What pedicure is in fashion in summer. Beautiful manicure and pedicure - fashion trends, ideas, photo examples. Fashionable french pedicure

On hot summer days, no part of the body goes unnoticed. What can we say about beautiful well-groomed legs that you so want to pamper with a bright summer pedicure. And if in winter you can afford to relax a little and visit the salon less often, then open sandals and slippers require perfect legs every day. If you want to demonstrate to others not only beautiful well-groomed feet with baby-smooth skin, but also your impeccable taste and sense of style, it's time to find out what kind of pedicure is in fashion in the summer of 2017. We have selected for you the brightest, juiciest and fresh ideas that will last all summer. Look, choose, remember.

This season, on many world catwalks, they decided to move away from the trends of previous years, when the patterns on the arms and legs were radically different from each other. This summer, manicures and pedicures should be united by a common design and color trend. Unlike the autumn-winter season, filled with pastel and rich dark tones, the colors of the summer pedicure are bright, explosive, unusual. On the crest of fashion - mint, turquoise, orange and lilac. And of course, we remind you of the classic manicure, without which the pedicure will no longer look so beautiful.

Ombre pedicure is chic and interesting, which, depending on the season, can be combined with bright colors or contrasting ones. Girls for whom the play of color on the nails is unacceptable will like the beige gradient, gentle, neutral and practical. The transition of color on the nails can be within the nail platinum or each nail separately, ranging from a lighter tone to a darker shade, or different colors passing into each other.

Floral pedicure is the trend of summer and spring. A small floral print or large beautiful flowers in combination with open shoes will look incredibly beautiful, attract attention with their originality and grace. Alternatively, it can be butterflies, fruits, plant motifs. In summer, marine pedicure is in fashion.

You can decorate toenails in almost the same way as on your hands. Rhinestones of various shades, beads, sequins are delightful on the nails, they are especially appropriate in the warm seasons of the year, when shoes cannot interfere with the contemplation of the created masterpieces and convenience. Glitter varnishes can become a worthy replacement for them - shine and beauty without volume. As for the color palette in the fashionable pedicure 2017, everything here also depends on a particular season. In spring - mint colors, blue, pastel shades, in summer neon, beige, coral blue are relevant, because summer pedicure is simply obliged to be bright and catchy, attract attention and emphasize the beauty and style of its owner.

Fashion ideas for summer pedicure 2017 photo options

This summer, you can safely experiment with bright colors. In addition, neon and shiny shades of varnishes are very easily fixed on the catwalks of the world. Indeed, thanks to such a bold color scheme, you can show others your individuality and emphasize your sense of style. Varnish, which has various inclusions, sparkles or small balls, is also great for creating a summer pedicure. Indeed, thanks to the heterogeneous consistency, you can not only hide the irregularities of the nail plate, but also choose the most harmonious option for everyday outfit.

However, it cannot be denied that classic pinks and reds will always be in trend. After all, these colors are suitable for everyone and can make any look feminine. In addition, the so-called French manicure and pedicure is still relevant. If you do not like to experiment with your appearance, then give preference to the traditional design. Remember that a beautiful summer pedicure should be not only fashionable, but also neat. Therefore, it is necessary to visit a beauty salon every 2 weeks for correction.

Today, decals, stamps and rhinestones, which are actively used by nail stylists, are more relevant than ever. In addition, you can afford voluminous polymer jewelry that will help you create a real work of art on your legs. After all, sandals and sandals are the most popular shoes in summer. And this means that the pedicure should be original and stylish.

If you care for your nails at home, then purchase decals. You can buy them in cosmetics stores or order online. At the same time, the effect of using stickers will be no worse than after visiting a professional salon. The main thing is to fix the result with a top coat and update the design as the nail grows.

Stylish pedicure with rhinestones photo 2017 new options

When performing a pedicure, you can use one varnish or combine several different colors. You can opt for pastel or bright colors, depending on the style and mood. Rhinestones are different. The most economical option is plastic, but they are often more faded than the glass counterpart, the so-called "Swarovski". Color and shape also have many options: they can be in the form of stars, hearts, droplets, etc.

Before you start decorating the nail plate, you need to do a classic hygienic pedicure. Jewelry looks beautiful only on well-groomed legs. Therefore, pre-steam the legs, treat the heels with pumice, grease with cream, massage the feet, remove the cuticle, degrease the nails with acetone. Do not overdo it by gluing a large amount of shiny jewelry to each nail. The nails on the legs are smaller than on the hands, so it is enough to decorate only the thumb, and place one small sparkle on the rest.

To glue a small rhinestone, with a moistened tip of a toothpick, you need to touch its front part and transfer it to the nail, press it a little. The smallest sparkles can be glued onto a transparent varnish. Rhinestones need to be transferred very quickly, until the transparent varnish is dry, the transparent base is applied separately to each nail, and not all at once. Larger stones are glued to a special glue, it is more reliable than a transparent base. If you can’t find a special glue, and you really want to glue the decor, you can use the Super Moment Gel glue. It is sold in miniature packages. It is also very convenient to apply it with the tip of a toothpick, if you squeeze the adhesive gel directly onto your nails or onto rhinestones, the work will turn out to be sloppy.

What pedicure to do for the summer photo 2017 ideas new items options

With the advent of summer, questions of appearance become especially burning. After all, a pile of clothes remains in the closets until the winter, and you want to go out into the street beautiful, slender and well-groomed. During the season of sandals, ladies pay increased attention to pedicure. Experts, on the other hand, convince that such a common procedure as trimming nails and their next makeup also has its own prestigious trends, and 2017 was no exception. Prestigious and careful pedicure is one of the indispensable steps of personal care. And in order to always be in trend, you need to follow all the prestigious trends that designers and stylists announced in the summer 2017 season.

The classic continues to be in fashion. Therefore, you can safely paint your toenails using French technology. The advantage of this trend is that it is universal and perfectly suited to any style of clothing, any footwear and situation. With all this, the jacket helps to make the legs beautiful and well-groomed. Naturally, try not to overdo it with flowers. Be sure to match the color of the nail polish with your own age. So, for example, the older the lady, the less provocative colors should be.

Fashion ideas French pedicure summer 2017 photo options

For a French pedicure, which could really become a nail decoration, you should purchase special stencils that will make the edge of the nail even and spectacular. Rhinestones, colored sand, pebbles, and various patterns on the nails will allow you to complement the French pedicure. As the simplest option, you can try to create polka dots on the free edge of the nail - draw dots with a toothpick. You should also play with the combination of colors. For example, if you are wearing a light blue chiffon dress and a pearl thread, choose blue varnish as the main color, and decorate the tip of the nail with white varnish. The combination of orange and blue colors on nails made using the French pedicure technique looks very unusual and stylish.

Fashionable pedicure for spring-summer 2019 will gracefully emphasize all the advantages and become a bright accent of any image. The choice of this season is huge - for any style and outfit you can make your own. There are many unexpected proposals, non-trivial ideas and new versions of classics in the trends.

Fashion trends: pedicure for spring and summer 2019 (with photo)

Several trends have become relevant this season, meeting a variety of tastes and styles. So you can safely choose and change the most diverse options that fit your own image.

The theme of the long-awaited vacation and relaxation by the sea is fully revealed by the fashionable summer pedicure for the summer of 2019 with active drawings and decorations.

Such a solution is the best fit for a beach look, it is only important to choose which style will be yours for this season.

Glamor is back in fashion, which means that manicure and pedicure using rhinestones and jewelry are again at the peak of popularity. But there is one condition that stylists set for fashionistas - to combine such a pedicure with, for example, a neutral jacket.

Although the jacket itself has acquired new features this season. Classic pastel shades, simplicity and clarity of forms are still relevant. But instead of the traditional white edging, it is fashionable today to use bright and even controversial colors. This is a great option for stylish urban looks, complemented by elegant bright ones.

Such as in the photo, a fashionable pedicure in the spring of 2019 sets the tone for the season:

And of course, the unchanging classics are in fashion - monochrome shades. But here, with the change of season, it is worth reconsidering the color scheme of varnishes. Colors that go well with white skin can look rough when combined with tanned skin.

Fashion trends for spring-summer 2019 pedicure are full of sunny and bright colors and shades - from orange and fuchsia to turquoise. This is perhaps the only nail trend in which the same colors can be used for manicure or combined with matching colors.

In the case of drawings or decor, in order to be stylish, you will have to choose one thing - either handles or legs!

Fashionable spring-summer 2019 pedicure in these photos is a reflection of the latest trends:

Summer 2019 pedicure design for vacation

Trends set in the spring are revealed in a completely new way in the summer. The main theme of the season, of course, is vacation, and you want to look as attractive as possible in it. Namely, in a beach look, you can try all the most trendy colors and trends and boldly experiment with your image.

The main pedicure design ideas for summer 2019 are a cruise and vacation in a tropical resort. The idea sets the shades, colors and patterns. Even the classic French jacket that goes to almost everyone in such an environment will look ineffective and even boring. Therefore, it is worth turning to fashionable colors and bold patterns and even decor.

Even if you are not planning such a trip this summer, you should definitely add a share of the fashion trend to your image. First of all, the colors are warm and sunny range of the current spectrum - it completely coincides with the trends in clothing, and most importantly in shoes. But looking for direct combinations is not worth it.

Frank and slightly naive swimsuits set the tone for children's drawings - flowers and polka dots and even "ladybugs" look great on all shades of dark varnish. At the same time, just like in manicure, you can paint all the nails, or you can only one or create an original design by combining several motifs.

The exotic theme is also reflected in nail trends. A beautiful pedicure for the summer of 2019 is, first of all, bright shades with a slight oriental flavor. For example, a combination of rich orange and purple.

By the way, the fashion to use for a pedicure in this style of varnish with sparkles or metallic shades is still relevant. Especially when you plan to complement the outfit with light sandals in shiny shades.

A light abstract pattern with smooth lines and a catchy bright pedicure for spring-summer 2019 is the perfect solution.

But urban motives this season are far from conservatism. What color pedicure is in fashion in spring 2019? The question is by no means idle. Graphic or abstract drawings in combinations of fashionable and juicy lacquer tones will look great in urban images.

Beautiful pedicure for summer 2019 pictured here:

Fashionable pedicure colors for spring-summer 2019 (with photo)

Stylists suggest forgetting about the existence of dark shades until autumn. Black, blue and many, and favorite and going to almost everyone, Bordeaux will return to us in September.

And the trendy colors of the spring-summer 2019 pedicure are full of sunny colors and optimism.

The range of trendy colors is so extensive that you will have to choose from a variety of options. But when else, if not in spring and summer, you can try new items.

Fashionable pedicure colors for the summer of 2019 are, first of all, an orange-red range. It is designed in light colors and goes well with a tan.

Coral, orange, scarlet - all shades of tropical fruits perfectly set off the tan and go well with fashionable shades of shoes and clothes. This technique works no less effectively in combination with snow-white ensembles.

A bright red color has returned to fashion - definitely sexy - pure without impurities of shades of red, but you should choose its shade not focusing on trends, but only on the tone of your own skin. These tendencies.

In the photo - fashion trends for spring-summer 2019 pedicure:

What color pedicure is in fashion in spring and summer 2019

Lacquer and its colors are considered by most stylists as a supporting accent of the image. This summer, when sunny and rich tones of lemon yellow, orange and bright shades of green are in fashion, manicures and pedicures that support the color scheme of the image will be the most fashionable.

Moreover, the blue-green palette is represented by all shades of turquoise, sea wave and mint.

Look at the photo: this spring-summer 2019 pedicure is the most fashionable:

Using bright and catchy tones, you should avoid direct combinations with shoes - the colors should not merge, but be sure to harmonize.

Also, you should not strictly adhere to the combination of “bright pedicure and neutral manicure” - the trend for a single color scheme is slowly but surely returning to fashion.

In this vein, local shades are most relevant, but adding a drawing or decoration to at least one nail for spice is definitely worth it.

How best to do this, these photos of spring-summer 2017 pedicure will tell you:

Beautiful pedicure summer 2019 and his photo

It will be the one you choose. Indeed, there are many trends, and even podium options do not set a single “hard” line in trends.

The main guideline in choosing the most fashionable pedicure for the summer of 2019 is your own style. And to express it with the help of modern methods is only a matter of technology.

But it’s not worth it to strictly adhere to the standards; details such as decor allow you to bring novelty and freshness to a fashionable pedicure for spring and summer.

For example, invincible casual will become brighter and more original if you use the possibilities of bright painted nail art: active drawings, original motifs - this is exactly what brings originality to the image. This trend has firmly occupied a niche in youth and even teen fashion.

But the classic jacket with exotic notes - bright additions or decorations - will give the image of tenderness. Want to raise the bar? Choose classic monochrome shades for this style - they give the image elegance.

The pedicure made in the combined technique looks actual. You can paint all your nails with varnishes of different colors, but keeping a single range - for example - pastel.

And you can alternate painting and local colors. In any case, the result will be original and stylish.

Great ideas for a pedicure for the summer of 2019 in the photo here:

But here's what was hard to expect this season - the return of mother-of-pearl and metallic shades. A few seasons ago, mother-of-pearl was strongly associated with the fashion of the 80s of the last century, but the return of the ideas of that era has done its job.

So, delicate shades with pearly sheen are exactly what you should try to be in trend.

Metallic polishes - gold or silver - are a rather controversial option for daytime looks, especially given the bright sunlight. But they fit perfectly into informal looks.

Neutral, but always stylish results are given by the craquelure technique. Pedicure for the summer of 2019 in this style has become much “softer” and is designed in pastel-pearl shades.

Perhaps contrasting solutions will return in the fall, but for summer outfits, craquelure in pink and silver looks amazing. You can experiment with orange-yellow or turquoise-blue palettes. In any case, the contrast should be soft and delicate.

No less impressive in the light of new trends is a pedicure made using the “degrade” technique. Smooth transitions of one color from one shade to another are always elegant. This is the very “golden” option when you don’t want to go to extremes - classics or frankly teenage trends.

Fashionable pedicure for summer 2019 in these photos:

Summer pedicure: simple rules

A pedicure for the summer is not only a spectacular nail design, but first of all, well-groomed legs, which, as you know, cannot be obtained overnight. Therefore, it is worth taking care of it in advance, and for this you need to remember a few simple rules.

First of all, proper and constant care works real miracles. And do not forget that in hot weather, and especially in the sun, the skin requires special protection, so care products should be chosen in advance.

As well as the technique of applying varnish. Given the openness of summer shoes, even the most beautiful and spectacular pedicure, performed using the standard technique, will “live” no longer than a week, and it will have to be adjusted.

In order not to overshadow your vacation and the whole season, you should turn to proven modern technologies - such as, for example, shellac. You can do it both in the salon and at home. Keep this coating from two to six weeks.

But choosing the design of a beautiful pedicure for the summer is based on the collection of your own shoes, namely the colors and shades of your sandals or open shoes. Under the ban of stylists - a literal combination of colors, mother-of-pearl varnish with metallic sandals can be combined only in the case of a themed party.

The same applies to active patterns - they are best combined with plain shoes, but in no case decorated with a print.

Bright and harmonious color combinations are exactly what you need this season. The principle is the same as in clothes - two fashionable shades of the same saturation. For example, blue lacquer and soft purple sandals. Or bright red and neutral colored shoes.

See how impressive summer pedicure looks in these combinations in these photos:

You will find all manicure ideas on our website about manicure, pedicure, nail art industry and much more on the topic of female beauty. A woman has always been and remains the standard of beauty, and throughout her life she strives for perfection. Beautiful in a woman should be not only the figure and face, but also nails. Since ancient times, the fair sex has sought to make their nails beautiful and attractive to men's eyes. Nowadays, fashionable ladies have all the conditions to create the perfect manicure.

New on site

Oblique manicure holds the palm for several seasons in a row, and is very fond of selfless fashionistas. After all, believe me, not every lady will agree to such a nail design, despite the fashion trend. Although in its oblique form, all originality and unusual appearance are manifested. And if such a manicure is beautifully decorated, then you can get a fashionable and stylish manicure on your nails. […]

Shellac nails are one of the fastest growing beauty trends, but if you've never had a shellac manicure, you probably have a few questions about it. Although even those who have done shellac manicures may have questions. In this article we will try to answer all questions related to the shellac technique […]

Well-groomed legs are not only fashionable, but also attractive. No wonder cosmetology is increasingly "grabbing" medicine with its emphasis on health. And it cannot be otherwise: beauty is an indicator of excellent well-being! Therefore, as the classic said, everything in a person should be beautiful. Especially in a woman. Fashionable pedicure 2019 takes into account current trends and brings unusual combinations into the trend. But - definitely beautiful, amazing, charming! Some of them begin to leave the top, occupying non-center positions, others are just entering the ascent phase.

For every taste, Fashionable Olympus today dictates a monophonic coating of rather bright colors: red, orange mint, green, pink. These colors will be the favorites of the summer 2019 pedicure trend. Black, burgundy, gold, blue are offered for the spring period.

But this does not mean that the coating should be in one color. The combination can be absolutely contrasting or harmonious. The only thing that is unacceptable next season is the hands, made in the same color as the legs. Such options are a thing of the past, considered a sign of provincialism. With a French pedicure, the legs look gentle and neat. It is ideal for those who are limited in time, but want to look stylish and beautiful. The upcoming season has added variety to this type of pedicure.

Pedicure ideas with rhinestones (photo below) are striking in variety. You can use single stones, laying them either at the base, or in the middle, or at the edge of the nail. More complex options include the compilation of entire compositions from elements of various shapes and sizes. They will look good on the thumb, while the rest can be "limited" to just one stone. Fashionable pedicure 2019 is a combination of simplicity and style.

Complex patterns and multi-layered painting will be replaced by simple ideas that even beginners will be able to do. At the same time, simplicity is not a synonym for boredom: such nails will look very appetizing. Take, for example, glitter coating. It is easy to apply, resulting in brilliant nail art in every sense of the word.

In addition, pedicure ideas (photos in detail are a must here) will be a good help for those who prefer to take care of their feet on their own. Agree, it’s easier to choose what you like yourself than to go to the salon and wait for the master to make your dreams come true.

Actual colors for pedicure 2019 photo

Although spring, summer and warm autumn are the most favorite periods for girls, winter also has its advantages. In order to look beautiful in clothes and without it, women try not only to take care of their body and fingernails, but also regularly do pedicures, thereby surprising their beloved men with their beauty.

In the winter 2019 season, almost all shades of coral, red, blue, purple and blue will become relevant. Light classic combinations will return to fashion: black and white, pink and yellow. As for the pattern on the nails, the prints (patterns) of animals (leopard), polka dots (white and red), stripes, as well as straight lines combined with small elements of the pattern remain relevant.

You can use any complex drawings, but for such beauty, choose classic colors. Not always complex, multi-color and contrasting patterns are suitable for the winter period, leave this option for spring - summer.

Lacquer and its colors are considered by most stylists as a supporting accent of the image. This summer, when sunny and rich tones of lemon yellow, orange and bright shades of green are in fashion, manicures and pedicures that support the color scheme of the image will be the most fashionable.

Moreover, the blue-green palette is represented by all shades of turquoise, sea wave and mint. Look at the photo: this spring-summer 2019 pedicure is the most fashionable: Using bright and catchy colors, you should avoid direct combinations with shoes - the colors should not merge, but be sure to harmonize.

Also, you should not strictly adhere to the combination of “bright pedicure and neutral manicure” - the trend for a single color scheme is slowly but surely returning to fashion. In this vein, local shades are most relevant, but adding a drawing or decoration to at least one nail for spice is definitely worth it.

Brightness is the hit of this year. The dark shades were replaced by rich and juicy ones. Among the favorites: green; red; blue; turquoise; coral; orange; violet; blue. They can be in any variation - from saturated to light, but retaining key brightness. The classic combinations of black with red or white are at their peak again.

Non-standard combinations burst into use - for example, yellow and pink. Against the background of properly selected shoes and well-groomed feet, they look just great. Now, in addition to the traditional white, you can use blue, black and other colors. Such a jacket will look stylish and bright. It is allowed to decorate the nails with all kinds of pebbles and rhinestones.

For the most advanced young ladies, a gradient (ombre) is recommended. as the main leg design. In the presented photos, you can see that the fashionable pedicure of the spring-summer 2019 season has a very chic look. Features of its execution are smooth transitions of colors from light to brighter and vice versa.

This type of application can have various options: a horizontal transition or a vertical one, carried out on the nail, with the help of which the main focus is on one finger; smooth transition of shades from one nail to another. The entire nail (for example, a large one) is covered with dark varnish, and the little finger is light. The remaining fingers are painted with lighter or darker tones.

Fashionable plain pedicure 2019 new photo

Fashion does not stand still, and new trends appear every season, but monotonous pedicure remains one of the simplest and most classic options. Laconic and seasoned nail art gives room for imagination and creativity, especially if you like an easy-to-design toenail design. Here are some tips to take into account.

Monochromatic pedicure in a variety of shades will never go out of style. One of the most stylish types of toenail designs is the monochromatic coating of different colors of varnish on each toe. Stylists suggest giving preference to a delicate range and combining its dark and light colors. In this new season of 2019, pink-lilac, milky-cream and pastel shades of turquoise are in trend. You can complement this design with sparkles, adhesive tape or rhinestones.

Fashionable pedicure 2019 - stylish gradient

The popularity of gradient pedicure has not subsided for several seasons in a row. The second name for this design is ombre. This year, fashionistas prefer two gradient techniques - with a smooth flow of one shade to another from the little finger to the thumb and within the same nail plate.

Fashion photos of a pedicure with shoes 2019 new photos

The most fashionable summer pedicure 2019 photo trends

Brightness, novelty, originality, colorful multi-colored solutions and contrast of shades and colors remain in fashion. After all, summer is the time to relax! You should only shine and amaze everyone with your beauty, be in the spotlight, also attract the eyes of not only other women, but also men, and it is very important to be perfect in such an important issue as fashionable pedicure summer 2019.

Pedicure trends are slightly different compared to last year, the gamut of colors and shades of nail coverage has changed a bit, and in general the most popular designs are flowers, stripes, rainbow designs and of course the French pattern. Of course, wearing stylish and fashionable sandals or open-toed shoes, ugly and unpainted toenails look ridiculous, it is for this reason that fashionable pedicure is especially relevant in the summer season.

Fashionable pedicure French gel polish 2019 new photo

If there are difficulties with choosing a design for a pedicure, then you should pay attention to the exquisite classics - French. 2019 is very favorable to such design, pushing it to one of the first places in the list of fashionable designs. The indisputable advantage of the French pedicure is its versatility, because it looks great with evening dress, and with democratic denim shorts and sandals. Of course, 2019 offers a few new nuances that can freshen up the classic version.

Firstly, the “smile” can be not only white, but any color you like., although pastel shades are still preferable. Secondly, I advise stylists to take a closer look at the technique in which the “smile” changes its position, moving from its usual place. It can acquire an asymmetrical slope, or it may even end up in the middle of the nail. The combination of a classic jacket with a moon one will also be relevant.

In a word, the scope for choice is wide enough. The main thing is not to forget the main rule of 2019: naturalness and simplicity are in fashion. Therefore, try not to overload the pedicure design with a large number of decorative details, use mostly delicate pastel shades (unless, of course, this contradicts the image you have chosen). And, of course, remember that gel nail polish is the finishing touch, which must be preceded by a good hygienic pedicure so that the legs look really perfect.


Girls' legs should always be well-groomed, attractive and beautiful, which also applies to decorating fingers and nails, because they attract no less attention than pens.

Therefore, dear ladies, regardless of the season and period of the year, pay no less attention to your fingers and surprise everyone with an exquisite and excellent 2019-2020 pedicure.

Nail art industry experts work wonders demonstrating excellent pedicure design ideas for the most sophisticated ladies who want to create the most beautiful 2019-2020 pedicure on their fingers.

Before starting the pedicure procedure, you must decide on the desired design, the variant of the technique you like, as well as the shape of the nails for the pedicure, in order to get the most amazing pedicure as a result.

Trends and novelties of pedicure 2019-2020 will surprise and delight everyone and everyone! You have definitely not seen such a variety of types of toe nail designs before. And, what is remarkable, fashionable pedicure is in no way inferior to manicure, demonstrating the best nail art options.

All kinds of pedicure ideas with neon polishes and intricate designs, stylish white pedicure and gentle nude pedicure, which will make it easy to complete your bows for any event.

It is important to choose a 2019-2020 pedicure for yourself that would be in harmony with all your appearance and fit it best. The practicality of a pedicure is no less important than its aesthetics and attractiveness.

Beautiful stones and large beads are not always suitable for closed shoes, and not all types of techniques are appropriate for the form of pedicure you have chosen and the overall style of your image.

Therefore, we advise you to listen to professionals in the field of nail art and look for a concise and harmonious pedicure in your style and image.

We invite you to consider the fashionable pedicure of 2019-2020, get acquainted with the amazing pedicure ideas and new nail design variations this season, shown in the photo in the gallery of this review.

Refined pedicure 2019-2020 in light shades of varnish

A light pedicure at first may seem quite simple and outstanding, but it is such a pedicure that looks elegant and stylish.

Also, a light range of shades allows you to hide the flaws and flaws that may appear on the surface of the pedicure, and the overgrown edge of the nail also becomes less noticeable.

The tenderness and sophistication of a pedicure in light colors cannot be exaggerated, especially if you choose beautiful shades of peach, pink, beige, blue, and purple. A plain pedicure in a delicate color looks very stylish.

If desired, complement the light pedicure with decorative elements or design the nails in the ombre, “water marble” variant, moon pedicure, which look gentle on the fingers in any season.

Summer pedicure 2019-2020 with a bright accent

On a summer vacation and especially on the beach, you can not do without an extravagant pedicure in neon shades with bright decor or a unique ornament that attracts attention.

An intriguing monophonic pedicure in a beautiful color is very beautiful. For a change, make a multi-colored pedicure in several colors: yellow, green, pink, orange, blue.

The trend is nail designs with drawings of fruits and berries, abstract patterns and stains in the form of "water marble", which are especially spectacular and unique in bright colors.

Beautiful pedicure 2019-2020 with floral motifs

A beautiful pedicure in the style of "flower nail art" is always delightful and beautiful, giving the legs elegance and sophistication.

Original images of flowers of different sizes and types - chamomile, rosebuds and tulips, thin branches on a delicate background look incredibly beautiful, and will turn a fashionable pedicure into a work of art.

You can realize an elegant pedicure of 2019-2020 by drawing flowers, sticking special stickers or using the “sweet bloom” technique, as in our photo example.

Stunning pedicure 2019-2020 with rhinestones for a special occasion

Fashionable pedicure 2019-2020 with rhinestones is an idea for a solemn event and the opportunity to complete a chic design for an evening out using pedicure jewelry.

To do this, select stones in different colors and diameters, lay them in a certain shape at the edge or base of the nail to obtain the desired effect on the toes.

Luxurious pedicure 2019-2020 is recommended by masters to “wear” exclusively in open shoes, demonstrating all the charm of a delightful pedicure. In addition, inappropriate shoes can damage the integrity of a pedicure with rhinestones.

Stylish pedicure 2019-2020 with drawings: geometry

Different stripes and dots, zigzags and geometric shapes fit perfectly into the trendy 2019-2020 pedicure nail design of the year, which is simple and amazing at the same time.

Geometric pedicure looks stylish and unpretentious, allowing you to create an unpretentious design: no frills, but at the same time unusual and interesting.

Of great importance in the design of the “geometry” pedicure is the choice of the shade of varnish, which largely determines how you get the pedicure in the end: expressive, calm, expressive.

Exquisite pedicure 2019-2020: kamifubuki, glitter, rubbing

One of the top pedicure options for 2019-2020 is the design with rubbing, glitter and kamifubuki, which will make a “smart” and attractive manicure and at the same time practical and appropriate for the summer and any occasion to demonstrate a stylish pedicure.

Mirror pedicure will appeal to many fashionistas and admirers of spectacular design. Glitter sequins and confetti are another option to turn a pedicure into an attractive and exciting one.

Nude pedicure and deep tones of polish look great with glitter and laconic shine. Bright kamifubuki are also insanely beautiful, creating an accent on the nails and drawing attention to the unusual design option.

Delightful pedicure 2019-2020: photos, examples, trends