Like April, the gender of the child is folk omens. Determination of the sex of the unborn child: signs by the shape of the abdomen, diet, fetal activity

Today, the ultrasound machine allows you to find out the sex of the child long before his birth. Before the advent of innovative technologies, women tried to predict the appearance of a son or daughter, based on the experience of generations. Some ways to determine the sex of an unborn child according to signs have not lost their relevance to this day.

The gender of the unborn child can be determined using folk signs

Main signs

Not always future parents want to do an ultrasound to find out the sex of the child. There are many ways to determine the sex of a child according to folk signs, without modern technology.

It is noticed that boys and girls lie in the mother's stomach in different ways. Boys put pressure on their mother's bladder, girls bring discomfort in the lumbar region and liver.

Belly shape

Round or oval shape of the abdomen - there will be a girl. Sharp or "rectangular" - expect a boy belly.


You can determine the sex by the nature of toxicosis in the expectant mother: if a pregnant woman is not worried about nausea, then expect a son, when a woman experiences toxicosis from an early date, then wait for her daughter.


Before the advent of ultrasound, the sex of a child was determined by the heartbeat. This is an inaccurate way, doctors often made mistakes, so it belongs to the folk. The heart rate is more than 140 beats per minute - there will be a girl, if less, then a boy. When measuring the baby's pulse, the mother should be relaxed and calm.

There is an ancient Chinese table for determining the sex of a child. In one column, the age of the expectant mother is indicated, in the other, the estimated month of conception of the baby. It is necessary to connect your age and month and look at the meaning of who should be born. According to this folk method, you can plan the floor, you just need to choose the right month for conception.

You can test this method in advance on your relatives and close people.

Ancient Chinese table for determining the sex of a child by the age of the mother and the month of conception

Parents' blood

Ancient people were sure that the human body works like a clock and its blood is renewed every 3-5 years. This theory is based on the method of determining sex by the blood of the parents.

There are several ways to calculate. The first is an electronic calculator. It is freely available on the Internet. The date of birth of each parent and the exact day of conception (or estimated) are entered. According to the indicators, he immediately calculates the gender of the unborn child.

Previously, they were counted manually. According to this theory, a woman's blood is renewed every 3 years, starting from the age of 15 (18, 21, 24, etc.). In men, blood is renewed every 4 years, starting at the age of 16 (20, 24, 28, etc.).

Second calculation method:

  1. Mom is 25 years old, dad is 30;
  2. Divide the age of the father by 4, it turns out 30: 4 \u003d 7.5;
  3. Divide the mother's age by 3 (blood renewal every 3 years): 25:3 = 8.3;
  4. 8.3 is greater than 7.5. There will be a girl.

Whose indicator is higher, the child will be of the same gender. The third way to calculate by blood:

  1. Take the dates of birth of the parents: mom 1992 and dad 1989;
  2. The mother's blood was last updated in 2016;
  3. Father's - in 2017;
  4. If conception has occurred or will occur in 2018, the unborn child will be male, because the father's blood was renewed before the mother's.

If it turned out that the blood of both parents was renewed in the same year, then there is a possibility of multiple pregnancy.

Fetal activity

Definition by behavior - these are the first movements. If the child moved for the first time on the right side, wait for the daughter. From the left son. The same applies to the protrusion of the abdomen. Girls are more active and agile, they can spin and beat in their mother's belly until the very birth. Boys are lazy and clumsy, pushing less frequently.

Unusual signs of determining the sex of a child

There are also less well-known folk signs that can be used to guess who future parents should expect.

mother's appetite

The gender of the unborn child can be determined by appetite. Mothers of future boys eat more than mothers of girls. If a woman prefers sweets, fruits and vegetables, she wears a girl. When a pregnant woman leans on meat, fish dishes, spicy, salty and sour, then there will be a boy.

Appearance of a woman

It has long been said that if a woman has become prettier - wait for a son, beauty is gone - wait for a daughter.

Modern medicine confirms this theory, explaining it by changes in the hormonal background of the expectant mother. The body of a woman who wears a girl is in decline.

Hormones are given to the child, so it is depleted, the appearance deteriorates. With future boys, a woman constantly receives a new hormonal background.

How to determine the sex of a child by signs of appearance:

  • potato nose - there will be a boy;
  • dry skin - son, soft - daughter;
  • hair began to fall out, grow dull and confused - there will be a girl, hair grows and there are no problems with them - this is a boy;
  • the left breast has become larger - a daughter will be born, the right one has increased - a son.

Another way to determine gender is by changes in appearance along the nipples. If the halos have darkened and greatly increased, then wait for the boy.

Behavior and habits

It has been observed that pregnant women have similar behavioral responses. She makes it clear what gender the child will be born:

  • a pregnant woman shows her palms up - there will be a daughter, down - a son;
  • sleeping on the left side - a boy, on the left - a girl;
  • rests and sleeps a lot - a female child will be born, the pregnancy went unnoticed - male.

This also includes changes in the work of memory, a woman is forgetful and absent-minded - to wait for her son.

If a woman rests a lot, a girl will be born

Parent relationship

The gender of the unborn child can be determined by the relationship between husband and wife. One way to calculate:

  • a wife is older than her husband - a daughter will be born first;
  • a man loves a woman more - wait for a son;
  • a woman is attached to a man more than he is to wait for a daughter.

During conception, it matters where the woman's head is turned: to the north - a boy, to the south - a girl. A folk sign says which of the parents was more active at the time of conception, of that gender and the child will be born.


You can determine the sex of the child from the dreams of the expectant mother. If a woman had a dream in which she gave birth to a son, a daughter will be born in real life.

If a woman in a dream was in a male body, then she will give birth to a son. There are different variations of dreams with objects and animals, the most popular dream where a woman is fishing. I caught a big one - there will be a boy, a lot or small fish - there will be a girl.


Many parents think about how to find out the sex of a child according to popular signs, but it is important to remember that this does not give a 100% guarantee. All signs are long-term observations of people, conclusions. They are suitable for couples who refuse to do modern fetal examinations, but want to know the sex of the fetus.

Those who have done an ultrasound and know what gender a child will be born can check and observe themselves. Find out which folk sign is confirmed and which is not.


Folk signs are not a thing of the past, but you should not take them seriously. One sign can show different results, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

When ultrasound research did not yet exist, our grandmothers had no less curiosity. They learned to determine the sex of the unborn baby using folk methods. Do you believe in them? Fact or fiction - you can check it out now.

If you are already a mother, then just remember your pregnancy, and if the birth of a baby is yet to come, then listen to yourself ... and wait for the planned ultrasound, check its result with your expectations. Reliably only ultrasound can tell you who you are waiting for, although it is sometimes wrong.

15 folk methods for determining the sex of a child

Belly shape

The shape of the abdomen is the first thing you should pay attention to. It is customary to believe that a round and wide tummy is a sign that a daughter will be born. A sharp, protruding belly - to the boy. It is also generally accepted that the tummy protruding to the left - to the girl, to the right - there will be a son.

First movements

You can also judge the field of the future baby by his first movements. If you felt the first tremors in the right side of the abdomen - expect a boy, in the left - a girl. If the baby hits the liver, then most likely it is a daughter, and a son hits the bladder.

The appearance of the expectant mother

If with the onset of pregnancy you seem to flourish, get prettier - wait for the boy. If a little princess lives in the tummy, then she will “take away her mother’s beauty”, for a while, of course.

Many do not believe in this judgment, and in vain. Even doctors tend to agree with him, and this is understandable from a scientific point of view. Mom is forced to share her hormones with her child, and if she is expecting a girl, then first of all she has to share the “beauty” hormones. Therefore, nails begin to break, hair falls out, the skin grows dull.

Toxicosis or its absence

The stronger the toxicosis, the more likely it is that you are expecting a son. Everything is simple here - it is doubly difficult for your body to get used to a new tenant if he is also of the opposite sex.

Food preferences

Your taste preferences can also tell about who you are waiting for. If you are drawn to sour, let it be lemon or cranberries, if you want sweets, then there will be a girl. If the expectant mother has forgotten about all diets and asks for meat, bread, pickles, borscht and fried potatoes, then wait for your son.

Heart rhythm

A completely scientific, but at the same time folk method is to study the baby's heartbeat. In girls, it is noticeably more frequent than in representatives of the strong half of humanity.

Sleep position

At the end of the article, we have prepared for you a checklist "Pregnancy Weekly Calendar". Download it and follow the development of your baby!


It is believed that before the birth of a son, a woman swells and swells more, especially in the legs.

Skin on hands

Are you pregnant and the skin on your palms has become very dry, so much so that it cracks? Then you have to be the boy's mom. If, on the contrary, the hands become soft and tender - wait for the baby.

Body temperature

You are often shivering for no apparent reason, constantly freezing and wrapping yourself in a blanket - wait for the baby, suffer from heat and lack of air - wait for the baby.

The mood of the expectant mother

Your mood, in which you stay most often, will also tell you who is in your tummy. An irritable future mother is likely to have a female child. A complaisant and calm lady will have a male baby.

Interest of other children

If a little boy suddenly comes up to you on a visit or on a walk, he is clearly interested in your tummy, which means that the future bride lives there.


If you have become clumsy, like a bear, stumble out of the blue and do not fit into turns, then wait for your son. If, despite the big tummy, you move easily and gracefully, there will be a daughter.

Show your palm!

If, at the request to show your hands, you turned them with your palms up, then in the tummy - baby, palms down - baby.

Fortune telling on the key

And another folk method of "fortune telling" on the gender of the unborn child: the pregnant woman is asked to take a metal key from the table. If she grabbed the round part, then there will be a daughter, if the long narrow part is a boy. If she took the key exactly in the middle, there is a chance that twins will be born.

Do you believe in these omens? Have you tried them on yourself and which ones matched reality?

read the next article!

Download the checklist "Calendar of pregnancy by weeks"

As soon as a woman learns about pregnancy, she becomes interested in everything related to the development of the child. So that you do not have vain fears, it will be useful to know how the fetus develops by week of pregnancy.

It is not uncommon for doctors to say one sex during research, but at birth it turned out that the baby was of the opposite sex. Therefore, many couples want to know how to determine the sex of the child according to folk signs. Medical research makes it possible to find out who will be born no earlier than 16 weeks of pregnancy, if the fetus turns during an ultrasound scan to a side suitable for diagnosis. It is not for nothing that different beliefs and fortune-telling have long been widely used. Any expectant mother can try them on herself.

Common folk beliefs

To calculate the sex of an unborn child, many signs are used. The most popular of them are widely known.
Folk signs for determining the sex of a child during pregnancy are conventionally divided into groups. Frequent coincidences on various grounds indicate a high chance of having a baby of a certain gender. During the gestation period, girls begin to eat unusual food or consume any product in large quantities. Wise people compared these data and got the following results.

If a woman is expecting a son:

  • I want to eat salty, smoked and meat (in the classic example, a pregnant woman who eats cucumbers is expecting an heir);
  • prefers the bread crust over the crumb;
  • she has an excessive appetite;
  • she has a long-lasting smell after eating a clove of garlic.

While waiting for a girl:

  • I want to eat sweets and flour products;
  • only the crumb eats out of the bread;
  • eats in moderation.

In addition to changes in tastes, folk signs pay attention to toxicosis. If he is strong, the woman has a daughter, weak or absent altogether - a son.

Other signs of mom's well-being:

  • persistent headaches indicate the expectation of a boy;
  • frequent changeable mood suggests that the girl is expecting a daughter;
  • feeling unwell in the heat means the imminent birth of a girl, if a girl can hardly tolerate the cold - a boy;
  • severely swollen legs indicate pregnancy with a male baby.

The shape of the abdomen is exactly what passers-by and friends pay attention to. On this basis, predicting the sex of the baby is as easy as possible.

If a woman is carrying a boy, her stomach is sharp and oblong, often protruding to the right side. Interestingly, even in the later stages of pregnancy, the heir to the big belly from the back will be invisible.

If a daughter is born soon, the girl’s stomach “spreads” to the sides, sticks out to the left. It will be possible to notice pregnancy from the back already in the second trimester. Although the stomach is rounded much later than when expecting a son.

According to folk signs for determining the sex of the unborn child, it is easy to find out the desired information on the appearance of the expectant mother. They say that if a pregnant woman wears a boy, she becomes prettier: facial features become clear, thick shiny hair grows quickly. Interestingly, a pointed nose indicates the expectation of a male baby.

If a daughter is to be born, the facial features of the pregnant woman become softer. In the later stages, her face swells, her nose becomes large. In the early stages, the girl constantly peels off her skin, acne and other inflammations appear. It is believed that the daughter "takes away" her mother's beauty.

You can guess who will be born by relationships in the family:

  • a man is older than a woman - an heir will appear;
  • if a girl has more feelings for a man, there will be a daughter, on the contrary, a son;
  • it is believed that the baby will take over the sex of the parent who was more active at the time of conception.

These data do not always coincide with reality, since couples often have children of different sexes.

You can calculate the sex from the movements of the fetus in the womb using the following signs. The heirs behave like this:

  • the girl feels the first kicks on the right side;
  • mostly "swarming" in the lower abdomen;
  • strong blows fall on the bladder of a pregnant woman;
  • much more active than girls.

Accordingly, it is not difficult to identify girls on the following grounds:

  • the first shocks are felt on the left;
  • move at the top of the abdomen;
  • hit on the liver of the expectant mother;
  • are less active than boys.

Dreams help determine the sex of the child according to folk signs. If a girl remembers dreams, you should compare them with the following beliefs:

  • dreamed that a son was born - there will be a daughter, and vice versa;
  • if in a dream the pregnant woman felt like a man, a boy will be born.

Doctors refute all kinds of folk signs and their relationship with the sex of the baby. For example, if the fetus is lying upside down, it will kick the liver. If the baby is in a breech presentation, the blows will fall on the bladder. However, the folk signs described above often coincide with reality.

Fortune telling on the gender of the child

You can tell fortunes on the sex of a child, knowing simple rituals. Do not blindly believe the result, but only rely on it as a more likely option.

The most popular divination on the gender of the unborn baby:

  • if you ask the expectant mother to stretch her hands forward, you need to look where the palms are directed: up - there will be a daughter, down - a son;
  • if a girl takes the key by the teeth, a girl will be born, at the top - a boy, at the middle - twins;
  • if you ask a pregnant woman to show one hand and stand up, you need to follow the hand with which she helps herself: the left one will be the heir, the right one will be the heiress.

These divinations are very simple and absolutely harmless. It will be interesting for any pregnant woman to try them on herself and compare the result with reality.

The pendulum is one of the most used methods for predicting future events.

The pendulum is a heavy element, such as a ball or cone made of metal, glass or wood, which is suspended from a thread about ten or twenty centimeters long.

Since ancient times, the use of a pendulum to decipher the future has been quite common among seers, it is an easy way to find out what is going to happen. Because it is quite effective.

Wedding ring on a string

The most popular divination by the gender of the baby, our ancestors carried out with the help of a wedding ring. It acts as a pendulum. It is still unknown what makes him actively swing over the belly of a pregnant girl.

  1. You need to take a wedding ring and put it on your hair.
  2. Take 2 ends of the hair: the ring should hang exactly in the middle.
  3. Lie on your back and put the ring on your navel.
  4. Slowly raise the device, while the elbows should not be in weight so that the hands do not tremble.
  5. If the pendulum swings from side to side, a boy will appear, in a circle - a girl.

It is interesting that an absolutely static pendulum raised above the pregnant woman's belly begins to swing strongly.

Also determine the presence or absence of pregnancy. Static indicates that there is no pregnancy.

Instead of a wedding ring, you can use a needle. It is threaded onto a thread and all the points are done, as with a ring.

Unusual signs

Doctors are disapproving of most signs. Most of them mean only the position of the child in the womb, the state of health of the mother and similar signs.

The beliefs described below, which are associated with changes in a woman's body, are used by midwives. According to beliefs, you can find out the sex of the child with the highest possible accuracy.

  1. If the fetus is male, the level of testosterone in the woman's blood increases significantly. The release of the hormone leads to increased vegetation on the legs, arms, hair appears on the abdomen and back. When expecting a daughter, such changes are not observed.
  2. Due to the hormonal level in girls under 25 years old, boys are mainly born, over 33 years old - girls. Between the ages of 25 and 33, both sons and daughters are born equally often.

  3. If spouses have sex every day, the chance of conceiving a boy is higher. With regular contacts, "male" spermatozoa quickly reach the female gamete and fertilize it. "Female" sperm are slow, taking several days to reach the uterus. Therefore, with infrequent relationships, the spermatozoa responsible for the birth of a male baby die, and the tenacious "female" have time to get to the egg.

Having studied and "trying on" folk signs and fortune-telling, a woman will be able to assume with a high probability the birth of a baby of one sex or another. Even if the result does not coincide with reality, a kind of game will brighten up leisure and strengthen relations between future parents. 70-80% of couples manage to find out by signs the sex of the child.

During pregnancy, it is common for the fair sex to listen with special attention to various popular beliefs. Signs for pregnant women guarantee a woman psychological peace. At the same time, the maternal instinct actively wakes up, the appearance of suspiciousness, the desire to insure, both at the medical and at the energy level, tends to appear. And if you study this topic in more detail, it becomes clear that many popular beliefs have very real scientific explanations.

What not to do during pregnancy

Signs about the field of the unborn child

We bring to your attention a list of superstitions that will help you determine the gender of the unborn baby.

  1. If the tummy strongly protrudes outwards and has a pointed shape, this promises you the appearance of a boy, and if it is round and wide, most likely a girl will be born.
  2. While pregnant, you notice a lot of hair on your legs - it will be a boy, otherwise it will be a girl.
  3. They also say that in a legal marriage, the birth of a girl is more likely, and if the spouses are just going to get married, it is worth waiting for a boy.
  4. If the husband's love for his wife is stronger than the wife's love for her husband, a boy will be born, and when the opposite is true, a girl.
  5. If you regularly made love - expect a girl, if you took breaks of several days - get ready for the birth of a boy.
  6. If the head of the family prefers tight underwear, a boy will be born, and if free, a daughter will be born.
  7. If a woman likes to sleep with her head to the south, a girl will appear, and if to the north, a boy.
  8. When a future mother complains of feeling very cold in her legs throughout her pregnancy, most likely you will have a son.
  9. If there is a deterioration in the appearance of a woman - wait for a girl, and if there is an improvement - a boy.
  10. Cravings for sweets? Become the parents of a daughter. If you give your preference to eggs, cheese, meat products, a boy will be born.
  11. If the nose swells and swells slightly during pregnancy, it will be a boy.
  12. If the stomach leans to the left, a girl will appear, to the right, a boy.
  13. If the halos around the nipples darken, a daughter will be born, and when, on the contrary, they brighten, a son will be born.
  14. Usually, toxicosis manifests itself more strongly when a woman carries a girl under her heart.
  15. The presence of strong pigmentation on the abdomen indicates the birth of a girl, and if hair begins to grow, a boy will be born.
  16. Suffering from strong heartbeats? Wait for the boy.
  17. If the body temperature rises, a boy will be born, and when it decreases, a girl will be born.

There are several ways to check who will be born. In the first case, you need to hold the ring on a thread directly above your left palm, if it moves in a circle, there will be a girl, and if it swings back and forth, you will become the parents of a son.

The Japanese have come up with a much simpler method - they divide the woman's age by three, and the father by four. If a larger percentage remains with the mother, expect a girl, and if the father has a boy.

You can believe the signs, or you can bypass them, but, being in an interesting position, it will not be superfluous to turn to the origins of folk wisdom so that a healthy and happy baby is born.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

Every expectant mother wants to know the gender of her baby. Modern diagnostic methods make it possible to determine this with high accuracy. But as a rule, without special indications, ultrasound is not recommended to be performed before the second trimester of pregnancy. But even at this time it is not always possible to determine who the parents are waiting for - a daughter or a son. In this case, the mother may come in handy with folk signs for determining the sex of the child.

Having nothing to do with modern science, they often come true. How to accurately determine the sex of a child, based on folk signs?

Notes for a boy Notes for a girl
Sharp belly. The belly is round, spreading on the sides.
The waist is preserved from the back, and the stomach is not noticeable. Thalia has not survived.
In the first months of pregnancy. Strong in the first weeks after conception.
In food, the expectant mother prefers sour, salty dishes, as well as foods containing a lot of protein (meat, milk, cottage cheese, cheese). In food, a woman prefers sweets, pastries and fruits.
Unexpressed pigmentation of the areola around the nipples. The chest has greatly increased, the nipples have noticeably darkened.
The woman became prettier during pregnancy. Pigmentation appeared on the face, swelling of the nose is observed. In general, the expectant mother became ugly, began to look not as good as before pregnancy.
The palms have become drier than they were before pregnancy. The skin on the face has become dry.
The first noticeable movement of the baby on the right. The first noticeable movement of the baby on the left.
A woman becomes clumsy during pregnancy. A woman remains graceful during pregnancy.
fetus less than 140 beats per minute. Fetal heart rate 140 beats per minute or more.

How accurate is the result

Folk signs do not allow you to accurately determine the sex of the child. The probability of the correct result is 50/50. That is, it is not so difficult to randomly guess who will be born. Folk signs for determining the sex of a child, for the most part, have no scientific, medical justification.

For example, the shape of the belly of a pregnant woman is completely independent of what gender the woman is expecting. It is determined by the anatomical features, the position of the fetus, as well as the body mass index of the expectant mother at the time of conception.

The frequency of movements of the crumbs also in no way indicates its gender, but if the indicator differs from the norm in one direction or another, this may indicate. Of these signs, the most accurate is sex determination by the fetal heart rate, but this method is far from perfect.

It is possible to predict with accuracy who will be born only with the help of medical methods. Sometimes, in order to exclude some serious pathologies, the doctor may use certain methods for diagnosing the sex of the baby in the very early stages of pregnancy.

If there is no such need, then it is quite possible to use folk signs to determine the sex of the unborn child as fun and entertainment for the woman and her relatives. With a high probability it will become known who will be born - a boy or a girl, as a result.

What determines the gender of the child?

Many argue that a man is responsible for the sex of a child, and a woman cannot influence this process in any way. Some firmly believe that a certain diet and lifestyle of a mother can increase the likelihood of having a daughter or son. What actually determines the sex of the child?

The average number of spermatozoa in one serving of semen is 100 million. Of these, half contain the X chromosome, half - Y. If the egg is fertilized by the X chromosome, there will be a girl, Y - a boy will be born. Thus, the sex of the future baby depends on which sperm will merge with the egg. And this statement is undeniable.

But this process can be influenced by various factors, such as the lifestyle of future parents, their diet, sexual activity, characteristics of sexual intercourse, and many others.

For example, in some families, babies of only one sex are born from generation to generation. This can be explained by a genetic feature, for example, the non-viability of spermatozoa carrying the Y or X chromosome. In this case, only boys or only girls will be born. But this is not always the real reason.

The fact is that spermatozoa containing the X and Y chromosomes react differently to their environment. If the body of the woman into which they have entered gives a permanent advantage to the Y chromosome, then the couple will have male babies all the time, or vice versa.

In the vagina, sperm enter an unfavorable environment for themselves - acidic. Only the most resilient or the fastest can survive. But even if a spermatozoon with such properties reaches its target, and the woman has not yet ovulated, it dies, and conception does not occur, because their lifespan does not exceed 5 days.

It is widely believed that sperm containing the X chromosome move more slowly. But at the same time they are more resistant to the conditions around them than their counterparts. It turns out that if sexual intercourse occurred a few days before ovulation, and as a result of this, conception occurred, that is, conditions were created for the sperm cell when it is forced to wait for an egg ready for fertilization, a girl will be born.

But even this simple statement, which seems to have an explanation, is not always true. Even under such conditions, spermatozoa carrying the Y chromosome may well survive if the environment in the vagina and fallopian tubes of the expectant mother is very favorable for them. This means that with a high probability, under such conditions, a boy can also be born.

If everything were so unambiguous in determining the factors that affect the sex of the child, then planning it would become a simple everyday thing, accessible to everyone. Today, this can be done with accuracy only with the help of modern medical technologies.

In most cases, in the absence of serious medical indications, there is no objective need to know in advance who will be born - a girl or a boy. Then folk signs for determining the sex of the child are quite suitable as entertainment and a pleasant pastime. After all, even if they do not work, nothing bad will happen. A long-awaited and beloved miracle will be born, and it does not matter at all whether it is a boy or a girl.

Since folk signs have no scientific basis, their accuracy is quite low. Absolutely trust them is not worth it, but they still sometimes come true, which means they have the right to exist.

Useful video on whether it is possible to plan the gender of the child
