We take care of the skin of the face: how to properly carry out home procedures. Be careful with makeup. Facial cleansers

In order for the results to exceed expectations, proper facial skin care is needed, a beautician with experience would call this a systematic ritual. After all, it is daily manipulations, using the right tools and tactics, that allow you to achieve the desired effect, and most importantly, do not harm the skin.

A lady with a well-groomed appearance is beautiful, fashionable, status. Such women feel more confident, attract the attention of others. To join this category of well-groomed beauties, you don't have to wait for Monday, you need to start right today and right now!

To achieve impressive results, there are many ways and means designed for women of different ages and configured to spend different amounts of money on their faces.

However, regardless of the cheapness or high cost of manipulations, they must be suitable for a certain type of skin, which is easy to determine at home in various ways.

With a mirror and a magnifying glass

It is necessary to carefully consider all parts of the face, evaluate the color of the dermis, the presence of a characteristic oily sheen or haze, porosity.

With paper towel

Before testing, the face should be washed with a neutral agent, blotted with a napkin. Without using any cosmetics, wait 20 minutes.

After that: take a paper towel or napkin, put it on your face and, gently pressing, achieve tight contact with the skin.

Leave on the face for 10 minutes, then remove and carefully examine the prints. Traces of fat are signs of oily skin, a clean or moderately soaked tissue indicates normal or dry skin.

With a mirror surface

It is enough to briefly attach a mirror to a clean face to see traces of sebum on it. If there are different results on different parts of the skin, it is combined.

After selecting one of the tests and conducting it, you need to compare the results obtained with typical characteristics:

  • Oily skin is thick, with a characteristic oily sheen and enlarged pores. She is prone to acne breakouts and inflammation. Advantage - does not age for a long time.
  • Dry skin is thin, delicate, like paper, its pores are narrowed. In youth, an even pinkish hue, it becomes problematic with age. Through a magnifying glass, you can see areas of peeling, hyperemia, the presence of small wrinkles, even at a young age.
  • Normal skin - balanced in terms of oil and water, looks fresh and healthy. With age, it needs care, systematic nutrition and hydration.
  • Combination skin - is oily in the T-zone, and in other parts of the face it is very dry.

It is important that when we properly care for the skin of the face, choose products according to its type, it immediately responds to care with radiance and freshness.

  • Seasons (in summer - fatter, in summer - drier).
  • Changes in the hormonal background (lack or excess of hormones).
  • Diet (there should be enough polyunsaturated fatty acids in food).
  • Health conditions (some medications cause dry skin).

In addition to carers, cosmetic facial skin care can show negative aspects if special rules are not followed.

For oily skin:

  • It is strictly forbidden to dry it with alcohol tonics and lotions.
  • It is not recommended to treat with a nourishing oil-based cream.
  • Products must be tested for comedogenicity.

For dry skin:

  • Avoid the use of fat-free products.
  • For cleansing, use light, gentle products that do not have an aggressive effect.
  • In the composition of caring and decorative products should be protected from ultraviolet radiation.
  • Be sure to moisturize in the summer, in the winter - nutrition with fatty creams.

For sensitive skin:

  • Avoid contrasting temperatures (steaming, rubbing with ice).
  • Use funds after testing on the wrist.
  • Do not use formulations with microparticles that can injure the skin.
  • Moisturize your face throughout the day.

For combination skin:

  • Use products for cleansing, nourishing, moisturizing and protecting according to the areas of the face.

For normal skin:

  • It is important to maintain her condition - do not overdry.
  • Do not expose to aggressive atmosphere - use protective equipment.
  • Use cosmetics recommended by cosmetologists for age.

Improper care can harm the dermis, aggravate its condition, and lead to undesirable consequences.

Cleansers & Exfoliators

To rid your face of grease, sweat and bacteria, it is not enough just to wash your face with water. The skin must be thoroughly cleansed by removing dead cells of the epidermis. This will help the beneficial substances of the cream to penetrate the dermis without hindrance.

Proper facial care involves the use of the following products, which any experienced cosmetologist will approve:

  • Cosmetic milk. Suitable for superficial cleansing, does not penetrate deeper layers.
  • Alkaline-free foam. It is applied to a fabric glove, which is gently wiped over the face.
  • Peeling creams based on fruit acids dissolve dirt from the surface and have a bactericidal effect.
  • Scrubs, which include crushed fruit pits, seeds of exotic fruits and other natural abrasives.
  • Clay mask.

Without these actions, even a super-effective remedy will not affect the dermis and will not bring results.

Do you need a tonic?

After cleansing, the skin, regardless of type, drastically loses moisture. To normalize the water balance, restore turgor within a short time, it is necessary to apply a tonic to the dermis. Moreover, it is most effective to apply it not with a cotton pad, but spray it as a spray.

The delicate dermis of the face can be injured, so all actions should be light and gentle - patting, fluttering, tapping. Which way is the best - care tips are not singled out, and provide an opportunity for each lady to choose a more comfortable one for herself.

The cream is applied to the face with both hands in certain directions:

  • From the center of the forehead to the temples.
  • From the bridge of the nose to the outer corners of the eyes on the upper eyelid, and in the opposite direction - under the eyes.
  • From nose to cheeks to temples.
  • Around the lips - above and below the center in both directions.
  • From the middle of the neck in both directions up.

Important! Nourishing creams and serums should be applied to a moisturized face, and products with an ultraviolet barrier should be applied to a dry one.

The stages of facial skin care are the same for all types, only cosmetic products for these procedures, selected on the advice of cosmetologists, are individual. Basic steps:

  • Cleansing. With the help of lotions, foams, scrubs and peels.
  • Hydration. Saturation with moisture will provide elasticity, freshness to the skin, give it a healthy look.
  • Toning. The PH-environment of the epidermis is restored, the skin becomes more receptive to the active components of creams.
  • Nutrition. Skin nutrition is the main task for mature ladies, it is recommended to use high-quality cosmetics according to age recommendations.
  • Protection. Protects the dermis from the aggressive effects of the atmosphere, adverse external factors.
  • Regeneration. It activates the production of collagen, improves metabolism, makes the skin holistic and uniform due to its renewal.

Regularity and thoroughness are simple tips from a beautician for facial care that will give an effective and stable result.

Do you want your skin to glow?

For women after 40, it is especially important to update the set of cosmetics to maintain youth. How to do it right, learn the link:

  • It is harmful to wash your face with tap water, it is better to replace it with mineral, boiled or enriched with decoctions of herbs.
  • Apply the cream on the face in the morning - 40 minutes before going out, in the evening - at least an hour before bedtime. Be sure to remove the remnants with a napkin, otherwise swelling on the face is provided in the morning.
  • Apply any cream on absolutely clean skin.
  • The action of the cream does not depend on the thickness of its layer on the face. Do not weigh down and overload the dermis.
  • All means begin to work when the body is in a relaxed state.

Cosmetologists advise the stronger sex to also use cosmetics. Learn more about what is advised to include in men's facial care and buy the right cosmetics!

The beauty industry does not stand still and gives women the opportunity to choose the most comfortable procedures for themselves. The advice of cosmetologists about the use of salon methods makes you want to experience their miraculous power for yourself. Now popular:

  • ultrasonic cleaning. Water is pumped in waves deep into the skin and sucked out already together with toxins.
  • Galivation. Therapeutic cleansing of the deep layers of the skin at the cell level, tightens pores, eliminates wrinkles.

They have a positive effect on the condition of the dermis in the upper and deep layers, improve its condition.

Find out how to choose the right cosmetic facial treatment:

Cosmetic facial cleansing

Cosmetic care begins with facial cleansing, which restores the respiratory function of the skin, stimulates metabolic processes.

Cleaning is done manually or with the help of such special tools and apparatus as:

  • Brushing.
  • Ultrasound.
  • Vacuum.

This procedure is in demand among visitors to beauty salons and gives a good result.


Cosmetologists reveal the secrets of the excellent skin condition of many stars - they all do regular peels.

There are three types of peeling to choose from:

  • Soft superficial, without the use of aggressive agents and manipulations.
  • Median. Exfoliates the deeper layer of the skin, eliminates wrinkles, evens out the tone.
  • Deep. It is carried out with the use of acids of significant concentration. It is able to smooth out not only wrinkles, but also scars and scars.

Peelings are mechanical, hardware and chemical.

Face massage

Cosmetology welcomes facial massage as an excellent cosmetic procedure that allows you to achieve an effect comparable to surgery. Massage:

  • Corrects the contour of the face.
  • Improves microcirculation, which affects the appearance.
  • Smoothes wrinkles.

After the massage, the face looks refreshed and rejuvenated.


This is a method of intensive action on the deep layers of the dermis with drugs designed to restore youth, firmness and elasticity to the skin. The main active drug is hyaluronic acid, which the body needs with age. This substance is injected under the skin:

  • By injection.
  • laser.
  • ultrasound.
  • low frequency current.

After all the manipulations, the face looks renewed, radiant and moisturized. Read more about biorevitalization.

Our skin is the most exposed part of the body, which is constantly exposed to external influences. Weather conditions, anthropogenic load factor, various kinds of pollution can create problems for the skin. Skin care, is a term that carries a different meaning for different people, therefore, in order to understand skin care tips and stick to your chosen care regimen, you need to know your skin, know what functions it performs, which will certainly help you take care of it in the best possible way.

Skin structure

The skin is made up of three layers: epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. A detailed description will help us understand what important functions each layer of the skin performs and how they interact.

epidermis layer, consists of five layers of cells that are responsible for various functions of the skin as a whole. Also, the epidermis layer contains melanin, which is responsible for the darkening of the skin under the influence of ultraviolet rays, for skin coloring.

dermis layer, consists of connective tissue and, in fact, represents the skin. Sweat and sebaceous glands, nerve endings and receptors, blood vessels, hair follicles are located in the dermis. It is in this layer of the skin that most of the processes associated with skin aging take place.

hypodermis layer, or sub-dermis, or subcutaneous fat, the main function of which is to store and accumulate essential nutrients.

sweat glands are responsible for the elimination and partial removal of water-soluble waste from the body. Sebaceous glands secrete fats that lubricate the surface of the skin, which prevents its excessive dryness and cracking. Blockages and congestion in these processes are considered to be the main causes of our many skin problems.

The need for skin care

Skin care, is a complex of procedures that are aimed at maintaining and strengthening the skin. Skin care exists at different levels in everyone's life. It can range from the use of simple soap and cream to more significant treatments such as anti-aging treatments.

Skin Care Tips are of great interest to many and different groups of the population. Everyone wants to look good and be confident in their attractiveness.

Facial treatments

most popular and effective skin care, which gives the most positive result, includes cleansing, exfoliating, moisturizing and using sunscreen.

Step 1 Cleansing

The cleansing procedure is the most important aspect of skin care. It is carried out primarily in order to remove makeup, cleanse the pores of the skin.

In this case, you need to find a good cleanser that your skin will respond well to and stick with.

Can use a cleansing cream without using water. You can choose a combined option: remove makeup with makeup remover and use a little cleanser with water. Use only warm water. Never wash your face with hot or very cold water as this can damage the capillaries.

Morning cleansing includes light washing with warm water. This is usually enough to remove excess nighttime skin hydration.

Step 2: Exfoliate

Scrub works to remove the top layers of dead cells that tend to give skin a dull color. Most cosmetologists are of the opinion that skin peeling once a week, keeps your skin glowing all year round.

Most people skip peeling often, but if you start exfoliate skin properly you will notice the difference very quickly. According to Ron Berg, one of the reasons why men's skin looks younger than women's is because men exfoliate some of their skin every day when they use a razor.

There are several ways to exfoliate the skin: microdermabrasion, chemical peeling.

Use gentle scrubs with small grains. The large grains in cheap scrubs can tear the skin and do more harm than good. One of the best microdermabrasion kits is made by Lancome.

Chemical peeling is aimed at exfoliating the stratum corneum of the skin with various chemical agents. Superficial peeling is carried out once a year. Medium peeling - from two to six times throughout life. Deep peeling - up to three times over the entire period of life.

Step 3: Moisturize

The basic law of skin beauty says that regardless of its type, the skin must be moisturized. Even if your skin is oily, it needs hydration too. Acne is the only exception. How much hydration is needed? Your skin will tell you when and how much moisture and nourishment it needs. However, be careful if you overdo it, it can lead to clogged pores.

Do I need to nourish the skin around the eyes? The skin around the eyes does not contain fatty tissue and is therefore very thin and susceptible to wrinkles. Special creams for the skin around the eyes, as it were, "thicken" this area. Therefore, some beauty experts strongly recommend using an eye cream.

Step 4: Use sunscreen

Many experts recommend using sunscreen. O Magazine published an article with an interview in which leading dermatologists took part. Each of them said that sunscreens are an important part of skin care.

One of the reasons for the appearance of wrinkles, age spots and other skin problems, according to experts, is the effect of sunlight, so it is important to use sunscreen from an early age, even in winter and on cloudy days. Use a broad spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15.

healthy eating . Healthy eating leads to healthy skin.

Dream. You must sleep for eight or ten hours every night because the skin repairs itself when you sleep.

Cleansing the body . The elimination of toxins helps maintain healthy skin.

Emotions. Negative emotions can contribute to rashes and red patches on the skin. So smile more often.

Exercises. Deep breathing exercises are beauty treatments, especially when you fill your lungs with clean and fresh air. Oxygen is a vital element for the skin.

Skin care should be carried out comprehensively and regularly, according to an individual scheme for you.

Greetings boys and girls!!! Today's topic is for you, for those who know how and want to stay forever young, despite their age.

After all, the state of "girls and boys" does not depend on age, it is a state of mind. But, even more I want the inner mood to match the outer appearance.

Agree that it is easier to maintain a young and cheerful mood when a fresh, toned, luminous face filled with health and beauty looks at you from the mirror.

I'm 27, and I look 18, all my friends and acquaintances keep telling me about it. It always amuses me when 20-year-old guys start courting me at parties.

I am young not only inside, but outside, everything is harmonious with me, so I know what I'm talking about.
Using my own experience, I am ready to tell you what facial skin care products you need to use so that it literally shines and your appearance causes exclamations of admiration.

In this episode, I will answer the following questions for you:

  • Rules for caring for different types of skin
  • The secret way of youth and beauty for the "lazy"

And so we went…. All right

The main stages of facial skin care

1. Stage one - Cleansing. The first and most important. Dirty, oily, acne-prone skin cannot look young and beautiful.

Of course, if you do not strive to look like a pimply teenager. Therefore, pay due attention to cleansing. And in adolescence, this stage is more important than ever.

The first and foremost means of cleansing will always be water. Preferably filtered, I think you can allocate a few liters of drinking water for your beloved face.

If there is no makeup on the face, and it does not require deep cleaning, water with the addition of lemon juice is suitable. It makes water soft and acts as a natural antiseptic, killing germs.

Several times a week, you need to carry out a deeper cleansing with scrubs and peels appropriate for your skin type.

The best natural scrub at home is plain baking soda mixed with soap suds, which prevents skin damage and makes scrubbing safe. This peeling is also perfect for men and teenagers.

Ladies, remember!!! Never, hear NEVER, go to bed with makeup on your face. It won't forgive you!

2. Stage two - Toning. At this stage, your best friend will be a contrast wash and ice. Make sure you always have ice in your freezer, your skin will thank you for it.

After washing your face in the morning, wipe your face with ice cubes. To improve the effect and give greater elasticity, you can make ice from a decoction of chamomile, calendula, mint, lemon balm, green tea, cucumber juice.

Do not forget that care should be comprehensive; for this, you will need a homemade tonic from a decoction of herbs. Even aging skin will quickly tone up with this approach.

3. Stage three - nutrition. Yes Yes!!! The skin also wants to eat. Do not forget about such things as nourishing masks.

If you want to be 100% sure that there are only useful components in the mask, make them yourself according to folk recipes.

I have a proven system for lazy people in my arsenal, but more on that later. Most often I use a mask of bananas and honey.

I am sure that your cute face will be happy with any fruit mask.

For dry skin, add a couple of drops of olive oil or a teaspoon of sour cream. A mask of oatmeal with milk and honey provides not only nutrition, but also gentle cleansing.

4. Stage Four - Protection. Last but not least. Our skin is susceptible to daily environmental influences.

It is especially affected by high and low temperatures. Therefore, when leaving the house, in the cold, take 5 minutes to apply a silicone-based protective cream.

In the summer, the bright burning sun is no less detrimental.

Believe me, as a person living in eternal summer, the skin needs to be protected from the sun and the more carefully, the better.

Otherwise, after the burning sun, your skin will become dehydrated, which will lead to dryness and early wrinkling.

Rules for caring for different skin types

It would seem that the question is elementary, to moisturize dry skin, to dry oily skin. But it is important to choose the right approach. The main rule here is to do no harm.

Traditionally, there are three types of skin: oily, dry and combination. In its pure form, all types are rare, as a rule, they change and flow from one to another. What kind of care does each of these types need?

Oily skin care.Yes, right! Such skin needs to be dried and the pores through which excess oil is released and dirt enters should be reduced. Here, ordinary white clay will be the best folk remedy.

The important thing is to keep it clean. I usually buy clay masks from supermarkets. The cost is cheap, but the effect is amazing.

Take the clay, stir it with warm water and apply it on your face. After 15 minutes, when the mask dries, wash your face with warm water and enjoy its clean and closed pores without any trace of oily sheen.

After cleansing with clay, smear your face with a light moisturizer with a minimum amount of fat. And do not forget about homemade tonic with a decoction of herbs. I think you have 2 minutes to brew herbs with coffee.

Dry skin care Quite right! This skin needs to be moisturized. But here the system is important in which it does not turn into oily and shiny.

A mask of honey and egg yolks with the addition of olive oil will give your skin proper nutrition and hydration. She will literally make her smile.

Instead of greasy creams, use natural oils, masks from which will gently moisturize your skin. To avoid turning into oily skin, remember our old friends, oatmeal mask and natural tonic. They will gently cleanse it, while maintaining the water balance.

Combination skin care. Combination skin type is the most common. As a rule, the face is oily in the area of ​​the nose, middle of the forehead and chin, while the cheeks, neck, area around the eyes and lips are dry.

For combination skin mixed care. Combine products for oily and dry skin, using them on the appropriate area of ​​the face. Areas around the eyes and lips require special care.

After all, it is in these places that it is incredibly thin and sensitive. Very well moisturizes and nourishes these areas with almond and peach oils applied at night.

Cosmetologists still distinguish problematic and sensitive skin types. But I deliberately miss them, because, firstly, each of these types is initially oily or dry, and problematicness and sensitivity are more likely a consequence.

And secondly, such skin requires professional care of cosmetologists.

How diet and lifestyle affect your face

I am what I eat - say the ancient yogis and they are absolutely right. I fully agree with this statement. Your food reflects on your face.

After all, the process of skin renewal occurs daily, and new cells are formed from nutrients that enter the body with food.

Of course, there is a long process of digestion, in which the food we receive is broken down into its constituent elements, and only then new cells are built from them. But the quality of our food is the quality of the building material.

No matter how skillfully the builders lay the brick, if its quality is poor, the house built from it will not last long, it simply cannot be durable. Also with food.

Remember, we get the highest quality, easily digestible, useful substances for our body from raw vegetables and fruits. I won't call you to a raw food diet, but please do your skin a favor and include fresh vegetables, fruits and greens in your daily diet.

Pay special attention to this moment in the spring, when the body is weakening after the winter cold.
Most of the damage to our skin, however, as well as the figure, is caused by the so-called fast carbohydrates.

Those same chocolates, sweets, cookies and pies, with which many of us love to indulge ourselves. They often lead to oiliness and cause acne.

I myself have a sweet tooth, but, alas, I have to eat strawberries, mangoes, pineapples, muesli and honey instead of cakes. It is checked up, to taste very worthy alternative.

But most importantly, it's useful. Sometimes you can allow yourself a chocolate bar, but it is better to treat yourself to fruits regularly. Trust me, your body will thank you.

And if you add physical activity to proper nutrition and eliminate bad habits, your skin will simply shine and dance with joy.

It seems banal things, but still I consider it necessary to repeat them.


Firstly, any regular physical activity (gymnastics, yoga, running, exercising, fitness swimming dancing) tone your body and your face is no exception.

Secondly! Smoking, alcohol, overeating, lack of sleep bring irreparable harm to your body, exhaust, weaken, and all this cannot but affect your face.

Therefore, if you have dirty hair and not painted nails, and the time is long after midnight, go to bed. After all, hair can be hidden in a tight bun and covered with gel, nails can be painted at lunchtime, and it is almost impossible to hide a tired face and bruises under the eyes.

Moreover, fatigue tends to accumulate and make you older by several years at once. And do not forget about a positive attitude and mental balance. Cheerful, peaceful people live long and always look good.

On that positive note, I say goodbye to you! See you soon in the next issue. Subscribe to my blog, get valuable advice, find interesting information and smile.

With a smile, any face looks younger and more attractive (To be honest, this is my #1 secret, I smile a lot)

RULE 1: Choose skin care products for your skin type

In skin care, the first and most important rule is to use cosmetics specially designed for your skin type. The needs of dry and oily skin differ significantly.

RULE 2: Pay special attention to sensitive areas of the skin

The skin in certain places on the face is thinner and more vulnerable. It requires special care, especially the skin around the eyes and lips. These areas are the most sensitive and require special attention.

RULE 3: Gentle cleansing

Sensitive skin care starts with make-up removal. In order not to put additional stress on it and maintain its natural balance, use pH-neutral make-up removers that are specially formulated to gently cleanse the skin.

RULE 4: Eyes: risk zone

The skin around the eyes is ten times thinner than the skin on the face elsewhere. Use special eye makeup removers.

RULE 5: Peeling (exfoliation) - a necessary procedure for facial skin care

Use the type of peel that suits your skin once or twice a week. Peeling should be effective, but soft and not injure the skin. Choose pH-neutral products that cleanse and soften the skin well, while maintaining its natural balance.

RULE 6: Hydration is essential

The dermis is 70% water and the epidermis 15%. To keep your skin well hydrated, choose moisturizers that maintain a constant level of moisture in your skin. You can also regularly use a moisturizing mask, removing its excess with Thermal Water.

RULE 7: Opt for hypoallergenic make-up

To avoid the risk of allergies associated with cosmetics that are not suitable for your skin type, choose hypoallergenic color cosmetics specially formulated for all skin types and around the eyes, including sensitive skin.

RULE 8: Sun protection

Regardless of the time of year, use cosmetics with sunscreen. They allow you to reduce the harmful effects of sunlight, which accelerates the aging process.

RULE 9: Avoid external adverse factors

Environmental pollution, smoking, stress... All of these have a negative effect on the skin. Use cosmetics that will protect your skin from adverse factors before you leave the house, and thoroughly cleanse your skin when you return home in the evening.

RULE 10: Don't Forget Your Lips

As soon as you feel it is necessary, use a regenerating lip cream. You can reapply the cream as often as you wish.

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The skin on the face reflects not only the woman's age, but also her love and respect for herself.

Therefore, proper care for her simply must become the rule of every day, and the truth about your age will be hidden from others forever.

But what to do if you want to look beautiful, but material possibilities are very limited?

It's simple - give preference to home-made products.

It is no less effective than salon procedures, but much cheaper and safer!

Facial skin care at home: proper cleansing

Beautiful skin is clear skin. It's not about mechanical pollution, but about blockage of pores. This problem increasingly accompanies not only oily skin, but also owners of normal skin type. Ideally, the epidermis should cleanse itself (as nature intended), but our vital speed has gained maximum momentum, and the skin simply does not have time to adapt its direct functions to the pace of life. She needs a little help.

The simplest and inexpensive deep cleaning method the skin of the house is salt. There is an opinion that only sea water should be used. It is not true. Ordinary table salt has a large set of antiseptic properties, besides, it is always at hand. Salt scrub is not stored, it must be used immediately after preparation. Recipes for each skin type are different.

Any scrub is more effective if carried out on slightly steamed skin. Best after a hot shower or relaxing bath.

Proper skin cleansing at home involves two golden rules:

1. Never start mechanical cleaning of the face if it has inflammation, rashes, wounds. The procedure will not bring benefits, and may worsen the healing of the inflamed process;

2. In no case do not start cleaning the pores without first cleaning the skin with soap or other cleanser. During mechanical action, the skin is injured and the presence of any type of pollution on it (even cosmetic residues) is fraught with inflammation.

Facial skin care at home: moisturizing

Moisturizing is the most important step in skin care. Elastic, glowing skin is a reality for any woman. Properly saturate the skin with moisture without even noticing it. Simple products with daily presence in the menu can saturate the body with substances that improve the health of the face and skin in general.

1.5 liters daily is enough to give the skin proper elasticity

Vitamin C

Promotes natural collagen production. Just a few apples a day or a sauerkraut salad has the same effect on skin health as an expensive cream.

Fats and omega-3 fatty acids

We are talking about healthy, easily digestible fats of vegetable origin, or from fermented milk products. Marine fish oils are the healthiest source of omega-3s.

Trace elements: copper, magnesium, silicon, sulfur

A daily portion of any cereal or a slice of whole grain bread will fully satisfy the body's need for these trace elements.

The vitality of the skin integument largely depends on the way of life, and not on the price tag on the box of moisturizer. Less caffeine and stress, more sleep and positive emotions will be reflected on the face instantly. But still pamper your face with moisturizing masks required several times a month.

Recipe #1:

1 chicken yolk (can be quail);

1 st. l. fatty kefir (cream);

1 tsp carrot juice.

Mix and apply for 15 minutes on a clean face. It is better if the mask is slightly warm. More suitable for dry skin.

Recipe #2:

Sea buckthorn juice is an effective remedy for any skin type. Wipe their face daily, or apply on a gauze mask and leave on the face for 20 minutes.

Recipe #3:

2 tbsp. l. honey;

1 st. l. aloe juice.

Extract aloe juice from one leaf of the plant, previously cut and left in the refrigerator for several days. Mix with honey in proportion and apply to clean skin. This mask can be stored in the refrigerator. Suitable for any skin type.

Facial skin care at home: nutrition

It is necessary to nourish the skin in order to improve its color and overall appearance. Flabby, almost transparent skin of a gray tint is what can happen if you do not pay due attention to your face. Skin cells are very lazy by nature. If they do not receive proper nutrition, they begin to slow down their functionality right up to a complete stop. To prevent this, it is necessary to nourish your body with useful substances, not only internally, but also with the help of external means.

At home, skin nutrition occurs with the help of masks, which are prepared from improvised ingredients. For each type of skin, it is better to choose the appropriate composition, otherwise the effect will not be maximum.

Homemade nourishing masks for different skin types

skin type

The composition of the mask

Application features


1 egg white;

1 tsp honey;

Potato starch.

Heat honey in a steam bath and mix with whipped protein. Thicken the mixture with starch. Apply to a clean face for 25-30 minutes. Repeat 3-4 times a month.

20 gr. yeast (not dry);

1 st. l. sour cream.

Apply the mixture on the skin for 25 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water without soap.

1 tsp honey;

1 tsp glycerin.

The components are mixed in a steam bath, then applied to a clean face for 1-2 hours. Leftover masks will keep in the refrigerator for up to three days. Repeat the process until the composition is complete.


1 st. l. cottage cheese;

1 st. l. berry puree (according to the season).

Mix the ingredients and apply on the face. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. Repeat no more than once a week.

Facial skin care at home: whitening

With age or under the influence of the environment and the pace of life, unpleasant surprises in the form of age spots may appear on the skin of the face. Many women immediately run to boutiques for corrective means, not realizing that this problem is solved at home using very affordable methods.

Cucumber express mask

1 fresh cucumber;

Cucumber grate and pour alcohol. Insist 24 hours in the refrigerator. A gauze pad soaked in the resulting lotion is applied to the face for 15 minutes. The resulting infusion can be used until it runs out. A series of procedures last from 14 to 30 days, depending on the result. This mask is more suitable for those with oily skin.

parsley tonic

Chop the parsley with a knife and pour boiling water over it. Rub the infusion into the skin 2-3 times a day. For convenience, you can freeze the infusion in ordinary ice molds and wipe your face in the morning before work. This procedure will give the skin elasticity and freshness.

Honey Lemon Mask

Juice of 1 lemon;

Honey 2 tbsp. l.

Melt honey in a water bath and mix with lemon juice. Soak gauze well with the solution and apply on the face for 15-20 minutes.

You should not pin hopes that after one procedure the skin will become perfect. This requires a series of procedures, but the result will manifest itself as a long-term effect.

Facial skin care at home: the fight against wrinkles

Advertised anti-wrinkle masks are largely just a commercial ploy. All processes of aging of subcutaneous cells are controlled only by the body. As we feed him, so he answers us. To delay the appearance of the first wrinkles, it is advisable to do preventive procedures that do not take much time, do not require material investments, are safe for health and give a good result. This:

1. healthy eating,

2. fresh air,

3. facial massage,

4. vitamin home masks.

The area around the eyes is the first to react to age, so you need to pay more attention to it. This smoothing mask recipe is suitable not only for wrinkles, but also as a reduction of dark circles.

Potato eye mask

1 st. l. mashed potatoes;

1 tsp olive oil;

1 tsp chopped parsley.

Mix the ingredients and apply to the area around the eyes for 15 minutes. Apply the mask every 2 days for a month. For convenience, you can make an infusion with parsley. Pour boiling water over 15 teaspoons of chopped parsley and let it brew until the water cools.

The most effective remedy that gives instant results is a gelatin mask. Gelatin contains natural collagen. All expensive products and salon procedures, in one form or another, contain it.

Gelatin anti-wrinkle mask

Milk 2 tbsp. l.;

Fat cottage cheese 1 tbsp. l.;

Gelatin 1 tsp

Pour gelatin with milk until swelling. Then melt it in a water bath (do not bring to a boil). Rub the cottage cheese through satiety and mix with gelatin. Apply the mixture on your face for 30 minutes. At this time, it is better to relax, not to show emotions and facial expressions. The mask will dry, making a film on the face. Under no circumstances should you tear it off. The mask is removed with a very warm decoction of herbs or using a steam bath. This miracle remedy has no contraindications and can be used frequently.

Facial skin care at home: reasons for failure

Homemade facial skin care products have all the properties that are valued and synthetic purchased creams and masks. The only difference is that the tube from the store is more convenient to use, it is always at hand. But its chemical composition should alert everyone. In a home remedy, only what is given to us by nature, and this is a priori better. But still, if home remedies do not give the expected effect, the reasons may lie in:

1. Composition. Incorrectly selected ingredients according to skin type give the opposite effect.

2. The use of ingredients out of season (you can not include fresh cucumbers in skin care products in winter);

3. Non-systematic procedures.

4. Inconsistency of the type of mask to the problem that you want to solve.