The haircut doesn't work. Short hair vs long face. Short haircut and figure

Not all girls suit short hair, but how do you know who it suits and who it doesn’t? This is what we are about to find out.

Short haircuts are incredibly comfortable. Just wash your hair, rinse your hair with balm or conditioner, dry it, shake your head - and you're done!

The main concern is to refresh your haircut on time so that your hair does not look overgrown.

Every season, stylists and hairdressers offer us new haircut options and new hairstyles. And many women decide to cut their hair. Especially those who work a lot, have a family, and bear heavy loads. They have little free time to stand in front of the mirror for hours and do complex hairstyles for themselves.

Of course, it’s hard to argue against convenience and practicality. But can everyone wear a short haircut, does it suit everyone?

What criteria are important when choosing

Does it depend on height? No, it is not a limitation.

Does it depend on build? Yes, and to a large extent. If you are overweight, a short haircut visually disrupts the proportions of the figure: the head looks small and the body is too large (a “dinosaur” effect occurs). Therefore, owners of large, full figures need to carefully approach the choice of hairstyle. If, after all, your choice falls on a haircut, then you should prefer more voluminous, voluminous options so that the head looks proportional to the size of the entire figure.

When choosing a haircut, the hair structure is very important. Happy owners of thick, lush hair can easily wear a short haircut - it doesn’t matter whether the hair is straight or curly. The main thing here is to not allow the hair to grow back. To do this, you need to go to the salon once a month and give your hair a fresh shape, then you will always look perfect.

But if you have thin, soft, sparse hair, then a short haircut is most often contraindicated for you. The only exceptions are young girls with thin, slender figures and graceful facial features. In this case, a short haircut is acceptable, as it gives the owner a touching, defenseless look. Sometimes it looks stylish.

Is age a limitation? No. Even if you are over fifty or sixty years old, but you have a slim figure and thick, well-groomed hair, then you can easily wear a short haircut. For older women, such hairstyles make them look very young, take off ten years of age, and give them a cheerful, energetic look.

Is the style of clothing you choose to wear limiting? No is not. Short haircuts are applicable not only for sports and business style clothing, but also for classic, delicately feminine, avant-garde, gothic, etc.

Who should avoid them?

So, let's summarize who should avoid short haircuts most often. I already talked about this above, but it doesn’t hurt to repeat it.

Firstly, these are women with full, fuzzy oval faces and a double chin. A short haircut will only highlight these flaws. In this case, medium-length hair, gently laid around the face (like G. Volchek), is better suited.

Secondly, short haircuts are not suitable for women with thin hair. With one single exception: if they agree to comb or blow-dry their hair every day, trying to maximize the volume of the hairstyle.

Also, a short haircut does not decorate those who do not use an ounce of cosmetics. She deprives them of their femininity. The exception is young girls with perfectly smooth skin and a fresh complexion. For everyone else, a short haircut dictates the need for careful, skillful makeup.

A short haircut is also not suitable for those representatives of the fair sex who prefer a purely masculine style of clothing and sometimes buy things for themselves in men's departments. In this case, a short haircut will further emphasize the lack of femininity in appearance.

Celebrities with short hair

We all remember that the Russian actress had a short haircut Elena Safonova in the film "Winter Cherry".
It was also worn by famous actresses Sharon Stone, Halle Berry, Renee Zellweger, Anne Hathaway, singers Victoria Beckham, Rihanna, Pink and etc.

Why you should think a hundred times before cutting your hair above your ears :-)

But, if you still decide to change something in your appearance and choose a short haircut, then let’s do it efficiently. How? I'll tell you now.

Which girls suit short haircuts?

I'm afraid to seem contradictory, but YES, there are girls who are shown to have short hair. In the first case, this is required by their style, state of mind, attitude to life, ease and a little “Frenchness”. And also balanced and graceful facial features that you just want to make the center of attention, because they really deserve it!

But there is another category - girls with very thin hair.
Girls, unfortunately, no modern product can radically change the structure of the hair. Sometimes it’s very sad to look at girls who, fighting for every centimeter, wear thin ponytails, at best curled into curling irons. That is why sometimes it is better to exhale, reconsider your priorities once again and think about what is more important to you - length against all odds or, after all, style? If it's the latter, cut it! But cut it right.

Remember, the safest solution is a length at shoulder level or slightly higher! This is the so-called average length. Convenient to style, easy to care for, if anything goes wrong it goes into a ponytail :-)

Before doing radical experiments on your own head and getting a very short haircut for the first time in your life, do a virtual fitting. For example, in the L'Oreal application.

If, based on the results, you are confirmed in your decision, then direct all your efforts to choosing a specialist.

If you have chosen a good one, then you don’t have to read further, he will tell you everything himself. A good master is not a nice woman from a beauty salon on the first floor of your house (although this happens, but extremely rarely). A good master is a person who improves his skills, constantly learns, and follows new trends. His education does not end with six-month courses, after which his career begins in Salonchik opposite. A good hairstylist KNOWS and SEES how best to cut your hair so that the whole look looks cool. He understands colors, style, fashion.

Not fashionable short haircuts

In the meantime, while you are looking for that very special master, I suggest you figure out what a stylish haircut is and what is already hopelessly outdated. Let's start with the last one. Something you should definitely forget about.


Firstly, it was fashionable 20 years ago. Secondly, if you have thin hair, then cutting off these feathers (ladders) will make your head even more unattractive and make you look older.


One word makes you feel uneasy. There is half a percent of women in the world who suit it. These women are mostly depicted in the pages of hair magazines from the 2000s.


Remember highlighting through a cap? So, forget it :)


I hope no comments are needed. Look at the pictures (or photos of your mom in 10th grade) and smile.


Fashionable haircuts for short hair


When choosing a short haircut, give preference to straight lines, or better yet, graphic ones. Even the thinnest hair with a good haircut with straight lines will look thick and shiny.

It can be a square or a bob of very different lengths.

The pixie haircut, which was introduced into fashion by Victoria Beckham several years ago, has remained popular for many years.

And such a haircut requires a special approach and a special style for truly brave girls, but it also has its place.

The most important thing in a short haircut is not even the hairstyle itself (I hope it is obvious that it should be super-well-groomed), but how you wear it, your clothes, mood and smile. There is an opinion that men do not like short haircuts, perhaps this is true, but life is so short, you need to try everything. What if you like it? :)

And if you haven’t found your ideal haircut and hair color yet, come study at an online school, I promise you a harmonious transformation from head to toe :-)

Hair is much more important for women than for men. They are decoration, and pride, and an object of envy, and a method of temptation. Many girls dream of having long and thick hair, but there are also those who prefer fashionable short women's haircuts. There are many reasons for this choice - convenience, saving time for care and daily styling. For many, they simply suit them, while others prefer this option in the summer so that it simply doesn’t feel hot. In any case, if the hairstyle is chosen and styled correctly, regardless of the length of the hair, it looks stylish, feminine and sexy.

Who suits short haircuts?

It is a mistake to believe that women's haircuts for short hair are preferred exclusively by those women who do not have time or who simply do not like to deal with daily styling. Many people choose them just because they suit them. And this is one of the main points. If a short haircut on one head looks neat and gives a woman a special charm, this does not mean that the same will suit others.

The ideal option is a short women's haircut for plus-size women. Long hair simply doesn’t suit chubby women; it looks out of place and adds even more volume to their gorgeous body. Therefore, having this type of figure, women are recommended to choose a short hairstyle. No matter how paradoxical it may seem, short women's haircuts with bangs look great on exceptionally fragile, thin and short ladies. The main thing is to find yours.

Features of choice

For a round face, it is recommended to choose short haircuts that will visually lengthen it. A multi-layered haircut with a raised, voluminous crown will do the job best. And also haircuts with strands framing the contour of the face, falling onto the cheeks, asymmetrical hairstyles with torn ends and oblique bangs. An oval face is ideal in all respects, so its owners do not have to panic when choosing a haircut. Absolutely everything suits them. Therefore, choose a photo of any short haircut you like and go to the salon with it.

Those who have always had long hair should avoid short haircuts. More precisely, do not avoid them, but move on to them gradually, reducing the length of your curls, striving for the goal. Don't cut your hair short if you have a petite head, thin or coarse hair, or coarse, masculine features. Short haircuts suit plump women, but not very short ones. And most importantly, before changing your look, carefully weigh the pros and cons, carefully choose a haircut model and ask the opinion of your loved one. Not all men love women with short hair, so in an effort to please him with a surprise from the hairdresser, you can stumble upon a spoiled mood and relationship.

Also, when choosing, be sure to take into account the type of face, hair, figure, so that everything is harmonious and only advantages are visible. And remember that from beauty to negligence there is only half a step. A short haircut requires you to regularly visit the hairdresser for correction and devote time to your everyday look in order to keep it within the limits of femininity.

The most popular women's short haircuts

The new season has pleased us with a variety of short haircut models. They surprise with their originality and novelty, non-standard solutions regarding already familiar options and the former popularity of those that have already become classics. The latter always includes a bob haircut. It is constantly changing and modifying, becoming shorter or longer, stricter or with elements of asymmetry. But the love for the bob does not fade away, thanks to the versatility of this haircut. The bob looks best on straight, thick hair, but if you don’t have such curls from nature, it doesn’t matter. Look at the catalog of short women's haircuts - there are many styling options to make a bob haircut look stylish and impressive on thin, curly, straight, curly hair. Moreover, it suits most women, regardless of age.

The classic bob haircut is timeless, so if you prefer such a convenient and elegant option, don’t worry - it’s on trend. If you decide to experiment with the usual shape, length and texture of your bob or decide to wear it for the first time, go for it. This is an option that is appropriate always and everywhere, easy to use in daily styling techniques and, depending on the chosen style of clothing, can complement the image of both a romantic, feminine lady and a femme fatale. A short bob is combined with bangs, cut to fit the oval of the face or having clear geometric lines, thick and milled, elongated or without them at all. The bob can be of different lengths, but if the length of the hair resembles a man's haircut, bangs help make it more feminine. It can be elongated or beveled, and a women’s haircut with short temples or elongated sidelocks will be ideal on a cute woman’s face, especially a young one.

One of the similar and timeless haircuts is the bob. What does he look like? Many women do not know the names of short women's haircuts, but they have probably seen them. If we are talking about the bob haircut, then there is no better example of its original fan than Victoria Beckham. Bob also has many options and is selected based on preferences, tastes, face shape and fashion. This allows both mature ladies and completely young creatures to wear a bob. Women's short haircut at the back and long at the front is this year's fashion trend. A fatal beauty, a romantic shy woman or a stylish business lady? With a bob haircut, you have the opportunity to experiment with any look.

If you need a women's haircut for short thin hair, you need to be very careful when choosing. The most relevant and appropriate option in this case is layered, textured, graduated and cascading haircuts to the ear or chin line. Women's short cap haircuts are preferable to those with straight, thick hair. But if the main desire is not just to change the image, but also to make it truly stunning, stylists recommend paying attention to the amazing mohawks. In the women's version, it bears little resemblance to what punks wore. The hair on the sides is cut short, and the top part is styled as a comb. At the same time, it can be shaped in a needle-like manner, waves or curls.

Despite the inexhaustible relevance of feminine long curls, short haircuts do not leave the leading position among the most popular. Many stars, for example, Sharon Stone, prefer to wear short hair. They can be strict, concise or voluminous. The latter option has a raised crown and bangs, softens the facial features, refreshes the image and makes it gentle and feminine. But the main advantage of this option is the possibility of cutting hair with thin hair. Short haircuts for curly hair also do not lose popularity. Women, whom nature has blessed with such curls, know about all the difficulties of caring for them, and even more so, styling curls. A short haircut eliminates endless styling and reduces daily grooming time to a minimum.


Excursion into history

Women have been cutting their hair since time immemorial. For example, Egyptian custom obliged the queen, if not to shave her hair completely, then to trim it as much as possible.

In traditional Jewish families, mothers shaved their heads and wore a wig or headscarf.

Popular options

How to care?

Women with long necks and small, beautifully shaped ears;

Girls with lively facial expressions, expressive, but not large features;

Women who have an ideal skull shape.

It is important that with the help of a short hairstyle you can correct some appearance flaws, for example, an elongated skull or a round face. Owners of heart-shaped faces need to create volume at the back of the head. The elongation will be corrected by voluminous bangs and curls at the temples.

There are many advantages to short haircuts:

They make you look younger;

Does not require careful styling;

Allows you to create a stylish look;

Make features more expressive;

Helps to correct the natural shape of the face.

Ultra-short hairstyles remain at the peak of popularity due to their practicality and ability to transform a woman.

Types of ultra-short haircuts

There are several main types of short haircuts. One of their advantages is that you can create different hairstyles based on one haircut, varying the styling.

The pixie haircut is characterized by extreme minimalism and is reminiscent of boys' hairstyles: short temples, side bangs, elongated hair at the back of the head. It is suitable for women who prefer an androgynous style of clothing, although it also looks ideal with a floor-length evening dress. Pixies can be styled casually or neatly.

An asymmetrical haircut involves a very short temple and elongated curls. Ideal for creative girls with the right oval shape.

The Tomboy (or Tomboy) haircut has many options. It can be torn or smooth and allows you to style your hair however you like: to the side, back, with strands placed on the forehead. Looks great on a heart-shaped face.

Ultra-modern girls who are not afraid of public opinion can afford an extreme crew cut. For the hairstyle to be appropriate, the shape of the face and skull must be ideal.

A somewhat calmer, but no less striking image can be achieved with a creative haircut. Her sign is a shaved nape or temple, on which long locks of hair are applied, reaching to the chin.

In order to choose the right ultra-short haircuts, the photo will come in handy. If you choose the right haircut shape, it will allow an older lady to look younger, and will add charm to a young girl.

For most of our (and not only) women and girls, the standard of beauty is famous domestic and foreign movie stars, as well as representatives of show business, who have the opportunity, and really can, amaze with their image, original stealth, and sometimes even a daring haircut. Of course, ladies try to imitate their idols by growing and cutting their locks, but we are all different, and what suits one beauty does not suit another.

This applies to a greater extent to short haircuts, which, unfortunately, do not suit everyone. It’s hard to argue with the convenience of wearing short hair, especially if a woman has virtually no free time. In addition, it’s not easy not to be tempted by the new offers that stylists and hairdressers shower fashionistas with in abundance every season.

However, before you decide to cut your long hair, it doesn’t hurt to find out who suits women’s short haircuts. For example, height, does it matter when choosing a short haircut? – experts say that it is not a limitation.

What about build? If you believe the stylists, a short haircut will make a plump lady look even more plump; in addition, the proportions of the female figure are visually disturbed, a head with a short haircut seems small, and the body is too large. Therefore, chubby women need to be very careful when choosing a short haircut, giving preference to curvy and voluminous ones.

In addition to height and build, you should definitely pay attention to the structure of your hair; if your hair is thick and voluminous, then you can be envied; you can wear any short haircut. If your hair is thin, soft or even sparse, then a short haircut is most likely absolutely contraindicated for you.

Does age affect the choice of a short haircut? “No,” say hairdressers almost unanimously; moreover, experts are sure that the older a woman gets, the shorter the hair on her head should be. For women of an elegant age, short haircuts not only make them look younger, they make their image more stylish, cheerful and energetic.

What's up with the bob haircut, who suits the classic? The classic “bob” looks most advantageous and natural on an oval-shaped face; for a round-shaped face, it is better to choose a “bob” with long strands in front and a short-cropped nape. For a square face type, a classic “bob” is suitable, always with bangs, and for a triangular face, a “bob” with bangs on a leg is suitable. For a pear-shaped face, the so-called “inverted bob” is suitable, during the formation of which a “hat” is cut down to the length of the earlobes.

An elongated bob with bangs is perfect for ladies who want to look more confident. This haircut can often be seen on the heads of business women, show business stars and film actresses. Long bangs in such a “bob” can be styled in different ways, but in the classic version they need to be straightened with an iron.

It is worth noting that an elongated bob with straight or slightly rounded bangs looks quite chic, which adds a special charm. A graduated or asymmetrical bob would look good with torn bangs. Oblique bangs can add mystery to the look.

We can safely say that your own “bob” with bangs can be chosen for any type of face, and a haircut can perfectly balance its length and width, making the features visually thinner and even more aristocratic. So who suits a bob haircut? The main thing for everyone is to “cook” it correctly.

Do not forget that women with a round face shape should avoid horizontal lines in their hairstyle and even straight partings. Beauties with an oval face shape are allowed everything, but they can especially emphasize their advantages with a graduated “bob” with thick bangs of medium length. For girls with a long face, a bob without bangs does not look good, so feel free to choose any of the options for this haircut with bangs, and create your own spectacular and unique image.