How beautiful to make up narrow eyes. Makeup for narrow and Asian eyes. How to draw beautiful and neat arrows

All women are different, but no one is perfect. And if you consider your eyes to be too small, then our article is for you. We will teach you how to paint small eyes to make them look bigger and reveal the nuances of specific makeup.

The correct approach to correcting problematic areas of appearance is a whole science, consisting of a mass of subtleties that you need to know and put into practice.

How to make small eyes look bigger

Proper eye makeup can save your face even after sleepless night or when sick state, and, therefore, it is necessary to learn this! You can bring small eyes closer to the ideal shape by putting into practice the main rules:

  1. The correct shape of the eyebrows is very important. You don't want your face to look crying or overly surprised, do you? For the first time, it is recommended to shape the eyebrows with professional beautician and then independently maintain and correct it.

Remember: the extended tip of the eyebrow visually reveals the look, and not plucked hairs above the upper eyelid make it heavier and even visually narrow. And so that it does not hurt, pre-stretch the skin. As for the color of the eyebrows, then, according to the canons of makeup, they should match the tone of the hair or be a few tones darker.

Before applying mascara, it is recommended to powder the eyelashes, which will make it possible to draw even the smallest hairs. Make sure that the roots of the eyelashes are well dyed, do not allow the formation of lumps and sticking of the eyelashes.

How to paint small eyes with an impending eyelid

Hanging eyelids make you look sad and tired. And if the eyes are small in size, then it is very important to learn how to apply. Be sure to pluck your eyebrows to avoid looking heavy. It is advisable to use shadows: darker for the crease of the eyelid and the outer corner of the eye, and lighter for the inner corner. Pronounced contrasts that focus attention on problem areas should not be allowed. Tones should smoothly transition into each other and be softly shaded.

Don't forget to line your lower eyelids with dark shadows, but also be sure to blend them out and make them as natural as possible. For evening options women with overhanging eyelids should choose "smoky ice" in muted soft colors.

The main rule of makeup for this type of eyes: when applying the main shadows on the moving eyelid, grab a little more skin on top of the crease. Then draw the shape with dark shadows and blend them. Put white or light beige shadows under the eyebrow. And remember: no clear lines!

You can't do this:

  • use bold shadows that gather in folds and make the eyes heavier;
  • apply pearlescent shadows;
  • draw clear arrows and eyeliners.

We will immediately inform you that bright and catchy makeup is contraindicated for owners of small eyes, the rich tones of which can visually “crush” the eyes. We need to achieve the opposite goal, so moderation, and moderation again!

However, too pale makeup is also not suitable: natural tones in the style of "nud" do not contribute to highlighting the eyes. Our task is to choose such a color scheme that will reveal the look as much as possible and allow the eyes to look larger.

Makeup example for small eyes

Let's start with the preparation of the eyelids: we need swelling, redness or. You probably know that even with swelling, they visually seem much smaller, so to get rid of the problem, apply a cool compress of green tea or raw potatoes to your eyes for 10 minutes. After that, additionally wipe the skin with ice.

Now mask the area around the eyes with a universal liquid corrector. Attention: a prerequisite - the color of the corrector should be a tone lighter than your skin! With it, you remove bruises and even out skin tone.

Now let's start applying shadows. It is important that their color does not merge with the tone of the eyes, but is in contrast. For blue eyes, a brownish-golden gamma is great; For brown-eyed women fit different shades purple. Thanks to contrasting accents, the eyes will visually appear larger.

First, a specialized base is applied to the eyelids, which will prevent the shadows from rolling quickly. It must be a means of light colors, sometimes with mother-of-pearl. After that, a contrasting base color is applied, and the shadows are gently shaded.

Now it's time for the eyeliner, which is used as liquid products or a pencil (you can learn the secrets correct eyeliner eye in one of ours). From the top of the eyelid, a thin strip is drawn along the growth of the eyelashes. At the same time, approaching the outer corner of the eye, it must be expanded, and around the corner it should be taken up to get everyone's favorite "cat's look".

Applying dark eyeliner to the lower eyelid or not is a matter of taste, but you need to be careful: if you draw it inside the eye on the mucous membrane, it will reduce the eyes! And the arrows along the outer edge of the lower eyelid often look messy. The best option is to shade the shadows along the lower eyelid.

How to paint small deep-set eyes

When the eyes seem to be pressed into the socket, this makes them small and unattractive. Our task is to open and highlight the look. Remember: if you are the owner of deep-set eyes, mother-of-pearl shadows and even sparkles are recommended for you. And in everyday use, give preference to light shadows and nude makeup.

Many women are interested in how to make up beautifully at home. Most beauties have a good command of technique, but often they cannot understand the huge variety of colors and tools used to perform eye makeup. At the same time, eyes beautifully accentuated with decorative cosmetics can favorably highlight the beauty of shape and color, make a woman much more attractive, and her appearance more expressive.

There are some enough simple rules make-up, which can be quickly mastered and put into practice by every woman. The eyes are the window to the soul, but they need the right frame. This role is played by high-quality decorative cosmetics for the eyes.

How to make up - the subtleties of makeup

Beautifully made-up eyes make a woman visually younger, highlight beautiful colour iris. Subject to a certain technique, you can visually enlarge the eyes or adjust their shape, make them much more expressive. Simple eye makeup rules will tell you the sequence of actions and will be a guide on how to learn how to paint from scratch.

In order to perform high-quality makeup, every woman should have a certain minimum of funds. decorative cosmetics, which is used to work with the eyes:

  1. Base for shadows.
  2. Shadows in individual packages or in palettes of suitable shades.
  3. A dark and light pencil for eyeliner (a special type of pencil is needed for the mucous membrane - kajal).
  4. A convenient type of eyeliner - cream, gel, liquid, "felt pen".
  5. Mascara of the desired shade.

This minimum set, which each woman supplements with those products that suit her and that she prefers to use.

Selection of the shade of shadows depending on the color of the eyes

For most beautiful ladies, the main difficulty in makeup is how to paint the eyes with shadows. There are a few easy-to-remember rules here:

It is best to select shadows for the eyes according to the principle of contrast. Such shadows highlight the shade of the eyes and make it much brighter and juicier. For example, Blue eyes beautifully emphasize brown shades shadows, gray eyes are beautiful with blue, blue, greenish tones, green eyes become just emerald next to purple and plum colors, and brown eyes are good with a lot of colors, the main thing is to choose them according to color temperature.

Warm shades will “ask” for softer warm shades of shadows, and cold brown color will be good with gray, blue, cold green and purple colors.

Some colors are neutral and work well different colors eye. These are all shades of gray and black, a cool taupe that is often referred to as "taup" or "top".

Fashionable red shadows can turn a woman into a tearful or sick woman with sore eyes, but it’s worth making red darker at the outer corner of the eye and drawing a thin line with a dark pencil or eyeliner at the lash line, as makeup becomes very stylish and effective.

It is believed that matte shadows or those with a soft, unobtrusive satin sheen are best suited for daytime.

Shimmery, high-shine, frosty and glitter shadows are suitable for an evening out, and colored pigments are often used to create stage or carnival makeup.

You can make eye makeup with several specially designed products or use one or two products. For big expressive eyes it is quite enough to use only separating and lengthening mascara, diligently highlighting the eyelashes. Enlarging the eyes and changing their shape will require more cosmetics and effort, but the result is worth it.

Important! When choosing cosmetics for the eyes, focus on hypoallergenic products. If any of the types of cosmetics provokes an allergy, mercilessly part with it.

Correction of the shape of the eyes with the right makeup

Happy owners of large eyes can just use mascara - and their eyes sparkle precious stones. Those women who have small eyes do not have this advantage, but cosmetics will allow them to quickly make their eyes larger.

The easiest way to quickly enlarge the eyes is to emphasize the water line of the lower eyelid with a light kayal pencil. White color looks a little unnatural, so it is best to stay on a beige or pinkish kayal. Paired with it, you can use a thin line of dark eyeliner along the lash line on upper eyelid, slightly stepping back from the contour, and then thickly make up upper eyelashes dark ink. This technique allows you to visually enlarge the eyes and make the look “wide open”. During the day, the pencil on the water line needs to be updated periodically, so it should always be present in every woman's cosmetic bag.

With the help of shadows, pencil or eyeliner, you can also change the shape of the eye.

  • If you apply light shadows on deep-set eyes, they will seem more convex and large.
  • Bulging eyes can be corrected with dark shadows on the upper eyelid and mascara without using a contour.
  • You can give a beautiful almond-shaped eye by extending the line of the lower eyelid with eyeliner towards the outer corner of the eyebrow. An arrow made in this direction along the entire upper eyelid will give the eye a spectacular "cat" shape.
  • Close-set eyes can be visually "broke" by darkening the outer corner of the eye and highlighting the inner one. With too widely spaced eyes, they do exactly the opposite.

How to quickly and accurately draw arrows with a pencil or eyeliner

Some women do not know how to use eyeliner, thus depriving themselves of a very practical and effective remedy makeup. The fact is that eyeliners can be different type. Soft and plastic, they are intended for shading, they do not hold the line and are not suitable for making a clear contour. Dense and less greasy are used for neat thin lines and can replace eyeliner, draw arrows with them. different kind and magnitude.

In addition, you can make up your eyes with a pencil as shadows and use it as a “substrate” to create a smokey eye.

A beautiful line of the arrow does not work out for anyone right away. It is especially difficult to make them symmetrical, that is, to draw arrows of the same length and width on each eye.

  • For drawing beautiful arrow you need to place the elbow of the working hand on a hard, stable surface, start drawing from the outer corner of the eye, drawing a line upwards, then draw the outline of the upper eyelashes, connecting it to the tail, and lastly drawing the area inner corner eyes.
  • The arrows can be thin, medium thickness, large, double, one-color and two-color, emphasizing the contours of only the upper eyelid or both eyelids. Using a pencil, you can make the original eyeliner only on the lower eyelid.
  • Beginning craftswomen can try to draw arrows using a special felt-tip pen. Usually it allows you to quickly and easily draw the desired line, and with it you can adjust the thickness of the arrow without problems. To do this, you only need to increase or decrease the intensity of pressing the felt-tip pen. But most eyeliners of this type have a significant drawback - they either end quickly or dry out too quickly.
  • Experienced young ladies prefer to use gel or cream eyeliner. It is produced by numerous cosmetic companies in cute little jars, applied special brush- With fine tip or bevelled. With this tool, you can draw thinnest arrows or depict wide ones, in the style of the 60s, which is also in fashion now.

Important! Observe expiration dates cosmetics for eyes. Old cosmetics contain a lot of microorganisms that can cause conjunctivitis and many other eye diseases.

How to use mascara correctly

Most women are firmly convinced that they know very well how to apply mascara correctly, because. most often this is the first means of decorative cosmetics that a girl begins to use in her life.

However, most of us unknowingly ruin our mascara by making piston-like movements back and forth, trying to get mascara onto the brush. This is a fundamentally wrong action, accelerating the spoilage of the product. With such movements, air is injected into the tube, which contributes to the oxidation of the carcass and the ingress of harmful microorganisms into it. The product can deteriorate, and eyes with such mascara can become very inflamed.

In order to make the look more expressive and the eyelashes longer, we color the eyes with zigzag movements, bringing the brush to the very base of the eyelashes. Thus, we paint them over the entire length, separate them and lengthen them, covering them with a thin and even layer of mascara without lumps and gluing.

Mascara is a perishable product, its life usually does not exceed 3 months, so you should not try in vain to “reanimate” dried or thickened mascara. It still will not go well and evenly, or it will begin to crumble under the eyes a couple of hours after application. This mascara should be thrown away and purchased fresh. You need to buy only the copy that is "sealed" in cellophane and has a sticker indicating the date of manufacture. Expired mascara is a collection of bacteria and fungus that can lead to serious illnesses eye.

Step by Step Makeup Tutorials

A simple step-by-step instruction will help women master the basics of eye makeup, so that they can then use their knowledge to perform more complex options. This method will clearly show how you can paint your eyes in stages and help you easily remember the sequence of actions.

On our site you can find many step-by-step photos of creating eye makeup or watch special videos. These lessons will help you learn the procedure and accurately repeat them in your makeup.

Many makeup gurus recommend eye makeup first. This is due to the fact that during the application process, shadows and other decorative cosmetics products can crumble, staining the area under the eyes. If the face is applied Foundation and powder, removing traces of shadows and mascara, you can lubricate the layer of cosmetics and spoil the whole work. If the eyes are made up before applying the tone and powder, it will be possible to carefully remove traces of paint, apply foundation or BB cream, powder and mask the traces of bruises and swelling under the eyes with a concealer. As a result of this technique, you can get a perfect, perfectly executed and very neat makeup eye.

Everyday option

For everyday eye makeup, women with large eyes simply line the lash line with eyeliner or a pencil, and cover the eyelashes with mascara.

If you want to make up more expressively, you can use this scheme:

  • Apply basic light shadows on the eyes - on the entire upper eyelid.
  • With a shade slightly darker, use a soft fluffy brush to highlight the crease of the upper eyelid, bringing the color closer to the outer corner of the eye.
  • Bring the upper eyelid as close as possible to the lash line, and even better - between them. This will make the eyes look bigger and more expressive.
  • Cover the upper eyelashes with dark mascara (black for brunettes and brown-haired women, brown for blondes and redheads).
  • To top off this simple make-up, it’s good to slightly lighten the inner corner of the eye with light satin shadows, as well as lighten the area under the eyebrow.

Important! Store eye makeup in closed boxes far away from sun rays, in a cool place. Wash your brushes and applicators frequently, wipe down packaging, and wash makeup bags. This will not only help keep presentable appearance cosmetics, but also protect against the reproduction of pathogenic microflora.

evening make-up

easy to turn everyday makeup or smokey eyes in the evening with the help of shiny and sparkling shadows and a “metallic” eyeliner. You can apply them on the entire eyelid or use them fragmentarily, for example, apply shiny shadows or glitter only on the center of the upper eyelid. This technique will make the eyes more convex and expressive.

The line of shiny eyeliner looks impressive and at the same time more modest than too sparkling shadows. It can be combined with regular black eyeliner by making very expressive double arrows.

First, an arrow is carefully drawn with black eyeliner or a pencil. Then, when she “grabs”, just above her, a line is drawn along her upper contour with bright colored or shiny metallic eyeliner. This makeup is perfectly complemented by lush false eyelashes.

Creating a permanent make-up

A significant part of women have “fatty” eyelids, on which no, even the most expensive and high-quality cosmetics rest. After several hours of wearing makeup, it "floats" and loses its clear outline. To prevent this from happening, you need to use a special base for eyelid makeup.

This product is simply applied thin layer on the skin of the upper eyelid and allow you to gain a foothold. Against such a background, any shadows will look brighter and juicier, perfectly stewed and worn up to two times longer than without a base.

In the absence of a base, you can use low-fat cream shadows, which need to be lightly powdered, or with a soft eyeliner, which needs to be blended well. Good for light shadows white pencil, and for bright and dark fit black pencil. It will make the shadows more saturated and expressive, give them depth and richness.

Proper use of eye makeup can make female face more expressive and brighter, emphasizing its originality and beauty. By doing bright makeup you need to remember that in order not to look vulgar, you need to stop at only one accent. If these are eyes, then lips should either not be highlighted at all, or a neutral gloss or lipstick should be used.

Eye cosmetics help to give the appearance a certain chic and sophistication, but this will only happen if the makeup is done impeccably accurately. Careless shading, smeared shadows, uneven eyeliner and mascara, lying in lumps on the eyelids and crumbling under the eyes, will quickly nullify all efforts and make even a naturally beautiful woman sloppy.

Video tutorials step by step at home

Much has been said about the power of the eye. However, how to make the look catchy and remain in the memory of others? It is enough to “conjure” a little with makeup!


The success of makeup largely depends on the choice of cosmetics.

It is worth remembering that low-quality cosmetics can not only spoil the image as a whole, but also cause an allergic reaction.

When it comes to eye makeup, first of all, it comes to mind. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, you need to pay attention to your own eyelashes and describe them according to the following criteria:

  • color: hairs can be light, dark or represent an average color in saturation;
  • curl: eyelashes can curl up, can be straight, can be straight and curl down;
  • volume: eyelashes can be lush, can be rare or grow unevenly, there are cases when the volume of eyelashes is a cross between lush and sparse;
  • length: hairs can be long, medium or short;
  • stiffness: hairs can be hard or soft;
  • thickness: the hairs can be thick, medium in thickness or thin.

After determining the type of hair, it's time to decide what kind of effect you want to get after applying the mascara. Thanks to the opportunities offered modern industry, almost any eyelashes can be made long and lush, as well as give them a charming curve.

If the eyelashes are short, then you should pay attention to those products that promise to create a visual effect of lengthening. As a rule, they also offer the volume that is necessary for thin and sparse eyelashes.

Eyelashes can be thin and soft. In this case, an illiterate choice of carcass can really harm them. You should choose a mascara that, along with length and volume, also offers care.

For eyelashes different colors the shade of the mascara is also selected with attention. If the color is between dark and light, then it is worth applying mascara in two layers. The first will be traditionally black, and the second - color.

With mascara, you can create various effects. For example, the effect puppet eyes". In order for the eyelashes to appear artificial, you need to choose a product that contains panthenol. This substance makes each individual hair visually thicker.

Waterproof mascaras are popular. However, you should be careful with their use. Due to their composition, they can harm the eyelashes, therefore they are not suitable for daily use. Such mascara will become an indispensable assistant only in exceptional cases.

Mascara is not the only assistant in creating an image. To emphasize the beauty of the eyes and add expressiveness, you should also use a pencil. When choosing an eyeliner, you should pay attention to the following points:

Modern fashionistas are offered a wide selection of eyeliner colors. Black is considered traditional. However, the possibilities are not limited to it.

In order for the makeup to look spectacular, it is worth choosing the color of the pencil to the color of the eyes. But first you need to remember the rule that applies to all colors: for daytime makeup choose " pastel shades”, bright and saturated colors - the choice for evening makeup.

For evening make-up, it is best for owners of brown and black eyes following colors:

  • golden;
  • silver;
  • bronze.

Owners of black and brown eyes should pay attention to the following colors for daytime makeup:

  • sand;
  • beige;
  • brown.

Owners of green eyes will be able to emphasize natural beauty when creating daytime makeup with pencils of the following colors:

  • pink;
  • peach;

For evening make-up, the beauty of green eyes is emphasized by pencils of the following colors:

  • violet-lilac;
  • terracotta.

The following colors are suitable for blue eyes for daytime makeup:

  • light blue;
  • pink.

Also, the owners of blue eyes to choose the color of the pencil for evening makeup should pay attention to the following colors:

  • green;
  • blue;
  • rich blue.

Black and white pencils are considered universal, because they can suit any eye color, hair and skin tone. Traditionally, it is believed that they should be in the makeup bag of every fashionista who cares about her makeup.

Eyeshadow - milestone creation expressive look. However, the variety presented on the shelves of cosmetic stores can make it difficult to choose. First you need to understand that shadows come in three main types:

  • dry shadows: the most popular variety, which differs in the duration of storage. In the hands of a beginner, dry shadows may not “play out” due to the fact that they are erased with improper shading;
  • liquid shadows: the best choice for evening makeup. This type of shadow creates a kind of film on the eyelid, but it does not shade at all;
  • cream shadows: medium type between the previous two types. Creams are the best choice for those with dry skin and girls with contact lenses, but oily skin lumps will form.

Shadows should be chosen according to the color of your eyes. However, do not forget about the tone of clothing. bright shadows with defiant color clothes will look ridiculous. Therefore, you need to find a middle ground between shocking and "dullness".

For each eye color, you can choose the shade that will look the most advantageous, or spoil the natural beauty. How to choose shadows depending on eye color:

eye color Winning Colors Colors not recommended
dark brown, black herbal;


dark sand;





light brown, honey green;


dark chocolate

brown-green turquoise;

dark green;

red gold

green purple;




walnut golden:

bright gold;


rich pink;
blue grey;



bitter chocolate;


grey pink;





For beautiful eye makeup, it is not enough to choose only high-quality cosmetics. You also need to pay attention to special accessories:

  • barrel brush: an option that is suitable for making smokey eyes or blending shadows on the lower eyelid;
  • long-haired brush: an option that is suitable for blending shadows at the outer corner of the eyes;
  • brush with bristles that are cut in the shape of a petal: an option that is suitable for blending cream shadows;
  • a densely packed brush with a beveled edge: an option that is suitable for blending shadows of dark shades in the crease of the upper eyelid.

High-quality brushes will help to make a neat makeup that will last a long time. Once the arsenal is assembled, it will be possible to start applying cosmetics.

Before proceeding to cosmetics directly for the eyes, you need to apply a cream base for makeup. As soon as it is absorbed, the concealer can be used. This cosmetic product is designed to hide bags under the eyes.

Starting eye makeup is with shadows. You can use one of several shades. But it is worth remembering that there should not be clearly defined lines, each line is shaded.

After the shadows, an eyeliner or eyeliner comes into play. The line should be drawn as close to the lash line as possible.

The final touch is ink. Depending on the desired goal and eyelashes, this type of cosmetic product can be applied in one or more layers. Eyelashes must be separated with a specially designed brush to prevent the formation of lumps.

How to paint eyes with shadows: step by step instructions

It is not enough to choose high-quality shadows, the color of which matches the color of the eyes. You also need to apply them in the right order so that the cosmetic does not crumple and lasts as long as possible:

  1. The skin must be carefully prepared by applying nutritious cream and then removing with a napkin what was not absorbed;
  2. Before applying the shadows, you need to use a primer, it will help the shadows retain their color for as long as possible;
  3. On top of the primer, you can apply a little powder so that the shadows lie more evenly;
  4. On the moving area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyelid, you need to apply the main color with a clean medium-sized brush;
  5. On the corner of the eye closer to the nose, you need to apply a lighter shade, on the other - a darker one;
  6. Shadows should be applied with smooth movements from the eyelashes and shaded towards the crease of the eyelid;
  7. The lightest shade should be applied directly under the eyebrows, this trick will suit almost everyone and make the eyebrow visually higher;
  8. The lower eyelid can be tinted with the main color.

How to draw beautiful and neat arrows

How to paint arrows on the eyes? Arrows are a very popular way to emphasize the beauty and expressiveness of the eyes. Everyone can learn to draw them. To do this, you just need to follow simple rules. Technique step by step:

  1. To make the arrows beautiful and neat, you need to rest your elbow on the working hand hard surface, for example, a table;
  2. Initially, the arrow must be drawn thin, and then thickened at will;
  3. The arrows are not drawn in a single line, otherwise it will turn out sloppy;
  4. It’s worth starting with the “tail” of the arrow;
  5. When drawing the main part, you can and should tear off your hand so that the line is as even as possible.

How to line your eyes with a pencil

The pencil is designed to emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes. So that he only enhances beauty, but does not harm her, you should pay attention to following rules. How to paint eyes with a pencil:

  1. Before drawing, it is worth putting several dots on the same line in order to then connect them;
  2. You need to connect the points with a smooth movement from the inner corner of the eye;
  3. When summing up the lower eyelid with a pencil, you need to pull the skin so that wrinkles do not interfere with drawing carefully;
  4. The line on the lower eyelid should be cut off to the lacrimal glands so that tears do not spoil the makeup;
  5. The line on the lower eyelid should be shaded a little to make it look softer.

A special eyeliner that can create an amazing effect is white. It is necessary in order to visually change the shape of the eyes, create a romantic or retro make-up:

  1. With a white pencil, you need to draw a line above the lower eyelashes, this will make the look more attractive and open;
  2. If you draw a line with a white pencil from the middle of the movable upper eyelid to the outer corner, then the eyes will visually appear a little larger;
  3. If you use a white pencil to draw a line at the inner corner of the eyes and add bright shadows, you can create a retro make-up.

How to use eyeliner correctly

Very often, eyeliner is used for the same purposes as eyeliner. But the use of this cosmetic product has its own characteristics. How to paint your eyes with eyeliner:

  1. Apply eyeliner in the direction from the inner corner to the outer;
  2. If the eyeliner is oily, then you need to give it time to dry and do not open your eyes immediately after the line has been drawn;
  3. Eyeliner is not suitable for the lower eyelid, it is better to tint it with a pencil.

How to apply mascara correctly

Mascara can visually correct the shape of the eyes and make them even brighter. How to paint your eyes with mascara? To do this, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Mascara must be applied in the direction from the inner corner to the outer;
  2. Brushes and combs will help to avoid the formation of lumps;
  3. Brushes with short bristles will help to paint over eyelashes even in the corners of the eyes;
  4. For day makeup, you can not apply more than 2 layers, for evening - no more than 4.

Makeup features for different eye shapes

For various forms eyes, you need to choose different approaches to make the flaws invisible, and emphasize the advantages. If you wish, this will be easy.

Makeup for small eyes

Small eyes can be visually made larger, for this you should listen to the following recommendations:

  • clear and sharp lines only focus on the size of the eyes, so you should make a choice in favor of shading;
  • long eyelashes make eyes visually larger, so you should opt for mascara with a lengthening effect;
  • eyelash curlers also "open" the eyes;
  • when applying makeup, you need to make a choice in favor of two matching shades of shadows: light for the entire eyelid, dark for the crease;
  • a light shade also needs to be applied with a special brush to the inner corner in order to visually make the eyes a little further apart.

Makeup for narrow eyes

If the goal is to make narrow eyes visually wider, you should turn to the help of makeup:

  • the lightest shades should be applied to the upper and lower eyelids;
  • mother-of-pearl pencils are best suited for eyeliner;
  • it is worth giving up mascara that lengthens the eyelashes, because this effect makes the eyes even narrower;
  • when eyeliner upper and lower eyelids do not connect the two lines to each other.

Makeup for bulging eyes

You can hide the bulge of your eyes with makeup:

  • lines when eyeliner should be as thin as possible;
  • lower eyelashes can not be painted with mascara;
  • arrows will help to visually lengthen the eyes and correct their shape;
  • the most convex parts can be shaded with dark shades of shadows.

Makeup for close-set eyes

With the help of the competent use of cosmetics, you can visually make your eyes a little further apart:

  • for achievement desired effect you need to apply light shades of shadows on the inner corners of the eyes;
  • the inner corner of the eyes should not be painted over with a pencil, the line should be enlarged from the middle of the century;
  • you need to thickly paint over the eyelashes at the outer corner.

Makeup for wide-set eyes

Makeup can radically change a person's appearance. If you resort to some tricks, even wide-set eyes will seem closer friend to friend:

  • for achievement desired result you need to use shadows of two shades: light and dark;
  • a dark shade should be applied to the inner corner of the eye, shading it to the middle;
  • when using eyeliner or pencil, the line should be drawn thicker at the inner corner of the eye, making it thinner towards the outer.

Makeup for round eyes

It is impossible to paint round eyes, not paying attention to any recommendations and listening only to your intuition. After all, this way you can spoil your beauty and prevent your look from being as attractive as it could be. Do suitable makeup easy for round eyes

  • to give the eyes a "cat" shape, you need to apply a light shade to the entire moving eyelid, and a darker shade to the crease;
  • an arrow from the middle of the eye and with a protruding “tail” will help make the eye visually more elongated;
  • for makeup, you need to use two pencils - white and black: white needs to draw a line from the outer corner of the eye to the middle, and black to continue it to the outer corner;
  • Mascara should be carefully painted over the outer corner of the eye.

How to visually change the shape of the eyes

There are many makeup tricks that are designed to change the shape of the eyes and get closer to the desired ideal. First you need to pay attention to the shadows.

Shadows for evening make-up during the day can create the effect of fatigue and even illness. Therefore, it is worth applying them only for going out in the evenings.

To make the tone seem natural and emphasize the beauty of the eyes, as well as hide imperfections, you need to use several shades that combine with each other. And the main tone should be applied to those parts that you want to focus on. For example, if you want to make your eyes visually further apart, then a dark shade should be applied to the outer corner of the eye. And vice versa.

Mascara, which lengthens the eyelashes, visually stretches the eye. Therefore, it is completely unsuitable for owners narrow eyes, and also not recommended for girls with round eyes.

Girls with small eyes should make a choice in favor of light shadows. Matte will only make the eyes visually even smaller.


Makeup can significantly affect a person's appearance. But in order for him to play for a fashionista, and not against her, you need to follow the rules. They concern not only the application of cosmetics, but also their choice.

You need to choose cosmetics for the eyes in accordance with your own type of appearance. Colors should be combined with each other and create some kind of harmony. This applies not only to shadows, but also to pencils.

One of the most popular types of eye makeup for a long time remain arrows. Any fashionista can draw them after some training. However, there is no one form that would suit everyone. Depending on your eye type, you need to decide where to start and where to end the line.

With the help of competent application of makeup, you can visually change the shape of the eyes and bring them closer to the desired goal. However, if misused, it can be harmful. own beauty. Therefore, you should carefully consider the choice of funds and their application.

And a bit more additional information how to properly paint eyes with shadows - in the next video.

If you are not satisfied with the shape and size of your eyes, then perhaps you simply do not know how to properly emphasize their beauty with makeup. The modern cosmetic industry provides customers with an assortment of cosmetics for every taste. The right makeup for narrow eyes will help you get what you want, achieving the desired effect.

Before you do proper makeup, suitable for narrow eyes, you need to take care of the skin. After all, not a single cosmetic product can hide unkempt and swollen eyelids. In order to soften and nourish the skin of the eyelids, especially after a hard day, it is necessary to treat them with a moisturizer for the eyelids. Be sure to need a cream suitable for your age group.

First of all, it should be noted that narrow eyes require special approach in makeup. This means that standard make up techniques are not suitable for them. They will turn your eyes into slits. Narrow eyes do not always indicate Asian origin. Very often, such a sign can be found among Europeans. It is believed that mascara and eyeliner will only harm the image, making the eyes even smaller than they really are. However, this is not true. In fact, with the help of mascara and eyeliner, you can completely change the look, make it mysterious, languid, and visually enlarge the section of the eyes. To do this, you need to know how to use them.

Black color does not lead to good - owners asian eyes it will only hurt. This is especially true for thick black eyeliner. It is better to change black to gray or brown. You can also use any other color. You need to draw a little higher than the growth of the eyelashes, and it is also worth extending the arrow beyond the outer corner of the eyes.

Shadows will accentuate your eyes. Bright make-up is what your look needs. However, you should not use pink and blue colors, they will add a fatigue effect. Light shades will help visually enlarge the eyes, while dark ones are more suitable for an evening out.

You should not make clear arrows - they will only reduce the shape of your eyes. It is necessary to shade the arrow a little towards the outer corner. If you really want to make an arrow, you need to remember the basic rule - it must be even.

Do not emphasize the lower eyelid with black - there will be no benefit from this. If you are a fan of black eyeliner, then you should shade the lower line of the eyelid.

Eyes are very easy to widen with makeup. However, we should not forget that everything depends not only on them. Many makeup artists believe that the look directly depends on the shape of the eyebrows you choose. You need to take care of them, maintain their neat shape so that the face looks well-groomed. Eyebrows must be combed so that all the hairs lie evenly. It depends on your point of view.

The wider the eyebrow, the smaller the eyes appear. Owners of narrow-set eyes will definitely not fit the now fashionable sable eyebrows. Makeup artists advise girls with narrow eyes to make them thinner, this will visually enlarge the eyes and make them more expressive. Wide eyebrows will set off narrow eyes.

However, it should be remembered that eyebrow-strings also will not give beauty to the face. Shadows and pencils will help to emphasize the eyebrows.

Daily make up rules

Light shimmery shades are perfect for daytime makeup. Apply a light, light shade of shadow on the upper eyelid. Black mascara will not work, you can take blue, gray or brown. Pre-twist the cilia with tweezers to achieve the effect of a doll look.

Highlight the corners of your eyes with a highlighter, preferably in light colors. This will help make your eyes pop. It can also be applied under the eyebrows. brown eyeliner fit better just highlight the upper eyelid with it.

The best mascara

Of course, every girl with narrow eyes is looking for mascara that has the effect of expanding the eyes, but certainly not adding volume. In the case of narrow incisions, the density of eyelashes is contraindicated. It will look advantageous only with large eyes.

You can choose any color of your choice. It should be remembered that black mascara is not the best option, but it is not prohibited. Colored ink works best. Do not apply it without first using eyelash curlers. In order not to damage your eyelashes with constant curling, periodically treat them with castor oil.

Rules for the evening

The task of evening makeup is to emphasize all your best facial features, highlight your eyes and lips.

A foundation is needed to even out the tone. Try not to overdo it. Foundation must be applied with a sponge. Concealer or corrector will help you hide bags under your eyes. This will help make the look more expressive, as fatigue will hide.

Take light lilac or light green shadows, always with a shimmer effect. Apply a light shade on the upper mobile eyelid. Highlight the inner corner of the eyes with a light shade, shadows or a highlighter may come up. And the outer corner must be highlighted dark.

Makeup options

Eyeliner choose gray or brown. Draw an arrow a little above the growth of the eyelashes. Be sure to loosen up a bit. The lower eyelid can be drawn with a colored pencil, the color depends on the overall palette.

In order to achieve the effect of expanding the eyes, you need to choose the right color palette. It is better to choose colors that are light, bright, shimmery, and carefully avoid black. The following is a technique for how to do makeup step by step.

Method 1

  • Moisturize your skin first special cream. The skin of the eyes also needs to be moistened, but ingestion should be avoided. Can be used special cream for eyelids.
  • Even out your complexion with foundation. Concealer mask the circles under the eyes, the corrector will help hide redness.
  • Line your lower eyelid. For this purpose, it is necessary to use a shimmering shade. It all depends on colors which you like. For lovers business makeup mother-of-pearl is suitable, and for the evening you should choose brighter colors - lilac, green, brown. Next, you need to shade the product. The same procedure must be done with the upper eyelid.
  • Apply a light shade of shadow under the eyebrow. It is desirable that a shimmer be present in it. This will make your eyes widen.
  • On the crease and mobile eyelid apply a shade darker, and highlight the inner corner with a light one. In order to receive smooth transition between shades, everything needs to be shaded.
  • Curl your lashes with tweezers and apply mascara. If the eyelashes are thin and inconspicuous, do not overdo it with mascara. This will create the effect of spider legs. Better use false eyelashes.

Method 2

  • Apply to face foundation - foundation, concealer, corrector.
  • Highlight the eyebrows with a pencil, shadows. You can use whichever tool suits you. The correct selection of eyebrows is one of the most important components in increasing the incision of the eyes.
  • Apply light eye shadow- it can be mother-of-pearl, yellow, sand or gold. The moving eyelid is best highlighted with bronze or brown.
  • brown pencil swipe arrow slightly above the height of the eyelashes. Be sure to loosen up a bit. The lower eyelid also needs to be lined and shaded.
  • voluminous mascara, as mentioned above, the worst remedy for Asian eyes, along with black oily eyeliner. Lengthening or separating mascara will do. Paint over the cilia, pre-twisting them. If this is not enough for you, use false eyelashes. They should not be painted with ink.
  • Highlight the lips. If your makeup is evening, you should choose light, calm shades. IN day makeup bright colors are great.

Method 3

Your attention is also presented a variant of evening makeup for narrow eyes. It should be remembered that such a make-up is not suitable for everyday use.

  • Moisturize your face first. There will be a lot of makeup, it will be heavy, which means that your skin will have a hard time.
  • Apply foundation to the skin. Remove all imperfections with a concealer or corrector. Powder your face to set the foundation.
  • Highlight the eyelid with a light shade. Apply dark shadows to the moving part, but saturated colors should be avoided.
  • It is necessary to emphasize the look. To do this, focus on the outer corner of the eyes. A dark saturated shade should be applied.
  • Move your eyes. The arrow should start from the inner corner of the eyes and expand towards the outer. Extend the line beyond the outer corner of the eyes. The length depends on your individual preferences.
  • The eyeliner needs to be shaded. Make it dark saturated shadows. This will make the look open and expressive.
  • Curl your lashes. Apply mascara or use false eyelashes.

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Makeup for narrow and Asian eyes

If nature endowed a woman beautiful eyes Asian type, then the lady should learn how to use cosmetics in order to emphasize her individuality in every possible way. How to paint narrow eyes, what shades of shadows to choose, what makeup to apply during the day and in the evening? Let's discuss in more detail.

Correct makeup for narrow eyes

1. Choose shadows of such a shade that the upper and lower eyelids are as bright as possible. Light pearlescent shadows are applied to the upper, mobile eyelid and under the eyebrows, the fold is isolated matte shadows saturated hue. You can use another option when the lower eyelid is saturated dark shadows followed by shading, and light shadows are applied to the upper eyelids. Such makeup for narrow small eyes is completed by drawing a neat thin arrow directly above the upper eyelid, for which a dark gray pencil is used.

2. For eyeliner, use also mother-of-pearl pencils. Acceptable shades of gray, blue, lilac and brown.

3. How to make arrows for narrow eyes? The classic version of arrows using eyeliner rich color unwanted. Any sharp lines will only highlight the narrow section of the eyes and draw attention to it. However, arrows for narrow eyes are still used, they only draw them up with a gray or gray pencil. Brown. The line is drawn above the upper contour of the eyelid and under the lower contour, then shaded. Visually, the eyes become more open.

To immediately rule out possible mistakes, consider what arrows can be done for narrow eyes. The outline is drawn very carefully in the following ways (types of arrows (photo) for narrow eyes):

The arrows are drawn at some distance from the lash line and carefully shaded.

The contour can be drawn only in the middle of the century, and the edge can be left untouched.

A thin line emphasizes the upper eyelid and thickens in the middle.

The upper contour is completely drawn, the lower contour emphasizes only the outer corner (affects no more than 1/3 of the lower eyelid).

The upper eyelid and the inner corner of the eye are drawn. To give naturalness, it is better to avoid eyeliners and choose a pencil dark shade.

Knowing little tricks, you can do beautiful make-up for narrow eyes, emphasizing and highlighting them.

The main mistakes when doing makeup for small narrow eyes

Ignorance of the basic principles of applying makeup can play a cruel joke on the owners of narrow oriental eyes. To prevent the eyes from turning into small slits, it is important not to repeat common mistakes:

1. When doing makeup for narrow eyes, do not use lengthening mascara. Eyelashes that are too long and the emerging edging hides the cut, making the eyes even smaller.

2. If makeup is performed for narrow eyes without eyelids, then the contour should not be drawn close to the lash line. One has only to step back a little, as the cut will become more rounded.

3. Summing up the lower and upper eyelids, it is not necessary to connect the lines at the outer edge. This will make your eyes appear larger.

4. By doing natural makeup for narrow eyes, do not use black eyeliner or pencil.

Step by step makeup for narrow eyes

Step 1. First, we put in order the eyebrows. Remove with tweezers extra hairs. Draw a line with a pencil and blend with a special brush. Carefully brush your eyebrows. Apply light shadows to the brow area.

Step 2. Apply light shadows to the moving eyelid.

Step 3. Highlight the lower eyelid with light shadows. This technique also helps to hide the natural blueness under the eyes.

Step 4. On the outer corner of the upper eyelid, apply more dark shade shadows.

Step 5. Softly blend the shadows on the upper eyelid, achieving a smooth transition between shades.

Step 6. With a dark brown pencil, highlight the contour of the upper eyelid, drawing a neat line slightly above the eyelash growth area. Shade it.

Step 7. Moving from the middle of the lower eyelid to its outer edge, draw the lower contour. Softly blend the lines (photo 7, 8, 9).

Step 8. Apply brown or gray mascara. We apply light blush on the cheekbones.

Everyday makeup for narrow eyes

Every day you need to devote enough time to applying makeup. Eyebrows are of great importance, which must be given the perfect shape. In this case, the hairs are plucked exclusively from the lower part, so the distance between the eyebrow and the eye increases.

Apply to the upper eyelid suitable shade shadows light color. You can lightly apply dark shadows on the crease of the eyelid and its outer corner. The brow area is highlighted. As additional cosmetics, brown mascara, dark brown or gray pencil are best suited. Makeup for every day for narrow eyes allows the use of a different palette of shadows depending on the color of the iris.

When applying this type of make up for narrow eyes, the general rules remain unchanged, but the shades of the shadows can be more saturated. It is even allowed to use black mascara, but it is forbidden to apply it in more than one layer. So the eyelashes are fluffy, but do not weigh down the narrow incision.

Of course, on this significant day, it is best to seek help from professional makeup artist, which will not only correctly emphasize the ideal shape of the eyes, but also choose correct shades cosmetics. Here it is important to take into account the nuance that not every shade of mother-of-pearl shadows with sparkles will look harmonious in the photo.

Wedding makeup for narrow blue and gray eyes is performed using turquoise, gray, lilac and purple shadows. hazel and green eyes can be emphasized favorably with shades of cream, pink, beige or light brown.

Makeup for narrow brown eyes

The general rules for applying cosmetics do not differ. The difference is only in the choice of shade of shadows. Blondes with luxurious brown eyes can use pink, light green, peach and sand shades. Brunettes should choose golden, gray, lilac and lavender shades. Shadows of a darker shade are applied to the outer part of the upper eyelid. Highlight the inner edge with light-colored cosmetics.

Makeup for gray narrow eyes

Gray and blue eyes can be emphasized by using shades of blue, gray and blue shades. You can experiment in front of the mirror to choose the right color.

Makeup for narrow green eyes

Here gray and purple shades shadows.

Makeup for narrow hazel-green eyes

Blondes with hazel-green eyes should use purple tones shadows. Brunettes with dark skin this case perfect fit various shades of blue color. It is believed that the owners of brown-green eyes are ideal for shadows. Pink colour. But if the eyes are narrow, yes, besides, there is such a disadvantage as an overhanging eyelid, oh pink shadows better to forget.

Makeup for narrow Asian eyes

First, you should determine what features are inherent in the Asian type of face. First of all, these are slanting narrow eyes with hanging eyelids, framed by almost imperceptible eyelashes. Skin with a yellowish tint and full, beautifully defined lips.

Makeup for Asian eyes step by step

The first step is to apply foundation to the skin to achieve the perfect shade. Concealer is applied to the eyelids. Eyebrows are drawn to give clarity.

Step 1. Before applying makeup on Asian eyes, it is important to decide on the choice of color of cosmetics. It is customary to apply shadows of a calm shade on the entire upper eyelid. The advantage of women with an Asian type of face is that they can use shadows of almost all colors, both cold and warm colors. The only exceptions are red and terracotta colors which can make your eyes look puffy and tired. This is a prerequisite when doing makeup for narrow eyes with an impending eyelid.

Step 2. Performing makeup for Asian eyes, the outer corner of the upper eyelid is highlighted with shadows of a darker shade, shading them towards the middle (photo 2, 3, 4).

Step 3. The lower eyelid is decorated with a similar color of the shadows, applying cosmetics closer to the outer corner of the eye (photo 5, 6).

Step 4. Mascara is applied to the eyelashes with one layer and combed gently. If you have practice, you can glue false eyelashes (photo 7).

When doing makeup for Asian eyes with an impending eyelid, it is allowed not to stain the eyelashes located at the inner corner of the eye for every day.

To top it off, you can gently curl the eyelashes at the outer corner of the eye.

Natural makeup for Asian eyes can be done in one of the following ways:

1. Application light shade on the mobile eyelid and a dark shade on the outer corner of the eye and lower eyelid.

2. Enlargement of the eye by drawing an apparent crease on the upper eyelid. In this way, you can make the eyes bigger.

Daytime makeup for Asian eyes is performed in golden beige and yellowish shades.

There are also options here. A foundation is always applied to the face, which evens out the skin tone, making it perfect. The eyes are painted with shadows of bright and saturated colors.

Step 1. Upper eyelid you need to decorate with light shadows.

Step 2. Take the shadows a tone darker and emphasize the shape of the eye by drawing a triangle on the outer corner of the moving eyelid.

Step 3. Blend the line along the imaginary crease.

Step 4. From the middle of the upper eyelid to the edge, apply shadow bright shade, in this case, a rich raspberry color.

Step 5. With a rich color eyeliner or pencil, carefully draw a thickening arrow on the upper eyelid (photo 5, 6).

Step 6. Gently line the lower eyelid with a dark purple pencil, stepping back a little from the lash line (photo 7).

Step 7. Apply mascara in one layer and brush your lashes.

How to paint Asian eyes with eyeliner? For narrow eyes, it is not recommended to use eyeliner, but Asian-type eyes can be emphasized in this way, it is only important to know a little secret: the eyeliner is clearly drawn along the lash line, but the line expands to the outer corner of the eye and ends with a neat arrow directed to the temporal part. It is useful to visit makeup lessons for Asian eyes in order to get acquainted in detail with all the nuances of applying cosmetics.

It is worth noting that given type makeup is perfect for owners of slanting, narrow eyes.

We carefully line the upper eyelid with a black pencil and blend the line.
We apply black shadows on top of the shading and also gently blend, trying not to smudge too much.
We bring the lower eyelid with a black pencil, blend it.
By using beige shadows on the upper eyelid, blend the border with black shadows.
Apply mascara, draw eyebrows.