Where to store a fur coat. How to store a mink coat in summer? If you decide to store a mink coat at home, you need to carry out some preparatory steps.

Fur coats, fur coats, hats and other products with fur are very popular in our latitudes. Firstly, our cold winters contribute to this, and secondly, fur is a recognized adornment of women, and many Ukrainian beauties cannot deny themselves “soft luxury”. And why, if the level of happiness of a woman wrapped in her favorite fur coat is rapidly increasing?

Needless to say, fur products are quite expensive. Therefore, the attitude to such clothes should be careful. Moreover, as a rule, the more delicate the fur, the thinner and "capricious" it is in care, the higher its cost.

Proper care and storage of a mink coat will help ensure its safety and beautiful appearance for many years. To store a fur coat, you can use a separate service - storing fur in a special refrigerator, or you can store the product at home. Consider the disadvantages and advantages of these options.

Storage in a special refrigerator

Fur storage services are provided by many dry cleaners or fur salons.

The advantages of this choice:

  1. The fur product is always in optimal conditions. Specialists maintain the required storage temperature: from ten to twelve degrees Celsius above zero. Humidity parameters do not exceed sixty-five percent. The room is constantly ventilated.
  2. The fur coat is systematically examined by experts.
  3. Enough space to store coats. The fur does not wrinkle when in contact with other products, it is always combed and ready for the beginning of the season.
  4. The possibility of providing additional services such as cleaning, repair of products.
  5. At home, there is additional space in the cabinets for new acquisitions.


  1. Not always conscientious attitude of firms providing services.
  2. Relatively high price for the service. The cost of such storage usually ranges from one to two percent of the estimated value of the fur product per month.

If you have chosen this option for storing a fur coat, treat the choice of a company providing such a service responsibly. Read reviews about the reputation of the company, and not only on its website, try to find out how the store is technically equipped, whether there are all the necessary conditions for the “summer holidays” of your fur coat, do not hesitate to ask questions to a specialist.

Storage at home

If you decide to store a mink coat at home, you need to carry out some preparatory steps.

  • Inspect the fur coat very carefully, both from the outside and from the inside.
  • If there is obvious contamination or damage, do not try to deal with them at home, it is better to entrust this to specialists.
  • If there is no noticeable contamination, mink fur can be cleaned with improvised means such as flour, starch or talc. To do this, place the fur coat on a flat surface, sprinkle the fur with the selected product and then gently clean it with your hand. Shake off your coat. Comb with a special brush for fur products.
  • Air your coat well. The place should be cool and dark, with good ventilation.
  • The fur coat should be stored on wide hangers that are suitable in size, otherwise the product may be deformed.
  • It is necessary to store a fur coat in the form buttoned up on all buttons.

Now let's talk directly about the storage process

  • Never store a mink coat rolled up.
  • The fur coat should be stored in a cover made of natural breathable materials. To avoid wrinkling the fur, lift the top of the cover. It is an unforgivable mistake to store a fur coat in a polyethylene case, in which the fur coat will lose its gloss.
  • There should not be any jewelry or accessories on the fur coat. If the fur coat was with a belt, remove it for storage.
  • In the case, the fur coat should hang on wide coat hangers, preferably on those with which it was sold.
  • Do not forget to take preventive measures against moths. To do this, place lavender or other moth repellant in small cotton bags. Arrange the bags in pockets, under the collar and cuffs. Do not spray insect repellant on fur. It is better to process the cover with such a tool.
  • Fur does not like moisture. Therefore, place substances that absorb moisture well in a closet or wardrobe, for example, camphor or silica gel. In order for their action to be constant and, accordingly, more effective, the means must be changed periodically.
  • To prevent the product from losing its color and luster, it should be stored in a dark place. Sunlight is detrimental, especially for light-colored mink and dyed products.
  • Fur does not like heat very much. At a storage temperature above twenty-five degrees, the mezdra dries up, the pile fades and breaks. Fur quickly ages and loses its luxurious look.
  • The fur coat should have enough of its own space. To prevent the fur from wrinkling, the product should not come into contact with other things.
  • During the "rest" of the fur coat, inspect and air it every two months by hanging the fur coat in the open air, in a place protected from the sun.

A few general tips for caring for a fur coat, allowing you to extend its "life" and keep it in excellent condition for a long time

  1. It is advisable to wear a mink coat only in dry, frosty weather. If it so happened that the fur coat got wet, do not force things, do not try to speed up the drying process. Hang the product on a wide coat hanger, fasten all the buttons and let it dry well on its own. Do not use heaters or other appliances for drying.
  2. So that the fur does not wrinkle and bald spots do not form, do not wear bags on your shoulder or on your arm. Do not attach jewelry and accessories to the fur coat.
  3. Protect the fur coat from getting perfumes on its pile: firstly, the fur deteriorates from alcohol-containing substances, and secondly, the fur absorbs odors well and retains them for a long time.
  4. Protect the fur from contact with the body, put a scarf or scarf under the collar of a fur coat, this simple trick minimizes pollution and rubbing of the pile in the collar area.
  5. You need to sit down in a fur coat carefully. Unbutton the bottom buttons, and smooth the fur so that it does not gather in folds.
  6. If you often use a car with heated seats, do not use this feature all the time. From overheating, the flesh becomes hard and brittle. Unfortunately, this process is irreversible.

After acquiring the long-awaited fur, I immediately thought about how to store the fur coat. Since the price of a new thing is really rather big, I want to save it and keep it as long as possible. How to do this, let's see together.

How to care for fur at different times of the year

First of all, the service life depends on the proper storage of fur coats, as well as on the care of the fur. This fur product is not only expensive and valuable, but also picky about the conditions of storage and use.

Rule 1. Winter

How to store a fur coat at home so that it does not lose its attractive appearance? Despite the fact that mink is outerwear for the winter, make sure that in your wardrobe there is a down jacket in addition to it. A fur coat should not be worn every day.

If you are wearing a fur coat, you should avoid:

  • places where chemical treatment against ice has taken place;
  • crowded places;
  • wet snow and high humidity.

Winter has come, and the temperature still does not allow you to wear a fur coat? Then you should “walk” her on the balcony.

A frosty evening is ideal to let the skin air out, but during the day it is better for her to stay in the closet.

Although high humidity can be harmful, when you return home, a fur coat can be restored to its attractive appearance with the help of proper drying.

To properly dry the fur, remember the rules:

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Step 1.

Choose a shady spot in your home to dry.

The sun's rays should not fall on the fur.

Step 2

Shake the product and hang it on a wide coat hanger.

Other outerwear may hang nearby.

Step 3

Get a brush for natural fur and walk it along the villi.

Step 4

Wet a soft, absorbent cloth, then lightly wipe the fur with it.

Step 5.

Leave the product to dry naturally.

Do not use a hair dryer or leave a fur coat near any heating devices.

Rule 2. Summer

Properly store a mink coat in the summer - in a case. If you want to ensure that your fur is protected, for example, from moths, take your outerwear to a dry cleaner. In specialized refrigeration units, all conditions are met to properly store fur products.

Keeping a mink coat at home is also possible. Detailed instructions will help you create optimal conditions for "idle" mink.

To keep the fur coat attractive for the next winter season, you must:

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Step 1.

First you need to find a spacious and cool place. .

Step 2.

Take coat hangers, hang a fur coat on them and cover with a cover.

Step 3

Then, using cloth bags impregnated with moths, put protective tablets in the pockets.

Step 4

The coat should be aired and periodically inspected.

Proper care is essential for a mink coat at home, so do not forget about the following points:

  • fur has a negative effect exposure to sunlight;
  • heat air dries the product, from this it deteriorates;
  • humidity over 60% and temperature around 10-15°C these are uncomfortable conditions for the fur.

Rule 3. Mink Care Details

In order for the mink to retain its attractiveness, you need to take into account all the nuances. For example:

  • Storage case mink coatsmust be breathable. Polyethylene fabric is not suitable in this case.

  • As a result of the use of aerosol stains may remain. To avoid them, make protective bags with your own hands. They may include lavender, dry geranium, etc.

Any of the fur storage assistants shown in the photo will be effective, but handmade is the most harmless
  • Fur needs a lot of space.

How to store fur, you now know. But do not forget that the fur coat should be aired at least once every 4 months. Change protective bags against moths, and then your mink will retain its appearance for a very long time.

Even a mink fur coat made of the highest quality materials and with the necessary technologies can quickly become unusable if it is not properly cared for. Moreover, literally 2-3 seasons are enough for these clothes to irretrievably lose their beauty, grace and warmth! Therefore, it is very important to understand how to care for a mink coat in summer and winter. Moreover, there is nothing complicated in observing such rules. As you can see for yourself thanks to our article with all the key recommendations on this topic!


The most important topic in this context is, of course, the storage of a mink coat in the summer when you are not using it. So that in the warm season such clothes do not lose all their properties and external gloss, attention should be paid to the following points:

Look for a refrigerator. The ideal way to take care of your fur between winters is to contact a specialized company that rents space in so-called refrigerators. They are rooms where special temperature (in the range of 0-10º C) and humidity (in the region of 50%) are maintained, there is no light and there is air circulation. It is these conditions that meet the requirements for how to store a mink coat in the summer. True, before being sent to such a “warehouse”, it is better to insure clothes against damage and theft - it’s calmer.

Equip your own closet. If there are no such companies nearby or you do not trust them, you can manage on your own. The first option is to buy a household fur refrigerator. But its price is justified only if there are several fur coats ... Therefore, an ordinary wardrobe will become a more logical alternative. Make sure it meets the criteria for how to properly store a mink coat at home. It should be dark, dry (not unnecessarily, a heating system is unacceptable nearby!) And spacious: the fur does not tolerate crushing, it wrinkles and breaks from it.

Prepare your coat. Before sending fur clothes "to hibernation", it must be put in order. First of all, it is cleaned. To get rid of dust, shake the fur and go through the pile with a special brush (available in fur stores). You can also blow the clothes with cold air from a hair dryer. Next, you should get rid of greasiness: the accumulated fat is sprinkled with flour or starch, then removed. True, such care for a mink coat at home is reasonable if it is slightly dirty - otherwise, contact a dry cleaner so as not to spoil the fur.

Take care of all the nuances. Sometimes details cause damage to fur clothes. So, it is necessary to place a fur coat on wide shoulders exactly in size, fastening clothes with buttons or hooks and ridding it of a belt, jewelry and small things in pockets - then the clothes will retain their shape. A fabric cover is also required, not polyester: it will not allow the fur to “breathe”. And of course, don't forget the moth. Just no naphthalene! It is also better to refuse aerosols. The best option is to arrange sachets with orange or tangerine peels in the closet: effectively and without harm to the fur.

And plus in the story of how to store a mink coat in the summer, one should not forget about its regular airing. Once every 2-3 months, you need to get it out of the closet and hang it on the balcony for a day right in the case. By the way, it is worth airing the furs for 2-3 days and right before sending them to storage (also avoiding direct sunlight on them).


The warm season is not the only period when fur clothing needs special treatment. To extend its life, in winter it is also worth paying a lot of attention to caring for it. To do this, you should carefully study the recommendations on how to properly care for a mink fur coat:

Pick a time to wear. Although you probably want to wear beautiful furs as often as possible, in some situations it is better to do without them. Firstly, you should not wear such clothes in rain, sleet or sleet - excessive moisture spoils it. Secondly, you should avoid large crowds of people, and even more so crush, so as not to damage the pile. Thirdly, if the fur coat is long, to the ground, remember the reagents on the roads. With all this in mind, the best advice on how to save a mink coat is to wear it only in dry and frosty weather, and preferably not too sunny.

Choose your accessories. The desire to complement a spectacular mink fur coat with some stylish element is expected, but is it worth it? The same handbag, which is regularly worn on the shoulder, is able to wipe the fur to a bald spot with a strap in a couple of years. And if such an accessory is made of suede, then there is a high risk that the matter, upon contact with the pile, will “share” the dyes and color the fur coat. You should also avoid the temptation to decorate clothes with a hairpin or brooch - they easily damage the core. And make sure that perfume or hairspray does not get on the fur: it absorbs them too actively.

Dry properly. Even if you already know exactly how to store a mink coat at home and monitor it in everyday life, no one is safe from getting it wet. Therefore, it is important to understand how to properly dry it. Any "accelerators" are excluded: you can not place fur over batteries or radiators, and also blow it with a hot hair dryer. Instead, shake off moisture from it, treat it with the same special brush, and if there is a lot of water, gently blot the fur with a cloth. And then just leave to dry naturally away from the sun.

"Walk" furs. Sometimes winters are so warm or wet that fur clothing remains virtually unclaimed - and is in the everyday wardrobe for weeks. For this situation, it is necessary to ensure optimal conditions for storing a mink coat at home. The closet should be away from heating, be dark, spacious: you need a gap of at least 10-15 cm to a sheepskin coat or coat. And most importantly: do not forget to ventilate the furs from time to time - once every 2-3 weeks leave them for a day on the balcony (also in a case and so that the sun does not get on the clothes).

As you can see, there is nothing particularly difficult in how to care for a mink coat. And the implementation of these recommendations will not require too much effort from you. But thanks to this, you will be able to enjoy the sophistication and softness of your valuable furs longer!

One of the expensive wardrobe items is a fur, mink coat. Since this is a seasonal product, most of the time it is in storage. With proper care, your favorite mink coat will serve you for a long time. Take advantage of the suggested tips.

It is necessary, before sending a fur coat to the closet, check its condition.

  • Remove possible stains, in a professional dry-cleaner, immediately upon detection.
  • Ventilate. A few hours, hold in the sun. The sun's rays remove even invisible moth larvae. Remember, a white mink coat turns yellow in the sun. It is better to take it to a dry cleaner, where your fur will be professionally processed and bleached.
  • Shake the fur and remove the dust.
  • Repair, if necessary, in a professional studio.
  • Clean annually before storage.

It is forbidden:

  • Comb and rub the mink fur. Especially wet. This will damage the product.
  • Wrap in polyethylene new package.
  • Allow any chemicals to come into contact with mink fur. The damage will be irreversible.
  • Use naphthalene. The chemical composition of this product harms mink fur products.
  • Dry the coat near the fire and heaters. She will be irrevocably damaged by such heat.

To store a fur coat in the summer you need

How to check the condition of the mink fur?

A sign of a quality thing will be the shine of hairs, thick pile, thick skin. When crushed by hand, there are no hairs on the palm and the product immediately takes its previous position. Feel the silky texture and elasticity to the touch.

In order for a fur product to last for many years, you must follow some simple rules and recommendations for storage and wearing. Many are wondering how to store a mink coat so that it does not lose its original appearance and thermal qualities for a long time. Consider how to create the necessary conditions for keeping fur products at home.

How not to handle a fur coat

  1. A mink coat cannot be soaked and washed entirely, ironed and dried with a hairdryer.
  2. If the fur gets wet, it is strictly forbidden to dry the item on a radiator or heater.
  3. The product should not hang close to other things and come into contact with them.
  4. Do not wear perfume on or near the fur.

How to store a fur coat: simple secrets

Fur preparation

If you are looking for a way to properly store a mink coat at home, then initially you need to take the time to properly prepare the product.

Thoroughly clean the product from dust and dirt. To do this, shake it intensively several times, and then walk with a special brush both on the outside and on the inside.

If the mink surface needs to be cleaned of greasiness, use improvised means for this: talc, starch or flour. They are good absorbents and quickly absorb excess fat.

It will be enough to apply a loose product for half an hour, then shake it off or sweep it with a soft brush. To prevent contamination, take your mink clothes to dry cleaning at least once a year.

After cleaning the fur, the mink item must be well ventilated and dried. To do this, hang a fur coat on a coat hanger and leave it for several days in a dark, cool room with good air circulation. It is better to choose a wooden hanger, suitable in size, so that the sleeves do not deform during storage.

At the end, fasten the buttons and pockets, remove the accessories and place the mink product in the case.

Choosing a good case

Often the owners are faced with the question of which case to keep a mink coat in. First of all, when choosing, you should pay attention to the material, it must pass air well. Cotton and linen cases cope with this: they create an air gap around the fur coat and retain fur qualities.

Plastic bags are absolutely not suitable.

Summer storage

When the cold season ends, you need to decide how to store a mink coat at home in the summer. First you need to choose the right storage location. For this, a spacious closet or dressing room is suitable.

To avoid creases and scuffs of the fur, the product should not come into contact with other things. Then take care of the correct temperature conditions in the room: the air should be cool (the best option is from 0 to + 10ºС), and the humidity should be within 45%.

To prevent the fur from fading, it is necessary to avoid direct sunlight on it. The storage place should be well ventilated, and once every 2-3 months, take the mink coat for a few hours closer to the windows or to the balcony for ventilation.

If you do not dare to keep a fur coat at home, place it in a special freezer, where the required temperature is maintained and other rules for storing a mink product are observed. Many dry cleaners offer this service in the summer. When asked if a fur coat can be stored in a home freezer, the answer is no; food freezer is not suitable for this purpose.