Hair coloring for brown-eyed. What hair color is suitable for white-skinned brown-eyed girls and women: tips, photos. Brown hair color

Brown-eyed girls are considered very mysterious and passionate. But, unfortunately, not every woman knows how to emphasize the beauty of her eyes. Many girls often, due to ignorance of the color type of their appearance, choose completely inappropriate colors of clothes, hair, and even makeup. Let's talk about what colors suit brown eyes.

Hair color

How to choose makeup

  • If you are interested in what colors suit brown eyes, then in choosing eye shadow for makeup, you should stop at brown and olive flowers, of course, their various shades will do. Don't be afraid to experiment with this. Of course, some girls believe that brown shadows will merge, and not set off the sparkle of the eyes, but this is not at all the case. They will make the look deeper.
  • For brown-eyed beauties with fair skin, blue or greenish colors shadows. They accentuate the shine female eyes and make them mysterious. You can use black eyeliner. But just apply it carefully and not with a rough line. On the contrary, if you make a thin line, the eyes will look more sophisticated. Do not forget that the color of the eyeliner will set off brown eyes more beautifully if it is black.
  • Mascara, of course, should be dark in color. Available dark brown color. Although for dark-haired women the best option is the usual black ink. If we talk about shadows further, you can use dark colors. Remember that all the beauty of the look can spoil orange tint. Do not make such combinations, nothing good will come of such experiments.
  • If you're not sure which colors suit brown eyes, and brown and khaki eyeshadows have never been your thing, don't be discouraged. Many experts in the field of makeup claim that they will successfully fit and blue colors as well as pink and blue. Here you can determine for yourself which color more successfully sets off the eyes.
  • Do not forget that makeup should be in harmony with your clothes. It's about about flowers. Do not make your image too colorful. This is considered bad taste. If you, for example, put on a strict dark clothes, then pick up the appropriate makeup.

How to choose clothes

If we talk about clothes, then not all women know what colors suit brown eyes. It is believed that golden clothes are perfect for light brown eyes. Dark eyes will blend beautifully with bright colors. You can wear blue, red, white and gold clothes. It should highlight your eyes. Many women claim that they are very goes purple color. But it already depends not only on the color of the eyes, but also on the skin tone.

A woman with brown eyes must learn to pick for herself color scheme. light shades will definitely refresh her appearance. It is advisable to avoid bright yellow. Although it even suits some beauties. Do not forget that your favorite color can not always decorate.

Brown eyes are very beautiful and deep, so you need to be able to highlight them. This applies to makeup, the color of your hair and the combination of colors in clothes. All these components will create your complete image.

Almost all women like to experiment with their appearance, in particular, with hair color. Brunettes in this regard have a hard time. They need to carefully think over a plan of action in advance and choose a new shade. Also, they should always be ready for the fact that staining dark hair will bring unexpected results. To avoid such surprises, you should study all the rules for choosing colors or turn to professionals.

What shades of hair suit brown-eyed girls?

First you need to get an answer to main question- what color to dye the hair of a brunette with brown eyes? Choice suitable shade depends on the general color type of appearance. It is made up of natural colors eyes, hair and skin. Taking into account these three components, you can create a harmonious complete image.

Skin color selection

If we have a brown-eyed brunette in front of us, then she belongs to one of two color types - summer or winter. The peculiarity of the first is in the dark skin of predominantly warm peach, golden, chocolate tones. The "winter" color type is characterized by a contrasting appearance when dark eyes and hair is combined with fair skin. Her tone is most often also in warm colors, but there are exceptions. This must be taken into account.

To your new image looked natural and organic, determine your color type. Pay attention to the temperature of the skin tone. If it can be attributed to "warm", then the shade of hair dye should also be warm, and vice versa. Below you will find specific tips.

Brown eyes and dark skin

If, in addition to dark, almost black eyes and hair suits dark skin, then first of all you should pay attention to chocolate and chestnut shades different tones. Only very banned light colors and, of course, blond. IN this case it would be completely inappropriate.

If you want something unusual, then you can apply light coloring using caramel, honey, amber or warm reddish shades. In this case, such fashionable hair coloring technologies as ombre, bronding, highlighting are also suitable.


ash blonde

two-tone toning


Brown eyes and fair skin

What color to dye the hair of a brunette with brown eyes and fair skin? A lot depends on whether the color type is warm or cold. Since this combination is most often characterized by a lighter eye color with an amber, chocolate or honey tint compared to the previous description, the skin in most cases has a peach-pink or golden tone.

A similar type of appearance will help to enrich and harmonize the right colors of hair dye. Pay attention to warm red, copper, nutty, caramel shades of medium saturation.

If the skin tone is closer to cold, and the eyes are darker, then light brown palette with different color tints.

Brown-eyed fair-skinned girls can also use very light colors. But you need to act carefully. First of all, avoid extreme white. Let it be enriched with straw, honey, golden, silver or ashy notes, depending on the type of appearance.


medium blond

dark chestnut with red highlights

chestnut ombre

Secrets of dyeing dark hair

Paint tone selection

If you are not ready for risky experiments, but want to change something in your appearance, then go the proven route. Choose a paint color, just a couple - three tones different from your natural one. In this case harmonious combination practically guaranteed.

In addition, with such a small difference, you are most likely to get the expected result. The fact is that dark hair, especially with a thick structure, is difficult to color. Often, the result is not at all the color that was depicted on the package with paint. To avoid surprises, it is better to take a tone darker than yours. If you want to lighten your hair, it is best to turn to professionals.

blonde with purple bangs

red with highlights

dark chestnut

Correct coloring of dark hair

When dyeing dark hair, you should be especially careful, and, as mentioned above, choose a color tone that is close to your own. But sometimes it is necessary to make more drastic changes. In this case, it is best to contact a beauty salon.

If you decide to experiment at home, then especially carefully approach the choice of paint. Do not try to save money, buy it in specialized stores where you can get useful advice. Read the information on the packaging as well. There you will find hair coloring tips different colors and images of expected results.

When using paint at home, apply it according to the instructions, distribute evenly and leave right amount time.


pearl ash

deep black

Original ways of dyeing hair

What color to dye the hair of a brunette with brown eyes, if you want something unusual and original? Pay attention to such popular technologies today as ombre, coloring, bronding, coloring. With their help, you can achieve the effect of sun-bleached hair, make the shade deeper, emphasize the originality of the haircut, etc. Modern highlighting done by professionals will also look very stylish, help to enrich natural color will give your hair extra volume.




Often, in order to determine the most suitable hair colors, you have to experiment a lot with your hairstyle. If you have no desire to learn from your own mistakes, then it is better to play it safe in advance and go to nice salon. The services of an experienced hairdresser will cost you some money, but in this case you are insured against surprises.

According to statistics, girls with brown eyes are much more than blue-eyed, green-eyed and gray-eyed. Like all other young ladies, they experiment with hair color in search of the perfect shade that will help make their image close to ideal. An inappropriate shade can distort the color of the iris, making it inexpressive or turn the eyes into dark spots.

The brown color of the eyes itself is very beautiful and alluring, warmth emanates from it and they beckon. Picking up correct shade you can add sophistication, femininity and sexuality to the image. Many girls are lost in the variety of colors, so they trust professional hairdressers to solve this difficult issue. In this article we will try to figure out how to choose the right color yourself.

If your natural tone is very dark, lightening 8-9 levels to blond is not your option. It will look ridiculous and strange, because nature gave your type of appearance just such a hair color for a reason. And besides, if you go through all these levels of lightening, you will expose your hair to a very heavy load, and this is permissible only for short haircuts, when all problems with damaged hair are solved quickly - by cutting.

Only the brave and determined girls can decide to take such a step, because, as a rule, along with brown eyes, nature rewarded them with dark eyebrows. Exactly dark eyebrows are not combined with curls of light shades and make the facial features of many young ladies rough and masculine.

Dark eyes, on a face framed by very light curls, will seem too huge and take all the attention to themselves, while the rest of the details of the appearance will seem indistinct.

Girls with brown eyes should not dye their hair in ashy and platinum blonde tones, with the exception of the owners of a cold skin tone, but this is rare for a warm brown iris. But a honey or golden light blond shade will look very good, but in this case you will need to avoid contrast with the eyebrows by adjusting their color. All bronzing and ombre options, with darker roots, are your coloring options.

contouring is another new technology coloring of individual strands, which will favorably emphasize the shape of the face, hide its flaws and give the hairstyle the desired contour.

In these options, you don’t even need to adjust the color of dark eyebrows.

Brunettes with brown eyes pick up desired shade hair is much easier. A shade of paint for such girls from all the abundance of chestnut shades - both cold and warm colors are suitable. The main rule is that chestnut color should not be boring and monotonous.

Chocolate brown or mocha shades look very impressive and stunning, which emphasize the mystery of dark eyes better than other colors.

This is another natural shade for brown eyes. Girls with red hair having a dark iris have a very stylish and bright appearance. Such ladies are ideal shades of copper and red colors. But before deciding to dye your hair in such colors, you need to make sure that there are no skin defects, because with a redhead they will be more noticeable, and this can affect the image as a whole.

Those with brown eyes are best with warm light copper, while those with almost black eyes are best with copper red or cool brown red.

For brown-eyed owners of swarthy or golden skin we don't mean acquired tan, two the best shades hair recognized caramel blond and deep chestnut mocha.

For brown-eyed women with fair skin of a pink hue, shades with a red or copper nuance are considered ideal - for example, strawberry blond, fashionable today, or dark blond hair with a hint of cinnamon.

Brown eyes are among the most common on our planet. However, this does not interfere with their popularity with the opposite sex. After all, the bright advantage of such eyes lies in the unique depth, and, accordingly, the attractiveness of the look. But with warm and charming eyes, the wardrobe should be in harmony. What colors in clothes for brown-eyed are optimal?

Light shades of brown eyes

If you are a happy owner of light, grayish or green-brown eyes, then pink, the whole spectrum of purple, blue, light lemon and gray colors are relevant for you. But it must be taken into account that the listed colors should have soft, muted, and not bright tones. Also, light brown eyes are perfectly combined with things that you can safely use, giving your image a certain aristocracy and pomposity, thereby standing out from the crowd. Remember that your forte is complex color solutions and semitones.

In turn, juicy and rich shades of orange and yellow should be excluded from your wardrobe. Pure white, contrasting blacks and colors are also not recommended for use in clothing, as they can make the skin deathly pale or unnaturally dark.

As for accessories, these can be large earrings, as well as a massive necklace and bracelet in the form of weaving or openwork pattern. The ideal solution will be pearl or silver jewelry.

Warm brown eyes

As a rule, women with warm or golden skin tone have similar eyes. Such representatives of the weaker sex are recommended to wear bright clothes light green, orange, sand color, shades of cyclamen and. Colors that have a bluish or grayish tint are categorically unacceptable. Pure white is best replaced with or. Actual golden tones. allowable, provided that these things are as far away from your face as possible. So, the shade is a faithful companion of trousers, skirts, shoes and handbags.

color dress suits brown-eyed girl

Accessories in warm colors look the most advantageous. Also good imitation of noble gold. If you decide with bright accents create a contrasting image, then Itten is exactly what you need.

Dark brown eyes

The mistresses of this type of eyes have a very bright appearance and dark or ivory skin. You can emphasize such a catchy color with the help of dark and saturated shades in clothes: anthracite, wine, royal, pure red, burgundy, bright yellow, greenish gray. best solution will be a combination of several things of contrasting shades in one bow. What dark-eyed seductresses should be wary of is the clothes of pale and pastel colors. After all, such an outfit threatens to deprive you of the natural brightness in appearance, making it simply inconspicuous.

Choose hair color for brown eyes You need to take into account many factors: skin tone, eye shade, eyebrows, and even age. Combining these nuances with each other, you can find your own perfect option painting.

Consider skin color

There is one important rule: since the brown color is warm, the color scheme for painting must be chosen from a warm palette - no cold shades are allowed. Remember that warm colors are obtained by mixing yellow and red shades, and cold colors are all derivatives of blue.

When choosing hair dye, skin tone - main factor to which you need to pay attention.

Bright skin

Hair color for brown eyes fair skin you need to select in a light delicate range. This combination is typical for a light, elegant and feminine look.
For women with fair skin suitable option- soft sand, chestnut, milk chocolate, light blond, caramel. In this case, for contrast, you can lighten only the ends of the hair.

Always fashionable and memorable option for girls with brown eyes and fair skin - black hair. But for all its virtues, black makes visible skin imperfections (pimples, dark spots, acne scars), so you need to use it carefully, having a flawless and healthy skin faces.

It is generally accepted that all brown-eyed people, without exception, are suitable for red hair, but this is not entirely true. Take a look at your skin tone. If she has a cold pink shade, then you can use the whole gamut of red. Bright red will make your eyes even brighter, they will sparkle with new colors, create a completely new image. The face against the background of honey curls looks fresh and young, so feel free to consider all the golden, amber and pale red tones. If the skin has a warm yellowish or olive tint, then bright red will most likely not suit you. It is better to pay attention to the lovely golden hues chestnut color.

Owners of brown eyes and fair skin are not recommended:

  • excessive whitening;
  • all cold range of white;
  • shades of purple (plum, cherry, eggplant);
  • platinum and ash colors.

Otherwise, your skin may take on an unpleasant greenish tint.

dark skin

The exotic beauty of girls with swarthy skin and brown eyes always becomes an object of admiration and envy. An image of a bold, strong, fatal beauty. Nature, with rare exceptions, endows ladies with dark skin with black hair. You need to take this hint into account and try not to spoil the natural perfection of the image, even if you want to radically change. To choose the right suitable color hair for brown eyes dark skin use the following tips:

  • in no case do not use full hair lightening and ashy shade;
  • feel free to use the appropriate chestnut color and all its shades;
  • experiment with the whole gamut of chocolate color;
  • to add shine to the eyes, tone your hair using caramel or trendy reddish shades;
  • Refresh the look by highlighting individual strands in lighter hazel or wheat tones.

These rules also apply to those whose skin becomes swarthy as a result of sunburn in summer time or after a visit to the solarium.

We take as a basis the shade of brown eyes

This rich and mysterious hazel color there are a huge number of shades that will also affect the choice of hair dye. To create your own unique perfect image, you will have to take into account the shade of your brown eyes.

There is a simple rule here: lighter tone your eyes, the brighter and softer color hair. And vice versa - choose thick, deep dark colors for dark shades of the eyes.

Light honey eye color

You can always find the right hair color for light brown eyes. Tint your hair in delicate amber and caramel tones. Light red and beautiful color of mustard hair for honey hazel eyes is also a brilliant idea.

Avoid flashy concentrated paints, as against their background your Perfect eyes may fade, lose their radiance. Experiment with following colors: milk chocolate, chestnut, honey, hazelnut, shortbread.

Dark eye tint

Feel free to use black, chestnut and his bright colors- they suit dark brown eyes. dark, bright, saturated colors will look great and completely natural. Almost black eyes look great against the background of cherry or fiery red curls, the color of dark copper is also suitable.

Greenish hazel eyes

A greenish glow in ancient times was considered witchcraft, and its owners were known exclusively as witches. In old portraits of Western artists, ladies with brown eyes and a mysterious green sheen always have a beautiful dark reddish tint to their hair. If you are the owner of this rare shade, try to highlight your beauty with intense chocolate color hair. Fashionable dark red hair color for greenish brown eyes will be simply irresistible.

If you are not ready for such fundamental changes, try partial coloring or highlighting of individual strands in the recommended tones, perhaps this will be the beginning of your transformation.

We consider the color of the eyebrows

The natural color of the eyebrows is also important when choosing a shade for dyeing hair. There is a simple rule here - it should match the color of the eyebrows or be as close as possible. When coloring your hair, you need to adjust your eyebrows too - this is the only way you can achieve a beautiful and harmonious look.

Sometimes girls completely bleach their hair, forgetting about their eyebrows. Dark-colored eyebrows in a blonde do not look quite natural, so it is better not to conduct such experiments.

Black or brown eyebrows are very suitable for bright red hair.

We take into account the shape of the face

Even the shape of the face plays a role in the choice of dye for your hair. Brown-eyed beauties with the right oval shape faces can only be envied, because they are suitable for any hair color that they have chosen, based on the color type of their appearance.

Girls with a square face or round shape should choose a paint tone darker than desired. dark shades will give the face a smoother relief.

Feel free to choose red in any shades, or caramel if you have a triangular face.

We look at age

Can be found at any age trendy color hair for brown eyes. And it is quite natural that brown-eyed young girls And mature women will look different with the same hair color. What suits young people may be ridiculous and inappropriate in middle age.

Stylists advise women over 40 to avoid black, which makes the face look older and wrinkles more noticeable. Try not to use bright red, and if this is your natural color, tone down and soften the red undertones. At this age, you need to use lighter and gentle colors than those you are used to (light chestnut, coffee with milk, golden ginger).

To look younger, women with brown eyes should choose to dye their hair. complex techniques, such as coloring, shatush, highlighting, balayage, armoring. Today it is not only beautiful, but also a fashionable option.

Frequent coloring can damage your hair. Then, to give an interesting shade, you can use home remedies - a decoction onion peel, walnut, a strong decoction of chamomile. These products will give hair shine and help restore elasticity and beauty.

In what cases is it undesirable for women after 50 to dye their hair at home?

  1. If you have White hair, the result of staining may unpleasantly surprise you. Final version will be different from the one indicated on the package.
  2. A bright color will draw attention to wrinkles and make visible any imperfections that you would like to hide.
  3. With the wrong paint, pigment and other spots will come to the fore, they will be even more noticeable.

Trust your hairstyle to professionals and you will be able to avoid many troubles.

If it is still difficult for you to make the final choice, then you should take a closer look at the photographs of the famous brown-eyed beauties. Natalie Portman, Britney Spears, Jessica Alba, Keira Knightley, Rihanna and Beyonce are far from full list owners of brown eyes. Work on the image of each star professional stylists, you should carefully study their features and use similar color combinations.