How to apply makeup professionally. Professional make-up at home: fiction or modern reality. General rules for applying makeup

The girls on the catwalk and in the photos in magazines look so beautiful, as if they came from another planet. It seems that in everyday life only a master can do the same incredible professional makeup. But not everything is so difficult, with some effort, any girl is able to learn how to do high-quality evening makeup and manicure.

I want to look spectacular and attractive every day, but going to a professional every day to apply cosmetics and get a manicure will require a lot of money and time. It’s easier to learn simple rules on your own, watch the lessons, and then apply cosmetics yourself. In addition, there are many step-by-step photos and videos on the Internet that will show you how to make a face and manicure.

Often girls go to the salon before an important event to get a good evening make-up and manicure. It can be done at home if you learn and prepare everything in advance.

Professional makeup idea

The main difference between a professional approach and the usual one is competent skin care, high-quality cosmetics and the ability to determine how, where and how much to apply funds. The face itself should be clean and neat, so the master will first of all advise good masks, creams and tonics. Many video tutorials first of all talk about hoopoe. The more healthy and radiant the skin is, the stronger the effect will be after the work of the beautician. Similarly with nails: the cleaner and stronger they are, the longer and better the manicure lasts.

It is important to choose the right cosmetics:

  • Tonal basis - is selected depending on the type of skin, expensive and of high quality. Better not save.
  • Powder and correctors should last a long time, so the main principle is durability.
  • Mascara - lays down well and does not create lumps.
  • Shadows, blush - budget options are also suitable.
  • Lipstick - it is important that it retains a shade on the lips for at least a few hours.

A professional is able to apply any cosmetics with high quality, but at home this can be a problem. Cosmetologists easily distinguish professional makeup from ordinary makeup precisely by the level of application: for girls without experience, the products are clearly visible on the skin, the borders are poorly shaded, the colors may not fully match, and the lines do not emphasize what they should. At the master, the cosmetics are almost invisible if it is a natural make-up, and it blends well and lies on the skin if it is an evening one. The same problem if you do a manicure: the master works in detail, leaving no mistakes and imperfections, but this requires training.

The basis

Make sure you apply foundation to keep your makeup on for a long time. It allows you to soften the skin, even out the tone, prepare the face for cosmetics. But you need to choose based on the type of skin. Remember the simple rules:

  • oily - leveling liquid gel;
  • mixed - light cream that does not clog pores;
  • dry - a dense vegetable cream for fixing cosmetics.

After applying the foundation, wait a few minutes for it to absorb and dry. Professionals advise applying the corrector on the eyelids. You can use the same as under the eyes. Firstly, it will improve the overall complexion: the eyelids are usually a little darker. Secondly, after the foundation, the shadows lie better. For loose products, the application of such a base is most important.


For everyday life, it is enough to use only two shades: the base one, close to the skin tone, and the one you choose. By shading the borders between them, get a natural and clean look. Evening makeup and manicure should be just perfect. You can experiment with colors, the main thing is to make sure that they are combined. It will be easier to do a little training in advance with the help of detailed photos. An evening look often depends more on shadows: the well-known smokey eye technique is well-blended cosmetics. It is not necessary to go to the salon, you can watch video tutorials, where you will step by step tell the application steps.

The most important thing with shadows is to use a good base. No professional would do eye makeup without an eyeshadow base. It will help the color to show and increase durability. Depending on the purpose, you can choose a black, white or universal body base.

Makeup artists recommend baked shadows: they are quite persistent, unlike crumbly and cream ones, they do not roll down and keep their condition for a long time. However, they are more expensive, so when doing professional makeup at home, you can give preference to any product.

Check out cream eyeshadows. Of the budget brands, a wonderful product was released by Maybelline. In the luxury segment, Armani has wonderful liquid shadows. Both of them are perfectly shaded even with a finger and do not require a base.


Although most girls think that eyeliner is a single eyeliner, in fact there are many different types of eyeliners, each with its own purpose. It is easier to use hard pencils for the outer eyelid, and soft ones for the inner eyelid.

It is believed that modern girls often use pencils to create soft lines. This is convenient - they drew a smooth straight line, and then shaded all the irregularities. It's easy to do this with a soft pencil. If you need a straight line, it is better to take a felt-tip pen or liquid eyeliner. For a subtle result, some skill and training are already required. But in case of failure, you can always thicken the lines a little. It is also worth remembering that the felt-tip pen gives a matte result, while the aligner gives a glossy result. Choose cosmetics depending on what you want to receive.

If a professional make-up artist has brought all the actions to automatism, you will have to practice at home to learn. Cosmetologists advise to slightly stretch the skin over the eyelid, it is convenient to put a hand with eyeliner on a solid support and apply the product from the inner corner of the eyes to the outer. You should not draw one long line, it is better to stop in the middle and evaluate the result, correct errors. These rules will allow you to quickly and easily apply eyeliner. Professional makeup is famous for its attention to detail: everything is neat and detailed, there are no mistakes or oversights.


Mascara is the easiest, no video tutorials and special training are needed. The cosmetics market provides such a wide choice that with a single mascara you can quickly and efficiently make up your eyelashes in a couple of minutes. However, here, too, makeup artists reveal a couple of their secrets.

It is best to apply mascara from the root, almost touching the skin. So you fill in the gaps and get a smooth line of eyeliner. If you do not finish the cilia to the end, stopping at the center of the hairs, you can get a natural effect. An additional color can be included in evening makeup: paint over the cilia at the roots of the same color, for example, classic black, and make the tips brighter, blue or red. Depending on the color of the eyes, shadows and clothes, you can get a great look. To find out in advance how this technique will look, you can find good photos and video tutorials.

Common Mistakes

If you decide to do professional makeup for the first time, there are things that you should not do yourself. Eyebrows are a rather complicated part of the face, making a mistake with a bend or color can greatly spoil the impression without undergoing special training. Finding the right shadows for them is also a big problem. Therefore, it is worth entrusting the design of the eyebrows to the master. Usually a few trips to a professional are enough, after which you can catch the stages of makeup and repeat them yourself. You can also study various photo and video tutorials, but the result may not be so good.

Blush can be a girl's best friend, highlighting her cheekbones and making her face more expressive. But if you make a mistake, then the whole makeup will turn into an ugly mask. Especially often evening makeup turns into such a result: you want to do the best, but it turns out too eccentric and drawn. Act gradually, slowly and carefully. Remember - the emphasis should be either on the lips or on the eyes.

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Hi all! Today I want to tell you about the stages of applying makeup in theory.
Before my make-up courses, I, like most girls, spent 10-20 minutes on make-up, no more, and the sequence was something like this: cover up bruises under the eyes, draw eyebrows (in my case, without this, nothing), line the eyes, mascara - done !
Now, fortunately or unfortunately, even a neutral nude makeup takes me a little longer (mostly, probably, due to a more thorough application of the tone, but here, I have to admit, I just don’t have a very convenient brush to apply yet - that’s why it takes more time), and in general you start to notice flaws, you apply everything more carefully, etc. I think that with little experience I will spend the same 10-20 minutes on make-up, but everything will be much more professional :)
But today I want to write about the sequence of applying cosmetics for some more solemn occasion - it will take a little more effort not only to make the make-up look incomparable, but also to last as long as possible.

So, the sequence of applying cosmetics:

1.) Skin cleaning.
The first thing we have to do is to cleanse the skin of any pollution. Ideally, if you make some scrub mask the day before, etc. (as for the scrub, it is better, of course, not to use it immediately before applying makeup). That is, for example, at night you cleaned your face, wash your face in the morning and be sure to use milk or tonic - depending on what suits your skin better.

2.) Skin type.
Makeup artists, of course, need to determine the skin type for each client. To understand what products and in what proportion to use for make-up (for dry skin, you can’t overdo it with powders, for oily skin - with fat correctors and tonal products, for example).
But we are talking about make-up for ourselves, beloved, so I think every girl imagines what she deals with every day :)

3.) Look at the eyebrows. We pinch everything that is superfluous, create a beautiful shape. Here I always stand up for a beautiful bend. I'll add a couple of pictures for clarification.

Everything is clear here, I think. The last eyebrow really looks more aesthetic and more pleasant. In general, I think that a good tone and the right eyebrows are already a success! Eyebrows are really very important in the overall look, so I am convinced that they should not be forgotten - follow the shape, tint (even when you have your own thick beautiful eyebrows, tinting them with a pencil or shadows gives expressiveness to the face - but never, remember NEVER use black color!!!). About what cosmetics I use, I will tell a little later.
So, about eyebrows. "Making" eyebrows, it is worth drawing three visual lines, something like this:

They go from the wings of the nose to the eyebrows. The first and third lines are the lines of the beginning and end of the eyebrow (we draw through the beginning and end of the eye). The second line is the eyebrow bend line, its highest point, in theory, should pass through the middle of the pupil, but not always. I often came across (and it’s the same for me) that if you draw through the middle, the bend starts too early, my line runs at the border of the protein and the iris.

4.) Makeup base.
Usually not used every day - can be completely replaced with a regular moisturizer. But for "going out" it is usually used, since the make-up lasts longer on it. It should be noted that no one gets confused that the makeup base, makeup base and make-up primer (primer) are all the same. There are different makeup bases - some simply prepare the skin for makeup - smooth it out, fill in bumps, wrinkles. There are moisturizing, matting, corrective bases, bases for oily skin, bases containing sunscreens, with a lifting effect, with mother-of-pearl .... In the classroom, we used a moisturizing base from ParisBerlin.
I also bought , I usually use it for the T-zone and wrinkles.

5.) Foundation.
Actually, we apply the tone. You can use your hands, you can use a sponge, a brush - whoever is used to it and whoever likes it. Hands use the smallest amount of funds, but as for me, this is a rather long process. I usually use my hands to just put the product under my eyes. It is important here that the tone be applied in a thin layer - and all over the face, do not forget about a centimeter of our face: about the eyelids, the area between the nose and lips, stew into the hairline, sometimes the ears, smoothly stew the line with the neck so that it is not clear the boundaries and sensations of the mask.
It is better that the foundation is 1 tone darker than the skin color.

6.) Bold corrector.
I will buy it tomorrow! :) They are different, in the classroom, as I already wrote, we used the ParisBerlin corrector palette - I really liked them! I'll post the picture again:

Why are they needed I wrote .

7.) Powder.
Do not forget about simple rules: we powder everything that is below the eyebrows only from top to bottom (since there is a lot of fluff on the face, we have to “comb it”), we powder the forehead horizontally and down. You need to be very careful if you have dry skin - in no case overdo it! We don’t forget about the neck - usually the tone of the powder is slightly darker on the neck than on the face (if we didn’t work it with a tonal tool, if we worked it out, you can use the same one).

8.) Cheekbone correction.
I also wrote about the cheekbone corrector . We make and emphasize beautiful cheekbones! A good brush is important here - I, as the owner of a not very good one, suffered a lot with this, so now it is the first on my list of necessary purchases.
We draw the cheekbone with a dark corrector along the natural depression of the face, carefully shade it. The most saturated color should be in the area of ​​​​the temple, it is already penumbra down from it. We also pass the corrector along the hairline, directly insert it into the hair, if you have a high forehead, we work it out well, then along the contour of the face. With a light corrector, we pass along the line of the T-zone, in triangles under the eyes and in the hollow between the lip and chin. You can also correct the shape of the nose with light and dark correctors. In general, wherever chiaroscuro is needed - this is for proofreaders!

9.) When the tone and correction are completely done - draw the eyebrows. We have already prepared them in advance, it remains only to add colors and emphasize the shape. Again, in class we used Seventeen 06 brow pencils for brunettes and Max Factor 2 Hazel for blondes. After that, I threw away my pencil, which was greasy and erased at the first touch to the eyebrows (although it was also in about the same price category and like professional cosmetics).
Once again I remind you, and I literally conjure: never use a black pencil !!!
The bend should be a little more saturated in color than the head, and the tail should smoothly fade away.

10.) And finally, we proceed to the main thing - to eye makeup.
It all depends on the technique, I wrote a few words about techniques ,
So, you can do makeup right away in the shadows (but here we run the risk that the makeup will not last so long, and the color will not be so saturated, so I still strongly recommend some kind of substrate, at least a foundation under the shadows). I understand that without experience it is difficult to take and start working immediately in pencil or watercolor technique, so I will try my best to somehow record a video tutorial with explanations. It is this part of the makeup that requires everything to be shown in detail, explained, etc.

11.) Lips.
In order for the lip makeup to last as long as possible, we do this: apply a foundation on the lips -> powder it -> outline it with a pencil -> shade the entire surface of the lips with a pencil -> apply lipstick -> fix it with gloss.
Usually we don’t take so many steps, we limit ourselves to a pencil (if you paint your lips with lipstick, then it’s simply necessary, otherwise everything threatens to spread), lipstick and gloss itself. We choose the color by tone (look at the eye makeup, determine cold or warm ( ), we do it in the same warmth (the color does not have to match or overlap).

12. Apply blush.
We apply it like this: you need to smile and start applying from the middle of the cheek, pull the color up to the cheekbone.
By tonality, we also choose the color of the eye and lip makeup (cold / warm).

Hope it was helpful! Be beautiful!

  • Remember you Always you can put more foundation on your face, but if you apply too much the first time, then it will be difficult to completely remove and apply again. Remember this.
  • Start gradually adding foundation until your face looks flawless.
  • You don't need too much liquid foundation because it's just a foundation so the powder will stay on your face, unable to absorb it all at once.
  • Powder will hide any imperfections, so apply one layer of foundation and a layer of powder on top.
  • You shouldn't make a plastic "artificial" face. Remember it


  • The inside of your eyebrow should be in line with the inner corner of your eye.
  • Some people already have dark eyebrows, but some need a little touch up on the ends. if you absolutely it is not necessary, then everything is fine.
  • Don't just use one eye shadow that will be applied all the way down to the brow bone.
  • It will work well if you darken the corner that is farther from your nose, gradually making the tone lighter towards the corner that is closer to your nose.
  • Take light brown and dark brown, mix them (dip the brush once in light brown shadows, another time in dark brown) and only later put on your eyes. Thus, the color will turn out and not light brown, and dark-brown. You will get just a beautiful brown shade. This can be done with any color.
  • You can mix 4 different colors to get the one you want. Trust me, it can be very funny!
  • It is very important that you stay in the same color scheme with your eyeliner.
  • If you stay in brown, you will need a different shade of brown eyeliner. The same goes for other colors as well.
  • Try to refrain from anything extreme. For example, black, bright blue, bright green, yellow, orange, pink, or a very shiny metallic shade.
  • Green is a very good color, but choose warmer shades. The same goes for blue, try dark blue or lighter shades.


  • Use the same color lip liner as your lipstick, just a darker shade. Stick to one color scheme. Always buy lip pencils and lipsticks that go well with each other.

High-quality and beautiful makeup can transform any girl - and not only externally, but also internally. Makeup gives you confidence. The hands of professional makeup artists work wonders. But, unfortunately, there is often neither time nor opportunity to constantly go to beauty salons. Therefore, modern girls often wonder how to do makeup at home, so that it practically does not differ from a professional one.

Everyone can learn how to make a perfect make-up at home. The main thing is diligence and practice. However, an equally important factor is the quality of cosmetics. You certainly can't skimp on this. It is on the quality factor of cosmetics that depends on how your make-up looks and how long it will last.

For makeup at home you will need:

  • brushes of different sizes and different cuts;
  • cotton buds and discs;
  • foundation and foundation;
  • pencils for eyes, lips and eyebrows;
  • ink;
  • shadows;
  • lipstick, gloss;
  • powder;
  • blush.

Basic rules for applying cosmetics

In order to understand how to do makeup at home, you need to know some rules and tricks. Regardless of how it will be (simple or complex, daytime or evening, festive or everyday), you need to go through the same stages of applying cosmetics. These are skin toning and color alignment, eyebrow and eye liner, blush application and lip application. The order of the steps may vary depending on the type of make-up and the emphasis on the lips or eyes.

Preparation for applying cosmetics

Preparation for makeup occurs in two stages.

  1. Facial cleansing.

If the skin is flaky, you need to use a facial scrub. If it is not a problem, you can simply wash your face with foam or soap.

  1. Hydration.

Use regular face cream or other moisturizers.

In order to make yourself an excellent and high-quality make-up on your own in the future, for the first time we advise you to use the service of a stylist-make-up artist. The specialist will tell you what colors suit you, what to look for, and also advise good cosmetics.

Eyebrow shaping

Before that or a pencil, you must complete. Remove excess hairs, cut too long.

Eye makeup

The sequence of actions and the cosmetics used depend on the type of makeup. For make-up using shadows, it is very important to choose their shade correctly. Consider your skin color and eye color. Brown is considered a universal shade.

Rules for applying lipstick

  1. Along the contour of the lips - a pencil in the tone of lipstick or a little darker. This is necessary so that the lipstick or gloss does not flow and does not lubricate, but evens out the counters of the lips. Blend the pencil a little with the brush.
  2. Apply gloss or lipstick to your lips. If it is justified, you can apply lipstick first, and then a little gloss.

Step by step guide to daily makeup at home

Beautiful makeup at home can be done daily, it does not take much effort. It is enough to follow the instructions exactly.

  1. Cleanse your face and décolleté.
  2. Apply moisturizer to your face. Wait a few minutes until the cream is absorbed, and remove the excess with a napkin.
  3. Apply foundation to your face. Use concealer to even out your complexion. Then - tonal cream.
  4. The base for the shadows is placed on the upper eyelid. As a base, use shades of beige.
  5. Apply light shadows from the inner corner of the eye. Blend.
  6. From the outer corner of the eye, apply brown shadow. Rub with a brush.
  7. Blend the transition well in the middle of the eyelid, make it smooth.
  8. Apply dark brown shadow on the lower eyelid. Blend.
  9. On the upper eyelid, make a thin arrow with a brown pencil. Lift the end of the arrow slightly up.
  10. Cover your lashes with mascara.
  11. Eyebrows - brown shadows.
  12. Apply light texture powder on your face.
  13. Highlight the cheekbone area with light blush.
  14. Apply a transparent gloss to your lips.

How to do classic evening makeup at home?

  1. Cleanse your face with a scrub or foam.
  2. Apply moisturizer to the décolleté and face. On the lips - a moisturizing balm. After a few minutes, remove the remaining moisturizer with a tissue.
  3. Apply foundation to your face. The concealer evens out the complexion, removes swelling, redness and circles under the eyes.
  4. Using a special brush along the lines of the face. From the contours to the center of the face.
  5. Put a base on the upper eyelid (for example, beige shadows). Next, on the part of the eyelid, which is closer to the inner corner of the eye, apply white shadows, blend. Apply dark eye shadow to the area near the outer corner of the eye. Paint over the area near the eyebrows with white shadows. Then, shading, make smooth transitions.
  6. Put dark shadows on the lower part, carefully blending.
  7. With liquid eyeliner, make an arrow on the upper eyelid. Lengthen the arrow and lift it up a little.
  8. Cover your lashes with mascara.
  9. Eyebrows - with a brown pencil, blend well with a brush and comb.
  10. Dust your face with light powder. If necessary, you can use a bronzer.
  11. Blush will help highlight the cheekbones.
  12. Slightly shading, apply a pencil along the contour of the lips, and then lipstick.

10 common mistakes

Incorrectly applied foundation

The most common mistake is too thick a layer of foundation on the face. This leads to a weighting of the image, the creation of negligence and sloppiness. Such an error is most often allowed by those who have problem areas of the skin (redness, acne, dark). Problem areas are best hidden dotted with a corrector or pigment.

Wrong foundation

The color of the foundation plays an extremely important role. An inappropriate shade visually creates a mask on the face. It is important to remember that in the summer, due to tanning, the skin changes color, so it is necessary to purchase different tonal foundations for the summer and winter periods. Often problems with choosing the right tone arise due to the yellowish tint on the face. In this case, a little yellow pigment can be added to the foundation. This will help create the desired color.

Applying foundation to areas that are flaky

For peeling problems, it is first necessary to use a facial scrub, then apply a moisturizer to the skin. Only then can you start applying the foundation.

The wrong blush or bronzer

Instead of blush, many girls use a bronzer. However, brown blush does not exist in nature. Blush can be pink, red, coral. The ideal option is if their color matches the color of lipstick.

Untidy eyebrows

Many people underestimate the importance of eyebrows in general makeup. Remember: they should always be in perfect order, even if you are not wearing makeup. Untidy eyebrows are the first thing that catches the eye.

glued eyelashes

Eyelashes stick together most often due to excessively applied mascara. It must have a comfortable brush. It is advisable to comb them with a special brush after applying mascara. A light and neat layer is better than a thickly made-up and sticky row of eyelashes.

Pale lips

To focus on the eyes, it is not necessary to paint the lips with a very pale color or cover them with a tonal base. The natural color of lipstick or transparent gloss will look ideal.

Rich application of powder

Powder is used for the durability of makeup, to fix it, and not as a separate element.

Poorly matched shadows

The choice of shadows must be approached very carefully. Not all shades are compatible with different skin types and eye colors.

Too dark lips

The lip liner should be the same color as the lipstick or one shade darker.

We are sure: it is not so difficult to learn how to make an exceptional professional make-up yourself! The main thing is to have high-quality cosmetics in your arsenal, ideally matched specifically to your skin type, eyes, hair. Further - the matter is small: frequent practice will help you achieve brilliant success!

And not vice versa. Today we put this knowledge into practice: using the example of a beautiful and simple daytime version of the make-up, the makeup artist tells how to properly apply makeup on the face. And he shares professional tricks that will help you avoid the most common mistakes.

Follow the step by step instructions:

Prepare your skin for makeup

Wipe the face with a cotton pad soaked in tonic, apply a basic moisturizer, wait a few minutes until it is absorbed.

  • Advice! If you have a very busy day ahead of you and your makeup needs to look flawless, use these few minutes to apply hydrogel moisturizing eye patches. They will help the concealer stay on better throughout the day, not fade or roll. Also at this stage, apply a moisturizing lip balm. By the time you start applying your lips, they will already be fully hydrated.

If necessary, in the next step, use a primer for the face according to the type of skin or makeup tasks: sebum-regulating (if the skin is oily), silicone-based (for additional make-up durability), radiant (to give the effect of "glowing" skin). Then apply foundation. To keep your makeup from looking heavy and your skin feeling comfortable under layers of makeup, apply each product in a very thin layer.

Apply concealer under the eyes, blend with fingers

At this stage, contouring with creamy textures can be done. Walk with a light corrector under the eyes, along the back of the nose, the center of the forehead, the "dimple" above the chin, a dark corrector - under the cheekbones, on the sides of the nose, on the temples or other areas that you would like to correct. Blend the borders properly with a brush or sponge so that there are no obvious streaks on the face.

Fill in your brows with eye shadow, brow pomade or pencil, and do eye makeup.

In this make-up option, we used Giorgio Armani Eye Tint liquid shadows, which can be easily blended into a “haze” even with your fingers.

Apply lipstick or tint to your lips

If you plan to focus your makeup not on the eyes, but on the lips, change the order of points 3 and 4. Then, having made a bright lip makeup, you can adjust the degree of brightness of the cosmetics on the eyes and eyebrows so as not to get too bright and extravagant makeup. Always start with the strongest accents in makeup, whether it be eyes, lips or eyebrows, and then complement makeup on other areas of the face.

Complete your makeup

With a large fluffy brush, spread the powder over the face, then add blush, walk the highlighter over the protruding parts of the face.

Makeup is ready!

A few more tips for those who are just starting to master the basic rules of make-up:

  • To coat the lower lashes, use a disposable plastic spoon. Place it under your eyes and apply mascara to your lashes: this way, everything will remain on the spoon, and will not be imprinted under the lower eyelids: you will not have to reapply concealer.
  • If you want to effectively highlight your eyes, but at the same time make your makeup look natural, use a highlighter. Add a little product to the inner corners of the eyes, as well as under the eyebrow on the protruding part, put a “flare” in the center of the moving eyelid.
  • Most often, girls draw arrows in front of their eyes, looking straight ahead. Professionals advise you to act differently: get as close as possible to the mirror, slightly raise your chin - and in this position, start applying eyeliner.
  • Want to make shadows look brighter on the eyes? Apply them on a white “substrate”, completely painting over the moving eyelid with a white pencil.
  • Another professional trick will help make eyelashes visually longer. Using a curler, try the "double curl" technique: first, squeeze the curler at the very base of the lashes, keeping it perpendicular to the ground. Then repeat the same action, but moving the tongs parallel to the ground.
  • When choosing a foundation in a store, try different shades not on the wrist or on the cheeks, but on the neck. This rule is especially true in the early days of summer, when the face has already managed to tan a little, but the neck is not.
  • In the hot season, eyeliner often spreads. The best way out of this situation is to use waterproof products, but if these are not at hand, just powder the area under the eyes. The powder will create a kind of barrier that will help keep the eyeliner in its original place.
  • It is advised to wash off makeup from the skin, moving in the direction from the bottom to the top, so as not to stretch the skin. But applying foundation or powder is exactly the opposite: from top to bottom. The fact is that there is always a small “fluff” on the face, which is not at all noticeable to others - until you have walked with a brush with a typed foundation in the direction against the growth of thin hairs.
  • Before using mascara, lightly brush over the surface of a dry cloth with a brush. This action will help remove excess mascara and avoid the formation of lumps on the eyelashes.
  • If you can't manage to draw clear black arrows on the eyelid, go over it with a gold or silver pencil with a slight shimmer. It will help hide imperfections and irregularities, and also soften the look a little.
  • To give your lips a real 3D volume, try the following trick: add some shimmery blush or light satin shadows to the center of the lower lip. Blend the product with your fingers.

Another simple everyday makeup option, which is suitable even for beginners, look in our video: