Secrets of perfect skin from recognized beauties, or how top models take care of their faces. Starlight: how famous models and actresses take care of themselves

How to look like a million? World famous models and actresses reveal the secrets of their beauty and youth.

Monica Bellucci's beauty secrets

An Italian cannot imagine life without olive oil. In her interviews, she said more than once that she prefers to use olive oil instead of traditional cosmetics. Relatively recently, the actress began to use red palm oil for these purposes. It is a rich source of vitamin E, coenzyme Q10, and they are known to prolong youth and prevent wrinkles.

Jennifer Aniston

The actress has a reputation as a shopaholic, and she cannot resist buying a variety of foundations and bronze powder. She is willing to pay $400 for cosmetics that caught her attention. The actress does not refuse folk remedies either: she loves sea salt peeling with the addition of oil. Since Jennifer Aniston looks ten years younger than her real age, there is no doubt about the effectiveness of this method.

Charlize Theron

Increasingly, journalists are wondering if Charlize has resorted to plastic surgery. There is every reason for this - the skin of the actress looks perfect. And so she decided to reveal her little secret, but the reporters were in for a huge disappointment! It turned out that the actress regularly resorts to such a cosmetic procedure as mesotherapy. Its essence lies in the introduction of microinjections of minerals, vitamins and other beneficial substances into the skin, which helps fight age-related changes.

Gwyneth Paltrow's Secret

The star is crazy about sweets. But the actress carefully monitors her figure, while not being afraid to treat herself to a delicious dessert. Gwyneth is a fan of sugar body peeling. The main ingredients of this treatment are cane sugar, ground coffee and olive oil. After peeling, the actress applies a mask of honey and oatmeal with milk and coconut oil to moisturize the skin.

Mila Kunis

Unlike the above stars, who prefer folk remedies, the actress is a bright adherent of the latest innovations in cosmetology. Mila Kunis every year resorts to diamond peeling, for which ruby ​​chips are used. After such a procedure, the skin shines like a diamond. She buys precious stones for this procedure on her own. The last time the actress decided to spare no expense for herself, and made a peeling for the face, neck and décolleté, which cost her $ 7,000.

Cindy Crawford

The practical importance of milk in cosmetology has long been known. It is obvious that it keeps the skin in good shape. Model Cindy Crawford has been using milk instead of traditional tonic for over 15 years. She prepares such a remedy by mixing milk and drinking water in equal proportions. She pours the resulting mixture into a spray bottle, which she carries in her purse.

Penelope Cruz

The sultry Spaniard was remembered by many thanks to her loose curls. To care for them requires a lot of effort and special cosmetics. Penelope keeps her hair looking its best with regular shampoo, conditioner and extra virgin olive oil. Every two weeks, she applies olive oil to her hair before going to bed, and by morning they become more manageable, acquire a pronounced shine.

Penelope's signature recipe also lies in the application of a rejuvenating and moisturizing face mask, which includes mango, ground cinnamon, natural ground coffee, maple syrup and quail eggs. She keeps the proportions of the ingredients in the strictest confidence, but she will certainly be able to pick them up during the experiment.

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Models from the covers of fashion magazines seem perfect to us, although they are the same people as everyone else. They just devote a lot of time to self-care, and often beauty for them is not separate procedures, but a way of life.

Contrary to popular belief, they often trust not expensive cosmetics, but their own beauty recipes that help restore healthy skin and hair after long shows.

website shares these secrets with you.

Gigi Hadid

  • “My mom taught me how to get rid of a pimple overnight. To dry it out, I put toothpaste on the inflammation.”
  • “You need to eat right, but be sure to set aside some one day for a breakdown, so as not to go crazy for cakes.”

Miranda Kerr

  • As a peeling, Miranda cleans the body with a dry brush with natural bristles before the shower. You need to start the massage from the toes, moving up to the chest, and then each hand from the palms towards the shoulders. This method not only makes the skin smooth, cleansing it of old cells, but also improves blood and lymph circulation, which means it prevents cellulite.
  • In the cosmetic bag of the model, the most important place is occupied by rosehip oil, which has rejuvenating and antioxidant properties. Every evening, the model applies oil to cleansed facial skin and leaves overnight. The oil transforms the skin, making it radiant and soft. And after the shows, Miranda uses it as a make-up remover.

By the way, your skin will thank you if you use any other oil. The main thing is that it suits your skin type.

Joan Smalls

  • All hair problems, according to the model, are solved with one miracle mask.

Her recipe is simple: Joan mixes ripe avocado puree with 2 egg yolks and 1 tbsp. l. olive oil. The mixture should be applied to the entire length of the hair, including the roots, 2 times a week.

Adriana Lima

  • Like any young girl, Adriana has pimples on her skin from time to time. However, she quickly copes with them with the help of tea tree oil. To do this, 2 times a day, the model applies it pointwise to the foci of inflammation. It is better to do this with a cotton swab.

Heidi Klum

  • Here's what Heidi advises girls who want to show off their legs: mix in equal proportions moisturizer and self-tanner. Using a scrub or washcloth, remove dead cells and only then apply this cocktail on your feet. With this cream, you can hide the imperfections of the legs and create a beautiful contour.

Irina Shayk

  • On clean and slightly dried strands, the model applies a moisturizing conditioner and wraps her head in foil. In this form, the catwalk star does not hesitate to appear on the beach: the sun heats up the hair under the foil, and the active components of the conditioner penetrate deeper into the hair structure. Irina notes that such masks are a real salvation for her brittle and damaged strands.
  • Irina puts natural coconut oil above other care products. It gives the face radiance, perfectly moisturizes it and protects against infections.

    Every morning, the model pours cold water on her face, wipes her face with an ice cube and practices cucumber masks: “I learned this technique from my mother: she did not have money to buy expensive cream, so she managed with improvised means.”

The Victoria's Secret brand is known not only for the seductive sets of women's underwear, which are sold in huge stores around the world, but also for the grandiose displays of seasonal new products, in which the most famous and beautiful models participate. They are called Victoria's Secret angels, because on show girls come out in complex costumes that complement the wings of different shapes and sizes - like those of birds, butterflies, fairies or angels.

The show is accompanied by musical and dance numbers, for the performance of which famous artists are invited, recognized designers work on the stage decorations, and the model girls themselves, as they admit, are very worried and try to look as good as possible.

We will reveal the secrets of losing weight to famous models - the current and most memorable Victoria's Secret angels - hot Brazilians Gisele Bündchen, Adriana Lima and Alessandra Ambrosio, Doutzen Kroes Frisian, South African Candice Swanepoel, German Heidi Klum, Australian Miranda Kerr and three beautiful American women: Carly Kloss, Erin Heatherton and Lindsay Ellingson.

Each of them spares no effort to look appropriate for the proud title of the angel of the famous brand, trains and eats right, but each of them has their own little tricks to simplify the eternal struggle for the perfect shape.

Figure of Gisele Bündchen

The highest paid model in the world and the most famous Victoria's Secret angel, the Brazilian Gisele Bündchen, owes her gorgeous figure primarily to a strict diet. The model has long given up sugar, alcohol and meat and does not allow breakdowns - Gisele's willpower in the modeling world goes just legends.

In addition, Giselle loves a variety of martial arts and devotes two to three hours daily to training. Why, she practiced kung fu almost until the very birth! Only two weeks before the birth of the first child of the model, the son of Benjamin, Giselle stopped training hard in the gym with a personal trainer. After giving birth, the model returned to the gym ... exactly a week later.

About her diet and training regimen, Gisele once said: “What you put in is what you get. I am not afraid of hard and hard work, because I always wanted to be the best.”

Doutzen Kroes figure

27-year-old model of Frisian origin Doutzen Kroes tries to minimize the consumption of carbohydrates and sugar whenever possible, is actively engaged in martial arts, swimming, running and rope jumping (extreme sports, jumping from a height with a rope). In addition, the model's son Fillon is growing up and he does not allow his mother to stay in one place.

When Doutzen is asked what exactly helps her look both feminine and athletic, she usually laughs and answers that a lot: “It's boxing, and jump rope, and athletics. I do a lot of leg exercises to keep them in shape... I have an amazing trainer, I'm lucky. But remember, this is my job.

My lifestyle cannot be compared to those women who get up every morning to go to work and come back late, but they still have a lot of housework to do.”

Adriana Lima's Weight Loss Secrets

Another hot Brazilian, supermodel Adriana Lima, has her own weight loss secrets. First of all, two weeks before the annual Victoria's Secret mega show, the model switches to an enhanced training regime - twice a day under the supervision of a personal trainer.

Nine days before the show, Adriana stops eating solid food and switches to a liquid, low-calorie diet based on protein shakes. Of course, the model drinks a lot of water ... Up to a certain point.

12 hours before going to the podium, Adriana stops not only eating, but also drinking: “There is no liquid, and you dry out ... Sometimes you can lose up to 4 kilograms only due to this.”

The rest of the time, Adriana adheres to the principles of a healthy diet, consumes a lot of protein and high-quality carbohydrates, while avoiding sugar. Naturally, she visits the gym every day and moves a lot in everyday life.

Figure Candice Swanepoel

The first South African model to take part in Victoria's Secret shows, blonde Candice Swanepoel, has a strikingly slim figure and amazingly expressive eyes. The girl is not inclined to be overweight, so it is not difficult for her to maintain her perfect shape.

However, some time before the show, she strengthens her training regime - she does boxing and yoga with a trainer daily, and not three times a week, as before.

23-year-old Candice insists that she allows herself to eat whatever she likes. Of course, the basis of her diet is made up of natural products, vegetables and grains, as well as meat - in this way the model maintains healthy muscle mass, but there is a place for small weaknesses in the life of a catwalk star. Despite the seeming freedom in nutrition, Candace strictly controls the size of portions - at a time she eats no more than fits in her palm.

figure of Heidi Klum

Heidi Klum is a unique phenomenon on the podium. Firstly, she made her way to the top model echelon without having a figure typical of a fashion model. Secondly, she became the mother of four children, and this did not affect her career in any way! Thirdly, after giving birth, she always returned to the workplace (and this is not anything, but underwear shows) in the shortest possible time. For example, after the birth of her fourth child, Heidi returned to form in less than two months!

True, now the 39-year-old model, host and businesswoman does not hide that it was very difficult - severe dietary restrictions and weight training twice a day for two hours.

The rest of the time, Heidi trains not so fanatically, but daily. In addition, she pays great attention to nutrition - no processed foods, semi-finished products and other filth, Heidi eats only fresh natural products. Fruits and vegetables are a must at every meal.

Miranda Kerr figure

Australian model Miranda Kerr has risen to the heights of popularity over the past two years: this is the merit of both her marriage to Hollywood actor Orlando Bloom, which is covered in detail by the press, and her charming smile and chic figure.

Miranda Kerr is a real fan of a healthy lifestyle. For example, she practices yoga daily, and did not leave the exercises during pregnancy. Miranda insists that it was thanks to yoga (and breastfeeding) that she managed to regain her "angelic" figure in a matter of days after giving birth.

In addition, the 29-year-old model follows a blood type diet and avoids meat: “I only eat low glycemic foods, drink filtered water and eat fresh fruit all the time. It is also important to pay attention to the acidity of the food.”

Figure of Alessandra Ambrosio

Mom of two children, 31-year-old model Alessandra Ambrosio once said in an interview with Vogue: “It is not difficult for me to maintain a figure. I think that now I am in better shape than, for example, 10 years ago, but sometimes it requires sacrifice - often after training my whole body aches.

Alessandra does yoga and Pilates three times a week, plus special weight training exercises designed for her by her personal trainer.

Figure Karlie Kloss

Perhaps the most sought-after model of the last two or three years, 19-year-old American Karlie Kloss, has always been a very athletic girl: “It seems to me that I have been involved in all sports that exist in the world. I have studied classical ballet professionally for many years and am still very active.

Biking, running, swimming, dancing - it doesn't matter what exactly; the main thing is not to stop, always be on the move.”

Carly believes that it is the constant movement that helps her maintain the shape of a real "angel".

Figure of Erin Heatherton

At the very beginning of her career, young Erin Heatherton managed to talk with the legendary supermodel of the 90s Cindy Crawford: “She said that the most important thing is what we eat. It really changed my life, made me reconsider some things.”

Since then, the baby-faced blonde has been on a tight gluten-free diet: “I actually really like chicken and fish, sometimes I allow myself bacon. I train a lot and mostly eat right, so I don’t think that small errors can interfere with anything.”

Figure Lindsay Ellingson

27-year-old Californian Lindsay Ellingson does not tolerate boredom and restrictions. If you really train - so much fun, if you have - so much. It sounds a bit unbelievable, but with these principles, Lindsay manages to maintain a slender, toned body! The model attends hip-hop classes, slightly diluting the dances with strength training, and goes to vinyasa yoga twice a week: “I have been dancing for 10 years. When it comes to exercise, I don't like anything too serious."

With food, the situation is similar: Lindsay prefers not to limit herself here and now, but to work out sometime later: “I love cheeseburgers and sweets, for example, dark chocolate. To avoid problems, I’ll just… stay at the gym for an extra hour.”

Many people want to look like top models. Surprisingly, this does not require expensive cosmetics and the help of cosmetologists. You can verify this by reading the secrets of the main beauties of the world catwalks.

For many, models are an example, because they have toned figures, perfect skin and hair. Millions of girls around the world imitate them and dream of learning the secrets of their beauty. Many will be surprised, but famous top models often use not expensive cosmetics, but folk beauty recipes, which we will talk about.

1. Irina Shayk

The famous model every day after waking up washes her face with cold water and rubs her skin with an ice cube. She claims it makes her glow. She loves the cucumber masks her mom used to make.

There are also secrets for hair care - natural coconut oil, which gives shine, moisturizes well and protects against infections. Irina complains that due to numerous shows, her hair has deteriorated, which has become brittle. To restore their vitality, she performs a simple procedure: on clean and slightly dried hair, she applies a moisturizing lotion and wraps her head in foil. With such a mask, you can walk for several hours and preferably on the street, so that the sun warms the hair under the foil, which will contribute to better penetration of the active substances into the hair structure. By the way, the paparazzi have repeatedly photographed the model in a tinfoil hat.

2. Alessandra Ambrosio

The Brazilian model advises everyone to use coconut water, which she constantly drinks. She claims that thanks to the product she has such beautiful hair and skin, as they are nourished from the inside. Coconut water contains nutrients that slow down the aging process.

3. Heidi Klum

At photo shoots and shows, it’s hard to take your eyes off the legs of models who look perfect. Heidi revealed her secret, who claims that everyone can achieve such a result if desired. It's very simple: first, go over your legs with a scrub or washcloth to remove dead cells, and then apply a mixture prepared from a moisturizer and self-tanner (the funds must be taken in equal amounts). Klum assures that such a cocktail will hide the existing imperfections of the skin of the legs and make the contour perfect.

4. Isauni Brito

The famous model admitted that she does not trust chemistry, so she rarely uses cosmetic care products. Instead of tonic, she uses almond oil to remove makeup, but if it is not available, then she takes any other. In addition, she regularly makes an avocado mask, which she simply grinds to a puree.

5. Miranda Kerr

The model claims that her main assistants are the oils that she uses to care for her body, face and hair. Her favorite is rosehip oil, which has a rejuvenating and antioxidant effect. Every evening Miranda applies it to a cleansed face and leaves it overnight. Another model uses it after the shows as a make-up remover. Another secret to perfect skin from Kerr is exfoliation, which she does before the shower using a dry brush. Thanks to this procedure, it removes dead skin cells and improves blood and lymph flow, so brushing should start from the bottom, that is, from the toes and end with the shoulders and neck.

6. Doutzen Kroes

The Dutch model's skin looks incredible, and she assures that this is the result of using an oil solution of vitamin E. It activates the cell renewal process, maintains water-lipid balance and protects against the negative effects of UV rays. Cruz just before leaving the house, rubs it into the skin, that's the whole secret.

7. Adriana Lima

When Adriana was asked how she struggles with rashes on her face, the girl said that her main assistant is tea tree oil. Using it is very simple: you need to apply it pointwise to problem areas twice a day using a cotton swab.

8. Karolina Kurkova

In an interview, the model said that proper facial care is very important for her, since she often has to do professional makeup with persistent products. Her main assistant is coconut oil, which removes makeup well and additionally cares for the skin, providing anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. In addition, Carolina admitted that she has naturally oily skin, and to remove the ugly shine and achieve smoothness, she uses regular lemon juice. She makes a tonic out of it, diluting it in equal proportions with water.

9. Gigi Hadid

The skin of a young girl is always perfect, and in an interview, she said that in the fight against pimples, she uses her mother’s secret: the model applies toothpaste to inflammation at night, which dries the pimple and in the morning it, as it never happened. Gigi also shared that in order to maintain her figure, she adheres to proper nutrition, but sets aside a day for herself to eat something forbidden. She claims that this helps her not to break loose.

10. Gisele Bündchen

The top model's favorite remedy is olive oil, which must certainly be cold pressed. Giselle uses it for various purposes, for example, she makes a scrub, for which coarse sea salt is added to the oil. By exfoliating twice a week, you can not only make your skin smooth and radiant, but also get rid of toxins and cellulite.

11. Joan Smalls

The model reveals her hair care secret. According to her, you can get rid of all problems with one simple mask, for which you need to mix mashed from one ripe avocado, two yolks and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive oil. The finished mixture is applied along the entire length of the hair and on the roots. Do this procedure twice a week, and the result will be magnificent.

12. Naomi Campbell

Black Panther advises all girls not to drink coffee, but to use it for skin care. This is an excellent remedy for cellulite and just for body care. Everything is very simple: after a shower, you need to take a fresh thick and apply it on the body in a circular motion. After just a few treatments, you can notice how the skin has become soft and supple.

The life of a model consists of endless parties, shows, promos and photo shoots. With such a busy schedule, Kate Moss rarely has time for traditional facials, so she resorts to emergency measures. To refresh her face after a sleepless night, the model takes a sink of cold water with ice, adds cucumbers and dips her face into this mixture. According to Kate, such a procedure instantly awakens and prepares the face for a secular exit.

What is Brooke Shields doing with her face?

The icon of the 90s, top model Brooke Shields had complexes all her life because of her appearance and got rid of the complexes only after the birth of children. The secret of beauty and life optimism Brooke Shields in yoga and long walks on foot. Brooke Shields danced on Broadway in her youth, so she got used to colossal physical exertion. Brooke Shields now rarely goes to the gym, but walks daily with the children and practices yoga three times a week.

Victoria's Secret Angels

Coach Justin Gelband is the man who keeps the Victoria's Secret Angels on the photo and runway in such amazing shape. Justin believes that 85% of success comes from nutrition, and only the remaining 15% from training.

Gelband is very categorical about detox diets and during the hard work of models recommends food that gives energy. Gelband is a Paleolithic diet that eliminates grains, legumes, sugar, processed oils, and dairy products.

Sisters Hadid: photo

The Hidid sisters set a high standard for girls all over the world to constantly be on top. Gigi loves boxing and practices regularly, and Bella rarely visits the gym, but gives her best in rare workouts.

The younger sister Hadid drinks green juices once a week and eats under the strict guidance of Dr. Charles Passler, who recommended eliminating sweets and starchy foods.

Natasha Poly: beauty secrets

Natasha Poly is constantly dyed blonde and uses masks or olive oil to maintain the health of her hair. Kickboxing helps Natasha Poly stay in shape: hard workouts get her body in shape and help release negative energy.

Alessandra Ambrosio: photo 2017

One of Alessandra Ambrosio's beauty secrets is swimming. The model loves to dive and surf, which helps Alessandra keep herself in shape and relieve stress and negative emotions accumulated during the day.

Alessandra enjoys eating a lot of greens, vegetables and fish and rarely allows herself unhealthy foods, such as pasta and ice cream.

Appearance of Irina Shayk

Irina Shayk is firmly convinced that one person cannot be dispensed with, because a woman is first of all a person, therefore the main secret of beauty is determination and self-development. When Irina first started working as a model, she did not even know how to move in front of the camera, and did not speak English at all, but she studied, did not lose heart and went towards her goal. Even after so many years of work, Irina admits that before filming she gets acquainted with the history of the brand in order to come up with suitable poses.

The beauty of Natalia Vodianova

Russian beauty Natalia Vodianova has been following the same diet for over a decade - the blood type diet. This system was recommended by a doctor when Vodianova began to have serious stomach problems. The diet does not require special restrictions, you can eat meat, fish, carbohydrates, but the most important thing is a sense of proportion.

Tyra Banks: beauty secrets

Top model Tyra Banks showed everyone that the main secret of beauty is individuality. At America's Next Top Model show Tyra taught young girls to be natural and always be themselves, because no one wants to see a copy of Tyra, Kate Moss or Claudia Schiffer, everyone wants to see a new you.

Photo: Google Images, tattler