Doll makeup for brunettes. Makeup for dolls - face and body. Makeup eye shadow color "doll eyes"

Makeup for doll eyes, despite all the controversy and ambiguity, is loved by many representatives of the fair sex. Do makeup in the style of doll eyes at least once, make sure that such a transformation will turn you from an ordinary girl into a real glamorous beauty.

If you are interested in makeup techniques that can be used to create doll-like eyes, give this article some of your attention. Many beautiful girls want to have big eyes, not everyone is given them by nature, but correcting what is available is quite simple.

Plump lips, expressive eyes, graceful silhouette - this is the embodiment of girlish beauty. The Barbie doll has become the personification of impeccable style for many girls who played with it in childhood. Now many fashionistas do not hide their love for this fatal beauty, but try to be like her in everything.

  • Let's start with the face

In order to make your face look like a lovely doll, we will need various cosmetics. The main thing is that the skin must be perfect. If there is the slightest redness, pimples, dark circles under the eyes or other troubles on your face, you need to disguise them as thoroughly as possible. For this we need concealer, powder and foundation, for example. The best product in this line will be the BB cream, known to every fashionista. It will simultaneously moisturize and disguise minor imperfections. Plus, thanks to its light texture, it will prevent your face from looking too artificial.

If your facial skin is prone to oiliness, be sure to powder your face, thereby giving it a matte velvety finish.

Your appearance must be impeccable, we have already understood this, and therefore, the next step we will draw the eyebrows in the most careful manner, with special care. There should absolutely be no protruding extra hairs. Choose a pencil whose color is slightly richer than your natural hair shade. You can also use shadows for this purpose.

  • Let's get to the eyes

Now take a white pencil; it is important that its shaft is soft enough. Swipe along the inside of your lower eyelid - do you see that your eyes seem to have opened even wider? Using the same pencil, highlight the lash line of the upper eyelid. Whiten the inner corner of your eye. You can see in more detail how to do makeup using the doll's eye technique in the video provided.

Now it's time to apply the shadows. Choose your own makeup tone; for daytime makeup, peach and pink shades are the most appropriate. If you have an evening out, don’t be afraid to use more saturated shades of turquoise, sky blue, and cyclamen colors for makeup using the doll eyes technique.

It's time to tell you not only how to do doll eye makeup, but also discover little tricks. For example, when it's time to dye your eyelashes, apply alternate layers of lengthening and volumizing mascara. Thus, you will be able to achieve the effect of fluffy, luxurious eyelashes, from under which your lovely doll eyes will look at the world. We all remember from childhood what lush, coquettishly curved eyelashes decorate a doll’s face. If there is not enough natural curl, use a special eyelash curler.

  • We use lenses

IMPORTANT: If you want to achieve a greater effect, use colored lenses. Their choice is huge, the colors are absolutely stunning - let your eyes acquire a surprisingly blue, lilac, or even turquoise color. Plus, the lenses are usually larger than your natural iris, meaning your eyes will look staggeringly large. But, you need to put on the lenses before you start applying makeup. Otherwise, you risk getting an infection in your eyes.

  • Final stage

Look at the photos of girls whose faces have doll-like eye makeup applied, do you feel like you are missing something to complete the look? That's right, the time has come. Blush in pink and peach shades will help us achieve a childlike, delicate blush. Apply them with a wide soft brush to the prominent cheekbones, lightly touching the middle of the cheek.

Makeup for big doll eyes requires the presence of a juicy, plump mouth on the face. Apply a special moisturizing balm to your lips and lightly powder. The next step is to give the desired contour to the lips; for this we will need a pencil matched to the tone of the lipstick. The best option is shades of pink and berry lipstick. If you lack volume, use lip gloss. But remember that in this makeup technique the emphasis is on the eyes, do not overdo it with the brightness of the lips.

We told you all about the Barbie Look makeup technique. We hope that our tips will help you become even more beautiful, carefree and playful. All that remains is to choose the appropriate light dress and pin a flirty bow to your hair.

Doll makeup or how to do makeup to look like a doll? That's what we'll talk about today. But it should be remembered that doll makeup on every day looks great if you have perfect skin. Small flaws, of course, can be muffled with modern cosmetics. It is also desirable that there are no signs of fatigue on your face. It's best to get a good night's sleep beforehand. A healthy sleep will significantly refresh you.

Doll makeup: how to do doll makeup step by step

How to do a doll's makeup? Let's consider step by step all actions that will lead you to your desired goal - to become like a doll. Before applying makeup like a doll, clean your face with your usual light scrub. At the same time, the pores will be cleaned and slight roughness of the skin will disappear.

Next step: applying nourishing cream to the skin of the face. The cream should be applied three times. And every time it should be well absorbed into the skin. What will this procedure do? The skin will be filled with life-giving moisture, which will give it a special velvety feel.

Proceed to the next stage of the doll's makeup. Apply a moisturizing foundation, such as BB or CC cream, to your face. Such creams combine a masking effect and a moisturizing effect.

Makeup big eyes like a doll

Makeup doll eyes? Next we do the makeup for the big doll eyes. To make the eyes look like those of a doll, use a white pencil. The line is drawn on the inner side of the lower eyelid. Whiten the inner corners of your eyes as well. Use liquid black eyeliner to draw a line on the upper eyelid.

Black eyeliner can visually enlarge your eyes by lining the lower eyelid, below the lash line. Complete your makeup big eyes like a doll, pink shadows. tweezers and powder them. Apply mascara to. Apply pink or peach to your cheeks.

Doll makeup - video tutorials on doll eye makeup

Makeup like a doll - video on how to draw doll eyes

To complete your doll's makeup, apply a soft gloss to her lips. Read about. We bring to your attention a video with the doll's makeup.

Doll makeup will decorate any girl. The doll has smooth skin and large, languid eyes. If previously doll makeup was considered one of the catwalk options, today it is considered incredibly popular and has already managed to win the hearts of many girls who dream of being glamorous. How to do doll makeup?

How to create doll makeup

This makeup is perfect for girls who love glitter and pink. By following all the stages of its application, you can achieve an incredible fashionable result.

The doll's skin is perfectly smooth and has a porcelain tint. Therefore, in order to get perfect makeup, it is very important that your skin is perfect. After all, Barbie has no fatigue on her face, much less tears.

The skin should be smooth and as if glowing from within; a golden hue and blush will only make it look like a doll’s. Don't be upset if your skin is far from ideal; this can be easily corrected by using concealer and a correction pencil. Now the skin is “like Barbie”. This clever move allows you to achieve glowing and youthful skin. A little light fluid that will allow you to fix your makeup. If you don’t have it, then you can use compact powder, which has a natural tone.

How to achieve perfect skin

Before you start applying makeup, your facial skin should be thoroughly cleansed and dry. After this, apply the makeup base. If there are minor imperfections on the skin in the form of capillaries or bruises or even pimples, then you can disguise them with concealer. Then apply the fluid with a light movement. Particular attention should be paid to the cheekbones, chin and forehead area. At the last stage, powder is applied, which will fix our makeup.

The color is pink, we don’t forget about that. Therefore, it is advisable to keep all makeup elements in this tone. Doll eyes are large and expressive. This is the main detail of this makeup.

Our task is to highlight the eyes, to make them as large and expressive as those of a doll.

But don’t forget that makeup is selected depending on where you are going to go. If this is a disco in a club, then the makeup will naturally be bright. If we are heading to work, just hanging out with friends in the city, or going to nature, then the shade and color scheme should be softer.

In order to make doll eyes, we need eyeliner. This will allow you to achieve the effect of open eyelashes. Apply eyeliner at the very roots of the eyelashes over the entire eyelid, ending the line with a small tail. After this, shadows are applied. To achieve a doll-like effect, you can choose the following tones:

  • sky blue;
  • pink;
  • cyclamen;
  • violet.

We apply shadows only to the moving eyelid. In the part where the eyelash growth line runs, the color should be most intense. Don’t forget to shade it properly, rough transitions will ruin everything. In order to apply shadow to the inside of the eyelid, you need to use a thin brush; many people find it convenient to do this with their fingertips. Let's use pearlescent shades. They will concentrate the color and create spectacular highlights. The eyes will be bright and expressive. Just like Barbie.

Delicate blush on the cheeks

The doll has a gentle childish blush on her face. In order to achieve the same effect, you need to choose the right shade of powder. Peach or pink with a pearlescent tint works very well. It is very important to apply powder and blush correctly. To do this you need to smile. We'll designate the cheeks with blush.

An important accent is the lips. Plump lips will give your face a naivety and childlike expression. An excellent product would be shine, which will add volume. Of course, it should also be pink.

The secret of makeup is in the skillful combination of pink shades and sparkles. Plump lips and long eyelashes that are simply attractive!

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The desire to imitate beautiful dolls or fairy-tale princesses has haunted many since childhood. Some women strive to demonstrate their weakness, others strive to look like a beautiful doll. It is not surprising that replicating makeup like Barbie is the dream of many young girls.

At one time, the Barbie doll became incredibly popular because of its difference from the usual girlish dolls. Professional, neat makeup, fashionable wardrobe, chiseled figure - how could such a beauty be compared with the usual baby dolls?

Features of “doll makeup”

1. The makeup of a Barbie doll with big eyes cannot be called universal - it is not suitable for everyone.

2. Despite its naivety and tenderness, such makeup will not help an adult woman appear younger, for the sole reason that the important aspect is the naturalness of the image and the natural freshness of the skin.

3. A real Barbie doll is blonde with blue eyes, but that doesn't mean brunettes can't wear Barbie-style makeup. There are a few simple tips that will help create the desired look for girls of any type.

4. Makeup like a Barbie doll involves using a pink palette and pearlescent cosmetics.

5. It is impossible to replicate the look of a Barbie doll unless you master a special technique for applying eye makeup, which should be large and round.

Let's look at Barbie's makeup step by step and try to describe in as much detail as possible all the nuances and subtleties.

How to create a Barbie look for yourself?

Let's start with the makeup base. By definition, the standard of female beauty simply does not have the right not to get enough sleep, get tired, or succumb to the influence of stress. Barbie is always in great shape, fresh, fit. She does not have circles under her eyes, skin rashes, irritations or other problems. How to achieve a good complexion if you have to deal with various troubles in everyday life?

Ideally, preparations should begin a few days in advance. If that doesn’t work, then take care of your skin before going to bed: wash your face with a refreshing gel, make a mask or cleanse your skin with a scrub, apply a toner, and then provide nourishment and hydration to your skin using a night cream. Get into the habit of sleeping 8 hours a night and your skin will thank you for it.

In the morning, apply the corrective product to small rashes - this procedure will hide redness and irritation. After this, apply a light foundation: cream fluid or liquid foundation. Finally, lightly powder your face.

Eye makeup like a doll

Eyes are not just a mirror of the soul. Doll eyes are the hallmark of Barbie's image. If you want to make up your eyes like Barbie, use our tips:

Step 1. White eyeshadow is applied to the upper eyelid. The corner of the eye can be slightly shaded with light green shadows.

Step 2. The classic option for doing Barbie-like makeup at home is to apply pink eyeshadow. Pink eyeshadow is applied over white eyeshadow. The outer corner is shaded with rich crimson shadows and carefully shaded towards the center of the eyelid.

Step 3. The sub-eyebrow area is highlighted with light pink shadows.

Step 4. Using eyeliner, carefully draw arrows along the growth of the eyelashes on the upper eyelid. An arrow is drawn on the lower eyelid if the eyes are round (so they will visually appear smaller).

Step 5. Our goal is to get beautiful, thick and fluffy eyelashes. There are two ways. The first is to use false eyelashes. Second: using a special tool, eyelashes are curled and painted with mascara with a volume effect (or lengthening, if the eyelashes are short enough). Before applying mascara, you can lightly powder your eyelashes.

Step 6. Carefully draw the eyebrows using a suitable pencil.

Barbie doll makeup: completing the look effectively

Lastly, apply blush to the middle part of the cheeks and cheekbones. The shade should be soft pink to give freshness to the face and a natural blush. Pink lipstick is applied to the lips. However, lipstick can have a different shade, depending on the type of face, skin and hair color, and overall image.

Barbie makeup for green eyes

Doll makeup for brunette Barbie (photo)

Barbie Makeup (video)

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Many girls in childhood really wanted to be like their favorite doll. And for some, such desires persist with age. Make-up “Doll eyes” will make any girl an almost exact copy of a Barbie doll.

Modern girls now dream not only about dolls, but also about anime cartoon heroines. The “anime” style seems too bright and unnatural, but you can’t argue with tastes. In addition, this image is suitable only for young girls and, preferably, those who have clear, porcelain-like skin on their face (without freckles or spots) and large eyes.

How to do “doll makeup”

Let us consider in detail the general rules for creating a doll image:

  • The colors are various shades of blue and pink, the lips are painted with these colors, and the eyes stand out depending on the girl’s appearance;
  • To make the eyes more round, special cosmetic techniques are used;
  • One of the required details is false eyelashes - this helps to complete the look of the doll;
  • Colored lenses are often used to enlarge the eyes. With their help, you can choose the desired eye color and, by enlarging the pupil, acquire a “bottomless look.”

Video: designing doll eyes

Let's tell you step by step about creating doll makeup:

1. Even before starting makeup, you need to thoroughly cleanse your facial skin and dry it. After this, minor problems on the skin (capillaries, pimples) are removed, everything is masked with concealer. Apply foundation, which should be 1-2 shades lighter than the skin. You need this to make your skin porcelain. The ideal option would be stage makeup.

2. Eyebrows need to be neat; light eyebrows should be tinted using a pencil or eye shadow.

3.The next stage is the design of the eyes. The eyes should look like the wide-open eyes of anime characters. Colored lenses are now popular because they visually increase the size of the eyes. It is necessary to put on lenses before starting the makeup process.

4. There is one trick when creating doll eyes - first you need to go along the inner edge of the lower eyelid with a white pencil. This will make the eyes visually enlarge and become more “glassy”.

5.Then shadows close to the natural color are placed on the upper eyelids, and shadows a tone brighter are placed near the outer corner. Everything needs to be carefully shaded. Most often, pale pink shadows are applied, but it would be optimal to choose shadows that match your eye color and clothing. Purple or blue shadows will look very stylish. When choosing an evening look, you can choose rich tones.

Video about makeup “Doll eyes”:

6.Drawing arrows is done with a gray or black pencil along the upper contour. We also shade the eyeliner. Next, we additionally draw arrows again using eyeliner. The corners of the eyes must look up. On the lower eyelid, eyeliner is drawn under the eyelashes.

7.If your eyelashes are thick, then you just need to tint them several times with mascara that gives good volume. If they are thin, then it is better to use extensions or get extensions done in a salon. Long and thick eyelashes give a cartoonish look to the eyes.

8.Now it’s the turn for the cheekbones. Apply blush to the middle of the cheeks using tapping movements. The colors are most often pink or peach.

9. Lips are made either bright pink or neutral in a variety of shapes. Gloss is also applied over the lipstick.

Photo of gradual application of makeup

The purpose of such doll makeup- make your eyes more expressive, bright, shiny and slightly surprised. Therefore, when choosing a color for makeup, “doll eyes” are guided by the rule: the closer to the night the festive event is, the richer and more vibrant the colors of eye shadow and lipstick will be.

Video: how to become a doll

Make-up for brown eyes

Doll makeup can be done not only for blue, but also for brown eyes. In this case, stylists advise choosing blue and lilac shades of eyeshadow, which makes the girl more attractive.

  • When applying foundation or powder to the face, the eye area must be lightened to obtain a contrast effect when applying shadows;
  • Then very light shadows (pastel, beige, pink colors) are applied to the eyelids, shaded to the upper corner of the eye and to the bridge of the nose;
  • Eyelashes along the line are emphasized with a black pencil or eyeliner;
  • The application of shadows depends on the distance between the eyes. With wide-set eyes, the shadows are made in a semicircle (see photo). If the eyes are too close, then the corner of the eyelid closer to the bridge of the nose is painted;
  • Shadows are applied blue or purple along the line of the arrows, shaded for a better effect;
  • The final touch is applying mascara to the eyelashes.

How to become a doll

The doll-like features of a girl are given not only by her eyes and skillfully applied makeup, but also by the ability to wear appropriate clothes and accessories. Behavior also matters, that is, the girl becomes, as it were, a doll in her soul. The main features here are defenselessness and gullibility. Although dolls are different in character: not only Barbie, but also a tomboy doll.

It is also necessary to take into account that a doll outfit is suitable only for a young girl, but an older woman will look strange in such a role.