How beautiful to make up the eyes with a pencil. Several master classes on applying eye makeup. Successful combinations for brown eyes

Cosmetics can do wonders! The images created by makeup artists are often real works of art. But if you know how to paint your eyes with a pencil, then you can easily make yourself a good make-up at home. Let's learn about the main rules.

How to learn to beautifully paint eyes with a pencil

When drawing your eyes with a pencil, try to keep them wide open and do not strain your eyelids. To do this, lower the mirror on the table and look into it from top to bottom. If it is difficult for you to draw a line of the same thickness, start drawing it from the middle of the eyelid, moving towards the bridge of the nose. And in the second stage - extend it to the outer edge of the eye. Don't be afraid to rest your cheek on your palm and use the little finger of the same hand to pull the skin over your eyelids.

Black pencil - step-by-step photo instruction

Not every girl can beautifully draw the eye contour with a black pencil. But don't despair if you are one of them. The following photo tutorial will help you quickly learn this simple art:

  • First you need to apply a base on the eyelid. Depending on the style of makeup, neutral or, conversely, bright shadows will do.
  • Before drawing the eye contour with a pencil, you should slightly pull the skin upper eyelid. This will smooth out all the bumps and small wrinkles that can interfere with drawing.

  • In order for the arrow to turn out to be even, makeup artists advise first to put several points at regular intervals.

  • With smooth movements, combine all the dots into one line. You need to start drawing it from the inner corner of the eye.

  • Having reached the outer corner of the eye, draw the arrow a little further. Visually, it should resemble a small tail narrowed towards the end. Try to draw thinly - you can make the arrow wider at any time, while narrowing it down is very problematic.

  • When applying a pencil to the lower lash line, you also need to slightly pull the eyelid with your fingers.

  • When painting the lower eyelid, make a thin line and slightly bring it up. Blend the arrow on the lower eyelid to make it look softer.

  • Apply a pencil at a small distance from the inner corner of the eye - where the lacrimal glands are located. A few drops of liquid - and the pencil will flow or smear.

  • For an expressive make-up, professionals advise applying a line of small thickness to the inner eyelid from above and below.

  • Touch up your finished makeup. Small flaws can be corrected cotton swab.

white pencil at the bottom

A white pencil will help visually enlarge the eye. On the inside of the lower eyelid, you need to carefully draw one thick line with it, and then shade it a little. When choosing a white pencil, look at the texture: it should be soft. To make your eye makeup last longer, choose waterproof pencils that are washed off only by some cosmetic products.

Pencil kajal

Kayal is used specifically for eyeliner along the line of the inner eyelid. It stays on well and doesn't smudge. And the presence of antiseptic substances helps not to injure the sensitive mucous membrane during the eyeliner process. Kajal has a creamy texture and is very different from regular pencils.

  • Kayal beige colour allows you to visually make the eye larger, and the look - more fresh.
  • The black kajal is perfect for creating the smoky-eyes effect. It makes the look expressive, however, the eye from the side will look narrower.
  • Kaials of bright colors emphasize the make-up, but they need to be carefully selected for a specific tone. For example, turquoise kayal looks great against brown shadows.

How to make your eyes look bigger

Women with big eyes are known to be more attractive to men. But what if nature has not rewarded you with an enviable shape? Let's learn how to make eyes bigger and visually "open" them with a pencil:

  • The main secret- in the undersea. It should be done along the edge of the upper eyelid along the lash line. The closer to the outer edge, the thicker.
  • Eyeliner inside the eyelid with a blue, white or other pencil light shade visually make the incision of the eye larger. Dark eyeliner - on the contrary, will narrow it.

We make graceful arrows

Video: How to enlarge eyes with a pencil

To draw arrows beautifully, you don’t need to have any special skills. Practice and in a few days your make-up will look much better, and your eyes will attract more attention. Finally, we suggest watching a video that clearly demonstrates the method visual magnification eyes with white pencil.

Eye makeup is a real art.

If you know exactly how to paint your eyes correctly, you can look your best in any situation.

And with the help of a simple set of cosmetics, you can try on dozens of different images.

How to paint your eyes: an overview of cosmetics

To create eye makeup, you will need several basic cosmetics: eyelid base, eyeliner, shadows, kayal, mascara. The base under the shadow is most often sold in the form cream product, which evens out the color of the eyelid, hides small vessels and generally gives a slight masking effect. However, the main task is the means - to create an ideal coating on the eyelid, on which the shadows will last for a long time, without crumbling, not gathering into a fold, and will give all their pigment.

Eyeliner is available in several types:

Simple or automatic pencil;

Felt pen (liner);

Liquid or gel eyeliner;

Shadow eyeliner.

For beginners in the art of makeup, it is best to use pencils. They are soft, easy to apply and just as easy to wash off, allow you to draw an even line along the top or lower eyelid and are generally very easy to use. The disadvantage of the tool is that the pencil is easily smeared, imprinted on the eyelid, flowing in the heat.

In this sense felt-tip pen(or liner) is preferred. It is also simple and convenient to work with them, you can draw a perfectly even arrow, giving it the desired thickness. Liner good quality does not leave marks on the upper eyelid, does not crumble during the day and looks perfect. One thing: this tool is enough for a short time, and if the felt-tip pen is not closed tightly, it will dry out quickly.

Liquid and gel eyeliner applied with a special brush, which allows you to make a perfect clear line classic arrows. Such makeup is most often created for an evening out, as it looks too bright. Working with a brush is not easy, you need to get used to it, so this way to paint correctly eyes fit experienced ladies. However, some manufacturers supply a liquid cosmetic product not with a brush, but with a special stick. Learning to let them eyelids is much easier.

You can make eyeliner and baked eye shadow by applying them with a flat small brush. Makeup is more gentle, without clear lines. Shadows are applied both dry and wet. In the latter case, the line will be brighter.

However, in most cases, eye shadow is not used as an eyeliner, but to cover the upper eyelid to create a complete eye makeup. They can be pearlescent (with more or less shimmer) or matte. It is convenient to use ready-made palettes with well-chosen shades of colors. No need to rack your brains on how to properly paint your eyes, what colors to combine. Cream and liquid shadows are sold in the form of "odnushki".

To sum up the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid, a dark kayal - a special soft pencil that does not cause irritation. With him, the look becomes very expressive. However, for owners of small eyes, this product is dangerous, as it can visually narrow the incision of the eyelids even more.

As for mascara, then this is one of the most popular cosmetic products, with which any beginner cosmetic bag begins. There are many options for mascara: regular, curling, creating volume, separating, waterproof, caring and even colorless - for styling. Which one to buy depends on individual characteristics and the condition of the eyelashes.

How to paint eyes correctly: choose an image

To create harmonious image, there are two main points to consider: individual color type(that is, a combination of hair color, iris, eyebrows, and skin tone) and makeup purpose.

Blondes you need to be very careful when using black for eyeliner: it is too harsh and can make the image vulgar. How to paint eyes? Preference should be given to softer brown-gray shades. Shadows should help the iris, that is, strengthen natural color. Makeup artists advise using cold shades of gray, blue, greenish color.

Bright brunettes they can boldly use black eyeliners, and when choosing colored ones, give preference to those shades that are combined with the color of their hair and eyes. Warm brown, peach, ocher, emerald tones will create a great make-up.

For red-haired girls there are no prohibitions: they are naturally bright, they can use literally any eyeliners, shadows and not really think about how to paint their eyes correctly. However, they need to be careful with brown pencils and pink shadows: These pigments can give the impression of tearful or sore eyes. But a thick black eyeliner will not make the image vulgar: red-haired beauties are the only ones who can afford it both during the day and in the evening.

Important advice from professional makeup artists: shadows should not exactly repeat the color of the iris. This will make the look expressionless. A slight contrast, "wrongness", on the contrary, will attract attention.

The second point is the purpose of makeup. It's one thing if you're going to work or college. Completely different - evening version when you need to look catchy, bright. Great importance to create an image, it also has clothes in which it is planned to go out.

That is why in a cosmetic bag you need to keep obviously not one boring black eyeliner and not one duty palette, but several products. different shades. Great daytime look can be created using brown, silver, turquoise, gray, peach, sand lines and shades. Gorgeous evening makeup will help create a dark brown, blue, green and even red tone.

How to paint eyes for work

Makeup for the office is both very simple and pretty. complex issue. To find correct solution, you should learn how to properly paint your eyes for work or college. If there is no desire to produce a stunning effect, then you can limit yourself to a simplified version:

Apply a base on the eyelids;

cover all upper eyelid the right shade light shadows (peach, silver, crushed ice, champagne, beige, etc.). To young girls you can use slightly shimmery, barely flickering shadows. For women after thirty, it is better to refuse sparkles and use a matte product;

Tint your eyelashes.

All! It remains to emphasize the eyebrow and slightly touch the lips with gloss. You will get a natural daytime make-up that does not require any time or special skills. If you wish, you can additionally bring the upper eyelid with a soft pencil and highlight the line of the cheekbones.

More difficult option daytime eye makeup is the creation of a haze effect, or the famous smokey eye. You can use any palette, for example, gray.

How to paint eyes using classic smoky technology?

1. Cover the entire upper eyelid from the eyebrow to the eyelashes with a neutral light tone (be sure to take into account the undertone of the skin - pink or yellow).

2. Apply light gray shadows to the moving part of the eyelid.

3. Dark grey colour with help special brush apply to the crease of the eyelid.

4. Lighten the area under the eyebrow and the inner corner of the eye with a white tint.

5. Blend all color transitions.

6. Bring the lower eyelid with a dark gray shade of shadows. Shade the line.

7. Bring the upper ciliary edge with a pencil, and then shade the arrow well.

8. Draw a water line on the lower eyelid with a dark kayal.

9. Apply any mascara to the eyelashes: black, gray or even blue.

10. When the first layer of mascara dries, touch up the cilia again.

essence smoky makeupcomplete absence clear lines. Both eyeliner and shadow transitions should be completely invisible.

How to paint eyes for a party

Evening makeup simply has to be bright, stylish and stunning. How to make up eyes for festive evening?

1. First, apply a pearlescent monotone shade to the eyelids that is in harmony with the hair, eyebrows and outfit.

2. To deepen the look, you need to darken the outer corner of the eye with shadows of a darker or even contrasting shade. Apply it to the crease of the eyelid.

3. Shade transitions.

4. Draw arrows over the shadows. Welcome shiny arrows in black, gold, blue, dark brown, bright blue. You can make the line elegant or wide. The main thing is that it be perfectly clear. Liquid or gel colored eyeliner is exactly what you need.

5. Paint over eyelashes by applying mascara in two layers. If you want to achieve more splendor, you can stick a few cilia near the outer corner of the eye.

A brighter evening make-up with a distinct sexual touch is done with black shadows. Additionally, you will need dark brown and any light shades (for example, champagne or ivory), as well as black kajal.

How to paint eyes in this way:

Pick up black shadows on the brush, shake off the brush so that the product does not crumble on the face. Apply to the entire eyelid to the crease with a driving, patting movement;

Pick up brown shadows and blend the line on the border of black shadows;

Draw a line to the temple to stretch the pigment in the form of an arrowhead;

Brown shadows are also shaded with a clean brush;

Pick up light shadows and bring the area under the eyebrow, be sure to highlight the inner corner of the eyelid;

On a small flat brush, pick up black shadows and bring the lower eyelid under the cilia to the middle, blend well;

With a black kajal, make a line along the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid, also to the middle;

Line the upper eyelid with a soft black pencil, drawing the skin between the cilia to create the perfect “night” on the eyelids;

Apply black mascara, if desired, stick additional cilia.

Eye makeup for a party is a special story. If everything is done correctly, then the admiring glances of men are guaranteed: such a make-up looks very impressive. However, you need to remember: if the emphasis is on the eyes, then you can’t paint your lips too much so that the image does not turn out to be vulgar.

Remember touching gentle image actress Audrey Hepburn in the late 60s, pay attention to how modern supermodel Kate Moss paints her eyes.

The use of eyeliner has been and remains a relevant element of makeup. It is in his power to visually correct the shape of the eyes, give them expressiveness and create an image suitable for the occasion. You just need to know a few rules for its use.

Selection rules

Choice of pencil important point. Not only the quality of makeup, but also the health of the eyes depends on it. From a safety point of view, it is better to choose a pencil in a wooden shell with a medium hard lead. A hard one can injure the skin, and a soft one can spread. Medium is suitable for both thin eyeliner and shading. The lead inside the wooden case will not break when dropped. The main thing is that it has a tight cap. The only negative is the need for constant sharpening.

Mechanical pencils are convenient because they are easy to apply, the lead extends to the desired length and does not need to be sharpened. Cons - they are quickly consumed and can cause infection (a favorable environment is created inside the case for the reproduction of bacteria). Although high-quality pencils contain anti-inflammatory components. For the lower eyelid, slates with a waterproof formula are used, otherwise there may not be a trace of it by the evening.

When choosing, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • it shouldn't have an odor last resort, light pleasant aroma;
  • the stylus should not “sweat”, droplets of moisture indicate a low quality product;
  • the plastic case must be rigid;
  • the wooden case must be solid, and not made from pressed sawdust.

It is better to test a pencil before buying on the inner crook of the elbow, where the skin is about the same as the skin of the eyelids.

Color spectrum

You can beautifully make up your eyes with a pencil only by choosing the right color. The choice depends on the color type and the desired image. Brunettes and brown-haired women can safely use black. It looks good with makeup of any color scheme. Red, blond or blonde more suitable Brown color. Although they can use black, but only in evening make-up and with care so as not to look vulgar.

In order to beautifully paint the eyes with a pencil, a girl’s cosmetic “arsenal” must have at least three colors - black, brown and white. Brown will help visually correct the shape of the eyes, and white will make the look more open.

Colored pencils can be used by women of a light color type, taking into account the shade of their skin, type of makeup and color of clothing. Dark-skinned brunettes will suit purple, plum, violet, brown or olive. Red-haired girls look great using emerald, reddish, golden or light gray tone.

Expected effect

Make it bright beautiful eyes pencil under the power of any girl. There are many techniques for drawing a pencil line, with their help you can achieve different results:

  • emphasize the eyes;
  • enlarge a narrow incision;
  • visually bring deep-set eyes;
  • slightly hide the convex;
  • a little "pull out" to the temples are round.

A small make-up detail - a correctly made eyeliner - serves as a continuation of the chosen image. For example, a strict elegant business style is perfectly complemented by arrows on the upper eyelids, made in color to match. business suit. They will give the appearance of grace and femininity.

To create a classic look, use a black or brown pencil. Summer option- frivolous arrows with colored pencils - will decorate any girl. You can also make up your eyes in a light daytime or creative evening make-up.

Learning to draw beautifully

Correctly make up the eyes with a pencil is not difficult at all. If you are afraid of making a mistake, practice on paper or on yourself in free time. Classic way application is a line that is tightly adjacent to the eyelashes of the upper eyelid. If they grow unevenly or are very thick, then the line is applied with tiny strokes between the hairs. Try not to lower the tail of the arrow from the outside of the eyelid, this will give the face a sad expression.

So that the hand does not tremble during the drawing of the line, the elbow should have a solid support, and the palm should be resting on the cheek. Do not try to draw the entire line at once. It is correct to paint the eyes in two stages - from the center of the eyelid to the outer edge, and then to the inner corner.

Before drawing eyelid lines, you need to prepare:

  • cleanse the skin;
  • apply a base under the arrows;
  • slightly dry the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid with a cotton swab.

Better on a half-open eye, so you will immediately see how accurately you follow the intended goal. You can connect the top and bottom strokes at the outer corner or draw slightly elongated arrows without closing them. Depending on the desired result, the arrows can be shaded or left in contrast. An uneven line is corrected with a cotton swab dipped in makeup remover.

Visual Shape Correction

The type and length of the arrow adjust the shape and fit of the eyes. You can enlarge your eyes with a pencil by drawing a wide dark arrow along the upper eyelid with a thickening towards the outer corner.

IN daytime makeup the line should be slightly shaded. At the same time, from the eyeliner dark color the lower eyelid must be discarded. But if you apply a line with a white pencil on the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid, you can refresh your face, visually enlarge your eyes and make them brighter.

Due to the color of the pencil, you can easily visually enlarge or reduce the eyes.

If the eyes are wide apart...

... then the pencil line is applied only to the inside of the upper eyelid with an extension to the bridge of the nose. It stretches for 2/3 centuries, but does not reach the outer corner.

Close-set eyes...

... "bring" with a thick arrow on the upper eyelid, traced from its middle to outside. The tail can be any acceptable length. You can also bring the lower eyelid, but only with a thin line, connecting it with the arrow of the upper eyelid.

Big eyes…

... will make the combination of pencil lines with shadows of a similar shade more expressive and mysterious. The applied arrow is slightly shaded with shadows to hide the obvious transition. It can be classic black or brown or bolder tones depending on the occasion for which the make-up is done. The most impressive in this technique is the eyeliner of metallic shades.

Correct form...

... clear arrows drawn in black in the style of Merlin Monroe, drawn only along the upper eyelids and as close as possible to the lash line, will do. Spanish arrows also look good, which do not start from the inner corner, but from the middle of the century.

With the help of a pencil, you can revive a tired look. To do this, use a white and nude color or a champagne-colored pencil. It is enough to hold them along the line of the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid.

Here are some tips to help you get your eyes right:

  1. How to determine where the line should go and where it should end? Very simple - put the pencil so that one end is in the middle of the lower eyelid, and the other passes through the outer corner of the eye. You can draw the tail of the arrow of any length, but it is better if it is small - 1-2 mm.
  2. Pencil lines on the lower eyelid will last longer if they are slightly shaded from above with a brush with shadows of the same shade.
  3. Noticeable gaps between the arrow and the eyelashes can be hidden by applying some dark shadows to the eyelid before drawing it.
  4. Making the eyeliner of the upper and lower eyelids black, you run the risk of visually reducing the eyes. To prevent this from happening, for the bottom arrow, use dark gray color- He is a tone lighter.

If you do not know how to paint your eyes with a pencil, do not take the time and money for one visit to the makeup artist. He will not only show, but also advise the style that suits your face type, eye shape and the overall image that you want to create for yourself.

To help modern women many make-up techniques have been created in expressing and emphasizing one's individuality. One type is pencil makeup, or more often you can find the expression "pencil technique" in eye makeup, which is used by TV stars. After all, the pencil makeup technique makes a woman bright, and gives her eyes that unforgettable expressiveness that attracts men's looks.

As in any makeup technique, pencil makeup has its own rules.

  • First and foremost, the face must be prepared for makeup, i.e. go through three procedures: cleansing, toning, moisturizing or nourishing, it all depends on your skin type.
  • The second rule is applying a foundation for makeup, which will help us even out the skin of the face and prolong the durability of makeup.
  • Third application foundation, suitable for you, according to your skin tone, and not in the color of a tan, as many girls like to do.

And finally, proceed to makeup with a pencil. We will need a pencil, it is better if it is a medium soft pencil, it is easier to shade, but a hard pencil should also be used to draw a thinner line. By color, pencils can be completely different in tone, here you can fantasize, but black and gray pencils are classic.

Before applying shadows, we powder the eyelid, in this case why we powder, this will help us achieve perfect shading, which is the basis of pencil makeup. Suitable, both compact and loose powder I use compact powder 30613.

The next thing we will do is draw the frame, using brown pencil for the eyes of The one 31038, bring the lower eyelid a little, bringing the pencil flat and begin to pull it away from the eye. We work only in the plane, now with the help of a brush for shading shadows 24146, or we take the very hard brush that is in your arsenal, we do feathering of the pencil, we extinguish it as if by pulling the color. It is not worth pulling the color from the base, it is enough to pull the color from the very edge.

The next thing we do is, with the eye open, we put strokes on the bone, we hold the pencil flat (that is, towards the edge of the eyebrow). Often, often we apply strokes, this technique is suitable for all eye shapes.

Then we take a brush for shading and extinguish again along the edge of the pencil, pulling it towards the eyebrow. We hold the brush in the same way as a pencil, in a flat state and in the right direction. Approximately from the middle of the century, we stretch the pencil to the inner corner of the eye.

Once again, we repeat the shading with a pencil and its shading.

The next step is to make the shading of the lower eyelid the most dark color should be at the base of the outer corner of the eye, stroke about a third of the lower eyelid, then smudge the pencil with a shading brush, also along the edge of the hatching, as if pulling the pencil towards the inner corner of the eye.

The outer side looks sharp, we stroke it holding the pencil parallel to the eyebrow, then blend it with a brush and the makeup frame is ready!

We fill the frame with shadows, for this we use The ONE Color Match two-tone eye shadow 30972 silver frost, 30969 black pearl. We start filling from the 30972 palette, with the darkest tone we extinguish in the areas where the yellow circles are with the same dashed movements as with a pencil, while not going beyond the border of a dark pencil. Then we take a light tone and extinguish in places where there are green circles, namely the middle of the movable eyelid and the middle of the upper eyelid between the eyebrow and the movable eyelid. To make the transition smooth, we start a dark color on light color. From the palette 30972 black pearl we take the lightest tone, despite the saturation of the tone in the drawing on the eyelid, it looks like natural tone, and going to the previous light tone, we extinguish under the eyebrow and the corner of the eye, where there are blue circles. We extinguish the lower eyelid with a slightly darkest tone by analogy with strokes.

Stylish make-up is a real lifesaver for women who want to transform. A girl who can't go to a beauty salon needs expert advice to do flawless makeup at home and find out how beautiful without outside help make up your eyes.

Professional make-up can only be done using quality cosmetics and suitable tools.

Cosmetics and tools

  • base for shadows, foundation;
  • ink;
  • pencil, eyeliner, liner;
  • Eyeshadow Palette;
  • brushes, applicators

It is important to choose the right color shade of cosmetics, as well as choose the texture of the shadows. They can be crumbly, liquid or creamy.

How to make up your eyes beautifully with a pencil

Expert advice will help you figure out how to do it right.

Mastering eyeliner

Fashion trends always involve the use of arrows in one form or another and color scheme. The main thing is to draw the arrow correctly. It is important to know not only how to beautifully work out the eyelid with shadows, but also to make up your eyes with a flawless arrow.

Emphasize the look with mascara

The classic shades of mascara for everyday makeup are black or dark brown. It is enough to paint over the eyelashes with a brush several times. For evening makeup, you can choose bright and rich colors. It is advisable to purchase mascara with the effect of false eyelashes for going to a party.

Apply mascara in a zigzag motion.
The brush should be brought to the base of the eyelashes and painted over them along the entire length. Thanks to such movements, the mascara is applied evenly, without lumps, the eyelashes are separated, lengthened and do not stick together.

It is enough to insert the brush inside, scroll 1 time along its axis and bring the brush back.

How to beautifully make up your eyes with shadows

Every woman has eye shadow in her arsenal of cosmetics. Every girl needs to know how to beautifully make up her eyes at home and transform them with the help of shadows.

Basic rules for applying shadows:

  • First, cleanse and moisturize your face.
  • Then you should even out the skin tone on the upper and lower eyelids with your favorite tinting agent.
  • Apply an eyeshadow base to your eyelids to prevent the eyeshadow from rolling. If there is no such remedy, you can use powder.
  • The basis of eye makeup is a light color that covers the entire eyelid.
  • In the region of the lacrimal glands and at the bridge of the nose, light shadows are used. The moving eyelid (namely, the area at the border of the eye) is worked out with dark shades.
  • The lightest shade should be used under the eyebrows.
  • Be sure to blur the boundaries between various shades using an applicator or brush.

Light makeup for maximum naturalness

Everyday makeup requires minimum set cosmetics.

Make up your eyes beautifully at home is both simple and difficult at the same time

To achieve maximum naturalness in makeup, you should rely on the following algorithm:

Eye make-up

It is a well-known fact that women with big eyes attract men.

For execution beautiful makeup at home, you need to know not only how to apply shadows and mascara correctly, but also how to use a pencil and eyeliner

Makeup artists reveal 2 secrets of how you can visually “expand” your eyes:

  1. To make the eyes appear visually large, you need to use eyeliner or a pencil. The secret of success is that the line, located at the very roots of the eyelashes and thickened to the border of the eye, creates the effect of large eyes.
  2. If you paint over the inner eyelid with a light pencil, then the eye section visually expands. Dark eyeliner inside the eyelid narrows the eyes.

Chanel eye makeup

Coco Chanel was famous for her style: elegance, grace and simplicity. As Chanel said: "Natural is always in fashion."

A modern girl should know how to apply makeup beautifully, make up her eyes in the style of a famous designer at home.

If a woman does not have time to apply bright evening makeup, she can create a delicate look in warm brown tones. Such a make-up will be appropriate for any occasion and will suit absolutely every girl.

The lightest shade is applied to the entire eyelid. The fold of the eye is highlighted with a peach tint. The outer corner is processed with shadows of a dark beige shade. After that, with a clean applicator, shade the border of the transition of the cosmetic product.

The classic option from Chanel is the application of shades of dark brown, beige and white (the lightest) shade. Beige shade the entire movable eyelid is processed. The outer corner stands out in dark brown, a light shade is located under the eyebrow. Makeup is completed by shading the shadows with a brush with a soft bristle.

Rihanna makeup

Rihanna is a star who often tries on various bows. Rihanna will not deny herself the pleasure of going out with bright makeup. It is impossible to trace a specific image in the make-up of a famous singer. The only thing that can be noted is the correct placement of accents in her bow. It has been noticed more than once that Rihanna never forgets about false eyelashes.

It is possible to single out 2 successful image singers:

  • natural;
  • seductive.

For creating natural makeup in the style of Rihanna, you need to apply beige, light brown shadows, draw thin arrows black eyeliner and opt for light pink or caramel brown lipstick. However, it must be remembered that such a make-up is suitable for girls with skin color, like the singer.

seductive image created thanks to smoky eyes. Gamma for such makeup should be chosen silver-violet. Brilliant caramel lipstick perfectly harmonizes with such accents. Mysteriousness, captivating, seductive - that's what people feel when they look at the singer with such makeup.

Megan Fox Eye Makeup

The fatal Hollywood blonde always focuses on the eyes with the help of arrows. Megan Fox loves to experiment with arrows, so she creates something new for every occasion.

Since the star has many original and luxurious images, you need to highlight the most successful:

  • Smokey Eyes with shades of blue;
  • make-up with cold palette shadows;
  • natural makeup.

Smokey eyes are the star's favorite look. But she performs such a make-up using shadows of blue shades or aquamarine. This combination of colors gives the whole image femininity and tenderness. In this makeup, you can focus on bright lipstick.

The color type of the star involves the use of cold shades. Megan uses this, so radical black eyeliner and shades of sky blue or shades of gray. The thickness of the arrows may vary. In addition to cold shades of shadows go pink shades blush.

What Megan loves vivid images, cannot be disputed. But often you can see a star with a natural, even weightless make-up. Shadows and blush are used in minimum quantity, eyelashes are slightly stained. Skin tone should be even, and imperfections should be hidden. This bow is perfect for everyday worries.

Makeup Jade

Before you wonder how to beautifully make up your eyes in the style of Jade at home, you need to read who this makeup is suitable for.

Initial option is suitable brunettes with dark eyes and swarthy skin. However, fair-haired girls with a different type of appearance should not despair. You need to adjust the gamma, and makeup will transform the appearance.

Features of applying makeup:

  • Swarthy girls just need to apply a thin layer of fluid cream, and fair-skinned girls need to try to create a tone of a bronze hue.
  • To emphasize the cheekbones, coral blush is suitable.
  • Arabic makeup involves a clear emphasis on the eyebrows. Girls with expressive, wide and thick eyebrows it is enough to lightly draw them with shadows or a pencil, and then comb them with a brush. Girls with eyebrows far from the standard need to complement the image with shadows, draw a line with a special brush and lengthen it.
  • A characteristic feature of Arabic makeup - double arrows. clear lines are performed using a liquid eyeliner or liner:
    • a thin line is drawn along the lower eyelid from the bridge of the nose to the border of the eye;
    • a line is drawn along the upper eyelid from the lacrimal glands (both arrows should merge into a single point);
    • at the final stage, both lines are drawn beyond the natural boundary: bottom arrow goes almost straight, the top rises.
  • The result should be an almond-shaped section of the eyes.
  • It is necessary to choose the right shade. For brown-eyed girls suitable palette with brown shades: caramel, coffee, chocolate. Light-eyed girls will need a palette with ashy or marsh colors.
  • The moving eyelid should be completely covered with shadows. desired shade. It is even necessary to go beyond the usual limits. The study of the century with shadows should coincide with the line of the drawn arrow.
  • The area under the eyebrows is worked out with the lightest shade (peach, pearl gray).
  • Expressiveness of the look is added by a dot on inner corner eyes made with white pencil.
  • The transitions between shades should be as smooth as possible, for this you need to shade the shadows.
  • For staining eyelashes, you should choose mascara with a lengthening effect. You need to apply it in 2-3 layers. Experts believe that false eyelashes have no place in such an image. The exception is rare and thin eyelashes.
  • Arabic makeup will not tolerate bright lipstick. Better choose matte lipstick natural color. Sequins and mother-of-pearl are not welcome.

Makeup Twiggy

The highlight of this makeup is a special drawing lower lashes. In general, make-up should look natural, touching and expressive.

To achieve this effect, it is important to follow some rules:

  • It is not necessary to highlight the eyebrows too much.
  • Shadows of the base shade are applied to the upper eyelid.
  • The crease of the eye is emphasized with a darker color, and then the lines are shaded.
  • At the roots of the eyelashes, it is important to carefully draw a clear and dark line with a pencil or eyeliner. It should not go beyond the boundaries of the eyes.
  • The upper eyelashes are made as thick and long as possible.
  • How is this bow different from the rest? The effect of glued, well-colored lower lashes. To achieve this effect, it is important to glue them together after applying mascara with tweezers. Or you can draw rare lower eyelashes with a thin brush.
  • Lips should be painted with lipstick or gloss of a pale pink shade.

Emo Makeup

Not every girl will decide to do such a make-up. He looks too contradictory and explosive.

Emo makeup technique:

  • At the first stage, it is important to prepare the skin as much as possible for applying cosmetics.
  • The entire upper eyelid is worked out as a base for the brightness and durability of makeup. As a base, satin shades of light shades are suitable.
  • On the area near the lacrimal glands and closer to the center, you need to apply pale pink shadows without mother-of-pearl.
  • Then bright pink shadows fall in the central part. Their consistency should be dense and rich, and the texture should be matte.
  • The outer corner is worked out radically in black. The shape of the application should resemble a crescent.
  • The black color fades. It is important to go when shading in the upper area of ​​\u200b\u200bpink.
  • Shadows of a light shade with a small amount of mother-of-pearl are applied over the entire eyelid.
  • It is very important in the process of shading with a brush to achieve a mixture of applied shades. A light haze should appear around the edges of the worked areas.
  • Do not forget about the lower eyelid. It is processed with shadows of a light shade in the area near the bridge of the nose, a dark shade - at the border of the eye.
  • Experts do not advise using a black pencil for lower eyeliner. It is better to work out the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid with a white pencil.
  • Mascara should be chosen in deep black.

Makeup "Puppy eyes"

Cat eyes have been replaced by puppy-eye makeup. If in the first case, the arrows make the look sexy, then the second option is suitable for making the image touching and pretty.

To achieve the effect of "puppy eyes", you need to draw a line from the bridge of your nose. It should thicken from the middle of the eyelid and on the way to the border of the eye should become a small, neat arrow.

Then you need to emphasize the natural line of the eyes. For this, an arrow is drawn on the lower eyelid and connected to the upper one. With proper elaboration, a kind of triangle should turn out. And one more observation: if the “cat eyes” arrow points up, then the “puppy eyes” arrow points slightly down.

Grunge Makeup

Aggressiveness, carelessness and sexuality are the main features of grunge makeup. To create such an image, you need to remember some features:

  • The skin tone of the face should be perfectly white. Primer and special powder will come to the rescue.
  • In such a make-up, the darkest shadows and a black pencil are used.
  • The lower eyelid must be shaded.
  • Eyebrows are worked out with a brown or black pencil.
  • The length and thickness of eyelashes are not just welcome. The desired effect can be achieved with the help of false eyelashes.
  • The sensuality of the lips is emphasized by lipstick or nude shade shade. Acceptable and bright scarlet color.

Japanese eye makeup

A woman with such makeup seems sophisticated, mysterious and weightless.

Therefore, girls want to radically change their image and learn a few secrets on how to beautifully place accents, make up eyes in anime or geisha style at home.

Most often there are 3 types of Japanese makeup:

  1. everyday;
  2. in anime style;
  3. geisha style.

The first style is not much different from everyday European. The only thing is that this style prefers thin and even arches of the eyebrows, beige or pink matte lipstick, silver, light gray, peach or beige eye shadow.

The "Anime" style suggests bold experiments and bright colors. It is not forbidden to use colored lenses: green, blue, lilac, yellow, black.

The main focus is on the eyes. They should be wide open, and the look should be naive and surprised.

The arrow should be thick and shaded. Eyelashes will require false, and at the outer corner they should be lengthened. The mouth should be plump and small, i.e. "bow". To achieve this effect, it is enough to paint over the outer corners with a corrector and draw with bright lipstick. berry shade desired shape.

Geisha makeup traditionally has only 3 colors.
Such a make-up is considered complex and simple at the same time.

First you need to lighten the face as much as possible. When working out the outer corners of the eyes, you need to use red shadows. Eyebrows should be even, slightly arched and widely spaced. The lips are painted in a bright red color in the shape of a heart.

Original everyday makeup

No time for symmetrical application in the morning bright shadows and their shading, so you need to stock up on brown and beige colors for every day. To perform original everyday makeup, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • The base tone is applied to the entire moving eyelid.
  • A darker shade lies at the lash line at the outer corner of the eye. After applying a dark shade, the borders need to be shaded. A fine addition to everyday makeup is a thin, neat arrow.
  • The final stage is a thorough staining of the eyelashes with mascara.
  • For lip makeup, makeup artists advise you to purchase several standard options:
    • nude lipstick;
    • natural lip gloss
    • peach, caramel or honey lipstick;
    • lipstick 1 tone darker than natural.

Sophisticated evening option

Evening makeup requires brightness of colors and expressiveness, therefore experienced makeup artists offer to try this combination of colors and techniques:

  • The basis of makeup is the application of foundation or eyeshadow base.
  • On the upper eyelid (up to the border of the eyebrows), matte shadows of the “light beige” shade are applied.
  • The moving eyelid needs to be painted over with a pencil, the shade is black with mother of pearl.
  • Conventionally, the eyelid area is divided into 3 zones:
    • 1 - moving eyelid,
    • 2 - the area from the mobile eyelid to the middle of the motionless,
    • 3 - zone from the middle of the fixed eyelid to the eyebrows.
  • Zone 2 is painted over with satin shadows (shade - brown). IN specific case the lower bound must be clearly defined, so a limiter must be used.
  • The crease of the eye should be drawn with satin shades of black. The cosmetic is applied with a brush. The same shade is necessary to work out the growth line of the lower eyelashes.
  • The moving eyelid is stained matte shadows juicy blue. Eyeshadow pigmentation should be excellent.
  • Black eyeliner should apply arrows of an attractive shape.
  • Eyelashes are well stained with black mascara.
  • To work out the central part of the lower eyelid (mucous membrane), you will need a white or silver pencil.

Exquisite makeup for blue, brown and green eyes is ready for publication.

Trendy "Smoky eyes"

Fashion changes, but smoky eyes always remain in trend. Shades of shadows, degree of color saturation may change. The use of smoky shades is considered a classic.

To get a delightful classic look, just follow the following algorithm:

  • To even out the skin tone of the face, you need to use powder, foundation and corrector.
  • On the upper eyelid it is necessary to apply the base under the shadows.
  • With a soft dark pencil, it is necessary to draw arrows at the lash line from above and below. If it is not possible to use a pencil, you can correct the situation with a flat brush and shadows of dark shades.
  • At the outer corner, the arrows rise.
  • The brush should shade the resulting arrows.
  • The upper movable eyelid is being worked out dark shade. You should also highlight the arch of the eye socket.
  • A little higher, the zone is worked out with an intermediate shade.
  • The area between the eyebrows and the crease of the eyelid is treated with light shades.
  • Be sure to blend all the borders to create a smooth transition.
  • At the final stage, you need to paint over the eyelashes in several layers.

Adhering to the algorithm of how to create a smoky eyes effect, a girl will be able to beautifully make up her eyes without the help of a makeup artist at home. There are many options for eye makeup. It is important to choose the one that will make the image mysterious and delightful.

Video about the secrets of beautiful makeup:

How to beautifully make up your eyes at home - in this video:

How to draw arrows (4 types of eyeliner):

Makeup mistakes, how NOT to wear makeup: