How to get light ash hair color. How to get ash blonde hair color

Recently, it has become fashionable to dye your hair in an ash-blond color. Natural brown-haired women consider their color boring and unattractive. It is the cold shades of ashy that give the fair-haired beauties a rich tone of hair, making the appearance even more attractive. Let's figure out who suits the ash-blond hair color and how to dye curls at home.

Color Features

Naturalness is still in fashion this season. The ash-blond shade perfectly emphasizes it, since such a color is often found in nature. He involves a combination of light or dark blond hair with a grayish tint. Thanks to this, a charming look is created, with bewitching and intriguing notes. The image is delicate, refined and unique.

Coloring can be done in various techniques. In most cases, ombre, balayazh, California melling is used, when several shades are used to create a harmonious look. Ideal for these techniques will be the interweaving of natural light brown hair with artificially dyed. Ideas for harmonious and stylish coloring of light brown hair, you will find on our website.

Dark ash-blond color is something between a blonde and a brown-haired woman. Unlike a delicate blond or a bold chestnut, ashy notes in the hairstyle give the image softness and conciseness. It is more suitable for self-confident business women and girls.

If you find it difficult to determine what shade your skin has, try the following manipulations. Arm yourself with colored paper. Choose from blue, pink, mustard or orange, as well as cream or gold. Sitting near the mirror, put the sheets one by one to your face. Do you like the shade of blue best? Then you belong to the Summer color type, and ash-blond will suit you best.

Popular shades

Colorists distinguish several options for ash-blond color. Almost all of them are suitable for women of the Summer and Winter color types with light eyes.

light ash

This tone is also called ashen blond in another way. It will help soften your facial features, make the image romantic and gentle. The color is still relevant. With his help, many Hollywood beauties create a soft image of a coquette, which reveals on curls a delicate blond with a blue tint.

Natural ash blonde

The natural color gives gray notes. Getting a similar shade is not so difficult, especially since almost every hair cosmetics manufacturer includes it in their palette of dyes. Another name for the color is "Russian ash".


It looks very impressive, because it gives off a mother-of-pearl tint. Suitable for owners of light brown or blonde hair. It combines well with other shades of blond when highlighting. Read more about pearl hair color, who suits and how to get it, read on our website.

Medium ash

The medium semitone creates a muted greenish tint on the curls. It also includes a caramel-ash halftone, which reveals golden and gray notes on the hair.

Oddly enough, but this color is suitable even for girls with brown or marsh eyes and even skin.

Dark Ash

Claimed semitone will come in handy for girls with porcelain skin and charming bright eyes. It will give the curls a beautiful silver sheen.

Ash beige

This color looks most harmonious on bright and cheerful girls. It will be especially interesting when carrying out 3D highlighting, when the natural color is taken as the basis, and individual strands are dyed in ash beige.

Pure ash color

It looks especially beautiful on owners of light blue eyes. Since there are no contrasts in the symbiosis of the face and hair, an emphasis is placed on the bewitching eyes of the beauty. After staining, they acquire depth and expressiveness.

brown ash

Color is quite common in nature. It will look as harmonious as possible on brown-eyed brown-haired women. There are various names for this color:

  • frosty chestnut;
  • amethyst;
  • cold walnut;
  • alder.

Some colorists do not attribute this color to ash-blond, given that the gray tint on the brown base is weakly expressed.

Ash blond with a copper tint

Since many owners of dark curls prefer to dye their hair in copper color, some manufacturers have introduced ash brown hair with a copper sheen into their palette of colors. This color will elegantly reveal itself on girls with olive skin and green or brown eyes.

Important point! Some girls confuse ash color with platinum blonde. Indeed, there are similarities between them. The difference comes down to the fact that the ashy color shines more gray, and the platinum gives a silvery sheen.

How to get at home

Getting this color is quite easy. If there is a lighter color on your curls, then in 2 staining procedures with an interval of 3-4 weeks you will definitely achieve the desired result. Owners of dark or red hair will have to lighten to get ashy notes and light brown.

To achieve a pronounced ashen shade, professionals recommend adding a blue pigment to the emulsion when mixing the dye.

Permanent paints

Most popular cosmetic products in this category:

  • Essex by Estel. The palette from a well-known domestic manufacturer includes medium blond brown with an ash sheen, ash brown, dark blond ash and brown mother-of-pearl, arctic blond, graphite, metallic and simply mother-of-pearl.

  • Matrix Color Sync. The ash shade of this brand of cosmetics is represented by several colors: ash brown, dark and light ash blond. The paint is mixed in equal proportions with the color activator. It is applied to the root zone, and then immediately distributed along the entire length. Does not require long exposure - 20 minutes will be enough.

  • Syoss. Among the ash shades, you can choose a mocha fusion, a nut cocktail, a metallic silver blond, a smoky mix and a champagne cocktail. The claimed dye very rarely causes allergic reactions, retains color fastness and shine for a month.

  • palette. In the Palette palette, you can find ash blonde, cool medium blond, white gold and super ash blonde. Unfortunately, you will not find a pronounced ash brown.

  • Garnier. Offers beauties the following ash shades: pearl-ash, sandy beach, frosty chestnut, sparkling cold mocha, ash-silver blond, creamy mother-of-pearl blond, light ash and some others. The paint is applied to the tips, and then combed along the entire length. Withstand the emulsion in the order of 25-35 minutes.

  • Revlon Color Silk. It boasts an extensive number of ashy shades. In the palette you can find medium ash chestnut, light ash, dark ash blonde, as well as medium, light and ultra-light ash blonde. The maximum exposure time of the emulsion is 25 minutes, for gray curls - 30 minutes. In order to obtain a very light color of the hair, for example, an ash blond, it is recommended to increase the stay of the coloring composition on the head up to 45 minutes. The paint foams slightly and then rinses off with warm water.

  • L'oreal. Loreal paint is represented by various series. For example, Excellence offers shade 7.1 "Ash Blond", and CASTING Creme Gloss 801 and 810 "Light Blond Ash" and "Light Blond Pearl". The manufacturer also has shades of Recital 8.1, 9.1 and 10.21 called Copenhagen, Viking and Stockholm in the arsenal. But unfortunately, according to users, although this paint is gentle, after a week or two it is almost completely washed off.

  • concept. The ash line of this dye has several color options: ash blond, platinum and light ash, shades of ash blond of varying intensity and even indigo. Hairdressers note that cosmetics do not mask gray hair, and in some cases lie on curls with a loss of color.

  • Schwarzkopf Natural & Easy. The manufacturer offers girls the following variations of ash: mother-of-pearl light ash and ash-blond opal of the Natural Easy series, as well as pure ash blond of the Essential color line. According to some users, the paint is rather weak on gray curls, as well as hair roots. But the professional dye Schwarzkopf Igora Royal will please the girls with a rich blond ash "sandre".

  • Indola. The shade of the Permanent Caring line 6.1 “Ash dark blond” and 6.2 “Dark blonde ash golden” and 9.13 “Ultra light blond natural ash golden” reveals well on the hair. The Mixton Palette offers a pure ash color, while the Blond Expert offers an intense ash blonde. The cost of the dye is low - 200-300 rubles.

Important point! Before using coloring cosmetics, be sure to conduct a rapid test for allergic reactions. To do this, dilute a small amount of the composition and apply it on the skin of the elbow. If there is redness, itching, swelling - stop painting.

Dark-haired beauties who want to get an ash-blond color will have to dye in 2 stages. First, a clarifier of 9–12% is purchased, depending on the thickness and saturation of the natural color. Lightening of curls is carried out. Painting directly with the dye is carried out on the 2-3rd day after bleaching, so that the curls can rest.

Tinted balms and shampoos

To maintain the ashen color and even the reincarnation of natural light blond beauties, they use such tint options:

  • shampoos and balms;
  • mousses;
  • tonics;
  • varnishes with silver-gray particles.

The declared cosmetics ensures the retention of artificial pigment for a short period of time, since after 3–4 washes, complete depigmentation occurs. It is forbidden to use tinting agents often, especially for weakened hair. Judge for yourself why you need an interesting color if you can ruin the curls.

Tonics, shampoos and balms are applied very simply. One cap of the product is distributed on the hair, foamed and left for 20-30 minutes to activate the pigment. After that, the soft dye is washed off with plenty of water (make sure that the water becomes clear!).

For example, quite inexpensive, but effective tonic from Rocolor "Tonic" will give your curls a luxurious pearl-ash color. And for light brown hair, you can use the tint balm 7.1 "Graphite". Do you want light curls to shine? Get tone 9.21 "Ash Blond" with a lamination effect.

Mousses and foams are generally easy to apply and wash off well. Mousse Igora Expert from Schwarzkopf shade 9.5-12 "Moonstone" provides curls with an unsurpassed mysterious gray color. Unfortunately, it does not stay on the hair for long (3-4 washes), but it really tints beautifully.

For girls who want to create an original image for just one day, we recommend using colored varnish "Metallic". He will color the curls in ashy color, creating the image of a real Snow Queen. The most popular brands are Jofrika, Lee Stafford and Kryolan.

Ammonia-free dyes

There are many ammonia-free dyes on the market today. They have both their pros and cons. The advantage is the minimal impact on the curls, after which in most cases it is not even necessary to carry out restoration. Among the minuses, one can single out the high cost and the minimum delay on curls - no more than 1 month.

Interesting moment: In the world of salon hairstyles, highlighting with ammonia-free paint began to be called majimesh. It will suit light blond and blond girls. Lightening is carried out by only 2 tones. At the exit, a noble brown-haired with ashy notes will be waiting for you.

natural remedies

It is very difficult to achieve an ashy color with natural dyes. The only thing for dark hair, you can try a combination of chamomile decoction, honey and cinnamon.

For cooking you will need:

  • 100 g cinnamon;
  • 100 g of honey;
  • 60 ml of chamomile decoction.


  1. Melt honey in a water bath and dissolve cinnamon in it.
  2. Pour one spoon of chamomile with a glass of water and boil over a fire for 5 minutes.
  3. Combine honey with filtered broth.
  4. Spread the mixture while still warm on curls.
  5. Cover the head with a plastic bag and wrap with a terry towel.
  6. Wash off after 4 hours with shampoo.

Such coloring can lighten the curls by several tones, giving the hair light silvery notes.

Popular staining techniques

In the world of hairdressing, there are many different color options. Monochromatic coloring began to be used infrequently, preferring vertical stretching of color to it. 3D coloring is very popular, when several shades are selected that are close to each other. This allows you to give your hair extra volume.


It involves stretching the color from the roots to the tips, while using several halftones. Such coloring looks especially harmonious on curled curls. As a rule, an ash blonde is used, and the roots are left intact.


  1. Mix the paint according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  2. Divide the hair into zones.
  3. Select individual strands.
  4. Paint the ends first, wrapping them in foil.
  5. A lighter shade is applied to the middle part, the roots are left in a natural color. Brush strokes are light and careless so that the transitions are not distinct.
  6. After 40-50 minutes, the dye is washed off.
  7. Use a restorative balm.


Allows brown-haired women to create the most natural look. Various variations of ashy are recommended for use. It is advisable to take colors that are several tones different from the base.

Execution of the procedure:

  1. The hair is divided into zones.
  2. They begin to select individual strands at the back of the head. They are combed and then dyed. All curls are dyed in a similar way, alternating strands with artificial ashy dye with a natural color.
  3. The hair should dry naturally. Wrapping in foil and the use of a cellophane cap and a towel turban are inappropriate in this case.
  4. Waiting for a certain time.
  5. Rinse off the pigment and apply a conditioner.


It involves the creation of contrasting transitions. Very chic, this technique will open on the owners of dark hair. Just imagine how interesting the combination of dark chocolate at the roots with ash blonde at the ends will look. Coloring is best done in the salon so that the master selects the clarifier as correctly as possible.


  1. At the level just below the ears, ponytails are tied.
  2. The tips are dyed in ashy color, wrapped in foil and left to activate for 20 minutes.
  3. After that, the tails are untied and the area just above the place of fixation is painted over with the same color. Wait another 20 minutes.
  4. Unfold the foil and wash the entire head.

The output should be a contrasting coloration, which is most suitable for extravagant and outrageous persons.

monochrome coloring

Solid coloring in natural ash-blond looks luxurious. The color will suit the owners of light eyes and porcelain skin. Give your locks a unique touch by coloring them in ash blonde.

Full stain procedure:

  1. Divide the curls into zones.
  2. First, paint over the roots of the hair, and then use a comb with fine teeth to distribute the composition along the entire length.
  3. For long hair, you need 3 tubes of standard dye.
  4. Tie the curls under a plastic bag and wrap them with a towel.
  5. Wait for the time specified by the manufacturer.
  6. Wash off the paint and apply a color activator.

Highlighting "Salt and Pepper"

A stunning option for coloring curls for older women who want to mask their gray hair. Such staining is also suitable for business women with great willpower and a desire to win. It is a combination of dark blond "graphite" with an ultra-ash blond. It is performed in the usual highlighting technique using foil.

Salon coloring cost

The following factors affect the price of painting:

  • chosen technique;
  • the need for flushing;
  • restorative therapy;
  • curl length;
  • selected dye and brightener;
  • salon prestige.

On average, the cost of coloring in modern techniques ombre, balayazh, shatush and some others varies between 2-4 thousand rubles. Privately, the price for the procedure will be 1-1.5 thousand rubles cheaper than the salon one.

Remember, achieving an ashy shade is very difficult. In order for the curls to be expressive and not to get a dirty color, it is advisable to entrust the painting to professional hairdressing stylists.

Color care

Behind dyed curls, especially if you had to resort to lightening, meticulous care is required. Styling tips:

  • you can wash your hair only two days after the staining procedure;
  • regularly, at least once a week, make a regenerating mask;
  • curls should be dried naturally;
  • it is forbidden to comb wet hair, because the likelihood of mechanical damage increases significantly;
  • protect your hair from ultraviolet rays, temperature extremes and chlorinated pool water;
  • for combing, choose a brush with natural bristles;
  • so that the curls do not fall out, massage the scalp before going to bed;
  • to maintain color at least once every 2 weeks, apply a tinted shampoo or balm.

Natural light brown with an ashen tint is considered a noble color that brings sophistication and aristocracy to the image of a woman. But ashy shades are not suitable for every beauty. For girls of Asian appearance or those who belong to the Autumn bloom, such a tone is contraindicated, because it will make their radiant features pale and painful.

The most harmoniously ash is revealed on the owners of light eyes and porcelain skin. To make the hair look natural, it is recommended to dye it in one of the highlighting techniques - balayage, ombre, shatush, majimesh, air touch, etc.

Useful videos

How to paint in ashy color? How to paint without yellowness? How to choose hair dye? All these questions will be answered by the technologist-expert of the company M-Cosmetics Gavrilova Irina.

Step-by-step hair coloring from dark to cold blond.

Lovers often change hair color is now much easier to do than their mothers and grandmothers. After all, in the store you can buy any paint to repaint in the most trendy shade. For example, exquisite ashy hair color. Moreover, all the owners of hair of various silvery shades received these incredibly fashionable strands as a result of professional coloring. But in its natural form, the gray color does not look so bright as to attract the eye with extraordinary elegance and aristocracy.

According to experienced hair stylists, most women and girls who choose shades from the ashen palette for coloring strive for a radical transformation. For hair of this color, like no other tone, dictates the need for change. Both in clothing and make-up.

Features of ash-colored hair, photo

Correctly chosen hair color transforms a woman, emphasizing her unique personality. At the same time, a successful shade always improves the appearance so much that, having repainted, she will even look younger than her age.

However, those who wish to experiment with their appearance should be aware that gray hair, especially its shades of white, pink, purple or dark, cannot suit everyone equally well. So, in case of an unsuccessful choice, the photo shows that capricious gray emphasizes all the imperfections on the skin of the face (redness, rashes) or gives it an earthy tint. In general, if ashy hair does not suit you, everyone will see it.

At the same time, girls of the summer color type with blond hair and skin, gray or blue eyes, which shades of gray are very suitable for, should be able to choose the right tones of blush, lipstick for makeup.

A photo of a successful combination with ashy strands, if blush and lipstick will have a coral or pale pink gamut, and shades of pale blue, pink, light purple, gray. To make the image perfect, stylists advise considering that clothes of neutral colors are more suitable for iridescent silver hair, but with bright accents in the form of additions such as a turquoise scarf or a purple hat.

And hairdressers consider light waves or the most ordinary ponytail to be the best hair styling for all shades of gray. If you wish, you can see photos of other hairstyles with long and short hair.

Who suits ashy hair color, photo

Absolutely all shades of gray on the hair look like natural ones, and they are all classified into groups:

  • light (light);
  • medium (medium);
  • dark (dark).

That is, it can be light, medium or dark ash tone. And the well-known coloring techniques - balayazh, ombre, highlighting allow you to give, in fact, a gray color a special silvery zest.

Ash hair color more suitable for women with the type of appearance "Summer". They have light skin, light curls and eyes that are blue, green or light gray, as in the photo. And, conversely, girls and women with swarthy skin and chestnut, golden hair should refuse to dye gray, since the yellowish pigment of their natural color will show through the paint.

Also this tone undesirable for women of mature age due to the fact that he ages the face even more. A if gray hair has just appeared, then a great choice is a light brown tone with a silvery tint. Both in the photo and in life, this color looks very natural, and besides, it masks gray hair.

Girls with a cold color type of appearance are suitable for both light brown and dark shades of gray.. Because natural dark blond is an ideal basis for dyeing in dark ashy, which confirms the photo of the even color of the model's hair.

Looks especially impressive ash-blond color in beauties with an oriental type of appearance(dark skin).

Also good is golden, brown, black ash in the photo, where the girls have brown eyes of a deep dark shade.

Photo of brunettes with ashy shades of hair

The most popular shade preferred by brunettes is ash brown. It is well suited for girls and women with olive or pale skin. Brunettes with brown eyes are very light brown shade. Photos of hair after dyeing in this tone using the ombre technique, balayazh demonstrate their natural beauty. By the way, this shade does not require cardinal clarification.

Popular brown-ash shades for brunettes have names - frosty chestnut, cold chocolate, amethyst, and their differences can be seen in the photo.

In general, ash brown radiates warmth and looks great in any season, which is different from cool gray tones.

Ash hair photo

If you know that a certain gray tone from a rich palette of silver suits you exactly, then immediately go to an experienced master. At home, it will be difficult to get a dark ash shade, purple or pink on the strands due to some technological features of staining.

Photo of hair in dark ash shades

The dark ash shade is diverse. It includes:

  • ash brown;
  • ash-chestnut (close to dark tone).

Before dyeing strands in such tones, do a test to see if it suits you.

  1. Wear a gray (maybe dark blue) blouse.
  2. Take a look in the mirror.
  3. Pay attention to whether this face is aging, whether the dignity of your appearance is set off.

If the result does not please, do not color the curls with a dark shade of gray.

Looking at photos of models with silver hair, we can conclude that this color can be chosen by girls with olive skin, with light eyes. And also dark silver looks good in the photo if the source is light brown natural.

Beautiful photos of purple, white, pink hair

Professionals call an ashy shade a cold tone of light brown. But in order to get the desired silver, you need to correctly determine the original hair color and shade of the dye. To do this, the master has to select dyes for each type of base. Otherwise, you can get yellowness or gray hair.

Amethyst tones of varying intensity have been holding leading positions in sales for several years. They are characterized by versatility in the manifestation of warm and cold, dark and light, saturated and transparent shades.

And girls who want to stand out from the crowd choose such a paint. The difficulty lies only in the harmony of the purple hue with the individual characteristics of the female appearance. In addition, it is impossible to obtain the desired result with inept staining.

Therefore, if you want to recolor the curls into an unusually delicate purple-ash blond, as in the photo, entrust this work to a professional. Gray strands with a slight purple tint look beautiful in the photo. Photos of gray-violet hair with tints of blue highlights are also exquisite.

2. Photo of strands of ash-pink hair.

The fashion for cool tones is at its peak, so luxurious gray hair is often added with a little warm pink shades. For example, as in the photo of gray curls in combination with a pink pastel tone. The combination is also interesting: cold gray on pink strands. A popular trend is an ash color with a pink-peach tint (you can see it in the photo).

3. Photo of ash-white hair.

The ash-white color of the curls suits women with the "Spring" type of appearance - blue eyes, snow-white skin. Its difference from cold platinum is the absence of a brilliant luster. In addition, the ash blond belongs to the coldest shades and does not have the effect of yellowness, which is clearly visible in the photo.

Makeup in pastel colors is suitable for ash-white hair color: light pink blush and lipstick of the same tone. The eyes are emphasized with shadows and mascara in warm shades (golden brown).


Creating an ashy shade, and one that will be in harmony with the image of a girl or woman, is not an easy task. The fact is that the lack of experience in the technique of dyeing hair often presents an unexpected result, when instead of silver overflows, the curls become green, pink or purple. And in order for the strands to look healthy after dyeing the hair in wonderful silver, it is better to choose the paint on the recommendation of the stylist.

Women love to change, add a riddle to their image. While some get rid of gray hair in all known ways, others want to acquire it with the same zeal. In nature, such strong, bright shades are almost never found, it can be purchased from coloring specialists.

We will help you choose the right shade of ashy hair to your taste, and tell you how the color change procedure goes.

What do you need to know?

Spring has come, the mood has changed, do you want changes?! Of course, a change of image will help us. Hair coloring radically changes the appearance, some neutral colors will not help us with this, but the ashy shade is what we need !!!

But do not make a decision hastily, there are several factors to consider.

Ash color is cold. Choosing, for example, its pearl shade, you turn yourself into a snow queen, take this into account when you decide to color, some ladies absolutely cannot wear this color.

Compatibility will directly depend on skin tone. Insidious ashen can make you an unhealthy old woman.

Finding the right shade

The ideal appearance for an ashy shade is women of the “summer type”. Blond strands, light gray or aqua eyes, pale skin. Such a combination, a highlight in appearance.

You do not need to repaint your hair in a more expressive color if your facial skin is far from ideal (scars, replenishment and pimples, age spots).

Ash hair will emphasize imperfections and make them more visible.

If your hair is from birth the color of chestnut, gold, you should not try to dye your hair ashen. No matter how hard you try to color the yellow pigment, it still won’t hide completely, which will eventually give a result close to a light brown tone.

You need to pass such tests on your hair only if it is vital for you. Numerous colorings will only kill the shine and attractiveness of your hair, think before you dye your hair, "is the game worth the candle."

So how do you get that color?

To dye your hair ashy, you need to know a few basics. If the idea is spontaneous, and this is the first painting, you don’t need to run to your girlfriend, we recommend that you turn to a good hairdresser (not all specialists are able to dye ashy). Go to someone you trust or have heard of.

Dark hair must first be lightened, and in order to avoid severe damage, carry out the lamination procedure.

You should not save on beauty, use only proven, high-quality materials in your experiments. They guarantee the result, the paint will not wash off immediately and your hair will remain in its original state, without significant damage to the structure. After all, ash-colored hair dye is far from a sparing solution.

There are times when the color is not what was promised, greenish or yellow, it depends on the original tone of the hair.

Remember, hair care after going to the hairdresser and changing the color must be appropriate in order to maintain silkiness, smoothness and a neat appearance. Nourishing masks must be done every 7-9 days, the hair should not dry out, otherwise you will not avoid broken, lifeless ends.

The variety of shades of ash is very rich (dark ash hair color, light ash hair color, ash brown hair color).

Let's take a few shades as an example.

ash blonde

The time for doll girls has passed, naturalness is in trend, so you can safely call ash-blond in demand. In our country, hair from birth is in most cases blond, but women love to change so much that they forget what they were originally. Moreover, the usual color always wants to give more brightness and saturation.

The course of action depends on what color you need to work with initially, the darker the strands, the more washes you need to make. The black pigment is the worst.

To combat dark colors, you need to use special pigmented paints, add mixton to the solution.

The only advantage of this color is that you can hide natural gray hair.

Dark Ash

No less popular shade, it amazes with its variations, this applies only to dark shades.

Take an easy test to determine if this color suits you: choose an outfit in dark blue or gray tones, stand in front of a mirror, evaluate your appearance.

Like? So this is your color. Did you not like the choice? Give up the idea of ​​repainting in this particular shade, it will not suit you.

Summing up

On the Internet, you can always look at photos of ashy hair color, discuss whether it suits you, and whether you really need it.

Remember that every coloring harms your natural hair beauty. Our article has revealed all the subtleties of this color, make a decision after reading.

Photo of ashy hair color

Ash-blond hair color looks very beautiful, gentle and even aristocratic. This shade gives the image of charm and sophistication, which is why a huge number of women like it. You can achieve this color both in the salon and at home. Moreover, there are several coloring options: classic, ombre and highlighting.

What you need to know about ash-blond hair color?

What a classic ash-blond looks like can be seen in the photo. Before coloring, it is recommended to look at the "before and after" photos of women in order to understand which types this shade suits the most.

There are two main rules to be aware of:

  1. Ash-blond color must be maintained with special shampoos. Professional cleansers and balms from Lorea "l and Estel are best suited. You should buy shampoos that restore and maintain an ashy tint. They remove all yellowness from your hair.
  2. If the hair is dyed, it will have to be lightened to achieve the desired effect. To do this, you can go to the salon or wash the pigment at home. For these purposes, there are special powders and creams that are mixed with oxide and applied to curls for 20-25 minutes. Such funds cost in the region of 800-1000 rubles (together with oxides).

These are the main, but far from the only rules and recommendations. Before dyeing, a woman should check whether a particular shade is suitable for her. Contrary to popular belief, silver-blond color is not for everyone.

Who suits the ash color?

Natural ash-blond color is much rarer than just blond. As a rule, girls with neat facial features and fair skin have this shade of hair. This color is not suitable for women with dark skin. Eye color doesn't really matter. True, the gray shade does not look very good with green eyes. It is perfect for blue-eyed, black-eyed, brown-eyed. A lot depends on the specific shade: ash brown will look good with brown eyes, but platinum will not.

Who doesn't like this color? Women with obvious flaws on the face. Ash shade emphasizes acne, scars, enlarged pores, pronounced pigmentation. For this color to look good, the skin must be clean and well-groomed.

Varieties of shades

There are a great many options for ash-blond. This shade has not lost popularity for a long time, so the most famous paint manufacturers modify it in every possible way in their new palettes.

Shade options: 1. Dark blond with ash, 2. Light blond, 3. Medium blond, 4. Brown-ash, 5. Golden-ash

To begin with, you should analyze the canonical options:

  1. Dark blond with ash. Suitable for girls with medium or fair skin tone. The shade is pronounced, under artificial lighting it may look dark gray. You can get this color with the help of a tinting balm (with initially light brown hair).
  2. Light blond. Goes more into blond than ash. Suitable for women with blue eyes and fair skin. You can achieve a soft shade with the help of paints.
  3. Medium blond. The most versatile option. The color can go both brown (under artificial lighting) and gray. Medium blond ash coloring is best done in the salon, as all cosmetic brands that produce paints have their own views on this shade. Getting a canonical medium blond at home is difficult.
  4. Ash brown. Brown with a slight shade of grey. This color is suitable for a girl with a bright appearance: brown eyes, sharp features. The most canonical brown-ash shade is in the Estel palette (it goes under number 6/71).
  5. Golden ash. The only non-cold color on this list. Golden-ash blond is in the L'Oreal Paris palette (Preferance paint, shade 9.13). It is suitable for girls with soft features and warm skin tone.

The most fashionable coloring option is ombre. The ombre effect is achieved by dyeing the roots light (blond) and the tips dark (silver, steel or grey).

With highlighting, many women said goodbye, because now such hairstyles are out of fashion. But, it is worth noting that the highlighting of the strand in a gray shade looks very fresh and interesting.

Other color options:

  • mother-of-pearl (distinguished by beautiful tints in the hair);
  • pink (adding a pink tint);
  • purple (same as with pink);
  • pearl-ash (blond color with light gray tints).

The palette, which is included in the line of tint balms "Tonika", includes a beautiful mother-of-pearl gray.

Preparing for dyeing and caring for strands

Preparation for staining consists of three main stages:

  • choice of shade (you need to be based on your color type, skin tone and eye color);
  • lightening (in the event that the original hair is dyed or natural, but dark);
  • choice of paint or interior.

Care for curls in the first weeks after staining should be especially thorough. You should buy a mask for colored hair (budget option - funds from the brand "Grandma Agafya"), balm and shampoo to maintain color. Hair should not be subjected to heat treatment (styling and straightening).

What is the most important thing? The most important thing is to get a noble shade without redness and yellowness. It can be a pure cold blond with hints of gray or ashy with shades of light brown. The cheapest product that helps remove yellowness is Tonic. For the desired effect, it must be diluted with balm in a ratio of 1 to 5.

Color palettes

Many manufacturers produce gray-blond paints. In some variants, silver color prevails, in others - blond. When choosing a paint, you need to pay attention to its characteristics. The coloring agent should give the desired shade on the hair. You should choose a durable and high-quality paint, especially when it comes to gray.


Hair dye brand "Rowan"

The Ryabin brand has shades of gray in the palette, which come under the numbers: 216, 210 (closer to light brown), 126 (cold blond), 246, 411 (wheat blond). On bleached hair, the paint lays down well and evenly. It lasts about 3-4 weeks, after which tinting is required. This hair dye practically does not spoil the condition of the curls. The colors are rich and beautiful.

Estel Professional

Hair dyes from Estel Professional

Estelle is a brand that is considered one of the best in the field of hairdressing procedures. Paints from this company are used in salons, with their help they produce professional coloring. Estel Professional products can slightly damage the hair, but at the same time, they give a lasting and shiny color. Estelle's palette includes many different ash options: 10/16 (light ash-violet blond), 9/16 (ash-violet), 6/1 (dark blond), 7/1 (canonical ash-ash), 10/1 (silver blond).


Hair dye by Garnier

There are not many gray shades in the Garnier palette. Paints from this manufacturer are not of high quality. The coloring pigment remains in the hair for a maximum of 3 weeks, while the color itself may turn yellow. Silver colors Garnier: 7.1 (ash-blond), 8.1 (pearl), 7.12 (pearl blond), 910 (Color Sensation, ash-silver blond). The company has separate lines of clarifier products. They are not bad, but the same budget brand Syoss has much better products.

L'Oreal Paris

Hair dye L "Oreal Paris

There are many platinum shades in the Preferance line from L'Oreal. They can act as an independent paint or brightener. Also in this line are paints that help create an ombre effect on the hair. In the set, along with a coloring agent, there is a special comb, as well as a balm that can give shine to curls. Ash colors are in the Casting Creme Gloss line, they go under the following numbers: 931 (very light blond), 810 (pearl), 1010 (platinum with silver tints). With the help of these products, you can dye or lighten not only natural, but also dyed hair.

Any girl can dye her hair in the desired color right at home. It will be cheaper than in the salon. But it is worth carefully preparing for the painting procedure so that the result lives up to expectations. With the help of high-quality clarifier and good paint, you can achieve amazing silver hair. Experiment.

In the last two years, the ashy shade of hair has become very popular among girls. Although it does not exist in nature, many fashionistas stubbornly get their way.

The only problem is that over time it loses its expressiveness. Therefore, it must always be supported. If you want to change your hair color to ash blonde, you should listen to our advice.

What type of ashy hair color suits

light blond ash color

Yes, this color is very fashionable lately, but this does not mean that it suits everyone. Like any other shade, this one requires a careful approach and selection to all the details in the girl's appearance.

Ash-blonde hair color can beautify your face, or it can give it a sickly look. You have to be careful with coloring. Moreover, it is not so easy to achieve the ideal result.

To whom, after all, ash blond will suit right away:

  • Girls with a summer type of appearance. Blond hair combined with gray or blue eyes, light skin.
  • Girls who do not have any defects on the skin of the face, pimples and moles. The ashy shade will only highlight them, making them conspicuous flaws. Therefore, the skin for choosing this shade of hair should be perfect and smooth.
  • Girls who do not have red and red pigment in their hair. Chestnut curls or light reddish ones simply cannot be repainted into ashen. You should not try to do this, you can ruin the entire structure of the hair.
  • Girls with white faces. The ash color is not suitable for swarthy, it is lost against the background of a tanned body.

Come out so that the ash-blond color of curls is suitable only for a narrow circle of the fair sex. Not everyone can become happy owners of silver curls. But those who suit this color can transform into such a popular trend with ease. suitable for girls with autumn color type.

How to achieve an ashy shade

dark blonde ash hair color

It is worth noting again that getting a beautiful ash-blond will be very, very difficult. You probably won't be able to do it at home. It would be best to contact a professional stylist. If you still decide to experiment at home, then remember our tips:

  1. From such staining, the curls suffer very much and break. It will be easier for them if a month before and a month after they make nourishing masks and compresses on their heads. Then, perhaps, the color will lie better on healthy hair.
  2. In any case, the strands must first be lightened, even if they are dark, even if they are already light.
  3. It is better to choose an ash-blond shade paint with a special consultant in the store.
  4. To avoid unwanted color on all curls, try applying paint to a separate strand first. If the color suits you, you can process the entire head.
  5. To make the ashen lay more naturally on light curls, add 2 times more hydrogen oxide 3%. It will additionally illuminate your hair and absorb the dye into the structure.
  6. If you dye your hair too dark, bleaching alone will not help you. First you need to make a wash, and only then discolor. And at the end, apply an ashy color.
  7. If, after dyeing, you notice that the hair began to cast a green tint, it means that there was not enough purple pigment in the composition. You can buy a tinted shampoo with a purple tint and use it 2 times a week. So the ash-blond color will look more expressive. You can find out how to make a shatush on dark hair.

Curls that were previously painted with henna are by no means recommended to be painted in ash-blond! The color will stain and ruin your look.

“Scorched strands” are no longer so popular. Now the new blonde trend is an ash tint. This means you can use .

ash-shine curls

Most of all, it is suitable for naturally fair-haired girls, and it will be easier for them to achieve it. In order not to risk and remove the red pigment, you can simply add a little purple to the diluted paint. It is better, of course, if this is done by a specialist in the cabin. If you paint at home, then the purple pigment should be part of 1: 3. If you do not know, contact the salon.

For permanent color maintenance, it is better to use tint shampoos 2 times a week. They will keep the color fresh and vibrant.

How to achieve the perfect ash color without an admixture of green, you will learn from our video.

Coloring algorithm

Choose only a proven brand of paint so as not to harm your curls. On our website you can see a photo of ombre coloring for light brown hair.

In order to achieve the ashen you want, you need to take:

  • bleaching agent,
  • hair dye of the desired shade,
  • gloves,
  • tassel,
  • comb-comb.

How to lighten curls

to get an ashy shade, dark oxen must be bleached

It is necessary to apply a lightening agent on unwashed curls, so the structure is not badly damaged. First, 2/3 of the part is applied to the entire length of the hair, except for the roots. You need to wait 30 minutes. Then the rest is smeared on the roots. So walk another 20 minutes. After everything is washed off with shampoo. If you like the result of clarification, you can start painting. If not, repeat the procedure every other day. looks especially impressive.

How the dye is applied

Apply the diluted paint to all hair according to the instructions. After washing, rinse your hair with an additional tint shampoo to match the tone of the paint.

Do not wait too long, the hair can be damaged and broken.

Popular ash colors

Almost every brand of paint has such a shade, but not everyone will take it on their hair. Here is a list of brands tested by time and girls:

  • Blonde ash tone L`Oreal
  • Ash blonde Revlon
  • Natural Ash Blonde Casting Creme Gloss L`Oreal

It is these brands that are responsible for the durability of hair coloring. (shatush, ombre, coloring) allow you to always stay in trend.

How to complement the image

ash color on long curls

If a girl has such a catchy hair color, she should be able to correctly select the entire image. Only competent makeup will emphasize your new ashen look.

If you chose this color of strands, your image is a “snow queen”.

To begin with, remember - all makeup should be cold.

For lips, choose pale coral or pinkish colors so they don't stand out too much.

As for the eyeshadows, they should be chosen in gray and blue cold shades. Violet, blue will do. But not warm brown or pink.

But you need to use blush or powder with a pink tint, this color will set off the pallor that the hair gave to the face.

Mascara and eyeliner will suit classic black or silver. But just do not overdo it with them, it will look defiant.

Under this color of curls, you need to carefully select a wardrobe. Pastel colors are suitable: pink, blue, mint. Black should be avoided, it will lighten the skin even more.