What does smokey ice look like. How to apply smokey makeup step by step

By mastering various make-up techniques, you can easily diversify your daytime and holiday looks: today, classic arrows, and tomorrow, a weightless nude bow. One of the most popular types of makeup is smokey ice makeup. Let's learn about its features and how to avoid application errors.

smokey ice (English “smoky eyes” - literally “smoky eyes”) is a makeup technique, the main highlight of which is to create the feeling that the eyes are shrouded in an enveloping haze or veil. This effect is achieved by careful shading and smooth transitions from dark tones to light skin tones.

Classic Smokey Ice is a direct reference to. In the conditions of silent black-and-white cinema, the expressiveness of the features was achieved by the actresses precisely thanks to the smoky eyes makeup: bright, saturated, jet-black eyes in a carefully shaded pencil technique.

A unique feature of this type of make-up is its versatility. The right smokey ice will suit all ages, all types of appearance and all shades and cuts of the eyes, successfully correcting their shape. And smoky eyes makeup for the impending century is an absolutely ideal option, a kind of must have that every girl with a similar eye structure should be able to do.

So to master the principles of beautiful smokey ice makeup at home is a task of paramount importance for all the fair sex.

Types of smokey ice

The beauty industry does not stand still, rapidly developing and introducing novelty into seemingly already honed skills. So the classic smokey ice makeup technique over time and with the advent of a variety of decorative cosmetics has been supplemented with very interesting options. Let's find out more about them:

Classic smoky eyes pencil- a bright version of the make-up, for the execution of which you need a soft, bold eyeliner. It serves as an excellent substrate as it blends very well. In the future, the pencil is fixed with shadows. Thus, the makeup is not only bright, but also resistant. The classic solution is black smokey ice.

A modern variation of the pencil technique creating a similar make-up involves more use of shadows than a pencil. Makeup artists use at least three related shades that are in harmony with each other. At the same time, the border between light shadows and dark shadows is carefully shaded, giving the eyes the necessary relief, volume and depth.

Also, over time, the color palette of shadows has expanded immensely to create smokey ice. Therefore, now, wherever you go, to go out you have the opportunity to choose a smoky makeup for every taste and for any event:

for example, for work or a business meeting, you can stop at the day version, made in beige and brownish tones;

an elegant variation for going to a restaurant is an evening version, made in black, gray or graphite tones, possibly with the addition of mother-of-pearl accents;

and if you are planning one of the most exciting events in your life, well-executed smoky eyes in a color palette that suits you will be an excellent option for wedding makeup;

if you are heading to a club, a party or a bright photo shoot and are not afraid of experiments, you can try colored smokey ice. Green, purple, blue, pink, gold shades are at your disposal. But you can also make multi-color smokes or a bold fiery red haze. Look at the photo - how many variations!

lovers of expressive "cat's eyes" in makeup will like smokey ice makeup with arrows.

Above, we talked about the fact that you can not be limited to black. But how to make smokey ice makeup perfect for your appearance? For this you need to consider the color of the eyes that you possess:

  • for example, smokey ice makeup for brown eyes will look very harmonious in turquoise, cold pink, lilac, deep blue tones;
  • gray, silver, golden, purple, brown-gray, lavender shades of shadows can be used to create smokey ice makeup for blue and gray eyes;
  • green-eyed beauties should focus on brown tones, as well as copper, golden and green shades.

In addition to the shade of the iris You can also go with hair color. After all, the perfect smokey ice makeup for blondes will differ in its range from smokey ice makeup for brunettes:

  • make-up artists advise fair-haired girls to use pink, blue, brown and gray shades;
  • smokey ice makeup for red hair includes soft golden and olive tones;
  • young ladies with dark curls can use black, gray, purple, brown shades;
  • silver, lavender, graphite, pearls - all these are the colors of smokey ice makeup for light brown hair.

Basic Mistakes

In order for the result of makeup to be flawless, it is necessary to hone the technique of applying it. Unfortunately, many girls make the same mistakes, as a result of which they believe that this type of make-up does not suit them. But it's not! To verify this, let's find out how to do smoky eyes makeup beautifully and correctly and how to avoid common mistakes:

  1. Lighting. Make sure that the lighting is sufficient and falls perfectly symmetrically on the face, otherwise you risk making one eye brighter than the other.
  2. Perfect skin. No make-up eye will look good on unprepared skin, so before you apply shadows and pencil strokes, you need to moisturize it, apply cream, hide flaws with a corrector and even out its tone.
  3. Primer for eyelids. The use of an eyelid base is highly desirable to even out the skin for better blending.
  4. Feathering. It's the most important! Clear and sharp transitions between shades of shadows are unacceptable. Everything should be carefully shaded to create that very mysterious haze.
  5. . If you want to get a beautiful and neat make-up, use a clean brush. Ideally, there should be several brushes: for shading a pencil, for applying each shade, for shading shadows, for painting over the lower eyelid and the crease of the eyelid.
  6. Pencil. As already mentioned, the pencil should be bold and soft and shade without problems.
  7. unity of lines. An important point is the absence of light, unpainted areas of the eyelids. The lash line and mucosa should be carefully drawn with a pencil, and the line of the lower eyelid should be connected to the upper one.
  8. Shadows. It can be difficult for beginners to choose related shades of eye shadow for makeup, so many cosmetics manufacturers create special palettes for smokey ice. Among them are:

Do not paint over the outer corner of the mucosa, so as not to visually reduce the eye!

Now that you know the intricacies of how to do smokey ice makeup correctly, it's time to take a step-by-step look at the daytime version of light smokey ice, as in the photo:

  1. Prepare your skin for makeup application: apply your day cream and let it absorb, then hide small skin imperfections with a corrector, even out its tone with foundation fluid and set it with loose powder;
  2. Using a primer, prepare your eyelids: so yours during the day;
  3. Shape your eyebrows with your favorite;
  4. Apply the lightest shade of eyeshadow to the brow area;
  5. With light brown shadows, emphasize the crease of the eyelid and the growth line of the upper eyelashes, carefully blend the border between the colors;
  6. With the darkest shadows, draw a line along the growth of the upper and lower eyelashes, starting from the outer corner of the eye and do not forget to gently blend;
  7. Curl your lashes and apply lengthening mascara;
  8. Cover your lips with delicate peach or soft pink lipstick;
  9. Highlight your cheekbones with natural blush.

You can see another option for daytime smokey ice in the video, which shows the process of creating it step by step:

The evening version of smoky eyes differs from the daytime version with more juicy colors, more accentuated eyelashes and eyebrows and, perhaps, slightly brighter lips. Let's look at a step-by-step smoky ice makeup for a festive exit:

  1. Prepare the skin in the same way as for the daytime smoky ice;
  2. With a pencil, outline the lower and upper eyelids, the mucous membrane and the interciliary space. Accuracy is not important, because then all the lines must be shaded with a brush;
  3. Apply black shadow over pencil strokes with patting movements of the brush;
  4. Highlight the crease of the eyelid with brown shadows, shading the border between the colors;
  5. Now apply blue-violet shadows to the center of the eyelid and blend the transitions well;
  6. Then add iridescent blue shadows on top and emphasize the lower eyelid with them;
  7. False eyelashes look best in evening smokey ice makeup, and if they are not there, then paint over the eyelashes with lengthening mascara in several layers.

Smokey ice evening makeup is ready!

We present you another video tutorial in which Elena Krygina shows you step by step how to make a bright smokey ice makeup with black shadows:

Learn smokey ice makeup tutorials and don't be afraid to be different!

Smokey ice, which means "smoky eyes"- a very popular and versatile eye makeup for girls, complementing both daytime makeup and evening looks.

But when creating any make-up, not only smokey ice, many factors must be taken into account- hair color, clothes, hair color, skin tone. Today we will talk about how to combine smokey ice with gray eyes.

How to make lipstick matte on lips? find out right now.

Is it suitable?

Certainly there is many variations of smokey for different eye colors - brown, green, blue, and, of course, gray.

Grey eyes - quite rare occurrence but they look very nice.

And in order to make gray eyes brighter, and their color deeper, and there is a smokey ice makeup technique.

Grey colour - neutral, so it will suit a lot of options for different shades of shadows. Classic shades suit gray eyes: black, metallic gray, dark gray, light beige, sand.

If you have bright skin, bright colors are suitable - turquoise, aquamarine, purple, chocolate and coffee shades.

Using different shades can make your eyes brighter, shade the color, or even slightly change eye color. When using purple or chocolate, the shade of gray eyes will turn greenish gray.

The classic black or gray smoky version is perfect for gray eyes, according to top makeup artists. This option is suitable for everyday use, as well as for a date, celebration or evening out.

The main thing is not to overdo it with the intensity of color in the daytime version of makeup. You can replace black mascara with gray or brown, this will be a great option. for daytime makeup.

What will be required to complete?

So to create an irresistible image femme fatale with smokey ice technique, we need:

  • foundation that matches your skin type to help even out skin tone and hide imperfections;
  • black soft pencil with which you can draw a bold bright line. Clarity and thin contour in smokey ice are not needed;
  • brush or applicator for blending black pencil;
  • shadows of two or three shades, depending on how many shades you want to use;
  • Shadows should lay down and blend well to create a light and smooth transition. If you wish, you can purchase a special base for them so that the shadows do not roll down and crumble before your eyes.

  • brush for smooth shading of color;
  • volumizing lengthening mascara. In the evening version, you can replace the mascara with false eyelashes;
  • neutral beige lipstick or lip gloss;
  • peach or pinkish blush.

This is an exemplary set of cosmetics that allows you not only to draw smokey ice, but also to complete the image as a whole. Get several options for shadows, and preferably a palette, so that experiment with different shades smokey ice.

Classic variant- matte shadows, but for light shades and daytime makeup, you can use mother-of-pearl and glossy shadows.

After you purchase the necessary cosmetics, you can begin to practice the smokey ice technique.

Evening smokey ice option for gray eyes - photo:

Owners of gray eyes are very lucky - to this color Suitable for many shades and makeup options. Try different techniques and palettes, mix colors and textures, don't be afraid to practice and experiment!

We are sure that you will find your smokey eye makeup option that will look chic and win men's hearts. Be beautiful!

You can learn how to make smokey ice makeup for brown eyes from ours.

A master class on creating smokey ice makeup for gray eyes in this video:


Amazing, covered with a mysterious haze, alluring eyes. What is hidden in their depths, what is the secret of this delightful look?

Smokey ice makeup is extremely popular with girls precisely because it can be used to hide visible imperfections with the help of a smooth flow of colors - from dark to light. This method of applying cosmetics has been known for over 80 years, but today it is at the peak of popularity.

In its original form, the "smoky look" involved the use of black and gray colors in the color scheme. Classics of the genre! Most people use it, but it's already boring!

Today, girls create their own, unique images by combining different colors of dark and light colors of decorative cosmetics. The rules of decency allow you to use this make-up not only in evening, but also in daytime makeup. It all depends on the combination of colors and saturation of the palette in the image. For example, to go to the office or take the kids to the park, use lighter tones. In festive make-up, preference should be given to darker tones.

Tools and cosmetics for smokey ice makeup

Doing smokey ice makeup at home is difficult, but possible. This requires some skills in cosmetics, a little aesthetic taste, and a little patience. Prepare the tools you will need for your work:

Shadows of the color scheme that you intend to use in makeup;
Brushes for the correct design of make-up;
Pencil with a stylus of the desired color;

Step-by-step instructions involve the following steps in makeup:

Guided by your appearance color type, select a palette of shadows.

1. Dependence is not complicated - light curls, porcelain skin - the palette of shadows is light, dark hair and dark skin - makeup is darker. There are a lot of variations in the use of shadows and other cosmetics, you just need to choose the right shades and practice a little. In the range of shadows, as a rule, the following shadow colors are used:

shades of gray;
Colors from saturated to light violet;
Green of different shades and colors (depending on the color type of the face).

Make-up colors should be chosen so that it is easy for you to make transitions between them. It is especially important that the color of the pencil is combined as much as possible with the color of the darkest shadows from the entire range.

For this type of makeup, it is no different from the standard set for a traditional make-up. However, special attention should be paid to devices for the correct application of shadows and shading of clear lines. It includes the following fixtures:

Brush with a flat beveled tip of a dense structure;
A small fluffy brush with a rounded end, slightly flattened at the base;
Special brush-sponge for uniform application of shadows;
A pencil that matches the color palette of shadows. Necessarily soft structure. As a rule, charcoal black stylus is used in traditional smokey ice makeup.

Doing your own smokey eye makeup

Today there are no restrictions for experiments on oneself in the field of cosmetics. The choice of means, colors and textures of decorative means is so great that it would be a crime not to experiment on creating a new image.

The main rule of this type of makeup is the utmost care and accuracy. Every millimeter of shadow application must be verified with perfect accuracy, otherwise you will get a solid dirty, asymmetrical spot.

The first step in working on "smoky ice" is the correct and competent application of eyeliner. Shadows follow.

We start with the formation of the eyebrow line. To do this, choose a pencil that will not be dissonant with the overall color scheme of makeup and hair color;
With the help of foundation, we make the base for makeup. You can use regular powder, but only apply a nourishing eye cream under it so as not to dry out the skin.
Upper eyelid above the eyelashes to the crease. Try to distribute the product so that in the middle and at the inner corner of the eyelid the shadows lie in a thin, translucent layer, making it more saturated to the outer.
We take the following shadows, which are a tone darker than the previous one. We distribute them on the outer corner of the upper eyelid over the entire plane to the crease and further to the center. Many use a brush for shading, but there are craftsmen who can do everything with the help of fingertips;
Soft outline the contour along the lash line;
We take the darkest shadows (or a smokey pencil), and draw a thick line just above the pencil drawing;
In the direction from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, gently shade the borders of dark colors with a brush or fingertips;
On the outer corner of the eye, draw a corner with a pencil. At this point, the eye should be open;
Draw a thick black color around the lower eyelid along the lash line. Try to keep the line clear but neat;
With the same movements, using a brush or fingers, we shade the pencil sketch from the inner corner of the eye to the outer;
In conclusion, we take a soft brush with a rounded edge, and carefully finish shading the colors from the darkest to the lightest in the direction from the inner corner to the outer;
Curl the eyelashes with tweezers, and tint with dark, voluminous mascara in two layers.

There is such a variant of smokey ice makeup, where dark shadows are not used. The haze is created with a pencil, which is carefully blended with the fingertips.

"Smoky ice" depending on the color of the eyes

Smokey eye makeup for blue eyes.

As it may seem, such a dark and rich makeup is in no way suitable for blue eyes. However, correctly selected tones of the shadows and a well-designed make-up can create a beautiful temptress with a piercing and sexy look from a young sweet girl. Choose a palette of shades from purple, green, brown. They can be combined. For example, brown and gray combined with blue eyes will look great. The same goes for the combination of pink and black.

Smokey eye makeup for green eyes.

Green-eyed "witches" have always aroused admiration in men, and envy in women. It would seem, how else can you improve the beauty given by nature? Try Smokey Ice for the green-eyed. You will immediately realize that a diminutive nickname is no longer for you. A temptress, a delightful beauty and a passionate "witch" - now this is the only way to describe what men will see in your eyes.

Work with deep browns to a delicate golden tan. It will look good "smoky ice" in purple shades, competently combined with green. It is greens of all shades that can be used in combination with chocolate.

Smokey eye makeup for gray eyes.

Have you ever seen the sky before a thunderstorm? At the moment when heavy clouds float on a small piece of gray sky. This picture is as beautiful as gray eyes framed by smokey eyes makeup. All shades of brown in combination with turquoise, bronze, calm green tones are perfect for this. You can experiment with lilac.

Smokey eye makeup for brown eyes.

Brown-eyed beauties, beautiful and bright in themselves. For them, there is a special rule that applies when choosing shades of shadows. You must be guided by your skin and hair color. Dark-haired swarthy ladies can choose shades of olive and cinnamon for themselves. Brown-eyed girls with porcelain skin can pick up shades of violet, cornflower blue (for blondes), gray.

A few nuances of smokey ice makeup

To visually enhance the effect of a cloudy day, draw the mucous membrane of the eyelids with a black pencil (or the one you chose as the main color). Try to draw the line as close to the lash line as possible.

Do not accentuate with dark shadows of the inner corners of the eyes. It is better to lighten it a little so as not to create the effect of a heavy look. This practice is especially not recommended for those whose eyes are set too close. Make the line of eyeliner to the inside of the corners as thin as possible.

To make big eyes with makeup, in muted shades with mother of pearl.

If you have deep-set eyes, do not use black pencil and eye shadow. This will "push" them even deeper. Visually bring them a little forward will help light accents in the inner corners of the eyes and a slightly brightened center of the lower eyelid.

Smokey eye makeup is unrivaled. Do not make additional accents on other parts of the face. Lips and cheekbones should be as close to natural color as possible. Even a little lighter than natural data requires. Otherwise, you run the risk of becoming not a languid delightful lady, but a vulgar person.

January 11, 2014

Smokey ice makeup is designed for those who are used to captivating men at first sight. Only this eyeshadow technique can create a truly eye-catching look. The unprecedented popularity of "smoky eyes" can also be explained by the fact that such a make up is suitable for all women, without exception. In order to achieve a fatal bewitching look, only one thing is necessary: ​​to master the application technique, choosing the right shades and their intensity.

Features of smokey ice makeup

What is smoky eye makeup? What are its main differences from the rest? To begin with, it should be said that “smoky ice” literally translates as “smoky eyes”. This name fully justifies itself, because this technique involves careful shading of shadows, thanks to which a languid and smoky look is achieved. In addition, a similar method of applying shadows makes the eye line more expressive and delineated. Even deep-set and small eyes will look brighter.

The Smokey Ice technique will also be an excellent choice for those who want to correct the shape of the eyes, in particular, visually raise the corners, hide fine wrinkles, make the eyelids higher, and visually “spread” the eyes.

This make up has one more feature: to create it, you can use shadows of various shades. The opinion that only black shadows are suitable for smoky eyes is wrong. Dark eyes are the most common, you can't argue, but this is far from the only option. Purple, turquoise, mother-of-pearl, lavender, purple, gold, pink and blue shades are suitable for smokey ice. Graphite shades look great.

Smokey eye makeup technique

In order for your eyes to look the way you intended, first you need to make sure that you have not only all the necessary knowledge, but also “tools”.

Required accessories:

  1. High quality foundation.
  2. Black pencil or liquid eyeliner.
  3. Shadows of 3 shades.
  4. Make up brushes (angled, flat and spongy eye brush).
  5. Cotton sponges and sticks.
  6. Mascara.

Smokey Ice Makeup: Execution Sequence

  1. Any make up, including smokey ice, should begin with skin preparation. For this purpose, tonal foundations and correctors are used.
  2. The next step is to use a pencil or eyeliner. Preference is still given to pencils, since eyeliner will not allow you to achieve a “smoky effect”.
  3. The line that is drawn with a pencil should be slightly raised at the outer corner of the eye and directed towards the temples. In thickness, it should exceed the thickness of the line at the inner corner.
  4. The line of the lower eyelid is also worked out with a pencil. The resulting strip should be thinner than the one that runs along the upper eyelid.
  5. Both lines should be shaded.
  6. The line of shadows is coming. Shadows should be close to each other in color. No contrast! All transitions should be as smooth as possible. Great if the shadows are combined with a pencil.
  7. The darkest shadows are applied in a thick layer on the upper movable eyelid. Application method - from the outer corner to the inner. The same shadows outline the contour, emphasizing the arc in the eye socket.
  8. Now you should apply shadows on the lower eyelid. This should be done so that the intensity of the color decreases as you approach the inner corner.
  9. Lighter shadows are applied from the folds of the eyelids up to the eyebrows.
  10. Shade all boundaries.
  11. At the end, you need to apply mascara. Mascara should be applied quite thickly. In the outer corners of the eyes, you need to paint over especially intensively.

The proposed smokey ice technique, of course, is not the only one. However, it is used most often. There are other versions of this makeup. For example, if you use the classic model, instead of the usual black shadows, you can use a thicker line drawn in pencil. Such a black strip is shaded up the moving eyelid. This operation is best performed with the pads of your fingers, without resorting to the use of applicators or brushes. By the way, some makeup artists even draw a line with a pencil only at the very end, after applying the shadows.

Makeup "smoky ice": step by step execution in photos

Smokey Ice is a great option for both everyday and evening looks. Of course, for the everyday option, you should choose calmer and softer tones that will not attract too much attention to themselves, distracting from work and other matters. A great option would be to use gray-brown tones. This color scheme can be used by a woman with any color type and eye color. In this case, it is better to refrain from drawing bright arrows.

Gray-brown "smoky ice": step by step instructions

We prepare makeup brushes, mascara, light milky and brown-gray shadows, a brown pencil in soft tones.

  • Step one. We apply the foundation for future shadows on the moving eyelids and a small amount on the lower growth lines of the cilia.
  • Step two. We take the prepared pencil and bring the lower and upper lash lines. The lines can be made quite wide and not necessarily neat and clear, since in the future they will need to be shaded.
  • Step three. Take a small eye brush and begin to blend the eyeliner up and down. The result should be a "smoky" line.
  • Step four. Using a spatula brush, you need to apply shadows to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eye on which the pencil was shaded. You need to do this with patting movements.
  • Step five. Now you need a barrel brush, with which you need to carefully blend all the upper borders of the shadows. This should be done in such a way that the color changes its intensity in the direction of decreasing (darker tones on the moving eyelid and lighter in the crease and on the surface of the fixed eyelid).
  • Step six. Under the eyebrow, apply shadows of a light milky shade. After that, the result should be evaluated. If the main shadows turned out to be excessively dark, you can use the same “barrel” and light shadows to correct unsuccessful areas.
  • Step seven. We take ink. Apply to eyelashes. We repeat again.

Classic Smokey Ice: step by step instructions

The classic "smoky ice" is the one that is based on the use of black shadows. Best suited for evening events.

  • Step 1. We apply the base to the crease and moving eyelid.
  • Step 2. On the upper eyelid along the lash line, draw an arrow with a pencil. We also bring the lower eyelid, but only to the middle of the eye.
  • Steps 3-4. We draw the arrow to the outer corner and draw the crease of the eyelid with a pencil. After that, all the lines of the pencil should be carefully shaded.

  • Steps 5-6. We take black shadows and with the help of a brush we apply them on the lines drawn with a pencil. To prevent the shadows from crumbling, it is better to apply them with patting movements. If the look is too dark, you can add some gray shadows.
  • Steps 7-8 Now you need to fill in all the voids on the movable eyelid. To do this, it is worth shading the bottom line and connecting it to the outer corner.

If desired, you can apply a small amount of mother-of-pearl to the brow area and to the inner corner. Twice the eyelashes and makeup is ready!

Consider another series of step-by-step instructions:

In order for your seductive image not to seem sloppy and vulgar, you need to follow certain rules and recommendations:

  • First, do not forget about harmony. If you use bright eye makeup, then it is better to choose lipstick or gloss of a neutral shade for lips.
  • Second, study the shape and fit of your eyes. If your “mirrors of the soul” are too close to each other, then the line of a dark pencil should not reach the end of the inner corner. If you neglect this rule, then the eyes will seem even closer to each other. It is better to apply light shadows on this part.
  • Thirdly, always use only soft pencils, they lend themselves better to shading. If possible, it is better not to use liquid eyeliners.
  • Fourthly, the mascara should be with the effect of increasing volume and length.
  • Fifth, when choosing a shade of shadows, pay attention to your eye color and skin type. So, for example, swarthy girls need to pay attention to brown and olive tones. Girls with fair skin can safely experiment with purple, cornflower blue, lilac, blue shades.

It is very important to consider the color of the eyes themselves. Green eyes "make friends" with golden, chocolate, purple and green shadows. Blue eyes will prefer pale pink, bright blue, jet black, lavender, lilac, gold, silver and brown makeup. Shadows opposite in tone to the iris will make blue eyes especially expressive, which will be discussed in more detail. "Brown eyes" with dark skin can use olive and brown shades, with light - lilac or cornflower blue. Read more about smokey ice for brown eyes in the article. Most lucky owners of gray eyes. In their case, you can use any shadows.

Possible mistakes

As you know, everything is good in moderation. This statement applies to makeup as well. Especially if you plan such a noticeable and self-sufficient eye makeup as "smoky ice". As mentioned above, this makeup allows you to use a variety of shades. However, if you plan to apply excessively bright tones, then you should be extremely careful. An excess of blue and purple-plum shadows can give the image a sick look.

The same applies to excessive passion for black pencils and shadows. If you draw too thick a line or apply too much shadow, you can get a "raccoon or panda effect." The sequence of applying makeup is also very important. Make-up should always begin with the eyes, so that subsequently dirty circles from foundation creams and powder do not form around them.

Smokey Ice Makeup: Photo

Smokey Ice Makeup: Video Tutorials

Makeup is a great way to hide facial flaws and emphasize its dignity. In addition, make-up cheers up many girls and makes them feel more confident. Sometimes it becomes a hobby or even a standard daily activity. At the same time, the daily scheme for applying cosmetics is very different from the festive options. If girls, as a rule, use only a tone for work and school, give a little color to the eyelashes and add a blush, then solemn events require a more thorough development of the image. One of the most spectacular eye decoration techniques is smokey ice. It will be discussed in this article.

What is smokey eye makeup

Literally from English "smoky" is translated as "smoky". This is fully justified: the strokes drawn along the eyelid are very reminiscent of a beautiful thick haze. However, the creators of this type of make-up were definitely not inspired by natural phenomena. One of the first women to use eyeliner was the Egyptian queen Cleopatra. She drew neat black arrows and painted over the lash line.

This technique gave expressiveness and mystery to the look, and the whole image was filled with some special charm. At that time, all women were fascinated by the appearance of the queen, and therefore tried to repeat the popular make-up. A few centuries later, the actresses who played in films about Ancient Egypt again introduced the fashion for summing up the eyelids. Experimenting with a pencil, makeup artists tried to blend the lines. The result is an interesting effect that makes the look a bit gothic and very sexy. And so the now popular smoky eyes appeared. They help in creating the image of a vamp lady, and are also a great addition to luxurious holiday dresses.

How to make up smokey ice: necessary tools

To perform makeup in a smoky technique, you will need:

  • cosmetics for a complete face shaping: foundation, lipstick, powder;
  • eyelash curlers and black mascara;
  • palette with shadows;
  • pencil or kajal;
  • a set of brushes;
  • base or light primer;
  • highlighter.

How to choose shadows

To choose the right palette, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Buy cosmetics only in trusted stores. So you will know for sure that you are purchasing a quality product.
  2. Do preliminary tests. To do this, just take a little substance from the tester and apply it to your wrist. So you can check how the color "falls" to the skin tone and whether the composition will cause an allergic reaction.
  3. If you have a favorite cosmetic brand, it is better to give preference to it.
  • For smokey ice, dry pressed or loose pigments are best suited. They are easy to apply and blend well.
  • Get a single shade if you rarely make up your eyes and you only need shadows for "smoky". Otherwise, it will be convenient to buy a palette.
  • The tone of the pigmented substance is best selected depending on the color of the iris:
    • brown - dark brown, lavender, blue;
    • blue - emerald, shade of a sea wave, dark peach;
    • green - burgundy, pale pink.

At the same time, the standard for "smoky" black is ideally combined with any color type.

When doing makeup using the smoky ice technique, you may also need a soft pencil that can be blended. You can try using cream shadows if the make-up style requires it.

How to choose brushes

With due attention, you need to approach the selection of tools with which you will paint your eyes.

  • It is best to give preference to brushes with natural bristles. This will allow you to apply cosmetics on the thin sensitive skin of the eyelid as gently as possible.
  • The rod must be made of plastic or varnished wood. So it will retain its presentation for a long time, despite frequent use and washing.
  • It is best to buy a brush in a trusted store that gives all the guarantees of quality. When working with skin, the most important thing is to have confidence in the safety of cosmetics.

As for varieties and forms, in this regard, you should heed the following recommendations. These brushes are best suited for smokey:

  • Flat. Slightly flattened and at the same time tightly collected villi allow you to gently and at the same time effectively shade the pigment on the surface of the moving eyelid. Among makeup artists, it also has the name "shovel".
  • bevelled. The "sharp" corner and even bevel of the pile makes it possible to draw a contour and, if necessary, draw an arrow.
  • "Barrel". The brush makes it possible to apply the pigment to the skin in a more saturated and dense layer.

Smokey ice makeup: step by step instructions and techniques on how to do it right

Before proceeding with the design of the eyes, you need to deal with some subtleties that will help you make the make-up as harmonious and beautiful as possible.


There are several types of work with the bristles of the brush, allowing you to achieve the perfect result.

  • Light cottons. In this case, you kind of "drive" the pigment into the skin. It is best to do this with a barrel brush or a "shovel".
  • circular paths. One of the main conditions for excellent smokey is good shading. To do this, you need to move as if in a semicircle, smoothly "carrying" the texture over the surface of the eyelid.
  • Precise contours. If you want to add light arrows to smoky eyes, draw them with a beveled brush, and then blend. Also, clear lines are needed to draw the lower eyelashes.


Classic smoky makeup involves the use of black, but often girls do not disdain other shades from the palette. When adding new pigments to your image, keep an eye on the overall color palette. This rule applies to the entire design of the face: it is important that the lipstick and tone are appropriate and combined.


The smoky technique especially requires careful disguise of bruises: otherwise, you risk getting ugly dark spots. This effect is also called "panda". To avoid it, use a light concealer.


A shimmering substance will highlight the look, add playfulness and charm to it. Also, the highlighter should be applied under the eyebrow. So your make-up will be difficult to distinguish from the work of a professional makeup artist!

How to do smokey ice eye makeup step by step with a photo

The classic smoky eyes make-up suits girls with any type of face.

To complete it, you will need dark shadows and kayal, base, concealer, highlighter and brush.

  1. Cleansing. This preparatory step is standard for every type of make-up and should not be ignored. Clean skin "absorbs" the pigment better. Wash your face with a lather or light lotion, pat dry with toner, and apply a light layer of moisturizer if needed.
  2. Apply primer to your eyelids. It will ensure even application of cosmetics and a long "life" of make-up.
  3. With a dark kayal, draw the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe moving eyelid and the growth line of the lower eyelashes. In the absence of a pencil, this can be done with a black shade from the palette.
  4. Blend the borders with a fluffy brush.
  5. With a flat brush, spread black shadows over the surface of the eyelid. It is better to do this with "patting" movements, as if driving dry matter into the pores.
  6. Blend all contours and outlines.
  7. Color your eyelashes with mascara, shape your eyebrows.
  8. Remove makeup residue from under the eyes. Use concealer if necessary.
  9. Apply some highlighter to the corners to complete the look.

Makeup for brown eyes

  1. Apply primer to the eyelid area.
  2. Using a beveled brush and black pigment, draw a light arrow from the outer corner. The line should capture part of the contour of the lower lashes.
  3. Blend the cosmetic product with a flat brush. Add some more color.
  4. Apply matte brown to the crease with the help of a “barrel” and give it a smooth shading in the same way.
  5. Fill the entire surface of the eyelid with a blue pearl shade and go over it in a circular motion of the brush.
  6. Paint over the mucous area with black kayal.
  7. Add highlighter.

How to do smokey ice makeup step by step photo for blue eyes

  1. Cleanse the skin and use the base.
  2. With slanted bristles, draw a bronze outline starting in the middle of the lower lash line and ending in the outer corner.
  3. Spread the same color over the moving eyelid.
  4. Blend the borders with a brown matte eyeshadow brush.
  5. Emphasize the mucosal line with a lighter shade.
  6. Paint over the space between the eyelashes with ocher or golden kayal.
  7. Eliminate the remnants of pigment from under the eye with a napkin or cotton swab.
  8. Apply a thick concealer to the bruised area.
  9. Add highlighter to the corner and under the brow.

For the green

  1. Carry out a skin cleansing procedure.
  2. Apply primer to the eye area. If it is not at hand, you can use a light foundation or matting cream as a replacement.
  3. Using a black pencil, paint over the empty spaces between the upper lashes.
  4. Draw a light line under the lower lashes.
  5. Use a flat brush to spread the dark shadows. Do it with cotton movements.
  6. In order not to leave a simple sloppy spot, draw a small corner: it should look like a thickened arrow.
  7. With a brick, dirty pink, purple or burgundy color, draw a "fold" of the moving eyelid, thereby creating a hazy effect.
  8. Blend until the borders become smoky.
  9. Emphasize the mucosa with an emerald kayal. You can choose any other tone that matches the pigment from point 7.
  10. Finish off your makeup with mascara and concealer. Don't forget to wipe off any loose makeup before doing this.

For gray eyes

  1. Cleanse skin, toner, and apply a non-greasy moisturizer.
  2. Use an eyeshadow base, primer, or, if not available, foundation.
  3. With a dark fat pencil, circle the contour of the eyelashes as Cleopatra did. The arrow does not need to be removed.
  4. While the cosmetic product is not frozen, take a barrel brush and blend the lines with smooth movements.
  5. Add a smoky effect with pearlescent brown or gray from the palette.
  6. Set the accents. You can do this with a highlighter. It is applied to the inner corner and under the eyebrow.
  7. Paint over the eyelashes well, "flattening" them a little with a brush - this way you can give more volume.
  8. Complete the make-up with lipstick, tone and contouring products.
  9. Fix the result with a special spray if you especially need durability.

Features of smokey ice for eyes of different shapes

  • Hanging eyelid. Color pigment should be applied just above the crease in order to visually "open" the look. It is best to use matte shades and combine it with other products from the shadow palette to create a harmonious gradient.
  • Small size. To avoid this, opt for lighter colors. It can be pink, pale gray, light blue, brown. Do not forget about the highlighter: it is applied under the eyebrow and in the outer corner.
  • Close-set eyes. Darken the area that is closer to the temples, and brighten the space at the back of the nose. Shadows are better to choose with a shimmery texture.
  • Far planted. In this case, it is important to balance all the features. Make a dark accent in the area of ​​the third eyelid and use a smooth gradient in pastel colors along the lash line.

colored smoky

Black smoky eyes are a classic option, but far from the only one. To make the look more fresh and original, you can opt for brighter pigments. Don't be afraid to experiment!

These colors will look great on the eyes:

  • Brown. It brings lightness and tenderness to the image, and is also great for everyday wear.
  • Red. A small life hack: matte lipstick will help you make smokey ice. Just draw the lash lines and then blend well.
  • Blue. A mysterious variation of the "classics" for blue-eyed ladies.
  • Green. Perfect for red-haired girls.

The technique of how to perform step-by-step smokey eye makeup in the video below will help you diversify your standard look and especially shine at a solemn event! Drawing "haze" is easy, the main thing is not to be afraid to experiment and practice more. And a lot of additional care products and perfumes in our Aromacode online store will help you feel even more confident with any make-up.