I have big eyes how to paint. A complete guide to how to paint lips. How to paint big green eyes

With your favorite bike, time flies by. During frequent trips, sometimes it is not possible to see how the bike gradually loses its attractiveness: it grows dull, covered with small scratches, chips and even rust. All this has a negative impact not only on the appearance of the frame, but also on its service life: pipes that are susceptible to corrosion due to scratches will not last long.

If the old bike goes “retired” forever, then it makes no sense to extend its service life. But many cyclists do not want to abandon their comrades and resort to their complete and partial renewal.

One of these include the elimination of defects, painting and varnishing the frame. Spray painting has become widespread, and not by chance. It will not work to apply an even layer of paint on the frame pipes with a regular brush. Due to its ease and speed, this method has found active independent application. How to paint a bicycle with a spray can at home will be discussed in this short article.

Dismantling the bike and preparing the frame

So, we found out that the color of the bike determines its frame. You will also have to paint the fork and, possibly, the trunk. Before painting, you need to completely disassemble the bike:

  1. Remove all overhangs: brakes, shock absorbers, etc.
  2. Remove the front wheel from the fork dropouts and (if equipped).
  3. Unscrew the steering wheel from the fork.
  4. Remove trunk.
  5. Remove the rear wheel and fender.

When only the bare core remains, remove the fork from the front pipe.

Preparatory steps:

  1. Removing the old layer of paint.
  2. Smoothing out irregularities.
  3. Degreasing the metal surface.

What is necessary? Old paint is removed with a solvent. With a clean rag soaked in it, we carefully go through all the pipes and especially through the welding joints. You may need to repeat the procedure. It depends on the thickness of the factory paint layer. After cleaning, the frame is carefully wiped with a dry soft cloth. If light stains remain, it is not recommended to wet the surfaces with water, it is better to go through the solvent again.

The next step is sanding. All small scratches, chips and corrosive areas are removed with sandpaper. Depending on the depth of the scratches, the grit of the emery is selected: 240 emery will cope with small defects, number 80 will do to eliminate chips and rust.

"Sanding" cleaning from bumps

Grease stain removal- also a necessary procedure to properly paint the frame and fork of the bicycle. Grease reduces the adhesion of the primer and paint to the metal, which can cause the paint to fall off very quickly. To prevent this from happening, it is imperative to go through a degreasing agent, for example, white spirit.

The cleaned bike frame can be primed

Priming surfaces for painting

The finished frame and fork are freely placed or suspended. The second option is more convenient, there will definitely not be any unprimed areas. Work should be carried out in well-ventilated areas. If you paint at home, then this is a shed or utility room in a private house and a balcony in an apartment. Hang the parts firmly and at the same time freely so that it is easy to apply the primer. In advance, you need to take care that the composition and paint do not get where they should not, as well as your own safety: prepare gloves, a mask and glasses.

We buy a can of primer in the store and evenly distribute the composition over the surfaces of the parts to be painted: frames, forks, trunk. The optimal number of applied layers is 3. Before applying the next portion, you need to wait for the first layer to dry.

When all the primer is applied, the parts are left for a day. The place where priming and painting is carried out should not be too wet, and there should also be no source of open flame. After a daily break, the primer is cleaned with fine-grained sandpaper (from 400 to 600) in places where the layer is thickened. The bike is now ready to be painted.

Applying paint with a spray can

Using a disposable spray can is very simple, so there are usually few questions about this type of work. However, there are several rules for obtaining a better result. Follow these simple guidelines to quickly and at the same time correctly paint:

  • apply paint gradually, in a thin layer;
  • keep the sprayer at a distance;
  • paint from top to bottom;
  • avoid excessive amounts of paint.

The recommended number of layers is up to three. The lack of paint will give it a quick abrasion, and its excess - cracking and chipping. Let each layer dry before applying the next one. Fully painted parts must be cured for 1 to 2 days.

Applying paint to the frame

Acrylic paints in spray cans are best suited for a bicycle. They lay down easier and grab faster. The color scheme in stores is presented for every taste, the main thing is to think over the shade in advance. One spray is unlikely to be enough, so it is recommended to take two or three at once. Is it necessary to sand dry paint? In principle, if it was distributed evenly and accurately, then not necessarily. Small smudges are removed with fine grit sandpaper. We pre-wet it in water so as not to leave even a small scratch.

Finishing touches: drawings and varnishing

Some will not be limited to the monochromatic color of their two-wheeled friend, and rightly so. Emblems and symbols will give the bike its own originality, and it will look more elegant. You can also use stickers as a simple option, but labels applied with paint look much more reliable and beautiful.

Additional elements are created using stencils - special self-adhesive films with free cut out patterns. There are various options for sale: stripes, patterns, figures, letters, etc. If desired and a penchant for creativity, stencils can be cut out independently from simple sheets of adhesive film.

Film with a pattern for coloring

Important: when gluing stencils, you need to make sure that the main paint is already dry, otherwise, when removing the film, it will peel off or smear, and everything will have to be redone from the beginning!

The procedure for creating patterns is simple. You need to do the following:

  1. Attach the template firmly to the frame tube or fork.
  2. Spray paint onto the stencil using a spray can.
  3. Wait for complete drying.
  4. Peel off the film from the surface. The drawing is ready!

When spraying, it is allowed that the paint enters the film itself - the picture will have smoother edges. We make sure that it does not flow outside the stencil. For safety, you can additionally paste over the surface with a simple film along the edges of the staining area.

And finally, the last stage is the application of varnish on the surface. It is easy to guess that the varnish must be bought in spray cans, as well as paint with a primer. It is necessary to apply a protective coating in the same way as layers of paint, the number of layers is one or two. Do not leave free unvarnished areas, otherwise in these areas the paint will begin to age faster. There is an opinion that varnishing is a waste of time. This is disputable, since the varnished surface not only looks more beautiful, but also lasts much longer.

Spray painting is an easy and effective way to update your bike without professional painting skills. One time is enough to remember how and what is done to gain invaluable experience in this area.

To paint lips is a whole art, you can transform your entire face in a few minutes with the right and carefully applied lipstick. Or spoil the impression by drawing a curved outline, choosing the wrong color. Therefore, it is worth considering all the nuances of the correct lip makeup, the secrets of application and the subtleties of color selection.

Lip makeup

There are several basic tools:

  • Lipstick is the most common option. Its texture is soft and moisturizing. It is convenient to paint, the tube fits in the smallest handbag, you can literally fix your makeup on the go. Care products have been developed, they combine the functions of a balm;
  • Pencil - used to be used to create a contour so that the lipstick stays on better. But now, many use the pencil as an independent tool - it is persistent, the color turns matte, the pencil lasts for a long time;
  • Glitter - used to give shine. In summer, on a hot day, it is more comfortable with glitter than with a full-fledged make-up. It is possible to paint with glitter over lipstick to make the image brighter;
  • Liquid lipstick - the packaging is similar to gloss, but the color is not pale, but rich, bright. Especially popular are liquid matte lipsticks that dry out and last 3-4 hours;
  • Tint is a novelty in the field of make-up. The tint is applied like a gloss, then dries, removed with a film. After removing the film on the lips remains a shade that mimics the natural color. The tint lasts for several hours, being removed with a make-up remover.


Before applying makeup, it is useful to perform a number of procedures, then the final result will be better:

How to paint lips with lipstick

There are several secrets on how to make up lips with lipstick. If the makeup is daytime and you do not need to adjust the shape, then you can do without a pencil. If the exit is planned for the evening, then without a pencil anywhere. To make up the lips evenly, you need to draw a shape with a pencil with neat short strokes. First you should make up a tick on the upper lip, on the lower strip. After filling the corners, and already from them move to the center. Movements are slow and precise. Having drawn a contour, you should move on to lipstick. It is more convenient to paint lips with a special brush, or apply lipstick from a tube, but then shade it. In this way, the color will be more uniform, make-up will last longer. To improve durability, you can blot the first layer with a napkin. Then powder, apply lipstick again.

How to paint lips with a pencil

If a solemn event is planned, it is necessary that the makeup last for a long time, you can paint your lips instead of lipstick with a pencil. Soft pencils are suitable for this purpose. If the pencil is hard, you can injure the skin. If there is no other, you can soften it. You need to hold the lead for a couple of seconds over the fire, for example, matches, lighters. The pencil will become much softer. Now you can paint. You need to draw a contour, then proceed to fill the entire area. The pressure on the pencil is minimal, the strokes are short. If you need to make up your lips to make them look plump, then you need to apply strokes crosswise. It is necessary to paint with strokes diagonally in one direction, and then in the other. To add shine, you can apply gloss on top, but this will reduce the durability of makeup.

How to paint lips with gloss

It is not difficult to beautifully paint lips with gloss. Usually in a tube there is a good applicator, which is convenient for applying gloss. You can avoid applying a pencil with this method of creating makeup. The shape of the lips is not ideal - you can use a flesh-colored pencil. After applying the gloss, you need to take it with you - the durability is low, after an hour, an hour and a half, you will need to paint it again.

How to paint lips with matte lipstick

Matte textures are the most capricious - it is difficult to paint, the durability is less. Before applying lipstick, you need to make sure that the lips are perfectly smooth - every flaw will be visible. It is better to use a scrub before painting your lips, and use a balm in a minimal amount. If this is not done, then the product will lose its dullness. Matte lipstick is liquid - you should paint more carefully, after drying, you will not be able to correct the flaws. You need to remove the persistent product with vegetable oil or micellar water.

How to paint with tint

This tool is gaining popularity, so not all girls know how to paint their lips. It is important to paint with a tint for the first time when there is no need to go anywhere. It is better to practice, see what the result will be, and after that apply it “to the exit”. Tint should be painted carefully - if you go beyond the boundaries, then the final result will be sloppy, as if the lips are crookedly made up, inflamed. After you need to let the tint dry for 15-20 minutes, remove the film with a gentle movement. Apply lip balm on top. If you do not need to remove the tint, then after absorption - the makeup is ready.

Makeup for various lip shapes

Each girl has her own unique lip shape, but there are several main types. Each type differs in features in applying lipstick.

How to paint thin lips

The main goal in this case is to paint the lips so that they appear larger. You will need to apply a dense foundation, concealer to the area around. Next, paint the outline with a pencil slightly departing from the natural border. It is important to observe proportions: the upper lip is usually slightly smaller than the lower. You should not radically change the shape - it will look unnatural. Carefully paint over the outline, there is also an option to add a drop of gloss. You can paint small lips with a special lipstick to increase volume - such products burn a little, due to this, the lips become plumper.

How to paint big lips

If by nature the lips are plump, then there should be no difficulties in applying makeup. If there is a desire to reduce their volume, then you need to paint over the lips, the area around them with a concealer, a dense foundation. Use a pencil to make up the shape, reducing the volume. Strongly stepping inside should not be - there is a chance to overdo it, make an unnatural appearance. It is better not to paint with gloss, leave the tone matte - this way the lips seem thinner.

Heart lips

This form looks very attractive, sexy. But if the incision is too small, then you can visually enlarge it. You just need to draw out the corners. We apply the cosealer to this area, after which we paint the corners with a pencil a little wider than usual. Do not stretch the shape too much - the Joker's smile will not decorate anyone.

Protruded lips

If the incision is too large, then you can reduce it a little. You need to draw a contour with a pencil already. By the way, you can apply tips for narrow lips - by increasing the volume, you can visually narrow them.

Color selection rules

Choosing the right lipstick color is not easy. It is necessary to take into account the color of the skin, eyes, hair, type of makeup.

classic rule: one accent in makeup.

For example, the eyes are made up brightly - lipstick should be chosen pale. If a bright color is chosen, then the eyes should be painted more modestly. But fashion trends often advise breaking the rules. Therefore, you need to choose a color based on personal preferences.

  • Light shades, pale pink, nude shades are suitable for daytime makeup.
  • In the evening, it is permissible to paint lips with lipstick of bright colors - from red to the most daring berry shades.
  • Fair-skinned girls will suit light shades of pink, brown, light brick shades. All cold shades are the right choice.
  • Dark-skinned people can choose brighter colors - red, dark colors: brown, dark pink, berry. Warm shades are what you need for such girls.
  • Fair-haired girls or with light eyes should choose peach, coral colors.
  • Dark-haired, dark-eyed girls can freely choose any bright or dark color. The darker the hair color, the bolder the color choice can be.

How to paint lips with red lipstick

Red lipstick is truly the queen among all other lipsticks. Having painted her lips, not a single girl will go unnoticed. The main thing is to choose the right shade - classic red will suit almost everyone, dark colors (for example, dark wine) will suit brunettes, and light shades are created for blondes and red-haired girls.

Also, if you make up your lips with red lipstick, your teeth will also look brighter. Therefore, you should think twice before choosing this color - if the teeth are not perfectly white and even, the whole effect of red lipstick will disappear.

Basic Rule- if the lipstick is red, then all makeup should be neat, thoughtful.

Uneven complexion, pimples on the skin, poor choice of shadows - all this is more noticeable when choosing a red color. The method of applying red lipstick is not difficult. It is important to paint a neat outline, then fill the entire surface. To make the outline look clearer, you can resort to tricks. After applying lipstick, you need to walk along the border with concealer, shade. So the outline looks brighter, neater.

How to paint lips on video

To fix all the rules for applying lipstick, you can watch the video. The expert will show you how to paint lips correctly, how to make a neat contour.

If you have really big eyes, we have only good news for you: almost any makeup, even if it is minimal, will look great on your face! After all, all the other girls only think about how to make up their eyes so that they seem bigger. All you need to do is create a beautiful cut to your already expressive look.

We offer several options for how to make up big eyes. All of the options listed below are available at home and do not require the help of a makeup artist.

The first and easiest way is a minimum of cosmetics. Let's figure out how to do this makeup step by step. Use only mascara and a thin line of eyeliner on the upper eyelid. You can draw this line not even from above, but from the inside, as if between the cilia. The lower eyelid can be highlighted with a light pencil, as in the photo. Let the color of the lips be natural so that the eyes play a major role in this image.

Another way to highlight big eyes is to make them up with dark shadows. The photo uses shades of gray, but you can also try brown, dark green, purple and other colors.

The next makeup is more complicated, so you need to disassemble it step by step. With dark gray shadows, create a beautiful halo in the outer corner of the eye, while capturing the crease of the eyelid. Partially, the shadows should go beyond the limits of the moving eyelid and gradually and gently move into the tone of your skin, as in the photo. Beige shadows with a spark paint over the inner corner of the eye. Eyeliner should outline both the upper and lower eyelids. Makeup is quite festive, so it requires the use of mascara.

Big Eye Makeup Secrets

In addition, here are some secrets for girls on how to make up big eyes. Use them at home and your look will always be radiant and unique.

  • Large eyes should frame beautiful wide eyebrows. If nature has rewarded you with eyebrow threads, you need to make them up with a pencil or make them.
  • If you outline the eyelid, make it thin. To do this, you need to either sharpen the pencil sharply, or skillfully use liquid eyeliner.
  • If big eyes make you look like a doll, be careful with mascara. Don't use mascara that lengthens your lashes. If the color of the lower lashes allows, try to make up only the upper ones.

Makeup for bulging (almond-shaped) eyes

Some girls are not happy that their big eyes look too bulging. How to make up big bulging eyes in such a way as to hide flaws? Follow the tips below and create your own custom makeup step by step at home.

  • Choose matte shadows, large bulging eyes do not tolerate any glow, with it this bulge will be even more noticeable.
  • If you draw arrows, the line should practically come out from under the eyelashes so that it looks like a natural shadow. To make up the eyelids in this way, you will have to practice, but the result is so natural that it is not a pity to spend time on it.
  • Use shades slightly darker than your natural skin color to make the eyelid appear to be drawn into the shadow and become less prominent.
  • Glitter on the eyelids is contraindicated for you, but shining lips, on the contrary, are recommended to divert general attention from the eyes. So you can make up your lips as you please!

The photo shows an example of how you can make up large bulging eyes (almond-shaped). For makeup at home, matte gray shades are used that hide imperfections. Nevertheless, the look attracts attention.

So, there are many makeup options for owners of chic expressive eyes. Which one to use is up to you!

Make-up is a constant companion of girls, with its help you can emphasize your strengths and hide your flaws. We suggest considering how to do makeup for big eyes, and what colors are suitable for green, brown, blue eyes.

Basic principles

Making simple makeup to make your eyes look bigger is very simple if you know the secrets of makeup artists. The main problem of girls with a large incision is too bulging eye sockets, which create the effect of “wet” eyes. Any master will tell you that you definitely need to use a black pencil, which emphasizes the drama of the image and gives extravagance to the appearance.

Also feel free to color your eyelashes. There is a stereotype that the owners of big eyes need to be careful with the use of mascara, this is not entirely true, on the contrary, you need to thoroughly paint over the lower and upper eyelashes to create a seductive shadow around the eyes.

Another secret is the correct distribution of shadows. For example, the correct makeup for bulging or round large eyes involves darkening certain areas of the eyelids. We will talk about the principles of shading in makeup ideas step by step, as well as their types.

Video: makeup for round and bulging eyes

Makeup for brown eyes

The idea of ​​​​how to do step by step makeup for expressive brown eyes, the option is suitable for both brunettes and blondes.

  1. Align the complexion, apply foundation and powder on your skin, lighten the eye area as much as possible, this is necessary in order to create the effect of a contrast transition between the shadows;
  2. After that, apply light shades of peach, beige, pastel or pink to the entire surface of the eye, blend up to the outer corner and even the bridge of the nose (for wide-spaced eyes);
  3. Apply a black pencil to the lash line. Also suitable and eyeliner. Our goal is thick retro arrows, perhaps like Audrey Hepburn or Dita Von Teese;
  4. After that, we act depending on the distance between the eyes. If they are widely spaced, then we apply shadows with a crochet method, a la gangster style. We make, as it were, a semicircle above the outer corner, the technique is shown in the photo. In the event that your eyes are closely located, then paint over the inner corner of the eyelid with a bird or banana;
  5. We apply dark brown, blue or purple shadows along the eyeliner line, blend it, which results in a smoky ice effect;
  6. We paint the eyelashes with mascara, brush off the remnants of shadows with a dry cloth.

Photo - Makeup for big brown eyes

If you want to make such a make-up for any solemn event, then use glitter cosmetics or apply rhinestones separately on your eyes, you can decorate the corner of the eye or the line near the eyelashes with shiny beads.

Blue eyes

Making up big doll eyes is much more difficult, here you need to think over the makeup so that it does not look vulgar and too “childish”. To create a stylish look, you will need gray, blue and pink shadows, black mascara.

  1. We tint the eyelids, paint over them with powder, corrector, even out skin color;
  2. We apply the first layer of shadows, a pink base, blend it well, especially carefully apply paint to the area under the eyes. With the help of pink shadows with a peach tint, you can hide dark circles;
  3. Now we apply gray shadows to the moving part of the eyelid, blend them to the eyebrow, it is very important to create the effect of a soft transition;
  4. Now, to make up for gray or blue large eyes, you need to outline them along the entire lash line with a thin line of eyeliner. You can also use a pencil, this technique is suitable only for professionals;
  5. Without shading, we apply blue shadows in the middle of the eye, and gray shadows in the corner, rub the transition in such a way as to create an ombre effect;
  6. We apply gray shadows under the lower eyelashes, blue in the outer corner, paint with mascara, comb the eyebrows;
  7. To enhance the effect of the baby face, you will need to beautifully outline the line of the cheekbones. This can be done with small strokes of peach or beige blush.
Photo - Makeup for big blue eyes

Such daytime makeup is not suitable for bulging eyes, if you have very bulging eye sockets, then you need to apply eyeliner even to the inside of the eye, and bring it to the corners, as in oriental style. The described everyday will suit blondes, as well as owners of light blond or red hair.

How to make big green eyes

Very beautiful makeup, how to make eyes bigger, it turns out for green eyes. You can use bright hues, transitions and contrasting colors. Consider how to make a beautiful evening make-up step by step:

  1. As always, we even out the skin of the eyelids, lighten with beige shadows or flesh-colored powder;
  2. Now we apply light copper shadows on the entire surface of the eyes, you can also use gold or yellow, depending on the context of the event for which you are painting;
  3. After that, we paint over the entire moving eyelid with brown shadows, which will help create a soft transition between colors. We paint the crease between the eyebrow and the eyelid with dark brown, burgundy or even black, this will especially look advantageous for deep-set eyes;
  4. Next, you need a brown eyeliner or a pencil, with their help you get a very fashionable now, “warm makeup”. You need to apply paint along the entire lash line with a thick, confident line. If you have impending eyelids, then we make a small curl on a hanging area, as in the banana technique;
  5. A professional master at the end of the work will blend all clear lines to create soft transitions, but you can leave everything as it is, if the style and your preferences allow it;
  6. After all, we paint with mascara, emphasize the eyebrows, brush off the extra particles of shadows.

Photo - Big green eyes

The option with outlining a moving fold is also suitable for girls with lowered eyelids, but in this case, you need to choose a dark, deep color that visually reduces: burgundy, blue, black, dark gray, dark chocolate. If you want to make such a wedding makeup, then use glitter eye shadow.

Everyone knows that Japanese women have relatively narrow eyes, but Japanese “big eyes” makeup is suitable for girls with a round slit of the pupils, it will create the effect of depth and expressiveness of the look. To make an Asian style make-up at home, we will need scarlet lipstick, white eyeshadow (matte, not pearly), black eyeliner, charcoal or pencil, volumizing mascara and a brown eyebrow pencil.

Step by step master class:

  1. We whiten the whole face, this is very important, the canvas for work should be perfectly even and light to create a beautiful contrast. To do this, we use a corrector, powder, shadows;
  2. After we apply white shadows on the eyelids, the selection should be based on your color type. Someone will suit bright white, someone more muted or even silver (for example, dark-skinned girls);
  3. Next, you need to draw a very thin arrow, the tip of which will go beyond the outer corner of the eye, it should be very neat, almost jewelry, fashion bloggers advise using a spoon for this to control the shape;
  4. We apply light beige shadows under the eyelashes to give expressiveness to the look;
  5. After mascara and paint the eyebrows with a brown pencil.
Photo - Japanese-style makeup

This style of make-up is great for wide eyes, it will visually reduce them and give them an almond shape. This is a very calm and gentle makeup for big eyes, which can be both an everyday option and a weekend. The scheme for drawing the arrow may vary depending on the context, image or personal preferences.

In this article, you will learn a detailed description of how to paint the eyes so that they visually appear a little larger. There are a couple of tips that will easily help in resolving this issue. First of all, we will determine the shape of the eyes and eyelids. We pay attention to everything, including the bend of the eyebrows. If you have minor flaws on your face, then they should also be taken into account.

First video:

In order for girls to look natural, it is very important to have facial care and cleansing products in your arsenal. These products include creams, masks, scrubs, tonics, milk and much more. With proper care, any makeup will lie down correctly and look good. If you have naturally small eyes, then they can be enlarged with the help of cosmetics.

The most common cosmetics among girls are pencil, shadow and mascara. It's all right, on a well-groomed face, only three types of cosmetics are enough to create makeup. With a black pencil you can make your eyes even brighter, with a white pencil and shadows you can optically enlarge them, and mascara as the finishing touch in creating large and beautiful eyes.

First, let's get ready for the eye makeup. To do this, take a corrective cream. We apply it a little, starting from the inner corner, rub it with massaging movements and head to the inner corner. We remove the flaws with a corrective pencil. You can also take a masking cream. After that, we apply a base that will not allow the eyelid to shine and roll down the shadows and arrows.

All girls are different, each has its own features of the face. Therefore, it is impossible to adhere to any one rule. One girl has some facial features, while the other has different ones, and therefore you should learn how to apply makeup with different eye and face shapes. Let's consider each case separately. The shape of the eyes can be small, narrow or round.

Small or narrow eyes

Small eyes cannot be completely outlined with a pencil. At full rendering, you will reduce their size even more. Draw arrows only on the upper lash line, it is better not to touch the lower line. It is better not to take dark tones of shadows. They do not emphasize, but will make them deep and even smaller. An exception to the rule will be if you apply them directly to the arrows, as if shading them. For this method, you can use a thin brush.

For narrow eyes, a pencil can be used, but if they are not completely traced and very dark tones of a pencil or eyeliner are not used. When using shadows, choose a palette of colors so that the eyes are visually emphasized, in addition to the arrows. When choosing the color of eyeshadow, eyeliner and makeup base, consider the color of your skin. Pay attention to your hair and eye color when choosing one or another type of cosmetics.

For example, fair-haired girls with light eyes should use shades of saturated colors, shades of pink, copper and plum. Dark-haired girls with dark eyes are more suitable shades of turquoise and lavender.

Eyelashes- this is what should be your highlight. Choose a mascara that will lengthen and curl them well. Do not take waterproof mascara, it is only suitable if you have thick and long eyelashes. If your eyelashes are sparse and short, then you can find a universal mascara that will not only visually lengthen, but also make them voluminous.

As for false eyelashes, you need to glue medium in length and thin, as long thick eyelashes only make the look heavier. If you have never used false eyelashes before, I advise you to consult a makeup artist before you start wearing them in everyday life.

Don't forget about eyebrows. In small or narrow eyes, everything plays a big role. If you have them low, then with the help of tweezers you can try to fix this problem, make the shape they need. The thickness should remain medium. Choose the color for your hair. Mascara, shadows or special paint can add brightness. Plucking is only in the bottom line.

round eye shape

This form, in fact, speaks for itself. Tu no longer needs to make them visually larger, they are already large. But still, in makeup, arrows, eyeliner and dark shadows should be used. This will be needed to draw and change them, since today it is difficult to meet a girl or woman who does not make up. Everyone wants to look fashionable and beautiful. And plum-shaped eye makeup is very suitable for this form - this is when the eye is drawn along its entire length, arrows are drawn on the upper eyelid and neutral eyeshadow colors are used, for example, beige, plum and brown.

It is necessary to observe the correct palette of shadows. With an unsuccessful selection of colors, you can drastically ruin the entire makeup. Use dark shadows. In your case, they will not reduce as much as with small, narrow or medium.

Mascara is best to take lengthening and twisting. To make you look natural, you first need to make up once from the roots of the eyelashes, let them dry, and then make up a second time, painting over the extreme corner well from the temples.

Eyebrows should also be well-groomed. When adjusting, keep the correct proportions, shape and height. If you have thick and low eyebrows, then to soften the look, you need to pluck with tweezers at the bottom of the eyebrows to medium thickness. It is better not to pluck sparse eyebrows, their shape can be drawn with a special eyebrow pencil. It should be in tone with the hair or a tone lighter. If you already pluck such eyebrows, then only slightly, covering unwanted areas of overgrowth.

Mistakes made with unsuccessful makeup

When using pearlescent shadows and eyeliner, be extremely careful. For bulging eyes and puffy eyelids, the use of this makeup will spoil your face, and focus not on big eyes, but on your imperfections.

If you take shadows or eyeliner with a radiant texture, then it would be a mistake to use mother-of-pearl tones if they are intended for correction. It is better to use less shiny tones.

Effect of heavy arrows. It is used in styles such as pin up, retro and many other types of makeup. Owners of small or narrow eyes, this style does not fit at all. It will only shrink your eyes.

Mascara with the effect of false eyelashes. Very common cosmetics among girls. With this mascara, the cilia increase in multiple sizes, and the eyes become bright. This is all true, but in everyday life it is inappropriate. Such cosmetics can only be used in certain cases, such as participating in a carnival, at a performance, and so on. If you still want to make your look bigger with the help of such mascara, then do not put too much eyelashes on it, everything should be in moderation.

Makeup tricks

White pencil is the best way to enlarge the eyes. It must be applied in the inner part of the eye, in the lower mucous or upper part of it. For a narrow eye shape, it will be very successful to apply the pencil only at the bottom, starting from the inside. The upper part should not be touched if it is important for you to look natural. Make sure that there are no bruises on the face and around the eyes, since in combination with a white pencil you will only make them painful.

Contour pencil. With it, your eyes will also increase. The rules for drawing arrows are simple, you need to draw several points along the upper eyelid and draw a line along them, slightly extending it upwards around the corner of the eye. When drawing arrows, we stretch the skin of the upper eyelid, so we get rid of wrinkles.

Dark eyeliner. A very good option for all occasions. It is desirable to use it only on the upper eyelid, and shadows and a light pencil on the lower. In this way, smoky makeup is created. But not everyone follows this rule and completely circles them with eyeliner, but in the end they get the opposite effect - a decrease.

If you have a swollen or drooping eyelid, then first of all we apply the foundation for makeup. You can use eyeliner. It should be applied only along the growth line of the upper eyelashes, slightly shading it from the outside of the eyelid. When the arrows are drawn, you can paint the shadows, but the colors should be slightly muted.

Three-dimensional makeup is the use of three colors of shadows. A very advantageous option if, for example, you want to do makeup in the power of “smoky eyes”. The most important thing is to choose the right shadow palette and observe a smooth transition between light and dark shadows when applying them.

Shadow color. If you have green eyes, then the following shades will suit you:

  • red;
  • pink;
  • brown
  • copper;
  • plum.

For brown-eyed girls, lavender and turquoise shades are suitable. Blue-eyed girls are more suitable for such shades:

  1. gray color;
  2. pink;
  3. copper;
  4. peach;
  5. plum;
  6. orange.

But not only the color is a decisive factor, your hair tone, skin tone and much more are also taken into account.

Pearlescent shadows. When used on the eyes, you optically magnify them. It is desirable to apply them from above to the middle of the upper eyelid. In combination with arrows, you can create a very expressive and beautiful make-up.

Neat eyebrows and eyelashes

It's no secret that eyebrows and eyelashes also affect size. This is because the eyes are perceived in a complex with the whole face. Therefore, the correct shape of the eyebrows and neat eyelashes can optically enlarge even the smallest eyes.

Eyebrow shaping is easy with tweezers. You need to pluck from the bottom, the upper part is not affected. We make a round shape, oval, in the form of a question mark or slightly inclined, it all depends on the shape of your eyes. The thickness of the eyebrows is left medium, gradually reducing it towards the temples. Color will give a pencil, special paint or ink. Eyebrow color should be a tone lighter than your hair.

For eyelashes, it is very important to use lengthening and curling mascara that does not stick, does not leave lumps and does not make them artificial.


There are three main types of cosmetics that are used to enlarge the eyes - these are shadows, pencil and mascara. If you take care of your face, then additional cosmetics will not be required. Facial care is done with the help of creams and masks, cleaning is done with milk, tonic or washing gel, and a facial scrub is also used.

Shadows use matte, shiny and mother-of-pearl. Depending on the shape of the eyes, skin tone, hair color and eyes, appropriate shadows are selected that will enlarge your eyes.

A black pencil is a handy thing in creating expressive daytime makeup. The main rule in its application is to draw a line on the upper eyelid along pre-marked dots on a slightly stretched eyelid.

Eyeliner is a replacement for a pencil. It even looks brighter on the eyes than a pencil. In order for the eyeliner to be able to increase, and not vice versa, reduce the eyes, it should be carried out only along the lash line, without thickening the line and not weighing the eyes with a dark color.

A white pencil is a useful thing in enlarging the eyes. It is applied to the lower mucosa of the eyelid. On narrow or small eyes, this pencil can be applied as arrows to the upper part of the eyelid. If there are bruises and puffiness around the eyes, then they should be hidden with a corrective cream.

Mascara is the final step in applying eye makeup. It is important to choose the mascara that suits you best. The most common is universal, which will lengthen, twist and make cilia voluminous.

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