Diana Spencer hairstyle. Princess Diana: the best beauty images. Luxurious Waves by Farrah Fawcett

She was called the "rose of the world", the "queen of hearts" and the "people's princess". But not only the good deeds of Princess Diana made her the idol of millions. Her style has been a role model for a decade and a half. Princess Diana's hairstyle has long held the primacy among hairdressing hits. And her influence on fashion is undeniable.

The style adopted at court ordered Princess Diana to wear only pencil skirts and jackets with impressive shoulder pads. And now, to present the style of the 80s in its most striking manifestations, you do not need to look into the fashion archives. Just look at a selection of photos of Princess Diana. Catchy contrasts, elongated jackets and an unforgettable silhouette, in which the shoulders are necessarily wider than the hips.

Military style, marine style - whatever Princess Diana wore, everything acquired the charm of femininity, the charm of her personality.

When Lady Di first became the Princess of Wales, court tailors and suppliers of the royal court were responsible for her wardrobe. In their ideas, the fashion for ball gowns is not far from the 19th century: puffs, ruffles, puffed sleeves. Many people remember Princess Diana's wedding dress, in which she looked like a delicious cream cake. However, this is from the current point of view. In the 80s, the dress chosen by Lady Di herself, on the contrary, was found "too romantic and simple." And this despite the 25-meter lace train and a thousand pearls.

Over time, Princess Diana modernized the traditional style of ball gowns. She introduced the fashion for one-shoulder dresses for a long time. (By the way, Donna Karan borrowed this innovation from her later).

And what are her dresses with a bare back worth! It is said that with her freedom in choosing outfits, Princess Diana repeatedly caused displeasure of Queen Elizabeth. However, who will say now, did the Queen dislike Lady Di herself or only her style.

In addition, Princess Diana was the first to wear open-heeled shoes to a formal event. Prior to this, etiquette did not allow such liberties.

But it was not only about liberties. During her time as a member of the royal family, Princess Diana lived a busy social life. She visited orphanages and hospitals, supported charitable institutions (including in Moscow).

The paparazzi have been hunting for Lady Di since the time when she was only the bride of the heir to the British throne. Therefore, each of her publications was documented and became a fashionable event. Her style was admirable. Her hair and makeup caused a wave of imitations. Lady Dee has become a real fashion icon.

As the Princess of Wales, Diana was charged with wearing British designers Catherine Walker, Arabella Pollen, Zandra Rhodes, Victor Edelstein and others. However, for Lady Dee, clothing was not only a matter of style, but also a matter of politics. In Germany, she wore Escada. In France, she chose Christian Lacroix. In Italy, she changed into Moschino. She wore the politically controversial tartan. Such "political correctness" in the selection of clothes has become her signature style. And it was not for nothing that she was so loved not only in Albion, but all over the world.

Diana Rarely wore trousers. She preferred suits with skirts. I loved the total color technique - when all clothes and shoes are matched in one color.

Occasionally, informal elements appeared in her image - like a wide neckline in a cocktail dress or a pattern on stockings.

Diana had several favorite handbag designs, including the quilted Lady Dior, as well as Salvatore Ferragamo and Chanel. And only with shoes sometimes there were difficulties. Diana had a rare size - 42 and a half. Manolo Blahnik, Jimmy Choo and Rayne, the in-house royal cobbler, made Diana's shoes individually.

Princess Diana hairstyle

A short haircut with a parting on the left side - it would seem, what could be simpler? Princess Diana's hairstyle remained almost unchanged during her short life: both the shape and the blond shade were preserved. Only small hairdressing nuances appeared in the haircut, the upper layers of the hair were highlighted. But Lady Di's hairstyle set the tone in hairdressing fashion for a long time, became the standard of style for women's hairstyles in business and politics.

Among the evening hairstyles of Princess Diana is a smooth styling a la Garconne. And almost always on Diana - pearl jewelry. Before Lady Di, they were considered an accessory for older ladies. Princess Diana reintroduced the fashion for pearls.

No less important part of the style of Princess Diana than her hairstyle was a variety of headwear - hats and caps, berets, etc. And she made hats popular again at Ascot.

Princess Diana Makeup

Lady Dee's makeup has always been rather restrained, but, like the hairstyle, it has become a model for inheritance. In early photographs of Diana, you can see that she has beautiful skin (due to the humid climate, British women are famous for good skin), which she, in the fashion of the 80s, set off quite intensively with blush.

Made in natural tones, Diana wore makeup from her youth. She almost did not use shadows, did not wear "arrows", only underlining her eyelashes with mascara.

And this is how the make-up artists of the film “Diana: A Love Story ...” (release date has not yet been determined), in which Lady Di plays Naomi Watts, reproduced the style and makeup of Princess Diana.

Diana Spencer was not just a princess of Great Britain, but a people's favorite. She was adored, her style was copied, hairdressers learned how to cut "like Dee's". On August 31, 1997, Diana died in a tragic car accident.

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Makeup artist Barbara Daly (who invented the smokey eye and "makeup without makeup") wanted the bride to look like the most beautiful version of herself on July 29, 1981, on her wedding day. Diana was only 19, so adult makeup was excluded. In addition, the make-up had to be persistent and noticeable in photographs. Barabara lined her eyes with a thin black liner, added bronze shadows and lots of mascara. Dark peach blush was used to contour the face. The final touch was caramel lipstick with a light mother of pearl. As a result, the make-up emphasized the advantages, hiding the flaws, for example, slightly lowered corners of the eyes.

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Diana's graduated pageboy haircut was done by hairdresser Sam McKnight and updated every 6-8 weeks. The hairstyle helped to break down the formal image of the royal and make Diana more graceful and modern. To keep weather from catching Dee by surprise, she always used overdoses of varnish. During a visit to Canada, a youthful and fresh look was created with the help of delicate eyeliner, graphite shadows and translucent beige-coral lipstick.

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Diana loved to tan and maintained a light shade throughout the year. When the opportunity presented itself, she went to the beach wearing Garnier's Ambre Solaire sunscreen. The rest of the time I went to the solarium three times a week for 20 minutes or used Clarins Self Tanning Milk. During an official visit to Rome, Diana accentuated her tan with caramel lipstick, a white dress and pearl jewelry.

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Makeup artist Clayton Howard inspired Diana to experiment with appearance. It was thanks to him that for several years she summed up the lower eyelid with an Elisabeth Arden pencil in a “bright blue metallic” shade and dyed her eyelashes with blue Christian Dior mascara. The canonical look was complemented by cream blush and Max Factor lipstick in natural beige and pink tones.

November 1988, official visit to France, Paris

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Light brown hair color is the work of colorist Daniel Galvin, who was responsible for the color of Lady Di's hair for the last 10 years of her life. The princess went to his salon once a month and a half for coloring and permanent styling for volume. During an official visit to France, Diana played up the classic 80s style, giving a strong femininity to the look with soft pink lipstick and a soft brow line.

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Makeup artist Mary Greenwell convinced the "princess of hearts" to give up the blue pencil that did not flatter her blue eyes, taught her how to paint eyelashes from the very roots (adds expressiveness to the look) and mask circles under the eyes with a concealer. For going to the opera, Diana limited herself to a black pencil and mascara, focusing on her lips: the lipstick was matched to the tone of the hyacinth dress. At the same time, Lady Spencer demonstrated a new short haircut - bob - which became her hallmark in the 90s.

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In 1992, Diana and Charles began to live separately. At the same time, Patrick Demarchelier took photographs of Diana and became her court photographer. Demarchelier welcomed naturalness in everything, and this influenced the image of Spencer. Freedom from marriage also played a role: Britain's most popular woman broke free from formal style. In Seoul, Dee was all natural with long eyelashes, discreet pink lipstick and an elegant haircut.

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Despite the retinue of makeup artists, most often, Diana did her makeup herself. Black became her favorite eyeliner. Dee rightly believed that this was how her eyes became the center of attention, especially when surrounded by a neutral palette of hair, lipstick, suit and jewelry. For a trip to Birmingham, the princess made not just eyeliner, but rather wide arrows along the upper eyelid with a barely noticeable ponytail.

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In the last years of her life, Diana's makeup became even simpler: a tribute to the minimalism of the 90s. For a visit to a nursing home in Japan, Spencer, known for her charity work, chose light black eyeliner, hypoallergenic mascara, light pink blush and lip gloss over pink-brown lipstick. The image turned out to be adult and restrained in an oriental way.

June 1997 Christie Auction Party, New York

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This is one of the last official photos of the ex-princess, taken a year after her divorce from Charles. New life, new hairstyle. Diana was one of the first to showcase the "elf haircut". Sam McKnight wanted to give the image of a woman free from palace etiquette of sexuality. At Christie's auction, she appeared with the traditional "makeup without makeup." Diana passed away two months later.

For decades, the British royal family has influenced modern fashion. The clothes worn by the Duchess of Cambridge sold out minutes after she wore them in public. The same can be said about Meghan Markle, who will soon join the ranks of the royal family. Her dress, which she wore to Christmas lunch at Buckingham Palace, became a real "mathev" during the holidays.

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge at a dinner in celebration of the 90th birthday of Queen Elizabeth II

While Meghan and Kate inspire elegance, sophistication and class, there was another member of the royal family whose sense of style more than anyone fell under the so-called "street style".

The dress sold out within minutes after Meghan Markle wore it to a reception for Queen Elizabeth II.

Princess Diana has turned into a fashion icon and is still considered one of the most stylish women ever. The late princess went from a "shy Dee" to a smart and graceful influencer.

Diana's style has changed over the years

Many in the world remember her for what she wore: a black off-the-shoulder dress that was considered too daring, or a beautiful white blouse with pearls from designer Katherine Walker, which she wore over her dress, later called the Elvis among dresses by the press.

In the 90s, Diana's style became more daring.

“She definitely enjoyed interacting with fashion, she took risks and experimented with style. She was the first member of the royal family to be photographed in trousers at an evening event,” Eleri Lynn, curator of Diana: Her Fashion Story, tells Vanity Fair.

This dress was made three years before she wore it. Princess Diana with her son

Like Diana's style of dress, her hairstyle has also earned a lot of fans. In the 80s, Diana used a haircut that corresponded to the rules approved by the royal family. She had an ashy shade of hair and a puffy short haircut, which, according to The Stylist magazine, had a big impact in the fashion world.

She became the first princess to wear pants

However, the way Diana was remembered by most, she became in the 90s. Her hairstyle and style of dress became more daring. For a long time, Diana wore a short, boy-like haircut.

Princess Diana at the horse race, April 3, 1982

However, hairdresser Sam McKnight revealed in his new memoir that the haircut was actually an improvisation. According to Us Weekly, McKnight did Princess Diana's hair while preparing her for the cover of British Vogue in 1990. His team decided to show off her tiara and style her then-shoulder-length hair back, creating the effect of a haircut.

Princess Diana's famous haircut for a boy

In his book Hair, McKnight wrote that Diana really liked her appearance. He noted: “As she was leaving, Diana asked what I would do with her hair if I had some sort of carte blanche. I replied that I would remove the length, and she, to my surprise, agreed, so we immediately put the plan into action.

Popular short haircut

McKnight continued to work with Diana to the last. He often saw her once or twice a day and helped create some of the most iconic stylistic moments of her life, from the buzz cut to the wet hair effect she showed off at the 1995 CFDA Awards, where she was a top celebrity.

0 December 23, 2015, 13:51

Sam McKnight, Princess Diana

Sam McKnight is a legend in the fashion world. The star hairdresser's portfolio includes hundreds of Vogue covers, thousands of shows and work with fashion photography stars of several generations - from Irving Penn and Steven Meisel to Mario Testino and Nick Knight. Before his eyes, supermodels came to "fashion power", before his eyes they were overthrown by grunge icons like Kate Moss, with whom Sam discussed social parties a couple of decades ago, and now talks about gardening.

Among other things, the official hairdresser of Chanel and Fendi is the author of the famous short haircut, which provided that style icon title. He met the Princess of Wales on the set in 1990.

Usually public figures are wary of any changes in their hairstyle - especially haircuts, coloring. But with Diana it was different.

She asked: “What would you do with my hair if I gave you complete freedom? I answered without hesitation: “I would shorten it.” To which she said: “Then do it right now.”

Princess Diana on the cover of Vogue, December 1991

Thus began their seven-year friendship, which lasted until the death of Diana. For all those seven years, she only trusted Sam with her hair. Despite the fact that from 1982 to 2000, New York was his permanent residence, Sam McKnight became a direct participant in the changes in the appearance of Diana, which ensured her the title of a style icon ahead of her time.

Together with Sam, they were looking for an image that would most closely match her status and age at the same time - after all, Diana was barely over thirty, so Sam wanted to add sexuality to the image and reduce the degree of stiffness. It could be called the personal hair editor of the princess.

She was worried that her new haircut gave the impression of excessive naturalness, some negligence, as if her hair was not styled at all, and she tried to comb her hair back, and when I was not around, curl it, varnish it. We laughed together afterwards at such pictures of her. But she looked best when she did nothing at all with her hair - that's the beauty of her haircut.

I once said to her: "It would be good for you not to call me to comb your hair at all, because just without any styling, your haircut looks great. The moment you leave the gym, your hair is just perfect."

And she understood it. The only problem was that public appearances forced her to live up to the expectations of the public and look like the public imagines a princess.

Together with Sam, Diana broke stereotypes: Diana's haircut of his hands became the most famous and copied hairstyle of the decade. He cut her "under the page", and the princess with a short haircut instead of fabulous curls won the hearts of women all over the world.

Source telegraph.co.uk

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The "Lady Dee" hairstyle has become one of the most popular hairstyles of the twentieth century. We tell you who was its author, and how it evolved during the short life of the beloved people's princess.

Short blond hair, along with intense turquoise eyeliner, was a defining part of Diana's image. It is so difficult for us to imagine her with long (or at least semi-long) hair that it seems that this was hardly ever the case.

A distinctive feature of Diana's children's hair style is semi-long hair and short bangs (1965)

The "signature" look from under the brows is found in the earliest photographs of Diana (1970)

Indeed, according to the photographic archives, Miss Spencer sported moderate-length curls only in childhood. The world recognized and fell in love with her with a completely different hairstyle.

The future Princess of Wales with a real "girl" hairstyle (1969)


Sweet and touching - definitions with which many still associate the image of the Princess of Wales. In early photographs, her angle was unchanged: Miss Spencer tilted her head slightly down, as if a cloud of short blond hair could serve as cover from the sudden flash of an idle paparazzi's camera. This gave her an aura of vulnerability and an especially sweet childish indecision, which immediately earned her the nickname "shy Diana."

Innocent and defenseless are the epithets that primarily distinguish her from Charles's previous passions, decisive and self-confident "demons in a skirt" (such as, for example, Sabrina Guinness or Jane Wellesley). But, despite the fact that Diana looked like hundreds of other young British women - tweed skirts, thick cardigans, frilly blouses - she had a short haircut, which in itself corresponded to the spirit of the "progressive" 80s, but was very unusual for the future princesses. Strictly speaking, Charles (and especially his mother) would do well to pay attention to this in time and see the omen: under the gentle appearance, the protest heart of the “rebel” was beating.

Diana (1980)

After the attention of the paparazzi to her person increased many times over, Diana realized that her hair needed to be monitored more carefully.

A lush mop of blond hair trimmed in layers, slightly lightened at the ends, has become one of the main characteristics of her image of the "prince's bride"

One of the first hairdressers responsible for Diana's hairstyle, with which she appeared to the world in the status of the bride of the Prince of Wales, was Richard Dalton. She met the Englishman at a salon in Bond Street where her sisters Sarah and Jane were doing their hair. “I met Diana when she was seventeen,” Dalton confesses. “In fact, when she first came, I was busy working with her sister, so I called out from another room of our stylist, Kevin Shanley, and asked me to cut her hair.” It is unlikely that Shanley then invented the wheel - most likely, he cut Diana's hair simply in the image and likeness of his sister, taking into account the peculiarities of the color and structure of the hair of the first.

In many ways, the stylist simply copied Diana's hairstyle from the "sister", and only after the official engagement with Charles, her styling began to be individualized.

Lady Jane Spencer, sister of Diana Spencer

From under his arm came an elegant cut in layers, parted to the left. The result turned out just great: he emphasized Diana's sweet childish smile, and her slightly flirtatious look (long live Shy Di!), And the oval of the face.

In the field and in the absence of styling (the time of Diana’s love for him has not yet come), the princess’s hairstyle resembled a banal haircut “under the pot”

Everything changed with light brushing with twisting the side strands up ─ coupled with a charming smile, she made Diana look like a cherub

Immediately after Lady Spencer became engaged to Charles, all women wanted to cut their hair "like Diana." By the way, the wedding hairstyle of the Princess of Wales belongs to Shenli's hand. To the fact that she has collected almost as many ironic reviews in her address as the wedding dress, the stylist simply answers: her hair lay much better, and the volume was much more magnificent than at the moment of leaving the church immortalized by photographers - just the heat that day made your business.

On the day of the wedding on July 29, 1981, Diana's styling fell a little under the weight of circumstances: the splendor of the ceremonies, the weight of the tiara with a veil and hot weather


"Diana's hairstyle" became incredibly popular among English women (and not only) - so much so that magazines even printed haircut diagrams for women to go to the hairdresser with valuable instructions ready.

"Royal" barber Kevin Shanley at work (1981)

Diana's reference haircut of the early 80s: hair cut in layers for volume, covering the forehead and neck, thinning in the form of "feathers", side parting to the left

Princess haircut scheme in London newspaper

Diana became a hair trend setter: her haircut was ideal for busy women, as it required a minimum of care and went well with a business dress code.

Shanley and Dalton later fell out, with the latter officially taking over as the princess's "head" stylist. They stayed together flesh until 1991, when Richard changed his place of residence to overseas: he moved from the UK to the USA. Over the years, Diana's hairstyle has hardly undergone drastic changes: the Princess of Wales is fully aware that the public not only follows, but also comments on her every step with pleasure. Therefore, when she, for example, wanted to update her haircut in favor of a shorter length before a trip to hot Africa, Dalton did it very carefully: gradually, step by step, he shortened the length by half a centimeter once a week, so that in the end no one noticed any drastic changes. , and Diana got what she wanted (and looked lovely at the same time).

The only time in the "royal" history of the princess her hair fell below her shoulders ─ in 1984, after the birth of Prince Harry

And then she was at the mercy of her inner demons.

With curls, Diana looked quite pretty, but obviously did not feel very comfortable, and soon changed them to a more familiar hairstyle. And from the mid-80s on the head of Diana, as well as in her personal life, a picturesque, but disturbing chaos gradually reigned.



At times, the chaotic, tousled and sloppy hairstyle was a good reflection of the turmoil in her personal life: the relationship with Charles finally got out of control and went downhill.

Dalton also claimed that the wonderful honey shade of blond was given to Diana from birth. But this does not negate the fact that Miss Spencer's blond hair in her youth gradually darkened until she moved into the category of dark blond (or simply "mouse"). And since Lady Di, according to the testimony of her hairdressers, really wanted to “be a blonde or“ something like that ”, she, starting from the age of 23, did highlighting or lightened individual strands almost every 1.5-2 months.

1984 - cold ash blonde

1985 - warm honey blonde


Another distinctive feature of Diana's hairstyle of this period was her passion for styling: her styling was almost reinforced concrete - the princess did not want the weather or an accidental misunderstanding to take her by surprise.

The “lacquered helmet” on her head, which became a hallmark of the styling of the mid-80s, was necessary for Diana to protect herself from unforeseen circumstances (1987)

For example, such as heavy wind during a visit to Australia (1988)


After parting with Dalton, Sam McKnight became Diana's personal stylist. The author of many glossy covers and eminent photo shoots, it was he who radically changed the style of the princess: he cut her boldly short for the royal person, becoming the author of Lady Di's "branded" haircut.

Insanely popular in the early 80s, Diana's haircut by the beginning of the new decade was noticeably “tired” and required an upgrade

With Richard Dalton, they made a kind of castling: he went to America, and McKnight, on the contrary, flew to London from New York to join the Vogue fashion team (stylist Anna Harvey, makeup artist Mary Greenwell, photographer Patrick Demarchelier), which instructed to shoot "star" - or as they would say now - IT-girls - Victoria Lockwood, wife of Diana's brother Charles Spencer, and Lady Sarah Armstrong-Jones, daughter of Princess Margaret. “We were told that in the process we would need to shoot one more person, but we had no idea who it would be,” recalls McKnight. - She (Diana - ed.) just flew up to us with a greeting. I remember my first impression: long legs and the most beautiful smile in the world.”



Her hair was long enough at the time that she asked McKnight, "What would you do with it if you let it go?" “I would cut it off,” he replied (“I wanted to reduce the degree of stiffness and stiffness and add an acceptable drop of sexuality: for mercy, she was only in her early thirties then!”). “Then do it,” Diana retorted. And Sam cut her under the "page" (a slightly longer version of the haircut "under the boy") right in the studio.