What makeup is best for narrow eyes: the opinion of makeup artists. Emphasizing your strengths - makeup ideas for narrow eyes

A narrow eye shape is a problem only for those who do not know how to choose correct makeup. For narrow eyes Standard makeup application techniques are not suitable for a regular cut; there are some secrets here. Makeup artists know how to transform narrow eyes so that they shine in a new way. With a little work and patience, you can easily master these techniques and select matching makeup for your beautiful narrow eyes.

Narrow eye shape is not limited to girls of Asian origin. Not big eyes are also found among Europeans.

Regardless of the color of narrow eyes, black eyeliner and an abundance of mascara are completely contraindicated for this type of appearance. Too black and long eyelashes will cover part of the eye, and bright dark eyeliner will make the eyes even narrower.

Makeup for brown narrow eyes imposes virtually no restrictions on the choice of color. Makeup artists advise trying to apply pink, green, brown, as well as metallic shades of eyeshadow to brown-eyed beauties. Shadows with a tint from dirty pink to pale pink look great. However, be careful with both pink and blue shades, they should not create the effect of tired eyes.

Evening makeup for narrow eyes

If you have small eyes and you are about to go out, you can wear carnival mask, but only if you are going to an evening masquerade ball. In other cases, makeup artists believe that a girl with narrow eyes should not be confident in herself. less than any big-eyed beauty. To do this, they offer to your attention techniques that will turn any shy girl into a fatal beauty. However, you need to remember that ordinary techniques will not help here. To make makeup for narrow eyes beautiful and well disguise imperfections, you need to know some tricks.

Target narrow type, first of all, an optical illusion, that is, one should get the impression that the eyes are larger than they really are. for narrow eyes, like daytime, it starts with evening out the tone. We hide all minor imperfections with a corrector and apply foundation. Now you can start doing eye makeup.

First we apply it to everything upper eyelid The base is light shadows with a shimmering effect. Shadows are applied only to the moving eyelid. On its outer part more dark color, and the inner corner is light. For evening version Light lilac shadows are suitable.

Outline the eye contour with a blue pencil. Draw a line just above the eyelashes and blend. The lower eyelid can be lined with a blue pencil.

If the line on the upper eyelid recedes too much from the edge of the eyelid, then the makeup will not look natural.

For evening makeup for narrow eyes, black mascara is also suitable, but it should be applied in one layer. Be sure to curl your eyelashes with a curling iron, and outside century, you can glue several bunches of false eyelashes.

Step-by-step makeup for narrow eyes

The main thing is correct selection color range. Through trial and error, you can choose exactly those shades that visually enlarge your eyes and match your appearance. If you have completely decided on the color, then it’s time to master the technique of applying makeup.

Let's consider step by step description makeup for narrow eyes.

Properly selected makeup can hide natural flaws in appearance and focus on the advantages of facial features. For example, observing certain rules, can be applied beautiful make-up for narrow eyes so that they will visually appear larger. Let's look at the basic techniques recommended by makeup artists.

Black - no!

It is a mistake to believe that black eyeliner or a thick layer of mascara can visually widen the eyes. This provides the opposite effect - the dark line narrows the palpebral fissure even more. Therefore, you should abandon black mascara and eyeliner in favor of gray or brown products.

Classic arrows, obtained by drawing along the lash line, are also inappropriate for makeup for narrow eyes, because they lengthen the eyelid, again providing an inappropriate narrowing effect. In this case, you will have to use eyeliner in a special way, and below we will look at a few tricks.

How to line narrow eyes?

There are three techniques that can “open” your eyes:

  1. Used classical technique application, however, not at the very line of eyelash growth, but with a slight indentation from them. The ideal result is achieved after several trainings in front of the mirror - it is important to choose the optimal distance of indentation, which is individual for all ladies. The applied arrow is carefully shaded, depriving the line of sharp strokes.
  2. On the upper eyelid, the arrow is drawn along the entire length, and on the lower eyelid - only a third, starting from the outer corner; shading is required.
  3. The upper eyelid is drawn very thinly from the inner corner to the middle, and then the line smoothly but noticeably thickens.

In makeup for narrow green and brown eyes, it is appropriate to use eyeliner or pencil in brown, gray and dark green shades. Another trick that visually widens the eyelid is with particles of mother-of-pearl, which are used to draw a line at the base of the lower eyelashes.

What shadows are best to use?

Dark shades are not suitable for everyday makeup for narrow eyes, although they are of no use in evening makeup for obvious reasons. But light shadows with particles that reflect light are appropriate to apply to the upper eyelid and under the eyebrows. Saturated matte shadows are applied to the crease area, and light, but having a silky texture, are applied to the actual moving eyelid. Makeup for narrow gray or blue eyes is done using lilac, brown, gray and light blue tones, while brown-eyed ladies can afford the whole palette, including shades of pink.

Makeup application schemes

Traditionally, the following algorithm for applying makeup for narrow small eyes is used:

  1. The upper movable eyelid is divided into two parts: closer to inner corner light shadows are applied, and dark ones near the outer ones.
  2. It is very important to remove the contrasting border between shades, which is achieved through careful shading.

Another interesting move: apply dark shadows to the lower eyelid, and only light matte shades to the upper eyelid. The transition border and the lower eyeliner should be shaded. Mascara is applied to a minimum.

Makeup for narrow Asian eyes

To the owners slanted eyes can be used next appointment: on the upper eyelid, an imaginary fold is drawn with dark eyeliner. If you don’t need to adjust the shape and size of your eyes, make-up would be appropriate by applying light shadows to the moving eyelid and dark shadows to the outer corner. By the way, ladies with Asian features should wear black cosmetics and classic arrows are not contraindicated: on the contrary, they add a special charm. Shadows in coffee, pearl and cream tones look beautiful, while pink and red colors make the eyes look tired and teary.

“The eyes are large and expressive...” How often do we hear and read this in books. And if they are small or narrow, what does it immediately mean: inexpressive, ugly?

No! And again no! Let's try to apply the main rule in assessment: good objectivity (i.e., while approving something, we do not reject the opposite). Big eyes are good, of course. But narrow ones are great too! IN Lately In the West, slanted, high-cheekboned beauties are highly valued. Sort of a Korean type. As a rule, such girls often have very expressive patterns by nature full lips, and this is their main feature! But even if this advantage is not present, so to speak, then we will still be able to highlight the eyes and “present” them in the best possible way!

Rule 1. Choose the right color

Eye and skin color plays an important role. Let's try to remember our artistic skills and use our imagination. After all, we were all artists in childhood! Let me remind you, by the way, that green eyes will highlight purple, and blue, noble gray and cornflower blue - all shades of the indicated gray-blue flowers. So, good choice colors are the first rule.

Rule 2. Draw the arrows of the upper eyelid correctly

Under no circumstances will we outline our eyes around and inside, as this will visually make them smaller. You can draw an “arrow” that thickens and lengthens the eye over the upper eyelid. It is very desirable - not very black, that is, not the darkest of the entire palette.

Rule 3. Design of the lower eyelid

We will not clearly outline the lower eyelid, but will draw a bold, smeared outline of color top arrow or dark gray, almost black. Or any other - as long as it is harmonious with the color of the eyes! Let's blend the line. This will visually enlarge your eyes.

Rule 4. Shadows on the upper eyelid

There is a classic here: a gradual transition from dark colors to the lightest (pale pale pink, pale pale beige, silver to the eyebrows). We do not apply shadow under the lower eyelid. Only in the case of natural “blueness” under the eyes will we disguise it special pencil or white-silver shadows.

Rule 5. Mascara

Here it’s already an acquired taste. Black, increasing volume and length - and you can’t go wrong. But you can experiment. Do not be afraid! The main thing is to carefully use brown mascara and pink-red eye shadow so that your eyes do not look sick or rabbit-like.

Well, that seems to be all! Then a little blush. Or you can do it without blush. And a little lipstick or gloss on your lips.

Beauty, whatever you say, is still a terrible force!

Eyes with a narrow slit are headache only for those who don’t know how to choose makeup correctly. Standard makeup application techniques are not suitable for narrow eyes - there are some secrets here. You need to know them to transform narrow eyes. But with a little effort, you can easily master these techniques and make your eyes truly beautiful.

Makeup techniques according to the color of narrow eyes

It's not just girls of Asian descent who have narrow eyes. They are also found among Europeans. For this type of appearance, black eyeliner and mascara are completely unacceptable. Excessively long and black eyelashes will make your eyes appear smaller, and black eyeliner will make them even narrower.
  • Makeup for beauties with narrow skin brown eyes has no color restrictions. Green, pink, brown, metallic shades suit them. Shadows with a transition from dirty pink to pale pink look great. But don't overdo it with blue and pink - your eyes may appear tired.
  • Narrow green eyes gray, lilac, blue are suitable, brown colors. Avoid black eyeliner and use brown and gray ones. To make narrow eyes look bigger, apply eyeliner with a thicker line in the middle of the eyelid. Apply a contour line on a small gap from the eyelashes. Do some shading.
  • Makeup for narrow gray and blue eyes are similar in color. Here you can use brown, lilac, gray, blue colors. Be careful when experimenting with pink and blue eyeshadows.

Doing daytime makeup for narrow eyes

When applying makeup for narrow eyes, it is advisable to use shades of the same color scheme. To visually “open” the eyes, apply shadows to the upper eyelids light shade with flickering.

Mascara should be in harmony with general makeup. When creating makeup for the day, you can take brown or blue mascara. The look will seem more open if you first curl your eyelashes with tweezers.

Narrow day suits the eyes makeup in beige tones. Apply pearlescent shadows or highlighter, stick, pencil to the area under the eyebrows. Along the upper eyelid brown pencil Apply the contour above the lash line.

Use highlighter to highlight the inside corner of your eye. Apply brown mascara to your eyelashes. Don't forget about your eyebrows. Their shape should be neat, without extra hairs. For narrow eyes, make your eyebrows a little thinner than usual. They need to be painted.

How to do evening makeup for narrow eyes

The main task of this makeup is to create the impression that the eyes are larger. Start by evening out the tone. We hide minor imperfections with corrector or concealer and apply foundation. Light lilac shadows are suitable for evening. Draw the outline with a blue pencil. Draw a line a little higher than the eyelashes. Line the bottom of the eyelid with a blue pencil. Black mascara is suitable for evening - only one layer. Eyelashes need to be curled with tweezers.

Makeup for narrow eyes step by step

A competent choice of color palette is the main thing in makeup for Asian eyes. Through experimentation, you can find colors that suit your appearance. When this task is solved, begin to master the technique of applying makeup.

Video tutorial on how to do makeup for narrow eyes

They say that big eyes are main feature beauty of a woman. Therefore, owners of eyes with an oriental narrow slit are forced to constantly invent something to make their gaze more expressive and beautiful. The best way to do this is to apply the right makeup. In this article we will tell you how to do makeup for narrow eyes with photos for any occasion.

Oriental eyes are the highlight of a woman, which needs to be properly emphasized. We'll tell you the basic rules for applying makeup for narrow eyes so you can highlight them natural beauty, and not make them visually narrower.

What are these rules:

  1. When creating makeup, under no circumstances use brasmatic, which lengthens the eyelashes, or thick, dark-colored eyeliner (it is strictly forbidden to use black or any other dark-colored cosmetics). Such cosmetic devices will narrow it down even more asian eyes girl.
  2. In order to achieve makeup for a girl with narrow eyes, but at the same time with drooping eyelids, you must know that you cannot draw the contour of the cut close to the line where the eyelashes grow. You need to step back a little and only then line your eyes. This will make them visually a little larger.
  3. When you draw lines on both eyelids (upper and lower) with eyeliner, do not connect them at the corner of the eye, because this will only narrow the eyelid.
  4. Choose the right eye shadow when coloring your Asian eyes. Makeup artists recommend that they be light, pearlescent, if you need to paint a moving eyelid ( we're talking about about the upper), and vice versa, saturated and matte, if you need to paint the lower eyelid. Select the colors of the shadows, taking into account not only the eastern shape of the eyes, it is also important to take into account the color of the iris of the eyeball. For example:
  • if you are doing makeup on a girl with narrow eyes blue color(or any shade of it), then you need to use shadows with a gray, bluish or blue tint;
  • if you are doing makeup on a girl who has narrow green eyes, then you need to use shadows either with green tint, either with purple;
  • for a girl with narrow eyes of brown (or any shade of it) color, you need to use shadows of either a purple or pink shade.
  1. Eyeliner for narrow eyes should be either gray, blue, lilac or light brown. Dark colors needs to be excluded.

If you clearly understand the above rules, you can easily give yourself and your friends beautiful eye makeup and visually enlarge them.

Makeup for narrow eyes: step-by-step instructions

Now we will tell you what the sequence of your actions should be in order to properly apply makeup to a beauty with narrow eyes:

  1. First of all, you need to fill in your eyebrows. Fill them in first with a special pencil - just draw a line of color so that you can shade it using an eyebrow brush. Comb them and paint them with white shadow above the growth line to make the eyebrows stand out.
  2. Next we work on the outline of the outer eyelid. We apply any shadows to it, as long as they are light. When choosing a shade of eye shadow, do not forget to select a color that matches the iris of the eye. edge upper eyelid(meaning the outer corner) shade using dark shadows, but carefully, because this way you can narrow the eastern shape of the eyes. Only after this is it necessary to shade the shadows so that the transition between the shadows in front of the eyes looks neat and attractive, and not flashy and harsh.
  3. We select on the upper eyelid the line along which the eyelashes grow. We use a pencil for this, not liquid eyeliner(it is advisable to choose a warm tone, but darkish, for example, brown is ideal for this purpose). Just remember again that you need to draw this line above the growth of the eyelashes. The eyeliner should also be shaded so that it does not stand out too much.
  4. Then we paint the lower eyelid. Be sure to first apply light matte shadows to remove the blue under the eyes.
  5. Draw a line along the line lower eyelid. This must be done carefully, moving from the center of the lower eyelid to its corner (the edge where the eyeliner lines of the upper and lower eyelids usually connect). Also after this, carefully shade the pencil.
  6. After this, we paint the eyelashes with mascara either gray or light brown.

This makeup will make your oriental eyes attractive to the entire stronger half of humanity. When you go out into the street with your eyes painted according to the above instructions, you will never feel complex, but you will have to catch the admiring glances of strangers on yourself.

Types of makeup for narrow eyes

Correctly selected makeup for every occasion gives a woman mystery and individuality. Girls with narrow eyes are no exception. Despite the fact that there are certain rules for applying basic eye makeup for them, in some cases you can deviate from the rules in order to emphasize the solemnity and importance of the moment for a girl who is going to some event.

We will look at several makeup options that you can use when going to work, a restaurant or a wedding:

  1. How to do makeup for a girl with narrow eyes for every day (daytime option) :
  • Always given great attention eyebrows - if they are wide enough despite the fact that you have a narrow eye shape, you need to pluck them so that they become thin. This will help you make your eyes look bigger because there will be much more space between your eyelid and eyebrow.
  • It is advisable to carefully paint the space under the eyebrow with white shadows. This will emphasize the thinness of the eyebrow line and visually expand the area of ​​the moving eyelid. You can also use a pencil for this purpose, but after using it you must definitely shade the result.
  • For everyday makeup, it is not recommended to paint the lower eyelid. You can only paint over the blue under the eyes, if there is any, with beige or white shadows. Girls who enjoy foundation, and without shadows will cope perfectly with this unpleasant problem.

  1. How to do makeup for a beauty with narrow eyes for a party (evening makeup option):
  • In this case, it is recommended to adhere to the application of makeup basic rules, however, achieve more expressive look possible if you use saturated cosmetics dark shades(You can even use black mascara, but you can only apply it to the eyelashes in 1 layer).
  • We suggest you make smoky eyes for an evening event. To do this, first of all, apply powder to the entire eye area - both eyelids and eyebrows.
  • Apply thin line with a dark pencil along the upper and lower eyelids, shading them in the corner of the eye so that it is dark and bright.
  • Apply the lightest shadow you have across the entire surface of your upper eyelid to create a smoky effect on your eyes.
  • Choose a shade of shadow darker than the main one and apply it to the moving area of ​​the upper eyelid (the folds are usually located in this part).
  • Then take a fluffy brush and blend the dark shadows with the painted corner to make smooth transition between flowers.
  • Use light shadows to paint the entire lower eyelid and the area under the eyebrows.
  • After this, take black mascara and paint both the upper and lower eyelashes with 1 layer (in this case, you still cannot use brasmatic, which lengthens the eyelashes).

  1. How to do makeup for a girl with narrow eyes who is going to a wedding as a bride (choose shadows to match wedding make-up necessary, taking into account not only the girl’s appearance, but also the color of her dress, jewelry and bouquet, because sometimes it’s the minor shades of the image that can help in creating a beautiful formal makeup):
  • To prevent the bride from looking vulgar, avoid using dark shadows, pencils and mascara - preferably choose brown shades.
  • It is better to choose shadows to match the bride’s eye color. Sometimes you can deviate from the rules and paint the upper eyelid with the shade that predominates in the bride’s bouquet.
  • As a rule, make-up artists glue eyelashes on girls for important celebrations so that their eyes look more expressive in the photo. For girls with narrow eyes, this is not a solution. In the photo, because of this, they will have very narrow eyes.
  • If a girl has dark eye color, it is best to apply everyday makeup, and highlight the eyebrows brightly. Her look will be very attractive and at the same time as natural as possible.

We hope that our recommendations will help you in creating makeup for those with oriental eyes. It is in our power to make the beauty’s gaze irresistible and alluring. Knowing just a few basic secrets, you can transform into the woman of any man’s dreams.

Video: “Makeup for narrow eyes”