Contouring a thin elongated face. Triangular face type. How to do your own facial contouring

Contouring is a make-up technique that allows you to correct the relief of the face, divert attention from its shortcomings and emphasize its merits.

  • For example, with the help of contouring, you can visually lengthen or, conversely, shorten the nose, make the face more symmetrical, highlight the cheekbones, narrow the face, and even remove the "double chin".
  • It is noteworthy that it is very simple to achieve such amazing results: it is enough to learn how to correctly alternate dark and light shades of tonal means.

The canonical contouring "from Kim Kardashian" consists of as many as 50 steps, but the "lite" version will require much less time, effort and cosmetics from you. And the result will be no worse. We figure out how to make the correct sculpting of the face.

Dry or creamy? Choosing facial contouring products

There are two main types of facial contouring: the first is created with dry textures, the second with creams. What is the difference?

Dry contouring

As the name implies, such sculpting is done using dry products - blush or powder. They are usually applied with brushes. Powder products are most suitable for girls with oily skin (they provide a matting effect) and make-up beginners: they are the easiest to apply.

Powder contouring

  • The main rule to follow when using contouring powder is: apply it after you are done with creamy textures.
  • Before using contouring powder, be sure to powder your face with regular powder. Otherwise, the dry sculptor will "stick" to the foundation on the skin and spread in patches.
  • Although sculpting powder is ideal for oily skin, there are a few things to keep in mind when using it. So, in the case of oily skin, the highlighter should be either matte or with a satin finish: the shining particles will look like a greasy shine. We wrote more about how to use a highlighter if you have oily skin.
  • If you feel that the powder looks too dark or heavy on your face, spray your face with a refreshing mist.

Blush contouring

  • If you need to emphasize the cheekbones, it is better to choose a blush of cold shades. If your own cheekbones stand out quite strongly and, on the contrary, the task is to “smooth the corners”, warmer tones will suit you.
  • How to determine the area to which blush should be applied? Very simple: focus on the shape of the face. For girls with an oval face, it is enough to apply the product on the apples of the cheeks.
  • If you have a long face, apply blush in horizontal lines (along the hairline in the center of the forehead, under the cheekbones and further towards the ears, spread a little on the chin), and if round - in vertical lines.
  • The following scheme suits a rectangular face: blend blush along the protruding parts of the cheekbones (or under the cheekbone) and along the jaw.

Cream contouring

Cream contouring is done using denser products, the most popular of which are contouring stick, corrector, foundation. Cream products are most suitable for dry skin, but today they also produce cream sculptors with a matte finish: they are ideal for oily skin. However, if you are still on “you” with makeup, it is better to give preference to powdery: cream is more difficult to blend.

Pencil or stick for contouring


  • These two products have the most dense consistency, so you should be especially careful to follow their shading. Otherwise, they will look unnatural on the skin. The easiest way to blend a pencil or stick is cosmetic, but you can do it with your fingers.
  • Please note that thick cream products emphasize skin imperfections and peeling, so they may not be suitable for problem skin.

Sculpting with proofreaders

If you don’t have a special sculpting tool on hand, you can use one or two shades lighter or, conversely, darker than your skin for this purpose.

More about choosing funds

How to choose the shade of the sculpting agent?

Like any foundation, the sculptor should be chosen, focusing primarily on the natural color of your skin. And also for what purpose you need it.

The shade of the light sculpting agent that you will use to “highlight” this or that area should be a tone or two lighter than your skin, and the dark one should be a tone or two darker.

For the cheekbone area, use a sculptor in the color of your own shadow: what shade is your shadow, ideally the sculpting powder should be the same.

If the sculpting powder is too dark, then it will look like a dirty spot on the skin, so choose the lighter of the two options.

The undertone of the sculpting product should match the undertone of your skin. Otherwise, the result is this: if your skin has a cold undertone and the sculptor contains warm orange pigments, then it will look like dirt on the skin.

If you have pale skin, don't use too dark or orange sculpts. Your ideal option is taupe.

For dark or tanned skin, instead of powder, it is quite possible to use a bronzer. But make sure that it does not contain shiny particles - it will not work to imitate a “shadow” on the face.

For very dark skin, a dark sculptor with reddish pigments is suitable, but in general it is better to do with one highlighter in this case.

Apply highlighter to those areas of the face where the light falls first: the top line of the cheekbones, the center of the face, the center of the chin, the bridge of the nose.

And, again, consider the undertone of the skin: if it is reddish or pinkish, a silver highlighter will suit you, and for skin with an olive sheen, golden.

Contouring brushes

What should be a contouring brush and in what cases is it especially useful? Understanding!

A soft fluffy brush (usually used when applying blush) is useful when working with the cheekbone area. Pick up a little bronzer or powder sculpting product on the brush, apply to the skin with light movements and blend well.

Cream or liquid textures are more convenient to distribute with a sponge, but in some cases a straight cut can be an excellent alternative to it. Apply the product with driving movements and do not forget to shade it properly.

Dry highlighter is most conveniently applied with a wide fan brush, which will provide an even application - and a translucent layer.

You can also spread cream sculpting products with a flat synthetic bristle eyeshadow brush for the most precise application. It is most convenient to “wield” with an eyeshadow brush with a slightly pointed tip.

Contouring kits and palettes

In order to make the correct contouring, a sculpting agent of one shade, as a rule, is not enough. In addition, during the year the skin changes its tone, and the sculptor, who perfectly emphasized the cheekbones in August, already looks too dark on the skin in September.

To make things easier, beauty brands are releasing special contouring palettes with several shades at once, which are designed to solve different problems. In this case, the tool can be both powdery and creamy.

The base palette (such as Master Sculpt by Maybelline or Infailliable by L'Oréal Paris) contains two shades: a dark sculptor that helps create natural shadows on the skin and "sharpen" facial features, and a light highlighter that can be used to highlight certain areas .

More "advanced" versions of the palettes (for example, Highlight & Contour Pro Palette, NYX Professional Makeup) contain eight different shades that can be mixed together to get the perfect color.

How to do face contouring? Step by step

To understand the nuances of contouring, use our photo and video instructions.

Creamy contouring

A basic scheme for sculpting a face, which is useful to every girl - and a detailed video instruction.


Before proceeding directly to contouring, it is necessary to properly prepare the skin of the face. Apply a primer and a moisturizing makeup base to the skin, or mix a regular moisturizer with foundation - and spread the resulting composition over the skin. If necessary, mask the “bruises” under the eyes, minor redness, acne and other skin defects.


There are two basic rules associated with cultivation technique - and each of them should be followed.

The first advice sounds like this: everything that needs to be “hidden” is darkened, the rest is brightened. The second important point is the application order: first use a highlighter, and then apply a dark sculptor.

  • For cream correction, choose a shade one or two shades lighter than the skin.
  • Opt for a highlighter with a matte or satin finish. The one with the shimmer is not suitable for contouring.
  • If you don't have a highlighter, use a light corrector or concealer one or two shades lighter than your foundation instead.
  • Apply highlighter to the bridge of the nose, the center of the forehead and chin, and the cheekbone. Also add a little product to the corners of the eyes and under the eyebrow.

Dark concealer

The sculpting medium of a dark shade should be two to three shades darker than the usual tonal. Apply it along the hollows of the cheeks, on the cheekbones, under the chin and along the perimeter of the forehead along the hairline.


This step is the key to the entire contouring procedure. If the boundaries between the highlighter and the dark product (or foundation) are too noticeable, then the desired effect of a chiseled face will definitely not be achieved. Blend the lines with a sponge or brush, turning halfway to the mirror. First mascara light shades and only after that go to dark ones so that there are no dirty stains on the face.

In the area under the cheekbones, the dark sculptor should be shaded according to the following scheme: first horizontally, and then slightly upwards.


So that the face does not look unnatural, be sure to use blush (they will add volume to the cheeks lost during the contouring process). Then apply a light layer of regular powder on your face.

Dry texture contouring

To do the right contouring with a powder sculptor, use our simple video tutorial.

Ready-made schemes for contouring according to the shape of the face

Each type of face has its own unique scheme for applying contouring products. Choose yours and study the details. By the way, the most unexpected objects can help you when performing this technique - for example, an ordinary one!

Round face contouring

The most important thing for girls with a round face is to highlight the side parts of the face. Use only matte products.

In this article, we have described in detail all the secrets of facial contouring with step-by-step instructions and photos. After all, this type of make-up is today an undoubted trend and causes genuine interest among the fair sex.

What is contouring?

Even if you are completely satisfied with your face, with the help of this technique you can make it even more expressive and bring it almost to the ideal. Contouring is a true salvation even in the presence of any defects: asymmetry, a wide or, conversely, too narrow nose, excessively protruding parts, etc.

Very often this technique is called sculptural makeup. After all, it is really based on the techniques of art, in which, in order to emphasize certain features or, on the contrary, veil imperfections, darker and lighter shades of tonal means - light and shadow - are applied to the skin in a certain order.

Makeup artists divide this method of applying makeup into two main types:

  • model: brighter, evening;
  • everyday: used during the daytime.

In the latter case, the color transitions should be slightly noticeable. They should flow very easily and smoothly into other shades. In this case, the contours should be outlined as softly as possible.

Facial correction can be performed either with powder and blush (dry contouring), or with fatty creams. The first method is lightweight and is more suitable for smoothing out small imperfections.

Sculpting with products containing a fatty base should be carried out as carefully as possible - otherwise the face will turn into a mask. However, those who have mastered this technique to perfection will be able to transform their appearance daily in the most magical way.

Advice! To make sure that the shade is chosen correctly, foundation should be applied only in maximum (ideally natural) lighting. Otherwise, the effect may turn out to be exactly the opposite of what you want.

How it works?

In art, with the help of shadows and chiaroscuro (imitation of illumination from brighter to almost imperceptible), artists have long created very realistic three-dimensional images. Hollywood makeup artists, who first decided to use this method in the make-up technique, certainly made a real revolution in it. Today, without any photoshop and plastic surgery, with the help of cosmetics alone, in many cases, you can achieve simply stunning results.

Just like painting on canvas, applying textures of different compositions and color shades to the skin allows you to create the appearance of light and shadows on the face, with the help of which the face takes on a different shape. Very often, such a 3D technique is resorted to in the presence of a non-standard appearance: an excessively high forehead, an overly wide or elongated nose, a triangular, square, round face, etc.

Advice! Don't be scared if you don't succeed the first time. After all, "drawing" on the face is not as easy as it seems. Choose your free time, carefully examine your own face in front of the mirror, “remembering” with your eyes where the shadows and light should be applied, and slowly proceed to a thorough drawing. Over time, this makeup will take you only a couple of minutes.

What cosmetics and tools will be needed?

To correct the shape of the face, you can purchase a ready-made set (pallet) to match your skin tone. Depending on the purpose, it can include from 2 to 10, and sometimes even up to 20 shades and textures of tonal products, most often highlighters and powders. If it was not possible to purchase a palette, you can get by with the usual tonal means. We will need:

  • cream base (primer);
  • cosmetics to match the skin tone;
  • foundation a couple of tones darker than your own skin;
  • highlighter: a tool that includes reflective particles, with the help of which we will highlight (highlight) and add highlights or hide certain areas, for example, fine wrinkles; it should be only slightly lighter than the skin;
  • the powder is a couple of shades darker than the main cream;
  • blush.

In addition to cosmetics itself, we will use the following types of tools:

  • wide brush for foundation;
  • brush for sculpting with a slightly beveled pile;
  • a flat-top brush for applying loose makeup, unlike kabuki (a short, slightly rounded brush with thick bristles), its cut should
  • be completely flat;
  • blush brush.

Advice! Do not try to apply makeup without a foundation - the tonal base will go less evenly and crumble quickly. In addition, such a primer will allow decorative cosmetics to acquire more natural and saturated shades.

The main stages of contouring

Let us consider in detail how to correctly sculpt individual parts of the face:

  • after application, each of the funds must be carefully shaded;
  • in the forehead area, correctors are applied only along the hairline;
  • areas in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe temples are always covered with a darker shade; the center of the forehead is highlighted;
  • cheekbones are a key area, so they must be emphasized;
  • there is a small cavity between the ear and mouth, on which the darkest corrector must be applied; to find this place, run your finger over it or pull your cheeks in a little;
  • light powder in the cheekbone area is distributed a little higher on the protruding zone;
  • to balance the dark color, the corrector must be applied to the chin area in the center and sides; this will make the contour of the face itself more clear and expressive;
  • the same corrector is distributed with perpendicular movements of the brush and from the bottom of the chin to the neck;
  • you can adjust the width of the nose by applying a darker cream on its wings, and a light highlighter on the back;
  • if you blend a small dark dot at the tip of the nose, it will look a little shorter.

Advice! To make your makeup look natural, use only a matte corrector or bronzer without shimmer (sparkle) or mother-of-pearl.

Basic Sculpting Mistakes

Here are the most common contouring mistakes:

  • The classic make-up theory says that for such a make-up, you need to use powder a couple of tones darker than your own skin. But for some reason, some women believe that the darker the better. After all, for some reason they produce cosmetics in dark, almost brown shades? However, they are not intended for girls of the Slavic type.
  • Since we need to get shadows on the face, and not yellow-red stains, in no case should we purchase orange or yellow foundation.
  • The corrector should be neither red nor gray, but only taupe.
  • In winter, you should also forget about bronzers - they are more suitable for creating the effect of a slight tan.
  • Apply powder only in a thin layer and never rub it into the skin. Otherwise, you will destroy the foundation layer, as a result of which the make-up will look untidy.
  • The area around the forehead, mouth and nose, which quickly begins to shine, should be treated with powder more carefully.
  • Sometimes the resulting shade looks perfect from the front, but from the side it looks like an unnatural dark spot. Periodically turn to the mirror in half a turn and view the result.

Advice! For any type of makeup, you should not choose a powder with large particles - it will lie unevenly and blend with difficulty.

Oval face contouring

In principle, this type of face does not require much correction. He only needs to give relief and expressiveness. Here is a quick step-by-step guide for contouring an oval face (see photo):

  • highlight the cheekbones: to do this, find the hollow between the ear or mouth, drawing in the cheeks;
  • apply a small amount of a darker shade of corrective agent to this place; the area located above, on the contrary, highlight;
  • apply a little light highlighter with reflective particles in place of the dimples that protrude with a smile;
  • add a little dark shade in the center and on the sides of the chin.

Advice! Owners of oily skin with a highlighter should be extremely careful. With its excess, reflective particles can play a trick on you and visually enhance the shine. Be especially careful with the T-zone (nose-forehead-mouth).

Sculpting a round face

With this type of face, his features are always too smooth and have almost no pronounced boundaries. We offer step-by-step instructions for contouring a round face with a photo:

  • light tones on the skin in this case should be slightly less than with normal makeup;
  • a dark corrector is applied on the sides in the form of an arc with an approach to the cheeks;
  • the distance from such an arc to the nose is 2–3 cm; its central part should be located in the ear area;
  • the chin is processed in the center and on the sides with gentle movements;
  • if you have a double chin, it also needs to be slightly darkened;

  • the face can be made less flat and more voluminous by sculpting in the nose area; to do this, apply a lighter foundation on a triangle, the corners of which fall on the outer corners of the lips and nose;
  • distribute cosmetics of the same shade in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe triangle between the beginning of the eyebrows and the bridge of the nose; apply darker makeup on the sides of the nose.

Advice! Never spread dark contouring applied on the cheekbones to the lips and chin. The optimal distance to them is two fingers.

Sculpting a triangular face

There are two types of triangular face: with the top pointing up or down. Depending on this, it is also corrected. Its main techniques are provided in the following step-by-step instructions (with photo) for contouring a triangular face:

  • imagine that you have an oval in the center of your face; apply a darker foundation to all areas that protrude beyond its contour;
  • the chin can be smoothed with dark shades distributed in its center and a slight lightening of the skin at the edges;
  • to narrow the upper part, not only the temples are darkened, but also the convex tubercles on the forehead; as well as the center of the forehead and chin;
  • with a wide forehead and a pointed chin, shadows on the cheeks are applied in the form of a diamond.

Advice! You can hide wrinkles with a light highlighter. Slightly stretch the skin so that the product is evenly distributed even in the smallest folds, apply it, and then carefully blend.

Contouring a rectangular or square face

In this case, we need to slightly soften the sharp lines and “round” the face.

To achieve this goal it is necessary:

  • carefully and gently darken the jaw area; the wider the face, the larger the surface should be occupied by a dark corrector;
  • apply the darkest foundation to the area above the temples, as well as along the hairline and at the corners of the jaw;
  • the chin should not be darkened, as this will make the face pointed;
  • the area of ​​​​application of blush should be rounded, they are superimposed from the edge of the cheekbones slightly obliquely and down the hollow;
  • to bring the rest of the face to the fore, a light highlighter should be distributed along the midline of the forehead, the area under the eyes and in the lower chin area; to get a natural make-up, there should be a minimum amount of such illumination.

Advice! In order for cosmetics to fit perfectly, brushes and sponges need careful care. They are washed with soap at least once a week and dried thoroughly. If brushes and sponges are worn out, the powder and cream will not lay down smoothly, so they should be replaced regularly.

How to remove circles under the eyes?

  • dark circles are lightened and shaded even before applying the rest of the cosmetics;
  • the agent used for such purposes is selected only a tone lighter than the skin;

  • a highlighter with reflective particles is carefully applied from the inner corner to the outer one so that a small triangle is formed; after careful shading, it is fixed with powder;
  • if there are bags under the eyes, a shadow forms on the inner corner of the eye; if you gently lighten it with a thin beveled brush, the bags will be less noticeable; most importantly, do not apply concealer to the swelling area itself, otherwise you can aggravate the situation.

Advice! The skin of a reddish tint under the eyes can be masked with a remedy with a greenish undertone. Purple circles are masked with concealer with a slight yellow tint. Yellowness, on the contrary, can be removed using correctors with a lilac tone.

Facial contouring- This is a special technique for applying makeup, the purpose of which is to visually smooth out imperfections in appearance. With its help, you can correct the shape of the nose, if it is imperfect, the line of the cheekbones, as well as shape the contours of the face. The use of different textures, as well as certain colors and shades, creates the appearance of shadows, with the help of which the face takes on the desired shape and shape.

Contouring products should be in the arsenal of cosmetics not only for owners of a round face, blurry contours or an irregularly shaped nose: any girl with their help can independently create a unique, perfect image, emphasizing certain features. You can buy these funds at a very reasonable price. In any case, their cost will justify itself.

Step-by-step instruction

So what do you need for face contouring and a magical makeover? Indispensable will be the facial contouring palette, which usually contains about 6 shades of corrective, designed to create the perfect skin tone. Shades range from light cream to rich coffee. The texture of the product is usually dry, which makes it easier to blend and apply even at home. In addition, you will need blush - dry or in the form of a spray, concealer, bronzer, loose powder, eye shadow, as well as contouring brushes and sponges for even application.

Facial contouring - step by step instructions

The first step is not related to the application of funds: it is to choose the right color that perfectly matches the skin tone. Care must be taken to ensure that it looks as natural as possible and does not create a bright eye-catching spot on the skin when applied.

Another important point: contouring cosmetics should not contain shimmering particles or shine. This is completely inappropriate in the process of creating an ideal image.

Now, actually, about the technique and features of makeup for contouring the face. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • application to the face base foundation and a small amount of matting powder;
  • correction of the forehead area, namely, the contouring of its lateral parts and the line running along the hair growth;
  • nose contouring, which will make it more elegant and chiseled and less large. In order to visually narrow a wide nose, you need to draw two thin vertical lines with a dark shade of corrector or powder on its sides. They should pass between the tips of the nostrils. The lines should be gently shaded on the sides of the nose until they become smooth and invisible. On the center of the nose, apply a layer of powder of a light shade and blend.
    To correct the nose of a triangular shape, you need to shade the wings of the nose with dark powder, and apply a light tone on the sides of the bridge of the nose.
    A contouring kit will also be useful in order to visually shorten the nose. To do this, you need to darken the wings of the nose and its tip, and apply a light strip in the center, blend.
    If there is a defect such as a crooked or injured nose, then the contouring scheme in this case it will be like this: applying a dark shade of corrective agent on the sides of the nose, drawing a straight line in the center of the nose with a light shade, shading the lines until they are soft and smooth;
  • cheekbone contouring. In order to determine how correctly and on which zones to apply a corrective agent, you can put a brush handle or even your index finger on the cheekbones. Along this "diagonal" the line drawn to highlight them will pass. You can use the help in the form of photos and videos to have an idea of ​​​​the correct application of corrective agents on the cheekbones. A scheme or a contouring lesson will replace expensive consultations with a makeup artist.
    So, starting from the top, from the ear area, you need to draw a contour along the line of the cheekbones to about the middle of the cheek. Extending the lines below is not worth it, otherwise they will turn out to be rough, not elegant. This "diagonal" must be shaded with special care from side to side, and not to the bottom of the face.

By face type:

Pay attention to the scheme based on the type of face.

Round face contouring

Owners of a round face are interested in how to correct its characteristic features: wide cheekbones, a chin with a blurry contour line, almost the same width and height of the face. If you act in stages and carefully, then it is quite possible to visually correct these shortcomings. A feature of the correction of this type of face is the use of several different shades of funds.

First of all, you need to create the most even base tone of the face with the help of a tonal foundation and powder. Next, using the contouring palette, draw a few vertical lines - the darkest on the cheeks and sides of the nose, light - on the tip of the nose and the line of the chin. This will visually lengthen the face.

To remove excessive roundness of the cheeks, you need to take a blush of brown tones and apply them diagonally from the top of the cheekbones towards the bottom.


Here are some video instructions for facial contouring for clarity.

In addition, contouring can be done by yourself at home. Actually, there is nothing difficult in creating the perfect image. Correcting minor facial imperfections with cosmetics is a great way to enjoy your looks without worrying about imperfections.

Today we will talk about sculpting the face, we will present the photo step by step below. How to emphasize the dignity with the help of cosmetics, professional makeup artists know.

Models on the covers of glossy magazines cause envy, because they are considered the standards of beauty. But in fact, not many people know that it is the face correction that makes them desirable.

How to choose cosmetics for face sculpting

Correction of the shape of the face is the correct basis for evening makeup. The play of light and shadows helps to make the face visually thinner, and the lines of the cheekbones and chin are softer. In daylight, sculpting is inappropriate. Thanks to cosmetics, fashionistas create the illusion of a perfectly oval face, emphasize the cheekbones and make the nose attractive.

Face sculpting is performed using tonal foundations. The main thing is that highlighters, bronzers or a palette of powders are of high quality and do not roll down after a short period of time.

The choice of cosmetics for face correction depends on the type of sculpting. They are distinguished by two:

  • Dry is used for daytime makeup. Blush, powder and shadows are shaded with a brush.
  • Fat involves the use of thick creams and tonal foundations, which are appropriate to use in the evening. The method requires attention to detail and focus, as feathering the lines incorrectly will lead to failure.

In order to emphasize the curves of the face as naturally as possible, the main thing is to choose the right shades. Cosmetics manufacturers offer users palettes with a choice of colors. With their help, you can independently complete the flawless makeup. The main difficulty remains in careful shading.

  • do not purchase palettes that contain red and orange shades. They give the skin artificiality;
  • matte products look better on the skin than correctors with a shimmery or pearly sheen;
  • the dark corrector in the palette should be 2-3 tones darker than the skin;
  • large reflective particles in the highlighter are inappropriate;
  • highlighter should give the skin radiance, so it should be 1-2 shades lighter than the skin.

In professional cosmetic lines, you can find special contouring kits. They are expensive, but the quality is fully justified. These sets include 3-8 shades. Light ones eliminate excessive shine, and dark ones give a tan effect. To obtain the desired color shades can be mixed with each other. As part of the means for correcting the face, there may be nutritious vitamins and antioxidants (this is written on the package).

When choosing a blush for sculpting, it is important to remember that their application completes the makeup. You can overload the look if the texture of the blush is too dense. Matte products are the best choice for perfect makeup.

Advice! Carefully shade all lines so that the transitions are not visible. The main goal of sculpting is to create ideal natural contours of the face. Overloading with cosmetics leads to the effect of a puppet mask, which is not welcome.

Step-by-step correction instructions

Making the line of the cheekbones, you need to retract the cheeks as much as possible. Bronzer is applied below the most protruding line so that the area near the ear is the darkest. The cheek remains light. Highlighter highlights the area above the cheekbones.

The bronzer darkens the hairline, the contour of the face and the second chin (if any).

Eyebrows are treated with a highlighter on both sides. You can get rid of the impending eyelid if you highlight the area above the eyebrow with a thin strip.

The highlighter also brightens the middle of the forehead, the bridge of the nose and the area under the eyes (if there are bruises).

Day contouring begins with the processing of the forehead. A dark corrector highlights the temporal zones and the hairline. A light highlighter is applied with a vertical stroke to the center of the forehead. The key area of ​​the face is the cheekbones. A dark corrector is applied from the ear to the mouth with a brush (in the area of ​​the depression formed after the cheeks are retracted). The bone is treated with powder or light highlighter.

Evening sculpting is more intense than daytime and is performed step by step:

  • Eyebrow shaping and eye makeup.
  • A light concealer is applied to the areas under the eyes, above the cheekbones, upper lip and between the eyebrows.
  • The wings of the nose, temples, cheekbones and the line along the jaw are worked out with a layer of dark corrector.
  • Shade the contour lines with smooth movements, starting with light lines.
  • The contouring is fixed with a transparent matting powder and applying a thin layer of blush.

Advice!Mimic wrinkles are visually reduced with the help of a highlighter, which is applied to their depth and carefully shaded.

Color correction according to the shape of the face

It is possible to harmoniously correct the shape of the face only if it is correctly determined. In total, makeup artists distinguish seven types:

  • An oval face is considered the standard of beauty, so its adjustment should be minimal. To make bright accents, you can highlight the center of the face with a light one, and process the cheekbones with a dark corrector.
  • An elongated face, similar to a rectangle, needs to soften the corners and bring the shape as close to the oval as possible. A wide forehead and jaw lines are corrected with foundation. To expand a narrow face, you should highlight the cheekbones with blush.
  • The square shape is characterized by equal proportions of the length and width of the face. It is necessary to darken the lines under the lower jaw, and soften the contours with a dark corrector.
  • The round shape of the face is narrowed due to the dark tones along the contour. Blush is applied in the form of a triangle.
  • An inverted triangle or heart shape needs to soften the chin with a dark tone. The purpose of sculpting is to balance the upper zone with the lower one. The darkening of the chin in this case should be carried out as carefully as possible so as not to narrow it more. The situation is saved by a light highlight of the highlighter.

  • The shape of the diamond should be corrected in the widest part of the face, going into the temporal zone. The forehead and chin are brightened. Blush is applied in the form of a triangle.
  • A trapezoidal or pear-shaped shape should be softened by narrowing the lower chin area. A dark corrector is distributed on the sides of the cheekbones and cheeks, a light accent is added on the forehead. Blush is applied in the form of a triangle.
  • For owners of a too thin and narrow face, makeup artists recommend applying highlighter with horizontal strokes. Then it will visually expand and look more attractive.

Advice! Before applying a bronzer or highlighter, shake off the brush so as not to overdo it with cosmetics.

Hide the flaws of a round face

Most often, chubby girls resort to sculpting. Not necessarily the owner is overweight, but a wide forehead and a weak chin suit few people. Therefore, when color grading, it is important to achieve the effect of reducing the cheeks and lengthening the face.

Dark powder is applied to the lateral surface of the cheeks and cheekbones, the corners of the lower jaw. Blush should be applied in the form of an inverted triangle, with the apex pointing towards the mouth.

On a wide face, the highlighter is applied with vertical strokes. The center of the chin, bridge of the nose, forehead and areas around the eyebrows and eyes are brightened.

For the perfect sculpting of a round face, it is important to follow the rules:

  • Darken areas that need to be hidden with a dark corrector. It is applied to the cheekbones, nose and facial contour.
  • Pay attention to the neck. A face treated with cosmetics looks inharmonious in tandem with a natural neck. A dark corrector will save the situation.

Advice! Darken the wings of the nose and lighten the bridge of the nose to make the nose thin.

What to do with a full face?

The appearance of Slavic girls and Asian women is characterized by a wide face. Therefore, recommendations for visually reducing the width and emphasizing the relief are suitable not only for obese women. Also, with the help of sculpting, skin defects are masked.

To make up a full or wide face, you need to purchase a light and dark foundation, powder or cream blush, concealer, corrector, highlighter of a neutral shade, a bronzer without a “redhead”, transparent powder. Do not forget about eye makeup and lipstick.

When using cream textures for applying cosmetics, you will need sponges and brushes to decorate your face. To apply powder, you need a rounded beveled brush.

You can make facial contouring with cream textures yourself if you follow the instructions:

  • Moisturize face and prepare before treatment.
  • Moisten the sponge in water, wring it out well and apply a thin layer of a light base.
  • Hide defects with a corrector, and mask under-eye circles with a concealer.
  • Darken the contours of the face with a foundation, blend the lines.
  • For a visual narrowing of the cheeks, you need to draw an oblique strip in a dark tone along the cavity, which is formed due to the retraction of the cheeks. The line is shaded towards the temples with light movements of the brush or fingers.
  • Gently spread the blush on the apples of your cheeks. Do not apply them close to the wings of the nose, so as not to visually expand it more.
  • Narrow a large nose with a highlighter, darkening the wings with a dark shade.
  • Evenly distribute the cream highlighter on the upper part of the cheekbones.
  • Finish off with eye makeup.

Correction of a full face is a real salvation for full girls. Make-up preserves individual features and gives attractiveness without surgical intervention. In order not to overdo it with cosmetics, makeup artists recommend visiting the salon for the first time. This will allow you to see the features of sculpting a full face.

Advice! Avoid coarse dark eyeliner, vulgar bright shadows and unevenly applied lipstick so as not to visually age your face.

We work on each zone separately

  • For expressiveness of the cheekbones, they need to be darkened. The technique is not suitable for owners of a narrow face, but suitable for chubby girls. You need to draw a visual line that starts at the corners of the lips and ends near the top of the ear. Under it, from top to bottom, apply a dark foundation to visually make the cheekbones higher. The second line is drawn from the wings of the nose to the corners of the eyes from the outside. Foundation is applied between the lines.
  • Darkening the forehead and hairline is necessary if nature has endowed a high forehead and thinning hair in this area. A dark corrector is applied to the temples and along the hairline. Foundation should be selected to match the natural skin tone.
  • Darkening the areas around the eyes visually enlarges them. For the desired effect, shade the forehead first.
  • The chin line is corrected by darkening the neck and below the bridge of the nose.
  • Corrective agents are shaded from top to bottom.

Nose processing is a separate stage in face sculpting:

  • To narrow the nose, you need to apply a light tone on the back and bridge of the nose, and a dark tone on the wings.
  • To visually reduce the nose, the back and bridge of the nose are processed with a light tone, and the tip of the nose with a dark tone.
  • You can hide a large nose with a foundation 0.5 tones darker.

If you learn how to treat each zone separately, you get the perfect face makeup.

Advice! When correcting the face with a bronzer or highlighter, treat the skin with powder and foundation before starting the procedure. To calculate the exact amount of sculpting product, practice on your arm.

Today we will talk about sculpting the face, we will present the photo step by step below. How to emphasize the dignity with the help of cosmetics, professional makeup artists know. Models on the covers of glossy magazines cause envy, because they are considered the standards of beauty. But in fact, not many people know that it is the face correction that makes them desirable.

How to choose cosmetics for face sculpting

Correction of the shape of the face is the correct basis for evening make-up. The play of light and shadows helps to make the face visually thinner, and the lines of the cheekbones and chin are softer. In daylight, sculpting is inappropriate. Thanks to cosmetics, fashionistas create the illusion of a perfect oval-shaped face, emphasize the cheekbones and make the nose attractive.

Face sculpting is performed using tonal foundations. The main thing is that highlighters, bronzers or a palette of powders are of high quality and do not roll down after a short period of time.

When using cream textures for applying cosmetics, you will need sponges and brushes to decorate your face. To apply powder, you need a rounded beveled brush.

You can make facial contouring with cream textures yourself if you follow the instructions:

  • Moisturize face and prepare before treatment.
  • Moisten the sponge in water, wring it out well and apply a thin layer of a light base.
  • Hide defects with a corrector, and mask under-eye circles with a concealer.
  • Darken the contours of the face with a foundation, blend the lines.
  • For a visual narrowing of the cheeks, you need to draw an oblique strip in a dark tone along the cavity, which is formed due to the retraction of the cheeks. The line is shaded towards the temples with light movements of the brush or fingers.
  • Gently spread the blush on the apples of your cheeks. Do not apply them close to the wings of the nose, so as not to visually expand it more.
  • Narrow a large nose with a highlighter, darkening the wings with a dark shade.
  • Evenly distribute the cream highlighter on the upper part of the cheekbones.
  • Finish off with eye makeup.

Correction of a full face is a real salvation for full girls. Make-up preserves individual features and gives attractiveness without surgical intervention. In order not to overdo it with cosmetics, makeup artists recommend visiting the salon for the first time. This will allow you to see the features of sculpting a full face.

Advice! Avoid coarse dark eyeliner, vulgar bright shadows and unevenly applied lipstick so as not to visually age your face.

We work on each zone separately

  • For expressiveness of the cheekbones, they need to be darkened. The technique is not suitable for owners of a narrow face, but suitable for chubby girls. You need to draw a visual line that starts at the corners of the lips and ends near the top of the ear. Under it, from top to bottom, apply a dark foundation to visually make the cheekbones higher. The second line is drawn from the wings of the nose to the corners of the eyes from the outside. Foundation is applied between the lines.
  • Darkening the forehead and hairline is necessary if nature has endowed a high forehead and thinning hair in this area. A dark corrector is applied to the temples and along the hairline. Foundation should be selected to match the natural skin tone.
  • Darkening the areas around the eyes visually enlarges them. For the desired effect, shade the forehead first.
  • The chin line is corrected by darkening the neck and below the bridge of the nose.
  • Corrective agents are shaded from top to bottom.

Nose processing is a separate stage in face sculpting:

  • To narrow the nose, you need to apply a light tone on the back and bridge of the nose, and a dark tone on the wings.
  • To visually reduce the nose, the back and bridge of the nose are processed with a light tone, and the tip of the nose with a dark tone.
  • You can hide a large nose with a foundation 0.5 tones darker.

If you learn how to treat each zone separately, you get the perfect face makeup.

Advice! When correcting the face with a bronzer or highlighter, treat the skin with powder and foundation before starting the procedure. To calculate the exact amount of sculpting product, practice on your arm.