Eyeliner. How to paint your eyes with liquid eyeliner

Every second woman uses eyeliner. The beauty industry is developing more and more new tools that allow you to correctly and easily line your eyes. The result of such makeup is a bright, memorable look.

Why do women line their eyes?

A correctly drawn arrow is capable of:

  • correct the shape of the eyes;
  • make the look open, eyes wide open;
  • visually correct the fit of the eyes;
  • minimize the effect of the impending century;
  • visually increase the volume of eyelashes and their growth line.

Eyeliner methods

There are many variations of possible leads. Some women prefer to combine several types or adapt a particular type of arrow for themselves.

The main ones are:

  • narrow;
  • wide;
  • double;
  • elongated;
  • for half a century;
  • shaded;
  • colored.

Arrows are drawn with a pencil, a flat, wide and short brush, a thin and round brush, an applicator, a felt-tip pen.

Stages of drawing arrows

Eyeliner - professional make-up artists know how to properly line your eyes.

They distinguish several main stages of this process:

Eyeliner for round eyes

Such arrows are able to bring softness and balance of forms to the look.

Eyeliner for narrow eyes

Women with narrow eyes should choose arrows that will expand in the middle of the eyelid line. The end can be raised, wide or narrow.

Such an eyeliner will open your eyes, make them rounder, more harmonious.

Eyeliner for almond-shaped eyes

Almond-shaped eyes are versatile and winning. Any arrow will decorate the makeup. With the help of different types of summing up, it is possible to achieve a bright, gentle or “invisible” result.

For daytime makeup, you should choose thin arrows that practically do not extend beyond the lash line. For the evening, wide, glossy options are preferred that will highlight the beauty of the eyes and makeup.

Eyeliner for deep set eyes

Women with deep-set eyes are contraindicated to bring them in black. Suitable shades are brown, green, dark blue. It is necessary to bring the upper eyelid, the line should be thin. It can be shaded at will.

This type of summing up will highlight the eyes and will not aggravate their deep location. It is better to choose the color of the eyeliner in accordance with the color of the eyes.

Eyeliner for slanted eyes

You can eliminate excessive slanting of the eyes by paying special attention to their inner corner. It needs to be painted over a little less than to the middle of the lower eyelid with a continuous line. Thus, visually the eyes will align, they will look like almond-shaped.

Eyeliner for wide-set eyes

For distant eyes, an arrow is required that does not extend beyond the eyelid, with a carefully drawn inner corner. In addition, a quarter of the length of the lower eyelid is brought from the outside of the eye. The upper outer part of the arrow can be shaded.

As a result, the face will visually become narrower, the eyes will get closer, the wide forehead will not stand out.

Eyeliner with lowered outer corners

The lowered outer corners of the eyes give the face a touch of despondency. To avoid this, the arrow of the upper eyelid is drawn thin, with a clear thickening, starting from the middle of the eye. Its tip is drawn above the lash line by a few millimeters. It should be sharp and angled upwards. If the lower eyelid is additionally brought up, then both arrows merge into one.

Thus, the face acquires lightness, the eyes “smile” a little.

Pencil eyeliner

The pencil is relevant in cases of eyeliner by women who do not always get even, regular arrows. Since it can be easily corrected or completely removed and start drawing again.

It is great for experimenting with eye make-up. The negative point is that it smudges quickly and imprints in the crease of the eyelid. An arrow drawn with a pencil (even a hard one) must be corrected at least 3 times a day. It is most practical to draw with a pencil wide, extraordinary arrows, shaded arrows, color options.

Using liquid eyeliner

When applying liquid eyeliner, a firm hand and practice are required, since it is problematic to correct the finished arrow due to the high durability of such a tool.

You can learn how to properly line your eyes with eyeliner right away. Therefore, it is recommended to start experimenting with liquid eyeliner, and gradually try with a pencil and regular eyeliner.

When dry, the arrow becomes either matte or glossy. The product is applied with a special brush. A distinctive feature is the ability to apply both a very thin line and a wide, sweeping arrow. The use of liquid eyeliner is suitable for both daytime and evening make-up.

Ink eyeliner

Eyeliner - few people know how to properly line their eyes with mascara. This is an alternative method when the eyeliner has run out, dried up or lost. To highlight the eyes, you need a flat, beveled brush. on which regular mascara is applied.

This must be done with driving movements, since the ink is not intended for the usual drawing of an arrow. It is not always possible to clearly draw the line of the eyelids in this way, so makeup artists recommend shading the entire arrow or its outer edge. Excess and irregularities must be removed with a cotton swab. It is important that the mascara is fresh, otherwise the application will become problematic.

Eyeliner shadows

Another alternative option for eyeliner is shadows.

The advantages of the method are:

The only disadvantage of the method is considered to be low resistance. Such an arrow should be corrected throughout the day. The arrows made with shadows are quite wide, soft, natural. You can sum up both centuries.

Using a marker pen

The eyeliner in the form of a felt-tip pen is more resistant than a pencil, but it is also convenient to apply. The finish of such eyeliners is always matte, less bright than liquid liners.

With a felt-tip pen, it is possible to draw any clear arrow, and with certain skills, an ultra-thin line. The tool is difficult to extinguish, so to get a soft arrow, it is better to use a pencil, shadows or ink.

Using dry eyeliner

Dry eyeliner is similar in characteristics to ordinary baked shadows. Apply with a dry or wet brush.
It has a low degree of durability and a wide range of colors. Application features are identical to the shadows.

Brunettes often have brown, green-brown, almost black eyes.

With such external data, the following are preferable:

  • classic smokey;
  • two-color classic hand (black and gold);
  • feathered graphite liner adapted to the shape of the eyes.

Blondes are the owners of blue, blue, gray, gray-blue eyes.

Therefore, in relation to their image, we can distinguish:

Brown-haired, green, amber eyes predominate.

Arrows suitable for the general image will be:

  • emerald blurry wide arrows;
  • dark brown smoky;
  • dark purple arrows of a suitable shape.

Women with red hair can have bright blue, blue, gray, brown, green eyes.

Based on the existing color, it is necessary to select arrows that will favorably emphasize the entire image:

  1. Black arrows are not recommended for blue-eyed people (the exception is a stylistic necessity). Preferably light smokey ice smoky gray, which, if desired, can be supplemented with a silver eyeliner;
  2. Makeup artists advise gray-eyed girls to draw ultra-thin arrows and better not black. Suitable colors: cold saturated beige, marsh, bright gray matte;
  3. Brown-eyed people can afford brown eyeliner with a red undertone, black. For evening makeup, you can opt for rich, brighter shades. For daytime - light nude warm tones are suitable;
  4. For green-eyed girls, eyeliner is suitable for the color of the eyes or hair, but a tone darker - dark green or dark brown. It is important not to overdo it, as red-haired girls are initially quite bright.

It is preferable to draw eyes with dry eyeliner, shadows, colored pencils. Colors should be chosen brown, marsh, deep blue. This will make the look gentle, romantic, emphasize the youthfulness of the girl's face.

Suitable would be:

  • shaded or clear arrow on half of the upper eyelid;
  • a thin colored arrow on the entire eyelid, not extending beyond the eye;
  • thin, with a thickening to the outer edge and summed up by the lower eyelid, the arrow.

Technique of eyeliner clear arrows

It is possible to achieve maximum clarity by using a liquid liner as an eyeliner.

It is important to follow a few tips:

  1. You should start drawing the arrow as close as possible to the eyelashes so that there are no gaps;
  2. An even and clear arrow is obtained if you visually divide the eyeliner line into two parts. First, the outer edge with a pointed end is drawn, then the inner part of the arrow is carefully drawn, which harmoniously merges into a single line;
  3. Also, to get clear arrows, you can use a stencil, which will help make symmetrical arrows and reduce the likelihood of spoiling them.

Blurred haze eyeliner technique

Achieving a blurry arrow is simple - it should be shaded with shadows of a suitable color. To get the effect of smoky makeup, a pencil with which an arrow is drawn is ideal. Then, with shadows of a similar shade, the drawn line is slammed with an applicator or a round brush.

Eyes with blurry arrows look natural and a little mysterious. At the same time, they remain bright and attractive.

Day makeup

For daytime makeup, suitable arrow options are:

evening make-up

For evening make-up, the following would be suitable:

  • wide arrows;
  • two-color arrows (black + color);
  • colored arrows (color should be in harmony with the image);
  • "cat" arrows;
  • glossy arrow options;
  • "Egyptian" arrows.

Eyeliner and eye color

The appearance of the arrow does not depend on the color of the eyes. Their shape, facial features are important. You can combine the color of the eyes and the color of the eyeliner.
In this case:

  • Women with blue eyes should pay attention to blue or green eyeliners. Warm shades of copper, gold, terracotta can also emphasize the depth of the eyes;
  • Eyeliner of any shade will emphasize brown eyes. For example, rich brown, marsh, shades of dark gold. For an extraordinary make-up, you can choose bright, catchy colors (bright blue, purple, shimmer);
  • For green eyes, it is preferable to choose mahogany-colored eyeliner, ripe cherry, plum, red walnut, eggplant. You can also emphasize the color of the eyes by drawing a steel arrow;
  • Grey-eyed representatives of the fair sex are suitable for warm beige shades of different intensities. The bright silver arrow also adds extra shine to the look.

The influence of the color of the arrows on the image

The color of the arrows indirectly affects the image.

Surrounding people perceive eyeliner of different shades in this way:

  1. Black arrows give the image of mystery, glamour. They are an ideal option for evening, solemn make-up;
  2. Dark green, blue, brown arrows give the image of nobility, status. Helps enhance the natural beauty of the eyes. Colors are suitable for evening and day makeup. It is important to choose the right degree of brightness and saturation of shades;
  3. Bright purple, lilac, orange, gold or silver arrows indicate the outrageous image and the courage of a woman who decided on such a make-up. In most cases, this is a stylistic decision based on the desire to achieve a certain reaction from others.

If the eyeliner is dry

You can revive the eyeliner in different ways. The pencil, which began to crumble, must be held for several seconds over the fire. High temperature will melt it and make it softer and brighter.

Scissors will help to quickly restore the felt-tip pen eyeliner. Cut off the dry end at an angle.

Cream, liquid eyeliners can be diluted with the following means:

You can quickly learn how to line your eyes correctly if you read a few tips from professional makeup artists:

  1. Eyeliner, regardless of the type of arrow drawn, should begin with a thin, root line of the same width, filling the space between the eyelashes. After - the arrow of the required width and length is drawn;
  2. For greater accuracy and harmony, the arrow is drawn on a half-closed eye. Then the result will be as originally intended;
  3. Since an overly wide and long arrow (for evening makeup) can “eat up” part of the eyelash volume, makeup artists recommend using false eyelashes (bundles);
  4. To prevent smearing or imprinting of the arrows, you can powder the upper eyelids 1-2 times during the course.

From the foregoing, it follows that the technique of correct eyeliner is a whole art, which, however, can be easily learned.

The types of arrows are very diverse and depend on the characteristics of the cut of the eyes, the color type of the representative of the beautiful half of humanity and the purpose of the application (the planned event). Given all the nuances described above, the look can be made bright and memorable.

Video about the method of drawing arrows

How to properly line your eyes:

Quick daily makeup with soft arrows:

How to paint your eyes with liquid eyeliner?

Liquid eyeliner is an excellent way to highlight the eyes, enlarge or lengthen them, adjust the shape and visually thicken the eyelashes. Some girls are afraid to use it for the willfulness of an overly flexible brush, which strives to slip away and put a blot. Others, on the contrary, have adapted to use eyeliner and cannot imagine day and evening makeup without it. We will tell you how to paint your eyes with liquid eyeliner.

Types of liquid eyeliners

1. Marker. A liquid eyeliner packaged in a handy tube. It looks like an ordinary felt-tip pen with a hard felt tip. Easy for beginners but can stain lashes.

2. With a flexible tip. It is difficult to use, but if you learn how to use it, then you will appreciate it. Does not stain eyelashes and allows you to draw a line even between them.

High-quality eyeliner does not cause a feeling of constriction, does not flow under the influence of moisture and does not crack. At any time of the day or night, it has a glossy (lacquer) or velvet effect (depending on the manufacturer).

Tips for those who want beautiful arrows:

  • The mirror should be large, best magnifying.
  • Make sure that the hand has a reliable support and does not tremble. To do this, put your elbow on the table.
  • Be purposeful. Not everyone will get an elegant arrow the first time. Therefore, training is your key to a languid look.
  • Sketch the gaps between the eyelashes with a pencil! Only in this way will you achieve perfect arrows;
  • Do not draw arrows with liquid eyeliner on the lower eyelid. It looks vulgar and untidy.

Drawing arrows as if under a ruler. For all types of eyes

The arrow will make the look very expressive and increase the size of the eyes. Powder your eyelid or apply a primer to make it hold better. Put your elbow on the table and take the eyeliner, wipe the excess on the edges of the tube and start drawing a line from the middle of the eyelid to the very edge of the outer eyelid, slightly lifting the line. Eyelashes will be your ruler.

Now draw a very thin line from the inner edge to the middle. Do not take it too far into the tear duct. It looks rough, besides, the arrow can be smeared under the influence of moisture. Next, draw a line again from the middle to the tail and connect them at the end. Color in the resulting shape. So you get an arrow that gets wider towards the outer corner.

Very thin arrow - the effect of thick eyelashes. Draw a thin line on the closed eye clearly along the eyelashes. Lead it from beginning to end, without thickening or raising the tail. You can protrude a little beyond the edges of the outer lashes. A thin, neat arrow will visually make your cilia more lush and thick, while your makeup will look very natural.

Direct graphic arrows "a la Adele"

Do you like the charming make-up of this singer? Such arrows are quite difficult to learn how to draw, but if you practice, you will succeed. The eyelid is tinted with flesh-colored shadows. Then they draw a line along the entire contour of the eyes with eyeliner.

We draw the tail separately in the form of a straight line directed from the outer corner strictly to the tip of the eyebrow (adjust the height yourself). Now close that eye and draw a straight line from the inner edge of the iris to the middle of the tail. Then from the center of the pupil a straight line is drawn to the tail. After that, from the outer edge of the iris, draw a line to the end. You will get a graphic type arrow in the form of a triangle. With this makeup, the fold of the upper eyelid is slightly darkened, and the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid is lightened with a white pencil.


  • you can use any plastic card, cardboard or tape to remove the tail;
  • if the eyelid hangs, gently bend around it and raise the tail higher;
  • a guide for the tail should be the mucous membrane on the lower eyelid (but not the eyelashes) and the tip of the eyebrow;
  • the easiest way to draw an arrow on a pencil. First, the arrow itself is completely drawn with a pencil (all irregularities are easily wiped off with a cotton swab), then a line is drawn along it with an eyeliner.

If you find it very difficult to use liquid eyeliner, replace it with a gel one. Everything takes practice though. To learn how to properly paint your eyes with liquid eyeliner, practice on yourself, your friends, even on your hands! And then you will notice that you get everything perfect the first time.

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Eyeliner is an excellent modern tool with which you can add expressiveness and attractiveness to your look. Since ancient times, Cleopatra herself, girls have been interested in how to properly line their eyes with eyeliner. Now the range of decorative cosmetics allows you to choose exactly the option that is ideal only for you, and also meets individual needs.

But you need to know certain nuances that will help you learn how to use eyeliner correctly and subtly.

little secrets

Before using the product to emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes, apply a small amount of moisturizing cream to the skin around the eyes. This will be required so that the makeup lays down neatly and evenly, and also does not overdry the skin. Also, such a creamy base allows makeup to remain in its original ideal form for a long time.
Next, you need to hide unattractive ones. Carefully use a special corrector that will help you forget about bad sleep and fatigue expressed on your face.

After a little preparation, you can start applying the selected eyeliner step by step. If you do everything gradually and carefully, in the end you will get an attractive image.

Eyeliner-marker: nuances of use

If you want to easily line your eyes, it is recommended to use a special marker that is carefully applied to the eyelid and gives an attractive result.

When there is no free time, this option is considered optimal and most convenient. The contour as a result turns out exclusively accurate, thin and translucent. This decorative cosmetics allows the girl to look as natural as possible even with the use of such products.

How to make the most beautiful arrows for the eyes? Makeup step by step

To use the marker eyeliner correctly, you must follow a few basic rules of technology:

  • To begin with, on the eyelid, you need to draw a completely thin line with an eyeliner.
  • Carefully draw eyeliner along the marked line to create the perfect arrow.

If you do not have time for leisurely and detailed drawings, this option is just perfect for you - you will get an amazing result, like in a photo from a magazine.

Eyeliner step by step

Step 1.

Look straight ahead and open your eyes wide. Determine the place where the tail of the future arrow should be. In order for the arrow to fit perfectly in the shape of the eyelid, it is very important to mark its location with a well-opened eye.

Step 2

Squint your eye slightly and put a small dot where the drawn arrow ends. Please note that the dot should not be placed directly at the very end of the arrow - place it a little closer so that there is room for a thin tip. It is better to mark points on both eyes at once - this way you can get the same arrows as a result.

Step 3

To draw the perfect arrow with eyeliner, you should not draw a line across the entire eye at once. First, connect the set point with the immediate base of the eyelashes. It is better to do this for both eyes at the same time.

Step 4

Now gently stretch the arrow from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one for about 2/3 of its entire length. Professional makeup artists advise to outline a thin arrow, since you can finish its thickness at any time. If your eye is rather narrow, the liner all over the eyelid will make it even smaller, so some girls should finish the liner procedure at this stage.

Step 5

When the shape of the eyes allows, you can drag the arrows all the way to the inner corners. Such an elegant length of the arrow is a harmonious evening option. Literally on the roots of the eyelashes, draw a line further.

Step 6

The final recommendation for drawing arrows on the eyelids is to draw the ponytail correctly. Take the eyeliner brush so that its sharp tip is located at the temple and apply it as carefully as possible to the edge of the drawn arrow so that it is slightly imprinted on the eyelid. If you use this method, the tail will turn out to be even and sharp. The lower part of the arrows should be painted over so that between the beginning of the growth of eyelashes and the arrow itself, there is no color of your skin left. Next, connect the line to your lower eyelid - the shape will be complete.

With the help of makeup, you can create a unique image. And eyeliner in this case is far from the last place. After all, expressive eyes have not left anyone indifferent. The main thing is to be able to let them down correctly. The fact is that one wrong line can visually narrow them. So let's learn how to line your eyes.

Preparing your eyes for makeup

In order to beautifully bring your eyes up, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Do not wear eye makeup if your eyes are inflamed or tired. To bring them back to normal, take two sachets of tea leaves, fill with hot water, cool a little, wring out and place on your eyes. Wait 10 minutes and wash your face. And now, when you have removed fatigue and redness, you can start makeup.
  2. Eye makeup should be done as follows: eyeliner - shadows - mascara. Exactly in that order. Do not forget that the most difficult thing is to line your eyes, especially if you are just learning how to do it. And if you haven’t put any shadow or ink yet, then you can practice for some time by erasing the unsuccessful arrow and drawing it again. Or just use a cotton swab to correct it.
  3. Make-up is necessary only in daylight. The fact is that in artificial light all the flaws are not visible. This means that when you leave the house, all the flaws and irregularities will become visible to others. To prevent this from happening, purchase a fluorescent lamp for makeup.
  4. When you do your eyeliner, make sure you have a secure base at hand. Then the arrow will be straight. To do this, you can simply put your hand on the table.
  5. The arrow should start from the inner corner of the eye, moving without taking your hand off to the outer corner. If you don't get a solid line, don't be discouraged. You can continue from where you broke. The main thing is that the line is straight, without roughness.

This is how you quickly learn how to beautifully line your eyes. Next, we will consider the technique of how to do this.

you need to draw an arrow as close as possible to the lash line in order to get a smooth line, you can slightly pull the eyelid day version of the arrow with eyeliner on both eyelids upper and lower eyeliner more daring classic arrows on the eyes colored arrows

Eyeliner Rules

To understand how to line your eyes correctly, determine your eye shape. Only based on this feature, you can make a beautiful make-up. Act according to all the rules, and then you will emphasize the beauty of your eyes.

Oval eye shape

Arrows are not suitable for this eye shape. They look vulgar and defiant. But you can bring your eyes up, but you just need to do it as follows: in the center of the lower eyelid, draw an intermittent or feathered arrow, using a soft pencil for this purpose. Next, draw a line on the upper eyelid. You can use liquid eyeliner for this. Start the line, stepping back a little from the inner corner, and bring it to the outer corner. Then you will see how the eyeliner in this case successfully emphasized the beauty of your eyes.

In general, it should be noted that in any case, a soft pencil should be used for the eyeliner of the lower eyelid, and liquid eyeliner for the upper eyelid.

almond eye shape

If you are wondering how to line almond shaped eyes, then you can do it like this: draw a straight line on the lower eyelid along the growth of the eyelashes. It should go from the inner corner to the outer. Then line your upper eyelid. In this case, a thin line should go from the inner corner of the eye, and then from the middle of the eye to the outer corner, it should become a little thicker. This is the classic version. Well, if you have some kind of party, you can display a small arrow. This will give the look a coquetry.

Deep set eyes

In this case, you do not need to bring the lower eyelid. This visually narrows the eyes. But you can bring the upper eyelid, but only along the lash line. In addition, in this case, no thickening can be done. The line should be thin, barely noticeable.

Bulging eyes

If you decide how to line the eyes of a bulging shape, then there are two ways for you to do this:

In this case, you can paint on small arrows that go up. This will give a playful look. But you can do without it. Just draw a thick line on the upper eyelid from the inner corner to the outer. It does not need to be thickened or made thinner. But the lower eyelid does not need to be summed up.

The second version of the eyeliner involves the application of thick lines on the lower and upper eyelids and thick coloring of the eyelashes. But shadows are not recommended.

Eyes with heavy eyelids

If you have heavy eyelids, then you are "contraindicated" to sum up the upper eyelid. Otherwise, it will visually weigh it down. In this case, only a straight line is allowed on the lower eyelid from the inner corner to the outer. Just keep in mind that it must be horizontal. Not everyone likes this eyeliner, but it is the only one acceptable for heavy eyelids.

Small eyes or eyes with drooping corners

In this case, it is generally better to refuse eyeliner. Better use shimmery shadows to give expressiveness to the eyes. But eyeliner on any eyelid will visually reduce them.

If you follow these rules, then your eyes will not go unnoticed.


Thin black arrows are a makeup classic. Not only have they not gone out of fashion, but they will always be relevant. This can only be done with the help of eyeliner. And although recently cosmetics manufacturers have been pampering beauties with new, convenient and almost effortless makeup tools, the classics require a classic approach to everything. Therefore, you can still draw truly beautiful and elegant arrows with only one tool - liquid eyeliner. And this tool is far from subject to everyone: even professional makeup artists treat it with special trepidation. What can we say about everyone else who is not initiated into the secrets of cosmetic art!

But do not rush to get upset and give up. Better take the same liquid eyeliner in them and with the help of our tips, try to learn how to line your eyes. We warn you right away: it just won't. But with sufficient desire and accuracy, you will be able to draw graceful, thin and - most importantly! - symmetrical arrows with liquid eyeliner. In addition, as you know, it’s not the gods who burn the pots, but the makeup masters also started somewhere. We are also happy to share the secrets and tricks of their training so that you learn how to apply eyeliner correctly as soon as possible and without additional stress. Ready? Then get down to business.

Liquid eyeliner: features and rules of use
Before proceeding directly to the implementation of makeup, you will have to familiarize yourself with a small amount of theory. Without it, you will not be able to understand how a cosmetic product works and how it “works”. The world-famous make-up artist Taisiya Vasilyeva never ceases to repeat to her students that make-up is done with the head - in the sense that for an excellent result you must be aware of what and for what purpose you are doing. This is what distinguishes professionals from amateurs, and that is why the former get beautiful makeup with liquid eyeliner, and the latter throw away such cosmetics after several fruitless attempts. We will try to find out what features of liquid eyeliner have elevated it to the category of cosmetic legends:
Keep in mind that the ability to line your eyes with liquid eyeliner is far from a guarantee of good makeup. Perhaps the eyes are the mirror of the soul, but on the face they coexist with other features, and therefore eye makeup must be consistent with the tone of the face, and with the color and shape of the lips. Liquid eyeliner is traditionally paired with red lipstick and an even skin tone with almost no blush. Light lipstick or lip gloss combined with black eyeliner will completely shift the focus to the eyes - this makeup is not for everyone. But too bright, defiant mouth can spoil the sophistication of even the most accurate eyeliner, turning its owner into a kind of pin-up doll. Therefore, remember that the arrows drawn with liquid eyeliner are an attribute of a classic look, the creation of which requires restraint and a sense of style.

How to do eye makeup with liquid eyeliner
Liquid eyeliner is a universal tool. With proper skill and dexterity, it can accomplish several different tasks: make the look more expressive, emphasize the cut of the eyes, adjust their shape and size, and put emphasis on makeup. When applying for the services of a makeup artist or starting an independent makeup, you must clearly understand what effect you want to achieve. Because liquid eyeliner is unforgiving. One wrong move - and you have to completely wash your face in order to “draw” your face again, because high-quality liquid eyeliner is usually very resistant and it is partially impossible to remove it. That is why it is so important to practice eyeliner in advance. You can safely apply this instruction when applying both black and colored eyeliner of any shade:

  1. Get black liquid eyeliner. This is the most intense and therefore difficult option for drawing arrows - but it is better to learn from difficult tasks so that later it will be easier for you to use eyeliner. In addition, you will need a large enough mirror, conveniently located above the dressing table. It is very good if there is an opportunity to do makeup while sitting. You can also make your job a little easier with a magnifying mirror.
  2. Prepare your face for eyeliner application: first cleanse your skin well, then moisturize it with cream. Even a slight dryness and peeling on the eyelids will prevent you from carefully bringing your eyes up. Then apply a light makeup base (this is not necessary when using a good cream) and foundation. Use a very small amount of tone - its layer on the eyelids should be the thinnest. But still it is necessary for additional durability of the eyeliner. Powder your eyelids - it's best to use a loose, fine powder with no color or a tone lighter than your skin tone.
  3. Place the elbow of the hand with the brush on the table and make sure it does not tremble. Relax your facial muscles and do not strain either them or your hand while doing makeup.
  4. Start bringing the eyelid from the side opposite to the hand (for right-handers - left, for left-handers - vice versa). To do this, lower it slightly, tilting your head back to see yourself in the mirror. Some makeup artists advise pulling the upper eyelid to the side with the fingers of your free hand. You should not do this: the shape of the eye is deformed because of this, and by drawing an arrow on it and releasing the eyelid, you may end up with a completely different arrow than you wanted.
  5. Dip the tip of the brush into the eyeliner. Don't use a lot of paint, but don't try to save it either: correcting the thickness of a line is more difficult than immediately giving it the right intensity.
  6. A common mistake that has given rise to most of the myths about the incredible complexity of applying liquid eyeliner is trying to immediately draw a continuous line along the edge of the eyelid. Instead, start with a "cheat sheet": put a dot on the highest point of the bend of the eyelid. Place it as close as possible to the roots of the eyelashes - practically between them.
  7. Another bad advice that can be found on women's Internet forums: put a few dots on the eyelid, and then connect this dotted line with a common stripe. By doing this, instead of a thin and smooth arrow, you get a “jagged” arrow, that is, nothing good.
  8. From a point in the middle of the eyelid, draw a line to the outer corner of the eye. Do this with light pressure until the edge of the eyelid falls, and quite lightly when you reach the end. Stop near the last eyelash.
  9. Return to the beginning of the line in the middle of the eyelid and extend it to the inner corner of the eye, lightly touching the skin with the brush. As a result, you should get a solid arrow, thin on the side of the bridge of the nose, thickening above the center of the eye and thinning again on the outside. The narrowest sections of the arrow are its ends, try to nullify them by reducing the pressure of the brush. The widest part of a correctly drawn arrow starts approximately above the pupil, repeats the contour of the eyelashes towards the temple and gradually becomes thinner.
  10. Smooth lines are the main requirement for eyeliner. It does not depend on the shape or color of the arrows.
  11. At this stage, you have lined one eye in such a way that the makeup is suitable for daily use. In the evening, you can make the arrow more noticeable: lift its outer tail and direct it diagonally to the temple, as if extending the line of the lower eyelid. The closer to the inner corner of the eye the arrow “selects”, the deeper and more piercing the look turns out - experiment with this effect on your eye shape.
  12. As for the shape of the eyes, it is better not to ignore it, but it is advisable for her to bring her eyes up. The exact shape and thickness of the eyeliner is in each case individually, unless you copy it from your absolute twin. But according to the general recommendations of classic makeup, close-set eyes should not be brought towards the bridge of the nose, and wide-set eyes, on the contrary, it is better to bring them to the inner corners, but not to focus on the outer ones. Line round eyes with an elongated line, giving them an almond shape with a wider eyeliner at the outer corner. Line small eyes very carefully, because any clear line (and liquid eyeliner creates just that) visually reduces.
Summing up the second eye, it is very important to maintain symmetry. Few people manage to do it the first time, and mastery is achieved only by regular training. At the same time, do not forget that the face itself is not symmetrical, so sometimes the arrows are specially drawn differently to hide the natural asymmetry. In other words, the use of liquid eyeliner is an art, and therefore, despite the strict rules of harmony, it welcomes an individual approach. Every face is different, so the eyeliner of Elizabeth Taylor-Cleopatra and Audrey Hepburn-Holly Golightly ("Breakfast at Tiffany's") look completely different. Study your features, love your face, and then you will be happy and always delightful with liquid eyeliner.