skin, tonics with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects are more suitable. They perfectly dry and cleanse the skin of impurities.
  • If the skin has inflammation and acne, you should use products containing alcohol. It is important to take into account that such tonics dry the dermis very much, so you can’t abuse them, and you can’t do without additional moisture.
  • For dry skin types, products with components such as bisabolol, provitamin and are suitable, as they nourish the skin and saturate it with moisture.
  • For the combined type, it is important to take into account the consistency of the tonic, because a more liquid agent is applied to the dry area, and a tonic with a denser consistency is applied to the oily area.
  • It is allowed to apply the cream only 10 minutes after cleansing with a tonic, so as not to clog the cells. The remains of the product that have not been absorbed are best removed with a paper towel or cotton sponge.

To keep the skin in good shape, it is recommended to additionally use cosmetic masks, which are done two to three times a week. The number of applications depends on the type of skin and its condition, as well as on the problem to be solved. Such masks can be bought at a pharmacy or prepared independently.

Recipes for cooking at home

Since tonics are prepared from natural products, it is not recommended to store cosmetics for more than three days. If there is alcohol in the product, the shelf life can be extended by several days. When choosing a cosmetic composition for care, it is imperative to take into account personal intolerance to certain components and skin type.

normal skin

The most suitable products that are useful for normal skin are cucumber, milk, rose petals and essential oils (almond, peach). Here are a few options for preparing tonics using these components:

  • One fresh cucumber should be cut into squares, pour 200 ml of hot milk. Boil over low heat for a couple of minutes. Then you should cool and strain the mixture. Use the resulting broth as a tonic, but not more than three days.
  • Pour a few tablespoons of oatmeal with a glass of hot milk, insist the mixture for five minutes. Squeeze the resulting infusion and strain, use to cleanse the face twice a day.
  • To 100 g of rose petals, add a tablespoon of almond and peach oil, put the mixture in a water bath. When the petals lose their color and become transparent, remove the mixture from the heat and cool. Pass the decoction through gauze - and can be used as a cleansing tonic.
  • Bring half a glass of birch sap to a boil and add a tablespoon of liquid honey. Turn off the heat, let the mixture cool and infuse, after which you can use it.
  • Oatmeal and honey can also be used as a facial scrub. The procedure is preferably carried out twice a week.

Combination skin

Owners of this type of skin can use other recipes:

  • 10 g of linden flowers pour 200 ml of boiling water. Allow the mixture to cool and then leave for 30 minutes. Add a little honey (1 tsp), mix well. The tonic is ready.
  • Grape tonic is especially effective for the skin. Berries of a handful of grapes, preferably sweet varieties, should be washed, squeezed and left for 20 minutes. Squeeze out the resulting juice, mix with honey - about 10 g. You can treat the face with the resulting product 2 times a day.
  • Grapefruit peel pour 100 g of boiling water. Leave to infuse for 3 minutes. Take out the peel and cut into small pieces. Place in the same water and leave for a couple of days. Strain the resulting broth and wipe your face with it twice a day.

For oily skin type

It is difficult for owners of such a special dermis to care for her, because. it is important to regulate the work of the sebaceous glands, remove oily sheen and not overdry the skin. Here are some recipes:

  • You should take a few tablespoons of carrot juice, add a teaspoon of lemon juice and mineral sparkling water. The ingredients must be mixed, strained and can be used. After 10 minutes after applying the product, it is recommended to rinse your face with clean water.
  • Mix two tablespoons of pure water, add a tablespoon of honey and lemon juice. After applying this product, the face is washed with water after half an hour. It is recommended to repeat the procedure three times a week.
  • To prepare a tonic that can eliminate oily sheen on the face, pour two tablespoons of lemon juice into a glass of green tea, mix, let the mixture brew for a couple of hours. Strain the resulting composition, apply to the skin twice a day.
  • If the skin is prone to acne, redness and inflammation, it is useful to prepare a tonic based on two tablespoons of cucumber juice and aloe. Add a spoonful of lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey to the resulting composition. Apply the resulting mixture to problem areas, rinse with water after 10 minutes.

Alcohol or vodka should be added to tonics for oily skin care, which will improve the effectiveness of the product, cleanse the skin, remove and dry possible rashes.

To learn how to prepare a tonic for problematic, combination and normal facial skin, see this video:

For dry skin type

If the skin is dry, they need to be moisturized. For these purposes, suitable products containing peach or almond oil, cucumber, milk. Here are some helpful recipes:

  • You should take a banana and grind it in a blender to a pulp, add 150 ml of fresh milk and mix thoroughly. Apply the product at night, wash your face with water in the morning and wipe your face with a piece of cucumber.
  • Wash one orange, cut it and squeeze the juice. Brew 20 g of chamomile and let the broth brew for several hours. Mix the juice with a decoction, strain and cleanse the face with tonic twice a day.
  • Mix almond, orange oil in equal proportions (1 tablespoon each), add a teaspoon of honey. Stir the mixture and use twice a day.

Rules for the use of home tonic

The composition and useful properties of the components may differ, therefore, in addition to the rules for storing cosmetics, it is important to know a few recommendations that you need to follow:

  • The basis of any product should be purified water or alcohol. The maximum shelf life when using alcohol is 2 weeks. Means without it can be stored for no more than three days and only in the refrigerator.
  • Various useful and nutritious components can be added to tonics, for example, decoctions of medicinal herbs, essential and vegetable oils. The main thing is to study the properties of the ingredients in advance and determine their benefits specifically for your skin type.
  • Tonics are used twice a day. Before going to bed, it is better to use a special cleanser (make-up remover milk,), and apply a home remedy for toning already on cleansed skin.

To achieve the maximum effect, maintain and improve the condition of the skin is possible only in a combination of proper care and regular use of various cosmetics.

You should immediately decide on the type of skin or problems that you would like to get rid of. Making a homemade tonic will take a little time, and the costs will be minimal. The most important thing is that the prepared product will be natural, and the skin will be pleased with cleanliness and health.

Useful video

About the functions of a face tonic, replacing expensive products with mineral water, see this video:

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Properly selected facial skin lotion will become indispensable assistants in achieving beauty. You can make moisturizing, hyaluronic, alcohol and without alcohol yourself. How to prepare for cleansing oily, combination, dry skin?

Using a facial toner is one of the most important steps in skin care. Beauticians advise to regularly apply it after washing and before applying night and day cream. This cleansing and toning agent is able to completely remove impurities that have remained deep in the pores of the epidermis, as well as refresh and saturate the tissues with the necessary moisture.

In addition, the tonic helps to cope with the appearance of acne, oily sheen or loss of tone. The main thing is to choose the right cosmetic product, taking into account that it fully matches your skin type.

Facial Skin Tonic - Benefits and Applications

The main effect of this product is cleansing, as it contains active substances that are able to extract the remains of decorative cosmetics from the deep layers of the skin and completely dissolve them. Also, the healing composition of the product has a beneficial effect on the skin: it reduces inflammation, tightens pores and prepares the face for applying the cream.

Useful action

Daily use of tonic will help to carry out gentle and effective care for oily, dry, combination or problem skin. Its main functions are as follows:

Depending on what type of skin the tonic is intended for, it may contain infusions of medicinal herbs, essential oils, fruit extracts, alcohol, and various vitamins.

With regular use of a miracle remedy, metabolic processes in tissues improve., the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized, the formation of wrinkles slows down, as a result of which your skin begins to look well-groomed and fresh.

How to use the healing liquid

When choosing a cosmetic product, it is necessary to take into account the problems of your skin so that, in addition to the cleansing effect, it helps to eliminate oily sheen, irritation, acne or smooth out wrinkles. Therefore, before buying, you should carefully study the composition on the label and choose a product with a suitable effect.

Tonic should be used in the morning and evening after the main cleansing of the face. Using a cotton pad, gently wipe the skin along the massage lines without subsequent washing. Usually in the morning the product is used as a tonic, and in the evening it helps to completely remove dirt and cosmetics.

Homemade cosmetic product

You can successfully replace store-bought counterparts with a cosmetic product prepared in your kitchen. Homemade facial toner is effective and a safe skin care product as it contains natural ingredients that are very beneficial and non-irritating. In addition, a hand-made healing liquid will cost much less than a factory-made one.

The effect of home tonic on the skin

A properly prepared product will not only cleanse the skin with high quality, but also restore the acid balance, saturate it with vitamins, and prepare it for applying the cream. A composition enriched with natural ingredients, corresponding to the type of skin, due to its mild and effective effect, will relieve allergic manifestations.

Home tonics have the following properties:

All cosmetologists advise using tonics before applying the cream, because then the nutrients contained in it will act on the skin for a longer and more effective time.

A homemade cosmetic product is very useful and easy to prepare. Unfortunately, there are some limitations in its application. Tonic should not be used by people with skin problems and diseases of this nature:

  • Cuts, open wounds, ulcers - exclude the possibility of using the remedy.
  • Individual intolerance to the main components of the composition.
  • If the skin has rashes of unknown type or extensive inflammation, the use of a tonic may worsen the situation.

To get a healthy and safe product, when making a tonic at home, you must strictly follow the recipe, and also be sure to observe the terms of its storage.

In order to successfully prepare a facial tonic with your own hands, you must adhere to certain rules, taking into account the technology of mixing products and the compatibility of the ingredients used with your skin. Therefore, in the manufacture and use of the product, it is recommended to pay attention to the following points:

It should be borne in mind that the healing liquid, made independently, has a short shelf life. You need to store such a tonic in the refrigerator, and no more than three days. If it contains alcohol, you can use such a product for about two weeks. Remember, you can only use a fresh product, if this rule is not followed, instead of beautiful and smooth skin, you can get the opposite effect.

Facial tonics: cooking recipes

Making a cosmetic product yourself is not difficult at all, all the ingredients can be easily found in a pharmacy or grocery store. First you need to decide what will be its basis. For dry and sensitive skin, mineral or distilled water is best, while oily and problematic skin needs an alcohol-based tonic that can reduce inflammation and remove greasy shine. Preparing a facial tonic at home will not take you much time, and if you choose the right ingredients, you can get an excellent care product.

Normal skin - cleansing and freshness

This type of skin does not need special care, it is enough just to keep it in good condition, clean and nourish it in time. For this, tonics without alcohol additives, based on mineral water, fruit juices or herbal infusions, are ideal, which can be made according to the following recipes:

Tonics with this composition will help restore the acid-base balance of the skin, perfectly cleanse and refresh, preserving its youth and beauty.

Dry skin - moisturizing and nourishing

Here you need a tool that will act very gently on the skin and saturate it with the necessary moisture. As a basis for a healing liquid, you can take milk or some kind of cosmetic oil. There are many recipes for making mild tonics, here are some of them:

Regular use of these products will perfectly complement the basic care, saturating your epithelium with nutrients.

Oily skin - drying and mattifying effect

This type of skin needs careful care, it needs constant cleansing from excessive greasiness and oily sheen. Alcohol-based tonics are suitable here, which are able to dry and disinfect the surface of the skin, for example.

Beautiful healthy facial skin is the desire of any woman. Few people will remain indifferent to deep wrinkles, pimples or age spots.

To reduce such problems and the likelihood of their occurrence will help tonic for the face at home.

What it is?

The main stages of facial care are:

  • cleansing;
  • toning;
  • moisturizing;
  • nutrition;
  • oxygen saturation.

Only then, without harm to her health, you can apply decorative cosmetics.

For cleaning, use soap, foam, gel or facial cleansing lotion. It removes impurities and frees pores from fatty secretions. The lotion for oily skin also dries it a little, regulates the work of the sebaceous glands.

To relieve fatigue, even out the relief, give the skin a fresh look, cosmetologists have come up with tonics, the recipes of which can be helped by nature itself.

Tonic is based on alcohol. But its amount varies depending on the individual characteristics of the skin:

  • moisturizing facial lotion for sensitive and dry - less than 25%;
  • problematic and oily - up to 50%.

Especially carefully you need to take care of combination skin: dry areas require moisturizing, and oily areas, on the contrary, require drying. Homemade tonic for dry skin should be prepared with such features in mind.

When cooking, the cleansing tonic for the face is added:

  • decoctions of herbs;
  • essential and vegetable oils;
  • salicylic acid.

The third component, salicylic acid, especially.

Compositions prepared on the basis of cucumber juice will also help. It is most effective from fresh cucumber juice and aloe, which are mixed in a ratio of 3: 1 and diluted with vodka.

What is it for?

This composition of the tonic provides:

  • residual removal of soap and cosmetics,
  • toning,
  • loaded with antioxidants and nutrients
  • ultraviolet protection,
  • neutralization of water hardness;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • improvement of complexion;
  • elimination of minor pigmentation defects;
  • skin tone equalization;
  • antiseptic action;
  • preparation for the application of decorative cosmetics.

It complements the action of a moisturizing facial lotion, improves skin elasticity, regulates its water-salt balance. For this application, pink lotion is suitable.

How to prepare a toner for oily skin?

For skin with increased sebum secretion, according to reviews, recipes that include egg white, lemon, grapefruit, salicylic acid, whey, berries, vegetables, and fruits have a beneficial effect. Required alcohol or vodka. Here are some ways for those who want to prepare a toner for oily skin:

  1. mix 50 ml of carrot and apple juice, add a tablespoon of vodka and leave the composition for a day;
  2. a spoonful of grated lemon peel, a teaspoon of grapefruit juice, a few drops of orange essential oil, pour 100 ml of alcohol and insist. Before use, dilute with water approximately in half;
  3. mash strawberries (red currant) to a state of puree, pour a glass of ordinary vodka and leave for three days. Before direct use, add half a glass of boiled water;
  4. add salicylic acid and a teaspoon of vodka to a decoction of oak bark;
  5. pour 1 tbsp. l. chopped dill half tbsp. tablespoons of vodka, add a pinch of table salt (preferably iodized). Before use, dilute in half with water (you can use melted water or boiled water). A similar recipe with plantain is effective;
  6. knead a few leaves of aloe and two sprigs of celandine, pour hot water or boiling water and soak in a water bath for 15 minutes. Add half a glass of vodka to the composition. Strain before use.

Tonic for oily skin will be useful against acne, acne and comedones. It has a regenerative effect on scars, residual effects after sunburn and allergic skin reactions.

A similar effect on acne, according to reviews, has a composition based on bay leaf, the antiseptic property of which has long been known. In such a tonic for oily skin, you can add a few drops of tea tree or rosemary essential oil to improve the smell and enhance the action.

For dry and sensitive skin

Dry skin not only looks ugly and leads to peeling in certain areas. It accelerates the processes of wilting, the formation of wrinkles, the reduction of turgor, the appearance of complexion defects.

Makeup does not fit well on her and powder looks unnatural.

To increase the tone of such skin, according to reviews, recipes will help:

  1. pour a glass of rose petals with hot mint water and cool. To increase the effect, add a few drops of peach oil;
  2. grind in a coffee grinder 2 tbsp. flaxseed, stir them with a tablespoon of honey and add a few drops of olive oil. The latter can be replaced with milk thistle or sea buckthorn oil. Dilute the final composition with distilled water;
  3. decoction of oatmeal. Pour three tablespoons of boiling water or milk. Hold until completely cooled and carefully squeeze out the liquid, which you can use later;
  4. mash a ripe banana thoroughly and pour hot milk or cream, you can water. Stir until completely dissolved, then separate the liquid and pour it into a vial to store the tonic.

A few drops of pharmaceutical preparations can be added to the tonic for dry skin: vitamin E, panthenol, glycerin and others. In this recipe, vitamins will not hurt either.

Tonics for normal skin

Women with normal facial skin are much less common, but this does not mean that they should not take care of it.

Facial tonic at home in these cases should contain:

  • nutrition;
  • moisturizing;
  • breath;
  • prevention of skin metabolism disorders.

It is useful to prepare the tonic as follows, the recipe:

  • mix 50 ml of watermelon juice and peach juice, add a few drops of orange essential oil;
  • crush a glass of dried linden blossom, pour boiling water over it and insist until it cools. Add half a teaspoon of honey to the resulting liquid;
  • mix rose petals with crushed rose hips, pour boiling water over it and insist in a water bath for 15 minutes. Strain before use;
  • prepare an infusion of hop cones, mix it with one raw chicken yolk and a few drops of olive oil, water. Apply to the skin in a circular motion, gradually rubbing into the most problematic areas;
  • Mix finely grated cottage cheese with whey, add a few drops of lemon and a spoonful of honey. Strain after insisting.

Please note that tonics prepared on the basis of dairy products should be stored in the refrigerator.

Combined action facial tonic

If you add a few drops of cucumber juice to the tonic, it will have a whitening effect. The cucumber lotion at home has the same property.

Carefully with the choice of components of the composition should be persons who are prone to allergic reactions or who have.

How to make cucumber lotion, what is the recipe? Grate one juicy cucumber on a fine grater. It should not have traces of decay and dirt. It is not scary if there is yellowness of the peel. On the contrary, it also indicates the full maturity of the fetus. Pour this mass with half a glass of vodka (or alcohol in half with water) and leave for a day in the dark. You can add a few drops of aloe. After filtering, apply to problem skin.

Such a lotion for oily skin, according to available reviews, is effective as a whitening, vitamin and nourishing agent, saturates the skin with moisture and vitamins.

An important step in skin care is toning it. After washing, our skin is temporarily deprived of a protective lipid layer; in addition, aggressive cleansers disrupt the acid-base balance, reducing the protective functions of the skin. That is why cosmetologists recommend wiping the face with tonic after each contact with detergents.

You can buy a ready-made tonic by choosing one of the many cosmetics offered on the market, but it is much more effective to make your own natural remedy, taking into account your skin type. To create a tonic at home, you need a minimum set of ingredients and a little time.

Tonics for dry skin

Dry skin needs constant hydration and protection. With the help of homemade tonic, made from natural quality ingredients, your face will become velvety smooth and toned. In addition, wrinkles will be smoothed out and a healthy glow of the skin will appear.

Homemade tonic can protect the skin after each wash

Despite the popular opinion about the dangers of alcohol, some tonics for dry skin contain it. In fact, the drying properties of alcohol are a myth. Diluted alcohol enhances the effect of the tonic and serves as a conductor of nutrients. Remember: homemade tonic can be applied to the skin two to four times a day.

grapefruit tonic

  • Peculiarities: nourishes and softens the skin, removes dead cells from the surface.
  • Ingredients: 10 ml of alcohol or vodka (dilute with three parts of mineral water), one small grapefruit, 5 ml of glycerin, 2 g of fine sea salt.
  • Instructions: squeeze juice from grapefruit. In a small dark glass bottle, mix the ingredients and shake for five minutes. Put in a cold place for three days.

banana tonic

  • Peculiarities: intensively moisturizes, refreshes and tones the skin.
  • Ingredients: one banana, 50 ml full fat milk, 5 ml lemon juice.
  • Instructions: Peel the banana and use a blender to turn into a smooth puree. Add milk and lemon juice, beat for about a minute at high speed. Strain the finished tonic through a sieve and store in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container.

Rose Water Tonic

  • Peculiarities: perfectly soothes, deeply moisturizes the skin and gives it a healthy tone.
  • Ingredients: 100 g of spray rose petals, 5 ml of alcohol or vodka (dilute with two parts of water), 5 ml of wheat germ oil, half a carrot.
  • Instructions: Rinse rose petals with water and finely chop with a knife. Pour diluted alcohol and insist in the refrigerator for two days, stirring occasionally. Once the petals are infused, strain the rose water through several layers of cheesecloth and add wheat germ oil. Grate the carrots on a fine grater, squeeze the juice and add it to the tonic. Shake well before each use.

Toners for oily skin

Oily and combination skin needs to regulate sebum secretion, light drying and narrowing of pores. Due to the tendency to acne, it is also necessary to clean the pores in time (in particular, black dots on the nose, forehead and chin).

If you have combination skin with an oily T-zone and dry cheeks, it's best to rub homemade toner only on problem areas, leaving your cheeks to prevent overdrying.

Salt Tonic

  • Peculiarities: brightens and dries the skin, tightens pores.
  • Ingredients: 10 g of fine sea salt, 10 ml of lemon juice, 5 drops of tea tree essential oil, 40 ml of mineral water.
  • Instructions: mix all the ingredients until the salt is completely dissolved. Wipe the skin with tonic in the morning and evening.

Cabbage juice tonic

  • Peculiarities: cleanses the skin of excess fat, brightens black spots.
  • Ingredients: 5 cabbage leaves, 5 sprigs of parsley, one cucumber, 5 ml of alcohol or vodka.
  • Instructions: place cabbage leaves, parsley and cucumber in a blender bowl and grind until smooth puree. Add alcohol, mix and infuse overnight in the refrigerator. Then strain the liquid through gauze, pour in 20 ml of mineral water without gas and shake.

Mattifying tonic

  • Peculiarities: removes excessive shine of the skin, moisturizes, cleanses the pores.
  • Ingredients: 30 ml of milk whey, 20 ml of orange juice, 20 ml of kombucha tincture (sold in a pharmacy).
  • Instructions: mix whey and orange juice. Dilute kombucha tincture with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and mix with the main composition of the tonic. Store in a cool place in a tightly closed dark container. Wash your face twice a day.

Tonics for sensitive skin

Sensitive and allergy-prone skin requires special care. Tonic ingredients should be all natural, hypoallergenic and soothing. Alcohol must be avoided, otherwise the skin may react with redness and severe burning. The main components of cosmetics for sensitive skin are herbs.

If you have sensitive skin, you must give up cosmetics with alcohol!

strawberry tonic

  • Peculiarities: Refreshes, soothes and hydrates the skin.
  • Ingredients: 100 g fresh strawberries, 40 ml still mineral water, 5 drops of rosewood essential oil.
  • Instructions: Peel the strawberries from the stalks and rub through a fine sieve. Squeeze juice through cheesecloth. Add mineral water and rosewood oil. Store the tonic in the refrigerator for no more than three days, rubbing the skin two or three times a day.

egg tonic

  • Peculiarities: deeply nourishes, refreshes and softens sensitive facial skin.
  • Ingredients: one egg yolk, 10 ml aloe vera juice, 30 ml heavy cream, 5 ml jojoba oil, 40 ml mineral water.
  • Instructions: Whisk all ingredients with a whisk until smooth. Strain through several layers of cheesecloth. Apply to the skin up to four times a day (additional moisturizing in the form of creams is not required).

mint tonic

  • Peculiarities: tones blood vessels, soothes the skin and heals small cracks.
  • Ingredients: 30 g of fresh mint leaves, 30 g of dried chamomile flowers, 20 g of dry St. John's wort leaves, 100 ml of mineral water.
  • Instructions: Pour dry chamomile flowers and St. John's wort leaves with mineral water and cook over low heat for about an hour. Rinse mint leaves with water and pour boiling water for 35 minutes. Strain the decoction of chamomile and St. John's wort, add mint infusion, mix. Wipe the face with tonic once a day. Store the mixture in the refrigerator.

Tonics for aging skin

Aging skin needs intense hydration, soothing and protection. As a rule, aging skin suffers from the harmful effects of active radicals, so it is important to add ingredients to the tonic that are responsible for reducing wrinkles, improving complexion, strengthening capillaries and lightening age spots.

Complex tonic

  • Peculiarities: creates a protective film, brightens, nourishes and softens the skin.
  • Ingredients: 5 g coconut oil, 10 g liquid honey, 10 ml lemon juice, 30 ml mineral water.
  • Instructions: Mix all ingredients with a mixer or whisk. Wipe the skin of the face in the morning and evening. Store at room temperature for up to seven days.

Oatmeal tonic

  • Peculiarities: intensively moisturizes, relieves irritation, has an antioxidant effect.
  • Ingredients: 50 g of oatmeal, 60 ml of full-fat milk, 30 g of large-leaf green tea, 10 g of liquid honey, 100 ml of water.
  • Instructions: Pour oatmeal with milk and bring to a boil. Cook over low heat for 5 minutes. Strain through cheesecloth and add honey. Pour boiling water over tea leaves and let stand covered for 15 minutes. Strain the tea and add it to the rest of the ingredients. Shake thoroughly. Store at room temperature.

birch tonic

  • Peculiarities: soothes, protects and moisturizes the skin.
  • Ingredients: 50 ml birch sap, 10 ml lemon juice, 20 ml aloe vera juice.
  • Instructions: mix all ingredients until smooth. Wipe the skin twice a day. Store in a cool place in a dark glass container.

The use of tonic is an obligatory final stage of cleansing the face before applying the cream. This care product has a whole range of useful properties, and at home you can easily make a liquid that will suit you.

The content of the article:

Homemade facial toner is a remedy that not only cleanses and tones the skin, preparing it for the application of the cream, but also restores the acid balance. Properly prepared lotion can gently cleanse the dermis and give an effect no worse than a scrub. And natural ingredients will relieve allergic reactions and saturate with vitamins.

Useful properties of face tonic

Face lotion gently affects the dermis and, depending on its components, gives a different, but high-quality result. It is recommended to use the tonic in the morning and in the evening, the effect of the remedy also depends on the time of application.

Useful properties of home tonics for the face are as follows:

  • Tonic. It is in the morning that you need to not only wash your face with water, but also be sure to wipe it with a tonic. It will start metabolic processes in the dermis and gently cleanse excess fat accumulated on the surface overnight.
  • Cleansing. After a full day of exposure to the environment, a toner treatment is essential. You need to use it after a foam or gel for washing, after which it, penetrating deep into the pores, cleans them and removes the smallest grains of dust.
  • Mattifying. Provided that the remedy includes apple cider vinegar or parsley, it will delicately lighten the dermis, making bright freckles or pronounced age spots invisible.
  • Moisturizer. Fruit acids, green tea, aloe, cucumber - these components work well, deeply moisturizing the tissues of the dermis. It is due to the fact that the tonic is applied after the main stage of cleansing the skin, the beneficial microelements of the lotion penetrate deep into it.
  • Nutritious. If the composition includes dairy products rich in protein, then such a lotion provides the dermis with nutrients that are responsible for cell regeneration.
Cosmetologists also recommend using a tonic, because it prolongs the effect of the cream due to its beneficial properties.

Contraindications to the use of face lotion

Homemade facial tonic causes many times less allergic reactions than its industrial counterpart. Firstly, the woman who prepared the cosmetic product knows exactly what products she may be allergic to, and she simply will not include them in the composition.

Secondly, it is very easy to prepare an extremely useful remedy at home without using chemical components, which in most cases are allergens or irritants.

However, there are several reasons why it is not recommended to use a tonic at home:

  1. Open wounds on the skin. For cuts or ulcers, do not use cosmetic products.
  2. Allergic intolerance to the main components of the tonic - herbal infusion, vinegar, etc.
  3. If a person has rashes on his face due to allergies of any nature or acne has become inflamed. Any remedy can only slow down the healing process.
To avoid complications when using the lotion, you must strictly follow the method of its preparation.

Homemade Facial Tonic Recipes

Such cosmetic products can be both multicomponent and monocomponent. As a lotion at home, you can prepare an excellent tonic from apples or cucumbers in two minutes. If you spare no time, you can get a liquid that, in terms of a complex of useful microelements, will be even better than an expensive analogue.

Facial tonic with cucumber

Cucumber is the most popular base product for moisturizing and soothing lotion. It also perfectly renews the cells, saturating them with oxygen, and even rids the skin of comedones.

Consider the recipes for making lotion at home with cucumber:

  • With vodka. This lotion eliminates excess shine, has a matting effect. For cooking, take 50 g of cucumber gruel and 50 ml of vodka. Fill the cucumber gruel with vodka and close the container with a lid, the product should be infused for 5 days. Squeeze out all the liquid from the gruel and add 50 ml of purified water to it.
  • With yolk. This tonic has a nutritional property, saturating the cells with useful substances. Beat one yolk with 100 g of cucumber juice, add 10 ml of heavy cream and 50 ml of white wine to this mass.
  • With mint. Cucumber juice goes well with a decoction of mint leaves. This tonic refreshes, invigorates and energizes the skin for the whole day, giving it an excellent healthy color. Place three tablespoons of dry mint in a bowl and pour a glass of boiling water over it, put on fire and bring to a boil. Add half a glass of cucumber juice to the strained liquid.
  • Classic with green tea. This lotion is a unique product that is prepared quickly and gives excellent results, the skin after it becomes soft to the touch and deeply cleansed. To prepare, take the gruel from one cucumber and put it in a glass jar. Separately, brew strong green tea - 1 liter. Pour cucumber gruel with tea and cover with a lid so that the product is infused for three hours.

Note! Any remedy with cucumber is stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of five days, after which the healing properties of all ingredients weaken.

How to make homemade facial toner with apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has antibacterial properties, and this product also fights pimples perfectly, improves complexion, brightening it. Depending on the accompanying components of the apple cider vinegar tonic, several results can be achieved, and each of them will please the woman.

Apple cider vinegar is rich in beneficial trace elements, it also removes toxins from the body, cleansing the dermis in a quality manner. It used to be that the best tonic was made with alcohol, but today apple lotion is considered much more effective and gentler. Alcohol products greatly dry out any type of skin, so you can not use them daily.

Apple Cider Vinegar Lotion Recipes:

  1. Based on mineral water. This delicate tonic thoroughly cleanses the dermis of impurities and has an anti-inflammatory effect, it is recommended for owners of sensitive skin. In a glass bowl, combine 100 ml of still mineral water with 30 ml of apple cider vinegar.
  2. With calendula and mint. An infusion of medicinal herbs has a beneficial effect on the skin: it relieves redness, treats problem skin. You need to separately make a decoction of chamomile and calendula. To do this, take a tablespoon of each type of herb and pour the mixture with 200 ml of boiling water, put on fire and let it boil for two minutes. Cool the liquid, strain and add 50 ml of apple cider vinegar.
  3. With lavender essential oil. The choice of oil largely depends on the individual preferences of the person and the characteristics of the dermis, but lavender oil is universal in this matter. It has a tonic and soothing effect, and this is very good for a tonic. To prepare the remedy, dilute 50 ml of apple cider vinegar with 100 ml of purified water and drip 5-8 drops of oil.
  4. With aspirin. A very good product that helps to make the skin not so oily and shiny. This is especially true in the heat of the summer. It is necessary to add 20 g of apple cider vinegar and 5 aspirin tablets crushed into flour in 100 g of water. Due to the small grains, the tonic also has a slight scrubbing effect.
  5. With horseradish. This is a universal tonic that perfectly tones the dermis, activating metabolic processes. Take 50 g of peeled horseradish roots and pour 100 ml of boiling water over them, boil for 10 minutes. Water from the broth should be drained into some container and add 30 ml of apple cider vinegar to it.

It is important to be careful when using apple cider vinegar and not apply it to your face in its pure form!

How to make a fruit face toner

Fruit tonics for the face are a summer hit in the field of cosmetology. Such products perfectly refresh the skin, give it elasticity and saturate it with vitamins. Various fruits and berries are suitable for making lotions at home.

Recipes for face tonics based on fruits:

  • With strawberries and raspberries. You can make a tonic from two types of berries, or you can use any of them to choose from. Prepare grated porridge from juicy ripe berries using a blender, it should be 50 ml and dilute it with 100 ml of water, strain the liquid. This tool will give the skin a healthy even color.
  • With lemon juice. Pour 200 ml of clean drinking water into a glass and add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of honey. Such a tonic must be washed off five minutes after use, since after it a light sweet film of honey remains on the dermis. This homemade lotion gives the face elasticity, smoothes fine wrinkles.
  • Based on grapes. For this lotion, only grapes with light berries should be used, as they contain more vitamins. Grape tonic soothes the dermis well and relieves it of small red vessels that often appear with age. Squeeze 100 ml of juice from grape berries and dilute it with 100 ml of water, add half a teaspoon of salt.
  • With pear and milk. Pear has a whole complex of vitamins, as well as the ability to regenerate dermal cells. Mash the pear with a fork to make 50 g, and pour it with 100 ml of warm milk, mix the ingredients well until smooth, use a blender for this.
  • With watermelon juice. Watermelon perfectly saturates the skin with moisture, and this allows you to normalize the water balance. The face will not shine much in the heat, but it will not look overdried either. Grind the pulp of the watermelon with a blender. You need 100 ml of liquid watermelon, add the same amount of mineral sparkling water.

Note! Fruit tonics should be prepared for a maximum of one day, that is, for two uses. Otherwise, berries and fruits can simply ferment and deteriorate even in the refrigerator.

How to make homemade face tonic

One cannot argue with the complex of useful properties that natural ingredients are rich in, but a lot depends on the correct combination of products and their storage.

What you need to pay attention to when preparing the product at home:

  1. It is better to mix the ingredients in porcelain dishes, but store them in glass and in the cold. Fruit tonics are not intended for long-term maintenance, and alcohol tonics can be stored without a refrigerator.
  2. Before preparing a tonic, it is advisable to decide on the main wishes. One product cannot moisturize, mattify and tighten.
  3. The basic rule for preparing a quality product: grind all the ingredients as finely as possible so that they are well dispersed in the base of the tonic - water, juice or alcohol.
  4. Almost all ingredients are combined with herbal and vinegar base, but milk can only be used with some fruits.
  5. Herbal infusions or decoctions must be cooled down before mixing them with other ingredients so that not a single product loses its beneficial properties.
  6. If the lotion contains sticky, sweet or stinging ingredients, be sure to rinse your face with water after using it.
  7. Be sure to ensure that all components are of high quality, fresh, without defects.
  8. The finished lotion should be stored in a container with a lid so that it can be easily shaken before each use.
  9. Before you start applying the tonic, check it for an allergic reaction. Apply some liquid to your hand and wait 30 minutes to see if there is a reaction or not.
  10. Do not mix the ingredients "by eye", this will not give the expected result, in the worst case, you can even get burned or irritated.

If you want to stock up on tonic for future use, take freezer molds and fill them with tonic, then place in the freezer. Wipe the skin with such ice cubes instead of the usual tonic. Ice cubes, among other things, have a tightening effect. This method is not suitable only for owners of sensitive skin, as ice can scratch the face.

How to make a face tonic - look at the video:

Follow the recipe for preparing the tonic, and then you will get the perfect product that will cleanse the dermis, give delicate care and prolong the action of the face cream.