Make lips bigger with a pencil. Invoice matters. Choice of color solution

Always give a zest to the female image. It is for this reason that the fair sex is looking for different options for how to visually enlarge the lips. Someone turns to beauty salons for help, but someone cannot afford it, and they are looking for affordable ways to increase at home.

  • Exfoliation. For this procedure, you will need a soft toothbrush. A balm is applied to the lips and massaged with a brush. Lips become more juicy as blood circulation improves. One disadvantage of this method is that the effect does not last long. But if you constantly scrub your lips, then each time the result will last longer. You can also remove dead skin with the help of honey, sugar, making a paste out of them.
  • Use of color for volume. Take a foundation for makeup, apply to lips, and top with powder. The next step is to draw the outline. Depending on what color of lipstick, so draw the outline. There is another option - leave a light surface inside, and make the outline darker. Lipstick is applied to bright places with a brush, this makes it possible to make them more voluminous.
  • Using a brown pencil. In this case, take a pencil with a soft brown neck. The line must be drawn slightly higher than the native contour. Lips will become fuller, add gloss to the lower lip.
  • Light lipstick. In order for the lips to look plump and increase in volume, they take light-colored lipstick or gloss. If you make up your lips with a dark color, then the lips will visually decrease, so this method is more suitable for girls with lush lips. Visually easy if you take a light shine with shimmering particles. Alternatively, you can take pink lipstick.
  • Creating highlights. If you continue to wonder how to visually enlarge your lips, try making highlights. This can be done by taking shimmery shadows and lightening the upper lip in the center and doing the same with the bottom.
  • Natural ingredients. Make your own lip augmentation at home. Take clove oil, mix with balm or lipstick and apply on lips. Alternatively, apply a mixture of cinnamon and petroleum jelly to your lips, leave for a few minutes and wipe with a tissue.
  • Lipstick as a lip augmentation. There are lipsticks and glosses on sale for those who do not know how to visually enlarge lips. They include, which fills the tissues of the lips with moisture. Such lipsticks include menthol, cosmetic oil - all these elements promote blood circulation. Due to this, the lips become more in volume.
  • Nature did not give the ideal shape of the lips - it does not matter, all this can be corrected using cosmetical tools. There are several options to achieve the perfect shape and fullness of the lips. We are ready to tell you how to increase lips with makeup. The attractive shape of the lips is a petal shape. Using a pencil, draw an oval outline on the lower lip. The upper one is visually reduced, and highlighted, made higher and sharper than usual.
  • . Now the problem is easily solved with the help of a tattoo, although for such a procedure you still have to seek help from specialists in a beauty salon. The master uses it, it lasts for quite a long time and the lips become plump, beautiful.

Makeup is easy. It is enough just to learn how to draw a contour correctly and apply lipstick or gloss. Further, a light tone of lipstick lies in the center, a dark shade is shaded at the edges. In order to increase the lips with makeup, follow these steps: apply makeup base and let dry for about 20 minutes.

Next stage- This is a coating with foundation or powder. Then, with a light eyeliner, draw the upper lip from the corner to the center, without affecting the hollow on the upper lip, do not draw it. It is allowed that the eyeliner goes beyond the natural contour, but not by much. The rest of the lips are simply extinguished. Then an eyebrow pencil is taken, a couple of strokes are made under the lower lip and carefully shaded.

Next action- a flesh-colored pencil is taken, and the lips are outlined clearly along the contour of the lips. After all the actions done, the lips are covered with lipstick or gloss, whichever one likes best. Do not forget that all dark shades will visually reduce any shape of the lips, even if before that the contour was carried out in order to visually enlarge the lips.

You can shape your lips by doing gymnastics. In a short period of time, get the desired effect of increasing for a long time. If you repeat it constantly, then the lips will acquire the desired shape forever. Try it and see for yourself.

In the 50s, the plump lips of the sex symbol Marilyn Monroe were a real benchmark for women. However, little has changed today. Seductive lips are the dream of many girls. Some, in pursuit of beauty, even resort to the services of plastic surgery. However, if you are not a supporter of such radical methods, but still wonder: “How to visually enlarge lips?” - then know that this can be done with the help of cosmetics. If you are not too lucky, and nature did not reward you with a plump oral zone, do not despair. From this article you will learn the secrets of makeup, allowing you to work wonders.

What will we need?

Step one: moisturizing and exfoliating

It is important to remember that from any cosmetics (even the highest quality) lips, albeit a little, but still suffer. The main element of care for the oral zone is its systematic moisturizing. Without it, the lips dry and weathered, itching and unpleasant peeling appear. Of course, it can't look pretty. It's not just cosmetics that can be the culprit. Weather conditions also affect delicate skin, but it’s still worth it to play it safe. Therefore, before visually increasing the lips, be sure to apply a little balm on them. There is another secret - peeling. You can do it yourself, using an ordinary light massage with its soft pile will help get rid of dead cells, as well as increase blood circulation, which in itself will make the lips a little more plump. Now you can move on to the question of how to visually increase the volume of the lips.

Step two: toning

The next step on the way to the long-awaited effect is toning. Apply to lips or powder with a brush. This is necessary in order to slightly blur the contours, because in the future you will have to go beyond the natural boundaries of the oral zone. Remember that it is important to choose the right corrector - it should be in harmony with the overall shade of the face and be invisible. Probably, many of you have seen girls whose pretty face is a few shades darker or lighter than their necks? All this is due to mistakes when choosing a foundation or powder. Of course, it looks just ridiculous and certainly not attractive, so take this issue seriously. Be sure to try to apply a little concealer on the skin of your hand before buying, rub it and evaluate the compatibility with the natural shade of your skin.

Step three: highlighter

The most careful approach is to the question of how to visually enlarge the upper lip so that it looks as natural as possible. Nobody wants to look like a painted clown, right? Many girls are too zealous with various cosmetics, and as a result, their lips look more like two huge uneven dumplings. It is to achieve a natural effect that we need a white pencil. Use it to paint over the hole above your upper lip. Then gently blend it with a highlighter. Next, the bottom line of the contour is drawn in the same color.

Step Four: Line Pencil

And now we are already halfway to learning how to visually enlarge the lips. Take a darker contour pencil (it is important that it is well sharpened) and carefully draw a contour, starting from the middle of the upper sponge and gradually moving to the lower one. Leave the corners intact. The line between the checkmark of the upper lip and the corners can be slightly raised, but the corners should be painted without exaggerating their natural data. As you can see, it is not at all necessary to inject Botox: your best assistant is makeup. and make the eyelashes longer, and the eyes can be more expressive with its help.

Step five - lipstick

Using a brush, duplicate the darker shade of lipstick on the contours, and then blend it with gentle movements inward. It is not necessary to completely paint over the surface of the lips. Next, take a light lipstick and apply it with your finger on the central part of the lips. Now you need to make the transition from one color to another as smooth as possible. To do this, carefully shade the borders of the color. Note that if you chose a pencil of a saturated shade for contouring, then before you visually enlarge your lips with lipstick, you need to shade it separately. Thus, the makeup will look more natural. If you have gone a little beyond the contours, then do not worry - all the shortcomings are easily eliminated by the corrector.


Each girl is worthy of attention and enthusiastic views of others. Fashion, of course, changes extremely quickly, but beautiful juicy lips remain relevant all the time. To achieve this effect is not difficult if you have patience and learn how to use cosmetics correctly. Now you know the beauty secret of Marilyn Monroe and many other famous women around the world. In no case do not go on about your complexes and do not resort to radical methods. You will always have time to contact a surgeon, but you can’t reverse the possible unpleasant consequences. Beauty experts know how to visually enlarge lips at home, and are ready to share their experience for the benefit of all women in the world. It remains only to take the advice of makeup artists and enjoy the incredible effect of juicy and plump lips, which will be a great addition to any fashionable image of a modern girl.

Despite the fact that thin lips give the female image nobility, grace and sophistication, plump, soft, embossed, sexy lips are still in fashion today. Following these trends, the beautiful half of humanity falls under all sorts of injections in order to achieve the desired volume. In search of a solution, how to visually enlarge the lips, it is not always worth acting so drastically. Everyone can achieve this at home.

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Lip augmentation methods

Many believe that the only way to visually increase the volume is injections, which are most often done on the basis of hyaluronic acid. However, there are other, less traumatic and dangerous methods that will be temporary, but in terms of quality they will not be inferior to injectable drugs.


This effect can be obtained after tattooing in the salon, when with the help of permanent makeup, which lasts a very long time, a visual increase in the lips is achieved.


Many owners of thin lips already know how to enlarge lips with makeup: a special technique and special tools can be used to your advantage by learning how to draw the right lines and select the appropriate colors.


Good results can be obtained after daily gymnastics, which deals with the muscles of the face, making them elastic and elastic. Aimed at stretching the muscles of the perioral region, exercises can make sponges the way you dream of in a certain time.

You can choose any of the existing methods, but the fastest, most effective and brightest is, of course, the usual home make-up, which visually enlarges the lips exactly as much as you want. The main thing is to learn this art, fill your hand and enjoy your magnificent forms in the end.

See also: - how to correct flaws with cosmetics

How to increase lips with makeup

There is nothing complicated in this art, you just need to follow a certain makeup technique.

1. Apply foundation to make makeup last longer. Wipe off excess with a tissue. Let the base dry for 15 minutes.

2. Powder.

3. Draw a light eyeliner on the upper lip, from the corners to the center, without touching the hollow at the top of the lip: it should remain free, not traced. The eyeliner should go beyond the lip contour, but not by much. The remaining area between the lip and eyeliner should be gently shaded. To do this, you can take a white pencil, with a pearly tint.

4. With an eyebrow pencil, apply strokes under the lower lip and blend them.

5. After that, with a flesh-colored pencil, circle your natural lip contour (including the upper hollow) and paint over the entire area of ​​​​the lips with it, blend it.

6. Now you can finally apply matte or glossy lipstick in light shades: dark ones make lips narrow, so this is definitely not your option.

7. An excellent option would be the shine of some light shade: it is he who gives the desired volume. Do not be afraid to be not fashionable (many argue that gloss is no longer in favor): after all, this tool helps to visually enlarge the lips.

Visual lip augmentation through makeup is the fastest way to achieve the desired result. The only drawback is the fragility of this beauty. Although, if you take branded persistent cosmetics, the mono effect can be extended for some time.

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Little tricks on how to visually enlarge lips

Makeup artists have little professional tricks:

- daily massage your lips with a soft toothbrush: this will improve blood circulation and microcirculation in tissues, strengthen muscles;

- use special lip peels once every three days;

- it is better to apply makeup with branded products of excellent quality, which have already established themselves in this market;

- a lip pencil needs a flesh-colored, as close as possible to the color of your skin;

- no need to flatter yourself that you will get the visual effect of full lips after the first application of the above makeup: only constant practice can help you in this matter;

- do not overdo it: remember that often, wanting to make their lips plump, women disfigure themselves with kilograms of lipstick and as a result, unnatural makeup is obtained that does not attract, but rather repels.

Knowing how to visually enlarge lips with makeup, and doing it right, you can achieve an incredible effect. The thinnest lips can become pleasantly plump, voluminous and very attractive in just a few strokes. They will help create the image of a tender and desirable woman, from which no man can tear his fascinated gaze away.

- ? Master class from an expert

Girls have been dreaming about plump and seductive lips since adolescence. Not everyone decides on surgical or contour plastic surgery, especially considering the cost of these procedures. In such cases, home methods are suitable to make the mouth sensual almost instantly and completely painlessly.

Lip augmentation - pros and cons

Giving visual volume and appetizing to the mouth has several obvious advantages:

  • to attract attention;
  • stylish appearance;
  • self confidence;
  • harmony of facial proportions;
  • correction of asymmetry and other defects;
  • image rejuvenation.

Independent visual is also associated with disadvantages:

  • short-term effect (about 2 hours);
  • the need for frequent correction;
  • poor staying power, especially when kissing, eating or drinking liquids.

Who wants plump lips?

Any makeup always involves one main focus - eyes or mouth. Based on this, it is easy to understand who does not suit plump lips. If a woman has an expressive look, wide and thick eyebrows, lush eyelashes, voluminous lips will distract attention from them, partially “pull” it onto herself. There will be an impression of redundancy in the image due to the disappearance of the main accent. For girls with big eyes, it is better not to overdo it with emphasizing the mouth.

In other cases, you need to learn simple ways to visually enlarge the lips:

  • cosmetics;
  • techniques for creating a make-up;
  • special accessories;
  • home recipes.

There are hygiene and decorative products that ensure the achievement of the result. The first category of cosmetics does not have an instant effect, but produces a cumulative effect. This is a long-term method of how to visually enlarge the lips. The composition of such products includes hyaluronic acid and peptide complexes that stimulate cell renewal, blood circulation and metabolic processes, and collagen production. With regular use of these products, the lips look well-groomed, moisturized and smooth, slightly increase in volume. Caring cosmetics:

  • HR (Helena Rubinstein) Lip Zoom;
  • Synchroline Fillast El;
  • Jane Iredale H&E Lip Balm;
  • Carita Progressif Anti-Age;
  • HR Lip Sculptor and others.

An instant option on how to visually enlarge lips when applying makeup involves the use of special decorative cosmetics:

  • lipstick;
  • varnish coatings;

Lip Augmentation Lipstick

All moisturizing and nourishing types of the described cosmetics slightly fill the mouth due to the restoration of water balance in the cells and their saturation with hyaluronic acid. For a noticeable result, you need to use certain types of pigments. What color lipstick visually enlarges the lips:

  • peach;
  • beige;
  • light pink;
  • coral;
  • light lilac;
  • bodily.

Nude shades make the mouth look bigger by reflecting light. You can enhance this effect if you prefer shining textures:

  • pearl particles;
  • varnish coating;
  • small glitters.

Lip Gloss

This category of decorative products reflects the light falling on it as much as possible, therefore it is considered the best tool that gives the lips a seductive swelling. There are two ways to visually enlarge lips with cosmetics with a liquid consistency. The first is to use glosses of light or nude shades instead of solid pigment, apply transparent or translucent coatings.

The second option is the use of plumpers. You can visually enlarge your lips with this type of cosmetics for several hours. Additional volume occurs in response to local skin irritation with special components of such glosses:

  • menthol;
  • hot pepper extract;
  • cinnamon;
  • ginger;
  • mint and others.

How to visually enlarge lips with makeup?

Stylists have come up with several tricks for applying lipstick to help make the lips fuller and more seductive. Makeup for thin lips does not always take a lot of time. You just need to choose the right decorative cosmetics and use it correctly.

It is easy to make a spectacular make-up for lip augmentation, guided by the following tips:

  1. Instead of lipstick, apply a varnish coating, for example, L'Oreal Color Riche Extraordinaire, Inglot Sleeks Cream, Rimmel Apocalips.
  2. After shaping the lips, apply a drop of gloss in the center of the mouth.
  3. Apply a little highlighter or light pearly shadows over the Cupid's bow. The hollow under the lower lip is slightly darkened with a bronzer.
  4. Use 2 shades of lipstick of the same range. Make up the inside with a light tone, decorate the outer parts of the mouth with a darker color, shade.
  5. Apply a drop of highlighter exactly in the center of the lips after lipstick. Carefully distribute it to the outer edges, treat the lips with gloss.

How to visually enlarge lips with a pencil?

To get the most pronounced effect and additional volume, you will have to change the contour of the mouth. To apply most techniques on how to visually enlarge thin lips, you will need a white kayal and a pencil that matches the shade of the lipstick used. It would also be useful to have a corrector or foundation exactly in the color of the skin. How to visually increase the upper lip:

  1. Slightly protruding beyond the natural border, draw a contour with a white kayal, starting from the “tick” to the edges.
  2. Slightly blur the line.
  3. Finish lips with two lipsticks of the same palette. Make up the upper lip in a light tone, the lower one in a darker shade.

If the lips are the same in thickness, but you want to make them visually fuller, you can use the following recommendations:

  1. "Erase" the natural contour of the mouth with foundation or corrector.
  2. Draw new outlines with a colored pencil, departing from the existing border of the lips by 1-2 mm.
  3. With a cotton swab, blend the border towards the center.
  4. Apply lipstick, preferably with a brush.

How to visually enlarge lips:

  1. Repeat the previous steps until the shading stage.
  2. From the drawn outline, draw 2 more vertical lines to the center of the mouth. On the lips it will be depicted as if a square, divided into 2 halves.
  3. Lightly smudge the pencil.
  4. Make up your lips with lipstick, add shine.

How to visually enlarge lips without makeup?

Women who are accustomed to using only hygienic balms find it more difficult to achieve the desired results. There are ways to visually enlarge lips at home:

  1. Massage the mouth with a toothbrush with a small amount of paste.
  2. Use a plumper - a special cap that creates a vacuum effect.
  3. Rub your lips vigorously with a drop of honey.
  4. Apply for 15 minutes a mask of 0.5 teaspoon of sour cream and 1 drop of essential oil with an irritating effect - cinnamon, peppermint, lemon.